Ignorance is No Excuse for Hating Someone Part 1

Gina looks at the report given to her by Dawson and Matteo. She couldn’t believe the information they uncovered about the White Supremacist group they managed to infiltrate. According to their reports, the group was financed by some church out in Detroit, Michigan. The church and the group it supported were old but was growing in popularity, due to the current political climate in Washington D.C.

Her people were still digging into the organization of the Church. They knew it had ties to the Vatican, but what those ties were, they couldn’t figure out. Her employee Sabrina Brice wasn’t the only transgender or homosexual that had been attacked.

Two lesbian couples were found dead in their apartment. Three gay couples had been found dead as well. One couple was found dead in their home and the other two couples had been found hanging from a tree branch with their penis stuffed in their mouths.

Julia was giving her what she could from work. She said that Internal Affairs were looking into what happened to sergeant Bronx at her house and why he came after her and her family. Gina knew her dad and sister were pressing charges against ex-sergeant Bronx.

Sergeant Bronx hired some big shot lawyer from New York to try and get the charges dropped against him, but the evidence proving what he did, was too overwhelming. Her and Julia’s property were monitored by a security firm her father owned and by her father as well. There were hidden cameras and motion/infrared detectors all over the property. There also were sensors along the driveway and fire road that connected all three of their properties.

Her laptop beeps, letting her know an email came in. Gina looks at it and notices it was from her assistant. She opens it and starts reading it.
According to what their investigator found about Gloria Blackburn and her husband Henry Blackburn went to the same church as Sabrina’s first boss. The one that found out she was a transgender person.

“So, Sabrina’s first boss was responsible for Gloria and her husband going after Sabrina. That still doesn’t answer why they went after her.” She sends a reply message to Sammy instructing her to find out how the church the two went to is connected to St. Richard of Salemo in Detroit, Michigan. Also, to find out why Sabrina’s first boss, John Rives wanted her dead.

Gina covers up a yawn as she glances at her watch. She still had a few more hours before the Lear Jet she was on would be landing in New York. She had a meeting tomorrow with Anika at Eruption Communications. She closes her eyes and leans her chair back to get comfortable and get some sleep.

Anika Jagger’s House:
Anika looks in on Aylin before she leaves. She looks at her as she laid in bed with her boyfriend Shade/ Tim Russell sitting nearby. Aylin had to go in and have surgery done to her vagina, because of all the scar tissue. Elizabeth had called her and told her that Shade had called her to his place. Aylin and Shade had planned on having sex, but because of the experiments that had been done to Aylin’s body. There had been too much scarring inside her vaginal lining.

So, Anika made an appointment for Aylin to have vaginal rejuvenation. That was three days ago. The doctors had a hard time knocking Aylin out, because of her high tolerance for drugs. The doctor that experimented on Aylin, really messed her up chemical wise.

“Shade, are you and Aylin going to be okay, while I’m gone?” Anika was worried about Aylin.

“We’ll be fine, Anika. If Aylin gives me any problems, I know how to get her to cooperate with me. If it gets to the point, I need your help, I’m probably dead.” Shade knows how stubborn Aylin can get.

“Alright, call me if you need anything.” Anika grabs the car keys to her jaguar they brought back from England and head to work.

Eruption Communications:
“Morning Ms. Jagger.” Mia had Anika’s coffee already prepared and ready for her when Anika walked into her office.

“Mia, how many times, do I have to tell you, not to call me Ms. Jagger? Also, thank you for the coffee.” Anika accepts the coffee.

“Sorry Anika, but it just seems rude to call you by your first name.” Mia stood before Anika’s desk.

“I know Mia, but you are considered family here. So, for now on, unless its someone higher up than me. Just call me Anika, please.”

“Yes, ma’am. Now, you have four appointments today and one meeting. The new manager of the telecommunications company your brother bought is whipping it in shape and he’ll have his progress report to you by this evening.”

“What’s the meeting about?” Anika needed to be updated about.

“Don’t know, Anika. The director wouldn’t give any details about it.” Mia tried to find out what the meeting was about, but she couldn’t.

“Well, let me see what I can find out.” Anika knew the Director may run the company for Jack, but he did have to answer her.

She watches as Mia leaves her office. Once Mia was out of the office, she contacts the Director. She waits for the video chat to connect.

Director’s Office:
Director Sanders was talking to the DHS agent that had come to him to request their help in tracking illegal immigrants. Lately, Director Sanders was agreeing with the current political policies in Washington D.C. He was going to let DHS uses Eruption Communications cellular monitoring equipment and satellites to find illegal immigrants.

Sanders looks at his monitor when it starts beeping, letting him know a video request was calling. He looks at the ID of the caller and notices it was Anika Jagger. He presses the accept button.

“Hello Anika, what can I do for you?”

“Good morning Director. I was wondering if you could give me a heads up on what the meeting is, so I can be prepared for it?”

“You’ll find out during the meeting Anika. If that is all, I need to take care of some other business.” Director Sanders ends the video chat.

Anika’s Office:
Anika’s sits there and stare at the screen. Something wasn’t feeling right about the conversation. She wonders what was going on. She goes back taking care of some paperwork until the meeting.

An hour later, there is a knocking sound coming from Anika’s door.

“Come in.”

Mia walks in escorting an oriental woman. She stops in front of Anika’s desk.

“Well, it looks like you are staying busy, auntie.” Gina had a smile on her face.

A smile appears on Anika’s face. She gets up and walks around to give Gina a hug.

“How are you doing Gina?” As Anika hugs her.

Gina returns the hug “I’m doing alright. How are you and your team doing?” Gina sits down in the high back leather chair in front of Anika’s desk.

Gina noticed that Anika’s assistant had already left the office. She watches her aunt as she sits down behind her desk.

“They are doing okay. Terry has had some surgery to look more like a man. Elizabeth and her wife are trying to have children. Aylin had to
have vagina reconstruction surgery done to her, so she is at home with her boyfriend recovering. Bart is enjoying the joys of being a father.” All her teammates were developing a life.

“How about Dakota? How is she doing?” Gina had read somewhere that Dakota was living with Terry.

“She’s the proud mother of a set of twins. She’s living with Terry and one morning when she went to open the shop up. She found a basket with
twin girls in it outside the shop’s office door. The baby girls belonged to a customer of theirs. The woman had left the twins there with a note explaining that she was slowly dying and couldn’t take care of the babies anymore. The woman said she would be honored and proud of Terry and Dakota would raise her girls.” Anika had been named as their godmother.

“What happened to the birth mother?” Gina was curious.

“By the time Terry and Dakota tracked her down, she had passed. According to the medical report, she had died of a rare blood disease. Also, it turned out her work visa had expired. The babies were fathered by an old boyfriend the woman had been seeing and he didn’t want the kids. So, Terry and Dakota have become parents. Terry’s sister-in-law is helping them.”

“What are the babies name?” Gina pulls a little notebook and pens out to write the names down.

“Gloria and Sunny. The birth mother wanted to keep their names simple.”

“Is Dakota breastfeeding them or using formula?” Gina would have gone with breastfeeding them.

“Believe it or not, Dakota is breastfeeding them. I thought she might do formula, but she wanted to experience what it is like to breastfeed a child.” Anika would have used formula.

“Well, I know if Arabella had been a baby when I got her, I would have breastfed her. If I ever get pregnant by Arnold, I am planning on going that route.” Gina wanted to experience everything about what it meant to be a woman.

“Speaking of Arnold, how are you and he doing, now that he is working in Montana?” Anika was curious about her niece.

“We’re doing fine. I’m happy he is back and is working with my uncle.” Gina loved having Arnold around the house.

“How is your sister doing? I heard she got attacked.” Anika hadn’t gotten the whole report yet.

“Julia is doing okay. One of the people who she worked with shot her in the stomach several times. Mom wanted to kill him. I don’t think I have ever seen mom so pissed off before. She was scary that day. Oh, you have another niece and nephew. Julia and Christmas adopted a Native American boy and girl. Chayton is thirteen years old and his sister Catori is eight years old. Haylee is trilled to have an older brother and a younger sister.” Gina had a smile on her face.

“You guys are adopting children left and right. What is it with you guys?” Anika couldn’t believe how big Jack’s family was getting.

“It’s not something we set out to do. It just happens to us. If you had seen how Arabella was treated by her father, you would have killed him. Haylee’s step-father kidnapped her, and her younger sister from their foster home that Julia had helped find for them. He killed Haylee’s younger sister and Haylee was forced to protect herself and shot him. As for the newest members of our family. Their father was mistreating them and killed their mother.” Gina couldn’t believe how any parent could treat their kids that way.

Then again, her own birth parents felt that she deserved what was done to her. She looked them up a few years later and discovered that she had a brother and sister. They had more kids to replace her.

“So, what brings you up to my office, besides updating me about the family?” Anika was curious about why her niece was visiting her.

“Well, there’s two reasons I’m here. The first is, I just acquired several security companies here in New York and I was wondering if any member of your team might be available? The second reason is, I’m investigating a group called the Hunter organization. I know they operate out of Detroit, Michigan, but do they have other churches here in New York that they might operate out of?”

“I’ve never heard of them, who are they?” Anika’s curiosity peeked.

“Some church group that has connections to white supremacist groups. They tried to kill one of my employees.”

“I could ask Aylin and her boyfriend Shade if they have ever heard of them. They hang out on the streets and know almost everything about
what is going on out there.” Anika knew Aylin and her boyfriend had connections out on the streets of New York.

“Aylin, has a boyfriend?” Gina was surprised by that statement.

“Yeah, Aylin has a boyfriend and I think the two of them are very serious.” Anika has seen how Shade looked at Aylin and how Aylin was very protected of Shade.

“Well, I hope she found the right person. She deserves it after the life she has had.” Gina read her file and felt sorry for the girl.

“I agree. As for your request for the security company. I would suggest Dakota and Elizabeth. Dakota is a former LA police officer and Elizabeth is former military and does security here. They could investigate the companies and see what problems there are and what you need to fix. As for the Hunter Organization, I’ll speak with Hatter and let you know.”

“That’s fine. I’m going to be in town for a couple of days. I’m staying at our apartment over near Central Park.” Gina’s father just recently had their New York place renovated.

“I’ll talk to you later, then.” Anika walks Gina to her office door.

Gina heads off to tend to a few things. She had a lot on her mind, especially about the Hunter Organization. Why were they operating with a bunch of White Supremacist?

Eruption Communications Main Conference Room:
Anika shows up for the meeting that was scheduled to take place. She watches as director Sanders and another person walks into the conference room. She wonders who the person is, as she sits at the table waiting for the meeting to start.

Once everyone is in the conference room. Director Sanders looks at everyone “I would like to introduce DHS agent Atkin Madoff. The DHS would like our help in locating illegal immigrants by using our telecommunication equipment and our satellites. I have agreed to their request.”

“I’m sorry Director Sanders, but that request needs to be approved by the owner of the company.” Anika looks at the director.

Director Sanders looks at Anika “I don’t think Mr. Bounty would mind us helping the DHS with this issue.”

“I would still run this by him. He is particular about who’s privacy we invade.” Anika looks at Sanders and DHS agent Madoff.

“This is National Security, Ms. Jagger. I don’t think the owner would mind you helping us.” Agent Madoff had orders to use these companies’ resources to track down several immigrants.

“I think this is a mistake.” Anika had sent a message to Jack, while she was talking to the Director and the agent.

Ten minutes later director Sanders assistant comes running into the conference room. She looks like the devil just walked in.

“Sir, Mr. Bounty is on the phone and he said you better take it right now. He also said, his daughter will be here in ten minutes and you will do
what she said or there will be hell to pay. These are his exact words.” Betty has never heard Mr. Bounty so pissed.

Anika looks at the director and the DHS agent “I told you. Mr. Bounty is very particular about how his company is used.”

“What did you do, inform him?” Agent Madoff gives Anika a dirty look.

A very sweet smile appears on her face “actually, yes. He’s my big brother after all and this is the reason, he hired me.”

Agent Madoff just looks at Anika as she sat in her chair and smiled at him. The way she was looking at him, made him feel uneasy. It was like she was just waiting to pounce on him. Director Sanders storms out of the conference room and goes to talk with Jack.

Gina was getting ready to stop at her favorite restaurant when her cellphone starts ringing.


“Gina, how close are to Eruption Communications?”

Gina recognized her father’s angry voice. It took a lot to get her father worked up.

“I’m about ten minutes away, daddy. Do you want me to go back and handle whatever the problem is?”

“Yes, I’m firing director Sanders and I want you to handle things, till I get George Leon from my Chicago branch to come out and run the business.”

Gina knew George and knew he loved New York “I think that might be wise, Daddy. I’m heading back now.”

“Thanks, sweetie.” Jack knew he could count on his daughter. He would have asked Anika to be the director, but he needed her in the spot she was in.

“Any time, daddy.” Gina turns around and heads back to the building.

She parks her car in an empty spot and heads upstairs towards the floor the Director’s office was. She heard yelling coming from the main conference room. She walks in and saw Director Sanders and Agent Madoff right in front of Anika’s face.

Agent Madoff reaches for Anika’s left arm, ready to grab and shake her. He feels a sharp pain in his hand. He looks at his hand and saw a throwing knife sticking out of his hand.

“I would back off gentlemen and I use that term loosely.” Gina had put her purse down on the floor and was ready to strike the two men.

“Who the hell are you?” Agent Madoff turns to face a short oriental woman.

“I’m Gina Bounty and the next time you try to grab my aunt. I won’t use a throwing knife on you.” Gina was ready to strike the guy if he made any sort of move.

“I would listen to my niece. She’s highly trained and can kill you with her bare hands.” Anika had slipped her ink pen in her hands.
Director Sanders looks at Gina and at Anika. He knew Jack must have sent Gina.

“Now, I suggest you remove yourself from my father’s building, whoever you are. As for you Mr. Sanders you have your orders and you have ten minutes to leave on your own before I have security escort you out.”

“You can’t do that.” Director Sanders just glares at Gina.

“You have nine minutes now. And yes, I can Mr. Sanders.” Gina glances towards her wristwatch.

Mr. Madoff and Mr. Sanders both leave. Gina stood and watch as Mr. Sanders cleared his office out. She also had the IT department, lock all his accounts and access.

“So, who is your father bring in this time?” Anika wonders who Jack was bring in.

“George Leon, Aunt Anika. Dad knows he likes New York and he’s been straining at the bit for more responsibility.” George has been managing Lone Star Communications in Chicago.

“So, you’re the interim director?”

“Yep, Dad asked me to fill in, until he gets here.”

“Good, that will give me a chance to help you.” Anika was going to like working for her niece.

The rest of the day, Gina goes over what Director Sanders had planned for working with DHS. There was a list of immigrants that DHS was looking for along with a few other people as well. She shakes her head and wonders what the world was coming too.

She continues getting things cleaned up and contact Morgana to dig through his personal files and the desktop in the office. By the time seven o’clock rolls around. She was ready to leave the office. She was surprised that Anika was still in the office.

“Hey, do you want to join me for dinner, my treat?” Gina stood in Anika’s office door.

“Sure, let me finish this last email.” Anika finishes composing the email she had been working on.

Gina just stands in Anika’s doorway waiting on her to finish whatever it was. She saw that Anika had pictures that were done by some of the famous master’s hanging in her office. She wonders where she got them?

“Alright, I’m done.” Anika sends the email she was working on.

“Good. Do you want to drive, or do you want me to drive?”

“Where are we going?” Anika grabs her purse.

“Delmonico's, dad and I always go there when we are in town.” Gina knew it was her father’s favorite.

“Sounds good to me. I don’t think I have been there before.” Anika locks her office up and heads down to the parking level, after letting the security captain know her and Gina were leaving.

Once they reach the parking level Anika’s jaguar was parked on. She spots it sitting all by itself.

“So, that’s the one you brought back from England?” As Gina climbs in.

“Yep, my other favorite one got blown up on our first mission out.” Anika starts the car up once she got in.

Anika knew where the restaurant was, so she drove towards there. She wonders how Aylin and shade were doing. She knew the operation went okay, but Aylin didn’t like being housebound.

Anika and Gina spend an hour and a half at the restaurant. Afterward, Anika drops Gina back off at the place she is staying. She’ll catch a cab in the morning to get to the office.

“See you in the morning, auntie.” Gina just smiles as she heads inside the building where she was staying.

Anika shakes her head and heads home. When she arrives at home, she checks on Aylin and Shade. They were watching a movie in Aylin’s bedroom and it looked like they had ordered Aylin’s favorite pizza. Shade was laying on top of the covers on Aylin bed and the pizza box was resting on Aylin’s stomach.

Shade waves to her, as he was biting into a slice of pizza. Aylin looked like she was comfortable and absorbed in whatever the movie they
were watching was. She was leaning against shade’s body.

A smile appears on Anika’s face as she leaves them ad head towards her bedroom. She was happy that Aylin was acting like a semi-normal teenager, instead of a killer. Aylin still had moments where some bad memories would surface from all the experiments that had been
performed on her. That is something Anika feared Aylin will have for the rest of her life.

The next few days are busy for Gina as she assumes control of Eruption Communications. She stays in contact with George Leon keeping him informed about what is going on at Eruption. She ahs Morgana remote in and transfer his access from Lone Star to Eruption.

One evening while she and Anika are walking down to the underground parking garage. Four figures in black suits step out of the shadows.
One of the muscular of the four steps forward in front of Anika and Gina.

“Stop investigating the Hunter organization, Mrs. Bounty or something bad will happen to you and your family.” Balian looks at the oriental woman and her companion standing near her.

He had been given orders by Bishop Henri to put a stop to Mrs. Bounty from looking into the organization. He had said he could use any level of force to make her stop.

An evil smile appears on her face. This guy just made the wrong threat against her and her family.

“Boy! Did you just fuck up?” Anika had the same smile on her face, that Gina had.

A guy Anika didn’t see, throws a knife at her and hits her in her upper thigh. He moves in quickly and strikes her hard and fast. He strikes her again in the face.

Anika was thrown off and surprised by the knife hitting her in her thigh and the two punches she received. The guy attacking her was moving fast and hard. She has never encountered anyone who was as fast as this guy.

The guy in front of Gina strikes fast and misses her face with one punch. She had countered the blow but didn’t manage to stop the strike to her stomach. He strikes her again and this time uses an atemi strike on her right shoulder and makes it go useless.

The next twenty minutes Gina and Anika get in a serious fistfight with the four people. Anika and Gina have never been so hard press to defend themselves before. The strikes they were taking to their bodies were painful. Gina manages to pull her gun with her left hand and put several bullets into one guy’s chest, but he didn’t go down.

Anika saw what happened as she stopped a leg strike to her head. The leg that she had been hit in with the throwing knife was heavily bleeding. The guy who had thrown it kicked it further into her leg.

“They are wearing some sort of body armor under their clothes.” Anika manages to grab Gina’s other gun and shot the person who she was fighting in the foot.

“Not a bad idea.” Gina does the same thing to her guy.

Her gun goes flying out of her hand from a heavy object smashing into her hand. She didn’t even notice the object coming towards her. She couldn’t move her hand at all.

The next thing Anika and Gina know, several explosions go off around them. The explosions had left behind a bunch of smoke and when it cleared there was a female figure standing before them and she had some sort of silvery Bo staff in one hand facing off against three of the dark figures still standing.

The figure was covered from head to toe in a metallic bodysuit. Gina and Anika could see that the person was female, from the way the suit outlined the body. She moves quickly when the person that Gina had been struck by at first causes a bo staff to expand.

“Where are they getting those toys?” Anika places her hand on her side and felt blood.

“I don’t know.” Gina could tell she had several cracked ribs. She was having a hard time breathing.

Her right arm was useless, and she couldn’t feel anything in her left hand. She watches as the female battles all three males. She had to be at least a foot or two smaller then the guys she was fighting.

Anika looks at Gina “who the hell is she?”

“I don’t know, but she is kicking their asses. I can’t move and I think I broke a few ribs.” Gina was hurting where she had been punched and kicked.

It takes her ten minutes to run the four guys off. Just before they left, they threw some sort of object that knocked Gina and Anika onto their backs when it exploded. The female figure is knocked off her feet as well. The metal staff she had been using and holding in her left hand, rolled near Gina’s rental car.

“Owe!” Gina moves slowly as she tries to get up.

Anika was right beside her and was wondering where security was. They should have seen this fight on the cameras. She looks in the direction of the cameras and noticed they were still on.

Carla moans beneath her body armor as she tries to get up. She hates when the Hunter organization use those concussion grenades. She slowly rises off the concrete floor and looks over towards the oriental woman and Anika. She knew who Anika was, but the oriental woman she didn’t know.

Anika and Gina noticed the small female woman looking at them. They couldn’t see her face, because of the helmet. It fully encased the person head and had a dark tint, that hid her face.

“You two look like you could use a hospital.” Carla could see how bad they looked.

“Yes, if you can drive us. There is a private hospital not too far from here.” Gina knew the doctor that ran it. She hopes that the doctor was on duty.

“Let me bring my SUV around.” Carla runs as fast as she can towards her SUV.

She touches her remote on her wrist and the SUV starts up. She removes her helmet and jumps into the SUV. She manages to get it down to the parking level where Gina and Anika were waiting.

Gina watches as a black SUV comes down to the level her Anika was at. Both ladies were seriously injured and needed medical attention. Gina still couldn’t feel or move her right arm.

“Who do you think she works for?” Anika looks at Gina and could tell she was in pain.

“I don’t know, but I’m glad she was here.” Gina has never gotten her ass beaten like she did today.

She got in some good strikes in, but if that unknown female hadn’t shown up when she did. Her and Anika might be in worst shape then they were already. She wonders why security didn’t come down to help them.

Carla pulls up next to Gina and Anika. She gets out and over to them.

“Let’s get you two loaded up and to the hospital.”

Gina noticed that the female person was Hispanic. She looked to be in her late twenties, maybe early thirties.

“Who are you?’ As Gina climbs into the SUV with her help.

“A friend for now.” Carla helps Anika into the SUV.

“Where too?” Carla gets in on the driver side.

“W14th st and 5th ave. Enter in from 5th ave.” Gina heard Anika moan from her injuries.

It takes Carla twenty minutes to find the place. She pulls into the underground parking and park. She helps Gina and Anika up to the tenth floor. When they exit from the elevator, they are met by some nurses.

They rush Gina and Anika to the emergency rooms and start working on them. Carla was amazed that there was a private hospital in downtown New York. She saw Gina enter a private code when they were in the elevator.

After thirty minutes, a female doctor comes out to her “Mrs. Bounty wants to talk with you. Try to keep it short.”

“I will Doctor.”

Carla follows a nurse to a private room. When she walks into it, she sees Gina hooked up to a monitor that was monitoring her vitals.

“You wanted to talk to me?” Carla felt sorry for Mrs. Bounty.

“Yes. Who are you and who were those men?”

“My name is Carla Santos and those men are members of the Hunter Organization. They are specially trained fighters that the organization sends out to make people back off or kill them. They have no problem going after your loved ones and killing them. That particular team was sent by Bishop Henri.” Carla had hoped she would never have to go against her old team.

“How do you know so much about them?” Gina was watching the woman’s body expression.

“Because I use to be a member of their group. I finally learned the truth about what we were doing, and I left them.” Carla knew they would have never accepted her decision to become a woman either.

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