Police Academy Chapter 9

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Katlain watches as the paramedics take two of her friends out of the training academy gym on stretchers. Callie and Kimmie had broken their arms in an armbar hold the instructors were teaching them. The instructors had stepped in after they said their partners were being gentle on them.

Callie had been the first victim after her training partner traded places with one of the instructors. Then Kimmie’s partner traded places with another instructor and he broke her arm. Katlain couldn’t believe the instructors would do something like that. She had to give the instructors credit in making what they did look like a training accident.

Instructor Gerald tried to cause her leg to break in a takedown move. Instead of going down like he wanted her to, she flipped him over back and drove her knee into his groin, making it look like an accident. She came down hard into his groin, so if he was wearing a cup, it would hurt.

“Oh, I’m so sorry, Officer Gerald. I must have tripped when you grabbed me from behind.” Katlain looks at him like she really meant it.

“Next time be careful.” Officer Gerald stands up and winces in pain from her crushing his groin with her knee.

Katlain watches as two other instructors come over and carry him over towards the nearest bench. She turns around and let a smirk appears on her face as she rejoins her training partner. She hopes he can’t have kids.

The rest of the training session goes by peacefully without anyone getting hurt. By the time Katlain is ready to go. She is tired and changes out of her workout clothes. She decided she’ll take a shower at the academy.

She was the only one left in the locker room. As she is taking a shower, three figures dress all in black enters the locker room. Katlain spots them coming towards her. One person lunges towards her. She kicks him in the abdomen. Another tries to grab her, but she pulls him under the shower and sweeps his arm out from under the person.

The third person tries to grab her, but because she was still wet, the person loses their grip on her. She spins around and smashes her elbow into his face. She hears a crunch as her elbow connects with his nose.

The one she kicked in their abdomen, manages to punch her on the jaw. The one on the shower floor tries to sweep her feet out from under her. She jumps just in time and he sweeps the other person's leg out from under them. The third person stood back, because of their nose being broken.

The two figures look at Katlin. They didn’t expect her to be so well trained. They glance at each other and try to attack her again.

Katlain blocks one guy punch and captures the other guys punch towards her. She takes his arm and twists up behind him. The next thing she feels is something hitting her in the back of the head. Her vision blurs as she lets go of the person. As she is falling towards the floor, she is kicked hard to her rib cage. Just before she blacks out from the pain, she watches as the three people dressed in black rushes out of the locker room.

“Ma’am, are you alright?”

Katlain felt herself being shaken gently by her shoulder. Her head hurt when she moved it. She tries to see who had shaken her.

She notices it was one of the cleaning ladies. She moves gently as she gets up.

“Yes, I’m fine. I slipped.” Katlain noticed she was still in the showers.

“Are you sure ma’am? I can call the paramedics for you.” Delores was concerned when she came into the lady’s locker room and found a
young girl laying on the floor of the shower with the water still going.

“Yes, I’m fine.” Katlain gets up slowly and head over towards her locker and gets dress.

Katlain feels on the back of her head and felt a bump. Whatever the person hit her with, was very hard. She gets dress and heads out to her car. By the time she gets home, her head was feeling a little better. Her breasts start hurting, which meant she needed to drain them, or she was going to have a milk soak bra.

She stops and picks Kathleen up from her godmother and head home. By the time she pulled into the driveway, her breasts were leaking. She rushes inside the house and practically tears her blouse off. It was good she was wearing a maternity bra. She grabs the pump and drains her breasts of the milk. Her head was still hurting a little as she tenderly touches the bump on the back of her head.

She finishes draining her breasts and putting the milk in the refrigerator for Katherine later. Katherine had remained quiet while she had been busy draining her breasts. Katlain pulls her cellphone out to dial Detective Harrison.

Police Precinct:
Detective Harrison was just walking out of the precinct when his cellphone starts ringing. He looks at the number and notices it was Katlain’s number.

“Hey Katlain, what’s the verdict?”

“I was attacked today in the locker room by three guys dress in black. I don’t know who it was, but I’m guessing it was three of the instructors.” Katlain rubs the back of her head.

“What makes you say that?” Harrison was curious why someone would attack Katlain at a police academy.

“Because, two of the female recruits who were doing well, had their arm broken during practice today by two of the instructors. I accidentally
crushed Gerald’s groin area.” The bump on the back of her head was still tender.

“Are you okay?” Detective Harrison was concerned about Katlain.

“I’m fine, I just have a little bump on the back of my head.”

“Which students got hurt today?” Detective Harrison grabs his note pad.

“Callie Swanson, and Kimmie Johnson. They were injured when Officer Marcus and Officer Harper showed them a move that broke their arm.”
Katlain couldn’t believe the instructors were doing that.

“Did they do it on purpose or was it an actual accident?” Detective Harrison couldn’t believe sworn officers would do something like that.

“On purpose. They made it look like it was an accident, but it wasn’t unless they were completely incompetent.”

“Alright, I’ll go and talk with the students and ask them some question. How much evidence do you have so far?” Detective Harrison has been
going over everything Katlain has been sending him.

“I have enough to out at least two of the instructors and send them away. I want to put all of them away.” Katlain wanted all of them to pay for what they have been doing to recruits.

“Alright, send me what you got. If anything new comes up, let me know.”

“Alright, I will. Bye.”

“Bye, Katlain.” Detective Harrison ends the call.

Katlain puts her cell away and prepares Katherine for bed. She does wonder who attacked her. She has enough bugs on the instructor’s that she could listen in to see if they said anything.

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well at least the one with

well at least the one with the broken nose will be easy to spot

Not the smartest of moves to stay behind alone

Monique S's picture

after hurting one of the ass-hats. She'll have to be really careful now. It will be interesting to see which one comes back to work with a broken nose. Perhaps it is the one who got hurt by Katlain before, that would prove the complete trio guilty.

Monique S

These "Officers"

Samantha Heart's picture

Are GOING DOWN AND HARD! Once they get All the evidence aginst them then this will not take long. Katlain has PLENTY of dirt on them already, but will have a LOT MORE VERY VERY soon.

Love Samantha Renée Heart.

Well, duh!

WillowD's picture

This is a Lady Dragon story after all. Goddess bless her and her muse.

That attack was a stupid move

Jamie Lee's picture

Those three think they've got their boss snowed, getting away with hurting the woman recruits as they have and are.

Katlain being alone wasn't the smartest thing to do, but attacking her was even dumber. Katlain hurt two before she was knocked out, so hiding the injuries will by hard. The guy with the broken nose will not be able to hide that unless he doesn't come to work.

They have played their hand and goofed. Now it's Katlain turn to use her hands, feet, and whatever is at hand.

Others have feelings too.