Sixty is not that old - Part 23

Monday came around far too quickly for everyone. The previous evening Michel had taken Delphine out for a quiet meal at a Restaurant in Ashburton. Despite his best intentions, it had failed to lift her spirits.

“Last meal of the condemned?” muttered Delphine as she played with her desert.

“Stop talking like that or…!”

“Or what?”

“Please darling, just stop being so depressed. Tomorrow is only the first round. Even if they somehow come away and you have to be assessed then it won’t happen tomorrow or next week unless they pay through the nose and then Verity will appeal as it won’t have been impartial. There is a long way to go.”

“I just want it over and them out of my life for good.”

“Didn’t Verity say that she has a plan?”

“And what is that plan eh? Something’s not right I tell you. She would have told us if there was a plan that was any good at all.”

And so, it went on.

Neither of them had slept well despite having to get up early and get the first train of the day from Totnes to Paddington. Their neighbour, Janice was going to take them into town in time for the train but it still meant leaving her place at 05:30. They wanted to be in London as early as possible to give them as much time to prepare for the day ahead as they could.

The train journey was good apart from the last leg from Reading into the Capital. The train, even in 1st Class was full to bursting with commuters. Both of them had dozed for a good part of the journey. Michel was glad of this as he’d tried his best but had really not succeeded in getting Delphine out of the fug that had descended over her on Saturday evening after they'd rounded up the ducks and geese for their daily feed. There was always one that despite them being tempted with food that decided that they'd prefer to take their chances with the local foxes and be safe for the night. Vivienne had gone after one goose who had evaded all her attempts to catch her until Vivienne had slipped and had fallen face-first into some mud. Then the dastardly bird had capitulated almost as if it was laughing at her chaser. Michel had a good laugh at Vivienne's expense.

Michel was determined not to let that be their last day of happiness together.

Upon their arrival at Paddington, they took a Taxi to Verity’s offices rather than face the crowds on the Tube.

Verity welcomed them both with big hugs. She saw the look of dejection on her friends face.

“We will have none of that when we go into the conference room!” she stated firmly.
“That will send a message to them that they have won when the truth is far from that.”

“But what is the surprise you have lined up? You didn’t tell us. Why?”

Verity lost the smile on her face.

“I have a vital piece of evidence on its way. It should get here in time but I don’t know exactly when that will be. All I know that it is on its way.”

“What is it and where is it coming from?”

“I don’t want to tell you what it is as if you don’t know then you can’t tell them about it or even lie to them. It is better that you don’t know. As to where it is coming from? That is Australia. Someone is flying in today… this morning with it. That’s all I can say at the moment ok?”

Delphine wanted to try to get more out of her friend but Michel stopped her.

"Verity is right my darling. It is far better that we don't know at this stage. What we don’t know, we can’t lie about.”

The three of them spent the rest of the time working on their strategy. Verity was clear all along that it was down to the other side to cite enough examples of Delphine/Vivienne making incompetent decisions in the past few months that when put in front of a panel, they’d agree to her being medically examined. Verity was confident that she could counter all the examples that they knew about including the ones where she had her breast implants and then her nipples pierced.

“Ten years ago, it might have been considered odd for someone of your age to have implants or any body piercings other than in your ears but not now,” said Verity.

She had a whole raft of published data to back that up.
“If thousands of other women in the prime of their life are doing the same it can’t be considered a rash or ill-conceived decision now can it?”

Delphine had to agree to that.
Verity went a bright shade of red in the face.
“I had my nipples done last week.”

“Verity?” exclaimed Delphine.

“I know. Hubby loves them. His words were ‘why the hell didn’t you have them done years ago?’ Men eh?”

“They are my backup. If needs be, I’ll show them that you are not alone.”

Delphine managed a small smile so Verity carried on.

“As for totally cutting them out of your will then it is clear that your will of more than a decade ago, where you only gave them a small part of your estate shows that you were thinking ahead even then. To change your will to cut them out cannot be construed as a major change to the intent of the will. I deal with this stuff all day. I have huge amounts of precedent and decisions made in the Court of Appeal and even the Supreme Court to back this up.”

“What about the legal team that they have engaged?”

Verity laughed.

“Bottom feeders. I’d never heard of them until I consulted the Law Society Registry. It seems that they are doing this on a small retainer but with the hope that they can cream at least 20% off of your estate if they win. They have a win rate of less than 10%. Your instructions to me and my predecessor over the years are clear and unambiguous. They won’t get them shot down in any court in this country any time this century.”

Delphine was not convinced but had to accept that this was Verity's domain and she very much knew what she was talking about.

“They should be arriving about now. You two should stay here until I come and get you,” said Verity as the wall clock showed a quarter to twelve.
"If you need a comfort break, may I suggest that you take it now?"

“Any news on the arrival of that evidence?” asked Michel.

“Let me go and check.”

Michel went to the toilet while Verity checked with her people about the arrival of the evidence.

When they were all back together Verity said,
“It is on its way from Heathrow. ETA is 12:50 at the latest.”

That cheered Delphine up a bit. Not a lot, but she was in a better place mentally than she’d been in for the past 48 hours.

“They are in the conference room. It looks like Janice has been splashing the cash again with her clothes,” said Verity.

Michel began to stand up. Verity waved to him to sit down.

“Wait here for four minutes. Then come into the room next door. We make them wait just a little bit.”

Michel took hold of his Wife’s hand. It was cold despite it being a warm day.

[five minutes later]

“Ah here they are,” said Verity as Delphine and Michel walked into the room.

As they sat down, Verity made the introductions.

“This is Delphine and her husband Michel La Fontaine. This is…”

That was as far as she got.

“Rubbish. That’s my Mother Vivienne Carter,” spouted Suzanne.
“And that is some Froggie who has got her wrapped around his little finger,” added Janice for good measure.

Verity ignored her outburst.
“This is Sean Russel and Imogen Hughes. They are the legal representatives of Suzanne and Janice.”

“Aren’t you going to answer me?” demanded Suzanne.

Verity seemed to be in her element.

“If you would like to look at these three documents then we can continue.”

She extracted the two Deed Poll documents and their certificate of Marriage from her thick folder and passed it across the table to the lawyers of the other side.

They scanned the documents. Imogen spoke.

“These are legal changes of name and a perfectly legal Marriage Certificate.”

“But you knew that your mother had married again, didn’t you?” asked Verity.

She slid one of the photos that showed Delphine and Michel leaving the Registry Office.

“Suzanne, I am given to understand that you were present in Torquay on that day?”

“I was. If I could have stopped it then I would have.”

“On what grounds?” asked Verity.

“On the grounds that this impostor was going to take all her money and run! That’s what!”

“Those are not sufficient grounds to halt a legal wedding. I’m sure that your legal team would have advised you of that. Besides, Michel is very much here and he has no intention of running as you so crudely put it.”

Suzanne was starting to come to the boil. Delphine knew this.

“My dear, please calm down. It won’t be doing your baby any good. All this stress and for what? Nothing.” Said Delphine.

“Don’t go telling me what to do.”

"But my dear daughter, isn't that exactly what you are wanting to do to me? If you succeed then you will not only control my money but my life. Is that what you really, really want?"

Verity interrupted their exchange.
“As my client says, you want to take full control of her life. What you have stated very clearly in your filing is exactly that. Your mother has put in place measures to minimise this risk. You know very well that her will of 2009 makes a small provision for you and your children from her estate. That is not a sudden rash decision. Her recent decision to update the will with a legally binding codicil that cuts you out entirely but leaves the bequests to your children for when they come of age is also good. There are countless decisions in English Law that will back this up. These decisions may I remind you go right up to the Court of Appeal and beyond. Believe me, ladies, I know the law in this area very well.”

“Ms May,” said Imogen,
“We intend to fight this all the way. To the Supreme Court if needed.”

Verity smiled.
“All in the hope of getting your cut of my clients estate?”

No one moved.

"As to the value of that estate, I have a notarised instruction dating from 2009 that tells me to donate two-thirds of any monies received from the sale of her London home to charity. After clarification of that instruction with my client, I did exactly as she asked me to do nearly a decade ago. I have her signed re-affirmation of that decision here."

Verity passed the relevant documents over to the other side.

The two lawyers looked at them with surprise. Verity noticed this.

"My client's daughters knew of this long-standing decision from the outset but seem to have forgotten it for some reason.”

“Bollocks,” exclaimed Janice.

“It is most certainly not bollocks as you so crudely put it.”

Verity extracted Vivienne’s diary for 2009. She opened it at a marked page.

“This is the entry for your Mother’s Fiftieth birthday.”

Verity paused for effect.

"Had my daughters and their husbands around for dinner. Neither of them made any effort to dress up. It was almost as if they were coming on sufferance. I told them of my new will and of my decision to donate to charity. Then I mentioned that I might be moving. Janice agreed that it was a good idea as the house was far too big for one person. The pound signs in her eyes were evident as she asked me what I was going to do with it all. I told her that most of it would be going to charity. Specifically, Breast and Prostate cancer research charities as my parents had died from them. No one objected.”

Verity went on.
“The instruction to her lawyer is signed and notarised three days later.”

“That’s our money!” stuttered Suzanne.

“No, it isn’t! It is your mother’s,” countered Verity.

Just then the door to the room burst open and in walked Rex, Vivienne’s first husband.

“What is going on here!” he demanded.

“Who are you and why are you interrupting this conference?” asked Sean Hughes.

“This is Rex Carter. Vivienne’s former Husband and the father to Janice and Suzanne,” said Verity.

“Too dam right I am. There I am enjoying a holiday on the Barrier Reef when my lawyer calls me and tells me that my daughters are playing hardball with Vivienne’s life. That isn’t right. While Vivienne and I had many disagreements over the years, we always agreed on how our daughters were to be raised. She did a great job. Or so I thought until Vivienne’s rant at the birthday party. After the call, I sat and talked things over with my wife. The result was that I jumped on the first plane out of there and here I am.”

There was silence in the room.

Rex turned to his daughters.

“You two have really gone and done it this time. Janice, you came to me with a sob story and to cut a long story short, I gave you some money. It seems that it was all a pack of lies. Don’t try to fob me off. I had my people look into it while I was on the plane. You used that money as a retainer for these two ambulance chasers. Well, I’m not having it I tell you. Lying to me over money was the last straw.”

Susanne moved as if she was going to say something but Rex stopped her.

“Vivienne raised the two of you on her own and did a fucking fantastic job. Now you repay her like this? Shame on you. All those foreign school trips you went on? I paid for them. We might have not seen eye to eye about a lot of things but as far as bringing you up we were as one. She does not deserve this at all. As for being incapable of making proper decisions? You are totally wrong. She is starting to live a new life. If what my people say is anything to go by, it is a little unconventional but I see nothing wrong in that. As I said just now this ends and it ends now.”

He turned to the two lawyers representing his daughters.

“I want a full set of accounts in my possession by this time tomorrow. Every penny that you have spent on this case has to be accounted for or I will sue the bollocks off both of you. I want the outstanding balance from that retainer that you received paid to me by the end of the day tomorrow.”

He pulled out his wallet and gave them each a business card.

“Call my lawyer for details of how to refund the money.”

Then he turned back to his daughters.

“You two have turned out nasty pieces of work. I would not blame your mother one little bit if she got County Court Judgements against the two of you for the money that you owe her. Yes, she told me about the loans she gave you for the deposits on your first houses. I tried to stop her. I only wish that I’d been firmer but that’s the benefit of hindsight. From now on, I will not talk to you about money.”

Suzanne looked at Janice as if to say, what money.

“Short memories eh? Your mother reminded you about the loan that you each took from her for the deposits for your first house. Remember her little rant at the birthday party. I have to agree with every word she said. I’ll go one step farther and say that the ‘Bank of Dad’ is also closed to both of you for good.”

Both Suzanne and Janice were doing drowning fish impressions.

He turned to Verity and said,
"I suggest that you take out a lien on their homes. They won't be able to sell without settling those debts. My daughters have turned out to be a total disappointment. From now on, the bank of Dad and I hope the one of Mum as well is well and truly closed."

“Your next move is to tell these two shysters to get lost. Then get down on your knees and apologise to your mother,” said Rex in a final burst.

He stood there with his arms on his hips in a very threatening manner.

“I think we should leave,” said Imogen.
She gathered up her things. Reluctantly, her sidekick did the same.

“Remember what I said about the accounts. This time tomorrow I go to the Law Society with a formal complaint. From what my people tell me, they are getting rather fed up with complaints about ‘get rich quick ambulance chasers’. All they need is a final nudge and people like you will be drummed out of the Law Society for good.”

They left the room. Silence eschewed.

“Cat got your tongues?” asked Rex.

Neither of his daughters could look at him… or anyone.

“Yes, hang your head in shame. You deserve it, both of you.”

“As for you Janice… Another completely new outfit? Well, that’s what my people said.”

“What! You had me followed?”

“Why not eh? You are spending money that you don’t have. I have my grandchildren to think of. How much has your husband spent on clothes this year?”

“That’s not the point. I have to look good for my job.”

“Your job? You are a paralegal. You failed the bar… twice if I recall. You are not appearing before their Lordships are you?”

"I have to be in court quite a bit."

“And do any of your clients remark on your constantly changing wardrobe and think that it might be their money that is paying for it? Luckily, they aren’t. But my girl, you are in deep shit financially. I’m not going to bail you out. As I said just now, from here on in, you are on your own.”

"As for you Suzanne… I'm not going to subsidise your business any longer. I'm done. You won't be able to sweet talk me into propping it up. Vivienne was right about the five quid drinks. You are mad. The likes of Starbucks and Costa are expensive enough but your prices are on par with what I'd pay in a top hotel in Hong Kong, not Highgate Village. May I suggest that you toddle off home and come up with a plan to liquidate your business? I'd do it before the next quarter day or you'll be stiffed with the rent for the next three months which you won't have now will you."

Rex stood there glaring at his daughters.

“Before you go, I want it in writing that you are done with this stupidity. Verity?”

Verity smiled and produced two sheets of paper. She placed one in front of Suzanne and the other one in front of Janice. Then she put a pen at the side of each page.

“This is a binding agreement that prevents you from taking action of any form against your mother or her estate. It also states that you fully understand her decision to cut you out of her will.”

There was an icy silence in the room.
“Read and sign. The four of us will witness it.”

They didn’t move.

“I’m waiting…?” said Rex firmly.

Slowly, they each signed the documents.

The other four all signed and dated the documents.
Verity folded up one copy and after putting it into an envelope, she handed it to Suzanne.

“Good. Now I suggest you get home. There will be a school run to do before long!”

Without looking up, they left the room. The atmosphere suddenly got a lot warmer.

Rex sat down. He was quite red in the face even accounting for his tan.

“I’m bushed,” he said as he sat down.
"Effing flight was a bumpy as hell all the way from Shanghai."

“Shanghai? I thought that you were in Australia?” said Delphine.

“I was but you try getting a flight back here from the Gold Coast at short notice. I managed to get on a private jet that was flying empty to Shanghai and then took a flight here. I could not have been here on time otherwise. I'm glad that I did."

He looked at his former wife.

"You did not deserve that at all. They… Well, it is done now."

He looked at Michel.

“Look after her. She is something special. I was stupid all those years ago. Stupid to have played around and stupid to think that there was anyone anywhere near as good as Vivienne walking this planet. I have got pretty close now and Tammy is a good woman even if she has her ‘Blonde’ moments. I’m done playing around. She’s a keeper. She’s finishing her MBA in a few months and she’ll be coming into the business. Oh, and I’m done being a bastard in business. She has got me back on the straight and narrow which to date, only Vivienne came close.”

“Thanks for the vote of confidence Rex,” said Michel.

“That’s fair dinkum! To quote a bit of Aussie. I know you are a very special person and… well, you know it. I can tell by the way you look at her. She needs some excitement in her life. The bloody HMRC squeezes the life out of you if my encounters with them are anything to go by. Just let her loose from time to time. I know that she’ll pay you back many times over.”

Then he looked at Verity.
“Verity, thanks for getting my lawyer to call me. That report your PI did was excellent work. This little one did not need that sort of inquisition just when she was starting a new life.”

“Anytime Rex. I had to look after my best friend, didn’t I?”

“And you did just that. Send me the bill for all this. It is the least I could do.”

Delphine started to protest.

“No Vivienne or Delphine or whatever your name is today, I’m not having any arguments.”

Then Rex stood up. He came around the table and kissed Delphine. Then he did the same to Verity. He shook Michel's hand vigorously.

“I must be off. Just time to nip home, grab a shower and a change of clothes. Then I’m on a flight back to Sydney tonight.”

“Look us up if you are in Devon,” said Michel.

“We will.”

Then he was gone.

Delphine had been very quiet and subdued for quite some time. Verity looked at her friend and took hold of her hands.

“Sorry for not telling you. If you had known you would have not wanted him in the room but after the call we had at a very ungodly hour on Friday, I knew that he held the key to getting this all resolved here today and we did it.”

Michel put his arm around his wife.

“Those two don’t deserve a mother as nice as you. You are an extra special woman. The woman that I love with all my heart.”

That did it and the floodgates opened. Verity found some tissues and left them alone.

It was more than an hour later that they emerged. Delphine was very red around the eyes.

Verity offered her some concealer.

“Don’t fuss Verity.”

Michell smiled. He knew that his wife was starting to get back to normal but he also knew that it would take some time.

[to be continued]
[Authors Note]
The final part of this tale will be posted next week.

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