Carol's Unusual Life

Carol at Age Fifteen:
Carol looks at the four needles she managed to get from a friend that sold drugs. She was tired of waiting until she was sixteen years old to have the surgery to get her vagina. She heard what these drugs could do and wanted to be a true girl now.

She puts two of the needles into her left arm and puts the other two needles into her breasts. One needle per breast. She was glad she had the house to herself because otherwise, she would have to wait until everyone was asleep.

She falls into a deep sleep, after dropping the needles back into her backpack. Her mothers will be disappointed with her, but she wanted to be a true woman. She falls unconscious onto the bed.

Eight hours later, in the middle of the night, Carol wakes up feeling hungry. She also could feel that her body has changed big time. She feels weak as she gets out of bed and walks over to the full-length mirror mounted on the front of the closet door.

She reaches over to the light switch and turns it on. She couldn’t believe how her body looks now. Her blonde hair was longer and stopped halfway down her back. Her breasts were huge. She was bigger than her mother Kelly and that was saying something.

She looked like a famous porn star with her body now. A smile appears on her face as she squeezes her breasts. They were as huge as watermelons. She reaches down between her legs and discovered that she finally had a vagina and could feel her hymen when she sticks her finger further up inside her body.

She loved what the drug did to her body and breasts. She looked at her body and a big smile appears on her face as she twirls around looking at her bubble butt. She looked like she could do porn the way she looked. Her stomach starts to growl as she starts feeling extremely hungry.

She grabs the spare house robe that Melody had. She was glad that Melody was at a girl’s camp for the next few weeks. She puts the robe on and heads towards the kitchen. When she walks into the refrigerator, she notices a note left for her on the door.

She looks at it and notices it was her mother, informing her that a plate had been made up for her. A smile appears on her face as she opens the refrigerator door and notices the plate left for her. She pulls it out and places it in the microwave to reheat it. Carol opens the refrigerator door again and grabs the sweet tea pitcher and pours herself a glass.

Carol downs the first one and pours herself a second one. She drinks that one slowly. The robe barely covered her huge breasts. She eats the plate left for her and was still feeling hungry. So, she pulls out everything she needs to make a nice sub.

After she finishes eating, she turns the alarm off for the back door and walks outside onto the porch. She shivers some but enjoys the cloudless night. The moon was full, and she was feeling energized. She removes the robe she had on and goes out into the yard and dances around to a tune inside her head.

The perimeter of the yard had a six-foot privacy fence. So, she didn’t have to worry about someone seeing her naked and dancing in the backyard. For some reason, she didn’t care if anyone saw her. She was enjoying her new body.

She dances for a while, before heading back into the house. She stops in the bathroom and takes a shower. She shivers as her hands roam over her body. The sensitivity she was feeling was nothing she has ever felt before. A low moan escapes from her mouth. She fingers herself and after a few seconds, she was squirting and feeling like she has never felt before. Even the sex she had with Melody was nothing like she was feeling.

Her legs felt weak as she finishes her shower. Now, how was she going to explain what she did to herself, to her mothers? Carol finishes her shower and dries off.

Carol heads to her bedroom and lay down. Her body was still tingling from playing with herself. The thing was, she enjoyed it.

When morning arrives, she wasn’t looking forward to explaining herself to her mother, but she knew she had to. When Nora and Kelly see her, they both wanted to know what she did to herself. She shows them the needles she used and explained that she wanted to be a real woman.
She didn’t want to have a fake vagina, but a real one.

Nora and Kelly couldn’t be mad at Carol, because they could understand why she did what she did. However, they were a little disappointed that she bought a drug that was causing problems. Also, she didn’t talk to them first about what she was going to do. Nora and Kelly thought they had a close relationship with all their daughters. Especially, Carol after what happened to her.

They ground her for two months and would inspect her gym bag and purse each day. Carol couldn’t fault her mothers for what they were doing, but she wanted to be a real girl. After the punishment had been dealt out and what restrictions she would be under. Kelly takes her shopping for new clothes, while Nora packed up all her old stuff that didn’t fit her new body anymore. Some of it she boxes up, just in case they get another girl.

Her friend down at social service has been in touch with her and wanted to know if Nora wouldn’t mind being an emergency foster mother. Someone, she can call on right away. Nora spoke with Kelly before saying yes.

The next few months after her change, the romantic relationship between Carol and Melody started to End. They still loved each other as sisters, but they no longer loved each other as lovers. Which was good news to Nora and Kelly. They had been a little hasten about the two of them being lovers.

Also, the family learned that Christina and her boyfriend were engaged and were expecting a baby. That peeked Nora’s and Kelly’s eyebrows because Christina wasn’t a real woman. They couldn’t figure out how that was possible. However, Christina sent them proof that she was pregnant. She also said that she would explain in December when she comes home for Christmas.

Everyone heard from Ginger as well. She told them that she misses them and wishes they were in California with her. She was working as an MP and would be transferred to Military Intelligence when a position opens. She also informs them that she’ll be coming home for Christmas as well. She was going to meet up with Christina and her fiancé to fly in with them.

As for Carol, she and some of the other girls from school teamed up to form their own cleaning business. The girls would dress as sexy maids and some of the men that worked with them would dress as butlers and such. The uniforms were designed by two of the girls in the group.

Nora and Kelly weren’t too thrilled about the uniforms, but they would let Carol and the other three girls who made up the company handle it. They were happy Carol had a part-time job. As for Melody, she took an interest in art. It seemed that Melody had a hidden talent that no one knew about. She had entered an art contest and won first place. After that, her art teacher had entered it into the regional art contest and she won that contest as well. That made Nora and Kelly very proud of Melody. They knew has had a hard life and Melody had always thought she wasn’t special, no matter what they told her. It did a lot for Melody’s self-esteem and Nora and Kelly encouraged her to continue to draw and paint.

As for Carol and the new business. She and the other girls and guys from school formed. It was doing good, and they offered a different type of package, where the girls would wear thong bikinis to clean and the guys would wear tight speedo showing off their packages.

The parents didn’t know anything about this second package. It increased the group's income and Carol was enjoying it because she looked like a porn actress anyway with her new body. She loved the attention she was getting and the tips she got as well. She didn’t need the money because of the inheritance fund she had from the death of her parents.

Nora didn’t touch it and she didn’t want anything from it. So, the only time Carol touched it was when she didn’t want Nora to spend her money to buy her something. Otherwise, she let Nora and Kelly treat her like they did all their children.

There was this one client that Carol liked a lot. Their relationship started innocently at first and over time they became comfortable with each other. She liked him because he dressed and acted like George Michael. He was a professional impersonator who just happened to look a lot like George Michael. He could even sing and did well in Memphis.

Once they started to get to know one another, he would buy her sexy lingerie and such and have her clean his place while wearing them. She didn’t mind and he promised not to take any photos working like that. They had a few clients that tried to get around that rule but ended up in court because of the breach of contract. It was written in every contract that the girls used said that pictures were not allowed unless given written permission by the maid or butler.

Carol did tell Nora and Kelly about Henry and that she has been working at his house. She wanted their permission to date him. She did explain that he was twice her age but didn’t care.

Of course, Nora did a background check on him and all she found were a couple of traffic tickets he had gotten. She also learned he has been impersonating George Michael for the last ten years and used to be a plumber helper before that. Nora and Kelly weren’t thrilled about letting
Carol dates a guy twice her age. They met with the guy, and he assured them that he has no sexual interest in their daughter. He just liked beautiful things and their daughter was very beautiful.

They were going to tentatively allow the relationship for now. Kelly checked with some of her gay friends, and they knew the guy. They confirmed that he was as queer as they came. That relaxed Nora and Kelly some, but they did check up on the two of them every so often.

Tiffany was going to college to be a paralegal at the law firm Kelly worked at. The office had been rebuilt after the destruction of it. Kelly and Nora thought it was nice that Tiffany was going back to school. They didn’t mind looking after little Nora Marie.

When Carol turned sweet sixteen, her mothers threw her a huge party. Her sister Ginger sent her some dresses and shoes in her new dress size. Christina and her fiancé managed to get a personalized picture signed by her favorite actor in Hollywood.

The business Melody and the other girls started was doing good. They managed to get cleaning contracts from some of the rich people in Memphis and from some of the music artists that lived in Tennessee. Word about their work was spreading. Not all their clients wanted them to dress in skimpy clothes.

There was one couple that took an extremely particular interest in Carol. They wanted her to dress as a naughty schoolgirl and be their plaything. However, she had to keep what they did secret, and not let it get out of what they were doing.

Mainly because of their connections. Carol was a little unsure at first, but once she experienced what they wanted from her, she agreed. She started going to some interesting parties where she met others. The couple always made sure she wore clothes that showed off her assets.

Skirts that were too short showed off her panty-clad butt and such. Shirts or blouses that were tight showed off her breasts and nipples.
Sometimes the woman would inject a solution into Carol's nipples to make them stiff and longer all night long. They treated her like their precious daughter.

Over time, she was starting to enjoy the attention she was getting. Keeping what she was doing from Nora and Kelly was the hard part. She
knew Nora was a walking lie detector. There was no way she could lie to her mothers, but Meghan helps to make sure there are some truths to what Carol tells Nora.

When Christmas time arrives, Carol spends it with her family and the couple she has been doing things with. She even let Meghan’s husband Richie take her cherry. Meghan was there that night and helped her husband.

She let him have sex with her first and after he was done. She had sex with her wearing a thick strap that stretched her wide. And was longer than she could physically take. Each Meghan pulled out and pushed back into her, she hit her cervix, causing pain each time.

She went skiing over the Christmas holiday with them. When they arrived at the cabin they rented, she wasn’t allowed to wear any clothes, except a skintight leather suit that showed off her groin and breasts. She was also encouraged to be dominated over the couple. That turned her on big time. She enjoyed having the power they gave her to make them do whatever she wanted.

By the time they got back from their vacation, Carol felt different and there was a new dynamic to their relationship. Also, when she got back home. There was an Asian girl living with Nora and Kelly. The poor thing looked like she had been abused. She was covered in bandages and was wearing a cast on her right leg.

Carol learned from Christina that the girl's name was Daiyu, and she had been disowned by her father because she was gay. On top of that when she went to defend her mother who had tried to intervene and stop the nonsense of her father. He attacked her and beat her within an inch of her life.

Carol could see that Christina had a slight belly. She places her hand on Christina’s belly “how long are you?”

“Four months. I promise I will never allow what Daiyu’s father did to her.” Christina had her hand on her belly.

“Aunt Cheshire and mom would never allow that, and God help, anyone that thinks they can harm your child.” Carol knew what her mother and aunt would do to them. You don’t piss off the Cheshire. She’ll make you pay with your life.

“So, what have you been up to, little sister?” Christina looks at Carol with that look all big sisters have.

Carol felt like squirming under Christina’s gaze. She was worse than their mother.

“Let’s just say, I have been learning a lot about myself recently.” Carol was being truthful to Christina.

“Oh, like what?” Christina wanted to know.

“You, first. How did you become pregnant?” Carol knew Christina had the same type of surgery that Ginger did.

“I wish I could tell you, sis. Even I’m confused on how it happened.” Christina had an inkling that it had to do with the werecat in California.

“You didn’t take that drug that turns people like me, Ginger, and you into women, did you?” Carol was curious if her sister tried it.

“There’s a drug that turns people like us into women?” Christina hadn’t heard about it in Hawaii.

“Yeah, if a male takes it. It turns them into fully functional women. I took it because I wanted to be fully functional and be able to have children of my own.” Carol was surprised that Christina hadn’t heard about it.

“So, that explains why you look like a porn actress. What happens if a genetic woman takes it?” she knew some women that would love to look at her sister.

“I heard they become sex crazy. All they want is sex and they don’t care who fucks them or how many.” Carol heard about it from her friend.

“Man, I bet a lot of people like us would want to use the drug.” Christina knew she would have taken it, instead of having the painful surgery.

“Yeah, but it's also being used by sex traffickers. They are going around changing ordinary men into girls and selling them.” Carol was informed by her friend to be careful.

“I wonder if Cheshire and Uncle Jack are doing something about it?” Christina knew they were about justice.

“I think that would be more up Tizzy’s and Julia’s department since they are cops. There’s an old Chinese saying. Never use a cannon to swat a fly. Mr. Bounty and Aunt Cheshire are the cannons.” Carol knew they were very dangerous.

“True, Mr. Bounty and Aunt Cheshire are nukes with Tizzy, and Julia being flyswatters.” Christina knew the family. She held onto Julia’s guns for a while and saved their lives.

“What are you two talking about in here?” Ginger heard Carol and Christina talking in the living room. She was wearing a pair of shorts and a muscle shirt.

“Well, well, well. Isn’t it G.I. Jane?” Carol liked teasing her next oldest sister.

“Keep teasing me and I’ll turn you over my knee.” Ginger knew how much of a little brat Carol could be.

“We were talking about cannons and flies.” Christina knew Ginger would know what they were talking about.

“Oh, who has drawn their attention this time?” Ginger knew when Jack and Cheshire get involved, things tend to get messy.

“Nothing, that I’m aware of. The last I heard, was Cheshire was visiting an old friend, and Tizzy and her family were in Florida.” Christina didn’t know of Cheshire’s current was about.

“I believe that when the orange hair dude in the office goes to jail where he belongs. He’s talking about kicking all transgender people out of the military.” Ginger was worried about her status.

“But you have already had your surgery, sis. There’s nothing he can do about it.” Carol knew how much Ginger has wanted to be in the military like her birth parents.

“I wasn’t born female, and the orange hair jackass is trying to ruin it for me and every other transgender military person.” Ginger knew most of her file had been closed, thanks to Nora. However, the jackass in the White House could have her file unsealed.

“I’m sorry sis.” Carol places her hand on Ginger’s shoulder. She knew how hard her sister worked to join the Marines.

“You know it has been a while since all three of us have talked with each other.” Carol sits next to Ginger on the sofa.

“I know. How are things going for you since you became a fully functional woman?” Ginger was informed by their mother.

“Let’s just say, I am learning a lot about myself.” A smile appears on Carol’s face.

“Well, I’m glad you are and happy as well. Now, why don’t we all go to bed, before mom comes out here and chastise us?” Ginger covers up a yawn.

“Okay, sis.” Carol gets up and hugs her two older sisters before heading to bed.

Several Days Later:
Carol was wearing the newest lingerie outfit that Henry bought her as she cleaned his house. She was bent over dusting when she felt some hands on her ass “I thought you didn’t like women, Henry?”

“I don’t, but you have such a cute ass.” Henry couldn’t believe how cute Carol’s ass looks.

“So, why are you rubbing my ass?” Carol stands up and turns around to look at Henry.

“I might have a new client for you, but they are furries. They might want you to dress as a furry.” Henry had commented to them about Carol’s cleaning company.

“It’s an unusual request, but I think we can accommodate it as well. So, what would they want me to dress up as?” Carol looks at Henry.

“I’ll let them tell you, sweetie. Until then. Why don’t you join me in a dance?” Henry presses the remote in his hand and plays George Michael’s I want your sex song.

Carol smiles and shakes her head as she sings along with the lyrics and dances to the tune. She likes singing and dancing with Henry. It was fun and she enjoyed it.

When the music stops, she looks at Henry “alright, I’ll meet with your friends.”

“Thanks.” He places an innocent kiss on her cheek.

Carol goes back to school and helps her new sister Daiyu. She and Melody knew Daiyu was going to need help getting around school and adjusting to her new environment. While they are sitting outside eating lunch, Laurel comes up to Carol.

“What’s up Laurel?” Carol looks at her.

Laurel was one of her partners in the cleaning business. It was her, Laurel, Ana, and Jennifer.

“Can I speak to you privately, Carol?” Laurel looks at her friend and wishes she didn’t need to do this.

“Sure.” Carol gets up from the table she was sitting at with her sisters.

The two of them walk away from the table for privacy. Carol looks at Laurel “what’s wrong?”

“I need for you to buy me out. My father got a new job offer and we are moving.” Laurel didn’t want to move, but she had to.

“Okay, I can have the money for you in two days. Is that okay?” Carol could pull the money from her inheritances.

“Yes, and thanks.” Laurel hugs Carol. She was going to miss her.

Carol walks back over to her sisters and sits down. Melody looks at Carol “is everything okay?”

“Yeah, Laurel is moving. Her father got a new job.” Carol was going to miss her.

“Is that who that girl was?” Daiyu looks at Carol for an answer. She was still having a hard time speaking because of the damage to her right jaw.

“Yeah, she’s been my friend ever since I first came out,” Carol remembers when Laurel discovered that she was trans.

“I’m going to miss her.” Melody liked Laurel and was going to miss her.

“I know.”

The bell rings informing the students they need to go to their next class. Daiyu follows Melody to their classes. Nora managed to arrange for Melody and Daiyu to have the same classes together.

Carol heads towards her next class which was gym. Instead of being in the classroom this week. They were in the gym, which meant she needs to change her clothes.

While Carol is changing her clothes in the girl’s locker room. Percy comes over to her and stands next to her. She notices that Percy had a playful smile on her face.

“What mischief are you up to?” Carol knew Percy just got back from a suspension.

She pulled a mean-spirited prank on Mr. Holdsworth. The man was a terrible teacher and had a bad habit of touching girls. When a female student complained about him. He would deny the accusation and say that the student was lying. Plus, he made it look like they were a bad student as well.

Percy took matters into her own hands and pulled a mean-spirited prank. Her mother tried standing up for Percy. She had been hearing what has been going on with the female students and him.

“Nothing, I wanted to see what your new body looked like.” Percy runs her fingertip down Carol’s arm.

Carol shivers from Percy touching her. She looks at Percy “you know school isn’t the place for this.”

“Maybe after school?” Percy wanted to see what carol was like.

“Can’t, I have a job I have to go to afterward.” Carol had a cleaning job after school at an office building.

“Too bad. Maybe, some other time.” Percy smacks Carol on her ass and walks out of the locker room.

Carol just shakes her head as she follows Percy out into the gym. She stood out compared to the other girls in her class. She was more developed and looked like a full-grown woman.

After gym class and school. Carol rides with Henry and four other crew members of the cleaning crew over to an office building they were hired to clean. It was a new contract, and they were going to need to hire some new employees. Right now, they were using temps from a temp agency.

Carol looks at all the people that had shown up. Some of them were old and the rest vary in age. There was one girl among them that looked like she was trans or a crossdresser. She was trying to pass, but you could see the male features she had.

“Alright people. This is a new contract and if you do well cleaning this place. I’ll consider taking you on permanently. So, tonight you’ll be
working side by side with a member of our company and we’ll show you what we expect of you. Now, let’s team you up and get to work. We need to be out of here by midnight.” Carol starts teaming people up. She takes the one girl named Bobbi with her.

She and Bobbi take the higher floors and work their way down. Carol notices that Bobbi was quiet as they work. She wonders if everything was okay with her.

In the next few weeks, Carol and Bobbi work together and slowly build up a relationship. Carol finds out that Bobbi has always wanted to be a girl but did what her parents wanted her to be. She spent years trying to be the perfect son and boyfriend, but it was all a lie.

While they continue to work together, Carol wonders if Bobbi might be interested in trying the drug she took. One night while they are working, Carol looks at Bobbi “Bobbi have you heard about that drug that changes men into women?”

Bobbi looks at Carol “yeah I have. I wouldn’t mind trying it, but I don’t know anyone who can get it.”

“You do know that the drug has different types of effects on people.”

“Yeah, but I don’t care. It’s going to take me years to save up enough money to get the surgery.” Bobbi has been looking for a supplier from who she could get the drug.

“I might be able to help you. However, I must warn you. Once you are changed, it's permeant and there’s no going back.” Carol knew she shouldn’t do this, but she wanted to help Bobbi.

Bobbi looks at Carol “you know someone who sells the drug?”

“Yes, I do. If you are serious about this decision. I’ll give you their number, but I will warn you. Be very careful about doing this. Things can go completely bad if you’re not.”

“I’m sure about this.” Bobbi looks at Carol with a pleading look in her eyes.

“Alright, this goes against my better judgment.” Carol writes a number and name down on a piece of paper and hand it to Bobbi.

“Thanks.” Bobbi looks at the number and the name on the piece of paper.

“Make sure this is what you want.” Carol was sure she wanted it.

The rest of the night they finish the floors up. The two of them have everything down to a smooth routine. It was thirty minutes till midnight when everything was done.

One night when Carol comes home from cleaning several residents. She notices her mothers were up waiting for her and they had her bunny rabbit costume she had to buy for the couple who were into the furry culture. When she sees her mothers “I can explain that.”

“It better be good.” Kelly was curious as to why Carol had a bunny suit in her closet.

Kelly had gone into Carol’s bedroom to strip her bedding and found a lot of things she didn’t know their daughter was hiding from them. She wanted answers from their daughter.

Carol takes a deep breath and looks at her mothers. She goes into an explanation of what the deal was off the bunny suit. She also goes into what the deal is about the skimpy lingerie and high heels were as well.

Carol watched her parents’ reaction when she explained everything. She saw concern, worry, anger, and disappointment several times. But once she finished explaining everything to Nora and Kelly, she saw that they didn’t know what to do.

Nora listened to Carol as she explained things and on one hand, she was proud of Carol and her partners for their cleaning business idea. However, she was a little worried about what they did. They were still technically underage, and this could come back to haunt them in the future.

Kelly felt the same way Nora did. They trusted Carol and the business service they had was a good one. However, some of the things Carol was doing were another story. The bunny suit didn’t bother them. However, the other things did bother her.

Nora stands up and walks over to Carol and hugs her. She feels Kelly stand up and walk over to her as well. They hug for a while and afterward, they look at Carol “you’re going to need either change what you are doing or stop doing it all together.”

“Does that include what I do for Henry?” Carol liked wearing the lingerie she got from Henry.

Nora sighs because she knew how much Carol liked Henry, even though he was gay. She looks at Kelly to see what she thought.

“We’ll allow what you do for Henry, but no one else. Okay?” Kelly knew how Nora felt about it.

“Thanks.” Carol places a kiss on Nora’s cheek and Kelly’s cheek.

The next couple of days, Carol concentrates on passing several tests at school. Part of her agreement with her mothers was that she had to maintain her grades at school. So, far she has and she wasn’t about to let them slip.

While she is studying for a test she has coming up. Daiyu knocks on her bedroom door.


Daiyu comes walking into her bedroom with a pair of crutches. She looks at Carol “I’m having a problem with my math. Melody said you were good at math. Could you help me please?”

“Sure.” Carol walks over to Daiyu and follows her back to her old bedroom.

She wasn’t sharing a bedroom with Melody anymore. She had a bedroom of her own. She walks into the bedroom and over to her old desk. She watches as Daiyu sits down at the desk and shows her the math problem she couldn’t figure out.

“Oh, I know the solution to this one. Here, watch me as I do this one and I know there is another one you’ll have to do.” Carol picks a pencil up
and a piece of paper. She starts going through the steps to solve it.

Daiyu watches as Melody explains the steps to her. No one has ever done this for her before. Her mother tried, but math wasn’t her strong

Carol spends the next hour with Daiyu helping her with her homework. After helping Daiyu with her homework. Melody joins them to fix dinner for everyone. Tonight, they were making spicy fried chicken.

While Melody cooked the chicken. Daiyu followed Nora’s recipe for potato salad. While Daiyu worked on the potato salad, Carol works making the baked beans and string beans.

Once everything was about ready to serve, Carol sets the dining room table. Melody makes the sweet, iced tea. By the time the table is set, everyone comes walking into the dining room.

Nora and Kelly look at the girls with a smile on their faces as they sit down at the table. Both women were proud of their daughters and the teamwork they display. Nora looks at Kelly and could tell she was proud of their daughters as well.

The next time Carol works with Bobbi, she finds out that Bobbi had taken the drug and turned into a medium-breasted woman with shoulder-length dark brown hair, hazel eyes, and short stature. She stood about five foot two inches. She also had light golden-brown skin.

“It looks like everything worked out for you, Bobbi.” Carol couldn’t believe how Bobbi looked.

A smile appears on Bobbi’s face “I never thought I would look like this.”

“So, no regrets?” Carol looks into Bobbi’s hazel eyes.

“No! No regrets at all.”

“Good, let's get started.” Carol turns around to grab her cleaning supplies.

Carol watches as Bobbi starts working.

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