A Modest Proposal - Part 7


A Modest Proposal Part 7
by Melanie Brown
Copyright  © 2022 Melanie Brown



Jeff and I walked back towards where Nova and some other football players were gathering. The party mood had definitely ended though it was still pretty noisy. Jeff was holding my hand and he stopped when we started mingling with the other players.

The football coach called out, “I need everyone in the locker room now.”

Jeff touched my cheek. He said, “Well, I gotta go. See you tonight at the game.” He grinned as he brushed my bangs from my face and bent down and kissed my forehead. He then turned to hurry to the locker room.

I stood there in shock. He kissed me. It was just on my forehead, but still. He actually kissed me. I looked over at Nova and she grinned and gave me a thumbs up. How do I process this? A boy just kissed me.

Nova walked over to me. “Are you okay?”

Feeling a bit numb, I said to her. “Jeff kissed me. I… I don’t know how to react.”

Looking earnestly, Nova asked, “Did you like it?”

I said honestly, “I don’t know. It was certainly unexpected.”

“Did you hate it?”

I shrugged. “I didn’t hate it. I just didn’t think a boy would kiss me.”

Nova said, “Don’t over think it. He obviously likes you. I mean, he practically announced to everyone that you’re his girlfriend. How do you feel about that?”

I shrugged again. “I’m not sure. Not even considering I’m not really a girl, don’t you think that was a bit pre-mature? We haven’t even had a date yet.”

Nova grinned at me. “Yet? He might have just been reacting to Tank’s obviously joking around. We’re not cavemen anymore where you can just grab a girl by her hair and run off. To me, it looks like Jeff has a huge crush on you. Even without trying you’re pretty. And today you’re gorgeous. And I bet he’s afraid he might lose you to another boy. No really. I hear guys talk. They think you’re hot. They want to do more than just kiss your forehead.”

I narrowed my eyes at Nova. “They tell you this?”

Nova giggled. “Yeah, Ronnie. They come up to me all the time and say ‘hey! We want to do your friend Ronnie. Can you make that happen?’ So no. I just hear things. Face it girl. You’re beautiful and guys want you.”

I frowned. “I don’t think I like that.”

Nova shrugged. “Guys are always gonna guy.”

*          *          *

Coach Martin walked through the middle of us and said, “Okay girls. Everyone on the bus.”

There was no room on the bus with the football players. There was no room on the bus for the dance team, but there was just enough room on the bus carrying the band. After what Nova had told me earlier, I’d much rather ride on the bus full of girls.

After we got seated, I whispered to Nova, “I feel like all these boys are staring at me.”

Nova grinned. “They are. Don’t worry about it. Worry if they don’t stare at you.” She giggled.

A boy sitting near me wearing a band uniform tapped my shoulder. When I looked up, he grinned and said, “Hi. My name’s Gary. What’s yours?” I turned and saw he had his hand extended.

I shook his hand and said, “I’m Ronnie.”

Gary said, “Has anyone ever told you you’re cute?”

I shook my head and giggled. “Has that line ever worked?”

Gary laughed, “You’d be surprised. But seriously. You are cute.”

I smiled at Gary. “Thanks.”

He bent further over so he could get closer to me. “Hey, and I mean it too. I would say you are easily the finest babe… um finest woman on this bus.”

Nova winked at me and giggled.

I asked, “Just this bus?”

Gary raised his eyebrows and gestured. “Hey, could be all three. Probably not though. The bus in front of us has the dance team and there’re a ton of hotties in that group. So that takes some of the pressure off you.”

I nodded. “That’s certainly good to know.”

Gary moved down a bit closer. “Let me guess. You’re a cheerleader?” I nodded. “I knew it! I just knew it. That bow in your hair… dead give-away.”

I smirked at him. “It’s not like it’s a big secret or anything.”

Grinning, he said, “Bet you can’t guess why I’m on this bus?”

Shrugging, I said, “Somebody lost a bet?”

Looking confused, Gary said, “Huh? What? Nooo.” He tapped his chest. “I’m in the band! Can you guess what I play?”

I sighed and looked over at Nova who was grinning. “Ummm. Oh. A piccolo?”

Gary screwed up his face as if he’d tasted something nasty. “That’s a chick instrument. I play trombone!” He then pantomimed putting the slide in different positions.” He pointed at a couple of boys sitting behind him. “Me and my homies agree. The trombone is the coolest instrument.”

A girl sitting in front of me with an annoyed expression turned to me and said, “I can hit him for you.”

I giggled. “Nah. He’d probably enjoy it.”

Gary’s eyes widened. “I would, actually. So, Ronnie. Are you new? I don’t remember you last game. And trust me. I’d remember a bodacious babe such as yourself.”

I nodded with a slight smile. “Yes. I just became a cheerleader this week.”

Gary nodded. “Not surprised. They were lacking in the looks department this year. You make up for it.”

A girl sitting next to the girl that offered to hit Gary turned around and said, “Give the girl a rest, will ya?”

Looking annoyed, Gary said, “Now you’ve messed up my timing. I was going to ask her out.”

Another boy lightly punched Gary’s shoulder. “Dude. Give it up. She has a boyfriend. One of the football players.”

Gary placed his first over his heart. “I’ll never give up. Never surrender.”

Nova and I were just giggling at each other.

The assistant band director who was sitting at the front of the bus stood up and shouted, “Gary! Time to knock it off.”

Gary said, “Yes sir.” He then turned back to me and pointed, “I got my eye on you!” I just laughed and shook my head.

*          *          *

After we exited the bus and started to walk towards the stadium, Nova ran up beside me and laughed. “Looks like you have an admirer.”

I sighed. “I’d say more like a stalker.”

Nova giggled. “He was funny though.”

I grinned. “True.”

Nova then said, “I think he’s mostly harmless.”

We still had an hour before the game started so we went down to the concession stand for a soda and snacks. We did have some equipment loaded on the semi truck, but we aren’t allowed to unload the truck. I looked around and just saw us cheerleaders. The band and dance team was in the parking lot warming up. I guessed the players were down in some locker room. The fans were already starting to fill up the stands.

This was my first time at the stadium and so I’ve never been to a game before. I’ll admit that I’ve never been interested in sports in general and wasn’t interested in football in particular. I was nervous. I was a very conspicuous member of the activities dressed in my cheerleader uniform. I felt almost naked with my midriff exposed along with the very short skirt.

What I didn’t feel odd about kind of worried me. I was totally fine with being a girl. I giggle more than I ever did before. I’m so much more comfortable being in a group of girls.

As we were finishing up our snacks while gathered inside the ground floor of the stadium, Coach walked up to us. “Okay guys. They’re going to need us out on the field to get things ready, so last call for a restroom break.”

As a group, we all went squealing and giggling to the nearest girls room. I didn’t hesitate and nobody did a double-take as I ran into the girls room as well. I was almost tempted to make a quick dash into the mens room as all the stalls were in use and there was a short line forming. I doubted I could get away with it anyway.

Reading my mind as she got in line behind me, Nova said, “There’s always a trade-off, isn’t there? It’s great being a cheerleader, but you gave up your freedom to pee.”

I chuckled. “I was about to say standing up is over-rated. But it’s not.”

Giggling, Nova said, “You knew the job was dangerous when you took it.”

After waiting almost five minutes, I finally relieved myself but then I had to work through the mob at the mirror to check my make-up.

Under my breath, I said to no one in particular, “Sheesh. Boys don’t even check to make sure they don’t have boogers hanging sticking out of their noses.”

A girl who wasn’t a cheerleader but standing next to me said, “How would you know?”

How would I know? I just said, “Because guys are gross.” The girl just nodded.

Steph and I were the last ones to get out on the field. Coach Martin frowned at us.

Coach pointed at some tubing laying on the ground with paper wrapped around them. She said, “Susan, I need you and Ronnie to hold up the banner the team will run through. I think you girls are the strongest. I don’t want a repeat of last week when the banner was just knocked down instead of broken that cause several players to trip, embarrassing our team.

“After the team runs through the gauntlet, I need you all to line up behind the band until the opening ceremony is over. Got it? Okay.”

The other team gets more money for sports than us for some reason, so their team runs through a large, inflatable football helmet. Our teams runs through a big paper banner with the school’s name and mascot painted on it. We have two banners. One for starting each half of the game. The majorettes and us cheerleaders make the banners. The cheerleaders also make all the signs for each player that’s placed in their front yards. I dodged that bullet by starting late.

Coach pointed at me. “You and Susan get the banner. Here come the majorettes to form the rest of the tunnel. The rest of you girls, line up.”

The band was lining up in the end field playing our fight song. The ROTC color guard was coming on to the field carrying the flag. So much pomp and circumstance for a high school football game. And I’m down here in the middle of it.

I wasn’t really paying that much attention when suddenly there was a big tug on the pole I was holding and Tank came breaking through the banner followed by the rest of the team. As soon as the last player passed us, Susan and I pulled the poles and all the loose pieces of paper from the field and set everything to one side.

A lot of people were cheering our team without us having to do much. The rivalry is actually quite intense. It’s silly because there are students who attend both schools. But it seems football is pretty serious business.

What was happening on the field was mostly abstract to me. I was mostly focused on what we as cheerleaders were supposed to be doing. We took a lot of our cues from the clips of music the band was playing. We all also watched the cheer captain, who was Nova so we’d know what to do.

I have to admit I got a bit too excited when Jeff scored a touchdown. I like Jeff, but I seem to be letting circumstances take control of me. It’s not like I want to date him. Do I?

Halftime finally arrived and all of us gathered around a table near the base wall of the stadium down on the field. The school had provided water and a quick snack for us. While we rested, we stood around and watched the band perform the show it was going to use for the UIL contest.

Maggie, one of the cheerleaders I didn’t associate with very often was standing next to me. I don’t know if she was talking to me or just a general comment. “Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be a boy?”

I shrugged. “I’m sure everyone wonders that at some point.”

Maggie looked to me and said, “You were always a tomboy. You wore boy clothes all the time. I have to assume you liked it that way.”

How do I respond to this? She’s not the first to think I must have been a tomboy before becoming a cheerleader instead of, you know, actually a boy. I grinned and said, “Well, it was nice not worrying about what you wore or spend time in the mornings putting on make-up.” And without lying, that was true enough.

Looking at me seriously, Maggie asked, “What made you change?”

Susan giggled, “She discovered boys.”

Before I could respond, Coach Martin shouted, “Okay girls. Let’s start to get into positions for the second half.” Two of the girls had put a new paper banner on the poles for the players to run through. I shook my head about Susan’s comment. That’s completely crazy.

*          *          *

Me and several other girls followed Nova to her car after we left the bus after it parked at the school parking lot. We didn’t need to hang around while the equipment was unloaded and stored at the school. Everyone was excited that won the game. I was happy Jeff had made out first score.

As we got into her car, Nova asked, “So Ronnie. Is your new boyfriend going to join us at Rosa’s?”

I laughed, “God I hope not! I don’t know if I can handle much more of that guy.”

From the back seat, Steph said, “You have to admit he’s cute though.”

With a giggle, Nova said, “Well, Ronnie already has a boyfriend.”

I looked down at my hands. “Don’t say that. I don’t want and really can’t have a boyfriend.”

As we drove out of the school parking lot, Nova shrugged and said, “I think you’re going to have to tell him that. Jeff definitely has the hots for you.”

As we drove to Rosa’s the other girls chatted about what boys they liked, a recent date Maggie had and some about the game we just left. I just stared quietly out the window.

As we got out of the car to join the mob entering the restaurant, Nova poked my arm. “What’s eating you all of a sudden?”

I shrugged. “What you said earlier. That I had a boyfriend.”

Nova frowned at me. “So a boy likes you. There are worse things in life. There are a lot of other girls at school who’d love to trade places with you.”

I frowned back at her. “That’s just it. I’m not a girl.”

Nova laughed. “Girl, you’ve already crossed the Rubicon on that.”

Confused, I asked, “I did what?”

Before she could answer, we entered Rosa’s with a several football players. One of them was Tank. He put his arm around me and pulled me close to him.

Tank asked, “You’re my date tonight, right?”

One of the other players said, “Better let go of her, Tank. She belongs to Jeff.”

Tank laughed. “I ain’t skeered. Oh. Hey Jeff.”

As Jeff took my hand, he said, “Thanks for keeping my girl safe, Tank.”

Laughing, Tank said, “You’re welcome! I got her warmed up for you too!”

Grinning at me and holding my hand, Jeff said, “Go grab us a place to sit and I’ll go order.”

I said, “I can get my own. I have money. I’m getting the beef fajita plate.”

Still smiling, Jeff said, “It’s my treat, Ronnie. Go grab a seat before everything is taken.” He let go of my hands and turned to get in the order line. I stood there for a moment before going to look for two seats together. Nova was actually saving a couple for us.

Nova noticed my expression and asked, “Now what’s the problem.”

I sighed. “I have my own money, but Jeff insisted on paying. It’s like we’re on a date or something.”

Nova laughed. “That’s why guys do. You’re not committed to marriage or anything. Since he couldn’t get you, Tank is paying mine. I hope you don’t mind him sitting with us.”

“As long as he doesn’t pick me up off the floor again,” I giggled.

Tank and Jeff arrived with our food at the same time. It was a little awkward when we first sat down. Even though Nova sat next to me with Tank on the other side of her, Tank’s arms were such that when he put his arm on Nova’s chair back, his hand rested on my shoulder. Nova scolded Tank and he begrudgingly moved his hand.

It was very noisy in the restaurant. It was almost completely filled with football players, cheerleaders and band members. The dance team had made their own arrangements. Everyone was talking about the game. It was the first time we’ve won against our rival school in five years. Jeff kept getting a lot of congratulations for his role in the victory. I was embarrassed when several also congratulated Jeff on his choice of girl to sit next to.

Susan walked behind me and stopped to lean over and ask, “Where’s Gary? I thought you’d be with him.”

I quickly shook my head. “I have no idea.” She shrugged and walked away.

Jeff swallowed the bite he was working on and looked over at me. “Who’s Gary?”

I took a drink of my soda and said, “I have no idea what she’s talking about.” I heard Nova laugh. Jeff shrugged and went back to eating.

The celebration started winding down. I was surprised when Nova and Tank left together. I wasn’t sure what to think about Jeff putting his arm behind my shoulders. It was almost half an hour before I realized that I had a problem.

Jeff leaned over to look at me. He asked, “Ronnie, are you okay?”

I looked at my hands and said, “Nova left something like twenty minutes or so ago.”

He shrugged, “Yeah. So?”

I looked at Jeff and exclaimed, “She was my ride! I’ll have to call my mom.”

Jeff took my hand. “No big deal. I’ll be happy to take you home.”

I shook my head. “Oh, I don’t want to bother you about it. Maybe I can ride with one of the other girls. It’s after midnight and I bet she’ll be pissed.”

Jeff chuckled. “Baby, it’s not a bother. Are you ready to go?”

I nodded. “Yeah. I’m ready. Are you sure you want to leave your friends?”

He laughed. “They’ll live.” He held out his hand to help me get to my feet. He waved to everyone and then we left.

“Is that your car?” I said with just a bit of awe. We stopped at a late model royal blue Ford Mustang twelve liter V-8.

Grinning, Jeff said, “It sure is. Do you like it?”

I ran my finger along the polished fender under Jeff’s watchful eye. I exclaimed, “Oh yeah! Cool car!”

Jeff opened the passenger door for me and I slid into the leather seats. Jeff then hurried to the driver’s side and the engine roared into life. I gave him my address and we rumbled out of Rosa’s parking lot and into the street.

As we rolled along towards my house, I looked down at my hands and then turned to look at Jeff. “Thank you for paying for my dinner. You didn’t have to.”

He smiled as he placed a hand on my bare skinned leg. “You’re welcome, babe. I can’t let my girl pay while I’m there.”

We stopped at a red light. I timidly asked, “Your girl?”

Jeff grinned and nodded his head. “Most definitely. Everyone on the team knows to leave you alone.”

I looked out the windshield and grunted a laugh. I said, “Except Tank.”

Jeff pointed at his own head and said, “Well, he’s had a few hits to the noggin. Did you have a good time tonight?”

I nodded. I said, “I enjoyed being with you.”

We rode in silence for a few more blocks until we arrived at my house. The house was dark with the porch light off. That seemed strange.

We turned to face each other. I was about to say goodnight, when Jeff reached up and ran his fingers through my hair. He just looked into my eyes. He said, “You are absolutely beautiful tonight. No other girl came close to your looks. And then with your uniform, my God you’re totally gorgeous. I’m serious.” He slid his fingers slowly down my cheek. He touched my lips.

He looked down at the steering wheel. “Ronnie…” He looked up at me and smiled nervously. He looked so sweet. “Would you… uh… would you be interested in going out with me sometime?”

Well shit. A boy just asked me… me! out on a date. How is this happening? I can’t go on a date with a boy. I just can’t.

Smiling nervously, I said, “I’d love to, Jeff.”

Jeff’s smile cut broadly across his face. He said, “Thanks. I’ll call you tomorrow to pick a date.” I smiled back. He won’t call. I’d put money on it.

We stared at each other for almost a minute. We looked straight into each other’s eyes. In a breathy voice, I said, “Well, I uh…”

Also in a breathy voice, Jeff said, “Yeah. I… uh…”

He leaned forward and started parting his lips. Oh God. This can’t really be happening. I can’t do this! I just can’t!

I closed my eyes as his soft, warm lips caressed mine. I leaned into his kiss. I’m being kissed by a boy! I couldn’t believe it. A boy was actually kissing me.

And I enjoyed it.

We sat there for several long moments, our lips pressing into each other. When Jeff finally leaned back, there was a line of spittle between our lips. He brushed it away.

In a voice I could barely hear, he said, “I should probably go.”

I nodded. “Me too.”

We leaned back into each other for another soft kiss. His lips felt wonderful.

We pulled apart again. Jeff touched my cheek. “Hey. I’ll talk to you later.” I put my hand on his fingers and nodded. I pulled on the door handle and the door opened.

One final caress of my hair and Jeff said, “Good night, babe.”

In a hushed voice, I said, “Good night.” I stepped out of his car and shut the door. With a chirp of his tires, he roared off. I watched until he turned off my street. I sighed and walked towards my house.

“If that boy can’t get you back home at a decent time, I’m not going to let you see him anymore.” Mom was sitting in the dark in Dad’s old easy chair.

To be continued…

*          *          *

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