The Pup Grows into A Wolf 2

Gina was nervous as she stood in formation with the rest of the new recruits. She felt naked without Cadmus with her. Even though she has had five years to overcome what was done to her. She never feels safe unless Cadmus, her father or her big sister was near her. Her father had talked her into taking the paramilitary course his company offered in Scotland during the winter months.

He told her that if she was going to be running the private security contracting company he was putting her in charge of. She needed to know everything about the company. That included the training at several of the companies paramilitary training camps.

She shivers as the wind blows through her. The squad she was in had twenty-four people and of the twenty-four people. There were only four females in the squad, including herself. The training instructor she had worked for her father. The two of them had been soldiers together when he served in the British military. She knew her father was a former SAS solider before he joined MI6.

The paramilitary camp she had been sent to, was a combination of SAS training and Green Beret training. The people who ran the facilities were handpicked and recruited by her father. Only special recruits and clients were sent to this training camp.

No one knew she was the daughter of the owner. Her father had created a cover identity for her. Her job was to evaluate and experience the training for herself. If she survived the training, then she would be assigned to Alpha team and serve a year with them over in Afghanistan.

For the next sixteen weeks, she is put through hell. The instructors her squad are trained by, push them hard. If she hadn’t survived what was done to her when she was younger. She might not be able to survive what they were putting her squad through.

That included the interrogation training she received. Because of her past, there was nothing they could do to her to get her to reveal anything.
Even when they used truth drugs on her, she fought them and gave them misleading info.

When it came to the hand-to-hand training, she beats the crap out of her instructors. Her father had said to hide the combat training he had given her, but the instructors had made her so mad. That she forgot what he told her and cut loose with what she knew.

When she was called to the Commanders office, they asked her where she had learned what she knew. Gina explained that she had taken several different Martial Arts training since she was a child and her father was a special forces instructor. She used her fake background to cover her misjudgment.

Commander Murray just looks at the oriental woman standing before him. He had done a background check on her and there was nothing in her files about prier martial arts training. However, it didn’t mean she didn’t have it.

“You can return to your quarters recruit.” Commander Murray was going to dig a little deeper into this woman’s background.

Gina heads back to the quarters she was sharing with one other woman. She couldn’t believe that out of the twenty-four people who had been
in her squad. They were down to only four people. Two guys and one other woman. The only reason the other girl had done as well as she had. She was a former Marine. She had done four years and got out. She found it hard out in the civilian world after being sent overseas.

“What did the Commander wanted to see you about?” Benedetta was curious. Normally, when a recruit was sent to the commander’s office. It meant they were leaving and she didn’t think her roommate would be quitting so soon.

“He wanted to know where I learned to fight.” Gina strips out of her clothes and head towards the showers.

She was lucky she had gotten over people seeing her naked when she was in High School. It took courage on her part to allow others to see her naked. Clothes to her meant safety and were like an armor suit to her. The only person besides her family and sister she felt being naked around was her boyfriend Arnold.

They have been boyfriend and girlfriend since high school. The night they had the sleep over, had been when she knew he was the person she wanted to marry. They dated all throughout high school and she saw him off as he flew to Boston to study law. They stayed in touch and every so often her father would fly her out to Boston to be with him.

Upon her graduation, Gina and Jack reveal her identity to the Commander. They explained why she had enter the training under false pretense. When she sees Cadmus, she gives him the most loving hug. She missed her wolf and didn’t want to be separated from him again.

She had a few days to herself before she leaves to go to Afghanistan. She spends the time visiting her favorite places. Her father helps her pack what she was going to need. She knew Julia was starting her police training and wishes she was going to be around while her big sister was going through her training. Cadmus was coming with her.

She was going to spend a year over in Afghanistan with Alpha team. Because of Cadmus military training by her father. She was receiving extensive and intense bomb training. The body armor she and Alpha team were given were new full body armor from Jack’s company. Including their vehicles, communication systems and weapons.

The first six months Gina is over in Afghanistan. Alpha team is deployed to protect private contractors rebuilding a town. Their job was to provide protection for the construction crew. She is partner with a guy from Scotland.

Ewan Swinton had been informed that Gina Bounty was the owner's daughter and that her wolf was military trained. He could detect explosives and that Ms. Bounty herself had been trained to disarmed bombs. He didn’t mind being partner up with her and he was instructed not to show her any favors either. She was to be treated like any other newbie that joined the group.

Their job was to search all materials and vehicles entering and leaving the town. All roads leading in and out of the city had guards protecting them. Ewan watches as his partner was scanning a truck coming into the town. Her wolf was walking around the vehicle, when it stops all of sudden and starts growling.

He keeps the crowd back, while he watches Gina look where Cadmus had started growling.

Gina had been walking around the truck coming into the town and was stopped at the check point to be stopped. She was walking Cadmus around the truck coming in when he started growling.

She kneels and looks under the truck. At first, she doesn’t spot anything out of the ordinary. Until she looks closer and spot an object taped to the bottom of the frame. She leans forwards carefully and notices it was just a package, not a bomb. She pulls several blocks off the frame. There had to be at least four blocks secured to the frame.

“Hey partner. This guy is trying to smuggle drugs into the town.” Gina stands up holding four blocks of heroin and looks over towards Ewan.

Ewan walks over towards Gina to see what she had in her hands. He could tell as he got closer that she was holding four brown bricks in her hands. He walks up to the cab and pull the driver out and arrest him. He notices that Cadmus stays close to Gina and was always alert. That was the one thing he noticed about her wolf. He was always close to her. He never left her side.

The rest of their shift, they don’t encounter any problems.

As they are heading back to where they were staying “how come your wolf stays so close to you?”

Gina scratches Cadmus head between his ears “he’s been my bodyguard and teddy bear since I first got him. He’s very protective of me.”

“How come?” Ewan was still confused.

“It’s the type of bound me and him have. He chose me to always protect and care for.” Gina slips a piece of his favorite treat to him.

Ewan just looks down at Cadmus as he walks next to her without a leash. He was still amazed at how well behave and trained Cadmus was.
He knew most trained dogs like Cadmus were kept on a leash, but the only time Gina ever puts a leash on Cadmus if they were going somewhere she needed to make other people feel safe around Cadmus.

They head back to the hotel they were staying at. The hotel had been purchased/lease by her father’s company. They check in with the officer on duty and head towards the dining room to grab some dinner.

Gina pulls a prepared meal out of a pouch on her backpack. The meal itself was ones she prepared for Cadmus. She never feeds him anything they ate. All the meals she had for Cadmus were brought with her, in the supplies, her father packed for her. Until they go upstairs to her room. She keeps Cadmus body armor on him.

“Why do the contractors around here think they can pull the wool over our eyes?” Gina was trying to figure that out. Why some of the contractors they have encounter lately, thought they could sneak things pass Cadmus.

This was the sixth time a contractor thought they could sneak drugs into town. Gina walks through the line and fills her tray with food from buffet style they had set-up. Her father’s company thought of everything and made sure their people were taken care of. She walks back towards her table where she shared it with three other members of Alpha team. Cadmus was eating his food.

“Hey Gina, how long have you had Cadmus?” Johnathan was curious. He normally didn’t eat with Gina and her partner, but there weren’t any other tables available.

“Cadmus has been my protector for six years now.” Gina takes a bite of the food she picked.

“What do you mean he’s been your protector for the past six years?” The rest of the guys at her table were curious now.

Gina looks at all of them “back when I was thirteen years old, I was kidnapped and tortured by a sick bastard. Mr. Bounty found me and my older sister. He adopted us and gave us the offspring from Chaos as pets. Cadmus chose me, while Sphinx chose my sister Julia. Since I came to live and be adopted by Mr. Bounty. Cadmus has always been by my side.”

Gina eats her dinner. She wishes the bastard that kidnapped her, and Julia was still alive, so she could show him how it felt if to be violated.
Her father shouldn’t had shot his groin off first. He should had kept him around longer to be tortured.

Once Gina has finished her dinner. She heads up to her room and composes an email to her family. She uses the secure account she has and transmits her email to her family. After she finishes doing that, she heads into the bathroom and takes a cold shower. She was happy to be out of her full suit of body armor and she knew Cadmus was happy to be out of his as well. She got an email from Arnold telling her that he passed several of his major tests. He misses her and can’t wait, till he passes the bar exam, so they could get married.

She checks her weapons to make sure they were clean and functional. Ever since she has gone through the paramilitary training at her father’s training facilities. She got into the habit of checking her weapons all the time. She had a pair of silk pajamas instead of what she normally wore to bed. This way, if someone decided to attack the hotel they were in, she could respond quickly.

Two Months Later:
The entrance that her and her partner Ewan guard comes under attack. She uses the training she received and the training she received from her father to protect herself and Cadmus. They were launching mortars at their location.

Gina tries to calculate where the mortar attacks were coming from. She takes her grenade launcher and fires several rounds toward the areas she figures the mortars were coming from. Several other members of Alpha team come and join her and her partner. She hears Cadmus growl and he takes off towards a few people trying to sneak past them during the confusion. He attacks one person, while the others that were there trying to attack him.

Gina spots Cadmus fighting one person. Several others turn their weapons towards Cadmus. She shoots each of them between the eyes with her rifle. She wasn’t going to give them a chance to hurt her best friend.

The fighting stops after a while. Her and Cadmus go out along with several other alpha members to check who they killed. If any of them were still alive, they were to bring them back for medical treatment and later interrogate them. They did capture a few that weren’t to badly hurt. The interrogator asks Gina if she wouldn’t mind using Cadmus to make the guy talk. There was no way they have ever encounter someone like him before. Which meant there was no way they could use their belief that he wasn’t a demon dog sent to eat them.

Gina has seen her father use this same technique with Chaos and didn’t see why it wouldn’t work with Cadmus. He was bigger then any normal wolf and he could be very intimidated. She walks into the interrogation room with Cadmus off his leash.

She looks at the guy sitting at a table. She had her poker face on.

“Tell me how many members are in your group and where are you hiding at?” Gina gives the hand signal to Cadmus to sit.

The guy ignores her. He doesn’t even bother to say anything to her or acknowledge her presence.

“It’s alright if you ignore me. You’re just a stinking, stupid butt sniffing Afghan that likes screwing little boys. You fear women because they are smarter than ass wipes like you.” She just smiles at him.

“شما فقط یک فاحشه فاسد آمریکایی هستید که نجس.” He looks at Gina with an evil look on his face.

“آیا شما صادقانه اعتقاد دارید من نمی فهمم که شما چه” Gina responds back in his native language.

Aryo couldn’t believe this infidel woman spoke his language.

“Surprised that I understood you? Well, here’s another lesson in languages.” Gina looks down at Cadmus.


Cadmus grabs Aryo’s leg. He clamps down hard on his leg.

Aryo screams when he feels the demon dog that had been standing next to the infidel woman. The dam demon had his teeth sunk to the bone in his right leg. He ahs never seen a dog as big as this one or as black as well.

“Now, if you don’t want my demon dog to eat you, which he might do any way. Your going to tell me everything I want to know.” She leans in close to his face.

Aryo just spits into Gina’s face.

“Nas cruaidhe!” Cadmus tightens his hold on Aryo leg and shakes it.

Gina just smiles. She walks around and pulls his chair out and make sure his legs are open.

“You know something. Maybe you would be better as a girl, instead. That way you could experience what it means to be rape and mistreated like women.” Gina whistles to Cadmus to get him to release.

Cadmus releases and walks around till he is standing before Aryo. Blood was dripping from his mouth. He was snarling as he stood before him.

“You have to the count of three, before I let him eat you. 1, 2, “

“صحبت خواهم کرد” Aryo didn’t want to be eaten by a dam demon dog.

“He’s all yours, Art.” Gina opens the door and watch as Art comes in to ask the question.

When Aryo doesn’t want to answer a question, she gives Cadmus the signal to growl to intimidate him. Afterwards, she heads out with
Cadmus and throws up in the bathroom. She knew what torture was like.

Four months later, last week in Afghanistan:
“Can’t wait to be State side, Gina?” Ewan had seen that Gina couldn’t wait to leave. He had seen her grow while she has been here with him.

Gina was excited that she just had this week to get through and her tour in Afghanistan would be over. Her father promises that he would personally fly over and pick her up. She couldn’t wait to visit her favorite places and eat Selina’s cooking again and see her sister.

“Yes, I can’t wait, till this week is over with. My father is going to fly over and personally fly me home. He’s bring Chaos with him as well.” Gina wanted to see how everyone reacted when they saw Chaos.

For the next few days, everything is quiet. Gina couldn’t wait to leave. She would miss all of Alpha team, but she was reassured she’ll meet them again. She has come to think of Alpha team as her friends and would do anything for them.

On Gina’s final day. Her father shows up with Chaos by his side. He was wearing the same type of body armor as all of Alpha team. When
Chaos jumps out of the hummer her father had taken from the airport. Alpha team sees the difference between Chaos and Cadmus.

“Dam! You should had brought that wolf, instead of yours.” Ewan and the commander of Alpha team couldn’t believe the size of the two wolves.

“He belongs to my father. He only takes orders form him.” Gina scratches Chaos between his ears.

He wouldn’t bite her, but he only responded to Jack. Jack goes to talk to the Commander of Alpha team, while Gina and Ewan load her stuff in the hummer. She had gotten a list of things all the members wanted her to send back to them. She takes one more look around at everything she was leaving behind her.

Now she knew why her father wanted her to experience what she was going to be in control of. While she has been stationed here in
Afghanistan, she has disarmed several IDE’s and busted several contractors for buying drugs from Isis and Al-Qaeda people.

Once she is back on the family jet and heading home to Montana. She sits in the back of the jet with her father and the wolves.

“Do you understand why I wanted you to serve for a year with Alpha team?” Jack had a whiskey in his hand.

“Yes sir. How can I properly run the company, if I don’t understand what the company does? Plus, I’m betting you wanted me to learn how to better protect myself as well.” Gina was drinking a nice cold Pepsi.

She saw the smile that appeared on her father's face. She had answered his question properly.

Gina slowly falls asleep as they fly back to the ranch. She uses Cadmus as a pillow to rest her head on.

Jack just looks at his daughter and felt proud of her. He remembers how scared and frightens she had been at one time. Now, she was a tough woman who can take care of herself. He drinks his whiskey and just watches over his little girl.

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