Hunter's Moon Chp. 4

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Tiger couldn’t believe how many guards she had protected her and Cara. There had to be about six members at the safe house she was staying at. She knew Cara was down in the cellar sleeping. She spots Lorrie in the kitchen fixing breakfast.

Lorrie spots Tiger walking into the kitchen “I thought you might like some breakfast.”

“Thank you.” Tiger walks over and sits down at the counter.

Lorrie puts the food she made for Tiger in front of her. She hopes she will like it. She didn’t know what she would like, so she made a little bit of what was available.

Tiger looks at the food on her plate and notices there was eggs, bacon, sausage links, potato cakes, and grits. She looks up at Lorrie “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” Lorrie starts to clean-up the kitchen.

Tiger eats the food that had been prepared for her. She watches Lorrie as she cleaned the kitchen and wonder what type of Were she was.
She wonders if Lorrie wouldn’t mind her asking.

“Lorrie, what type of Were are you?” As Tiger takes a bite of the sausage link.

“I’m a Were-dog. I turn into a collie.” Lorrie was the only one in Trey’s group that was different.

Tiger just looks at Lorrie and couldn’t believe she turned into a collie. She also didn’t know that there were Were-Dogs. She had heard about Were-Wolves, Vampires, and Witches, but not Were-Dogs.

Lorrie noticed the puzzled look on Tiger’s face. “I know, kind of lame isn’t it? However, it does make me unique in the pack.”

“How did you become one?” Tiger takes a sip of the orange juice Lorrie had put next to her plate. It tasted freshly squeezed.

“I decided to take a shortcut on the way home and was attacked. Trey tried to find out what attacked me but was never able to find the creature that attacked me.” Lorrie knew Trey and his people did everything to find who made her but were unable too.

“Do you regret being a Were?” Tiger didn’t know what she was going to do with her parent’s death. Her closest relative were three states over and she really didn’t like her aunt and uncle that much.

“At first yes, I did regret it. However, later after I adjusted to being what I am, I loved it. My transformation is smoother and hurts less, then everyone else’s. On top of that, I can go out and not scare anyone.” She knew the kids loved her and it was easier for her to scout around in her collie form, that she blended in.

“Is Trey working on who killed my parents?” Tiger was curious.

“Yes and no. An investigation group has been called in to handle who killed your parents. They will want to talk to you when you finish breakfast.” Lorrie’s cell phone beeps alerting her that King’s people have arrived.

Tiger finishes her breakfast and is escorted to the living room. When she walks in she notices seven people already in there and waiting for her. There were two women and five guys. Her eyes are automatically drawn to a man that looked like Jeff Bridges. He had a slender shaped woman standing next to him.

She notices that there was something unusual about her, but she couldn’t put her finger on it. There was a light brown her woman looking at her and her eyes were glowing slightly. They stopped glowing after a few seconds.

“She isn’t being mind controlled or under the influence.” Robin had scanned Tiger with her magic to make sure she hadn’t been brainwashed or placed under the influence.

“Who would do that too me?” Tiger looks at the auburn haired woman that spoke.

“The young vampire that saved your life. She might have planted an idea or brainwashed you.” Robin felt that it was necessary to scan the girl.

“Cara wouldn’t do that to me. She helped and saved me.” Tiger didn’t believe Cara would do such a thing to her.

“So, it would seem.” Robin knew most vampires weren’t like her sister or Cara.

“Why don’t you tell us what happened from the beginning.” Angela wanted to hear for herself and the group what happened.

Tiger takes a deep breath and starts telling this group of people what happened to her. She didn’t leave anything out. When she gets to the end, she couldn’t tell what they were thinking.

Lorrie had accompanied Tiger to the living room and remind quiet listening to what the group was asking Tiger. That way she could report to Trey what had happened.

King had listened intently to Tiger and had a few questions for her. In his eyes, there was nothing unique about this girl. She was average looking and had no special talent or skill about her. His special gift informs him if a person possessed anything special talent or ability.

“Tiger, why did you go with your friends to that particular club?” King knew the club owner was a respectable member of the local vampire kiss.

“I wanted to spend time with my friends. It’s rare when I can get away from my parents and enjoy myself. My parents are the controlling type of people. They wanted to control every aspect of my life and set goals that I would never reach or when I did reach them my way. They would say I didn’t do it the right way. So, it was rare that I was able to spend time with my friends, without being bugged by them.” Tiger loved her
parents, but they hurt her as well emotionally because of them being so dam controlling.

“So, you didn’t know that it was a vampire-controlled business and by dressing Gothic there. You were advertising that you were into that
culture?” Keane looks at Tiger to see how many times she had been touched by vampires. The only thing he could see was the one spot
where her attacker tried to bite her neck.

“No, my friends said it was that type of place and the clothes I normally wore, would cause me to stick out.” Tiger wasn’t into the Gothic scene or culture.

“What is going to happen to me, now?” Tiger was curious about her faith.

“Until this matter is handled. You will be staying here under Pack Master Trey’s watchful eye. Now, you don’t have to stay here, but if you leave
the protection of the pack. You are fair game to whoever is after you. As for your companion, she is under my wife’s control and will be asked about what went on the other night as well.” King was going to have Angela interview Cara, because she could control any vampire, no matter how old or experience they were.

Tiger was lead out of the Livingroom by Lorrie “those are the investigators that will be looking into what happened to you and your family. Is there any family member you would like to contact?”

“No, not really. I’m I allowed leaving the house if I want to?” Tiger didn’t want to be stuck inside the whole entire time.

A smile appears on Lorrie’s face “no, you’ll be allowed to leave and go about your business. However, there will allow being someone watching after you. You’ll never know they are there unless you get into trouble.”

“Thanks, I always hated it when my parents made me stay home all the time.” Tiger felt bad that she was thinking bad thoughts about her parents. She should try to remember all the good things they did.

Tiger heads back to the room she was staying in and pull her laptop out. They had retrieved all her stuff from her house and paid all the bills off. Trey had a coroner and several people on the police force that handled all their victims and police reports.

King looks over towards Robin and Keane “what did your scans reveal about her?”

“There wasn’t nothing wrong with her that I could find. She isn’t under any one’s influence and she is mentally stable for a teenager.” Robin looks towards Keane to see what he had found.

“The only spots I found on her, was where her vampire attacker bit her on the side of her neck. It’s slowly healing right now. There isn’t anything else wrong with her. I would like to meet this newborn vampire that saved her.” Keane reaches out with his ability and finds her body downstairs asleep.

“She’s still asleep.” Keane looks towards Angela.

“That means we won’t be able to talk with her, till she wakes-up Until then, Khan, Duffy, and Arron go and check out the club and find out how many people have disappeared from there or have been turned. You should run into the day staff watching over their masters. If they give you any trouble, well you know what to do.” Angela knew the three of them were more than enough to get answers.

“Gotcha boss.” The three of them leave the living room.

“Well, we got time to kill.” Robin sits on King’s lap.

“Don’t tell me you’re horny right now.” King looks into robin’s emerald green eyes.

“Nope, I’m fine on that front. Our little threesome last night will hold me over till tomorrow.” Robin knew how long she needed between each fill up she got from sex.

Keane just smiles as he watches King, Angela, and Robin. He knew they were a threesome couple. Angela couldn’t give King the children he wanted, but Robin could and since Robin and Angela were blood sisters, they would have her genetic traits as well.

1800 Hrs.
Cara slowly starts coming alive. She felt her soul reenter her body. As she opens her eyes, she discovers she is still in the basement room she had gone asleep in. There was a huge mug of blood next to her bed. She could tell it had been warmed to the proper temperature for her. She drinks it and notices it was human blood.

Once she was done with the mug of blood. She leaves the bedroom and heads upstairs to check on Tiger. She brought the mug with her to drop off at the kitchen. She could roam around last night, while Tiger slept. She had several wolves watching her.

As she walks into the kitchen, she runs into a someone she didn’t know. She could feel that he had death energies on him. She wonders who he was because he also had the smell of wolves and cat about him.

Keane turns around and spots a short strawberry blonde haired girl that looked like she was still a teenager. She wasn’t very tall. She had to be at least 4’5” or 4’7” inches tall. He could she was a vampire, but there was something special about her, that he couldn’t put his finger on.

“You must be Cara.” Keane kept his eyes on her.

“You know my name, what is yours?” Cara was curious about this fellow standing in front of her.

“I’m Keane, I and my team were sent to investigate what happened to you and the young lady called Tiger. If you're up to it, my leader would love to speak to you and ask you a few questions.” Keane knew King and Angela were waiting to speak to this young lady.

“Lead the way.” As she steps aside and waves her hand to allow him to lead her on.

“Cheeky.” Keane walks pass her and towards the living room. He could feel her presence behind her.

They walk into the living room where everyone on his team had gathered. Duffy, Khan, and Aaron were back from their mission and what they learned wasn’t good. Twenty to forty people have disappeared who have gone to the new club. Several have been taken to be blood dolls for several of the vampires that lived under the club.

King and his people were going to stop there tonight and put an end to it. There wasn’t a Master vampire there and the guards they spoke too, said that only a minor vampire was controlling the others.

When Cara walks into the living room, she automatically could tell who the powerhouses were in the room. Her eyes were immediately drawn towards King, Robin, and Angela. She could feel power being directed towards her. She looks towards the slender woman who was a vampire.

“I would appreciate it if you wouldn’t do that.” As Cara brushes the power aside like it was a gnat bothering her.

Angela was surprised that Cara was able to slap her power aside to control her. She tries again, and the same thing happens.

“Impressive, no wonder you were able to break free from your creators’ control. Why did you choose to become a vampire?” Angela was watching Cara.

“He promised to turn me into a girl. That much of his bargain he upheld. However, he tried to bend me to his will, so he and his friends could have fun with me afterward. I was supposed to be their whore, so they could do to me what they liked. That wasn’t part of the deal I made, so I killed him.” There was a little hatred in her voice for the person who turned her.

King was watching Cara and saw what her gifts were. Not only is she capable of resisting being controlled by someone. She inherited her creators’ gift of being able to transfer not only her soul but another person’s soul into another’s body. Even her own soul was intact.

Tiger heard Cara’s voice and runs into the living room to her to make sure she was safe. She throws her arms around Cara.

“I’m glad you are safe.” Tiger just held onto her.

Cara was startled when Tiger wrapped her arms around her and just held onto her. She looks at the young girl who she saved and returns the hug.

“Trey and his people aren’t going to hurt me, Tiger. They and the investigators that are here, are here to bring the ones who killed your parents in for punishment. They broke the law and must answer to the council.” Cara could feel that Tiger was scared and concern for her.

Tiger looks down towards Cara. She was a few inches taller then Cara was. She wonders if this was Cara’s original body or someone else’s.

Everyone in the room was watching Cara and Tiger. They could see she care for the other girl.

“Cara, do you feel up to coming with us and helping with a problem tonight?” King figures Cara might be able to draw a few of the illegal vampires out of the club.

Cara releases Tiger and looks towards King “I’m up to any task you have for me.”

“No! You can’t go, Cara.” Tiger steps back after releasing Cara.

“I’ll be alright, Tiger. They will be there with me.” Cara looks over towards King and his people.

Tiger looks at them “bring her back safely. I owe her for saving me.”

“We will, Tiger.” As they all stand up and head out of the house.

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WillowD's picture

This story is definitely getting interesting. I look forward to the next chapter.

Another good chapter

Wendy Jean's picture

Avery nice read indeed. I wonder if any prisoners will be taken while shutting the club down?

The fan starts to rotate

Jamie Lee's picture

An anvil is about to be dropped on the heads of a few in that club, and they don't know it's coming.

Cara will come in real handy if any of the doomed try their Jedi trick. Wonder who does the janitor work at that club, they'll have a mess to clean up.

Others have feelings too.