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by Melanie Brown
Copyright © 2022 Melanie Brown
I felt like a spy.
Even though it had only been about three weeks since I dressed in my regular boy clothes, it felt so alien. Just jeans and a t-shirt. And while that’s basically what I wear anyway, they’re not skinny jeans. Same for the sneakers I’m wearing. And even though I don’t wear that much anyway, I felt practically naked without make-up. I had cleaned off all remnants of nail polish the night before. And it was liberating to not be wearing a bra.
Just as I’d hoped, nobody was paying me any attention as I walked through the school’s entrance. I glanced at the card to make sure I was heading for the correct room.
I did a quick turn around when I got tapped on my back and a voice said, “Hey there, stranger!”
“Oh, hey Nova. Ready for an exciting day?” I asked with a grin.
Nova laughed. “Oh you know it! I see you drabbed down your outfit. Think that’ll be enough so no one will recognize you?”
Chuckling, I said, “It didn’t work with you, did it? I may have to re-think my plan.”
Laughing, Nova said, “It’s not like I haven’t known you forever. But to be honest, I thought for sure you’d show up today in a pretty dress, heels and make-up to give the school a big fuck you.”
I gave Nova a puzzled expression. “Why would I do that? Talk about shining a bright light of attention onto me. I’m hoping to go back to being the invisible man.”
Nodding, Nova said, “That’s probably for the best. At least it’s only two days. Then you can get back to being you.”
I frowned. “This is being me.”
Nova shook her head at me. “If you say so. But hey, I need to get. My class is on the other side of school. I don’t think we’ll have the same lunch period as usual. Stay clear of the football team.”
I nodded. “That’s my plan. See ya later.” Nova waved and we went our separate ways.
It was a short walk to the classroom. It was one of the larger lecture rooms. Nobody took any special notice of me. I hoped my luck held. I hoped none of the boys in the class would pay any attention to me.
I came up to the room. The door was open and I could see inside. Before I could enter, I stopped dead in my tracks. The room was full of boys! I was suddenly terribly intimidated by the sight of a room filled with nothing but boys. This was crazy. A month ago, I would have just walked in and thought nothing of it.
I just stood in the room’s threshold for a few moments when the class teacher who I’d never seen before turned to look at me. He gave me the once over and asked, “This is boy’s health. Is there where you’re supposed to be?”
I shook off the intimidation and entered the room. I held up the card and said, “Room one nineteen?”
The man took my card and looked at it. “Okay. Ron Sanders. Let me check you off.” He handed the card back to me. “Take a seat. And hang on to that card. I’ll need to check you out at the end of the day.”
I nodded and looked around the room. I didn’t see anyone at first who I knew. Then I felt a shock go down my spine. In the back corner was Gary. He didn’t look towards me, so hopefully he won’t notice me. I quickly took a vacant seat without really looking at the neighboring desks.
As soon as I sat down, I felt a tap on my shoulder. The boy behind me whispered, “Hey Sanders.” I frowned and turned to face whoever tapped me. I recognized him as one of the boys from my previous PE class. “Dude. Where you been? I haven’t seen you in PE for three weeks or so.”
Instead of making up a clever lie, I said, “I had a schedule conflict so I transferred.”
The boy, whose name I couldn’t remember, grinned, “You won’t believe what coach said.”
I frowned. “I can’t imagine.”
Still grinning he said, “Coach told the whole class that since you threw like a girl, he had you transferred to girls’ PE. And that was a warning to rest of us.” I am in girls’ PE but not because of that idiot coach.
I continued to frown. “He had nothing to do with me changing classes. I think he could get fired for a stunt like that.” And I intend to ask the principal about it.
The boy just shrugged and went back to looking at his phone.
The teacher rapped his podium a few times to get everyone to look at him. He said, “Okay, everyone. Let’s get started.” He held up a large stack of paper. “We have a long way to go and a short time to get there.” There was a computer screen projector hanging from the ceiling and an image of a drawing of a nude man with a nude woman next to him appeared. “I’m Mr. Slovenski. Look, I know a lot of this information you’re probably already familiar with. The state wants to be sure you know the basic differences between men and women.”
Interrupting, a boy across from me shouted, “A woman ain’t nothin’ but life-support for a pussy!” There was laughter around the room. I bristled, but I didn’t say anything.
Mr. Slovenski said, “Another outburst like that will earn you a visit to the principal’s office. As it is, you’ll be keeping me company after class while I update my reports.” He wrote down something in his notebook.
Pointing at the screen, the teacher said, “Like I said, today we’re covering biology and how to avoid socially transmitted diseases. Tomorrow we’ll cover staying healthy through diet and staying active.”
Someone behind me asked, “Physically active or sexually active?”
Mr. Slovenski frowned at the interruption. “Physically. I wish the film my grandfather was forced to watch in the Army in World War Two on venereal disease was available. He swore off women for two years after he saw that.” There was uncomfortable laughter around the room.
The next hour and a half or so went by without much interruption. I only half listened. Mr. Slovenski talked in a monotone which didn’t help.
Mr. Slovenski looked up from his notes. He said, “I think we’re due for a break. Guys, be back in your seats in fifteen minutes. Get up, stretch and try to wake up.”
I was the third one out of the room and I hurried to the restroom. I hoped I could get in and out and avoid Gary if at all possible. I stepped up to a urinal and unzipped my pants. I haven’t done that in a while; even at home.
Stepping up to a urinal that was one away from me, Gary said, “So. Ronnie. This is awkward.”
I felt tears starting. The last thing I needed to do was cry in the boys’ room. I looked over at Gary. “I’m really sorry. I really wasn’t trying to fool you. Please don’t give me away.”
Gary’s face changed to a pained expression. “Oh, please. I’d never hurt you. But I do want to talk to you.”
Five boys suddenly burst into the restroom, loud and boisterous. As I finished my business and backed away, I said, “At lunch?” Gary just nodded and looked down.
As I walked back towards the classroom, I overheard a loud conversation by a group of boys hanging out next to a hallway window near the class. Someone shouted, “Bullshit, man!”
Another boy shrugged and exclaimed, “Well, that’s what he said. He said he’s fucked all of them.”
The first boy, tall with longish black hair looked smug and said, “I’m not buying it. I think he’s full of shit. No way he fucked that cheerleader with the short hair… um what’s her name?” That got my attention as I’m the only cheerleader with short hair.
The second boy frowned. “How would you know?”
Black hair said, “Everybody knows the team captain… that Jeff guy has been fucking her. He’s dropped her, so I’m fucking her next.”
Several boys laughed. “Listen to big talkin’ Joe Stud here. Wasn’t your last date your left hand?”
Black hair shook his head. “No man, I’m serious. Girls like her, you know the really cute short ones? They’re usually kinda dumb. I’ll have her eating out of my hand. Flash a little cash around and boom!”
Another boy sneered, “You’re so full of shit.”
A boy with blond hair and was kinda cute said, “I got twenty bucks here that says my man Bobby will nail that chick. I’ve seen him in action. Once he puts the moves on a bitch, she can’t resist. Any takers?”
“I’ll get in on that action,” said some other boy. “That bitch can’t be that stupid.” Other boys started pulling money from their wallets.
Another boy said, “I heard she puts out.”
I just stood there appalled. I felt a knot in my stomach. I can’t believe that a bunch of boys I didn’t even know were making bets on whether or not I’ll have sex with one of them. It’s not like I can just yell that I wouldn’t have sex with any of them as they don’t know I’m the cheerleader.
Gary said, “I’m curious who’s the dude that said he’d fucked all the cheerleaders including the short one?”
One of the boys answered, “His name is Tony. Some people call him Bat for some reason. He’s not much of a friend, but he’s in my English class.” Would any jury convict me if I murdered Bat?
Bobby of the black hair asked, “Anyone know the name of that chick?”
Gary stood next to me and said, “Her name is Ronnie. But you’re wasting your time. I heard she only dates men with big dicks.”
I growled a whisper to Gary, “Will you shut up?” Gary chuckled.
Bobby grinned. “I guess I’m a shoe-in.” He laughed. Everyone started to return to class.
I scowled at Gary. “Why did you say such a thing?”
Gary chuckled again. “Just to mess with those assholes. Don’t worry. Since you’re standing here, they’ll never suspect you’re that ‘dumb’ cheerleader. Though I imagine it was painful to hear all that.”
“It certainly was!” I growled. “I was humiliated. Why do you think all this is funny?”
Gary grinned at me. “Because I know he’s going to lose his bet.” We walked into the classroom and took our seats.
Mr. Slovenski gave us all an hour for lunch instead of the usual twenty-five minutes. I sat down at a table by myself instead of with the rest of the class. They finally stopped talking about me and the other cheerleaders and were loudly talking about school football. I hoped they all choked.
A tray was set down across from me. I didn’t look up. Gary said, “Are you still mad at me or can we talk?”
I scowled at him as he sat down, not waiting for my answer. I said, “Why did you say those things Gary? You just threw gasoline on the fire. You have no idea what that was like for me.”
Gary nodded. “I’m sorry. I was actually trying to protect you by deflecting their attention. It would have been really bad if someone had pointed at you and shouted, ‘Hey! Isn’t that her?’”
Still frowning at him, I said, “Yeah. That would have been a disaster. I was hoping to remain the invisible man that I’ve been until recently. Can I count on you not to give me away?”
Smiling weakly at me, Gary said, “Of course, Ronnie. Like I said, I was trying to protect you if I could. And I had already guessed that Ronnie the boy and Ronnie the girl was the same person.”
That surprised me. “You knew? And you didn’t try to get me in trouble? You tried to date me and you’re not mad?”
Gary shook his head. “No. I kicked myself for not realizing it earlier. First, let me state that I don’t care that you’re not really a girl. Not officially, anyway. You probably don’t remember. I didn’t until after giving it some thought, but we were both in boys PE back in middle school. We both look different from then. That’s why we didn’t recognize each other. I didn’t have these chiseled, manly good looks back then.” He chuckled.
I studied his face a few moments. “Yeah. Now I remember you. It’s not obvious. I think we were both social outcasts then.”
Gary nodded. “Yeah, except you got to at least hang out with some of the girls. I got to hang out with nobody. So I don’t blame you for me being attracted to you. Ronnie, I don’t know how you do it, but even knowing the truth, you’re still very beautiful.”
“Thanks for saying that,” I said looking at my hands. “But if that were true, why don’t those boys on testosterone overload see me that way?”
Gary shrugged. “They don’t see you because they don’t expect to. You’re dressed as a boy. You’re in a boy’s health class. Another kid verified you were in boy’s PE. You being a girl doesn’t enter their minds.”
I frowned at Gary. “Well, Dr. Phil, for the record, I’m not a girl. I’m just helping out the cheerleaders.”
Gary shrugged. “So? I’d still go out with you.”
I shook my head. “No you wouldn’t. Not now anyway.”
Gary laughed. “Why not? Inviting you to a movie isn’t a marriage proposal. I wouldn’t think that even if you were genetically female. I mean, sheesh. We still have another year of high school left. You’re beautiful and I’m devilishly handsome so we’d make a good pair, don’t you think?”
I narrowed my eyes at Gary and looked at him sideways. “Sooo. Are you asking me out?”
Gary just blinked at me and said, “No.”
Shrugging again, Gary said, “Well no. I already have a girl I’m seeing. Moss doesn’t grow under my feet. If I get turned down by one girl, I don’t cry about it. I just go to the next. Otherwise I would ask you. Seriously. In fact, if I didn’t already have a date for the homecoming dance, I’d ask you since you’re not with Jeff anymore.”
I snorted a laugh. “Yeah, right. It’s always safe to make claims you can’t back up. And what makes you think I’d say yes to you?”
Gary chuckled. “Because I’m charming, handsome and irresistible. Admit it. Now you’re curious.”
Laughing, I said, “You’re a goofball.”
He nodded. “That too.”
The boys at the other table suddenly burst into loud laughing. Gary and I both turned out attention briefly to them, wondering what was so funny.
I looked back at Gary and in a serious tone, I asked, “Gary, you think like a boy. Why would those boys seem to like me on one hand, but then say those awful things about me?”
Gary glanced back at the group of boys before looking back at me. “They don’t like you. They desire you. They certainly don’t respect you.” He then looked me straight into my eyes and said, “None of them deserve you.”
The table of boys loudly got up and started to head out of the lunchroom. I said to Gary, “I guess it’s time to get back to class.”
I walked glumly into the house and plopped down on the couch. The rest of the school day was uneventful. Coach had canceled practice for today and the next day. I declared, “Mom. I hate boys!”
From the kitchen, Mom asked, “Any particular reason?”
I glared at the screen of the TV that was currently turned off. “They’re all just awful.”
Mom said, “Maybe not all of them. Come here into the kitchen for a moment.”
I scowled at the TV again and then stood up. As soon as I entered the kitchen, I gasped. “That’s beautiful!” Sitting on the kitchen counter was a gorgeous bouquet of white carnations. “Where did this come from?”
Mom smiled at me. “It arrived a few minutes before you did. It came with a card.”
I pulled the card from the flowers and pulled it from the envelope. I read it out loud, “Dear Ronnie. I hope these flowers will lift your spirits. Gary.” I sniffed the flowers and grinned. “How did he know? I never told him carnations were my favorite flower.”
Putting her hands on her hips, Mom asked, “And just who is Gary. And you know, most boys don’t have a favorite flower.”
Still looking at my flowers, I said, “Remember that boy at Whataburger who took our order?”
Mom smirked. “That nice boy who thought I was your sister?”
I giggled. “That’s the one. Mom. He knows my secret and he doesn’t care.”
Mom looked at my flowers. “Well shit.”
To be continued…
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"Well sh*t."
He knows my secret and he doesn’t care.”
This is really getting interesting...
Can't wait to see what happens next. Thanks for another fun chapter.
Bat is setting himself up for a big fall
Ronnie is, in a sense, a spy -- on both sides.
fun story!
- iolanthe
Be careful, Mel
Well shit…
That phrase pops up so often at the end of each chapter of this story, maybe you should have used it as the overall title.
Well shit, why not?
It’s the running gag
In this story now. Makes me laugh every time I see it at the end.
Avoid censoring
Or maybe clean it up by calling the story "Welsh It"
Wow ...
Gary seems like a pretty decent guy! I was sorta surprised he didn't seem to have an issue with Ronnie's shifting gender presentation. I hope Gary's girlfriend doesn't get jealous about him talking to Ronnie.
This is turning into a nice little story
As for the boys. I heard they all have cooties, or something.
That's what cootie spray is for!
Just spray 'em with cootie spray, and ya don't have to worry about getting cooties from 'em. ;)