Avenging Angel Chap. 23

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Gypsy and Patrick looked at the notes they made to present to the base commander and the head of special operations. She hopes the Admiral will like the solution her and Patrick had come up with for the seals and other swimmers.

Patrick was checking their prototype designs of the three different models for people to wear underwater. He liked the idea of what they came up with and hopes the admiral would too.

“Gypsy, they are coming in.” Patrick spotted the doors open to the conference room.

Gypsy and Patrick stood by their models as they watched everyone come walking into the room. Gypsy was nervous and hopes the three different designs her and Patrick compromised on will work for them. Once all the seats were filled and the doors closed and secured.

The base commander gives Patrick and Gypsy the go-ahead to start their presentation. He opens the booklet that was in front of everyone.

Patrick steps forwards and stands before everyone. He was feeling nervous and hopes the designs will go over well.

“Good morning ladies and gentlemen My name is Patrick Miller and this young lady here is my partner Gypsy Lapps. We would like to show you some new concepts we have come up with. These new concepts will allow our Navy swimmers and special forces to operate underwater.” Patrick steps aside to let Gypsy take over.

Gypsy steps forward to take the spot Patrick had been standing. She faces everyone “at first we hadn’t thought about making armor or equipment that could be used underwater until Admiral Borgnine suggested we look into designing special armor for the Seals and for our underwater explorers and salvage crew. So, me and Mr. Miller put our heads together and believe me, it hurt too.”

The high brass and their assistants laugh at her joke. Gypsy and Patrick could tell they were amused by the joke.

“We came up with three different designs. This first redesigns is a face mask that any scuba driver can wear. You no longer need to wear an air tank any more. It filters oxygen from the water and will allow you to remain underwater for at least eight hours before the scrubbers inside it have to be replaced.” Gypsy hands the mask to the Admiral and lets him pass it around.

Once it had been passed around the table. Patrick accepts it, so Gypsy could continue.

“Now the second suit we came up with is a new kind of wetsuit that any driver can wear. It will keep the wearer warm in the coldest of water or even upon land. It also can stop a shark from eating you and protect you from a .50 caliber BMG round. It comes with a special backpack that the swimmer can wear and travel underwater with. It has an eight-hour power supply and the battery pack can be changed out while underwater. It uses the standard battery pack design we design for the body armor.

The suit also has a defense mechanism as well. It can generate an electrical discharge like an electric eel. Which you can use for self-defense. We call this new suit the Eel.” Gypsy could see that the Admiral and General loved the idea of the suit.

“Now ladies and gentlemen, I know all of you have been wondering about this suit. It is based on our body armor design and can survive in the deepest of pressure, except the Mariana Trench. It can’t withstand those pressures. It has built-in water thrusters and is a self-contained environment. Like our body armor design, it can also survive in hazardous environments. The wearer can survive in this suit for up to twenty-four hours before the scrubbers and battery pack needs to be replaced. It has automatic systems and manual controls. It comes equipped with a green frequency laser for working underwater and can lift up to three tons. It can also be remotely controlled from any submarine. There is also a recall feature installed in the suit, to keep it from falling into the wrong hands.

In addition to being able to work underwater, it can also operate on land. As you can see by its feet. The drawback to it is it works better underwater. It is powered by the same batteries we used in the body armors. The lights on it are powerful enough to operate in the darkness of the ocean.”

“How fast is it in the water?” Admiral Borgnine was curious.

“Forty-five knots, sir. It’s faster underwater than our normal body armor. It’s also faster than the packs we design for divers to wear. Their speeds are at twenty-five knots top.”

“Can the battery packs on the…”

“Ocean Knight, sir. It’s called the Ocean Knight.”

“Thank you, Ms. Lapps. Can the battery packs be changed out, while underwater?” Admiral Borgnine liked the Ocean Knight.

“Yes, sir. The wearer can also disembark from the Ocean Knight while underwear and reenter it as well. Unlike our body armors, the front of the Ocean Knight lifts up to allow the wearer to escape from it.” Gypsy demonstrates opening the Ocean Knight.

“Another feature that is different between our body armor and the Ocean Knight, the front of the armor is transparent. You can see who is piloting the Ocean Knight, where the body armor you can’t. It also comes equipped with every sensor you need to operate underwater.” Patrick showed the diagram of the Ocean Knight on the projection on the screen.

“When could we see a working model of all these projects.” Admiral Borgnine wanted to test them out.

“The mask, Eel suit and the backpack by next week. The Ocean Knight, two weeks from now. We have a prototype built, but it still has some minor bugs to it.”

“What type of minor bugs?” General Lindsay was curious.

“The GPS system and the underwater video hologram system. It allows the wearer to show what it is seeing to an operator back aboard a sub or ship. Also, the communication system. We are trying to increase the range of underwater communication. Because of how fast the Ocean Knight moves and can travel. Keeping in touch with it is so, so, at best.” Gypsy and Patrick were working with their communication specialist on the problem.

“I would like to see a demonstration of everything you have presented to us. So, let’s arrange for the demonstration, two weeks from today. Do you think you’ll have the bugs worked out by then?” Admiral Borgnine looks towards Patrick and Gypsy.

Gypsy looks towards Patrick and nods his head yes. She turns back and looks at the Admiral “yes sir. We will have them worked out by then.”

Everyone gets up and walk up to examine what Gypsy and Patrick had on display for them.

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Hard to judge

Wendy Jean's picture

where this story is going? Did they ever get all the original bad guys making knock offs of the suit?

Bad guys

Special Agent Garcia and other agents from the FBI and NSA are handling that mission. Gypsy and Patrick are now working for the Department of Special Operations. Admiral Borgnine and the Department of Defense have determine they are to valuable to be left on their own. So, they have a permanent job now and body guards they don't know about.

If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it.”
― Toni Morrison

Lots to

Samantha Heart's picture

Figure out little time to do so. Looks like Gypsy will have several nights little sleep.

Love Samantha Renée Heart.