A Modest Proposal - Part 5


A Modest Proposal Part 5
by Melanie Brown
Copyright  © 2022 Melanie Brown



After we all exited the lunchroom, Nova raised her hand and said, “High-five, girl!”

I high-fived her, but asked, “For what?”

Nova looked at me like I was crazy. “Are you crazy? All that with Jeff? You go girl!”

I said honestly, “I didn’t know what to do.”

Nova giggled. “That’s right. You’ve never had a boy like you before. We’ll talk later.” She then hurried off to her class.

Is she serious? Jeff likes me? I know he’s talked about me. But now he’s touched me. Should I be worried? As I turned to head to my next class, I couldn’t help but see Olivia scowling at me off to one side. Terrific. Now I have an enemy and I didn’t even do anything. I never said I wanted a boyfriend. A sudden thought caused me to chuckle. Maybe I should introduce her to Bat.

It seemed to take forever for last period to finally come around. It’s funny. I used to absolutely hate PE. Now I love PE. My second favorite class is oddly Home Ec. I stepped into the girls gym and saw only the coach.

Coach Martin waved towards the locker room. “Everyone’s getting changed, Ronnie. Snap it up.”

I nodded and took a deep breath. I’ll be with all the other girls in the locker room. Can I do this?

Several girls were down to their panties and bra. Several smiled and waved at me. Nova looked up at me and exclaimed, “Get changed, girl. We have a lot to do today.”

I opened my gym bag and turned my back to the other girls. It doesn’t matter how much I fit in, I still have different equipment. I stripped down my bra and panties. I popped off my bra and slipped into my sports bra. I don’t think I’ll ever stop feeling nervous about stripping in front of the girls. I got dressed and locked away my gym bag. I turned and rushed out to the gym.

Coach Martin shouted, “Okay girls. After the warm-ups we need to rehearse our skit for the pep-rally. Then we’ll go through some routines. Ronnie, you’ll sit out the skit since you just joined our squad.”

There was not much to the skit. Two girls pretended to be two of our football players, who would wear skirts over their pants, wear wigs and stuffed bras. They would be unshaven as well.

After the first run through, I asked, “Didn’t you guys do this same skit last year?”

Sounding annoyed, Susan said, “We do this skit every year.”

Nova said, “It’s a classic. Everyone expects it.”

Coach nodded. “That’s sadly true. Okay, one more time. I think you guys have nailed it.”

After skit practice, we went over our stunts. I had to get help learning back flips. And we had a new cheer to learn.

When practice was finally over. Coach said, “Okay. Hit the showers everyone. That includes you too, Ronnie. I’ve noticed you skipping the shower.”

As other girls ran to the shower stalls, I said, “Coach, I can just shower when I get home.”

Coach just pointed sternly at the showers.

Nova giggled as she stuck her head past the shower curtain as I ran to the shower. “You run like a girl, Ronnie!”

As I slipped into the show, I said, “I’m trying to.”

I decided there was no reason to be embarrassed. I was in the privacy of my own shower stall. Nobody could see my naked and skinny body.

After getting dressed, Nova later met up with me in the empty hall. “I’ll bring your uniform over tonight for you to try on. It should fit you perfectly now.”

“Thanks Nova,” I said sincerely. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

Nova just stood there like she was expecting something. Finally, she said, “So Ronnie. What do you think?”

I adjusted my book bag on my shoulder. “Think about what?”

Nova’s eyes bugged a bit and then she exclaimed, “Jeff! What do you think I’m talking about?”

I looked at my feet a moment. “I… I don’t know what to think. I’ve never been touched like that before. Not by a boy. It wasn’t like a hug or a pat on the back. He held me close to him. His hand was in my pocket. I… I…”

Nova smiled. “He likes you, Ronnie.”

“H… He he can’t like me.” I protested. “He just can’t!”

Nova shrugged. “Well girl, he does. Out of all the girls in school, he picked you. What are you going to say if he asks you on a date? What if he asks you to the Homecoming dance in a couple weeks?”

Horrified, I said, “I’ll have to turn him down! I can’t date a boy!”

Nova snorted. “Why not? It’s a date, not a marriage.”

I looked at my feet. “It wouldn’t be right. You should go out with him.”

Nova giggled. “I would love to. But he likes you. I’m still waiting on my secret admirer.”

Four boys suddenly and noisily exited the boys gym down the hall from us. Football practice ended about the same time cheer practice did. One of the boys was Jeff. Nova looked over at the boys then back at me and smiled.

Nova said, “I gotta run. See you later tonight.” She turned and hurried off.

I whisper yelled, “Nova!”

When Nova hurried down the hall, it caught the boys’ attention.

“Hey Ronnie!” called Jeff. “Hey wait up.” He came running up to me.

Feeling a bit nervous, I said, “Hey Jeff. I’m surprised you guys are still here.”

He sighed. “Yeah. Coach kept us a bit late. He really wants to win this game coming up.”

I said, “I’m sure he wants to win all of them.”

Jeff chuckled. “True. Are you headed home?”

I nodded. “Yep.”

He smiled. “I’ll walk you to your car. I mean, if that’s okay.”

Suddenly feeling embarrassed, I looked down and said, “Sure. Thanks.”

He took my hand. “You never know who might be in the parking lot.”

We started walking down the hall. The parking lot is on the other side of the school. I couldn’t believe he was holding my hand. A boy was actually holding my hand. I never noticed how much taller he is than me.

We walked in silence for a couple minutes the only sound were our footsteps and their echos. Finally, Jeff asked, “How was your day?”

I shrugged. “It was good. Nothing exciting. Well, as long as you don’t count going into the boys room.” Why am I telling him that?

Jeff belly laughed. “You did what? Really?”

I giggled. “Well, it was an accident. I found out real quick I was in the wrong restroom.”

Jeff chuckled. “I can imagine.” There was a pause of at least a minute and then he asked, “Can I ask you a personal question?” Oh God. What could he want?

I sighed. “You can ask.”

He looked over at me. “If it’s too personal, you can tell me to butt out.”

I chuckled. “Well, ask away.”

He hesitated for a few seconds. “I’m just curious. It doesn’t change anything. Is Tony an old boyfriend? Did you used to date?”

I came to a sudden stop and my hand slipped out of his grasp. I exclaimed, “Oh good God no! What would give you that idea?”

Jeff laughed and reached back for my hand. “I guess not! It’s just you two seem to know each other well and he seems very familiar with you.”

We started walking again. I said, “I’ve know Bat since middle school. Off and on friends. Personally I think he’s a dick.”

Jeff looked straight ahead. “Well, nothing ambiguous about that. But why do you call him Bat?”

“You know his nick name, right? Bat Guano. Why all these questions about him?” It seemed strange to ask about him.

We stopped walking. We were approaching the exit to the parking lot. He looked towards the door and then back at me. “He told me to stay away from you. Other than saying you’re a tomboy, he didn’t go into why. Everyone knows you used to be a tomboy so I don’t know why he mentioned it.”

A chill went down my spine. Why the hell would Bat say something like that? Oh my God, is he jealous? I just shrugged. “I don’t know why he’d say such a thing.”

We continued walking. Jeff just said, “Weird.”

He walked me right to my car, an old Honda Civic. Before telling me good-bye he hesitated a moment, like he was considering kissing me. God I hope not. I watched him walk to his car. Surely this is a fluke. He can’t possibly like me.

All the way home I thought about what Jeff informed me of what Bat had said, I shook my head. What a waste of protoplasm.

*          *          *

Nova’s eyes went wide when she saw me approaching the school. “You actually did it!” she exclaimed. I wore a denim skirt. The only dent in the space-time continuum was Mom telling me I looked nice.

“So girl. What happened after I left?” asked Nova with a grin. “Must have been good for you to show up all girly.”

I glared at Nova for a moment. “You told me to, remember?”

Nova laughed. “I just suggested it. So what happened? I heard Jeff call out to you.”

I shrugged. “Nothing really happened. He walked with me to my car.”

Nova grinned. “Is that all?”

I didn’t want to admit this. “He held my hand.”

A wide grin popped across Nova’s face. “Oh, that’s so romantic! That’s great you have a boyfriend! Did he kiss you?”

I giggled at Nova’s excitement. “Whoa, whoa. Being walked to the parking lot doesn’t make him my boyfriend. And no. Thankfully he didn’t kiss me.”

Nova gave me a knowing smile. “Well, it’s definitely a step in the right direction. Did he even try to kiss you?”

I shook my head and grinned. “You’re obsessed, aren’t you? Honestly, I think he was thinking of it. But seriously, even if we were talking about you, wouldn’t kissing at this stage be inappropriate?”

Nova beamed. “This stage of what? This stage of having a boyfriend?”

I laughed. “You’re incorrigible.”

Nova laughed. “Well, I’m going to be late. You too. See you at lunch!”

I waved and we went our separate ways.

As I approached my first period class, I saw Bat. He looked over at me with a stunned expression. He then laughed and walked away.

I got uncomfortable between classes. No confusion now on whether or not I’m a girl. I caught several boys looking at me. All the girls in my Home Ec class, who are all becoming my friends loved my skirt and informed me my tomboy look really didn’t work for me.

And then came lunch.

Standing in line for my plastic salad, from behind me, someone whispered in my ear, “You’ll never have him. He’s mine.”

I turned to see Olivia’s face up close and personal. She must have forced herself into that spot in the line because she wasn’t behind me when I first joined the line. My first thought at seeing her glare at me was wondering if Nova was going to force me to wear that much make-up.

I said with a shrug, “If you want to date Jeff, go ahead. He’s just a good friend. You two kids have fun.”

Olivia hissed, “Mock me now little girl, but you’ll be crying later!”

The implied threat bothered me, but I also couldn’t help but laugh at her theatrics. “Are you trying to be a cartoon?” I chuckled and turned away from her. I couldn’t believe anyone would get into such a tizzy over a boy. As much as the thought of kissing a boy makes me ill and public displays of affection are strictly verboten at school, I’m half tempted to plant a big juicy one on Jeff right in front of Olivia just to set her off. I won’t. I don’t have the cajones, but it was still funny to think about.

Nova shook her head as I set my tray down at the cheerleader table. It’s not officially called that, but everyone calls it that.

Nova grinned at me. “What are you doing? Shouldn’t you sit with your boyfriend?”

I sighed heavily. “He’s not my boyfriend. And look at Steph. She’s not sitting with her boyfriend.” Steph’s boyfriend was on the football team.

Nova shook her head. “I’m teasing. I’d rather you’d sit with us. But I won’t blame you if you’d prefer to sit with him.”

I narrowed my eyes at Nova. “Will you please stop?”

Steph said, “You need to watch out for Olivia though. She usually gets what she wants.”

I shrugged. “I think me having a boyfriend is a bad idea. I told her in the lunch line she can have him.”

Nova looked at me seriously. “Seriously Ronnie. You don’t understand Olivia. Everything’s a contest with her. She wants to win Jeff.

I took a bite of my salad. “Well, there’s no way I’m getting into a fight over a boy’s attention. Seems silly to me.”

We spent the rest of our lunch talking about prospective boyfriends for Susan. I suggested Jeff and Nova threw a piece of her salad at me.

The bell to end lunch rang and we all started to stand up. I started to debate if I should just run now and avoid another encounter with Jeff or just hope he walks by. The boys passed us before I could put thought into action.

Jeff said, “Looking great, Ronnie!” He then slid his arm around my waist again. “You girls ready for the big game tomorrow?”

Steph grinned. “We’re always ready!”

Hand on my hip, Jeff looked at me and asked, “Want me to walk you to your car again today?”

I pouted. My God, I seriously pouted. “Oh. I can’t today, Jeff.”

I could tell Jeff was about to ask why when Nova piped up and said, “We’re leaving practice a bit early today to go to the beauty salon. Want to come along and get beautiful with us?”

Jeff laughed. He pulled me tighter to him. “I’ll leave that up to you girls.” Looking straight at me, Jeff continued, “Some of you are already beautiful.” I blushed.

The football coach along with the Coach Strong and a couple of other teachers started to walk past us. He pointed at Jeff and grinned. “You best be careful with that little girl of yours. You don’t want to break her.”

Jeff laughed. “Yes, sir! I’ll be careful, coach.”

Oh my God. I wanted to crawl under a rock and die. I was so embarrassed.

One of the other players rapped their knuckles on Jeff’s shoulder. “Come on, man. We need to get going.”

Jeff pulled me close. “Okay guys. Let’s go.” To me he said, “I guess I’ll see you at the pep-rally.” He ruffled my hair and headed out with the other boys.

Nova grinned at me. “Don’t even try to deny it now!”

*          *          *

To be continued...

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