One Saturday Afternoon


One Saturday Afternoon
by Melanie Brown
Copyright  © 2022 Melanie Brown



“Hey, Jennifer,” I said to my long-time friend Jennifer Collins as we started to pass each other in the school hallway. My heart always ached when I saw her. She’s absolutely beautiful; perfect figure, athletic, a cheerleader since middle school and the sweetest person you’d ever hope to meet. Sadly, she’s not my girlfriend. Right after our one and only date in middle school, she LJBF’d me. Let’s just be friends. I guess it had to do with my kiss. Yes. I got to kiss her. Once. I can only describe it as cold. But she’s been a good friend ever since.

“Oh, hey Noah,” said Jennifer with her musical voice.

“What was all that about?” I pointed down the hall where several girls had been huddled together in the hall. A huddle that Jennifer had just left.

She looked back to where I had pointed and smirked. “Oh, that. I was just telling the girls about the birthday present I got last night.” Ah crap. I had totally forgotten that her birthday was yesterday.

I smiled sheepishly. “Happy belated birthday. Can I ask what you got? A hair dryer? Some curlers…?”

Jennifer gave me an odd look and laughed. “What century are you living in? I got a new laptop, some earrings, new underwear, and…” She paused and flashed me a big grin. “A Brainbox 4000XL! Can you believe it?”

My eyes widened and I exclaimed, “New underwear? Oh my God that’s so cool!”

Jennifer laughed. “Isn’t it though?”

Grinning, I said, “All seriousness aside, Jen, that’s really awesome! Ten gig per brick. That thing will play games that haven’t even been invented yet.” The Brainbox gaming system was the latest in gaming and computer technology. The headset feeds the game straight into your cerebral cortex. It uses your own visuals of things like buildings and trees to build the images in your mind, so it doesn’t have to waste time and processing doing it for you. Needless to say, the graphics are absolutely incredible. The immersion level is totally off-planet!

“I can’t wait to try it out. Brandon is coming over Saturday to help me set it up,” exclaimed Jen. Brandon is Jennifer’s football star and dashing hunk boyfriend. He’s already taken our school to state. He’s also on the Track team as well as basketball team. Not to mention the golf team. He’s been voted all-American. I hate him.

Trying not to sound like I was whining, I said, “I could help you set it up.”

Jennifer gave me her famous “you poor thing” expression as she said, “Thanks for offering to help. I know you’re a geek-toid and know stuff, but Brandon has his own Brainbox so he already knows how to set it up.”

I sighed as my shoulders slumped. Wistfully, I said, “I sure would love to see that in action.”

Jennifer glanced at her phone and said, “Hey, I need to get to class, But hey, would you like to come over Saturday and help us try it out? Brandon is bringing a friend, so we’ll have an empty slot. It’s a four brick system, so we can have four players.”

I suddenly felt numb. The most beautiful girl in school just invited me over to play with her. I’ve gamed a few times on-line a few years ago with Brandon on the old Galaxian system and had no trouble dusting him. Maybe I can impress Jennifer. Who cares if Brandon has muscles, blond hair and piercing blue eyes? I’ve got skills.

“I’ll definitely be there! Just text me your address,” I said as she turned to go to her next class. More than likely, I’ll never get that text.

*          *          *

“Wow. This is a really nice house!” I exclaimed as I entered Jennifer’s house. Well, her parents’ house of course. “I don’t feel worthy.”

Jennifer giggled. Brandon was standing beside her and he bumped knuckles with me. “You’re worthy, dude.” He looked over at Jen and said, “This dude would dust me every time we played The Three Martianeers. You don’t want to deathmatch with him.” Was that a sparkle on his teeth when he smiled?

Jennifer shook her head as Brandon slid his arm around her waist. “Well, there won’t be any deathmatching going on today.” She turned to me again and asked, “Do you want a soda or anything before we go to the game room?”

I shook my head. “I’m good. Well, I should probably get a water bottle for when we play.” During intense game play on the BrainBox, you tend to sweat profusely. It’s important to stay hydrated.

Jen giggled. “Oh, I stocked plenty of water in the game room. Let’s go to the game room then. Skeeter got everything set up a few minutes ago.”

“So Skeeter is here too?” I asked. Jennifer just nodded. Skeeter is Brandon’s best friend, though he’s not athletic at all. His parents saddled him with the name of Hollingsworth, so everyone calls him Skeeter. Nobody, including Skeeter knows the origin of the nickname. Like me, he’s a fellow geek-toid and has top skills.

Jennifer’s parents are what you would say, well off. Her game room is larger than the living room in my house with a giant screen monitor on one wall, a rack with half dozen servers and several game consoles. And big comfy couches.

Skeeter looked up as we entered. “Yo Noah! About time you got here. Check out this sweet rig. Ace in the can, man!” He pointed at the brand new BrainBox 4000XL. “It’s even oil cooled! And thanks for coming. As I was just telling Jennifer, these rigs run the smoothest with an even number of players. Have you ever seen a BrainBox that can handle eight players?” Most BrainBoxes only allow four players.

“I only see four bricks,” I said as I looked down at the system.

Skeeter grinned. “Look at the back. There’s a slot for an expansion chassis.”

“Cool. Does Jen have the expansion box?” I asked as I tried lifting the game box. The game machines are heavier than they look.

Skeeter shook his head. “Nah. Not surprised. They cost as much as the base system. But check this out.” He picked up one of the headsets and handed it to me.

I turned the elaborate headset over in my hands. It’s designed to line up with regions of the brain. The brain is directly stimulated. There’s a risk of burn out, but it’s pretty low.

I looked at the headset and said, “This one has some blonde hairs stuck on it.”

Skeeter chuckled. “Oh yeah. That must be the headset Jen was using when we first turned it on.”

Jen picked up another headset and placed it on her head. She then chugged a bottle of water. She then handed us each a bottle of water. We positioned our headsets and then took a big swig from the water bottles.

I picked up a game module that was laying on the table. “Is this what we’re going to play? Girl Park Prom Adventure?”

Skeeter grinned and held up another game module and said, “No. I picked up this module from a friend in Canada just before it was banned. I never played it because it requires too much processing power.”

I took the module from Skeeter to examine it. “What is it? There’s no label.”

Skeeter shrugged. “I dunno. It’s bootleg. All the safeties have been disabled.”

Brandon grinned. “All of them. Age limits, time limits, violence limits. All of it. It’s wide open.”

I handed the module back to Skeeter. “You know, that’s a bit dangerous. Especially the no time limits. People have been known to get trapped in an unlocked game.”

Skeeter waved a dismissive hand. “The game system’s master time limit can’t be bypassed on these newer boxes. So it kicks you out after half an hour of real time play. It’s safe.”

Jennifer exclaimed, “Let’s play, boys! What are we waiting for?”

Skeeter pressed the module into the Brainbox’s cartridge slot. Impressive that you can do hot module swapping. He then looked at each of us and then pressed the start button. He said, “All controls unlocked. A caveat. Some bootlegs have brain drift after you’ve disconnected. Your brain is so stimulated it still thinks it’s connected. That fades in a half hour or so. Okay, Full emersion on. Random play on.” He then smirked at us. “And may God have mercy on our souls…”

Everything went black. I mean black. The blackest black you’ve ever seen in your life. Yes. Blacker than that. There was a sudden coldness as well. Then words in blood red letters splashed across my vision, “Game Module Loading… Last option to exit game bypassed. Players Locked” Skeeter has operational control over the game system since he’s connected to Brick 1.

The blackness was broken by a faint light starting to glow in the center. I started to become aware of a physical body as the game synched with my cerebral cortex. This usually causes a sense of panic in uninitiated players. There was a high pitched sound rising in volume and suddenly silence.

Before my eyes stood three people. The numbers 1, 3, and 4 appeared over their heads indicating which brick they were connected to. Since the number 2 was missing, that had to be me.

There was a girl with a 3 over her head. That had to be Jan. It even looked a bit like her, dressed in a miniskirt and with big boobs. There was a man, well a teen, who looked like a cross between Skeeter and James Bond, dressed in a tux. A 1 over his head confirmed it was Skeeter. A second man, looking like some extremely buff football player, flexing his muscles with a 4 over his head confirmed Brandon had successfully joined the game. Naturally I couldn’t see myself.

Jan pointed at me and said, “Who’s the other chick?”

Brandon looked at me and asked, “Who is that? Damn! She’s hot!”

Skeeter’s avatar suddenly doubled-over with laughter. Still chuckling, he said, “That’s Noah! He’s using that first headset Jennifer wore and it didn’t get reset. That’s hilarious!”

I tried to look down at myself and long strands of dark brown hair fell across my eyes. I couldn’t see my feet because of my large tits. “This isn’t funny, dude!” I exclaimed. Reset my character!”

Skeeter continued to chuckle. “I can’t dude…er dudette. All our characters are locked and synched. All the game modules are initializing. We already passed the exit point. I can’t just shut it off. That’s the danger of boot-legs. It has to play through.”

“This isn’t fair!” I yelled. “I don’t want to play as a girl!”

Jennifer asked, “Does it really matter? It’s just a game.”

Brandon stared at me. “You’re totally gorgeous, so I don’t see a problem.”

A countdown over our heads started in bright white numbers. There were also the words, “Game 1 of 4 initializing.”

Skeeter said, “It balances the game better anyway. Two males, two females. First of four random games start in less than thirty seconds. Full immersion is on.”

Full immersion means we won’t realize we’re in a game. The game forces specific parameters on us and then we get to react freely to the stimulus. Needless to say, it’s an extremely addictive game mode. For me it also meant that being a girl would be completely normal for me. I’ll become a girl.

In front of my eyes the words formed. “Game initialized. Begin.”

“I don’t like this, Skeet.” I said as I tightened my grip on my boyfriend’s hand. “I don’t want to spend the night in that creepy house!”

It was dusk and the four of us, all students at City College, slowly approached the three story Gothic house that had definitely seen better days. Several dead trees surrounded the old mansion, their branches resembling gnarled, boney fingers that reached out to us.

“Yeah, Brand. I have to agree with Noa. This was a stupid idea,” said the avatar for Jennifer, tightly clutching her boyfriend Brand’s arm. It didn’t help the atmosphere to see a thunderstorm trying to brew up.

Several of us had been having an animated discussion in the Student Union Building over lunch with a few of our friends. The topic had come up about if anyone would have the balls to spend just one night in the creepy old Parker family home. No one had lived in it for at least a hundred years after all five members of the Parker family had been murdered inside the house. Of course the house was said to be haunted and actually was the home of evil entities. A few who have tried to spend the night have run for their lives with at least one having to be institutionalized. To add fuel to the house’s terror bonafides, the year before a group of students from City College spent the night were all found dead the next day. Their recording equipment containing no video, just endless terrified screams.

The house has been boarded up for decades as the city considers the building to be unsafe. Inspectors from the city have all been strangely injured. How could a bunch of crazy teen college students resist that? Especially our club, the Tall city International Telepathic Society or TITS.

George scowled at us. “You’re nuts to stay in that old house. You’re much more likely to fall through a hole in the floor or get bit by black widow than see a ghost.”

“Just admit you’re a pussy, George,” said Brand, oozing with muscles and confidence. “I ain’t afraid of no ghost!” He then chuckled.

Sue-Ann shook her head. “No way would I go in there and get spiders and God knows what else stuck in my hair.”

With a sneer in his voice, Brand said, “It’s obvious that all of you are chicken. Come Friday night, we’re going to try to contact old man Parker or prove the house has nothing in it but dirt and bugs.”

George said, “That’s Halloween! The night the whole family was murdered. They say that at midnight on Halloween, you can hear old man Parker playing the organ from the organ loft.”

Skeet said, “That’s why we’re putting a camera in there.”

Brand gestured towards the rest of our friends seated at the table, “Why don’t you guys come with us? It’ll be a hoot.”

George shook his head. “No thanks. I’m allergic to dying.”

And here the four of us stood, on the creaking old wood of the old mansion’s porch. The front door had been secured with a heavy chain. Skeet removed bolt cutters from his back pack and quickly made short work of the chain.

After Skeet pulled the chain clear of the door, Brand pushed the door slowly open with a loud creak. Brand shone his extremely bright flashlight inside as he entered the main hall.

Brand wrinkled up his nose. “Phew. It smells like something died in here.”

Jen whacked Brand on the shoulder. “Yah think?”

I looked around the room, noticing all the cobwebs strung everywhere in the main hall. “Skeet baby. I think I’ll just wait outside.”

Skeet tugged on my hand. “Don’t be such a scaredy-cat, babe. There’s nothing here but spiders.”

I frowned. “That’s bad enough.” I suddenly let out a screech as my foot fell through some rotting wooden floor panels. Skeet laughed and I slapped his back a few times. “That’s not fucking funny!”

Brand turned around and said, “Skeet. Set up an infra-red camera pointed up the staircase. Maybe we can catch something on video or an EVP.”

Skeet pulled some equipment out of his bag. “You got it, boss.” Brand and Jennifer carefully went up the stairs while Skeet was busy. I wandered off into what seemed to be a dining room.

There were no dishes about, but there was a lot of furniture. Old wooden furniture covered in large cloths. There was a chandelier over the central table. I bent over to try to peek inside a cabinet when my hair was suddenly tugged.

I just muttered, “Skeet. Please stop.” A moment later, my hair was jerked hard. “Skeet! Knock it off with my hair!”

Skeet said, “I’m still over here by the stairs, babe. Is something going on?”

I stood up actually trembling a bit. “Someone tugged on my hair.”

Skeet stood up and looked around. “It wasn’t me and we’re the only ones in here. Look. Stay down here while I go up to the organ loft and set up a camera to see if we catch anything there.”

I grunted a laugh. “Fuck that! I’m not staying down here all alone!”

Skeet shrugged. “Okay. But be careful on these rickety stairs.”

I followed Skeet up the stairs. We met up with Brand and Jennifer. Skeet mentioned he was on his way to the organ loft. Brand said, “I’m not getting any readings in this room.” We had brought a K-2 meter as well as some gizmo to detect electro-magnetic fields. Brand continued, “I’m going to try the spirit box. Can you hand it to me?”

Skeet said, “Sure thing.” He dug through his bag again and pulled out a radio looking object. Actually, that’s what it is. It scans a FM radio stations and tries to extract any words that a spirit might be saying. I always thought it was bullshit but Brand swears by it. As far as I’m concerned, he paid $150 for a broken FM radio.

After taking the spirit box into his grasp, Brand turned it on and started flipping some switches and turned the volume way up. The speaker started emitting normal background radio hiss with occasional growl sounds, beeps and a portion of a voice from a radio station.

Very seriously, Brand said, “Is there anyone in this room?” There was some random hiss and then a blip of a voice that sounded exactly like someone said the number three. Brand then said, “Mr. Parker. Are you here?”

There was a long hiss session from the box and then quite clearly a clipped voice said, “Get…” Another long hiss, a growl sounding like, “Out.” And then another clipped voice that said, “Now.” Through the hiss and radio growling sounds, another voice distinctly but in a low volume said, “Leave us.” Except for a background hiss, the spirit box went silent.

I tugged on Skeet’s jacket. “That’s good enough for me. Let’s get the fuck out of here.”

Brand shook his head at me. “Some paranormal investigator you are.”

I said in a worried voice, “I’m just here because of Skeet.” Lightning flashes lit up the room in a scary light.

The K-2 meter suddenly grew very bright and a chair fell over and then everything got quiet.

Jennifer asked, “Did they leave?”

Brand shrugged. “I don’t know.”

Skeet said, “I’d better get that infra-red camera and recorder up in the organ loft to see what can catch.”

I took Skeet’s hand. “I’ll go with you, babe.”

Skeet led me up the spiral staircase to the organ loft. When we arrived, there wasn’t much room. Just the organ and a place to sit.

“Hurry up, Skeet. This place gives me the creeps.” I watched Skeet set up his equipment.

Skeet looked at the old organ. “I wonder if this old thing even works.” He sat down on the bench.

I shivered. “Let’s just go.”

I jumped when the organ began to play. Skeet started to play O’Fortuna. I slapped his shoulder. “Did you have to play that?”

Looking sheepish, Skeet said, “Sorry. I’m done here. Let’s get down stairs.”

I started following Skeet down. For some reason I looked back up the stair well just as bright lightning flash lit up the stair well. My heart stopped when I saw a horrible, evil looking old, woman with her hair flying out in all directions. Raising her arms, she screamed like a banshee.” I screamed as well and started to run down the stairs.

Skeet shouted, “Don’t run! You’ll fall.” And I did.

I tumbled down several stairs and stopped at the base of the staircase. I was in horrible pain. I think I broke my leg. I could barely move. I looked around the lightning lit room. I was alone. Brand and Jennifer were nowhere to be seen. Skeet, who came down just before me was not there. I glanced around wildly.

I called out, “Skeet? Babe? Where are you?”

In a whispered voice, I heard Skeet say, “Right here, baby.”

I was alone in the room. Starting to cry, I yelled, “Skeet!” And then I heard a bonk. Bonk. Bonk. The sound was from the stairwell. I looked up and saw a round object bouncing down the stairs. I screamed when the lightning flashed and I saw the object was Skeet’s head with his eyes wide in horror. I screamed again and tried to stand on my good leg.

I turned, and there was Skeet’s body. Without a head and blood squirting from his neck. His arms reached out and he grabbed my throat. I tried to scream, but couldn’t. I couldn’t breathe.

The world went black with the words in front of me saying “Player eliminated.”

I yelled, “Skeeter, you asshole! What the hell was that?”

I heard Skeeter in an echoey voice. “Sorry babe. That wasn’t my fault. The game did it. Honest!”

More text appeared. “All players eliminated. Ending simulation”

In a piercing voice, Jennifer shouted, “Skeeter! I’m going to kill you when this game ends!”

Skeeter said, “Jennifer! I’m sorry. I didn’t do it! The game randomly selected a simulation. That was fun, huh?”

Brandon said, “I’m going to kill you too.”

Skeeter was about to say something when the view reset again with the words, “New simulation beginning in 30 seconds…29…28… “

I closed my eyes. Oh God, what fresh hell is this going to be?

Everything went black and then everything came into focus. I was in a gymnasium with decorations hanging from the rafters and on the columns. There were a lot of kids. Oddly dressed kids. I looked down and saw I was wearing… well what do girls call them? Poodle skirts? I was wearing saddle shoes on my feet. My long hair was in a pony tail and I had a scarf matching the color of my skirt tied around my neck.

I smiled at my boyfriend Bobby, who was wearing penny loafers, jeans cuffed at the leg bottoms, a bright white t-shirt with an opened button down shirt over that, and the collar turned up. His hair was in a greasy pompadour.

All the kids were dressed pretty much the same. A local band, also kids were next to a table with punch and snacks. They were playing popular tunes from the 1950’s.

I looked Bobby in the eyes and smiled dreamily at him as we swayed back and forth as the band’s singer tried to sound like Pat Boone as he crooned out Love Letters in the Sand. “Oh, Bobby. Thanks so much for bringing me to the hop.”

Bobby smiled back at me. “Susie, I’m not going to leave my best girl home on a Saturday night.”

I rested my head on Bobby’s shoulder. He smelled like he took a bath in his dad’s aftershave. Then I saw Peggy Miller enter the gym with her hoodlum boyfriend Johnny Ray. What were they doing here?

Bobby looked at me and asked, “Is something wrong, honey?”

I hissed, “Peggy Miller just came in.”

Bobby asked, “So?”

Shocked, I said, “So? So she’s a skank!”

Looking upset, Bobby said, “Susie! I had no idea you even knew words like that!”

“Well, it’s true!” I exclaimed. I then whispered, “She gave Jimmy Hemphill VD!. He had to get shots and everything.”

Bobby nodded. “And her boyfriend’s such a jerk. He roars through town at all hours on that Harley motorbike of his. Do we even have police in this town?”

“It’s just disgraceful!” I said as we continued to dance.

The singer for the band announced over the microphone, “Well everyone, it’s time to bring this exciting hop to a close. Our last song is Goodnight Sweetheart. Have a safe trip home everyone.”

“Bobby?” I asked. “Can you walk me home? It’s not very far.”

Bobby looked at me curiously, “I thought your dad brought you here.”

I nodded. “I asked Daddy if it would be okay to walk home. He said it was. It’s not all that far.”

Bobby grinned. “I’d be happy to walk you home, Susie. Are you ready now?”

Bobby had his hand on my hip as we danced. “As soon as the song is over.”

Bobby just smiled.

The song ended and Bobby helped me put my sweater on. Being early October, it was starting to get a bit chilly at night.

Bobby took my hand and held it tight as we left the school’s gymnasium. I put my purse strap over my shoulder. Street lights lit most of the way and a wooden fence painted white followed the twisting road back to my neighborhood.

“Have things gotten any better with your English class?” asked Bobby.

I sighed. “A little. I don’t think Mr. Rollins likes me.”

Bobby looked over at me. “You should tell Mrs. Long. Teachers are just supposed to grade you on your work.”

I looked down at my feet as we walked. “Maybe I will. Thing is, he’ll know it was me telling on him.”

Bobby shrugged. “Well, I hear Mr. Rollins doesn’t like girls… if you know what I mean.”

“Bobby, that’s disgusting!” I exclaimed.

We walked in silence for a few minutes until we came to the section where there was a break in the fence where the road neared the pond.

I tuned to look at the reflection of the moon over the pond. Somewhere not far from us a fish jumped out of the pond with a splash.

“Oh Bobby look!” I said excited. “Isn’t that beautiful?”

Bobby let go of my hand and walked closer to the pond’s edge. “Watch this!” He knelt down and picked up a half-dollar sized smooth rock. I walked up next to him.

He crouched down and then launched his rock at the pond. The rock skipped six times across the pond. I clapped and smiled at Bobby. “Good job!”

Grinning, Bobby turned to face me. Sounding almost corny, Bobby just stared at me and said, “In the moonlight, you are so beautiful.”

I looked down at my feet and shook my head. “Oh, Bobby”

Bobby ran his fingers along my cheek. “I’m serious, Susie. You’re the most beautiful girl I know.”

We stared at each other for a minute. I reached up behind my head and untied my pony tail, letting my hair fall around my shoulders. Bobby ran his fingers through my loose hair as he guided me down to lie on the grass.

“You are really beautiful, Susie,” said Bobby as he looked deep into my eyes. He bent down and kissed me.

Feeling his lips pressed against mine was heaven. He surprised me by pushing his tongue into my mouth. He slid his hand inside my blouse and squeezed my breast through my bra. His kiss became more passionate and I found it hard to breathe. I moaned slightly with Bobby squeezing my breast.

Bobby slid his hand up my skirt and touched my panties. I pulled away from his kiss to say in a breathy voice, “Bobby, no.” He kept touching me there. I said, “Bobby, please. Stop.”

I felt him start to pull my panties down when suddenly, Bobby was just jerked away from me.

I heard Bobby squeal, “Hey! Put me down!”

I looked up and saw Daddy holding Bobby in the air. “Daddy! Don’t!” I yelled.

“You heard the girl,” growled Daddy. “She told you to stop.” Daddy then tossed Bobby hard to the ground.

Looking dazed for a moment, Bobby looked around and then jumped to his feet. Still on the grass, I reached out to him and cried, “Bobby!” Tears poured down my cheeks. Bobby turned and disappeared into the darkness.

Daddy shouted, “You better run boy! You come near my daughter again, I’ll cut your pecker off!”

I stood up and screamed at Daddy. “Daddy! How could you do this? We love each other!”

Daddy grunted, “Love.” He took my arm in a firm grip and said sternly, “You’re fifteen, Susie. That boy was about to rape you. I never want to see him near you again. Let’s go home.” He tugged on my arm.

I resisted moving and cried. Daddy said, “Susie, you’re grounded. Until you’re thirty!”

Everything went black and the words before me read, “Player eliminated.”

Somewhere in the darkness, Skeeter groaned, “Damn, girl! Your dad really hurt me when he picked me up.”

More words in front of me, “Round goes to players 3 and 4. End simulation. Next simulation in 30 seconds… 29… 28… 27…”

Bullets thunked into the trunk of our stolen car, Mike was desperately trying to keep the car on the road.

“What are you waiting for, Blanche? Shoot those fuckers,” yelled Mike as we careened around a sharp curve.

“Why didn’t they stop at the county line?” I asked as I cocked my Tommy gun.

Eyes fixed to the road, Mike growled, “Feds.”

I leaned out my car window holding the Thompson and let lose a dozen or so .45 rounds into the car on our tail. The passenger went limp and dropped his gun to the ground. Steam began to billow from the hood of the car. I bet I got the block as well as the radiator. I fired a few more rounds and the pursuing car slowed to a stop. I laughed as the driver stumbled out of the car.

Mike parked the car next to a tree where the road ran beside a stream. Mike grinned at me and grabbed the back of my head and pulled my face to his. “You did it babe. Don’t know what I’d do without you!” He then kissed me hard.

There was a groan from the backseat. I looked over the seat into the back. “What are you gonna do with him?”

Mike scowled as he slammed the driver’s door open. He got out of the car and opened the rear passenger door. He grabbed the arms of the man lying across the back seat. “Get out of the car you son of a bitch!” Mike threw the man on the ground near the stream.

“Mike! Please! You’ve got it all wrong!” cried out the man.

Mike kicked the man in an obvious bullet wound and yelled, “You sold us out Bart! You told the feds!” Mike kicked Bart again.

Bart clasped his hands together as if in prayer. “Mike! Honest! It wasn’t me!”

I called out, “They’re talking about us on the radio, baby.”

Mike kicked Bart again before walking over to the car. “What are they saying about us, honey bunch?”

“The notorious duo of Mike Mason and Blanche Dillard robbed the First National Bank of Mule Shoe Texas around noon today, leaving four dead and taking an estimated twenty-five hundred dollars in cash despite federal agents waiting for them. James Sanders of the FBI said an informant tipped them off in advance of the robbery…”

Mike stepped over to Bart to kick him again. “You hear that, you bastard? An informant! An informant! You ratted us out to the feds!” Mike just spit the words out at Bart. He pulled his .45 automatic from his shoulder holster and pointed at Bart’s head.

Crying, Bart put his hands up to his face as he lay near the stream. “Mike, please!” A loud report from Mike’s pistol ended the cries of that bastard Bart.

Still holding his pistol, Mike walked up to the car window and resting on his arm, said, “You were right, honey bunch. No more partners. Okay, we need a new car. Stop the next one you see. I’ll deal with this bastard’s body.”

Grabbing my Tommy gun, I walked over to the road. Behind me I heard the splash of Bart’s body being dumped in the stream.

A Ford sedan, Mike’s favorite car to steal, was rolling towards us. I stepped in front of it brandishing the Tommy gun. An old man and his wife got out of the car with their hands in the air.

“Take the car,” said the old man. “We don’t want no trouble.”

I nodded. “Smart man. The Mike Mason gang thanks you.”

The old man grinned at his wife. “You hear that, Mable? We’ve been robbed by Mike Mason!” To me, the man said, “You two be careful now. Don’t take the road to the left. There are feds waiting in the town.”

The wife said, “Just wait ‘till we tell June and Walter!”

I smiled at him. “Thanks for the tip old codger. Here.” I tossed him a twenty dollar bill. I turned towards Mike who was removing a money bag from the trunk of the car. I yelled, “Come on, baby! We have a new car!”

As Mike ran up, he tipped his hat to the man’s wife. “Thank you. We do appreciate it.” We got into the car and drove off taking the road to the right.

After about twenty minutes of driving and two small towns later, Mike turned to me and said, “How about some lunch, honey bun? I haven’t seen a cop since we lost those feds.”

I looked up and down the street we were on and around the area. “I am getting hungry baby. How about that place up the street there? Bob’s Beanery.”

Mike grinned at me with yellowed teeth. “Bob’s Beanery it is. Just make sure your .38 is in your purse. Just in case.”

I took the .38 out of my purse, popped the cylinder out to make sure it had live rounds, popped it back and gave it a spin. I put it back in my purse just as we drove up to the local greasy spoon.

Mike chuckled. “Hey Blanche. We’re in luck. Look. The sign on the window says they have the best hamburgers in Texas!”

I giggled, “It’s our lucky day!”

A moment later we were walking into the café. Behind the counter, the waitress called out, “Hi y’all! Just sit where ever y’all want. I’ll be with you in just a minute!”

Mike picked a booth away from the windows and we sat down. I looked around and was relieved to see we were alone. Well, not counting the kid sitting at the bar reading the comics page of the newspaper. Menus were stuck between the wall and the napkin holder. Mike and I each took one and started looking at it. It was just one page.

A few minutes later, the waitress walked over to us and grinned. “Y’all decided what y’all want yet?”

Mike looked up at her and said, “Just a couple cheese burgers, all the way. And fries.”

Writing on her order pad, the waitress looked up and asked, “Any drinks?”

Mike looked annoyed and said, “Just a couple Cokes.”

Not looking up from her pad, the waitress asked, “And what kind of Cokes do y’all want?”

I smiled at the waitress and said, “Dr. Pepper.”

Looking up from her pad, the waitress grinned and said, “Yes ma’am. We’ll have this ready in a jiffy.” She then disappeared through the kitchen doors.

I looked over at the little boy at the counter and he was staring at me. He quickly turned away.

I pulled my compact from my purse to check my lipstick. I heard the front door open and close. Mike looked past me to look out the window. “Wonder where he’s going in such a hurry.”

Mike got up and walked over to the counter. He picked up the newspaper the boy had been reading. “Shit!”

I looked over at Mike. “What’s the matter, baby?”

Mike held up the newspaper. On the front page were large pictures of our mug shots with the headline, “MURDERERS ON THE LOOSE!” Mike wadded up the newspaper and threw it on the floor. He sat back down at the booth and looked over his shoulder.

I almost jumped out of my skin when a phone rang from the kitchen. Mike tightened his jaw. He growled, “Damn.” He got up and stepped into the kitchen and quickly returned.

“Damn! Kitchen’s empty. Blanche, get your piece out. We may have to make a run for it to the car.” Mike removed his .45 from the back of his pants and flicked off the safety. He always kept a round chambered. My stomach growled. Mike shrugged and said, “Sorry, baby.”

Looking out the front windows, Mike said, “This looks bad. People are leaving the streets. We’re going to have to shoot our way out.”

I stood up and gripped my .38 tightly. “I’m ready baby. We’ve gotten out of tighter jambs before.”

He walked over to me and paused a moment. He then bent his head down to me and gave me a long, deep kiss. He sucked in a breath. “Let’s go, honey bun.”

Mike kicked open the door and rushed outside. I quickly followed. A cop immediately jumped in front of us. Mike dropped him with a shot to the head, blood and brains went everywhere. As Mike dived into the car and started it, I took random pot shots to keep the cop’s heads down.

With his head down, Mike shouted, “Get in!” I jumped in as bullets rattled against the metal of the car. I didn’t even have my door closed when Mike jammed down the accelerator pedal and the car leapt forward showering whatever was behind us in flying gravel and dust. I reached into the back seat for my Tommy gun as glass shattered all around me.

I fired at a police car coming up on my side, shattering the windshield along with cops inside, the Thompson chattering loudly. I quickly expended the twenty round mag. I pulled the empty out and grabbed another from the bag on the car’s floor. Oh how I wished I could use the big fifty round mag, but it’s just too heavy for me.

Mike yelled, “Keep up the fire, Blanche!”

I jammed in the fresh mag and pulled back the bolt. I fired through the car’s shattered back windows, my bullets finding the chests of two more cops. The impact of bullets against the car was deafening as the cops unleashed their own tommy guns on us. I was suddenly knocked back. I screamed.

“Mike! I… I’m hit!” I cried out. I looked down and saw the blood soaking my blouse.

Mike looked over at me and yelled, “Just hang on honey. We’re almost out of town. We’ll find a doctor as soon as we…” His voice was suddenly cut off as his hat flew off his head in a splatter of brains and blood. The car careened into a tree and stopped. Bullets riddled the car.

Everything went black. Words appeared that said, “Player eliminated.” A minute or two later, the words formed to say “All players eliminated… simulation ending. Last simulation starts in 30 seconds… 29… 28… 27…”

Jennifer and I were jumping up and down and squealing. Brandon, Jen’s boyfriend just made a touchdown moving our team ahead. I scanned the field looking for my boyfriend Skeeter. He wasn’t standing very far from Brandon.

After a few excited minutes of waving our pom-poms and trying to pump up the crowd, Jen leaned back against the stadium wall and sighed. “How much longer can they drag this game out to?”

I joined Jen in leaning up against the wall. “Technically, there’s only fifteen minutes left in the game. But shit, they can drag that out for another hour.”

It’s safe to say Jennifer and I aren’t big football fans. We both joined the cheerleading squad for the worst reason, but maybe the most common. We became cheerleaders to meet boys. And we did. Jennifer hit pay dirt with her guy. A total hunk and a half with gorgeous blue eyes and rippling pectorals. And his parents are rich. What did I get? Ha. A goof-ball with the name Skeeter. I’m not really dissing him. He’s cute and has a nice body and he’s smart. His midichlorians are off the scale. Having that geek word in my vocabulary is one of the things that attracted Skeeter to me.

I’m really not trying to sound stuck up, but Jennifer and I are both very pretty with great bods. Boys like us. But it’s always been the wrong boys that like us. But now at least, I know Jen is very happy with Mr. Gorgeous. And I have to admit I’m happy with my goofus boyfriend. I could see Jen and Brandon getting married. Me and Skeeter? Well… I don’t know.

“What are you girls doing over here?” yelled Coach Ratched, the cheerleading coach. “Why aren’t you over on the other side of the stadium with the rest of the squad, doing, oh I don’t know… Cheerleading? Get your butts over there now!”

Jennifer snapped to attention and shouted, “Aye-aye sir!” and giggled.

Holding two fingers close together, Coach said, “I’m this close to tossing both you girls off the squad. Now go join the others and let’s see some spirit!”

I followed Jen as she ran over to the rest of the squad. As we approached, the cheer captain asked, “Where have you guys been? Our team scored again.

I shook my pom-poms and shouted, “Rah, rah, sis boom bah!”

The cheer captain crossed her arms and sneered, “I’ll be happy when coach tosses you both out on your asses.”

Jen said, “You’re just jealous of our boyfriends.”

The cheer captain rolled her eyes and walked away.

We got to cheer again when Skeeter kicked a field goal right when the clock ran out securing a solid win for us. Everyone in the stands started yelling and screaming. Jen and I both jumped around as well. Mostly because the game was finally over.

It took awhile, but we were finally taken by the busses back to the school. Most of the cheerleaders and a lot of the players and several band members were planning on meeting at Taco Bueno for an after game meal.

After we all got out of the buss, and the boys dropped their uniforms off at the school locker room, Brandon led us to his car. “Come on, guys. Let’s head over to the overlook. I got beer in the trunk.

As I climbed into the back seat with Skeeter, I asked, “How do you have beer? None of us are eighteen yet.”

Jen giggled, “Getting stuff we shouldn’t have is why I love my boyfriend so much.”

Skeeter said, “That and being hung like a horse.”

Jennifer laughed. “That too!”

I’ll be honest. I don’t think Jennifer has actually seen Brandon’s thing. I know I haven’t seen Skeeter’s. I’ve joked about needing a magnifying glass.

A car full of jocks and cheerleaders pulled up beside us. The driver, another of Annie Taylor High’s finest lowered his window and shouted, “Hey! See ya at the party!”

Brandon shook his head and shouted, “We’ve got our own party!”

The other footballer laughed. “Whatever dude.” He then drove away.

Skeeter slapped his hands on the back of Brandon’s seat to the beat of the tune being played. “Let’s get our party starter, man!”

Brandon gunned the engine of his car, causing the wheels to spin said, “Outlook Point here we come.”

Being the perennial stick-in-the-mud, I said, “Didn’t the state close that park after those kids drove off the cliff?”

Brandon shrugged. “Yeah? So? That barrier has been down for months. I doubt we’ll be totally alone there either.”

Looking worriedly over at Skeeter, I said, “Well, just don’t drive off the cliff.”

Jennifer scowled at me. “Will you knock it off?”

Skeeter put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me back into the seat. “Besides. You have to actually make an effort to drive off the cliff. That’s why they put the rocks there in the first place.”

I pouted at Skeeter. “If we drive off the cliff, I’m never speaking to you again!”

Skeeter grinned, “Promise?” He then bent his head towards me and kissed me.

Skeeter and I spent the rest of the drive to the overlook kissing.

After driving up a twisty mountain road, Bradon stopped his car where a barrier once blocked access to the road. A sign with bullet holes in it read, “Warning! Dangerous Area! Entry Unlawful. This park is closed. State Ord: 1452-20A”

I looked out the window and said, “It says this is a dangerous area.”

Brandon chuckled. “Oh, I’m sooooo scared.” He then drove past the signs. He pointed at a few parked cars dotting the park. “See? I told you we wouldn’t be totally alone.”

Since it wasn’t legal to be here anyway, people were not bothering to follow the rules and just parked anywhere they wanted, leaving the parking lot empty.

Brandon drove along a grass and gravel path for about a minute. I got worried as we got close to the cliffs. He finally stopped in a nice grassy field, but on a steep slope. The moon was full and it was just beautiful. We were also out of sight of the other cars.

Brandon announced, “This is a good spot. Let’s break out the beer.”

“Shouldn’t you find a flatter place to park? This seems kinda steep.” I said maintaining my job of being a butt.

Skeeter laughed. “That’s why the transmission has a Park position.”

Brandon opened the trunk to his car and then opened the ice chest that was inside. He pulled out a root beer and handed it to me. “Here. I brought you a soda because I remembered you refuse to drink beer.”

I smiled at Brandon. “That’s very considerate of you! We’re all just seventeen you know.”

Jennifer frowned at me. “Yes. You always remind us.”

Skeeter took my hand and helped me walk down to a grassy spot with a spectacular view of the city in the valley below. After we all got down on the grass and popped open our drinks, Jennifer giggled and pulled off her top. Brandon leaned over and unhooked her bra.

Skeeter gave me a look. I thought, oh what the hell. I pulled my top off and unhooked my bra. Skeeter immediately started sucking on my nipples as he ran his hand up my skirt.

After kissing a while, we heard Jennifer start moaning and breathing hard. She squealed when Brandon shot is load into her.

Skeeter fumbled a few times before he finally slid inside me. He slowly pumped my pussy while we kissed. It hurt a bit as he entered me. I’m a virgin after all. Well, not anymore I guess. He only pumped me a few times before blowing his load down my leg. Under his breath, Skeeter said, “Dammit!”

From the direction of the car, there was a loud “clunk!” followed by an odd ticking sound and then the car started rolling towards the cliff.

Brandon jumped up, his dong flapping and shouted, “The transmission slipped! What the hell!” We all watched in horror as the car disappeared over the cliff edge. We heard metal crunching as the car struck rocks on the way down to the bottom.

Skeeter stood up and said, “Well, son of a bitch…”

The view suddenly lost focus and the four of us were in a hospital room with Jennifer in the bed. Text scrolled by saying, “Nine months later…”

I said, “Oh Jennifer! He’s so cute. He has Brandon’s eyes.”

Everything went solid black. The words “End simulation” appeared in front of my eyes. “Round goes to players 3 and 4. Players 3 and 4 win high score. Game ending. Thanks for playing. Have a nice day!” The screen changed to a light blue with the words, “Cool down 30 seconds…. 29… 28…” We were ejected from the game.

I came out of the game feeling confused. I was soaked in sweat. My brain was still fuzzy. I looked over at Brandon and Jennifer. The game was over but they were fucking each other’s brains out. I looked over at Skeeter who grinned at me. I never realized just how gorgeous Skeeter was. He took my hand and pulled me too him on the couch.

When the brain fog finally cleared, Skeeter’s cock was still in my ass. I let him finish before sitting up. Brandon and Jennifer were naked on their couch, drinking water from their bottles.

Groaning, Jennifer said, “I never want to play that again.”

Looking at me funny, Skeeter said, “I think I’ll sell that module on the black market.”

Brandon wiped some sweat from his brow. “That was incredibly intense. But I didn’t like not being in control. I actually feel different somehow.”

I nodded. “Me too. I can’t really say how.”

*          *          *

Skeeter parked his car in front of my house. He said, “I’ve been trying to find out how to undo this residual character lock left over from the game. It’s very elusive.”

“Well, just keep trying.” I said. I smiled as I put my arms around his neck. “But there’s no big hurry.”

We kissed for a long time.

*          *          *

The End

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