The Pup Grows into A Wolf 1

Julia couldn’t believe it. She got accepted to the police academy on her own without her father pulling any strings. He told her he could if she wanted him to, but she had asked him not too. She wanted to do this on her own. She wanted to be a police officer since she was sixteen years old and a few police officers visited their school during career day. She was even taking online college courses in law enforcement. Her father had helped her choose which ones would be good for her to take.

When she turned of age, she applied for a position as a Montana Police officer and was accepted. She passed the knowledge test, verbal test, psychological test and the background check. Which she knew her dad had something to do with. Even though she didn’t need her father’s help, the instructor recognized her father’s name because of his first wife. He rushed her stuff through.

At the academy, some of the manly men there and a few instructors teased her, because of her petite stature.

Some of the other recruits didn’t think she could pass the physical parts. Not only did she pass them, but she set new academy records. On the gun range, she beat everyone on the range thanks to her father’s training. She even taught the instructor a few things. When her instructor asked her how she knew that information. She just looked at him with a sly smile on her face.

“My father is the most dangerous man there is. He taught me and my sister everything he knows about guns.”

She just left it at that and headed to take her shower. She did ask about being a K-9 handler and if she could use Sphinx because of his training. After she demonstrated what Sphinx could do and how well he responded to her commands. The police chief allowed it. Her training officer was surprised at how fast they hired her. She went from being a probational officer to be a full-time police officer in four months, compared to the year time it normally took.

Once, she was out on the streets working. The drug dealers, sellers, and people who tried hiding from her or the other police officers found out that Sphinx always got his person. They learned not to run or try to hide drugs, weapons or explosives from Sphinx. He always found them and caught his man as well. One drug dealer tried siccing his pit bulls on Sphinx. The drug dealer found out what happened to them after Sphinx got done with them. He crushed and tore their throats out. Another drug dealer tried shooting Sphinx, but Julia shot the guy between the eyes from hundred feet away with her service weapon. He never got a shot off. Her and Sphinx were making a name for themselves among the different police departments. Where the other K9 officers had Belgian Malinois, she had a wolf.

Sometimes, she and Sphinx were called to inspect tractor trailers suspected of transporting drugs, weapons or illegal immigrants. Her police department had a total of three K9’s handlers. Her and two other officers. The Bills police department had four K9 handlers.

“Hey Julia, feel like working a fair this weekend?”

“Sure, why?”

“We need a K-9 officer to be seen working for the crowd just in case someone decides to do something stupid.”

“You do know, I’m going to stick out like a sore thumb. Sphinx isn’t a dog, but a wolf.”

“We’re counting on it. Everyone knows yours and Sphinx reputations already. We’re hoping just having you there might deter anyone from doing something stupid.”

“You just want me to scare the little kids, Lt.”

“That too, so do you want to work it?”

“Sure, I don’t mind. My sister and some of our friends are going to be there.”

“Will Sphinx be okay around that many people?”

“Him yes, Cadmus, yes, but not Chaos. He doesn’t like large crowds or people.”

“Who’s Chaos?” Lieutenant Johnson had never heard that name before.

“His sire and my father’s wolf. He’s bigger then Sphinx and Cadmus. He’s also the meanest wolf you’ll ever meet. He won’t hurt me or the family, but anyone else is fair game.”

“Here’s a picture of Sphinx, Cadmus and Chaos.”

Julia shows him a picture from her cell phone of all three wolves standing together and he whistles.

“Damn, that’s a big wolf.”

“Yep and all three are military trained. So, they all know how to kill and sniff out explosives, weapons, drugs, and people.”

“Who’s their trainer?”

“My father was, but he’s training me now. We got a new litter of wolf pups and dad is training them to military standards. Dad is thinking about training a Dingo for an Australian friend who raised a Dingo puppy from birth.”

“Well, if you decide to become a trainer, let me know. I’ll pass it along to the Captain.”

“Maybe, if I get shot or something. I like being a K9 cop. Too bad cats can’t be trusted like man’s best friend.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Because here’s a nice kitty cat we could use.”

Julia shows him a picture of Tizzy playing with Simba and Khan.

“What type of cats are those?”

“They are Ligers. That girl in the picture is my cousin Tizzy. Simba is her cat.”

“Dam, you come from a strange family.”

“You think?”

Julia just smiles and head over to her desk to do her paperwork. Sphinx lays down next to her desk. She slips him a few treats for being so good. By quitting time, she had gotten three-quarters of her paperwork done.

“Come on Sphinx, let’s go home.” Julia grabs her purse and starts walking out the door with Sphinx on her heels without his leash on.

“Don’t you know he’s supposed to be on his leash?” Officer Henderson hated Julia and her dam wolf.

“Ya, but he doesn’t need one like a few people I know.” Julia looks at Henderson with a disgusted look on her face.

Julia disliked officer Henderson. He was one of the officers in her training class that teased her the most and spread rumors behind her back about her spreading her legs to get promoted so fast like she did. She knew the truth and so did a few other officers. They knew how hard she worked and how many people she has helped.

“What is that supposed to mean?”

“If I must explain it to you, then you don’t need to be a police officer.”

Julia walks out to her truck and opens the door for Sphinx to get in. As Julia is heading home. She gets a call from dispatch to check out a warehouse.

“I’m on it.” Julia heads towards that direction and doesn’t see anything out of the ordinary.

“Unit Charley 47, Code 6” Julia gets out of her truck and opens the door for Sphinx to join her.

“Roger, Charley 47


Julia follows Sphinx as he seeks out any danger. She has her gun drawn and was keeping her eyes opened. Sphinx stops and starts growling.

“Where at boy?”

Julia looks in the direction Sphinx was facing and then she notices a reflection coming from a window.


Julia moves along with Sphinx as a bullet strikes right where she had been standing. Julia fires in the direction the bullet came from just like her father taught her. She moves quickly with Sphinx. They come to some cover; just as they were taking cover. Sphinx jumps and takes down a shooter before he could get a shot off at Julia.

“Thanks, Sphinx.”

A bullet strikes, just to the left of where Julia is standing. Julia brings her weapon to where the shot came from and fires two shots in that area.
Another shot rings out from that location as Julia spots the asshole trying to hit her. She puts two rounds into his head. Sphinx takes off and the next thing she hears is screaming. She runs in that direction and spots a Latino guy with an MS13 tattoo on his neck and pinned with
Sphinx standing over him. His arm was caught in Sphinx's mouth and was bleeding.

“I suggest you start talking or my wolf is going to eat you for dinner tonight.”

“I ain’t telling you shit, puta.”

“So, you’re not going to tell me anything?”


Sphinx shakes the boy's arm in his mouth.

“Now, are you still not going to talk to me?”

“We were paid to take you out?”


“I don’t know. Someone wanted you dead.”



Sphinx shakes his arm more.


“Honestly, I don’t know. I and three others were sent out to kill you.”

“Who sent you? Don’t tell me you can’t tell me because I’ll feed your ass to my wolf?”

“Lil Loco. He sent me to you.”

“Where can I find this Lil Loco?”

“I can’t tell you.”

“You will tell me or I am going to tell my wolf to eat you right now.”

“You’ll find him at the La Locus Flower Restaurant.”

“You’ve been very helpful. Now, you’re under arrest for the attempted murder of a law enforcement.”

“Charley 47 to dispatch, send a meat wagon for three and the paramedics. I have a wounded suspect.”

“Dispatch to Charley 47 paramedics on the route along with meat wagons.”

“Roger Dispatch.”


Julia walks off to check on the condition of the other three bodies. All three bodies she shot at, she killed. Her father would be proud of her. She checks one body and he had a photo of her and Sphinx. Maybe, she should bring Chaos with her to visit him? She looks down at Sphinx and reconsiders that thought. Chaos may be big and nasty, but Sphinx could be that way when he needed to be.

Sphinx can show that jerk what happens when you fuck with her and her wolf.

Julia waits for the paramedics to arrive along with the meat wagon. She informs dispatch about having a cop at the hospital for her suspects.
She heads towards the La Locus Flower Restaurant. She parks outside and walks into the restaurant.

“I’m looking for Lil Loco, where is he?”

“There’s no Lil Loco here, Perra.”

“Are you sure?”


Sphinx goes directly to the guy and grabs his arm. He tightens his grip on the guy's arm.

Several guys go for their guns, but Julia had hers already drawn.

“I wouldn’t do that fellows if I was you. He won’t let go unless you shoot him, or I tell him too.”

She looks at all of them “now, you’re going to tell me which one of you is Lil Loco or I am going to start shooting people and I don't care who I kill.”

“You’re a cop, you can’t do that.”

“You’re right I am a cop, but I’m also the daughter of the deadliest assassin around. If I don’t kill you, he will and believe me, my father isn’t nice. He’ll kill your whole family and your whole gang.”

“I’m Lil Loco.”

The guy stands up and looks over towards Julia.

“Call your wolf off my man.”

“Lig Téigh!”

Sphinx lets go and go to stand next to Julia.

“Who paid you to come after me?”

“A guy from out of town. He paid us to take you and that damn wolf of yours out.”

“What did he look like?”

“I have a picture of him.”

One of the guys gives her his phone.

“Now, since you guys have been so nice to me. I won’t mention this to my father. If you decide to come after me again. I’m going to come back and feed you to my wolf and my father’s hellhound. Oh, by the way. My father’s name is the Diablo Generosidad Cazador.”

“Holy shit Lil Loco. If she is his daughter. You don’t want him coming for you. He has a demon dog that will eat you.” Joaquin had heard
rumors. He met a few Cartel members that encountered the demon dog and lived.

The guy that had spoken looked at Lil Loco with fear on his face. He heard what that guy had done down in South America and heard stories of the demon dog that traveled with him.

“Meet his son.” Julia motions towards Sphinx.

“Now, I’m going to leave and if I ever have to come back. You’ll regret it. Oh, one more thing. If you ever decide to go after someone who has a wolf-like mine? He’ll eat you and his owner will kill you as well. She’s not restricted by any laws.”

Julia backs out and heads back towards her SUV.


Sphinx follows Julia back to the Suv. She heads towards the police department to search the criminal database for this guy. She’ll have to fill out the arrest report for what happened. Good thing she got the guys identity from him. She pulls into the parking lot and head inside the police station and runs the Image. She got to work doing the report she’ll be asked about by the Captain. She makes sure to include everything that happened. She knows she’ll be asked about it.

Julia glances at the search and it still hasn’t found a match yet.

Julia sits and waits while the search continues. After ten more minute, a match pops up.

DEA Anthony Temes, Age: 45, Race: Caucasian, Eye color: Hazel, Hair color: Black, D.O.B.: 05/25/1973, Build: Muscular, Identifying marks: scar above the right eye, battle ax tattoo upper right shoulder, USMC bulldog tattoo on right forearm.

Julia couldn’t believe the guy's police record. She looks at the picture and it matched the one she had from Lil Loco.

She stares at the file and couldn’t believe a DEA agent had put a hit out on her. As she is sitting at her desk looking at the file. Patrol Officer Henderson comes walking in.

“What is it with you? Rumor has it, that you and that damn mutt of yours threaten a civilian and you killed three people.” Officer Henderson
hoped they would have taken her out along with that mutt of hers.

Julia looks up at Joseph “Sphinx isn’t a mutt, but a wolf, first off. Secondly, someone hired them to kill me and Sphinx. I don’t know about you, but if someone tries to shoot me. I’m going to shoot back. As for me using Sphinx to interrogate the leader of the gang that came after me. I can think of something far worse than me doing something.”

“You think that because your last name is Bounty. You can take the law into your own hands and do whatever the fuck you want. You’re as arrogant as your father.” Joseph hated Mr. Bounty because he had sent his father to prison.

He didn’t know all the details, but he did know Mr. Bounty was responsible. Now, he had a daughter that had made him look like he was nothing. She had beat him at the academy and got hired after four months of graduating.

Julia stood up out of her chair when Joseph mentions her father “I don’t think I’m above the law. I do whatever it takes to get the job done. As for whatever beef you have with my father. You would be better off taking whatever it is up with him, instead of me.”

“You’re just as arrogant. You think you're better than everyone else.” He looks down at Sphinx as he stood by Julia.

“No, I’m just better than a jackass like you.” Julia was ready to punch Joseph, but she was holding back from doing it.

Sphinx had stood when Julia did and was waiting by her side with a slight growl coming from him.

Joseph just turns around and walks out of the squad room. He’ll get even with the bitch and make her pay for embarrassing him at the academy. He walks out to the parking lot and spots her SUV. He copies down her license plate and leaves. He was going to get even with her.
Julia grabs her purse and with Sphinx following her. Heads out to her assigned SUV and drive home. When she gets home, she spots her father out back near the swimming pool with Selina, Gina, her Uncles and her mother.

She joins them out by the pool “what, you guys couldn’t wait for me?”

Julia hugs her father and everyone else before she sits down next to Gina. She watches as Sphinx runs off to play with his brother and their sire. She accepts the drink her mother gives her.

“Thanks, mom.” Julia still found it weird calling her Aunt Debbie, mom.

“How would you like your steak, Julia?” Jack looks over towards his daughter.

“Medium rare, dad.” Julia pops open the beer she had been given.

“So, how was work today?” Gina looks over towards her older sister.

Ever since Jack adopted the two of them. She and Julia have grown close as sisters. There wasn’t anything the two of them wouldn’t do for each other.

“Well, I killed three out of four people that were trying to kill me. I found out who had hired them to kill me. All I need to do now is track the DEA agent that put the hit on me and Sphinx. I need to bring his sorry ass in for justice.” Julia still couldn’t believe a DEA agent had tried to kill her.

Jack had been listening to his daughter while grilling the steaks. Since he adopted Julia and Gina he has always protected them. When Julia wanted to join the police force to help people.

He knew he couldn’t protect her anymore. He trained her and Gina to the standards most MI 5 and 6 agents were. He wanted to train her to be an assassin like Anika, Bart, Cheshire and he was. However, since she wanted to be a cop. He felt she wouldn’t need those skills to do that type of work, but he did train her on what to look for.

“Do you have any leads on where this DEA is hiding?” Jack looks over towards Julia as he flips her steak.

“I haven’t started looking yet, dad. I managed to find out who he was just before I left the precinct.” Julia had printed out his information and had it in her purse.

“Julia, do you have that information with you?” Jack knew someone in the DEA that could help his daughter.

“Yes, sir.” Julia was watching her father.

“Come to my office after dinner.” Jack starts placing the steaks on the platter.

“Yes, sir.” Julia takes her steak and places it on her plate.

“Sis, do you know why they are trying to kill you?” Gina was curious why someone wanted to kill her sister.

“To be honest? The only thing I can think of is that I and Sphinx have been cutting into their drug business. I’ve been called several times to have Sphinx sniff out the drugs they have been shipping into Montana and up to Canada.” That was the only thing Julia could figure out.

“Well, whatever the reason. You need to find the jerk and bring him to justice.” Gina didn’t like it when someone went after her family.

“Don’t worry sis. Whoever the prick is, I’ll bring him in to face justice.” Julia was going to make sure she brought the prick in alive.

Julia heads towards her father’s office after dinner. She knew if anyone could track someone down, it would be her father. She pulls the printout out to give to her father.

Jacks sits down at his desk and holds out his hand towards his daughter. Julia puts the printout in his hand. Jack looks at it for the name of the agent and calls his buddy.

Julia watches and listens while her father phones and talks to someone named Erin. It sounded like the two of them knew each other rather well. He writes something down on a notepad and after making a promise to drop in sometime. He says goodbye.

“There you go, Julia. You’ll find your perp at that address.” Jack looks at his daughter.

“How did you find him so fast dad?” Julia couldn’t believe it.

“Erin use to work with your person and knew he has been handling drug shipments for the Sesseri Syndicate. The DEA has been waiting for a chance to bust him but, haven’t been able too. Since he took a contract out on you. He can finally be put in jail. Why don’t you go and arrest him now?” Jack knew if she didn’t he would go after him for trying to kill his daughter.

“Thanks, dad.” Julia gives him a kiss as she whistles for Sphinx.

She runs towards her SUV and heads towards the address, after calling for back-up. Just as she pulls up where Anthony Temes lives. She
spots him trying to get away as she pulls up to his address. She blocks him from leaving and jumps out of her SUV with Sphinx hot on her heels.

“Get out of the car Mr. Temes, you’re under arrest.” Julia had her gun drawn and aimed at him.

Anthony couldn’t believe the person he wanted to kill was arresting him right now. He gets out of the car. As his hand was moving towards his weapon, he hears a growl coming from the wolf standing next to her.

Julia holsters her weapon and turns Mr. Temes around. She pushes him up against his car and handcuffs him. She searches him for any weapons or drugs he may have on him. She does find several baggies of Ice per measured out and in his pockets. She bags everything and has him toss into a patrol car.

She follows behind the patrol car as he is taken to the precinct. She was going to make sure he arrived safely and was jailed. She spends two hours making sure the paperwork and everything were done properly, and her report reflected why he was being jailed.

Once the paperwork is done. Her and Sphinx head out to the SUV. She yawns as she approaches her assigned SUV. She couldn’t wait to get home. It was almost 11:00pm.

She starts heading towards home. She was half-way home when smoke starts coming out of the engine and from under the dash inside the SUV. She coasts to the side of the road as smoke continued to pour from under the hood of the SUV.

It fills the SUV as Sphinx jumps out of the SUV. Julia hears Sphinx yelp, as he falls to the ground. Julia runs over to Sphinx to check him out.
As she is checking him, a set of bright lights blind her, and she gets hit in the chest. Whatever hit her in the chest, knocks her down to the ground.

Several guys come over. They start kicking and punching her. The training her father gave her kicks in and she fights back. She kicks one of her attackers in his groin so hard, she sends him stumbling backward holding his groin.

She slams her fist into one person’s throat. She kicks another guy in his groin like the first guy. The rest of the guys she hurts so badly, that they were going to spend weeks in the hospital. As she was standing next to SUV hurting and bleeding from her nose.

“You just won’t die, you bitch.” Officer Henderson comes walking into the light with a huge bowie knife in his hand.

Julia goes to grab her gun, but during the fight. She must have lost her gun. Her own personal knife was in the SUV under her seat.

“What’s a wrong bitch, you need your gun to fight me?” Henderson knew he had the upper hand.

“I don’t need my weapon to take your ass down.” Julia grabs her Maglite to use it to defend herself with.

Henderson lunges at her with his knife and strikes her across her chest. He feels his blade cut across her vest. He reels backward as Julia’s fist connects with his face.

He tries again and manages to cut across her arm. He swings again and cuts her higher up on the arm.

Julia swings her Maglite and connects with his arm. She manages to stomp on his foot as hard as she could, as she digs her heel into his
boots. She uses her Maglite to block a strike to her body with the knife.

Henderson strikes again, trying to stab her in her stomach with his blade, but is blocked by the Maglite. He screams as he feels her foot dig into the top of his foot. He tries to stab her again, but she traps his arms and manages to disarm Henderson. She takes his knife away from him and then shove it up from under his chin and into his head. She lets go as he collapses to the ground.

Julia falls to the ground and drags herself over to her SUV. She looks down at her leg and spot blood coming from a wound she hadn’t noticed.
She pulls her cell phone out and calls her father.

Jack shows up and scoops Julia up. He lays her on the passenger seat, after leaning it backward. He goes and checks on Sphinx and puts
him in the back seat of the hummer. He rushes Julia to the hospital. He places a call to some of his security personnel and has them come up and stand guard over Julia after she comes out of surgery.

When Julia wakes-up a few hours later. She notices her father, Uncles, sister, and mother looking at her. Her hand was being held by Debbie.

“Well, look who decided to wake-up.” Robert was standing near the door watching his niece as she slept.

Her injuries weren’t too bad, but they needed medical attention. Her chest was wrapped up. She had a couple of cracked ribs. They had to stitch-up her right hand and forearm. The wound on her leg was caused by a knife.

Julia just sticks out her tongue at her Uncle Robert.

Robert just smiles at her antics. She might be an adult now, but she still acts like a child.

Debbie wakes-up and looks at her daughter. She was worried when Jack came home and told them that Julia was in the hospital. Once Jack told her what happened after he had looked around. He called Julia’s Captain and informed him about what happened.

After a few days in the hospital. They allowed Julia to go home. She did have a person from Internal Affairs visit her to find out why she killed officer Henderson. Once she explained everything to them and found not guilty. She would be allowed to go back to work once she was healed.

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