End of the Line. All Change - Part 3 of 4

I sat for a while when I was back in the Depot at the end of my first week back from holiday. It had been working for the company for almost ten years and very soon, I’d be giving it up for good. Letting go was hard but it had to be done. It was time to move on to pastures new.

On my way out of the Depot, I checked my schedule for the next day. I smiled when I realised that I’d be returning to the Depot in the middle of the afternoon to change both the type of bus and the route. I’d have a chance to go into the supervisor’s office to hand in my notice. In a strange way, I’d miss the place and a good few of the regular passengers that I carried almost on a daily basis.

Jon was waiting for me when I got home. The expression on his face told me that he had something he wanted to tell me.

“Out with it!” I said as we sat down to eat.

“I was sort of wondering if I could go and see Christine for a couple of days?”

I smiled.
“You are missing her already I take it?”

He nodded.

“Who would be going, you, this Fiona or the new and improved Fiona?”

“Does it matter?”

“Yes, it does. You know that they only have two bedrooms. Need I say any more?”

“Dad? You can’t be serious?”

I smiled.

“Christine and her mother have been through the wringer in recent years. So yes, I am serious. Go as Fiona Mk 2 by all means but if you go as you are now then please, please be careful.”

Jon just shook his head and glared at me.

“Don’t go giving me that grumpy teenager look. When was the last time you had a serious girlfriend? Let me answer for you. You haven’t. Ever since you discovered Fiona you really have not been interested in girls or boys come to think of it. I know that she likes you especially Fiona but things happen so all I’m asking is for you to be careful. Any responsible parent would do the same.”

“Ok, I’ll go as Fiona.”

“Good. But have you asked her and importantly, her Mother about going?”

“Not yet,” he said quietly.

“No time like the present is there?”

Jon went off to phone Christine while I sorted us out something to eat.

A few minutes later, Jon returned looking very serious.

“What’s up?” I asked half-heartedly.

“Christine’s Dad arrived at their place a couple of hours ago. He was demanding to know where they were and who they were with over Christmas.”

The smile disappeared from my face in a flash.

“They called the Police and he was made to leave but they know that he’ll be back.”

“Then they have to come here tonight,” I replied defiantly.


“I mean it. We’ll make room for them. I’ll call Barbara right now.”

Twenty minutes later, I put the phone down. Barbara had just called me to say that they’d left home.

“They are on their way. They should be here in a couple of hours. We have a lot to do before they arrive, don’t we?”

Jon had brightened up considerably since he’d found out that they were on their way.

“What I said earlier still applies though.”

“I know, be careful.”

“Good. Can you make up the spare room? I think you should sleep in there. They can share your room.”


“What else do you suggest then?”

Jon held up his wrist. He was wearing his bracelet.

“This do?”

“Ok, but for tonight at least you use the spare room. We don’t know what state emotionally they will be in when they get her. Ok?”


“Just play it cool. They’ve had a bit of a shock so just go easy on them.”

Jon sighed.
“I get it Dad, I really do.”

Despite their best efforts, it was quite late by the time our guests arrived. They’d been held up on the M60 due to an accident. Still, we were both happy to see them although their smiles and reactions were rather muted. The final straw of frustration for them was that they’d had to park three streets away as there was nowhere near our home. We knew the problem very well. Even with a residents parking permit, we often had problems finding a space to park.

Barbara and Christine seemed to start breathing again once I closed the front door behind them. This was helped by something to eat and drink.

Jon took their belongings up to his old room while they relaxed. I didn’t press them to explain what had happened. I was sure that they would tell us in good time.

“Thanks for putting us up,” said Barbara.

“I said that we would and I meant it. No one should have to go through what you two have. Before we go any further, you can stay here no questions or pressure. Right Jon?”

Jon had finished taking their things upstairs.

“Right Dad.”

“Good. Then Ladies, unless you want to talk tonight, may I suggest that we all head off to bed. I have a shift tomorrow but Jon or rather Fiona will be here with you.”

Christine smiled as Jon took her hand and led her upstairs.

“I didn’t realise how serious they were about each other,” said Barbara.

“Jon seemed rather lost without her since we got back from Tenerife.”

“Young love eh?”

“We aren’t so old you know.”

Barbara looked at me and then smiled.

As she turned to go out the door she gave me a quick peck on the cheek.
“Thank you. You really don’t know how much this means to us.”

“As I said in Tenerife, you are more than welcome and don’t think that you have to move. If needs be, then we can make this your home,” I said without thinking of my new job.

Barbara gave my hand a squeeze.

I had a quick word with Fiona before I left for work the next morning. I left her in charge of things. I had to trust her because I was not allowed to use a mobile phone while driving a bus. People had lost their lives because of inconsiderate drivers using phones when they shouldn’t. Nevertheless, I kept an eye on it at the appropriate times of the day. Everything seemed quiet.

When I returned to the Depot in mid-afternoon, I called Fiona.

“Hi Fiona. Is everything ok?”

“Ok good. I’ll be back around six.”

“Yes, see you later.”

I paused for a moment and then went to see the shift supervisor Tom Wilks.

“Have you got a moment Tom,” I said as I stuck my head around his office door.

“Sure, come on in and take a seat.”

I went inside and after shutting the door, I sat down.

“What can I do for you?”

I took a deep breath before beginning.
“I’m giving you a month’s notice.”

He did a rapid intake of breath.

“Wow. I wasn’t expecting that. You have probably been my most reliable driver. Who are you going to work for? Anyone local?”

“No one. I’m… taking a new direction now that my son has turned eighteen. I’ve not got anything lined up yet but there are a few options opening up. Don’t worry Tom, I’ll work my notice out.”

Tom sighed.

“Is there anything I can do to get you to stay? Finding good reliable drivers is hard enough at the best of times.”

“Sorry Tom, my mind is made up. We may well be moving away from the area.”


I smiled.

“My son and myself. There isn’t anyone else,” I replied with a bit of a sigh in my voice.

“I’ll inform HR. They will need a written letter but there is no rush. Later in the week is fine.”

“Thanks Tom. I appreciate that.”

I looked at the clock.

“I’d better go, there should be a No 9 bus waiting for me to take out.”

I arrived home tired but happy with my day. Fiona greeted me at the door.

“We have a visitor. It is that Mr Harcourt.”

I suddenly felt that I was not going to like what he was going to say. I followed my daughter into the living room. Christine and Barbara were there waiting for me.

“Hello you two?” I said trying to be cheerful. Then I saw the stern expression on Mr Harcourt’s face.

“I guess you are here to give us some bad news?”

“Yes and no. The bad news is that I am afraid that your former husband knows in general terms where you and your daughter are. Also, did you ever wonder how he tracked you to Chesterfield so easily?”

Barbara looked shocked. She made a move to get out of the chair but Christine put an arm on her mother.

“Your former husband is very resourceful. He knows your online banking passwords. He tracked you to Chesterfield simply by looking at your bank and credit card statements.”

“The rat. When I get hold of him, I am going to kill him,” exclaimed Barbara.

“But how does he know where we are now? We have been here all day and the last time we used any money was to buy some petrol in Stockport,” said Christine.

“He put a tracker on your car the last time he found you in Chesterfield.”

Mr Harcourt held up his hand.

“Don’t worry, we found it last night. At the moment, it is underneath a truck that is in Hull and waiting to board the ferry that is due to sail later tonight to Belgium. From the tracker that we have put on his car, he is also in Hull and should be boarding the ferry as we speak. We took the liberty of booking a Ferry for tonight on your bank card. He looked at those details a little over five hours ago.”

“So, he is going on the Ferry?” asked Christine anxiously.

“That seems to be the case. We have someone checking this. I hope to receive confirmation shortly.”

Both of them visibly relaxed.

“However, this does not address the fact that he won’t stop looking for both of you.”

“Mum? It is time. I don’t want to see you hurt again.”

Barbara looked down at her hands for a few seconds.

“But how will we live? Where will be live? What about …. everything?” she said slightly desperately.

“Barbara, all of that is in hand but to be done properly does take a little time. In the meantime, you can stay here if that is ok with you Terry?”

“That is fine with us isn’t it Fiona?”

Fiona smiled and looked lovingly at Christine. It appeared that they were a real ‘item’.

“It looks like we have a bit of a plan.”

“There is one more thing that you need to do Terry and that is to put this place on the market. When we get the new identities sorted out, you will all start your new life in a different part of the country.”

I had guessed that this would be the case.

“There are many parts of the country where the house prices are so high that the full value of this place would just about cover the deposit on a new one.”

“That is indeed true. That is why we provide housing for all our people. You don’t have to worry about it.”

Then he turned to Barbara.

“As part of cutting the chord to the past, you need to sell your car. In a couple of days, a colleague of mine, A Mr Dan Baines will call on you. He will give you the market value for your car. I think that in the light of the issues you have had with the car and your ex, getting rid of it will be the best thing to do.”

“Please accept his offer. He’ll pay cash by the way.”
He stood up and made to leave.

“Oh, and I nearly forgot, we will arrange for someone to clear out your old home. If you can make a list of the things that you really must have with you in your new life then we will make sure that you get them.”

When he’d left there was a lot of silence in the house.

“It all seems so final,” said Barbara.

“It is for the best Mum. A complete new start means letting go of the past,” said Christine.
The she said,
“If it means letting go of everything apart from me then I’m all for it.”

Then she looked at Fiona and myself.
“It does seem that we have found some nice people who are going through a similar process to us so we aren’t going to be alone are we?”

Barbara tried to smile but didn’t really make it.
“It just seems so final that’s all.”

The place was very down so I thought that it might be a good time to tell everyone of my decision.

“I handed by notice in today. I’m leaving at the end of the month.”

Fiona looked at me and smiled.

“Does that mean you have decided?”

I nodded.
“Yes, it does. I’m going to become Roberta and accept their offer of a job.”

Barbara looked concerned.

“Where will we go?”

I smiled.

“With us.”

Then I reached over and gently took her hand in mine.
“With me,” I said softly.

“Can we have a double wedding then?” asked Fiona.

Barbara and I glared at her.

“Don’t rush things darling.”

I turned to Barbara and said,
“You and your daughter have had a rough time. That’s why we offered a place for you here but as you can see, our children have become serious about each other. I would like to think that in time, we might do the same. Whatever happens there is a place for both of you in our lives.”

Barbara responded by gripping my hand briefly.

I had a hard time getting off to sleep that night. There was just too much rattling around in my brain but in the end, I must have drifted off because sometime later, I felt someone getting into bed with me.

“Don’t move,” said a voice.

It was Barbara.

“I need a bit of a cuddle,” she whispered in my ear.

I turned over and wrapped my arms around her. She was naked.

She snuggled down and was soon breathing gently. After a bit, I relaxed and went back to sleep.

In the morning, I woke and found myself alone again. There was only the feint whiff of her scent to remind me that I’d had a visitor in the night. Barbara was a bit sheepish over breakfast so I didn’t press things.

I left everyone in the kitchen and went off to work. I was working the 12-9 shift so wouldn’t be back until late.

I had a break for lunch at 4pm. I’d just gotten myself a sandwich from a shop near the bus station when I felt someone at my side. It was Barbara.

“Can I get you anything?” I said as I struggled for something to say.

She smiled.

“A tea perhaps? Milk, no sugar.”

I joined her at a table with my food and her tea.

After a rather awkward silence, she said,
“I’m sorry about last night. I needed to be with someone for a while.”

“That’s all right. Just a bit of a shock though.”

She smiled.

“Could I come back tonight?”

Those five words knocked me for six. I didn’t know what to say.

“Can we talk about this later?” I replied quietly.

She smiled and nodded her head.

“I was lying there with your arms wrapped around me and it just felt nice.”

This pleased me no end.

Then she showed me her phone.

“This is what woke me in the night.”

There was what could only be called an obscene text message from a blocked number. It described what the sender was going to do to her.

“Is that from him?”

She nodded.

“That is not nice. Not nice at all.”

We walked together a bit after we left the café. Barbara put her hand in mine. I tried to say something but could not find the words. All I could think about was that text and what she needed to do to break all the ties with her ex.

As I prepared to get back to work I said,
“There is a phone shop over there. I’d like you to go in there and buy four cheap phones and pay as you go Sim cards. Ditch your old one and get Christine to do the same. We can use these to call each other from now on. Give one to Fiona and I’ll sort mine out tonight. Just make a call to the phone company and cancel the contracts.”

She nodded.
“We can talk when I get back around nine.”

She squeezed my hand and said quietly,
“You are a good man Terry.”

Then with a smile she added,
“And I think that you will be an even better woman Roberta.”

Her words stayed with me for the rest of my shift. It had been a long time since anyone had said such nice words about me to my face.

When I got home, I was not sure what or who I’d find. The house was strangely quiet as I came through the front door.

I went through to the back of the house and found Barbara alone.

“The others have gone down the pub,” said Barbara when she noticed my concern.
“They wanted to give us some space.”

It all made sense.

I noticed a new phone in a box on the table. I smiled.

“Are the phones all working?”

“Yes. They were activated a couple of hours ago.”

“That’s great.”

“Fiona loaded all your numbers into them. Christine did the same with ours. There weren’t many and I guess that they will go down to two shortly,” she said in a slightly sad tone.

There was a bit of a stony silence before Barbara spoke.
“I feel everything is all happening so fast.”

I smiled.
“I think it is more of a case of needs must. The last thing you two need is him turning up here. Especially if he sees me as I am now and puts two and two together and makes four million.”

“I know and that’s why I don’t want you put you and Fiona to any trouble.”

I leaned over and took her hand. At first, she recoiled then she relaxed.
“We are here for you and you staying here is no trouble. It is nice there not just being the two of us.”

Once again there was a silence. Once again it was Barbara who broke it.
“Then there is the future. I know that Fiona and Christine are pretty set on being together. It feels like we are being thrust together.”

“And you are not sure if you can trust me?”

Barbara looked at me and nodded.

“So, we both follow our children and begin a new life.”

“But I’m not a lesbian,” said Barbara.

“At the moment Barbara, isn’t that the safest thing to be? If we appear as a couple then that will keep most of the men away. I can’t say for other women but… well, that might not happen.”

She looked at me with sorrowful eyes.
“You seem so clear on what everyone should do?”

“Clear?” I replied almost laughing.
“Far from it. I want what is best for my son just as you do for your daughter. I’m prepared to do whatever it takes to make my son or sister happy. Since she met Christine, she’s really grown up and is a totally different person. I don’t mean in looks which is obvious but in her outlook on life.”

Barbara nodded.
“Christine is the same. Fiona has given her a total new direction in her life. I didn’t realise it but we were both treading water. Now she has someone else who cares about her.”

“And I care about you,” I said without thinking. Then I hurriedly added,
“You are a very nice person who has been through a lot. For what it is worth, you have done a great job with Christine but now you need to think a bit more about yourself. The same applies with me. This whole thing with the bracelets will I hope give me and more importantly us a chance to… a chance to live again and if you are by my side then I know that we would make a great team.”

Barbara was clearly startled.
“Are you proposing to me?”

I laughed.
“No Barbara I’m not. A proposal is the last thing that you need right now. I’m saying that I’m your friend. I’m here for you. If over time and I don’t mean next week, month or even year, you decide that you want to take things further then I will be ready. Your coming into my bed like you did made me realise just how much I missed having someone share it with me.”

Barbara’s eyes moistened up. A tear rolled down her cheek.

“No one has even said things like that to me. Thank you,” she said as she wiped the tears away.

Before I could react, she stood up and left me alone. I heard her going up the stairs.

I sat back and as the song goes, ‘reviewing the situation’. I’d put my cards on the table. Now it was up to Barbara.

I got my answer later that night. Barbara came into my room and into my bed.

[Two months later]

“Is everyone ready?” I asked.

Fiona and Christine were cuddled together on the sofa. Barbara was sitting beside me.

No one objected.

“Then all we need to do is continue to wear these bracelets and the job will be done.”

Christine looked at Fiona who smiled back.

“Sis, it is not as simple as that.”

Both Barbara and I looked at our offspring.

“Christine and I have been talking about the future.”

Christine saw the look of concern on my face.

“I want to have a baby,” said Christine.

I started to understand.

“And you want the old Fiona to be the Father?”

A very sheepish Christine looked at Barbara and myself.

“Am I being selfish?”

I managed a smile.

“From my point of view, I don’t think so. What about you Barbara?”

“I’m not sure. They are so young,” she replied hesitantly.

“How else are we going to have a family?” asked Fiona.

I was stumped.

“Have you two been talking about this?” I asked.

They looked at each other. The look in their eyes said yes.

Then I had an idea.

“Perhaps there is a solution that everyone can accept?”

Suddenly, there were three pairs of eyes were staring at me.

“I read somewhere that people with testicular cancer sometimes get their sperm frozen before they have chemotherapy or radiation treatment. Perhaps you could do that and then when you are ready Christine could have some of that sperm implanted?”

There was silence in the room.

“Can someone please say something?” I pleaded.

Eventually Barbara spoke.
“Perhaps we should all sleep on it?”

No one disagreed so we didn’t say anything else.

That night, Barbara joined me in bed before I turned out the light.

“Can I turn out the light?” I asked as she slid in beside me.

“Please but…”

“You want to talk?”

“I do.”

I switched off the light and we got comfortable together.

“That was a great idea you had… about freezing the sperm.”

“Thanks… But I detect from the tone of your voice that there is something else?”

Barbara squeezed up closer to me.

“Why don’t you do it as well?”

“Do what?”

“Freeze some sperm…”

I rolled over to look her in the face.


“I mean it. The new me might like to have another child. The new us that is but only if things work out for all of us.”

[to be continued in part 4 of 4]

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