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(Life after Camp Kumoni) By Anistasia Allread Edited by Nick B “Your hair looks nice,” he commented. “Thank you, your friend Sasha did it… And the answer is still no. I will not let you go unless Dr. Barts advises otherwise. Stop buttering me up.” |
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Mrs. Martin sat at the breakfast table with a check book, bills and laptop. Eric rinsed the breakfast dishes and was putting them into the dishwasher.
“Mom?” Eric poked his head above the counter to look at his mom.
“Did you have time to think about me going to the slumber party?” Eric asked.
“A bit.” She stuffed a check into an envelope.
“I don’t like the idea.” She looked up and gave Eric a long look. “I don’t think it’s healthy.”
“But Mom...” Eric pleaded. ‘Healthy’? she didn’t think it was ‘healthy’?
“You are a young man. You shouldn’t be trying to be something you’re not.”
Eric’s shoulders slumped. He scrubbed at a pot in the sink. “I thought you understood while you were visiting at camp.”
“I understand wanting to be liked, wanting to be accepted, but you’ll never be accepted as a transvestite.”
“You haven’t told dad, have you?” Eric was scared to know the answer.
“No, I haven’t told him–yet.”
“Does he know about my seeing the shrink?”
“Yes, he knows you are seeing Dr. Barts.”
“But he doesn’t know why?”
“I told him you were having social issues at school and at camp.” She paused, “Technically it’s true.”
Eric was in a panic. He needed to get to that slumber party. He desperately wanted to be with his friends. Samantha and Victoria were working on a way for him to get into school as Erika. He needed to know what those plans were and how he could help instigate them.
“What if we were to ask Dr. Barts,” Eric suggested.
“Ask her about what?”
“If it would be alright if I went to the slumber party.”
“I don’t know.” Mrs. Martin shook her head.
“You afraid she’d say yes?” Eric probed. This was a last-ditch effort and it could backfire badly, but fifty-fifty odds were much better than no odds.
“I don’t care what she says, you are my son.” She stressed that last word.
“If she says no, I won’t bug you about it again,” Eric pleaded. “But if she says yes, you’ll let me go.”
Mrs. Martin picked up her cell phone and dialed. “Yes. Is Dr. Barts available? Yes, could you have her call me back at her earliest convenience? Thank you.” Mrs. Martin gave the receptionist her number and hung up. She looked at Eric. “If she says ‘no’, then you will stop bugging me about this socially unacceptable behavior.”
He finished putting the dishes into the machine and started it up.
“Your hair looks nice,” he commented.
“Thank you, your friend Sasha did it… And the answer is still no. I will not let you go unless Dr. Barts advises otherwise. Stop buttering me up.”
“I didn’t say it to butter you up, mom, It was just a compliment–sheesh.” Eric left the room and walked up the stairs and closed his bedroom door behind him.
“Hey Samantha. It’s Eric,” He spoke into his cell phone. “I’m still not sure if I can go to the slumber party yet, but I’ve gotten my mom to think about it some more and she is going to ask my shrink if it is a good idea or not.” Eric flopped down on his bed. “I told her that If the shrink says no, then I can’t go nor can I ask again.”
“We still need to get your stuff out of your house,” Samantha urged, “I have cheer practice this afternoon. Can I get if from you on my way?”
“I’m not sure,” Eric said with a sigh. “Mom is keeping a pretty tight leash on me right now.”
“Well, you want to come to cheer practice with me?”
“I won’t be welcomed.” Eric pointed out, “Remember, I’m a plague that invites disaster. The cheer squad would probably all break a leg or something and blame it on me.”
“Oh.” Samantha sounded deflated.
“Besides, If I can somehow go to school as Erika, It would be better for them not so associate your friend Eric, with Erika.”
“Yeah, you’re right.” The excitement was gone from her voice. “When will you hear from your shrink?”
“I don’t know. I heard my mom call and leave a message, so it might be a little bit. I should know by this afternoon. At least I hope so.”
“Call me as soon as you know,” Samantha instructed, “I’ve got to go. Call me.”
Eric hung up the phone and began working on his web comic.
A knock came at his door, startling him. Before he could reply his mother opened it.
“Dr. Barts wants to see us.”
“Yes. We are to be there in just a little bit.”
“What did she say about the sleep over?”
“She didn’t. She wants to talk to us first.”
“Yes. Get ready.”
Eric saved his files and put his computer on standby before slipping into his converse. He went into his bathroom and pulled his hair back. He felt a bit naked without at least mascara on but avoided the urge. He sped down the stairs and joined his mom in the car.
“What did Dr. Farts say?” Eric asked his mom as they pulled into the parking lot.
“Dr. Barts only said that she wanted to talk to us before helping us decide this issue.”
They walked into the waiting room. Eric picked up a National Geographic and fell into a chair while his mother spoke to the receptionist. Mrs. Martin then sat down next to Eric with a Cosmo and began looking through it.
Eric looked up to see Dr. Barts waiting for him in the doorway. She smiled as he got up, dropped the magazine on the table and joined her.
“So I understand you and your mom have an issue that you want my advice on.” Dr. Barts smiled after they were both seated.
“My friends have invited me to a slumber party tomorrow night, but my mom doesn’t want me to go.”
“Are these your friends from camp?”
“Yes. It’s at Tricia’s house.”
“Why don’t you think your mom wants you to go?”
“I don’t really know. They’re all good girls, most are straight ‘A’ students and they aren’t into drugs or anything.”
“Have you been to a friend’s party in the last year or so?” Dr. Barts asked.
“No.” Eric collapsed in on himself.
“Why not?”
“I didn’t have any friends…. until this summer.”
“How come? you’re a nice, smart guy.”
“Until this last summer I was ‘the plague’.”
“The plague? How do you mean?”
Eric closed his eyes, his heart jumped and flipped and settled back down as he took a deep breath. He told her about school, told her about the teasing, the bullying and the flagpole incident. He talked about Summer, and her friendship as well as her suicide. He didn’t cry. He promised himself not to cry when talking about what happened, and he promised himself not to cry in front of anyone. Only in the safety of his own room would he unlock that door.
“Wow.” Dr. Barts muttered, “So other than Summer, you haven’t had any friends until you went to camp?”
Eric nodded. He looked up at the Dr. through tired eyes. “You won’t say anything to my mom, will you?”
“Eric, I am bound by law to tell others only if I believe you wish to harm yourself or others. Other than that, what you tell me is confidential” She looked at him, “Does your mom know about any of this stuff? About the flagpole and the bullying?”
Eric shook his head. “She knows generalities, but she doesn’t know any of the details. She knows that I was taped to the flagpole, but not that I was naked or any of the other stuff… you won’t say anything to her, will you?”
“How did you come to being Erika?” She asked. It was the first time the Doctor had even brought up Erika let alone say her name.
“Samantha is Summer’s sister. She contacted me online and became a friend. When I told her that my mom was making me go to camp, she suggested that she would go and that I should go as a girl so that she could watch over me and so that she can find out more about her sister.”
“Why would Samantha feel like she would need to watch over you?”
Eric was quiet for two breaths. “Camp would most likely be like school, but twenty-four, seven.” Eric felt a chill run down his back. He could picture being stuck in Josh’s cabin and dealing with the bullying that would ensue. “I don’t think I could deal with that. Samantha’s idea was to help me by keeping me away from the boys.”
“Mmm hmmm.”
Eric’s imagination ran through the things he imagined guys like Josh and Kyle would do.
“Did you like being Erika?”
Eric looked at the floor for a long moment then nodded his head. He looked up and only glanced at Dr. Barts for a moment then focused on a picture behind her head. “When I first started being Erika, I didn’t like it at all. I was scared to death of being found out and being forced back into the role of ‘The Plague’; Forced to live as ‘The Plague for the whole of camp. After a few weeks, I actually started to enjoy it. I know it’s a weird, perverted feeling, but I did like being her.”
“Who says it’s perverted and weird?”
“Who is everyone?”
“My mom, society.”
“Your mom said it is perverted?
“No, not exactly. She said that society won’t accept me as Erika.”
“Society does sometimes have an issue with Transgender people.” Dr. Barts relented.
“My Dad and his side of the family.”
“Does your dad know about your being Erika?”
“No, at least, my mom says that she didn’t tell him, but my grandmother and cousins all don’t like gays and transvestites and stuff.”
“They don’t? How do you know?”
“They ‘dis’ them, put them down, and sneer when they talk about them.”
“People have a lot of misunderstandings about Transgender.” The doctor shook her head.
“So you think I’m Transgender?” Eric looked pleadingly at Dr. Barts.
“I don’t know yet, Eric that is why you are here, so that we can find out together.
A silence stood between them for a long moment, each lost in their own thoughts.
“Eric, do you still dress in woman’s clothing – sorry, Erika’s clothing?”
Eric turned bright red and looked at the floor. “You can’t tell my mom this.” He stole a glance at Dr. Barts who nodded, “Mom told me that Erika had to stay at camp…” He paused, “I dressed up last night for a little bit but took it all off before going to bed. I did sleep in my nightgown though.”
Dr. Barts nodded as she scratched at her pad. “How do you feel when you wear women’s clothing?”
“I don’t know,” Eric shrugged. “Comfortable?”
“Is that a question or an answer?”
“I guess it’s an answer.”
“You guess that it makes you feel comfortable.”
Eric nodded. “It just feels… ‘right’.”
“Does wearing woman’s clothing get you excited?” Dr. Barts purposefully kept her eyes on her pad. “Do you get aroused?”
“Only the first time, when Samantha helped me get outfitted for camp… Every once in a while, I’ll get, you know… excited, but not very often. It’s just clothing.”
Dr. Barts nodded while writing. She finished what she was working on and looked up at Eric and smiled. “What did you and your friends plan on doing at this slumber party?”
“I don’t really know, spend time together before school started, eat pizza, watch movies…” Eric shrugged.
“It’s alright with your friend’s parents that they are having a boy sleep over? Or were you planning to go as Erika without their knowledge?”
“Tricia’s parents know about me, her sister, Leeza, is a Transgender.”
Dr. Barts raised an eyebrow at that then smiled. “This next question is a bit embarrassing, I’m sorry.”
“They’ve all been embarrassing.” Eric stated.
“Yes, I know, and I apologize, but we’ve covered a lot of ground today.” She smiled, “Eric, are you attracted to or sexually involved with any of these girls?”
Eric blushed only slightly, but not nearly as much as some of the earlier questions had made him redden. “I used to be attracted to Samantha, but at camp we found out that we love each other as sisters, not lovers.” He smiled, “Tricia and I are kind of feeling things out.”
“What does that mean to you?” Dr. Barts asked. “Feeling things out?”
“Well, we’ve kissed a couple of times and we hold hands, but nothing more than that.”
“Are you sexually attracted to Tricia?”
“Yes, but kind of different.” Eric explained, “With Samantha, all I could think about was being with her, kissing her, holding her in my arms. With Tricia, We’re more like very close friends. I am sexually attracted to her, but it’s not as lustful as it was with Samantha.”
“Do you think your dad suspects what you did at summer camp?”
Eric shook his head as if to clear it, having spoken about one subject and then suddenly changing direction, “I don’t think so.”
“Do you plan on telling him?”
“Not if I can help it.”
“Well, Eric, it has been a very informative session today.” Dr. Barts shifted and put her pad down. “I’m going to have you wait in the waiting area while I talk with your mother.”
“You aren’t going to tell her what we talked about are you?”
“I told you I can’t, and I won’t, unless I think you are going to harm yourself or another.”
Dr. Barts led Eric out to the waiting room. “Mrs. Martin?”
Eric gave his mother a nervous smile and took a seat with his National Geographic.
“Mrs. Martin, you are raising a very intelligent, loving, sensitive kid.” Dr. Barts smiled.
“Thank you.”
“Eric has a lot of trust issues. He has lost a dear friend to suicide, which to their loved ones, feels like a betrayal of trust. He has been bullied a lot in school, which leads to serious trust issues. Do you know to what extent Eric has been picked on at school?”
“I know he doesn’t have many friends and kids tease him.”
“Mrs. Martin, your son’s nickname is infamous.” Dr. Barts stressed, “I’ve heard others in my office refer to him by that hurtful nick name, so I know a little of what has befallen him.”
Mrs. Martin sat stunned, not knowing what to say.
“One of the first things I have to establish with a patient in order to help them is trust. I need them to trust me so that they feel they can tell me things that they won’t tell their spouse or even their own mother.”
“Is my son a transvestite?” Mrs. Martin blurted out.
“I honestly don’t know yet,” Dr. Barts stated. “Eric has a lot of issues to work through. Whether or not he is Transgender, or cross dresser is just one piece in the jig-saw puzzle that makes up that wonderful person sitting out there.”
Mrs. Martin looked everywhere in the room except at Dr. Barts. “One thing that would help is you not referring to the social stigmas associated with people of different lifestyles. I know society has a hard time with accepting them but stating that fact only makes it harder on those who have to deal with it daily.”
Mrs. Martin looked abashed.
“I would like to see you once every other week for a few sessions, Mrs. Martin. It would also help if you sat in on a support group meeting for those who have loved ones who are Transgender.”
“Uh, okay.” She said a little shocked that ‘she’ was to participate in counseling.
“Here is info on a support group that meets locally. I think it might help you more than you believe. When you are ready, you might have your husband join you at those meetings.”
“There is a group here, locally? Are there a lot of… you know…”?
“Transgenders?” Dr. Barts finished for her, “More than you realize.”
“Thank you, Dr. Barts.”
“Oh, and about the slumber party,” Dr. Barts almost forgot, “I think it would be alright for him to go, as long as the parents of the girls know that a boy will be sleeping over and they have an adult chaperone. It will also be a big step in building that much needed trust.” Dr. Barts got up and led Mrs. Martin out into the waiting room.
Eric and his mother walked back to the car in silence.
“Are you okay, Mom?” Eric bit his lower lip concerned.
“Yes,” She smiled and patted Eric on the leg. She started up the car and looked over at Eric. “You can go to the party.”
His mother nodded.
Eric threw his arms around his mother’s neck. “Thanks, Mom.”
To be continued…
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Is learning a lot, maybe she can actually talk to the school and find out about a few more incidents, and actually start talking to Eric/a about what has happened. Otherwise wow a powerful chapter.
Talking to school is not workable
Even if she did find out about a few more incidents, she cannot do anything to change things. Prejudices can run deep - people subjected to racial prejudice know it too well.
However, maybe a little understanding can be channeled to supporting her child. At this point, Eric could not be treated any worse if the people at school knew he was Trans.
Maybe it could help bring his/her mother into his/her corner.
We'll see.
"At this point, Eric could not be treated any worse if the people at school knew he was Trans."
Not sure about that. It is very possible it could lead to more actual violence.
he got stripped naked, duck
he got stripped naked, duck taped to a pole, kicked, spit on, and if I recalled other things... That is pretty violent.
He gets tripped, pushed, put into walls, etc.
My bigger concern is that the school has done nothing to protect him, and it is not going to get better by coming out.
Coming out as LGBT at least defines him/her into some definitive category other than being 'The Plague'. Any violence against her then would probably be against LGBT policy at the school ( wishful thinking - maybe ) and maybe invoke some kind of protections (LGBT activists anybody. ) Right now he is just a free-floating 'Kick Me' sign that anybody can take out their frustrations on. The school authorities are definitely not fulfilling its 'en loco parentis' role since it never got back to his mother that he was duct taped naked to a pole ! Frankly, this is really grounds for a law suit by Eric's family.
The gist of this argument is that, having been defined somehow, it can then be addressed in some fashion. And like you say, he is already being violently treated. I am surprised he is not black and blue all over his body given all of that abuse.
The author does not really mention what region of the country Erika lives in - deliberately I think so we do not know whether there will be any red-blue state issues.
So, in conclusion, what will be considered a 'win' in this situation ? Eric's mother seems more intent on putting the onus upon Eric to 'fit' into the crowd - a very Asian attitude 'don't make waves' - and at the beginning of this episode unwilling to support her own flesh and blood against other people's expectations. Does Eric/Erika win by bringing this whole decrepit school down ? Does she win by taking the high road and living her life her way despite the school by leaving that sordid school behind and get schooled elsewhere ?
The first option would be a lot of notoriety and the latter, perhaps a more peaceful life.
We will see.
Party Time
AA: I like where this headed and Eric has a friend in Dr. Barts too, I would say. Richard
Is there for Eric. Will be interesting to see where the story goes from here.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
What a sad state of affairs that Eric's father and his side of the family aren't too friendly towards us. Poor Erika.
I'm glad Dr. Barts is nice about it so far, and I can't wait for the slumber party. I love slumber party scenes. *sigh*
Thanks for another nicely balanced chapter. I like that you have a dark edge but that you keep it from getting too dark. :)
- Terry
Having some or all of the family...
Anti LGBT is not unusual. I believe a majority of my family (on both sides actually) will be VERY unsupportive... They certainly seem to go out of their way to verbally bash them... One actively campained for his states ban on same sex marriage, even though his daughter is lesbian and thus suffers for it. So, yes, Poor Eric/Erika.
To a phrase used in the story itself...
It always "bothers" me when it's referred to as a "lifestyle" as if it really was a choice. Okay, I guess it is, but no more so than a heterosexual relationship is a "choice"... The implication of the TERM "Alternate Lifestyle" is that it's an easy choice, and you'd likely be just as happy with another lifestyle. *sighs* (I just realized I was standing on a soap box, and quickly climbed down...)
On to the story itself...
I'm still enjoying it. There is plenty of tension and such... I do wonder if Erika will become a cheer leader. LOL. I also wonder how the other kids parents will take to the "Boy at the sleepover" party... I am sure that Trisha's parents will have no issues with Eric there (though, I expect it to really be Erika for most, if not all of it.) Samantha's sadness at Eric's not being able to go with her felt nice... Fits a sister's reaction. :-)
Great Chapter - Anastasia!
I really, really liked this chapter.
Eric opened up to Dr. Barts, and as hard as that was for him, it is important for Dr. Barts to win his trust. It seems like they have found a good one in her, and now more then ever it is important for Eric to work with her. I hope that it won't be too much longer before Eric realizes Dr. Barts is on his side, and the Dr. Farts joke is left behind.
Mom's got quite a bit of learning to do as well, and she absolutely needs to learn about what Eric has really gone through. Dr. Barts pushed a little on the line by saying as much as see did about it, but it was necessary. She did not tell her anything that Eric had said, and that was really, really important.
Great chapter! Can't wait till next Tuesday!
Good session
I am glad Erika/Eric's mother is not looking to therapy to 'fix' things. There is an unfortunate 'Dr Phil'-ing of America where you expect things to turn around things quickly and 'solve' the issue. She is at least attempting to work with the therapist instead of trying to dictate the goals of the therapy.
Dr. Phil Is At It Again
I was even more irate with that jackass "Dr." Phil after yesterday's show. He brought the same mother back to be dragged through the mud a second time by that same idiot from "Focus On The Family". She refused to talk to talk to him too. They actually interviewed her daughter about her feelings and there was nothing to indicate that she was anything but the girl she claimed to be.
Thank you so much for such a
Thank you so much for such a wonderful new episode in what will truly be remembered as a timeless saga.
I'm also glad to read that you will have a couple more episodes "in the pot" so to speak, and am more than willing to devour one a week for as long as you can keep posting them like that! :) -GiGgLeS-
Thank you again, for letting us into the heads of these amazing characters, and thank you for all your continued hard work.
TechTalk Blog @ CyberBrats

great chapter!!
kristin nichols... I Love that Doc is cool...and Mom MIGHT be coming around. Thanks for continuing this wonderful story....I cant wait for the next chapter!! Thank you, Kristin
kristyn nichols
I think the Doc might have said too much to Erika's Mom. This whole issue has been about trust. If Erika's mom starts asking about some of the things she and Dr. Farts talked about Erika might wonder how much the good Doc told her mom. I think the doc should have suggested that mom take Erika out for an ice cream and a talk. Maybe the Doc should have talked to Mom and Erika together this time.
Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty.
The Coda
Chapterhouse: Dune
Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty.
The Coda
Chapterhouse: Dune
Having a child that sees a
Having a child that sees a psychologist for his own issues regarding self esteem, etc. That interchange was very realistic between the doctor and Eric's mother. She did not tell her any details that Eric told her, but nudged her accordingly.
Eric's mother needed a wake up call. She clearly loves her child, BUT, she is clueless about the problems Eric has been facing. And that needs to change.
Nobody has mentioned the elephant ...
... in the room. The whole cockamayme (have a field day with that term!) Erika goes to school plan. If They try this, any trust starting to build between Eric/Erika and mom will be instantly destroyed, and, frankly, I don't know how the girls can carry the plan off for long without it falling apart. Eric needs to draw on Erika's confidence to stand up for himself rather than letting the girls make decisions for him, I think. He needs to get rid of the plague issue and live awhile as a normal boy before deciding which gender is best (or maybe both, though being an open teen CD would be the hardest road.)
"All the world really is a stage, darlings, so strut your stuff, have fun, and give the public a good show!" Miss Jezzi Belle at the end of each show
BE a lady!
In principle I agree with
In principle I agree with you, Jezzi. But in this chapter, they are still only talking/planning they have not done anything about it yet.
This chapter was a good step forward, because Eric opened up to Dr. Barts.
As for the parents trust of Eric, it is important, but right now it is the other way around that is most important. Eric does not trust anyone but the girls.
Nice we get to see his Mom get taken down a peg for the way she is acting with out anyone one pushing anything on to her. Also I know I normally complain about size and this one was a nice and average size. But it was so well written that it feels like there should of been more Ending it with Eric going to the party is good but With the mother still in shock make things feel a little dead. Probably should have ended it right before Eric enters the Door to Trica home.
Like mew, are you like filming how my family acts in family gatherings, and writing them here xD JK xD Anyway yeah, that's EXACTLY how they act mew. They put down anyone that isn't heterosexual christian man. Even the christian women are put down in my family, always shoving in their face that they will never be as "great" as the men >> Yeah... anyway I hope eric/erica can find her/his way in the face of all this adversity, my heart goes out to this poor child mew *huggles eric/erica*
I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D
Luv'n it
I'm really enjoying the story and I'm looking forward to the next chapter. I am concerned about the "secret stash" though, parents are a very sneaky lot and makeup hiding in the bottom of the towels is just a plain bad idea. You never know when something like that will be disturbed, or even changed out for some reason.

Yeah, Dr. Barts!
Good chapter -- great stuff, Eric working it out... I'm really liking Dr. Barts!
Did you mean transsexual?
"...whether or not he is a Transvestite, Transgender, or cross dresser is just one piece in the jig-saw puzzle that makes up that wonderful person sitting out there.â€
Because transvestite and cross-dresser are synonyms.
Who said Eric/a is going to the sleepover
Mom said he can go, but still has to call the other childrens' parents to get the okay for ERIC to attend an otherwise all girls sleepover. While we know that at least one girl's folks will be okay, we do not know what the other parents will think or say.
The parents may not be as open minded as their daughters who know Eric/a.
As regards Transvesties and Cross Dresers, I understand there is a difference.
A Cross-Dresser is generally an individual who ocassionally may dress in the clothing of the opposite sex, while a transvstite does it more often and the cumpolsion or need to do so is greater.
Transvestite and
Transvestite and Cross-dresser are the same.
Transvestite is a clinical term and as such has a very negative connotation, and Cross-Dresser is the preferred term by many.
Some have tried to make a distinction between those that cross dress for fetishistic reasons, i.e. they are sexually aroused by it, versus those that do it because it helps them to relax.
In any case, Cross Dressers are not interested in SRS, and usually do not wish to live full time. As with probably everything their is a line for Transgender and people fall somewhere along the line CD and TS.
Terrific Chapter... terms of redefining the situation and letting us know who knows what about whom. (But was Dr Barts telling the truth about hearing Eric described as the Plague by other people in the waiting room, or was she just trying to find a way to convey the information to Eric's mother without breaking Eric's confidence too badly?)
We may find out soon whether Eric trusts Dr Barts enough to reveal the girls' plans to have Erika attend school. (I wasn't expecting him to, but I hadn't expected him to give her the whole story, either, and that seems to have worked out well for him.) Clearly the good doctor isn't in a position to approve transitioning or an RLT when Eric doesn't know whether or not he's TS. (And that's aside from any question of parental permission that wouldn't be forthcoming.) But I don't think a "harm yourself or others" limit on confidentiality would be enough to make her blow a whistle, or -- more to the point -- to make Eric THINK she'd blow a whistle. (It comes down, I suppose, to the question other commenters raised: Erika risking exposure as Eric in school could be considered "harming oneself", until one realizes that simply going to school as Eric does the same.)
Wew! That was a blast.
I just read the whole of Camp Kumoni in one go, and it was a really good read, well up to it's reputation as one of the best stories on this site. I'm kind of disappointed that from now on I'll have to wait for you to actually write the story before I can read any more of it. Still, I'm sure there's plenty more great stories here for me to read so I won't get bored.
I'm afraid I have to agree with everyone else that having Erika sneak into school can't work out well, and either Leeza or Dr. Barts will be able to talk them out of it.
I hope she can learn to accept this before school starts.
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna
yay for Dr. Barts !
whoo hoo!