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by Melanie Brown
Copyright © 2022 Melanie Brown
Coach Martin said, “Okay guys, we’re cutting practice short today. Well, except for the three of you who are active players in the skit. We’ll have the two football players involved come here so we all can be rehearsed. And don’t forget! Uniforms all day tomorrow. Meet at the field house at eight thirty. See you then.”
Nova and I ran out of the gym giggling. We had already stopped by our lockers so we could leave to go directly to the salon.
As we got into Nova’s car, I said, “I have to say, I’m not really sure about this. I’ve never been to a salon before.”
Nova grinned at me. “Don’t worry. There’s nothing to it.”
Still worrying, I asked, “What can I expect?”
Nova shook her head, “Nothing extreme. They’re going to wash and condition your hair for starters. Have you ever used conditioner?”
I shook my head. “No. Is that it? I can wash my own hair then.”
Nova grinned. “They’re going to get rid of your split ends and they’re going to style your hair. Your hair isn’t as long as mine, but it still needs styling. They’re going to fix your eyebrows and we’re both getting our nails done. No make-up this time though.”
I narrowed my brow. “What do you mean ‘this time’?”
Again Nova grinned. “Well, when Jeff takes you to the Homecoming Dance, you’ll want your make-up to be perfect, so we’ll get you an appointment the day of the dance.”
I shook my head. “I’m not going to the dance. Don’t be crazy. And I don’t want to wear make-up.”
“I’ll be over tomorrow morning to do your make-up before school,” said Nova. “You haven’t forgotten have you?”
I grunted a laugh. “How can I forget a terrifying threat like that?”
Nova smirked. “Don’t be so melodramatic. Trust me. After tomorrow, you won’t want to appear at school without at least some make-up.”
Frowning, I said, “I’m not tarting myself up like Olivia.”
Nova shook her head. “Nobody expects you to. Everyone agrees she wears too much, but you have to admit she’s totally gorgeous. She has the eye of every boy at school. Even some teachers.”
Nova navigated her car into a parking spot. “Here we are. Let’s go get beautiful!” I hesitated a moment and then followed Nova inside the salon.
Okay. I’ll admit I enjoyed the pampering. At first I felt like the salonist or whatever she’s called was trying to break my neck. But after she started washing, it was great. I’m never washing my own hair again.
I could have done without the lecturing on taking better care of my hair. It’s now embedded in my brain to treat my hair better.
It was a weird experience to get my nails done. The last time somebody painted my fingernails was by Janet when I was three. I hadn’t cut my fingernails lately, so I just got them shaped and the edges smoothed. They applied a dark pink polish to my nails. Nova had told me that the lipstick I was going to wear would be the same color. Terrific.
For fun, they also did my toenails. So now I have red toenails. And my brows now have an arch to them.
When I met up with Nova after getting everything done, she looked at me with approval. “Just beautiful, girl! You have a definite feminine look now. Not to say you didn’t before.”
Nova dropped me off at my house. “See you at around seven tomorrow!” I waved as she drove away.
I walked into my house. Mom was in the kitchen getting dinner ready. I said, “Hi Mom.” As I walked on past the kitchen Mom slammed something down on the counter and rushed out of the kitchen.
“Janet?” she asked in a surprised voice. “What are you doing home?”
I turned around and smiled slightly. “It’s me, Ron. I’m not Janet.”
Mom hurried over to me and leaned in to get a close look. “Ron? I know you’ve joined up with the cheerleaders and you’ve been doing girly stuff. You looked nice dressed in that skirt yesterday. But now… I can’t believe how you look. With your hair done… and you’re wearing your eyebrows just like Janet.” She picked up my hand and studied my fingers. “I love that color. Honey? I thought you were just going to wear Janet’s old uniform at football games and that’d be it. Are you becoming a girl?”
Mom hadn’t called me “honey” in years. I stood up straighter and smiled. “Maybe. I won’t have time to do my nails in the morning and Nova thought I should fix my hair. I have a pep rally to go to in the morning and the game tomorrow night.”
Mom held my shoulders and studied me up and down. “I’m sorry, Ron. I really haven’t been paying much attention this week. My God. Look at you! You’re beautiful. I… I don’t know what to say.”
I shrugged. “That’s okay, Mom. I mean, it’s still me and all.”
In a nervous gesture, Mom touched her lower lip and stared at me. “Well yes and no. Ronnie, you clearly look more like my daughter than a son. It’s finally dawned on me that how over this week, I’ve seen you grow more confident; more self assured. This is great.”
I frowned. “You like me better as a girl?”
Mom shook her head. “No. You seem to like yourself better as a girl.”
“I’ll get it!” I yelled when the doorbell rang. Mom was up and in the kitchen just dressed in her robe and stirring her coffee while looking at her device. She’ll probably go get ready for work in a few minutes. But Nova was here to do my make-up.
As I reached for the door knob, it dawned on me that this morning Mom and I will be sharing a mutual experience for the first time. We’ll both be getting ready by wearing make-up.
I opened the door to reveal an excited and bubbly Nova. Her eyes were bright with excitement. Like me, she was wearing her cheerleader uniform. I grinned and said, “Hey Nova. Thanks for coming over.”
Nova hugged me. “You bet! It’s your first pep rally! Wow, girl. Your uniform looks great! Those alterations are perfect.” She pointed at my chest. “And look! There’s your name. Are you excited?”
I nodded. “Scared might be a better word.”
Nova grinned. “Don’t be. The whole squad is behind you. Jeff will be there for you. So, let’s go do your face.”
I led Nova back to Janet’s bedroom. She had a vanity I thought we could make use of. I had put all the make-up I’d bought on the vanity’s table.
As we sat down and Nova opened the bottle of foundation, she asked, “Did you shave last night?”
I nodded. “I shaved everywhere. I didn’t think I was very hairy until I started shaving.”
Nova laughed. “Now if you don’t shave, you’re going to feel like Sasquatch.” She pointed at the cosmetics spread across the vanity. “You’re familiar with what these do and what they’re for, right?” I nodded. “Pay close attention to what I’m doing. I can come over tomorrow for a more thorough lesson.”
I didn’t like having make-up applied. I didn’t like the smell or the feel. Nova insisted I really wouldn’t notice it after a while. She went very light on the foundation saying with my skin I don’t really need much. But apparently I couldn’t argue the case of why at all? She actually made me physically apply everything. She mainly directed or got me started.
“I’m not wearing that!” I exclaimed when Nova wanted me to apply a lip plumping lip gloss. “I don’t want big fat lips!”
Nova laughed. “It’s not going to give you a fat lip. It’ll just make them fuller and more sexy. Jeff will love the look. You trust me, right?”
I nodded. “Of course I trust you. I think.”
About ten minutes before we had to leave for school, Nova stepped back to get a full view. With her ear-to-ear grin, Nova proclaimed, “You are gorgeous, girl! Take a look.” She handed me a mirror.
“Oh my God! Is that really me?” I exclaimed. “I look exactly like my sister!”
Nova laughed. “You’re beautiful. Almost as beautiful as me. Get your stuff, we need to get going,”
I picked up my gym bag. I had left my book bag in my locker at school.
As we approached the front door, Nova said, “Jeff is just gonna love you!”
Mom stepped out of the kitchen. She said, “Woah. Who is this Jeff person?”
Before I could say anything, Nova piped up and said, “That’s her boyfriend!”
Mom reached out and touched my arm. “Honey, I think we need to talk. And you look beautiful, by the way.”
I smiled and said, “Thanks, Mom. I gotta go.” Nova and I ran to her car.
I was ushered into the girls restroom almost as soon as I arrived with Nova.
Apologizing, Nova said, “I don’t know how I forgot this.” She turned me around and attached my cheer bow to my hair. Several cheerleaders were in the room with Nova and me, telling me how great I looked and checking their make-up in the large mirror.
Having already been released from our first period classes, we all hurried en mass to the field house. Everyone was excited about the pep rally. Some members of the school’s staff were setting up metal folding chairs along the back wall of the field house in front of the stage. The stage wasn’t being used, so the curtain was closed off. Members of the band were busy setting out chair and music stands. The bass drum and a xylophone had already been wheeled in. How do you march with a xylophone?
Nova bounced up to me. “Are you excited? This is your first pep rally!”
I tried to make myself smaller, but it wasn’t working. “Honestly, I’m scared out of my mind! I feel so exposed!”
Nova pretended to punch my shoulder. “These uniforms are a bit on the skimpy side. But girl, you already knew that. You’re here to have fun! Don’t worry about what anybody thinks about how you’re dressed. Because you look great!”
“I just feel naked,” I said trying uselessly to tug my top down further.
“Relax!” scolded Nova. “Just remember what we’ve been practicing.”
The band started coming into the field house and started setting up. The brass started playing the short bits we do cheers with or just when the ball is in play. It was very loud while standing so close. It made me nervous when several boys in the band kept staring at me.
The door to the field house opened and students started filing in. The principal walked out onto the floor. She always had some announcements after she’d announce the football team and they’d saunter in as the conquering heroes. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her approaching me.
“Excuse me, miss?” she asked when she got next to me. “I don’t see him. Is the boy who joined your squad here? I needed to tell him something.”
I smiled at her and said, “That would be me.”
The principal smiled patiently at me. “No hun. I’m talking about the boy that joined the cheerleaders.”
I smiled again. “No, really. I’m the boy.”
She raised her eyebrows at me and asked, “Are you serious? You… You are a boy?”
I nodded. “Yes ma’am. I’m Ronnie.”
Coach Martin walked up to us. She said, “Have you met Ronnie yet? She’s our new legacy cheerleader.”
The principal shook her head then smiled at me. “Well Ronnie. What I’m about to tell you should come as no surprise. After a conversation with Coach Martin, I have agreed, at her request, that you have no restrictions in using the girls’ gym and locker room.” Nodding towards Coach Martin, the principal continued, “According to your coach, you’re completely accepted by all the girls on the squad and since your practice is the last use of the locker room for the day, then I’m fine with your ahem, continued use of the girls locker room facilities. Especially now that I’ve seen you. I have to say, you are quite lovely.”
I smiled and said, “Thank you ma’am.”
Coach said, “Go and join the other girls, Ronnie. The pep rally is about to start.”
I ran over and joined the line-up of the cheerleaders. The principal walked up to the microphone. She said, “Attention please! Students, may I have your attention. Before we start, I have a few announcements.”
I stood next to Steph. I looked up at the student body in the field house. I was more at ease standing with the other girls than out there by myself. The house lights were dimmed, but not turned off all the way. I don’t know if it’s true or not, but I heard that the last time they turned the lights out, they found a female student giving head to her boyfriend.
After going through the announcements, the principal turned to face one of the bottom floor door and started announcing our football team. As each player walked over to his seat when his name was called, the squad would wave our pom-poms and yell. And yes, I was a bit more excited when Jeff’s name was called. We then danced around, doing cartwheels and other jumping around as the band played our school’s fight song.
Tonight was a big night for the team. The big game. The cross town rivalry game with the other high school in town, Anna T. Harrison High School.
Nova ran over and took control of the microphone after thanking the principal. In a booming voice that really didn’t need a mic, Nova said, “We have two special guests today. Please give a warm welcome to Susie and Sally of the Harry High cheerleader squad!” Out walked our two largest players, Tank and Frodo sporting blonde wigs, wearing sweaters with a big “H” on them, short, stretched out pleated skirts exposing the hairiest legs you’ve ever seen. Everyone in the field house laughed at the two football players who proved to be really good sports about the silly skit.
When it was over and the majorettes were taking center stage, Nova pointed a finger at me and declared, “Next year, girlfriend, you’re doing that!”
After the majorettes, the cheerleaders had a dance routine. I got to sit it out as I hadn’t had enough dance class yet. And then the band and dance team performed the dance part of the half-time show. It was very good and got an enthusiastic applause.
The band finally played the alma mater and everyone stood and linked arms and swayed back and forth. And then everyone started to exit the field house.
Coach came up to us and having to raise her voice to be heard above the band playing, and general yelling and stuff. She said, “See the Drum Major standing by the door. Line up behind her. The football team will line up behind you guys followed by the band and dance team. She’ll lead everyone through the halls twice before ending in front of the boy’s gym. Got that?” We all shouted and screamed and ran over to the Drum Major.
I was both nervous and excited. All us girls were talking and giggling as everyone lined up to get ready. As soon as everyone was lined up, the Drum Major blew her whistle and started marching out into the hall. Of course we followed, shaking our pom-poms and dancing around. The band started playing our school’s fight song. They would switch the song out with some brass heavy piece called Grandioso and then back to the fight song. Students who were supposed to have returned to their classes lined the halls and clapped to the drum beat.
Last year, like most of the school’s population just enjoyed the spectacle from the sidelines. Now I’m a participant and it’s a lot more fun.
When we finally finished marching through the halls and started gathering in front of the boy’s gym, it was total chaos. A party atmosphere. Everyone cheering and yelling.
Suddenly I was lifted from the floor, held horizontal. I heard a squeal next to me and saw Steph being held under Tank’s arm, the same as me. How strong was this guy? Tank held us both under his arms as if we weighed nothing.
Laughing, Tank said rather loudly, “After the game, I’m taking these two home with me!” Everybody within earshot laughed. Except the football coach.
The football coach said calmly without looking up, “No you’re not, Tank. Put the girls down before you get in trouble. Remember last year?”
Tank set us down gently, but threw his arms over our shoulders. Tank is at least a head taller than either Steph or me. Tank boomed, “Well then, these two are my dates for dinner later after the game!”
One of the other players walked up to Steph and took her hand. He said, “Sorry Tank, but this one’s mine.” He led a giggling Steph away from Tank.
Jeff walked up to Tank and pointed at me. “That’s my girl.” He took my hand and led me away from Tank.
Tank folded his arms and pretended to be pissed. “Well shit.”
To be continued…
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You seem to like yourself better as a girl.”
hey, me too!
When they switched the lights off last time
The girl got a head start - very funny Mel.
The tipping point...
"Janet, what are you doing home?!" Fantastic work Mel. Your story keeps getting better with each chapter.
She doesn't belong to you
I don't like how possessive Jeff acts, but if it doesn't bother Ronnie, I'll try to ignore it.
Nice story, but Jeff's
Nice story, but Jeff's behavior is very odd.
He's acting the way I'd expect a long term boyfriend to act. Even after a few dates many girls would have told off the guy for how possessive he's acting, and he just assumes he can act that way with a girl he just met? And none of the girls see anything off in this?
To me, Jeff is like a wolf staking his territory
And Ronnie is in his territory now. He does seem to be on the possessive side, but let's hope he's not too possessive. I like mom's comment when she heard Jeff was Ronnie's boyfriend.
Mom reached out and touched my arm.“Honey, I think we need to talk. And you look beautiful, by the way.”
Well shit…
Ronnie’s relationship with the brown stuff becomes more intimate with each succeeding chapter. Nice going, Melanie.
When Ronnie told the principal,
“No, really. I’m the boy," it made me wonder if Ronnie is still identifying as a boy, or identified as a girl and just said that to clear things up, or if things were still sorta in flux with how Ronnie identified, or if something else was going on.
Where is that going and how's that going to work? Interesting stuff!
Rachel M. Moore...