The Mad Adventures of Suzie Lavender - Suzie's Thanksgiving Coming Out Party

It’s Thanksgiving afternoon and I can’t believe how I’ve been transformed already. My entire body is permanently hairless from the face down. My real eyebrows are gone for good but they’ve been replaced by thin eyebrow tattoos with a nice feminine arch. My lips are also permanently tattooed a light pink so I have to wear lipstick at all times (as if I wouldn’t anyway). I still have no makeup or nail polish on but I do have nicely shaped fingernails thanks to the clear nail polish Judy has been letting me wear. They’re already strong enough to be deadly weapons and maybe that’s why the jocks didn’t mess with Simon the past three weeks. Of course my hair is stuck in tight perm rods under the bonnet I’m wearing. Basically, even though my makeover is far from complete, the hard stuff is done and, for all extensive purposes, I’m a sissy with no makeup on. Simon Fornsby is officially no more.

I’ve been escorted into the main salon with Sally and Thelma to be greeted by Judy and a very excited group of squealing sissies, all dressed up in their best hot pant suits and pantyhose. Dixie got the girls all together to initiate me into the world of sissydom as they put it. There are five of them here in total; Peggy, Connie, Marilyn, Frannie and, of course, Dixie. We all hug each other with tears of joy before getting back in the love seat for the rest of my total transformation. Thelma says this is going to take a couple more hours but when it’s done, I’ll be hotter than the surface of the sun. I can’t wait.

Sally meets my sissy friends and they seem smitten with her as well. They even try to get her to try the sissy cocktail that Dixie brought from the Cats Club but she wisely declines. Sissy cocktails don’t really get you drunk of course, but they do make you feel very giddy and sissified inside. It’s a wonderful feeling for a sissy but it’s kind of a scary experience for anyone else. In any event, this is a planned sissy party and all the sissies, including me, will be having our fill of cocktails. So once I’m assured that it’s safe to have as many cocktails as I want, I indulge with the rest of the sissies as Thelma begins to work on my pedicure.

I’ve been able to keep clear polish on my toes as well as on my fingers and both are more or less unbreakable by this point. The sissies begin to gossip about things at work while Thelma paints my toes a lovely shade of plum. I’m getting two shades. Plum for my toes and Candy Color Pink for my fingers. Two coats of polish are applied to my toes and a third clear coat is added to give it shine. I take a sip of my cocktail while I listen to the sissies go to town about Rhonda’s rotten boyfriend. “He’s such a jerk. They ought to castrate him and make him wear his balls as earrings.”

“Oh, my god, Connie.” Frannie holds back laughter while the others giggle like crazy.

Sally is at my side as they wait for my toes to dry. “Sally,” I confide, “I think I’m getting hard again.”

Thelma overhears me as she starts painting my fingernails with the candy color pink. “That’s to be expected, honey. Don’t worry though; the sash you have on will prevent you from getting out of control.” Good, no Wonder Woman style embarrassment this time.

Judy yells over the sissies’ gossip to get my attention. “Suzie, what shade pantyhose do you want to wear? I brought black, white, tan, and nude.”

“How about, nude?, I say. “I want to show off my legs.”

“Oh, you’ll definitely be doing that, sweetheart.” Judy gives the sissies a wink as she hands Sally the pantyhose for me to put on after my fingernails dry off. Like the toes, I have two coats of polish and a clear coat on for shine, only this time some glitter is added. They look gorgeous.

So now I have plum toes and shiny candy color pink fingers. Now I put on my shiny nude hose as the sissies look with interest and glee. “One leg at a time, sissy,” teases Marylin who, yes, looks pretty much like Marilyn Monroe. My hose is on and my legs look so yummy.

“Now are you ready for your wardrobe, dear?” Judy asks with glee.

I’m tingling with anticipation by this point. “Yes, Judy, I want to see what I’m going to wear.”

Judy takes out a one piece set of shiny pink disco hot pants that just cover the butt. They’re sewn onto a satiny off white blouse that show off my smallish falsies. I gush in delight as I put my new sissy outfit on. They fit perfectly and I feel like I have the best tush in Jupiter though I probably don’t yet. “Okay, Suzie, simmer down, sweetie,” Judy says with laughter. “Thelma hasn’t even done your makeup yet. Oh, you’re going to need these. From now on you’ll be wearing earrings to school.”

I’m in heaven as I put on my turquoise dangling earrings. “Is it okay, Thelma?” She still has to style my hair.

“Of course, sweetie, they won’t get in the way. “ The earrings are on and Thelma rinses the solution out of my perm. It takes about a half hour before all the rods are out and Thelma is able to style it.

“Oh, lord, Suzie, your hair looks so beautiful,” Dixie exclaims as Thelma finishes combing it out.

“Are you ready to look at yourself without makeup, honey?” Thelma turns the love seat so I can see my reflection. Dixie’s right. My hair is beautiful and feminine. It’s styled in a curly tapered bob that just covers my ears. Thelma trims up my bangs and I’d be the most beautiful sissy if I had any makeup on. As it is I think I look a little ugly; most sissies think they’re ugly without makeup. But at least with the tattooed eyebrows and pink lips, I look like an ugly girl and not like an ugly boy. “Okay, time to do your makeup.”

Thelma starts with my eyes adding eyeliner and thick lash mascara. Gold and green eye shadow is applied so I almost look like a cat. Thelma continues as she works on my eyes. “ Now don’t start crying but if you do, this makeup is smudge free so you won’t look like Alice Cooper, okay?”

“But why would I cry, Thelma? I like this.”

Dixie interjects, “Oh you’re going to cry. Believe me.” Dixie is gushing almost as much as I was when I put the hot pants suit on.

A medium pink blush is applied to my face and a shiny hot pink lipstick to match my sexy shorts finishes off my transformation. Dixie walks me to the mirror.

And she’s right. I am crying. I’m beautiful. My hair is in the most perfect curly bob with bangs that no real girl would be caught dead in but it’s perfect for a sissy. My now made up face is very pretty with the hot pink lipstick being the dominant asset. I so want to kiss me. I have tasteful turquoise earrings hanging from my lobes. Dixie gives me a pearl necklace to wear and it enhances my look even more.

My transformation is not quite done yet as I have to put on my heels. Judy brought a pair of open toe black heels for me to wear so I can show off my beautiful plum toes. I’m wearing my shiny pink hot pants with the satin blouse attached. Dixie turns me around so I can see my butt. And it looks hot. Not as hot as Dixie’s mind you, but considering I’m still biologically a boy, not bad.

A bracelet and woman’s watch is added as well as my silver purse with all the makeup I need inside. . Some Love’s Baby Soft to make me feel perfectly girly and I’m ready for a night on the town. And you know what the best part is? This is going to be my life from now on. No, I won’t be wearing hot pants all the time of course, but I’ll always be touching up my makeup and keeping things in my purse and doing all the other everyday things a sissy does.

And, yes, I’m sobbing like a baby and so are the other sissies and even Sally is sobbing. We’re all so happy. The sissies are happy to see a new member in their ranks, Sally is happy to see her best friend so happy.

And I’m happy because, well, now I can be me.

The kumbaya moment is broken by Dixie as she announces, “Okay, sissies. Now let’s go out and show off our stuff. She and Frannie grab me by the arms and we’re all headed out to the Cats Club down the street.

“Maybe Suzie can meet a boy,” gushes Marylin, who obviously is looking for one.

“Not yet, she needs the operation first.” Says Peggy as she also invites Sally along even if she isn’t dressed up for the occasion.

“Have fun girls,” says Judy. “Make sure you have Suzie back by midnight. She’s still a teenager you know. “


The six of us are strutting down Bogart Street with our butts swishing through our hot pants. We’re all wearing heels and pantyhose of course and we get whistles from a couple guys that pass us on the way to the Cat’s Club. I’m trying to mimic the sissies’ sexy walk and Dixie assures me that once my transformation is fully complete by summer, I won’t have worry about learning how to walk. Physiologically speaking, wiggling your hips is the only way a sissy can walk. You’d have to work hard to walk like a guy and then you’d probably fail miserably. I keep forgetting my new sissy friends were all male once.

Sally is with us too even though she seems to be a square peg in this group. She is walking next to Marylin and she is also asking questions about sissy life. “So do all of you have boyfriends? Are any of you married?” (Sissies are allowed to get married).

“Not me,” boasts Marilyn. “I like the one night stands myself, but I think the others are spoken for. Connie is married.”

Peggy is holding Marilyn’s right hand. “Actually Marilyn is the oddball when it comes to that. A sissy isn’t complete if she doesn’t have a boyfriend, even a casual one. Almost all sissies have a boyfriend. To us it’s just one of those girly things to have. Even the ones who are married call their husbands their boyfriends. Isn’t that right, Connie?”

“You better believe it. I love my baby dearly and I had the most beautiful sissy wedding but the idea of calling him anything but my boyfriend is so… macho (ugh)” The sissies have a good giggle at that.

We arrive at the Cats Club. It looks almost like a Burlesque club but you can hear disco music inside. I think I can hear Disco Inferno. There’s a short guy at the door looking for ID’s. Actually, he’s a dwarf; he’s barely four feet tall if that. “Okay, toots, let’s see your idea.” He says to the sissy in front of us.

“Oh, come on, Maury, you don’t know me by now?”

“Listen, Princess Leia,” Maury has the disposition of Don Rickles it seems. “ I card you whether you’re Greta Garbo or my ninety-three year old grandmother. Whip it out, Toots!” The sissies are laughing at Maury. “What’s so funny, you fairies? You don’t think my grandmother would fit in here?”

“No,” giggles Dixie.

“Well, excuse me, Miss Southern Belle of 2954.” Maury is scaring the daylights out of me but the sissies seem to take the bouncer in stride.

I have a bigger problem. I don’t have a valid ID and I certainly don’t have one as Suzie Lavender. “Oh my god; I don’t have ID.”

“Don’t worry,” assures Frannie. “We’ll get you in. Besides, we have a lot of fun with Maury.”

It’s our turn and Sally (at sixteen, she’s just old enough) is carded. Maury scrutinizes the ID. “ Oh, you’re a normal chick, huh? I hate normal chicks.”

“She’s with us, Maury,” says Dixie.

“Yeah, yeah, sure.” He points his thumb to the door as to allow Sally in. Marilyn and Peggy are next and then it’s my turn. And of course, I have no ID at all. I’m not getting one as Suzie until tomorrow. “Okay, lovely, where’s the ID? Cough it up? What are you, an undercover cop?”

“Be nice Maury, she’s in transition. She just had her coming out makeover.”

“Well, whoop dee doo. Cinderella came out of her shell. I don’t care if she’s the hairy ape of the circus. I need to know she’s sixteen or she can’t come in.”

At this point, I’m on the verge of tears and Dixie is noticing it. “Now, Maury, be nice. Look, you have her all upset. “ She and Frannie walk to Maury and the three start whispering so no one can hear them. Meanwhile the sissies and guys behind us are chanting something to the effect of LET THE SISSY IN!

The little pow wow is over and Maury relents. “Okay, toots, you can go in, but next time bring ID or your cute little ass is going home,” I go in all happy now as the crowd cheers and soon, the seven of us are back together.

And what a place. Yes you have to be sixteen to enter the Cats Club for whatever reason (adult type stuff going on?), but no alcohol is served. Only flavored sissy cocktails and soft drinks are allowed. Needless to say, the soft drinks are for the non-sissies and the men.

And there are a lot of men here. About as many men as women and sissies. I’m amazed. Some of the men are boyfriends of other sissies, others are just looking for a one night stand. Others yet are there just to look at the beautiful sissies in their mini-skirts and hot pants.

And the sissies are so beautiful and friendly. They range in age from sixteen to maybe sixty. And they seem especially attentive to me after Dixie tells them this is my coming out party. “Welcome, Suzie,” smiles one of the veteran sissies. “I’m Rapunzel. You look so darling.” She gives me a hug. Actually, a lot of the sissies give me a hug. It’s all so overwhelming.

We’re having fun and getting sissified and girly on our cocktails. I’m drinking the Grape Ape cocktail myself. More dance tunes are played as we go dancing on the floor with the other sissies. The men and straight women don’t dance very much. They’re there mostly to watch and admire or maybe to pick up a sissy like a guy is doing with Marilyn as I speak. I don’t think she’ll be going home with us tonight.

I also see sissies making out with men, some of them are boyfriends I assume. Others are more in flirt mode with men they don’t know. It’s like a typical singles bar except we’re sissies instead of women.

Word of my coming out party has gotten to the owner and she has apparently learned that Maury let me in without getting carded. It seems she wants to meet me. I guess I’m in trouble now. I’ll never be allowed in again.

Dixie walks with me to an office in the back. It’s a spacious room with all sorts of costumes. There are several people there including a bald black guy with a lisp named Claude. He sort of reminds me of RuPaul; he’s a sweetie. There is another flamboyant guy all made up. He has red hair and is called Gunther. There are a couple sissies in what looks like showgirl uniforms. They all apparently work here and hang out in the boss’ room on break. “You’re the new recruit?” sneers one of the waitresses.

“She’s in transition, Jackie.” Dixie protests.

“Oh, they’re all in transition.”

“Oh leave her alone, bitch.” Gunther is now in my defense apparently. “You need to powder your face, anyway. You look like Marie Antoinette.”

Jackie says, “well,” in her best Jack Benny impression and storms off. Meanwhile we wait for the boss.

“I guess I’m in trouble, huh?” I ask

“That depends, little girl,” says the other waitress, otherwise known as Lovelace. “I really need to do something with my makeup.” She turns to Gunther,” do you have any mascara, Tinkerbell?”

“Well, excuse me, ” Says Gunther as he looks in his purse. As mortified as I am I’m getting a kick out of these weirdos.

Finally, Doris enters and chases the freeloaders out as she puts it. Now, it’s me, Dixie, and Doris as she eyes me down. “So, you’re the kid without ID, huh?”

Dixie tries to play attorney. “ She’s sixteen, I swear, Doris, we’re having a-“

“Oh stifle it counselor.” I have to admit, Doris is rather stunning in her own showgirl suit. It’s really a one piece blue swimsuit with glitter that shows off her beautifully smooth legs wrapped in shiny nude pantyhose. Doris looks at my legs. “Well at least you have good taste in pantyhose.”

“Yes, Ma’am.” Needless to say, I’m rather nervous.

Doris looks aghast. “Where did you find this one, Dixie? The debutante ball?

Dixie answers. “No, Doris, she’s Judy’s daughter actually.”

“Judy Fornsby?” Doris takes another look at me. “Well, I’ll be damned. Where did she find you?” Doris is now admiring my body, admittedly still in transition.

“I’m.. I’m really her step-son.” I hang my head in shame. Dixie holds me hand for reassurance.

“Well, not anymore, you’re not. Judy always told me she wanted a sissy daughter. You’re one lucky girl, sissy.”

“She’s going to be a secretary one day,” Dixie offers.

“ I bet she is. Well… what’s your name by the way?”


“Well, Suzie. You have a great sissy mother and I know she’s pleased as punch to have you. And I have to say, I know you’re just in transition, but you’re the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.” I blush at the compliment. “Next time, bring ID or Maury will sell you to the circus, okay?”


“Nice meeting you, Suzie. I really love her legs, Dixie.”

“ I know, they look just like Betty Grable’s, don’t they?” gushes Dixie.


We’re all back on the dance floor and we’re whooping it up. We have to leave early though because Judy wants me home by midnight and Frannie has to soften up a guy friend to drive me home. Of course he agrees as long as Frannie comes with us.

So Sally and I get home around one in the morning and Judy is none too pleased. “Frannie, I said I wanted Suzie home by midnight. What part of midnight do you sissies not understand?”

“I’m sorry, Judy; we lost track of time.”

“What if something happened to Suzie. I was worried sick.”

“I’m sorry. Mumsy.” By now, I’m so giddy I can’t think straight.

Judy looks at Frannie. “How many sissy cocktails did she have?”

Frannie shrugs as if to say she doesn’t know. I show Judy six, or its it seven fingers?

“Seven sissy cocktails? Oh, lord, it’s off to bed for you, little girl. You can change into something more appropriate tomorrow though I want your Dad to see you like this first. I’m sick with delight but he’ll just be sick.”

“Okay, Mumsy.” Sally helps me up the stairs.

Frannie would tell me later that Judy was secretly tickled pink even though she really was worried something had happened. Frannie told me Judy thinks I might even win Miss Sissy Mippa one day. All sissies dream of that of course.

As for now though, I’m nodding off to dreamland in my hot pants and pantyhose outfit knowing that I’m going to be Suzie Lavender forever. And I can’t wait to show myself off in school Monday.

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