All for a story 13 - Outed at The Manor

Chapter 13
Outed At The Manor

Friday soon came around, Jenny and I got home early from work, freshened up, packed our bags for the weekend at Bolton Manor, dressed smart casual in dress trousers, loose cotton blouses and wedge sandals and set off to collect Mum, Although Jenny was, if anything, over-excited at the prospect of the highlife for the weekend, Mum was still having doubts. She was worried that she would not fit in with the aristocracy and would show herself up, and she still wasn’t totally comfortable with me living and being totally convincing as Jane.

“Look Mum, I having been living, working, socialising as Jane for weeks now, and have even presented a programme on TV as Jane. Apart from Jenny’s friends who have known all about me from the start, and Mike my editor, nobody has ever questioned that I am not who I seem to be and everyone just accepts me as a woman.”

“Your father doesn’t accept it, and from what he said I doubt he ever will.”

“Unless the doctors sort me out soon, he will have no choice, my breasts are growing, slowly but they are still getting bigger, I don’t really have any choice at the moment but to continue living as Jane. I’m sorry if I have caused trouble between you and Dad, but one way or another he will have to accept things as they are.”

“ You don’t have to apologise for him leaving, you were just the final straw, I was on the point of asking him to leave anyway, we haven”t been getting on too well for months.“

“Let’s leave all that until after the weekend, we need to start making tracks to Bolton Manor, and please don’t forget that as far as they are concerned I am your niece, not your daughter or even worse, your son. Don’t worry about meeting Charles either, he is a friendly decent man despite his wealthy and privileged background and I’m sure that he will treat you well and will soon put you at ease. I haven’t met William and Elizabeth and can’t vouch for them, but I’m certain that Charles will keep them in check.

As we drove through the main gates to the estate and up the long drive to park in front of the house, Mum and Jenny were silent and a bit awestruck, taking in the view and the grandeur of the mansion. As expected Marshall was quickly out to open the car doors and greet us.

“Welcome to Bolton Manor, Mrs Carter, Miss Carter, glad you could make it, and it’s so nice to see you again Miss Jane.” Dropping the formality of my surname it appeared that I was now considered to be a close acquaintance and had earned the more familiar form of address. “Sir Charles is in the Orangery at the back of the house and is waiting for you, but if you want to freshen up after your journey, I’ll show you to your rooms first.”

“Thanks Marshall, I think a quick freshen up first would be welcome. If you can bring the three small bags with our essentials that would be most appreciated, the other bags can wait until we are in with Sir Charles.”

“OMG,” whispered Jenny as we went through the huge entrance hall and up the wide sweeping cantilevered staircase past all the portraits of the family ancestors, “this is like something out of Downton Abbey, and Mr Marshall is something else.”

“Don’t worry about him, he might sound a bit stuffy and formal, but he is alright and will be ever so helpful if you need anything. He does prefer to be called Marshall, not Mr Marshall, and to be honest I have never heard his first name. Mrs Hutchinson, who you will also come across, known to all as Mrs.H, is the housekeeper and cook, she is much less formal than Marshall.”

Mum was walking behind us taking in the splendour of the house, the ornate ceiling with its gilded plaster mouldings, the decorative roof-light with its coloured mosaic leaded glass, and the huge crystal chandelier hanging down between the two wings of the stairs, she was too awestruck to say anything as we were shown to our three adjoining rooms. I had been allocated the same room as I had used on my last visit , Mum and Jenny were in the adjoining rooms on either side of mine.

I was soon ready and knocked on the door to Mum’s room before entering, to find her sitting on the bed with her head in her hands. “This is all wonderful Jane, but I shouldn’t have come with you, it is all too much for me, I’m not used this level of opulence.”

“Don’t be silly Mum, it’s a house just like any other, a lot bigger and grander but it is just a family home like anyone else’s. Once you meet Charles you’ll realise that he is pleased to have you as his guest, just relax and you will enjoy yourself. Pull yourself together, I’ll go and get Jenny, and we’ll make our way down to the Orangery.”

“Delighted that you could come Jane.” He said going me a big hug. “ these lovely ladies must be your Aunt and cousin. Welcome to my home, Mrs Carter, Miss Carter, as Jane must have told you I’m Charles, no formality here, and you are?”

I gave Jenny a quick glance to tell her to let Mum go first rather than jumping in herself, Mum, as the senior of the two, had to take precedence.

“Ellen Carter, but most people call me Nell, pleased to meet you Sir Charles, thank you for inviting us to your lovely home.”

“I had to tell Jane at least twice to not bother with the ‘Sir’, let’s see if you can learn more quickly than she did.”

“That goes for me too, “ Jenny took over, “ I’m Jennifer, but Jenny will do fine, pleased to meet you at last, Jane has told me so much about you.”

“Splendid, I hope the rooms are to your satisfaction and that you have everything you need, if not ask Marshall or Mrs.H, they’ll soon sort you out. As it’s a warm evening, rather than tea or coffee we have a fresh jug of Pimms which should be a lot more refreshing, come and sit down and we’ll get to know each other better. Nell, please come and sit next to me and tell me more about your family. Jane is soon to know everything there is to know about my family history and it would be nice to know a bit about you all in return.”

As you already know I’m Jane’s Aunt, she is my sister Elizabeth’s daughter, and Jennifer, Jenny, is my daughter.

“Oh, there’s a coincidence, Elizabeth is the name of my daughter too, although she prefers to be called Lizzie, we have something in common already.” Charles was brilliant and charming with Mum and soon got her to relax , and helped along with the glass of Pimms she was soon chatting away to him like old friends.

Marshall came in and had a quiet word with Charles, who nodded and turned to us. “Friday evening here is normally fish for dinner, is that a problem for anyone, if so we can get something else made up?” Charles offered but we were all quite happy to go with that.

After about a half-hour, the door was flung open and a bubbly slim attractive red-haired young woman in a motif t-shirt, designer-ripped jeans, and trainers breezed in and went straight over to Charles giving him big hug. “Sorry I’m a bit late Daddy, traffic was awful, I hope that Mrs.H has not needed to keep dinner on hold until I arrived.”

Looking around she came over to me and gave me a hug too. “Hello, you must be Jane, I’m Lizzy, Daddy has told me so much about you, we must have a long chat together. And this must be your delightful family, she said shaking hands with Mum and Jenny, it will be fun for us all to get to know each other. If you’ll all please excuse me I’ll go and change into something a little less grunge.” She said pointing at the ripped knees in her jeans, and with that as a parting shot she breezed out again as quickly as she had come in.

“She seems a bit of a live-wire Charles, I’m sure that she was a handful as a child.” I said to break the shocked silence in the room that followed her departure.

“She still is Jane, she has not changed, it’s about time she settled down though.”

“Now Lizzie is here, we can go in for dinner, My son William will not be joining us until later.” He told us with a look of slight disappointment on his face.

Lizzie joined us as we went into the dining room. Mum and Jenny were struck, as I had been on my last visit, by the splendour and grandeur. We were shown to our places at the table, Charles at the head, Mum and Jenny on his right, and me and Lizzie to his left. Charles seemed determined to treat Mum as his guest of honour, and Lizzie was positioned so that she could act as host to both myself and Jenny.

It was very impressive when Marshall brought in a two wine coolers and made a show of getting Charles’ approval of his choice, Pouilly-fumé Sauvignon Blanc from the Loire Valley , the first bottle of which he poured for us. To go with it he quickly returned with our starter course, seared smoked salmon with an apple and watercress salad with horseradish mayonnaise, and fingers of fresh-baked bread, still warm from the oven.

“This chap,” he said pointing proudly at the salmon “was swimming in the river at the bottom of the garden yesterday until I landed him, we do try to use our own or local produce where possible.” It was fresh, delicious, and just the right size of a portion to leave room for our main course, and the wine was a perfect match for it.

The second bottle of wine was taken and put on a serving table at the end of the room for later, and replaced by a bottle of Sancerre. Marshall repeated his showy entry for the main course, bearing a silver platter on which was laid a huge fillet of Turbot, on what we were informed was a bed of buttered cabbage dressed with a celeriac puree, along with a side serving of hazelnut pesto.

Marshall served us portions from the platter and left the remainder on the table between us, to help ourselves if we wanted more.

We were all getting a bit full, but Charles smiled as he said. “ Just a light meal tonight, only the three courses. There’s a light rhubarb and ginger crème brûlée to finish, just to freshen the palate and a rather nice Sauternes Premier Cru Superieur to wash it down.”

Later we were back in the orangery, relaxing over a glass of port with cheese and crackers, at least Charles and I were on the port, Mum and Jenny were finishing the table wines, and Lizzie was on whiskey.

“That was a delicious meal Charles, thank you.” Mum asked “Do you always eat so sumptuously or was that special just to impress us?”

“It’s not often I get to entertain four beautiful ladies, my dear, so I thought that I would make an effort, or at least get Marshall and Mrs. H to make an effort, it’s them you should be thanking. When it’s just me I often eat with them in the old servants hall, which we now use as a sort of kitchen/diner/breakfast room as everyone seems to want to do nowadays, or on a tray in front of the TV like most other people. Tonight has been as much an occasion for me as it has been for you all.” Charles was the most genial host, keeping us entertained with stories about his childhood on the estate and some of the less lurid stories of his life in London in his twenties, when he had a bit of a reputation as a ‘Ladies man’.

It was getting late, Mum, Jenny, and I made our way back upstairs to go to our rooms, leaving Charles to have some family time with Lizzie. We stopped for a few minutes outside the door to Mum’s room.

“Has it been alright for you Mum, I know that you weren’t too keen to come?”

“At first I was a bit overawed by it all and worried that Charles would be a bit pompous and patronising, but I have enjoyed his company, I’m really glad I came, let’s see what tomorrow brings.”

“What about you Jen?”

“Brilliant, I’m having a great time, this is a life I could get used to, given half a chance. I was having a good chat with Lizzie, and she said that if ever I fancied a weekend down in London to give her a call and she would show me around and introduce me to some of her friends, so who knows, eh?”

I changed for bed, cleaned off my makeup, and was just dropping off to sleep, when I heard an almighty row going on downstairs. I couldn’t make out what was being said, but Charles and Lizzie were having a big argument with someone whose voice I did not recognise. I was about to get up to see if there was anything I could do, but I heard doors slamming and footsteps on the stairs, after which it all calmed down, excitement now over, so I just turned over and went back to sleep.

In the morning I knocked on the doors of Jenny’s and Mum’s rooms and made my way down for breakfast. The Servants’ Hall was, as I expected from watching Downton Abbey and Upstairs Downstairs, an extension from the main Kitchen with a centrepiece of a long wooden oak plank table with full-length benches on either side. I could just imagine this being full with all the maids and footmen in it’s glory days, but it was looking rather sparse with just Charles and Lizzie already seated there.

Nothing was mentioned about the row late the previous night, and out of politeness I ignored it too.

“Morning Jane.” chirped Lizzie, “ I trust that you slept well, you are looking very fresh and bright-eyed this morning despite all that heavy drinking last night.”

“Oh, you know what they say about us reporters, never miss an excuse for a good drink. It’s something you have to get used to.”

“Now you mention it, Daddy told me about you being on TV and presenting a documentary about the corruption scandal at the Town Hall. We’ll have to watch it later and you can tell me all about it. There’s fruit juice, coffee, a fruit salad and toast over on the dresser, please help yourself. If you fancy a cooked breakfast, just let Mrs H know what you would like. She’s doing a full fry-up for Daddy, but just scrambled eggs and smoked salmon for me.”

Mum and Jenny soon joined us and were much more relaxed and comfortable in the basic surroundings of the servants’ hall, it was generally much more casual than the formal dinner, almost like a normal happy family breakfast.

That was all disturbed by a slamming of doors, and thumping steps on the stairs which caused us all to just pause and look questioningly around at each other.

“Excuse me a moment Ladies, there is something I need to attend to.” Charles apologised as he stood up, with blood-red cheeks, and went upstairs, from where we heard a lot more shouting.

“I have to apologise for that.” said Lizzie, taking charge of the situation. “I don’t know if any of you noticed, but late last night William finally arrived, pretty drunk and mouthing off. We all had a blazing row, telling him that we had guests and that he needed to behave himself. Anyway after a lot of foul-mouthed abuse he stormed off, to god knows where for the night. Obviously he is in no better a mood after sleeping off the drink. I’m sorry that you had to suffer this family squabble.”

“No need to apologise to us,” Mum replied, “ all families have their rows, but it’s best kept within the family. Now what are the plans for today?”

“We were intending that Daddy, William, Jane and I would have a meeting to talk about the family history, while you and Jenny were shown around the gardens and estate by Marshall. However I now think it’s best if we forget the meeting at the moment, while Daddy and William sort things out between themselves, so I will do the tour with you. It’s a pleasant day, so you should all be ok dressed as you are, If the breeze gets up we have plenty of gilets that we can put in the buggy.”

Walking us around the gardens and down the river, Lizzie was a genial knowledgeable hostess. Despite her artistic streak and lifestyle she still obviously had a love for the property and knowledge of all the trees shrubs and flowers, her affection for her home was easy to see.

We collected one of the gardener’s buggies and with Mum and Jenny in the back and me up front with Lizzie she drove us all around the estate, to the walled garden that provided most of the household vegetables, the stables where we were introduced to Chestnut, her favourite hunter as she was growing up, through the woods and deer park, and finally to look over the boundary road to the site where the development was to take place. Far from being a spoiled upper-class daughter of an aristocrat as I had expected, she came across as just an ordinary, pleasant attractive young woman, lots of fun, I felt really comfortable in her company.

When we returned to the house, we found Charles, and who I assumed to be William sitting in the Orangery. Although it was a pleasant warm day, the atmosphere in the room was so chilly, you could have cut it with a knife, It appeared that whatever the problem was between the two of them had not gone away.

“Welcome back Ladies, it’s time you met my son and heir, William. Apologies for postponing our meeting Jane we’ll find a bit of time later.”

William greeted us all rather formally and seemingly grudgingly, but at least he managed to force a smile as he did so. He quickly shook hands with Mum and me, but I noticed that he held Jenny’s hand a little longer than ours, and his smile seemed a lot warmer and more genuine.

Lunch was a casual affair, a buffet of cold meats, cheese, pickles and salad, and fresh bread, taken in the servants’ hall. Will had warmed to us a bit, and was even coming across as friendly, particularly to Jenny, he made sure that he was sitting next to her and they chatted away a lot between themselves while the rest of us made general conversation.

Afterwards Mum and Jenny went off to the Orangery to relax for a while, The Boltons and I stayed behind to have a conversation about the proposed book. Charles and Lizzie were quite enthusiastic and relished the thought of someone else, namely me, doing all the hard work of research and compilation of the family memoirs.

William however was a lot less keen and his comments ranged from indifference to open rejection, particularly to the suggestion that I would be allowed to include some of the more indiscreet events in the family history. At least though, it was agreed that I would have total access to the family archives, although William in particular said he reserved the right to have some things omitted if he felt that they reflected too badly on the family reputation.

To get a bit of fresh air we all went for another tour around the garden. William and Jenny led the way and seemed to be getting on well together, which appeared to have calmed him down to allow his smooth charm to show. Lizzie and I once again were paired together, I enjoyed her company, and she seemed to delight in our conversations, although whether it was sign of friendship or just polite smooth hosting of a guest still left me perplexed. Charles and Mum dawdled on behind, letting us youngsters look after ourselves while they were happy to be in each others company.

Later, over tea and cake in the Orangery Lizzie insisted on us all watching a copy of my ‘Spotlight’ presentation which, although all but Lizzie and William had seen it before, proved a big talking point.

“Is that it Jane, or do you have any more planned?’ Charles enthusiastically enquired.

“I think it was just a one-off, nobody has asked me back again.”

“That’s a shame, Lizzie interrupted, “ you were very good and put your points over really clearly. Daddy, do you know anyone at North TV who might be able to help.?”

“As a matter of fact I do, but really Jane should make her own career path without any unfair influence.”

“That was worth watching, but I think that it is time to prepare for dinner. I know that I told you ladies that it was going to be a casual weekend, but I’m sure that you have brought something dressy just in case, Let’s all dress properly for dinner, it will give me a chance to see our lovely guests in all their finery. Lizzie, you know what is expected, please sort it out with the other ladies.”

As we were going up to our rooms, Lizzie turned back, and I noticed her having quite a heated discussion with her brother in the Entrance Hall. I couldn’t catch what was said but it was obvious that she was not happy with him and was giving him a good telling-off and warning.

Charles must have read our minds, or maybe Mum had a quiet word with him when we were out walking, but he was right, Mum Jenny and I had brought dresses with us, just in case. Mum had brought a gorgeous full length ivory flowing chiffon affair and I had brought the coral prom dress that I had worn for the dinner-dance, Jenny felt that her outfit was a bit dowdy compared to ours, but Lizzie came to the rescue when she returned to us and let her borrow a fitted azure calf-length sheath dress along with some diamond pearl drop earrings.

Feeling glamorous and in keeping with our surroundings we strutted, arms linked, down the staircase to be met by Lizzie and Charles looking extremely dapper in his dinner jacket with a bow tie, cummerbund and pocket kerchief colour-matched to Mum’s dress, I was proved correct, they must have planned this together. As we descended to be greeted by Charles, Lizzie snapped away with her camera, taking photos for us to remember our grand night out at the Manor.

Even Marshall had entered into the spirit of things showing us to our seats dressed in full family livery, knee-breeches, embroidered waistcoat, frock-coat.white socks and buckled dress shoes, they were all determined that we were going to have a night to remember. We were seated as the previous evening, with the addition of William to Jenny’s right, looking very respectable and handsome in a white dinner jacket and, just like Charles and Mum, his accessories were all colour-matched to Jenny’s dress, Lizzie had obviously had a word with him.

The meal was a complete change to the previous evening, much more rustic and traditional, cock-a-leekie soup, followed by game pie, rhubarb fool with shortbread as dessert and again Marshall had made excellent choices from the wine cellar to complement the meal. Whilst we all joined in the general conversations, a lot of the chat was in the pairs we had formed earlier, Mum and Charles, Jenny and William, Me and Lizzie, with Jenny getting a lot of attention from William. Whatever the problem was between him and his father seemed to have been resolved.

However that all changed as the evening went on and we had been hitting the port and the whiskey, he became loud and boorish, telling risqué jokes and using lewd innuendo. Eventually Charles rose and went over to him. “Can I have a word with you in private William?”, and the pair of them left. Charles returned after a few minutes and seemed calm and in control. “William is feeling unwell, and has gone out for some fresh air before retiring, once again, I feel I need to apologise for his behaviour.”

The atmosphere in the room soon became pleasant again, and the rest of the evening, Lizzie, Jenny and I chatted away, while Charles and Mum went for a stroll in the bright full-moon-light around the garden, until it was time for bed.

I was quite tired and sleepy, my body was no longer used to so much food and the wine and was just beginning to nod off when there was a terrifying scream from Jenny’s room next door. Not bothering to put on a dressing gown, I rushed to her room in just my nightie to see what the problem was, and as I opened the door, William pushed Jenny onto the bed and lay on top of her. “Come on girl, you have been playing up to me all day, it’s obvious you want me.” She tried to push him away and screamed at him again but he was too big and strong for her.

Whatever little amount of testosterone was still flowing through me seemed to take over, I jumped on him, put my arm around his throat, dragged him onto the floor and kneed him in the groin, which put him out of action for a few seconds. I was just about to start thumping the daylights out of him when my arm was grabbed and I turned around to see a fuming Lizzie glaring at her brother.

“Get out of here now. I told you earlier that you had to leave Jenny alone, she’s not one of the drink and drug affected sluts that you hang around with in town. You are a disgrace to the family. Get to your room this instant or I will let Jane continue knocking seven bells out of you.” She shouted at him.

“You bunch of dyke bitches, don’t think you’ve heard the last of this.” He snarled as he left.

“Are you ok Jen, do you want me to stay with you tonight in case he comes back?” I asked as I put my arm around her.

“If you don’t mind, I know that I was flirting a bit with him but I never gave him any indication that I wanted sex with him. Lucky you came in, I don’t think I could have stopped him by myself.”

“Unless it’s a problem, I’ll stay too, if he comes back I can control him better than you.” Lizzie offered. Luckily the bed was huge, what would be called super-kingsize in the shops, and comfortably had room for the three of us, and thankfully we were all able to get to sleep and were not disturbed further.

When I woke, my arm was around Jenny to comfort her, but I was surprised to find Lizzie’s arm around my waist. She soon woke and left to go back to her own room, and as Jenny seemed calm and not too badly affected by what had happened I went back next door, got dressed and went down for breakfast.

“Lizzie told me what happened last night Jane, I can’t apologise enough, is Jenny ok?” asked Charles, with a worried and concerned look.

“She’ll survive, luckily I got there before it had gone too far. However Charles I don’t think that I can work again with William, so I think we best cancel my involvement in the memoirs before I really get started.”

“Don’t be silly, why should we all suffer for his gross behaviour. I assure you that you will never have to meet him again, he wasn’t too interested in the memoirs anyway. Lizzie and I will do all we can to assist you and fill in some of the details that are part of family folklore, please say that you will continue as planned.”

“Where is he anyway? Too embarrassed to face us all?”

“He’s left, and I’ll tell you bluntly, he won’t be coming back in a hurry.”

When Mum and Jenny came down he went over to Jenny and gave her a big fatherly hug. “You poor girl,I’m so sorry. When I talked to Jane a few weeks ago about writing the book, I told her that William was only interested in a life of debauchery, but I never realised how bad he had got. If there’s anything I can do please let me know.”

“You’ve got nothing to apologise for Charles.” Mum replied as she put her hand on his arm. Lizzie has told us about your rows with him and warning him to behave himself after arriving drunk on Friday and returning in a foul mood in the morning, at that age there is nothing you can do to change him.”

“That’s what he thinks, but he only knows part of the story.” Charles said cryptically, getting a questioning look from Lizzie. He got up to go to his study, leaving Lizzie to look after us through breakfast.

“Are you sure that you are ok Jenny? I know that you were putting on a brave face for Daddy, but you can be honest with me.”

“No, seriously, no harm’s been done thanks to Jane and you. I’ll be fine as long as I don’t have to see him again.”

After a while Charles came back in wearing his jacket and carrying keys. “I must apologise ladies, I have to take the car and go out on urgent business, please excuse me, Lizzie will you look after our guests for me?”

The rest of the morning, while Charles was away, Lizzie gave us a tour of the house, telling us the stories of the ancestors whose portraits were on the walls, and the history of the Manor from the early days as a glorified large farmhouse and all the extensions rebuilds and modifications that had turned it into the mansion it now was. Whereas her brother had little interest in the family past, Lizzie seemed to relish it all and her pride of some of her ancestors who had made the family fortunes really shone through.

When Charles returned he looked a lot happier and asked Lizzie to join him his study to discuss some family business. He returned to us on his own looking relieved and calm.

“Jane, I told you earlier that you would not have to face William again and have been talking to my solicitors regarding what I can do about it. It is really a family matter but in the circumstances I think you should know too, although it is a case of washing dirty linen in public.”

“Are you sure that you want to tell us this.”

“Yes, you will get to know anyway, it is part of the family story in the archive records. William is not my son by blood. Before we were married Cressida had an affair, which to be honest was pretty much the norm in our social set at the time, and William was the result. As far as public records go, my name is on the birth certificate but I’ve always known different. Now with DNA analysis it is so easy to prove that he is not a blood relative to me. His behaviour for the last few years has been abysmal and last night was the final straw.”

He paused to gather his thoughts and took a deep breath before continuing.

“This morning I have instructed my solicitor to take steps to have him declared illegitimate and therefore have him declared as no longer the heir to my title or my property. After due process and with the correct validation, Lizzie will inherit everything. William will get an allowance to keep him off the streets, but it will be substantially less than he is getting now and his lifestyle is about to take a downward tumble. I am also taking out a restraining order to keep him away from the estate.”

“Does that mean that Lizzie will inherit the title? I thought that it would have to pass to some distant long-lost male relative.”

“You’re right, that would usually be the case, but there is a special clause in the ‘letters patent’ granting the title to the first Baron Bolton, who only had daughters, allowing the title to be passed down the female line.”

“Did Lizzie know you planned to do this?”

“No Jane she didn’t, until a few minutes ago she was not aware of any of it, She was quite taken aback by it and is spending some time thinking it through.”

“If you don’t mind, I would like to go to her, it may help to clear her mind talking to someone else about what it will all mean for her future”

I found her sitting on a bench in the garden overlooking the river, staring blankly at the swans and geese drifting by, sat down next to her and put a consoling arm around her shoulder.

“Your father has told us what he is doing about William, it must have all come as a big shock to you.”

“It will turn my life upside down, I will now have massive responsibilities, my carefree days of enjoying myself are over. When this is all sorted out, the next step will be pressuring me to get married and produce an heir.”

“What’s wrong with that, we all have to settle down sometime?”

“That’s the big problem I am a lesbian, well mainly, although I have been with men too.”

“Is that still a big deal nowadays, just be yourself.”

“Just like you, you mean? I know your secret Jane, we now know each others lies in life. When you were wrestling William to the floor last night your nightie was up around your waist and you just didn’t look right, and when you were asleep,I confirmed my suspicions. Do you want to tell me about it?

To be continued.

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