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“So… you two aren’t related but look identical?” Daddy asked Link and Aunt Cora. We had moved him into his comfy chair in the living room so he could recover while I helped mom clear the dining room table.
Finished with the after dinner chores we also found seats.
“Mr. Everhardt, I have every intention of adopting Coraline as soon as we reenter our indigenous time period.” Aunt Cora told him while ignoring Link’s glaring and fidgeting in protest.
“Just an observation, but from the looks of it, I’d say you might have some opposition. Have you tried talking with her about your intentions before you actually make them public?”
“Mr. Everhardt, do you understand the role a queen plays in her society? Certain responsibilities must be observed and favorable succession must be maintained. I won’t be the queen forever you know.” Aunt Cora tried to explain.
“Yes, I understand that the Norge Dynasty must continue. All I’m asking is if you have discussed the particulars with Link? Far from my getting completely involved with your royal affairs, I think she needs to know everything: you’re intents, the perks, pitfalls, responsibilities, and any possible timeline to your retirement or abdication or whatever.” Daddy went on to explain his thinking. “In the end, if forced onto the throne, Link may not carry on the ideals, programs, and dealings you and your ancestors set forth, Caroline. She needs to see the whole picture- not just a small, torn corner.”
Aunt Cora nodded as she listened then her mouth suddenly dropped open.
“Caroline? Did I say something insult…?”
“Say that again!” Aunt Cora barked her request.
“You want me to go through that whole speech again?” Daddy seemed confused.
“No. Just the last sentence… please?” Aunt Cora seemed to compose herself to at least sound courteous.
“Um… I think I said that Link needs to see the whole picture and not just the small, torn, corner?”
The smile that came to Auntie’s face threatened to obscure the rest of her facial features…
Except the tears that were rolling down both cheeks!
“I’m- I’m sorry for saying something that brought back such confusing memories, Queen Norge. Please forgive me for whatever caused this reaction.” Daddy apologized, not knowing exactly what he had triggered.
“Aunt Cora?” Simone, who was sitting closest, placed a hand on her shoulder. “What caused this? He didn’t say anything that struck me as inappropriate or humorously off-color.”
Without another word, Auntie called her DataTab and tapped and swiped a few times before showing Simone something on its display. Simone’s reaction mirrored Aunt Cora’s.
Hope, Chance and Charli stood and leaned in to see what she had brought up. All three just nodded.
I couldn’t help it! I found myself beside Auntie and viewing two pictures; one she had claimed was my mother’s portrait and the other was a magnified picture of the reverse of maybe the same portrait? The close-up showed that a small portion of the portrait’s media material had been torn away on one corner.
I willed myself back to my previous location on the living room floor.
Aunt Cora quickly dismissed her DataTab before mom or Daddy could see it.
“What was that all about? Or are you girls going to be all ‘mysterious’ again?” Daddy pried.
“We’ll opt for the ‘all mysterious’ option, Louis. And you just reminded Cora of something she’d forgotten to do before we left our time.” Hope answered first.
“What, you forget to feed Rodyard again, Cora? You know you have ‘people’ for that, right?” Kaitlyn improvised to cover. She looked at mom and Daddy and rolled her eyes. “Her ‘Dropkickapoo’. Nasty little bitch with wicked big teeth and an even nastier disposition.” She explained further, but looked at Kitty as she said it.
I giggled.
Daddy nodded, accepting the explanation. Mom though…she narrowed her eyes at Kaitlyn.
I don’t think she bought it. No way she could’ve seen the display though as she was sitting on the floor next to me.
Link leaned over to me and spoke quietly in my ear.
“Let me guess… it has something to do with your mom being the first Queen Norge?”
I didn’t answer but gave her a sideways glance instead.
“I think Coraline is starting to fade. Might I suggest we retire to Pegasus for the night, ladies?” Aunt Cora suggested as she brought her hand to her mouth to feign a yawn.
Link growled quietly and disappeared from beside me.
“Christina? Didn’t you promise me a tour of Pegasus earlier?” Mom asked out of the blue. I hadn’t mentioned anything about a tour. In fact I expected Chance to really rip into me for all my ‘popping’ in and out today!
“I did hear you say that, Christina. Just a quick little tour and you should call it a night also.” Chance confirmed to my surprise.
“WAIT! I’ll take the long way!” Kaitlyn shouted as she stood.
Everyone laughed as she walked out of the room and conjured her warm coat, boots, and scarf.
Mom and I appeared in my quarters.
“Care to tell me what happened back there, pumpkin?” Mom requested.
“Yes, Christina. Care to tell her what we saw on Aunt Cora’s DataTab?” Chance agreed, as she appeared just this side of my door.
Mom started looking between us waiting for someone to answer. I sighed.
“You, mom. It was a portrait of you… only with blue hair.”
“HA!” She snorted! “Why… the day I turn into an Antarran blue-hair is the day I find out faster-than-light travel is a reality!”
“Pegasus? Could you please state your top velocity for Colleen Everhardt. I’ll vouch for her clearance level.
“Pegasus has benchmarked a velocity of 45.57 LY/second during normal flight mode and 75.338 LY/second with afterboost enabled, Chance.”
“Thanks, Pegasus.” Chance smiled to mom.
“Now…you were saying?”
“I don’t believe it!” mom declared adamantly. “Show me this ‘portrait’.”
Aunt Cora was suddenly standing right beside me ready to drink something out of a container.
“Auntie? Could you show mom what you showed Simone earlier?” I asked.
Aunt Cora choked on her drink and glared at me.
“That was very rude, Sugar Plum. What now?”
“Chance suggested I tell mom what we looked at on your DataTab…mom’s portrait?”
Auntie conjured her device and after a few taps and swipes handed it to my mom.
She gasped!
“I believe you now, but I don’t get why you acted the way you did, majesty.”
“Scroll down to the description, Sugar Pie.” Auntie told her before turning and going into the bathroom.
Mom read for a moment then looked at us in absolute horror.
“This is…this is ridiculous! I am so out of here!” Mom shouted. She closed her eyes tightly and her face turned red but nothing else happened.
She opened them and began to cry.
“Why won’t it work? All I wanted was for this nightmare to end! Why won’t it end?” She repeated several times as I swept her into my arms and held her tight.
“Welcome to the club, mom. I ask myself those questions almost every night.” I whispered quietly.
Chance silently worked her way to where I could see her and nodded once.
“What…what did you just do to me, Christina?!” Mom demanded as she angrily pushed away from me.
“Christina?” Chance asked angrily with a quick wink. “What did you just do? I felt a disturbance in the force.”
“I just gave mom some of my Current so she can do some of the stuff I do, High Priestess. Her latent Current seemed unusually low tonight.” I answered.
Mom grabbed at her hair and began to examine it for any change. She breathed a sigh of relief when satisfied I hadn’t changed her hair color.
“Try to teleport now, mom.” I smiled encouragement.
She quickly closed her eyes and disappeared.
“Do you really think I should have done that, Chance?” I asked, uncertain it was the proper thing to do.
“History doesn’t lie, Sweetie. What exactly did you do to dear ol’ mom just now?” Aunt Cora asked as she appeared from our bathroom.
“I just shared portions of my code array with her.”
“So her hair will start changing in…how long?” Chance smiled evilly.
“In about a week?” I shrugged in uncertainty.
“And your father? What modifications does he need?” She asked.
“I really don’t know. Auntie? Do the Antarran Historians have anything to say?”
“Just that Prince Louis loved his queen very much and that they had several progeny. I guess you better share your code with him too, Sugar Plum! He’s going to need his strength to keep up with his queen.” Aunt Cora laughed uncontrollably for some time.
We hadn’t seen too much of Christina’s parents yesterday or even this morning, as we had been busy teaching our Lynxins and Antarrans mom’s spell of concealment. The last thing I wanted to do was have Kitty, Lyra, Greer, and Tau outed as ‘dangerous aliens’. And where one or two blue haired, busty women might be overlooked (yeah, right), four would be questioned and possibly draw much too much attention.
“Chance? How about this combination?” Link asked from behind me.
A lovely young woman with an ample bust and long, wavy brown hair smiled as she posed with a hand on her hip.
“You look fantastic, sweetie!” I praised.
“Shrubbery match the trees, Kiddo?” Kate asked in a slightly vulgar tone.
“Yes, Lady Kaitlyn, I made sure of that this time.” Link answered in a childish, annoyed tone while rolling her eyes.
The bridge door opened and an identical young woman entered.
“Hey girls, how does this look… oh… Just noggin great! How do we keep doing this, Sugar Plum?” Aunt Cora swore as she stepped over to appraise her twin. “We do look pretty good though, don’t we?”
“I can live with being twins, Aunt Cora.” Link smiled as she appraised her identical sister.
“Sweetie?” I asked to get their attention. “I think ‘Link’ might not be a good fit for a female Terran’s name. Maybe Cora and Cara?” I said pointing to Aunt Cora first then Link.
“I like both those names.” Aunt Cora smiled brightly.
“Yeah, you would.” Link groaned. “I guess I can live with that for a few weeks.”
The newly renamed Norge twins turned and exited my bridge, starting a conversation once out in the passageway.
Simone eyed up her coven sisters as she waited for them to clear the doorway.
“So, how do I look Chance?” She asked as she stopped and turned around for me.
“That rack is still going to attract a lot of attention Simone.” Kate commented before I could get a word out.
“I’ve kinda grown attached to them, Kaitlyn. I feel weird otherwise.”
“I like the black hair, Simone. You look very nice.”
“Thanks, Chance. Hey, if its okay with you, I’d like to go out and get some fresh air.”
“You might want to ask the ‘twins’ if they want to go too.” I suggested.
“Copy that, Chance.” Simone acknowledged and re-triggered the bridge door. She sidestepped a tall, athletic girl with close-cropped, light brown hair and a modest chest. I could see no sign of her precocious, semi-sentient tail.
“Well?” She challenged.
“Looks good to me, Sinae. What do you think though?” I countered, noticing that her face looked similar but without her slight muzzle, long Feline whiskers, and high mounted, tasseled ears.
“I just have a slight problem keeping balanced without my tail.”
“It’s still there, Sinae,” I reminded, “It’s only a concealment spell so try not to swat anyone with it.” I giggled.
A very handsome blonde-haired man of about 190cm came in. Against my better judgment, my interest peaked. Tau looked really good as a Terran!”
Two tall women entered next and stepped before me for inspection. Both had wavy light brown hair: one reaching to her shoulders and the other reaching to mid-back. Both looked very enchanting.
I complimented Tau, Greer, and Lyra on their disguises.
“I guess we should all go over to the house and see what Christina, Colleen, and Louis think about our disguises.” I said as I took Grunfuller’s hand in mine and motioned for everyone to leave.
“Hey, guys… WOW! You guys look fantastic!” Christina bubbled as we entered and gathered in the kitchen. “Mom and Daddy will be down in a little while. I left them sleep in since neither works on the weekend. I conjured some eggs, bacon, and home fries; there’s also orange juice in the fridge if anyone wants it. You already know how to conjure your own coffee and tea.”
A floorboard squeaking over our heads indicated that somebody was awake upstairs.
For whatever reason we all fell silent and motionless.
“I’ll be down in a minute, honey. I just need to take some aspirin; you really wore me out last night.” Christina’s dad could be heard from the second floor hallway.
“I’ll just put some coffee on before I start breakfast, Louis.” Colleen’s happy voice said as she appeared at the bottom of the stairs. She looked like she hadn’t gotten much sleep, but her smile was bright and satisfied.
Her smile evaporated as soon as she noticed us- replaced by a very deep blush!
“Looks like somebody got lucky last night.” Aquia- of all people- deadpanned.
I was going to have to have a long talk with Kaitlyn Yates!
“So…you ‘cooked’ again, pumpkin?” Colleen Everhardt asked as she rolled her eyes at her daughter.
“It’s the least I could do after all you’ve done for me, mom.” She replied. “Table’s set, so take a seat and dig in.”
“Peaches, you were great last… night…” Louis said as he turned the corner of the stairs and looked back into the kitchen. He smiled nervously. “Well…this is awkward. Good morning everybody. Do I detect the delicious smell of bacon, eggs, and hash browns?”
Without hesitation he went directly into the dining room and grabbed a plate.
“Take a plate, Louis, and help yourself. Christina ‘cooked’ again this morning.” Colleen Everhardt suggested after the fact in a sarcastically, unenthusiastic tone.
“So what’s on the agenda for today, ladies?” Louis asked as he munched away on a few strips of bacon.
“Well, since our concealment spells seem to be working, we were thinking about doing some sight-seeing. Maybe get video and still photographs of this time period.” I answered.
“Why? Aren’t we already in your history books, Chance?” Louis asked in confusion.
“Records of this time period are sketchy at best, Louis.” Charli answered. “Apparently the ‘cloud’ that everything is backing information to isn’t as secure as touted. I could show you exactly what I mean if you’d like, but right now we were thinking about asking for a ride to the nearest town to look around after we help with the morning chores.”
“Chores are already done, ladies.” Christina smiled.
“So I’m guessing that none of you has a drivers license?” Louis Everhardt grinned.
“Actually, Hope and I still have ours, Louis. I used to drive a ’93 eMustang Fastback. That’s a 2093 eMustang. I would’ve killed for a 1993 Mustang if they weren’t so hard to find nowadays.” Charli smiled brightly.
“How did you ever find a Mustang in the thirty-third century?” Louis gasped incredulously.
“You misunderstand. I have it with me right now in Houston, Louis. Hope and I are training at this very minute for our mission to the Kuiper Belt set for 2107.”
Louis went to say something, but mom cut him off.
“Try not to think too hard on it, Louis. We witches live for an awfully long time.” Mom said with a devious grin.
“So you two are actually about ten years older than Christina?” Louis exclaimed as Colleen almost choked on her eggs.
I happened to take notice of a few strands of blue hair at her crown just to the left of her part. She glanced at me for the briefest of seconds then continued eating.
Yeah, she noticed.
“Funny. I seem to remember a news conference a few months ago where NASA was introducing their chosen Crew for the first manned mission to the solar boundary. As I recall, there was a Russian guy, a Chinese Chick, a young Navy Lt. Commander from Detroit, an Army Lieutenant, and an Air Force Colonel. The mission is to be commanded by Marine Major Hopewell Summers.” Colleen recalled with chilling detail. She eyed mom carefully a moment.
“Another concealment spell, Major?” She asked with a quirky smile.
Charli stood and Charles was suddenly there in her place.
“No, Colleen. That was no spell. Something happens on our mission… something wonderful… and something Christina has direct influence on, I might add.”
“Christina? Care to add to the conversation, young lady?” Louis stopped eating and looked intently to his daughter.
“Next year I get hired by one of the professors at school. We develop a new propulsion system- one more powerful and efficient than anything NASA has now.” Christina blushed profusely- her eyes locked on her lap. “Hope, Charli, and another sister, Chantell, make first contact with FeLane.”
“And you have a hand in that?” Colleen stood and walked behind Christina. She wrapped her arms around her daughter. “I’m so, so proud of you, pumpkin.”
Christina burst into tears, and disappeared!
“Chance?” Louis asked as he looked to me. “What exactly happens next year? What happens to our daughter?”
“There’s a mishap, Mr. Everhardt.” Mom told our host.
“Now, I know it was worse than just a ‘mishap’. Colleen told me about her ‘mishap’, now what really happens to Christina?” He requested calmly.
“A Pentagon Asshat decided he knew better than the system’s designers- Christina being one of them.” Mom began as her eyes took on a slight orange-ish glow. “I won’t go into the specifics, but because of him Christina was thrown into a fully functional, demonstration lifepod that they had also developed. It… it activated and shot into space.”
Colleen and Louis turned white!
“My God!” Louis gasped.
“The lifepod was designed to keep the occupant in stasis until the pod could be retrieved.” Mom continued.
“And we find and revive her fourteen hundred and thirty-three standard years from now.” Mom finished as she wiped her eyes. Had we the resources we have at our disposal here and now…”
“But there is even more that you are not telling us, Major Summers?”
“We aren’t at liberty to reveal anything further, I’m sorry.” Mom said as she took on a cold, hard demeanor.
“Ah. The ‘I can’t tell you because it would change the future’ plot line. We best just leave it alone, Colleen.” Louis nodded.
“I’m not going to just ‘leave it alone’, Louis! I’ll be back shortly!” Colleen said just before she vanished.
“Say… you think you girls can teach me that little trick? It would save me a ton on fuel each year.” Louis joked.
“Christina?” I heard mom shout from out in the passageway. “We need to talk, Christina.”
Mom was suddenly in my room and staring at me as I sat up on my bed and tried to dry my eyes.
“Daddy and I just learned more about your ‘mishap’, Pumpkin. How could you have stayed sane that long? I want the name of that Pentagon buffoon so I can get him removed from his position before he causes your heinous incident.” Mom said in a calm even voice that I knew meant she was going to break out Daddy’s rail gun and travel to Pentagon City.
“You can’t, mom. I wouldn’t be who I am now…I mean will become…in the future.” I pleaded. “I had no idea how long I had been in stasis until Chance told me, mom. I was asleep the whole time. I don’t even remember blasting off.”
I winced as a mild cramp hit.
“Could you excuse me for a minute, mom? I think I might be starting.” I begged off, hurrying into my bathroom.
“So Chance was able to help you complete yourself? I would imagine that operation is child’s play in the future.” Mom asked as she motioned to my belly.
“What?” I asked in confusion.
“You’re SRS, pumpkin.” She clarified.
“I was like this when I woke up, mom. I can’t expla…”
Not true! I thought to myself and felt myself blush.
“I sign up for an experimental medical study next year. I was told it was to study the effects of a new type of gene replacement therapy. In my case they said they would swap out my ‘Y’ chromosome for ‘X’.
“Next year? I didn’t know that was even possible yet?” Mom again gasped.
“It turned out it was a psychological study that employed a placebo and a lot of wanton desperation.” I growled. Mom quickly pulled back with a look of fear.
“Sorry. Since I woke up, every time I get pissed, my eyes glow orange.” I apologized.
“I noticed Hope do that just a few minutes ago. That isn’t natural…is it?”
“For Current Mages it seems to be, mom.” I shied away my eyes to the floor.
“I noticed, Christina.” Mom said out of the blue. It wasn’t accusatory or spiteful, but a friendly admission.
“Noticed?” I asked.
“The blue hairs on the top of my head, pumpkin. You did more than give me some of your essence, didn’t you?”
“How could you have noticed a few stray blue hairs, mom?” I asked in wonder.
Mom’s middle-aged image shimmered and a young woman with half a head of blue hair was standing before me!
“I also know a concealment spell or two, pumpkin, remember?” She smiled. “May I also remind you that I am not and never was anywhere close to Antarran royalty?”
“You are now.” I whispered.
“What was that, Christina?” Mom shot back.
“I said, ‘you are now’, mom.”
She looked stunned for several moments.
“Well, that at least explains last night with your father.”
“Really, mom? WTMI!” I groaned.
“Pumpkin, I knew what the blue hair and overdeveloped breasts signify. I may have been six when we arrived here, but mom tried to keep me educated about our Homeworld on the off chance we could go back. I take it that is the coven’s ultimate goal?”
“Partially.” I mumbled.
“Partially? Explain.” She tilted her head while narrowing her eyes.
“I can’t tell you, mom.”
“Of course you can, Christina. We’ve always been open and receptive in this family, this is no different.”
“Yeah, it is, mom. This is way different.”
“Then explain how different, pumpkin. Do we die here or something? Did you just come back here to say your goodbyes?”
I instantly fell to pieces!
I sensed mom take me in her arms.
“What did you do to Christina?” Link’s voice demanded venomously.
I looked up to see Link’s eyes shining brilliant orange and her wand drawn!
“Better talk fast, Mrs. Everhardt!” She warned. “Nobody is going to hurt Christina if I have something to say about it!
“It…its okay, sis. She guessed the reason for my visit.” I told her hoping to calm her temper.
“She did what?” Link asked in confusion then she frowned. “How?”
“Moms know, Link. I guess we’ll find out for ourselves one day.” I surmised.
“But you told me you were homesick and that you wanted to see your parents again…I thought to warn them?” Link stated in confusion. “Maybe they really don’t die in that fiery vehicle accident two weeks from now?”
I was livid!
Mom and Link both took several steps back from me as I noticed them and the wall behind them take on an orange hue.
“I thought you said she figured it out, sis?” Link held up her hands, palms facing me in defense. “Why get so mad?”
“I didn’t tell her when, Link! Thanks for that!”
“Stop this! Both of you! God, you really do act like siblings!” Mom exclaimed as she stepped between Link and I. “You and Coraline knock it off before you both do something you’ll regret later.”
“My! Name! Is. Link!” Link hissed in angry protest.
“You remind me of her twin sister, young lady, and I will not have you two begin feuding because of something that may or may not happen in my near future.” Mom declared heatedly.
“Oh, I’m pretty sure it’s going to happen, mom! You see… I had to identify your bodies, arrange a double funeral, contact all the people and places that needed contacting… oh… and I had to sell the farm for back taxes! Thanks for telling me you guys are in debt up to your eyeballs by the way! I spent so much time grieving and arranging things, I even let my scholarship lapse because I forgot to renew it for next semester, mom. That’s the reason I joined that gene research study… I needed the money!” I seethed in anger. “So yes! Yes! I am going to try and change your fate if I can!”
“I also need to do it because of this, mom!” I added as I angrily held out my hand and conjured the DataTab Chance had given me. “Here! What do you make of this, Colleen Christina ‘Norge’?”
I ordered the device to show me the portrait then held it out for her to see.
Mom was speechless for several minutes as she looked at the image then read the description again. “I’ve already seen this, pumpkin.”
I dismissed the device. “And?”
“The farm and all our finances are in the green, Christina. Who told you otherwise?” Mom demanded calmly, clearly changing the subject.
“Mr. Darby confronted me at the funeral home and told me that to clear your outstanding debts, I had to sell the farm. He had the papers with him and I signed it over on the spot just to have it done with.”
“You what?” Mom’s eyes went wide! “Why would you sign over your sizable inheritance to that shyster, Christina? He’s been trying to acquire our place for years.”
“And just how would I know that? You and Daddy were dead, mom! Everything I knew and loved- gone! You both were gone, mother! You think I was actually thinking straight during that traumatic time in my life?” I shouted in frustration.
Mom wrapped her arms around me and squeezed tight.
“But because of you and your coven sisters, we can make things right, pumpkin.” She whispered in my ear.
“Mom’s right, sis. You and Chance gave us the opportunity to remedy this.” Link agreed.
“But if we make things right, I may not get the gene therapy, or get hired on by Dr. Smithe. That will null everything out and we’d never meet in your century, Link. You might not even exist if I don’t help create that prototype ion propulsion emitter. Fixing things here may destroy the future as you know it. Hell, us just being here has probably frelled our future to hell and back!” I reasoned while trying to keep my anxiety of losing my new sisters to save my parents contained.
“If that were to happen, I would think the Olympians would try and stop us, sis.” Link pointed out. “So far the only things we’ve heard out of Olympus were Artemis and Zeus warning Chance and Hope to not piss you off, but treat you like any other member of Witch Corps.” Link paused as she thought about whether she was supposed to keep that little gem quiet.
“That and you telling Zeus to kiss your ass.” She added.
“Zeus? And…and Artemis? You talked…you met them? The Greek Gods really exist?” Mom gasped in shock.
I nodded a few times.
“And you told him to kiss your ass, pumpkin?” She gasped again then began laughing and shaking her head. “You certainly are Antarran royalty, Christina Everhardt. No doubt about that now.”
“Yeah? Well who else has blue hair in this room, mother?” I sniped.
“Hey! I resemble that too, Christina!” Link cried, feeling left out.
“Sorry, sis.” I apologized. “I was just trying to make a point.”
“I know that, but I was also trying to change the mood in the room. You see… I came here before I had a chance to grab breakfast. Can we go back to the house now? Before my stomach growls any louder?”
Mom started laughing again. “I’ll say it again. You sound so much like her twin sister, Caroline, Coraline.”
Link audibly growled and instantly disappeared.
“High Priestess? What are the rules or bylaws regarding address of the Coven by the mother of one of your members?” Mom said officially just after I popped us back over to the house.
“The only rule regarding address of the coven, Colleen Christina Everhardt, is that you should speak your mind and dispense with the formalities.” Chance smiled devilishly.
“Not very ‘Military’, Chance.” Daddy laughed.
“I’ll have you know we are very, very, veeeeeery Special Ops, Louis! The blackest!” Hope hissed. “That alone enables us to do things as we see fit. Capisce?”
“According to the U.S. Marine Corps Articles of Conduct,” Daddy started to say as he was suddenly holding a small, pocket paperback. “Section… wait… which one of you did this?” He closed and shook the small book at us.
“When did you do it, pumpkin?” Mom demanded as she turned to me.
“Do what?” I pleaded innocence.
“Oh, spare me, Christina. You did it to me, so why not do it to your father?” She said as her concealment spell dissipated.
“Damn, you got pretty aggressive genetics there, kiddo!” Kaitlyn announced.
“Yes… doesn’t she.” Mom deadpanned. “How long until your father is not your father any longer?”
I was floored by that accusation!
“I- I… I didn’t… wouldn’t… do that to him, Mother!”
To say I was pissed… “How dare you even-!”
Everyone accept Chance stepped back from me in fear.
“You will restrain yourself, Lt. Christina Everhardt!” Chance growled as she suddenly held a large, ornamental staff with a large, brightly glowing, blue jewel in its headpiece. She also had a white aura around her and her voice echoed throughout the whole house.
I gulped fearing I had gone too far with my temper this time. I feared Nike wasn’t as forgiving as Chance.
“Forgive me, Nike. I allowed my anger to get the better of me and will try harder to contain my negative emotions.” I pleaded with bowed head.
“You would do well to reroute those negative emotions, Scion. The fates could not guarantee the universes should you relent to such dark passions. Heed my words and respect your birth mother as an honorable sentient should. You would not fare well should we cross swords, Christina Everhardt, Scion of the Universes!”
The staff immediately disappeared and Chance began to blink her eyes as if waking from slumber.
“Chance?” I asked for confirmation.
She looked at me in confusion then quickly recovered.
“What did she do now?” Chance asked as she looked around.
“Nike just set this one’s ass straight, Chance.” Kaitlyn answered as she pointed to me.
“Nike?” Mom gasped.
“You mean THE Nike?” Daddy gasped.
“As I said on our arrival, I am only her avatar, but yes, she is the Nike.” Chance answered politely.
“And your ‘avatar’ called my daughter ‘Scion’… why?” Daddy asked.
“Scion is a designation used in this case to describe the savior of the Universes.” Savanna said as she was suddenly standing next to Chance.
“Or destroyer.” She added after hesitating.
“About time you showed up, Oracle.” Kaitlyn said sarcastically.
“Time is a very big construct, Lady Kaitlyn. Following the traces left by someone travelling through it can sometimes be tedious. Christina’s talent leaves hardly, if any, trace.” Savanna reasoned.
“Why would I leave little or no trace?” I asked- my curiosity peaked.
“Obviously you’re special, kiddo. No need to really get technical, is there?” Kaitlyn chimed in again.
“Would anybody care to introduce this young woman? I’m thinking- by the black hair, tall stature, and attitude- she’s a Summers?”
“My daughter, Savanna,” Chance answered and introduced her to Mom and Daddy.
“Your majesties.” Savanna bowed courteously.
“I hope that is just another Witch Corps idiom, Ladies.” Daddy warned. “Anyway… so this is how you really look these days, Colleen? Have you been holding back all these years?”
“My people age at a far different rate than your people, Louis. My intent has always been to remain off the radar. I have the feeling that now that Christina and her sisters have arrived, that radar is lighting up like a Christmas tree!”
“Chance, Pegasus. “Set perimeter sensors to one thousand meters and alert if any higher subspecies are detected. Full defensive stun protocols apply if the protective shield is threatened.” Chance ordered.
“Sensor range has been extended and is currently detecting the arrival of four Terrans in a ground vehicle now stationary on the bituminous access way three hundred and four meters to the northeast.” Pegasus replied immediately.
“Display holographic tactical, IR, and stream media to my DataTab.” Chance ordered.
She produced her tablet, touched the screen a few times and placed it on the kitchen table. Three different views of the same area appeared, stacked at eye level.
I felt a field appear around the house and looked to Chance for explanation.
“A ‘decoy’ spell to keep our activities from prying eyes and ears. As far as they know we’re just having a conversation that I stitched together from those we had the last several nights.” She proudly explained.
“How can your equipment do this?” Daddy goggled as he examined and innocently played with the three holographic displays.
“Thirty-third century?” Kaitlyn deadpanned, rolling her eyes.
“Forgive my barbaric ruminations, oh wise and all-knowing Wrench!” Daddy smarmed.
“About time someone around here showed me the proper respect!” Kaitlyn laughed. “Yer okay, Lou.”
As I watched the three-paneled display, I noticed something odd.
“What is that guy holding?” I asked as I pointed to the IR panel.
“I’ll zoom in.” Chance said as the infrared ‘Terran’ image became larger.
“Why are they holding night goggles?” Daddy questioned. “It’s the middle of the day…cloudy as usual, but midday nonetheless.
Mom was suddenly nowhere to be seen.
“Afternoon, boys! Whatcha doin’? Broke down, eh? I got my cell if you’d like to use it to call Chester over in Cochranton?” Mom’s voice said from the surveillance audio stream- her winter-coated image now on all three screens.
The noise in the background sounded like one or all four soiled themselves.
“Colleen? What’re you doing out here?” A man’s voice demanded in a startled vibrato.
“What, I’m not allowed to walk my own property, Glenn? So what’s so intriguing about my house that you four felt you needed to stake it out?” Mom attacked. “After what happened, I’m well versed in the ‘Stalker Laws’ you know.”
“We’re not staking out your place, Colleen. We ah…um…we heard that some reporters were trying to stir things up again. Thought we’d hang out and deter em.”
“That’s awfully thoughtful Bob, but Louis and I can handle the reporters’ just fine. It’s been almost six years and we’re all mourned out. How about you boys just go home and spend the rest of Saturday watching basketball or hockey like Louis is doing right now… hmmm… or is he powering up that old rail gun of his? Oh well. It could be both since I’ve been out walking awhile on this beautiful, winter day. Bye, boys.”
On our displays, the car did a slow five-point turn then hurried off back toward Rte 322 as mom waved goodbye to our unwanted visitors.
Mom was back with us.
“Glenn Darby, Bob Garfield, Frank Welch, and Sol Strankovic. They won’t be bothering us for a while; I threw a ‘wammy’ into Glenn’s Fuel Monitor System just in case. They’ll get mostly to town and have to walk the last five miles.” She reported with an evil grin as she hung up her coat.
“Now. Let’s explain some things, pumpkin.” Mom set her eyes on me with an intensity I had never seen before.
“First. Louis and I are free and clear of any mortgage, liens, tariffs, or penalties with regards to this farm. This is your inheritance like it was Louis’ and his father’s and his Grandfathers’ before him.”
“Secondly. I know exactly what happened the day of your fourteenth birthday, Christina. I can’t understand it, but I believe it had something to do with your being here now. Twins didn’t run on either side of our family, so you can understand my surprise when the doctor announced one more after you made your debut. Caroline wasn’t in a hurry to arrive either. Thirty minutes is a long time to lay there with your legs splay open while your first born is crying for his mom.”
I cringed at her frankness, but began wondering what it would be like…
“Third. Given the recent information I’ve received, it’s obvious Louis and I will be moving, so we need some way to preserve the Everhardt traditions and holdings here. Any ideas, ladies?”
“We’re moving? To where, Colleen?” Daddy asked in surprise.
“Antarra.” Mom answered bluntly.
“And just how are we getting there? And where is ‘Antarra’ anyway?”
“About fifty-two hours from here in Pegasus, and about a thousand years ago by Christina and Chance.”
“Sorry? Say that again? Did I hear you say fifty-two hours via your ship? And a thou-thousand years ago?” Daddy gasped in disbelief.
“Antarra’s on the other side of our galaxy, Daddy.” I told him. “It’s not like it’s as close as FeLane- which takes about ten minutes at transdimensional.
“Yeaaaaaah… Saw that one coming for kilometers. I’ll help him back into his chair. You girls go on and discuss the particulars.” Kaitlyn moaned as she transformed back to Keaton Yates. “Hey Lou! Wake up, yer makin’ us men look weak, mate.”
Charli had also transformed back to her male identity to help. “Dude! You’re giving us guys a bad rep here.” He said as he gently smacked Daddy’s face until he started to come around.
“I’ve-I’ve seen you before!” Daddy blurted out just after opening his eyes to Charles Armstrong.
“Yeah, you saw me a few nights ago, Lou.” Charles chuckled.
“You’re that Astronaut! Um…Charlie Armstrong!”
“That would be me, Lou, but I’m more comfortable like this.” Charli giggled as she was back.
“Where’s Maulder and Scully when you need them?” Daddy wisecracked.
“Relegated to re-re-re-reruns, Lou. You gonna be okay?” Charli asked to make sure.
“It’s like I’m stuck in some weird, demented Halloween special.” Daddy exclaimed.
“Yeah, Lou, we get that a lot.” Keats deadpanned again. “Just watch for the flyin’ monkeys.”
Daddy’s mouth dropped open.
“Hey, I ain’t kiddin’ about them, Lou! Tajalia 3 has ‘em. Nasty little thieves dive in from outta the sun. Never see ‘em until they have your sandwich in their hands!” Keats sounded serious.
“Oh, hey. While I got ya here, where’s a good place to get parts for a 2098 Charger? I’m restoring one back home and I could use a few body panels and some odds and ends.” Keats added as an afterthought.
“The recycle yard up in Conneaut Lake would probably have the panels cut off in a day or two. New, the dealer might be able to get them in a few days.” Daddy answered instantly.
That was my dad- always quick to become the gearhead.
“Wait… couldn’t you just conjure the parts or that kind of thing?” Daddy added.
“Of course, but what fun would that be? Hobbies are supposed to be distractions from work. Aren’t they?” Keats reasoned, chuckling.
“You know…” Daddy’s expression went serious as he thought of something. “You guys could take a side trip back a few years and buy a new one.”
“Keaton Yates! Don’t even consider that as a viable option!” Chance ordered with a growl. “I refuse to crowd our storage hold with ancient toys! I allow you the option then mom and Charli will each want one!”
“And yet we all know the cargo hold will be filled to capacity by the time we leave here in eighteen days.” Savanna giggled evilly.
“Hey. There ya have it. Oracle has spoken.” Keats sounded overjoyed as Hope and Charli looked to each other, their eyes twinkling in mischief.
“Thanks soooo much, Munchkin!” Chance groaned as she glared at her daughter. “You just had to encourage them!”
“Oh, mother! It doesn’t matter either way. You had to have seen that?” Savanna teased evilly.
“There is a difference between what I hoped to take home and our actual cargo consist, young lady- still, it is not your place to force the results.” Chance warned.
“Okay, ladies. So we’re going to be moving. Shouldn’t we set to planning that in relation to what we know must happen?” Mom stepped in to redirect the possible squabble.
“First…what do we do with the guy four hundred and sixty meters up the hill? The guy with the telephoto lens and the parabolic mic?” Savanna revealed as she panned and zoomed in on the prone figure with Chance’s DataTab.
That stopped all conversation instantly!
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Travel time to FeLane
> “Antarra’s on the other side of our galaxy, Daddy.” I told him. “It’s not like it’s as close as FeLane- which takes about ten minutes at transdimensional."
Since FeLane is "the next system over" from Earth (~4.4 ly), and at ~45.5 ly/s normal travel speed, the travel can be done in ~0.097 seconds.
Thx for another great chapter^^
I agree with the math- obviously, but:
0.097 seconds for travel.
8.903 minutes to clear system 'red-tape'.
1.000 minute intra-system travel at restricted velocity.
10.000 minutes.
Politics... ; )
Even if the guy snooping on
Even if the guy snooping on them heard that last comment with his mic, running wouldn't be an option.
460 Meters Up the Hill?
Pegasus was looking inside a 1000 meter perimeter. How did it miss the guy -- or did he just 'port in instantaneously?
Patience, dear reader...