Off the Books - Part 9

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“Exactly where have you heard that name before?” I said as I wiped the sleep from my eyes.

“Savernake Forest,” exclaimed Jemma.

The trouble with my partner was that when she was overly tired or woken up in the middle of the night, sometimes she spoke total gibberish. I’d learned to handle it but many people we had to work with couldn’t handle her without losing their patience pretty quickly.

My brain was slowly starting to work and as I tried to remember the last time I’d or rather we’d been to Savernake Forest. This is an area of ancient woodland to the South East of the town of Marlborough in Wiltshire. Then it came to me.

“Oh, you must mean Farthings home?”

“Yes, that’s it. He left his home very much in a hurry, didn’t he?” reasoned Jemma.

“Yeah, we stopped him as he left in his Porsche. If I recall you lit him up with your target light and his face turned to ash. But what else did you remember?”

“He left in so much of a hurry, that he forgot to erase all the messages on his answering machine. I’m sure that Sebastian Downs was one of the callers. I didn’t think much of it at the time. The message had not been totally played before it was cut off. I think that is his name on the tape. At least it is someone calling himself ‘Seb’…”

“So? Could there not be a perfectly valid reason for a deputy director of ‘5’ to call someone from our organisation?”

Jemma sagged back into the bed.

“I’m sure that it was him who tipped off Farthing.”

The realisation of what she’d just said hit me hard.

“But Farthing was the sniper so he knew that he’d missed his target so it would be natural for him to want to ‘leg it’.”

“Yes but… Why or how would ‘5’ know about our movements?”

“Our car must have passed at least one ANPR Camera between where we’d left it near Cirencester and Farthings. We also went into Swindon remember! What if Farthing tipped off ‘5’ about the registration number of your car and when it was spotted not that far away from Farthings home… It is more than likely that ‘5’ has the same system we use for ANPR targeting? Well you can guess the rest.”

“That is an awful lot of ‘What if’s’ you know…”

“But how else can you explain what I remember?”

“Are you sure that you remember it? There has been a lot of events and also time between then and not. Oh, and don’t forget about a certain RPG that came our way not that long ago?”

What she’d said was perfectly true.
“We never told anyone about going into Swindon yet… And very, very few people knew about us being back in London. Sam would be able to tell us if ‘5’ also knew about us returning.”

“We may never know the full truth but, it might also mean that he’s the one who tipped off Esteban about the PM’s flight plan couldn’t it?”

“It looks that way. All circumstantial but all the fingers are pointing in his direction.”

“But we have to prove it don’t we and fast,” I commented.

“Isn’t that Answering Machine downstairs in the ‘Evidence Department’?”

I let out a groan. Our short period of rest was over.

“We’ll need Sam’s say-so to get at it though.”

“Well? Get him on the phone then!” said Jemma as she made a dash for the bathroom.

Half an hour later we took the lift down to the bottom of the department. I’d only been down this far once before and that was when I was shown where the entrance to our Nuclear Bunker was.

Sam was waiting for us. He had a really stern look on his face.

“This had better be good. If it was anyone else I would have told them to get lost especially at this ungodly hour.”

“Sam, Jemma is sure that it is Downs’s voice on that machine.”

“Well why don’t we go and see for ourselves?”

Ten minutes later, we had our hands on the machine. I plugged it in and breathed a huge sigh of relief as the stored message counter showed ‘1’.

Without delay, I pressed play.

We listened and sure enough we heard the voice of Sebastian Downs tipping Farthing off of our impending arrival. There was a sort of code but what he was saying was perfectly clear. He even identified himself at the end.

“Once more please?” said Sam.

We listened intently to the recording once more.

“Right. You two need to come with me. Bring the machine with you.”

“Where are we going?” asked Jemma.

“No 10.”

He didn’t need to say any more.

Sam called Downing Street and after some discussion, the PM was summoned to the phone.

“Prime Minister, we think we have discovered the mole who leaked your travel plans.”

“Yes, we have evidence.”

“Prime Minister, please do not convene a COBRA meeting under any circumstances. The person responsible for leaking is one of the members of COBRA. A Senior member.”

There was a silence on the phone. That revelation could well have stunned the PM.

“Yes, Prime Minister. We will leave within five minutes.”

He put the phone down and through slightly gritted teeth he said,
“That has put the cat amongst the pigeons. This is huge believe me.”

I had no doubts that it was going to cause a few earthquakes inside the Government before the day was out. This wasn’t the first time that we’d done that so I was sure that a lot of people in a lot of offices all over Whitehall would cheer when they find out that we’d retired. If there was one thing that we’d learned over the years is that Civil Servants don’t like change.

Dawn was just breaking as our car was allowed into Downing Street. The famous door swung open to let us in as we approached.

We were ushered downstairs and into the same room where I’d been for the Cobra meeting. The Prime Minister was waiting for us.

“Good morning Prime Minister,” said Sam as we were shown in.

“Come in Sam and take a seat,” said the PM.

“Prime Minister, this is Jemma and Angelique. They are my top Agents but you know that of course.”

“Good morning, please sit down and tell me what you have?”

The PM was a woman of few words.

“We think … well, please take a listen for yourself,” said Sam.

He switched on the answering machine and played the message.

At the end he said,
“That is the voice of the current acting head of ‘5’, Sebastian Downs tipping of Farthing of the impending arrival of these two agents of mine at his house near Marlborough. Farthing was, as you know working for Esteban so we think that it is reasonable to assume that Downs is as well.”

Sam paused but the PM said nothing so he carried on.

“SOP dictates that your flight plans from DC to here were strictly on a need to know basis. Only a few people knew about them. That few includes all the COBRA members which includes Downs. He also knew that due to the remnants of storm Elijah coming across the Atlantic, that when your flight reached a certain point the plane would choose one of three routes into UK airspace. There can be no other explanation as to how Esteban knew of that information especially given the theft of the three trawlers.”

“Oh, and no one in my organisation knew about the pending visit that these two agents made to Farthings house. All we knew was that someone had taken a pot-shot at them in the early hours of that morning in Wales and that they were heading back to London. Farthing was legging it and here is the evidence that tells us who tipped him off.”

The PM thought for a moment before saying to me,
“Why didn’t you raise this yesterday?”

“I knew that I’d heard the voice before but could not work out where. I told Jemma when we returned to the department and it came to her in the middle of the night. He has a very distinctive thin voice.”

Then I added,
“With the assassination of the head of ‘5’, Downs was always next in line for the position. What would the Russians, the Chinese, or any foreign power would give for a spy at this level of Government? It is Kim Philby, Donald McLean and Anthony Blunt all rolled into one and doubled. It seems to me that Daniel Esteban has clearly invested an awful lot of time equal amounts of money in getting people at this sort of level into the depths of our Government. We all know how he uses this Country as the entry point to Europe for his criminal activities. With someone at the top of our Intelligence Services he would be free carry on almost at will.”

The PM looked at me before nodding her head.

“I’m inclined to agree with you. Please stay here for a few minutes. I need to get a document.”

Without waiting for any response, the PM left us alone in the COBRA room.
“What is she going to get?” asked Jemma.

Sam let a small smile appear on his face for half a second.
“I think I know what it is. If I’m right, I’ve seen the folder she is going to get but not what is inside. Oh, I know what is there in general but in detail? No chance.”

Sam’s words hit me hard. I could tell that Jemma was equally stunned.

The PM returned less than five minutes after she’d left us alone. She was carrying a large buff envelope that was clearly marked ‘Top Secret’ but the lettering was in Red and Black. This was ultra-ultra secret.

She sat down and opened the envelope and pulled out the contents. She put her hands on top of the contents and said,

“As you know Winston Churchill founded your department in 1943. This file contains the articles of engagement for your department. I know that you know the basics but in order for us to take the next step, you need to know everything.”

None of us moved an inch.

The PM took a sheet of paper from the pile.

“Everyone who sees the contents of this file has to sign and date the log first.

She looked at the names on the list.

“You three are the first people who are not a PM or Deputy PM to see the contents since the rules were formalised in early 1944. Please take your time and fill in the details. If you feel that you can’t look at them then you may leave and no one outside those of us here will ever know. This is one of the rules of engagement that I can tell you about. This is much like the rules of ‘Fight Club’ but these came a long time before that bit of fluff from Hollywood came along.”

Sam took his chance.
“Are you sure about this Prime Minister?”

“Sam… I’ve never been more sure about anything in my life. The very existence of our society as we know it is at stake.”

She didn’t wait but handed Jemma the log. She glanced at the names and then added hers to the list. Sam did the same and passed it to me. As I read the list, I was shocked by how few people had viewed the contents in over eighty years. I added my name to the list. Sam did the same.

“Thank you for doing that,” said the PM.

She handed Sam another sheet of paper from the file. From the flimsiness and just how it looked told me that this was a document that was created during WW2.

Sam read the page and passed it to Jemma and myself. We read it and I at least began to understand how deep in the shit we are.

“That document gives you three the power to do whatever is needed to take down one of our security services. This is the backstop that Winston hoped would never have to be implemented. Sadly, it has given the level of infiltration that we have at the moment.”

She let those words sink in.

“To reinforce the words on the paper, you now have the authority to do whatever is needed to rid our government and security services of traitors. If that needs someone to be taken out then you are authorised to do it. Shoot on sight if needs be. Obviously if that sort of sanction is needed then the anonymity that your department has enjoyed could well be at an end.”

Again no one said anything.

“Sam, what do you plan to do next?”

“Prime Minister, as you know Operation Caldicot is underway. The exposure of Downs as a traitor puts that whole thing in jeopardy.”

“I agree. Is it too late to call it off?”

“Prime Minister, if we do that, that will alert Downs and as a result Esteban would probably escape our clutches.”

“What do you propose then?”

“A few changes to the plan that should enable the arrest of both Downs and Esteban.”

“I’m guessing that you don’t know what they are yet?” asked the PM.

“That is correct. We have your approval to use whatever means we think fit to apprehend both of them but we will may well need your help in a peripheral capacity in order to maintain credibility.”

The PM smiled.

“Call a COBRA meeting perhaps?”

“Exactly what we were thinking Prime Minister. That should tie up Mr Downs and he won’t be able to update his boss of what is going on without arising suspicions. The changes I think we will make to the operation will not involve ‘5’ in any way shape for form so he has no excuse to leave the COBRA meeting on the pretence to update his people. We will cut them out of the loop entirely. If he does not attend COBRA then we will get special branch to arrest him. Due to the current security threat level he has a special branch unit with him at all times which is on your direct order.”

“And Mr Esteban?” asked the PM.

“Now that we know a lot of what he knows, we can compensate for that and grab him as … well as he thinks that he is about to finally kill these two.”

“Sam, I have great faith in the three of you to get this sorted out with the minimum of fuss.”

Then she said,
“What time do you want me to call the COBRA meeting for?”

“Prime Minister, we are not quite sure but the schedule for the operation indicates that it should come to conclusion around 16:00 today. That is two hours earlier than what we’d planned for the operation which leaves less time for Downs to tip off Esteban.”

“Good. Then I’ll call the meeting for an hour before that on the pretext of monitoring the progress of the operation. That should seem perfectly normal and not arouse any suspicions.”

With that the PM stood up and walked towards the door. Then she hesitated and turned to look at us.

“Good luck today. Get the bastard. The former head of ‘5’ was a good friend to me… and an honourable servant to the nation. It will be hard to find a decent replacement.”

Then she said to Jemma and myself.
“Please be careful. I’ve seen your records and no one in ‘5’ or ‘6’ even comes close to yours but even the best of you sometimes… well, their luck runs out. I don’t want… The nation does not want that to happen understood!”

We all felt humbled by her words.

“Now you two,” said Sam when we were back in the department.
“The PM has given you carte-blanche to bring this whole thing to a satisfactory conclusion. However, that does not mean shoot on sight even if she said it does but, you are to bring me his head on a platter but alive so to speak. Understand?”

“Sam, you know that isn’t our style.”

He smiled.
“But I have to say what I did. Rules is rules is rules and all that. But if you have to take the final shot then do it. Do not hesitate for even one nano-second. Understood?”

Neither of us said anything but we nodded our heads in agreement.

“Right, what tweaks to the plan are you making?”


He put his hand up to stop me.

“Don’t tell me. The fewer people who know the details the better. However, is there anything you need from me in order to make the operation work better, now is the time to let me know?”

I looked at Jemma and she shook her head.

“I think we are good to go Sam.”

After a check with me, Sam said,
“Ok and good luck. I’ll be here until the COBRA meeting. I’ll let you know if Downs is attending it or not when we assemble at No 10. He’ll get a bit of a shock when he finds out that it is several hours earlier than scheduled.”

“Thanks Sam. If he does a runner then you’ll keep us informed?”

“Yes. SB owe me more than a few favours after the Luton Airport incident last year and the PM is right behind us so no one will complain. I’ll get onto them right away and brief their Commander.”

After a quick breakfast, I made a phone call while Jemma went to prepare our gear for the day. She’d taken on the role as Armourer to our team very early on in the relationship.

“Hello Jock”.

I was on the phone to someone who’d become a good friend of ours during our sojourn in Scotland. He’d called me while we were in my bombed out flat. We tried to talk him out of coming south but he would not take no for an answer. Now, we were glad that he did come. He was the one person we could trust to watch our back literally.

“No just confirming that you are on schedule?”

“Great. There has been a slight change of plan. We need to bring forward the operation.”

“A dirty great mole on top of the heap. We aim to get them out in the open in daylight.”

“I’ll text you the new time when we get an update. It should be around one at the latest. Other than that, everything is still a ‘go’.”

“Thanks Jock. See you soon.”
Then before I hung up I added,
“We will have all the kit you need with us.”


“No, I won’t ask where or how. As long as they are properly disposed of when this is all over. And I mean totally disposed of.”

His response made me laugh.
“Yes, that is a good place.”

I texted the change of plan to Jock and went to find Jemma.

She smiled as I entered the Armoury.

“I have got everything we will need,” she said as she pointed at a large black holdall.

“Jock won’t be needing his stuff. Apparently, he’s acquired some from somewhere.”

Jemma shook her head.
“That’s Jock through and through. It is really nice to have him on our side.”

“I told him that he needed to dispose of the weapons he has acquired after the operation.”

Neither of us would disagree with that.
“He said that they’d end up in the sea somewhere between Rhum and Eigg. I agreed with his disposal point.”

“Great. We are good to go then,” said Jemma.
Her face was expressionless. We both knew that we had a lot on the plate and if it went wrong we would more than likely not be coming out the other side. The downside for us was that we were as they say in Boxing, rather ‘ring rusty’. Months and months of not being on operations had taken its toll with us. While we were fit neither of us had fired a weapon other than on the range for almost two years. We could have done with another exercise in the Brecon Beacons with Jock but there really was no time for extravagances like that. Scores needed to be settled right now.

Twenty minutes later we climbed into in the back of what looked like a normal Transit Van that belonged to a National Delivery Company.
This was the perfect cover that would allow us to leave the city undetected at least by casual observers.

The driver headed for the Delivery Company depot in Brentford. There were literally dozens of similar vans operating in the area so we’d not look out of place.
There we transferred to a plain white Peugeot Boxer van. We put on the ‘de-rigeur’ yellow jackets and red baseball caps. We looked like any other team that was leaving to deliver goods.

I got in the passenger seat. Jemma was just as good a driver as me and being the passenger gave me some more time to go over every little detail of the plan in my mind.

A few minutes later we were on the M4 heading west. Our destination was the former home of Terrence Farthing. It was due to be sold at Auction in a month or so but was perfect for what we hoped was the final chapter in our seemingly never-ending fight against Daniel Esteban and his organisation.

As we passed Heathrow I felt a sudden urge to jack it all in and take off to somewhere warm and safe with Jemma but those thoughts soon passed and I began to concentrate on the job ahead.

[to be continued in the final part 10]

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