The Sirens Chapter 8

Angel floats around on an inner tube in the pool. D.A. had let him go swimming with the rest of the kids from the other MC. He wasn't a good swimmer so he was just floating. His feet were still wrapped up. Helena had wrapped his feet with water proof tape, so it was alright if the wrapping got wet. She also redid his wrapping around his chest with water proof wrapping as well, so he was permitted to go in the pool wearing the one-piece Brenda had brought him. Angie had made sure Angel’s fair skin was covered with suntan lotions to prevent him from burning and every once in a while, he is to get out and sit on the side of the pool with Clair and Rachel. Rachel and Clair have become his official baby sitters whenever D.A. or Angie isn’t around. If Rachel and Clair have something they need to take off, then Kim and Brenda become his baby sitters. D.A. wanted one of the sisters in the MC to be around Angel and watch over him. Rachel and Clair knew his secret already and they didn’t care. If nothing else, Clair was instructing him on how to act like a proper young lady.

All the officers of the MC knew the truth and had sworn to protect it. They have become the family he had never had, but wanted. He wanted to make them proud of him and be like each of them. Which he knew wasn’t going to be possible, but at least he could be like his adopted mothers. He closes his eyes and the next thing he knows, he is being turned over off his inner tube. He grips onto it, because he isn’t a very good swimmer.

The person that flipped his inner tube was a huge teenage boy. He looked like he worked out and played football.

“Hey! I can’t swim very well, so stop it.” Angel was trying to hold on for dear life.

The boy kept turning the tube over on him and he plants his hand on top of Angel’s head and pushes him underwater. Holding him there.

Angel tries to escape, but one of the boy’s legs hits his rib cage causing pain to shoot up his body.

The teenage boy allows Angel to come back up for air for a second, before he is pushed back down in the pool.

Angel manages to come to the surface and scream “CLAIR!” before he force back under again. The boy’s foot hits him again in his rib cage and causes him to pass out.

“Angel! Wake-up sweetie.” Rachel had seen what was going on in the water and dived in to get Angel.

She had seen him disappear under the water and didn’t come back up. She had grabbed him and between herself and Clair, had managed to get him out of the pool. He was still alive, but passed out. She shakes him lightly to get him to wake-up.

Angel’s eyes slowly open and he is staring up into Rachel’s eyes. He notices Clair kneeling beside him.

“Are you alright sweetie?” Rachel was concern about Angel. D.A. would kill her if anything happens to Angel.

“Pain.” He points to his rib cage. The words came out of his mouth through glitch teeth.

He was trying very hard to hold back his tears, because his rib cage was hurting him.

Clair gives him a pain pill out of her bag and a sip of her drink. He notices that the boy, who had kept turning the inner tube over and over on him and forcing him down underwater, was being dragged to his parents by his ear by Brenda.

“You come over here and sit with us for a while Angel and tell us what happen.” Clair spreads a towel out near her, so Angel could lie down in between her and Rachel.

Angel tells Clair and Rachel what happen to him. He doesn’t think the boy purposely kicked him in his rib cage, but he told the boy to stop turning the tube over. Angel could feel the pain pill kicking in. He covers up a yawn.

“Alright, but he is going to get an earful from Brenda. She saw what happen on her way over here and it scared her, that you didn’t resurface like last time. Hell, I was scared as well.” Rachel looks down at him.

“I’m sorry Aunt Rachel and Aunt Clair. I didn’t mean to scare you.” He really didn’t mean to scare them.

“It’s not your fault sweetie. You did nothing wrong.” Rachel runs her hand through Angel’s wet hair.

“Rachel is right Angel. That boy was being a bully, all because he saw how much fun you were having. He figured you being a girl; you would be an easy target. He should have stopped when you told him too.” Clair had looked down at Angel.

Angel looks at both his Aunt’s and then lays his head down on his arms. He falls asleep because of the pain pill. He lays there sound asleep as his Aunt’s watch over him.

Rachel glances down at Angel and could tell he was fast asleep.

She glances over towards Clair “Remind me to speak to Helena about the pain pills she is giving Angel. Cause she is sound asleep.” She snaps her finger near Angel’s ears to see if he responds.

Clair watches as Angel doesn’t move at all.

“It might be a combination of Angel being in the pool fighting for her life and the pain pill putting her to sleep.” Clair couldn’t help, but smile at Angel. She looked so cute when she slept.

Clair goes back to working on her tan. Rachel goes back to reading her novel. Hours pass as Angel lays there on his stomach. Occasionally,

Clair or Rachel looks over to make sure Angel wasn’t getting too much sun.

Angie comes over later in the afternoon and notices Angel sounds asleep between Clair and Rachel.

“How’s our Angel?” She looks down at her sleeping daughter.

“She’s been out for at least three hours Angie. I take it, that you heard what happen?” Rachel looks over towards Angie.

“Only part of it, what actually happen?” Angie had been told about the boy picking on Angel.

“The boy kicked Angel in her rib cage. Not once, but twice.” Helena figures that the boy hadn’t realized how injured Angel was.

“That would explain why, Angel didn’t come back up the second time.” Angie reaches over and runs her fingers though Angel’s hair.

“We’ll I’ll go ahead and take Angel back to the motorhome, so she can change for dinner.” She scoops Angel up from her towel.

“What time is dinner?” Clair wanted to make sure she and Rachel were ready as well.

“In about an hour,” Angie holds Angel close to her.

“Okay! We’ll meet you there.” Clair gets up and starts gathering their things up as well.

Angie takes Angel to the motorhome and into their bedroom.

“Time to wake-up sweetie” Angie gently shakes Angel, so not to jar her ribs.

Angel slowly opens his eyes when he hears one of his mother’s voices. He looks at her through sleepy eyes.

“Come on sweetie. It’s time to get you ready.” Angie helps Angel out of his swim suit. She takes the sleepy Angel into the shower and gives him a shower to wash all the chlorine and other chemicals off his body.

Angie takes Angel back into the bedroom and starts dressing him. She puts a spaghetti strap tank top with the Sirens symbol on it on Angel, along with a matching pair of shorts that goes with the top. Angie finds Angel’s matching black heeled boots and carefully puts them on her. Angie puts a pair of matching silver studs in Angel’s ears. By the time, Angie is done with Angel, Angel looks like a younger D.A.

“There, now you look like your other mother.” Angie shows Angel what he looks like.

Angel couldn’t believe it. He looks just like his other mother D.A. A smile appears on his face as she admires himself in the mirror. He turns around to watch as Angie gets ready. When she is done, she looks kick ass. Angie was going to prove, she wasn’t a push over. She was going to prove, that the Sirens were a force you didn’t want to piss off.

“Come on sweetie. Let’s go and support your mother.” Angie takes Angel’s hand in her own and walks over towards where everyone was gathering for the pig picked.

Several other Sirens meet up with Angie and Angel as they all walk over towards there leader as a group, looking tough and ready to rumble.

“Holy shit D.A., I hadn’t realized how beautiful your sisters were.” Roy and his wife were impressed by the number of women wearing figure hugging outfits and looking very feminine and deadly at the same time as they walked over towards them.

D.A. just smiles as all the ladies in her MC gather around her. Angie and Angel move up beside D.A.
D.A. looks down and notices that Angel looked just like her, when she was younger.

“I think Sam’s son owes my little girl an apology for nearly drowning her today.” D.A. moves Angel up in front of her and lays her hands-on Angel’s shoulder.

Roy and Joyce moves aside as Sam brings his son to face Angel. Angel recognized Sam, as the man who went and got her breakfast this morning.

Sam pushes his son in front of Angel and D.A.

“Go ahead and apology to the little girl, Frankie” Sam was going to make sure, his son apology for almost drowning D.A.’s daughter. He liked D.A.’s adopted daughter. She was willing to get dirty and help clean the trash up this morning, while his own son stayed home instead of coming with him.

Frankie looks at Angel standing before him. He could feel D.A.’s eyes on him. He didn’t like the little cry baby and had wished he had kicked her harder. He’ll get even tonight, while the adults were drinking.

“I’m sorry for almost drowning you today.” He really wasn’t, but he would play along till he could get revenge tonight.

Angel could tell he didn’t mean it, but he wasn’t going to say anything.

“It’s alright. I forgive you.” Angel holds his hand out towards Frankie to shake.

Frankie takes Angel’s hand and shakes it, but squeezes it some.

Angel removes his hand and just looks at him.

“Well! Now that the matter is settled, let’s enjoy this pig.” Roy goes over and starts serving up the pig.

Angel notices that a buffet had been set-up. Angel walks over to Roy with his mothers and watches as Roy puts several pieces of meat on his plate. Then he walks over towards the table and D.A. loads his plate down with side items. He stands nearby and waits for his mothers. They all go and sit together near Roy and his wife. Angel is given a soda, while his mother’s drink beer and wine. The rest of the women in the Sirens drink a mixture of all different drinks. Angel enjoys the food and stories he is told by Roy and Joyce. Sam comes over and joins them as well. He sits across from Angel and tells D.A. and Angie how lucky both are to have a daughter as nice as Angel. Angie ruffles Angel’s hair and drinks her beer down.

Angel stays by his mother’s side most of the night. He notices some of the women going off into the woods or down by the lake or somewhere else with partners or by themselves to be alone. Angel starts feeling his bladder telling him, that he needed to use the bathroom. He tugs on D.A.’s tank top.

“Mom, I have to go to the bathroom.” He looks at her, so she can see it in his face.

“Do you want me to come with you sweetie or will you be okay on your own?” D.A. and Angie both were willing to go with Angel.

“She can use the bathroom down near the pool. We open that one up, so the one in the house didn’t become the only one.” Joyce looks at Angel. She had to admit, that Angel favored D.A. in her looks.

“Thank you. I’ll be okay moms.” Angel gets up and heads down to the pool house to use the bathroom down there.

Angel finds the bathroom and goes inside and does his business. Just as he is leaving the bathroom, he is hit from behind. Angel braces for his fall as he lands face first onto the floor of the pool house.

Angel tries to escape, when he feels his ankle grab from behind. He kicks back with his foot hoping to strike something. He feels his foot let go and just as he was trying to get up. He is hit across his back with a life preserver.

“I’m not done with you bitch. You got me in trouble with my father.” Frankie grabs Angel by his hair and yanks Angel up onto his feet. Frankie slaps Angel several times on his face as he forces Angel onto the floor on his back and straddles Angel’s chest. He looks down into Angels eyes.

Angel was in pain from Frankie sitting on his bruised chest and the pain from being hit on his back. Tears were streaming down his cheeks.

“Let’s see how big your chest is.” Frankie yanks on the spaghetti straps of Angel’s tank top. He rips the top right off Angel’s body.

Angel tries hitting him with his fist, but they don’t do any good. He takes his fingernails and scratches Frankie across the face.

“You bitch.” Frankie hits Angel in his already bruised right eye.

Angel tries to push Frankie off him. His chest was really hurting him. Angel manages to push Frankie off his body and tries standing up.

Frankie reaches over and grabs Angel’s right ankle and tries to pull Angel down onto the floor again. Angel manages to grab hold of the door leading out of the pool house. He turns around and with all his strength kicks Frankie right in the family jewels with his boots. He slams his heel down on top of Frankie’s hand. So, he couldn’t use it. Afterwards, Angel rushes from the pool house towards his mothers. He collapses holding onto Angie.

“Angel what happened?” Everyone at the table was concern. Angel looked like someone tried to rape her.

Angel tries to gather enough air to talk. His rib cage was hurting him big time.

“Frankie attacked me, when I came out of the bathroom down at the pool house. He hit me from behind and then yanked me by my hair and hit me in my right eye and pushed me down on the floor and ripped my tank top and sat on my chest.” Angel was crying and barely able to talk.

“I managed to fight him off. I clawed his face and kicked him in his family jewels and stomped on his hand, so he couldn’t use it.” Angel falls forward and buries his face against Angie’s chest. He starts crying and shaking.

D.A. looks towards Sam “Did you know your son was a rapist?”

Sam looks at Angel as she cries against Angie. She already had enough injuries on her. He had asked what had happened to her, after seeing her chest wrapped up and the bruises on her arms and legs. He couldn’t believe his son would go and do such a thing against an eleven-year-old.

“No, I never taught him to treat girls like that.” He was getting mad at his son. He was ready to ring his neck.

“We’ll handle this matter.” D.A. stands up and starts walking towards the pool house.

“Helena, Angel needs you. Get your kit and go to Angel. Rachel, you’re with me. We have a teenager we need to talk to” She calls out into the darkness, knowing Helena and Rachel heard her.

Rachel meets up with D.A., as she enters the pool house and notices Frankie on the floor grabbing his crotch. His right hand was bloody,

where Angel had stomped on it with her heels.

D.A. walks over to him and kneels next to him.

“You know something kid? I don’t take kindly to someone who attempts to rape my daughter. The pain you’re feeling right now, is nothing compare to what will be done to you, if you don’t cooperate with me.” D.A. grabs Frankie by the hair, like he did Angel and pulls him to his feet.

D.A pulls him out of the pool house by his hair and up to where Sam, Roy and Joyce were waiting. Helena was busy checking on Angel.

Angie was holding their daughter close to her.

D.A. looks towards Sam “I’ll leave his punishment to you Sam. Because if I punish him, he won’t be able to have children.”

D.A. and Angie carry Angel back to the motorhome and put her to bed. Angel was already asleep by the time they got there. Angie undresses him and put his night gown on and slips him under the blankets, while D.A. gives him a kiss on the cheek.

“Poor baby.” Angie caresses Angel on the side of his cheek.

“He’s suffered so much for someone so young. First his father abuses him and then tonight almost getting rape.” Angie felt nothing, but concern for Angel.

“She’ll be okay Angie. She’s tough and smart.” D.A. stands beside Angie and wraps her arms around her.

She looks down at their adopted daughter. She looked so peaceful and innocent. Once they were done with this trip to Sturgis, D.A. is going to teach Angel some self-defense moves to protect her.

Angie and D.A. head back out to rejoin the others.

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