Police Academy Chapter 10

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Katlain sat in her blacked-out conversion van she got from her second garage and listen to all the instructors as they played poker. Friday nights were their poker nights. All the instructors from her class and two others she didn’t know had shown up. She takes pictures of the two-unknown people.

Inside Officer Gerald’s Home:
“Man, what happened to the three of you?”

“We got our asses handed to us by one of our recruits. The woman has training and beat the crap out of us.” Officer Harper couldn’t believe the three of them got their butts kicked.

“I want to know, who the hell she is? There’s no way a recruit is able to beat three experienced police officers.” Officer Marcus takes a swig of his beer. His nose was hurting where she had broken it.

“Well, I have some more bad news for you three. You know those two recruits you sent to the hospital with broken arms?”

“Yeah, what about them?” Officer Gerald looks over towards his friend Davis.

“Well, two detectives from Internal Affairs showed up to talk with them. I just happen to spot them when I was leaving the hospital.” Davis knew Detective Harrison had once been a normal detective before he busted Officer Williams, Ricci, and Ventusky.

He heard detective Harrison had been moved to internal affairs and assigned a new partner. Diane, the woman he was dating in human resources had told him. That was after he used a cat of nine tails on her back and nipple clamps with weights on her full nipples. He loved the fact that she enjoyed kinky sex.

“Who were the detectives?” Officer Marcus looks at Davis.

“Detective Harrison and his partner Detective Madsen.”

“Someone must have called them and told them what happened. Do you think Katlain Brooker is working with them?” Officer Gerald looks at everyone when he asks that question.

“I looked her up like you asked me and found nothing about her, except her test scores and the standard background check the department does on each recruit.” Officer Potts had checked on Katlain and found nothing out of the ordinary about her.

“You got to be kidding me. Not even a traffic ticket?” Officer Harper couldn’t believe she has never had a traffic ticket.

“Nope, and I went by the address she had on file and sure enough, it was where she lived.” He had seen her outside cutting the grass with a tall man.

Conversion Van:
Katlain had been surprised that someone had driven past her house without her knowing. So, they knew where she lived. She was going to have to be careful from now on. She continues listening to them.

Inside Gerald’s place:
“Well, who the hell is she? We can’t show up for a class on Monday looking like we do. Then she will know that it was us that attacked her.” Gerald throws the beer bottle in his hand at the wall.

“I don’t care about that. I want to take her and give her some of her own medicine and see how she likes it.” Officer Harper wanted to fuck her and see how she would react to having her body violated.

“You don’t want to do that to her Harper. Unless you want to wash her body afterward to get rid of any genetic material from your body.” Officer Gerald knew they would need to cover up the rape.

“We could kidnap her and see who she is really. We could also ask her, who she is working for.” Officer Marcus wanted to know as well.

“I don’t think that is wise fellows. You’re going to need to come up with something else. You said she was a good fighter and took the three of you on.” Officer Potts knew his friends and himself were going to have to do something.

“How about running her off the road and making it look like an accident?” Officer Davis figures between the five of them, they could either abuse her somewhere and or take her on a ride along and finish her off.

“Before we do anything against her. We need to know if she is working with anyone. Someone put her in our training class. We need to figure out who and why or whatever we do to her is going to backfire against us.”

“You’re right. I know someone that works for the FBI I could ask her.” Officer Potts had a cousin that worked in their IT department.

“Alright, let us know what you find. Let’s get back to this game.” Officer Marcus wanted to get back to taking their money.

Katlian sits back in her chair and couldn’t believe what these guys were talking about her. She had enough evidence to nail them to the wall. She shuts things down and heads up to the driver seat. She spots a patrol car coming up the street. She ducks back behind the driver seat, till she sees the car drive off.

Katlain moves back to the driver seat and drives off. She is surprised they hadn’t spotted her. She heads back to her first garage and switches cars. She transfers the recording to a thumb drive and makes a copy just in case.

She walks over to her Maverick and gets in. Katlain couldn’t believe that there were five police officers that wanted her either raped or killed. She pulls her cellphone out and dails Harrison’s number.

Harrison was going over the latest information he received from Katlain and the two women he and Detective Madsen had spoken with the other day. He takes a sip of his coffee when his cellphone starts ringing.

He picks it up and notices it was Katlain’s burner. He presses the accept button “what’s up Katlain?”

“A lot. We have a problem and we need to meet.” Katlain was heading towards another safe house she has.

Her daughter was with her godmother and aunt today. Declan was still out on the road.

“How bad is the problem?” Harrison puts his coffee down.

“Bad and we need to talk. Meet me at this address, along with Detective Madsen.” Katlain sends a text message which was the address she was heading to.

Harrison looks at the address. It was in the historical area of Augusta, Georgia. He brings it up on google and notices it was one of the historical homes dating back to 1890. He wonders how it was connected to Katlain.

“Alright, I’ll meet you there in about an hour.”

“Alright, see you then.” Katlain heads towards one of the homes that have been in her family for a long time.

The house uses to belong to her great, great, great Uncle Teddy Mackay. He didn’t have any living family, so her mother’s family inherited the house. It was given to her just recently. Her and Declan had talked it over and they didn’t want to move, so she has been debating about renting it out.

Katlain pulls up the driveway and parks her car in the carport. She loved it out here and would love to spend more time out on the property. She heads inside the house and into the dining room. She sets up her laptop and waits for Harrison and Detective Madsen to show up.

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Things are getting a bit

Samantha Heart's picture

TOO dangerous good thing they are sutting it down NOW! These 5 cops need to be taken off the streets and put in JAIL!

Love Samantha Renée Heart.

Five for the slammer

Jamie Lee's picture

Those have to be the dumbest police officers in the force or so inexperienced in undercover work they never thought to check for listening devices.

Their days as free men are extremely short, but they don't know it. Yet.

Others have feelings too.