Sara's Magic Crayons SRU - Chapter 15

Sara's Magic Crayons
Chapter 15

by Maggie O'Malley

When Sara was growing up, her "magic crayons" helped her escape the pain. Now as an adult and the world famous Art Angel, can they help her to find the life she's always dreamed of?


Chapter Fifteen: Little Art Angel Flies Home

Sara went to her purse and pulled out her cell phone to inform Prue she was going to be a mother, but then stopped before she hit send. A thought crossed her mind. If she did this and it worked, then somehow the magic would transform her and alter reality to bring her to Prue, perhaps making it seem as though she had always been there. She really wasn't sure on how that part would work, but on the other hand, if she called Prue and told her to expect a delivery and for some reason the magic didn't work then both of them suffer terribly. Sara didn't want to put Prue through any unnecessary pain and decided to fly solo, hoping she'd appreciate a surprise package.

Sara started over to her art desk, but then made a quick detour to her bed to reclaim Maggie. She carried her beloved doll with her over to the desk and then set up next to the coloring book and crayons. She hoped that by having Maggie close to her, the magic that would take little Sara to Prue would be kind enough to bring her dolly along as well.

Sara kissed Maggie, promising her a new home, and then turned her attention to the color book. She lovingly caressed the cover, and smiled at the beautiful angel that graced it. Coloring books and crayons had provided an escape from a world to painful for a child to live in and created ones that allowed her to survive, she could only hope that there truly was enough special magic in these to carry her all the way home.

Sara opened the book, and like all little girls, she looked for that special picture that would call to her to color it. When she found it, her eyes filled with tears. It was the picture of the young mother holding her beautiful little girl in her arms. It was the very same picture that Sara had colored for her mother the day her father came home early, and it was the same picture he had forced her to watch to burn in the fire.

She wiped her eyes and said a little prayer to the wizard for giving her back that picture and then pulled out her crayons to color. When she was five she had done her very best to color her mummy just as she saw her, and this time it would be no different. Sara picked up a brown crayon as her thoughts filled with a vision of Prue's beautiful brunette locks. When she touched it to the paper, her fingers tingled and then a warm wave seemed to run through her body. It kind of tickled and made Sara giggle as she worked to color in Prue's hair without going outside the lines.

Each time Sara picked up another crayon and put it to paper she received the same tingle and warm wave that resulted in tickles and giggles. By the fourth or fifth crayon, her legs were swinging back and forth, her tongue was sticking out as she worked on the hard parts, and the lines seemed to be getting harder and harder to stay within.

Like most artists she was so into the picture she was coloring that she became almost oblivious to the changes both around her and to her. The décor of her art studio was changing drastically, as it began looking more and more like a room fit for a tiny princess with pink, white and soft seeming to be spilling over everything. Sara herself was definitely shrinking, but the art desk she sat at seemed to be shrinking right along with her. She still had her long blonde hair and big blue eyes, but a cute button nose, freckles and a rounded child's face now joined them. Sara's skirt and blouse combo had joined to form a little girl's pink dress, trimmed in white lace and with a bow tied neatly in the back. Her tall Italian boots had gone walking and left a pair of white "Mary Janes" in their place to catch the wiggling toes that hovered now above them.

By the time Sara put down her last crayon and declared her masterpiece finished, the magic seemed to have finished its work on Sara and her room. She was the five-year-old girl her true spirit had always been only now she had the body, the room, and no doubt the life she'd been denied before.

Sara smiled at the picture and then looked over at Maggie who thankfully had made the trip with her. "Maggie, I don't think are in Derby anymore."

The sound of Sara's new voice made her giggle and she pushed her chair back and ran over to the mirror that hung on her wardrobe door. The image that greeted her fit easily into the four-foot tall mirror and made her smile. The realization that this image was her own brought tears of joy to her eyes.

When the tears finally left Sara only the joy remained and she began spinning in circles, giggling as the dress flared out with each pirouette. She then began exploring the room instinctively knowing it was hers. The bed, the dressers, the bookshelves, even the door knob on the closed door that led to the rest of the house, all seemed too tall or too big, but yet somehow they were just the right size.

Sara wandered back to her art desk, now perfectly suited for a junior art angel, and then carefully tore the crayon-colored page out of her coloring book. She walked to the door and reached up for the doorknob with her free hand, but stopped just short of touching it.

So far the wizard had been as good as his word, and she was sure that door would lead to Prue, her mummy now, and the young woman would be waiting with arms wide open to gather up her little blessing and hold her tight. She was totally grateful to the wizard for all that he'd done, but she was troubled by one thing, that being she even remembered the wizard at all, let alone the events of her previous life.

It almost seemed as though the crayon magic had turned her inside out. She was the little girl on the outside, but the young woman and her memories with sharing the inside with her. The wizard had said that the magic would change reality to accommodate her choice, but perhaps she was outside the loop so to speak. Sara wasn't sure if she liked that idea or not. A part of her liked being able to recall some of the pleasant memories she had of the life before, and yet by the same token, there were painful memories she still carried that no small child should have. She also wondered whether Prue and Jenna were inside or outside the loop with her.

Realizing there was only one way to find out, she twisted the doorknob and pulled the door toward her revealing a hallway that she knew would lead her to her mummy and the answer.

Prue was sitting in her sunroom, staring at the computer and tapping on the case to her cell phone. She sighed heavily. "C'mon Sara, please give me a call. You know how I feel about this but I'll accept whatever you choose as long as it makes you happy. So puhleeeeeze just let me know if you've made your choice", the young woman begged.

Sara had been standing in the doorway unnoticed by Prue when she had made her plea. Sara stepped forward with tears in her eyes and a child's voice greeted Prue. "I've made my choice, mummy."

Prue whirled around in her chair and saw a beautiful little girl, HER little girl, holding a coloring and smiling through tears. Prue instantly knew it was Sara, and if she'd had any doubts, the tiny golden angel dangling from the child's necklace would have removed them.

Prue opened her arms and cried, "Sara!"

Sara nodded and answered her with "Mummy!" and then ran straight into those open arms. Prue gathered her up and held her close, tears streaming from her eyes as she held Sara tightly and rocked.

There were so many things she wanted to say to Sara, but all she could do was continue to hold her and say. "my baby, my baby, my baby."

Prue finally released the embrace, but kept Sara firmly seated on her lap, also known as the princess throne. She looked into Sara's blue eyes and asked her the one question she had to ask. "Sara, are you happy?"

Prue's words that Sara had overheard when she came in and this question removed any doubt that Prue was outside the new reality loop just as she was, but it really didn't matter because the answer was still the same.

Sara looked up at Prue and smiled. "Yes mummy, I've never been so happy and I love you with all my heart."

Prue smiled back lovingly and laid the child's head against breast as she gushed, "And I love you with all my heart too, Sara."

At that moment life imitated art, or at least the artwork that Sara still held in her hand, because as soon as Prue and Sara's real life picture matched the one Sara had colored, a second gentle wave rippled through reality and the memory of a life before drifted away from the mother and daughter to be replaced by new one's that each needed to fulfill their destinies.

Sara smiled up at Prue. "Mummy I colored this picture for you with my magic crayons. It's you and me. See!"

The young mother smiled and lovingly kissed her daughter on the forehead, as she admired her little angel's latest creation. "It's beautiful honey. I love it. Just like I love you."

She then rewarded her little girls efforts with hugs and kisses that pleased the little hug monster to no end, and she in turn offered her mother the greatest thanks any child could when she smiled and said, "I love you too mummy."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Back in the birthday girl's bedroom, the mother finally finished her daughter's favorite fairy tale with a happily ever after and then peeked over at her princess. The little girl was now a sleeping beauty and the young woman smiled happily.

Carefully she eased the child's head off her lap and down onto her pillow. The loving mother then placed the little girls cherished dolly into her arms and the sleeping angel drew it close.

The young woman pulled the duvet up around her daughter, tucking her in snuggly and then planting a kiss on her forehead before quietly tiptoeing back to the doorway. She hesitated there for a moment, although she could spend all night watching her little girl sleep.

"Goodnight my little angel", she sighed lovingly and then clicked off the light as she headed out into the hallway.

When she came to the arch leading into the dining room she took a deep breath and then ventured a look. Her eyes went wide as no signs of the birthday bash remained anywhere. The room positively sparkled in clean brilliance, and even a hint of lemon was still fragrant from the furniture polish her husband had recently applied.

The young wife little out a low whistle as she shook her head and laughed. "Like I said before, hubby must REALLY be horny tonight."

She then turned toward the bedroom and thought to herself. "Bless his little heart, guess I'm going to have pay up my end of the deal."

Then a hungry smile turned at the corners of her mouth. "Oh what the hell, for a job like that he deserves a tip. I must just have to bust out something from the Victoria Secret's collection."

That thought made her giggle as slipped into the bedroom to find hubby there waiting impatiently for payment. He smiled up at her. "You get the birthday girl down all right?"

The young wife smiled and nodded as she sat down on the edge of the bed, absentmindedly toying with the special brooch her sister had once given her and her mind drifting back to the daughter she'd just put down. Hubby slipped over for a bedroom appetizer as he nibbled on his wife's neck. She smiled at him and gave him a light peck on the cheek and then returned to her thoughts.

The frustrated lover slipped his arm around his obviously distracted wife and asked her what was troubling her. The young woman sighed as her brown eyes looked deep into hubby's blue ones. "Honey, do you ever think much about the adoption? You know, how it all happened and everything?"

The young father's thoughts now joined those of his wife's. "I don't know, not really. I mean it's been almost a year now and well it just seems like she's always been ours. It's like all that before stuff never happened."

Tears welled in the young woman's eyes as spoke passionately. "But it did happen! I mean we wouldn't even have her now if that poor woman hadn't died in that fire. I just keep thinking what was on her mind as she saved her child's life by getting her out that window, but then knowing she was never going to see her again as there was no way for her to save her own life."

The husband pulled his wife in close and held her much as he did his daughter. "I'll tell you what she was thinking. I bet you she was praying that someone would take good care of her little girl since she couldn't. I'm sure she was hoping that her child would be protected and nurtured and loved by those who raise her, and of course she had to hope that her little girl could heal from the loss and be able to love her new parent's as she had her former."

The young woman wiped her eyes and looked pleadingly at the man who held her. "We both love her and she has to know that, but...but... do you ever wonder if she well... really loves us back? You know I mean considering we weren't her birth parents."

The husband and father then directed his wife's attention to the framed picture on the nightstand. "Honey, you look at that picture and you tell me".

The young woman lifted her brown eyes toward the picture on the nightstand and her heart melted as there encased in glass was a crayon colored page from a coloring book. A young mother held her daughter lovingly in her arms for a cuddle. The artist had signed it in pink crayon and the dedication read. "TO MUMMY, I LOVE YOU, SARA"

The loving husband kissed his wife and smiled at her. "Do you need anymore proof of how much Sara loves you, Prue?"

The beautiful brunette dried her eyes and smiles. "No my love, I have all that I need."

The happy and still horny husband hugged his wife tightly and then grinned. "Well... speaking of love and needs. You know, there is still a matter of payment for my services rendered earlier this evening."

Prue rolled her eyes and giggled. "Well, I was thinking you might have performed those services 'pro bono', but by the tent in your shorts I guess it must be 'pro boner'."

Hubby groaned, as he switched off the light and laughed at the Princess of Pun. "I'll show YOU pro boner".

Prue giggled and then squealed as obviously hubby was already making his point. Sounds of lips meeting each other followed, and then Prue suddenly interrupted proceedings. "Honey, will you remind me to ask Jenna tomorrow what time they leave for their return flight to Vancouver? Oh, and I've got to call Janet too and be sure she makes doubles on all of Sara's birthday pictures. Oh...oh and don't forget we promised to get Sara a kitten when we come back from holiday."

Hubby groaned. "Okay Prue, I'll remember, but can we stay just a bit more focused here?"

Prue said nothing but shortly thereafter a moan escaped hubby's lips. "Woah.... now that's what I called focused."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The Wizard stood gazing into his crystal ball making sure he didn't make the same mistake twice as he checked in on Sara. He smiled happily as he saw the little girl clutching Maggie and having dreams of angels, coloring books and magic crayons.


Dedication and Thanks

This story is dedicated to my Auntie Sara the Art Angel. Her beautiful creations both art and literary bring joy and love to all they touch. Yet as wonderful as they are, they are not the greatest gift she possesses. The greatest gift of all is the beautiful young woman herself. Auntie Sara you are a kind, generous, and gentle soul with so much love to give, and so many who want to give love back to you. You bring a smile to my face every time your pink wings hold me in a cuddle and I wanted to say thank you by coloring you your very own kitten tale. I hope you like it. I used my magic crayons.

I would also like to thank Bill Hart for creating the Spells 'r' Us universe where so much wonderful magic has been born and for allowing others the opportunity to play there and of course, special thanks to my cyber family and friends who constantly shower this kitten with love, hugs and encouragement to color. Without all of you, neither this story nor I would exist. Hugs and love to you all.

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