Avenging Angel Chap. 11

FBI Building, Johnstown, PA.
Special Agent Regina Garcia was just getting to work when she gets called by her boss to come to his office. She heads towards his office to find out what he wanted. So far, her morning hasn’t been going right.

Her husband left the lights on, on her car and she had to get a boost. Her daughter missed her school bus and she had to drive her to school. The line at her favorite coffee shop was long. She barely made it to the office on time.

She knocks on the door to her boss’s office.


Regina walks into his office.

“Shut the door behind you.” Joe looks up from his desk to see who just walked in.

“Ah, Regina. Just the person I wanted to see. Please, have a seat.” Joe motions towards the chair in front of his desk.

Regina sits down in the chair in front of the desk. She looks towards her boss.

“What did you want to see me about, boss?” Regina was curious why she was called to her boss’s office.

“I have an assignment for you. A DARPA researcher/developer had her place broken into last night. I need for you to go and talk with her to see if any of her research was access or stolen.” There had been a message waiting for him when he came into work.

“What type of research is she doing for DARPA, sir?” Regina wanted to get some background on her.

“She and her partner are doing armor research. That’s all I can tell you.” Joe didn’t know what else they were doing.

“Okay. Is there anything else I should know?” Regina wonders what the researcher was up too.

“Yes, they are doing their research at Penn State College of Engineering. They are students at the college.” Joe couldn’t believe two college students were working on a project for DARPA.

“College students are working on projects for DARPA?” Regina was surprised to hear that.

“I was surprised as well, but yes. Here’s the address for Gypsy Lapp. Her place was the one broken into. Also, here is the name of the
detective that is investigating the break-in.” Joe hands the address of Gypsy Lapp to Regina, along with Detective Whalebone number and case number. Ms. Lapp had left the information when she called.

Regina looks at the address and knew it was going to take at least half-n-hour to get there. She’ll speak with detective Whalebone about what happened first.

Gypsy’s Place:
“Ring, ring, ring.” Gypsy is woken-up from the ringing of her cellphone.

She grabs the annoying thing and looks through blurry eyes who was calling her. She notices it was Patrick’s cell number.

“Hello?” Gypsy was still half to sleep.

“Gypsy, where is the body armor right now?” Patrick had woken up and was watching television when a newscast caught his attention about a diamond heist going on.

The footage that was being shown. Showed their body armor, walking out of the diamond exchange. The police were firing at it, but it wasn’t stopping the person wearing the armor.

Gypsy pulls her tablet out and brings up the security cameras in the command center. Their body armor was right where it should be. It was locked up and charging in its storage locker.

“Patrick, our armor is still in the command center. I just ran a security check and it's still there. Why did you ask about it?” Gypsy was curious why Patrick called her.

“Turn your television on and go to channel seventeen.” Patrick watched as the body armor fired a minigun at the police officers.

Gypsy turns her television on and tuned it to channel seventeen. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing. There was an identical suit of their
powered body armor firing at a bunch of police with a minigun.

“That’s impossible.” Gypsy grabs her house robe and runs out of her apartment down to the command center to do a visual of the armor.

She taps in her code on the security panel. The door opens as she runs over towards the storage locker where the armor should be. She types in the security code and opens the door of the locker.

Gypsy notices their armor was still in there and notices it is fully charged. The Gauss rifle was in there as well and was fully charged.

“Patrick, our armor is still in the command center. So, where did that fake one come from?” Gypsy locks the storage locker and locks up the command center and head back to her apartment.

“I don’t know, but it is killing those policemen trying to stop it.” Patrick was still watching the live coverage of the robbery.

The armor starts running away from the scene. The helicopters that had been following it, lost it when it went down a back alleyway. She knew all the armor they tested had been destroyed and recycled.

“Well, it can’t be ours. We never designed our armor to use a minigun or anything.” Gypsy didn’t know much about the minigun, but if it needed the power to work. The armor was only rated for so much to spare.

“But our armor can still use other types of weapons.” Patrick knew they tried to make the armor universal.

“I know Pat. We need to get in touch with the police department where the robbery took place and see if we can help them. I’ll call Sergeant
Nathan and have him come with us since he is the test pilot of our armor.” Gypsy figures Nathan should be able to handle the imposter.

“Alright, I’ll see you in thirty minutes.” Patrick still had to get dress and take a shower.

Gypsy walks into her kitchen and brews some coffee while dialing Nathan’s number. She hopes he is available, so he could help convince the police that their armor wasn’t responsible for what happened.

Nathan was getting ready to go out when his cell phone starts ringing “hello?”

“Nathan, its Gypsy. Can you come to my apartment complex right away?” Gypsy figures it would be best if they met at her place.

“Sure, what’s going on?” Nathan grabs his gear and heads out towards his car.

As Nathan is walking out to his car. A car comes speeding down his street at high speed towards his house. He looks up and spots a gun pointing out of the car.

Just as they fired, he dives to the ground. The bullets miss him as they hit above his head. The bullets hit the front of his house and the back of his car.

Gypsy could hear gunfire coming through her cellphone “NATHAN!” She listens to the sounds coming through her cellphone.

Nathan pulls his handgun and tries firing back at the moving car. He stands up and watches as the car gets away.

“Gypsy, I’m alright. I’m going to have to stay here till the police get here.” Nathan wonders who his attackers were.

“Alright, I’ll pick up Patrick and meet you at your place.” Gypsy grabs her purse and heads out of her apartment.

She dials Patrick number as she walks towards the command center. She was just getting into the command center when Patrick answers.

“Pat, I’m coming to pick you up. Someone just tried to kill Nathan while I was on the phone with him, so protect yourself.” Gypsy starts the command center up and put it into gear.

“Alright, I’ll be on the lookout for you.” Patrick wonders why someone tried to take Nathan out.

He gets ready to go and wonders where that other suit came from. After twenty minutes, he spots the command center pulling up to his apartment complex. He walks down to it and enter his access code to climb inside.

“Any idea why Nathan was attack?” Patrick climbs into the passenger seat.

“None. I have no idea why someone would search my apartment or go after Nathan. Also, do you know where that second suit came from?” Gypsy follows the GPS direction towards Nathan’s house.

“I have no idea, Gypsy. Someone has copied our design. Do you think Andy Mario and his team did it? They did spy on us.” Patrick remembered the drones they found in their lab.

“Even if he did, he would still need our circuit design and our operating system. It took me and you nearly a year to write it and we are still tweaking it. Plus, he doesn’t know how everything is supposed to operate.” Gypsy knew that she and Patrick kept that information on their portable drives and the back-up drive.

Even the batteries they had custom made, were kept with the armor. She continues to follow the directions to Nathan’s place. When they arrive, they see Nathan and several police cars parked in front of his house.

“Dam! What happened here?” Patrick looks at all the police and the damage done to Nathan’s house.

Gypsy pulls the command center up behind several police cars. She notices a police officer walking towards the command center to see who they were.

“I’ll handle this, Gypsy.” Patrick gets out of the command center and heads over to talk with the officer.

Gypsy watches from inside the command center. Things weren’t making sense to her. All the prototype armors were recycled. They only had three copies and only one was fully operational. There was the mock-up they used during the demonstration to get the grant money. There was the original prototype they used for testing and the current one Nathan was using. All three were aboard the command center.

She watches as Patrick continues to talk to the police officer. After a few minutes, Pat turns around and waves for Gypsy to come and join him.
The police officer had walked off. Gypsy gets out of the command center and walk over towards Patrick.

“Nathan is inside the house.” Patrick and Gypsy walk inside Nathan’s house.

They stood speechless as they see all the bullets holes in Nathan’s outside wall. Once, they go inside Nathan’s house. They could see more bullet holes.

“Damn, whoever attacked Nathan, really tried to kill him.” Gypsy has never seen a drive by before.

“You can say that again kid. So, what brings you to my place?” Nathan looks at Patrick and Gypsy.

“We got a big problem. Someone wearing a suit like ours, robbed the diamond exchange this morning and killed several police officers.” Patrick pulls his cellphone out and shows a video of what happened.

Gypsy looks at it along with Nathan. She couldn’t believe that the armor in the video was like theirs, but she did spot a mistake on it. It might look like their armor, but there wasn’t any place on the back for the jet pack to attach.

“There’s a flaw to this suit. Gypsy pauses the video and enlarges it. It doesn’t have the jet pack connection and the power access panel is in
the wrong place.” Gypsy wonders who messed up on the design, because that wasn’t any where close to their original construction.

“Who could had made a mistake like that?” Patrick looks at what Gypsy had pointed out.

“What are you two thinking about doing?” Nathan looks at Gypsy and Patrick.

“First we need to get in touch with the police force in that area and show them you can handle that imposter. If that armor is as strong as I think it is. The only weapon that can penetrate it, is the gauss rifle in the command center. Second, your more familiar with the armor and what it can do. So, you are the perfect person to combat this imposter.” Gypsy watches Nathan to see what he will do.

Nathan looks at the bullet holes in his place. He wonders if that was the reason someone tried to kill him. They knew he would be able to stop them.

“Alright, I’m willing to stop this imposter. Help me secure my house and afterwards, we can talk with the police and see if they will let us help.” Nathan heads towards his garage to grab a hammer.

Gypsy and Patrick follow behind Nathan and help him secure his house.

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