School Life Chp. 26

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Lindsey slowly started to wake-up. She felt a slender arm holding her waist and someone spooned against her body. She turns her head to see who was holding her and notices it was Kaja that was holding and spooned against her. The two of them were used to sharing a bed together. Lindsey goes to remove Kaja’s arm, but she pulls her closer to her body.

“Kaja, I have to go and pee.” Lindsey knew Kaja didn’t like it when she got off the bed.

Kaja releases Lindsey and turns to face the other bed.

Lindsey gets up and looks over at the other bed. She notices Tessa was curled up against Maxine. She knew Maxine swung both ways and didn’t care. She heads towards the bathroom. They had played last night in Virginia Beach and had a gig tonight in Newport News. Tessa did well last night and so did Jermaine All the extra practice they had been doing to bring everyone up to date on their songs worked out perfectly.

Once she finishes doing her business in the bathroom and washing her hands. She pulls her laptop out and sits on the bed checking her emails and social accounts. She couldn’t believe some of the emails or comments people sent her. Once she got through the junk, she responds to the ones that she knew personally and ones that just wanted a simple answer to a question.

Once she is done with the email and comments. She changes her clothes and goes for a swim. The hotel they were staying at was the Country Inn & Suites by Radisson, in Newport News, VA. Their gig tonight was at The Alley. The gig they did at the Rainbow Cactus last night netted them a nice profit.

The Alley was a bigger place and they didn’t go on till 9:00 at night. As she does her morning laps, she hears her cell phone ringing by the pool edge. She climbs out and walks over to see who was calling her.

When she looks at the number, it was Terry calling her. She answers the phone “what’s up, Terry?”

“Where are you?”

“I’m down in the pool doing my morning laps. Why? What’s up?”

“We’re having a band meeting at breakfast. I just got some good news. So, hurry up and finish your laps. Meet me and everyone in the restaurant.”

“Okay, I’ll leave right now and go and clean up.”

“Okay, bye.” Terry ends the call to Lindsey.

Lindsey gathers her things and heads back to her room. Everyone was awake and getting dress when she walked in.

“Maxine, can you zip me up please?” Tessa had on a nice gray sleeveless sheath dress with black heels.

Maxine turns around and zips Tessa’s dress for her.

“Thanks, Maxine.” Tessa slips her shoes on.

Lindsey hops into the shower and takes a quick shower. By the time she comes out of the shower, the only person left in the room was Kaja.
She watches as Lindsey gets dress in an open shoulder shirt and leggings. She brushes out her hair and put on some simple jewelry she picked up. Her and Kaja leave the room and head downstairs to the restaurant. When the two of them walk over to the table. They noticed
Terry was excited. The Knotts and Ian’s mother was joining them.

“Guys and gals, we won the songwriting contest and they want us to come down and play the song I submitted to the contest.” Terry couldn’t believe they had been picked.

“No way, we won the contest?” Lindsey couldn’t believe it.

“Yes, we won. So, after we do the concert. We need to fly to Nashville, Tennessee. Everything is paid for, so its no money out of our pocket.”
Terry couldn’t believe it. He just got the call this morning.

“What are you talking about?” Tessa and Jermaine were curious about what Terry was talking about.

“Terry entered one of our songs in a songwriters contest. The winner gets to perform their song live in Nashville, Tennessee and win the Grand
Prize which is $5,000.00 dollars. All accommodations and travel expenses are paid for. Plus, there’s a chance we could be offered a recorded deal.” Lindsey had looked the contest up.

“You mean we're going to be performing the song before a huge crowd?” Tessa looked nervous.

“Yep, before a huge crowd and on television as well.” Lindsey had looked up past winners.

“Think of it as practice when we perform in the park.” Ian was looking towards Tessa and Jermaine.

“We’re leaving after the concert?” Kaja and Maxine had overheard Lindsey.

Terry looks towards everyone “yes, we are leaving after the concert. So, make sure your luggage and instruments are secure.”

“How long are we going to be gone?” Tessa needed to inform her mother and boss at the pizza parlor.

“Since the concert is Wednesday, the presentation is on Saturday. I would say we will be back on the following Monday.” Terry knew that they were going to be needed to practice the song.

They play at The Alley and finishes up at 1:00 A.M in the morning. Instead of going back to their hotel room, they decided to leave and head back to Warrenton, Georgia. Ian’s mother gives Lindsey a ride home. Maxine gives Kaja and Tessa a ride home. The Knotts give Jermaine a ride home. Krist was keeping the band bus at his house.

Lindsey walks into her home. Barbara had just left to go to work. Lindsey heads towards her bedroom and lays down for a while. She did get some sleep on the bus.

Tessa’s Place:
As soon as Tessa got home. She took a shower and got redress. She was going to go and inform her boss about the contest the band had won.

She walks into the Pizza parlor “welcome to Bello’s Pizza, how can we help you?” Becky comes walking out of the kitchen area.

“Tessa, how was the performance?” Becky gives Tessa a hug.

Tessa returns the hug “it was intense. I was scared at first, but once we started playing. I managed to block everyone out.”

“I wish I there to hear you guys play. So, what brings you in today?” Becky walks with Tessa to the kitchen.

“I wanted to tell Stefano that I won’t be available to next Monday. We got a concert on Wednesday and directly after the concert, we have to fly out to do a performance for a contest we won in Nashville, Tennessee.” Tessa hopes she’ll be able to honor the band.

“Wow! What type of contest was it?” Becky was curious.

“It was a songwriting contest that Terry had entered one of their songs in. We won first place. Since we won, we have to perform our song before a huge crowd.” Tessa was a little nervous.

“Wow, I get to brag I knew you before you became famous.” Becky looks at her friend. She knew how hard things were for her.

“Thanks. So, is Stefano in?” Tessa wanted to make sure she told him.

“He won’t be in till later. I’ll tell him when he gets in, but just call up here later.” Becky will make sure to let Stefano know.

“Thanks, Becky.” Tessa gives her a hug.

“Any time, Tessa.” Becky returns the hug.

Tessa heads down to where her mother work to tell her.

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And just like that, all their

And just like that, all their lives will now change, hopefully for the overall better.

So could this be

Wendy Jean's picture

their big break?

Small town Georga

Samantha Heart's picture

Group makes it big I hope. Lindsay has worked hard self taught & I hope this doesn't interfere with school though as NONE of the moms would be happy with that.

I hope all their dreams come true.

Love Samantha Renée Heart.