The Sirens Chapter 7

Angel feels his shoulder being lightly shaken. He opens his eyes and notices his mom looking at him.

“Hey! Sleepy head.” She picks him up and sits down on the sofa with him on her lap.

“Brenda told me you slept all day long. Are you feeling okay?” Angel could tell his mother was concern.

“I’m okay mommy, have we arrived yet?” Angel was still feeling sleepy.

“Yes, we’re here and dinner is set-up outside. Are you awake enough to go outside and met Roy and Joyce?” D.A. was watching Angel.

“Yes Ma’am.” Angel covers a yawn.

“Alright, let’s get you freshen up then.” D.A. stands up with Angel in her arms and carries Angel to the bathroom. D.A. soaks a wash cloth in warm water and starts freshening up Angel’s face with it. She runs a brush through out Angel’s hair.

“Okay, you’re looking better. Let’s take you outside and met everyone.

D.A. takes Angel outside to introduce her to her friends Roy and Joyce. During the whole night, Angel stays by his mother’s sides. Not leaving them, unless someone he knew and trusted was with him. The party goes on well past midnight; Brenda takes Angel back into the Rv and puts him to bed. D.A. and Angie come in as well and give him their goodnight kisses.

Angel wakes up the next morning later than normal. He looks over and notices his mothers had fallen asleep cuddled up, next to each other. Angel just lays there and thinks about things. Angel could feel his bladder cramping, forcing him to get up and empty it. He crawls out of bed as quietly as he could, so not to wake his parents and heads towards the bathroom to do his business. When he comes out, he notices everyone is still asleep in the camper. He hears movement outside of the Rv. He heads back into the bedroom and quietly changes out of his nightshirt and into a pair of shorts and his Tinker bell shirt his mother had bought. He carries his shoes outside with him and puts them on while sitting on the step of the Rv.

He grabs a trash bag and starts picking up all the bottles of beer and trash that had been left from last night. He figures his mothers were going to sleep in late from partying last night. By the time 9’oclock arrives. He had already picked up around the Rv’s and was working on where everyone had gather to party. One of the prospects from the other motorcycle club spotted Angel cleaning up.

“Hey, little girl, you don’t need to do this. We’ll take care of everything, why don’t you go and tell Sam over there “as he points to an older gentleman “to go and get you some breakfast.”

Angel looks at him and then towards the other guy.

“Go ahead. We’ll take care of this mess.” He gives Angel a smile and goes about cleaning up.

Angel takes his bag over where he left the other one he had already filled and then heads over towards the guy that the other man had pointed out to him.

“Excuse me sir. That gentleman over there” as Angel points towards the fellow who had been talking to her “told me I was supposed to come over and tell you what I wanted for breakfast.”

The guy looks down at Angel and all he saw, was a cute little girl looking up at him. He had heard from his leader that this little girl was D.A.’s and Angie’s adopted daughter.

“That’s right little one. I’m to go and get breakfast for everyone that is working out here right now. What would you like?” He gives Angel a friendly smile. He thought she looked so cute in her shorts and pink Tinker Bell t-shirt.

Angel thinks about it for a second and then request “would a sausage biscuit with egg and hash brown, with a cup of orange juice be okay?”

“That will be fine. Why don’t you go inside the house and clean up? I will be back in a little while with your breakfast.” He ruffles Angel’s hair.
Angel just smiles when he does that “Thank you sir.”

“You’re welcome little lady. Now go and wash your hands.” He walks away to mount his motorcycle.

Angel heads towards the house and finds the bathroom. He washes his hands and heads back outside to wait for that guy to come back. He watches as the other men work cleaning up the mess as he heads back to the Rv. Angel sits in his mom’s chair, which was left set-up last night and reads a book he grabbed from the Rv, while he waits for breakfast to be delivered. He figures the guy will be gone for a while. Angel curls his feet up in the chair, like he had seen his birth mother do a few times in the past, when she was reading a book. The book Angel had grabbed to read was one of the Harry Potter books he never got a chance to read. He sits quietly and loses himself in the book. After about forty minutes later, the guy returns. Angel looks up as he hears the motorcycle engine cuts off. He places a place marker in his book, so not to lose his place. When he looks back up, one of the prospect members from the other club is walking over towards him with an orange juice in one hand and a McDonald’s bag in the other hand.

He stops right in front of Angel “Here you go little lady. Your breakfast” He hands Angel the bag and orange juice.

“Thank you” Angel accepts the food.

“You’re welcome. Tell your mother when she gets up, that Roy and Joyce would like to talk to her please.” He gives Angel a friendly smile. This little girl reminded him of his own children back home.

“I will sir.” Angel returns the smile. She liked this man. He was being polite to her and treated him like a girl.

The biker prospect turns around and leaves Angel to her breakfast in peace. Angel sits and eats his breakfast and reads his book. Around about 10:30 Angel starts to hear movement in the motor-home. He closes his book after marking his place and tosses his trash into the trash bag near the motor-home. He heads inside to see who was up and about. He notices several of the women that sleep in the motor-home moving about. Brenda comes walking out of the bathroom and spots Angel.

“Go wake-up your mothers Angel.” She heads over to the sink to start making coffee for everyone.

“Yes ma’am.” Angel heads to the Master bedroom. He slips his shoes off as he walks in. Both his mothers were still asleep. D.A. had her arm drape over Angie’s body. Angie was spooned up close to D.A.’s body. Both were naked and the blankets had been tossed off their bodies. Angel could see that both of his mothers had tattoos on their bodies. D.A. had an Angel on her body along with several other tattoos. One was in loving memory of someone. Angie had several tattoos as well and one said the property of Debbie Alexis Swan (A.K.A: D.A)

Angel crawls onto the bed carefully, so not to wake his mother’s right away. He crawls over till he is behind D.A. and leans over to her ear.

“Mommy, it’s time to get up.” Angel leans back to see if D.A. responds.

She raises her hand to swat him away like a fly.

“Mommy, it’s time to get up.” Angel places his hand on D.A.’s side and tries to wake her up with a gentle shake.
Angel watches as his mother ignores him. He climbs on top of her and just as he is about to climb to the other side of his other mother Angie. He feels D.A.’s arms wrap around his waist and pull him towards her. Angie turns around to give him room and to sandwich him in between the two of them. He squeals like a little girl and finds himself looking up at both his mother’s. A smile appears on his face.

“Good morning sweetie.” D.A. places a kiss on his nose and Angie places one on his right cheek.

Angel gives both his mother’s a loving smile.

“Good morning mommies.” He felt safe between both.

D.A. looks down at Angel’s sweet angelic face. She could still see both of his black eyes that gave him a raccoon face.

“So why we’re you trying to wake us up sweetie?” Angie didn’t mind. She was about to get up in a few minutes any way.

“Brenda sent me in here to wake both of you. Oh! And one of the prospects told me to tell you mommy that Roy and Joyce wanted to talk with you, when you got up.” Angel felt warm lying between both his mother’s bodies.

“What mischief have you been up to this morning, our little imp?” D.A. taps Angel on his nose.

“I cleaned up around the Rv’s and where we had set-up our stuff mommy. I was starting to clean the other areas, before one of the other prospects from the other MC told me to stop and let them do it. One of them went and got me breakfast. After I ate my breakfast, I sat
outside in your chair and read my book, till I heard movement inside the motor-home.”

Both D.A. and Angie felt proud of Angel.

“Mommy, can I get a tattoo like mommy Angie has?” Angel points to the one on the front of Angie’s left breast with D.A.’s name on it.

Angie blushes some and wonders how D.A. was going to explain that to their child.

D.A. looks down at Angel “well, maybe when you get older sweetie. We’ll talk about it and see if you still want to get one. “D.A. seeing disappointment in Angel’s eyes “However, if you want, I’ll give you a temporary one till then.”

D.A. looks towards Angie “Angie, grab a permanent marker from my backpack please.”

Angie gets up and grabs a black marker from D.A.’s backpack and hands it to her. She watches as D.A. takes it from her.

“Alright sweetie, lift your shirt up for me.” D.A. takes the cap off the marker.

Angel lifts his shirt off.

D.A. leans over Angel and carefully writes in nice hand writing “The Daughter of Debbie Alexis Swan and Angie Swan.” She puts a little rose under it.

“There, you are now our daughter.” She places a kiss on Angel’s forehead.

Angels gives D.A. a hug and then let’s go so he could give Angie a hug as well. Angels gives Angie a hug. She returns it and then let’s goes.

Angel sits on the bed and watches as his mother’s get dress. He helps in fastening both his mother’s bra straps. Angel slips his t-shirt on again to cover up his bruised ribs. Helena already told him, that he’ll need to keep his rib cage wrapped for at least a week. If he wanted to go swimming, he was supposed to tell her, so she could water proof them.

D.A. sprays Angel with some of her perfume. Neither adults felt conscious about Angel sitting in the room and watching as they dress. As far as they were concern, he was a girl like them. There was a knock at the bedroom door and Helena sticks her head in.

“I was wondering if I could barrow your daughter for a little while.” Helena looks towards both her leaders when she asks this.

“Sure, what’s up?” D.A. slides her tank top with her MC’s name on it over her chest.

“Well, I forgot to give Angel her hormone shot the other day. I figure we might want to get her started on it.” Helena looks towards D.A.

“I thought she was going to be taken the pill for her hormones?” D.A. runs a brush through her hair.

“I got those two, but to get her started, I think the shots would be better. The pills she has to remember to take every day, but with the shots, she’ll only need it twice a week.” Helena figures the shots would be good and then boost them with the pills.

D.A. looks towards Angel. She kneels down in front of him “Angel, I figure since you want to become a girl, that I would go ahead and start you on female hormones. You don’t need to do this to prove anything to me or anyone else. If this is what you want to do, we’ll do everything we can to make you the best girl there is. Do you want this?”

Angel considers D.A.’s eyes and could tell she was sincere about this. That she would make his dreams come true.

“Yes ma’am. I want to do this.” He leans forward and hugs his mother.

“Okay! I’ll hold your hand while Helena shows me where to inject the shots into your body.” D.A. stands up and let’s Helena come forward to give Angel her shot.

“Okay Angel, I want you to pull your shorts down and lay on your stomach. I’m going to give you the shot in your buttocks.” Helena stands there with a friendly smile.

Angel unbuttons his shorts and moves them down, as he turns over onto his stomach. D.A. reaches down and takes his hand. Helena leans forward and moves Angel’s panties aside a little bit and slowly slide the needle into Angel’s body. She squeezes the plunger to inject the hormones into Angel’s body. She pulls the needle out.

Angel had gripped D.A.’s hand tight when he felt the needle slide in and after it was pulled out, he had release his grip.

“There, that should do it. I gave Angel double the recommended amount. She’ll need to get another shot in three days. I recommend she starts taking the pill as well.” Helena helps Angel up off the bed and helps him redress.

“Welcome to the sisterhood, little sister.” Helena hugs him and then stands up.
Angel returns the hug.

“Well, since that is taking care of, let’s go and get some coffee and see what Roy and Joyce wants. “D.A. exists from the bedroom, followed by everyone else.

Angel helps the rest of the women put away their blankets and pillows. There is a knock at the motor-home door.

“I’ll get it mom.” Angel walks over to the door and opens it.

Outside is the Prospect Angel met earlier today. He looks at Angel “is your mother and the other ladies up?”

“Yes, we are. Come on in.” D.A. says from where she is sitting.

Angel steps aside to let him inside. He ruffles Angel’s hair and looks at the women sitting around the kitchen table with coffee in their hands.

“We have breakfast and coffee set-up outside for everyone, if you wouldn’t mind joining us. Also, your daughter was a big help this morning. She helped clean-up the mess from last night. I think the rest of the Prospects that didn’t show up are embarrasses by your daughter.” He chuckles at the tongue lashing some of the men got this morning when Roy found out that an eleven-year-old girl had started cleaning things up, when it was his Prospects job to do it.

D.A. looks over towards Angel with a proud look on her face.

“We’ll be right out in a minute. Thank you.” D.A. had turned her attention back towards the gentlemen.

“Okay!” He leaves, but not before he ruffles Angel’s hair again, before walking out.

“Come here sweetie.” Angie motions for Angel to come over to her.

Angel walks over towards Angie.

She takes a brush out and brushes Angel’s hair again. Angie was amazed at how soft and long Angel’s hair had gotten since being with them.

“We’re going to have to cut your bangs in a few weeks young lady. When we get back from the trip, we’ll all go over to Brenda’s salon and have the works done on you.” Angie couldn’t wait to let Angel experience what it is like at a beauty salon.

“Let me examine your legs and arms, Angel.” Angie carefully checks all the bruises and small cuts they had found on Angel’s body. Angie had seen that occasionally, Angel would walk with a limp, but Helena said that was because of her feet being cut up like they were.
Helena comes over and checks Angel’s feet. She lifts Angel onto Angie’s lap, while she kneels and checks Angel’s feet. They looked good, but she could see where Angel had managed to reopen a wound between his toes.

Helen looks up at Angel.

“You need to spend more time off your feet young lady. Let me re-wrap your feet and you let your mother carry you today.” Helena starts re-wrapping Angel’s feet.

Angel sits still on Angie’s lap, while Helena re-wraps his feet. He had seen some blood in his soaks, but he thought everything was okay.

“There all done.” Helena places a kiss on top of the bandages wrapped around Angel’s feet.

“Can we let Angel walk around a little bit, if she takes it easy? Helena” Angie looks at their field medic and certified nurse.

“If Angel takes some time off her feet, it might be okay.” Helena looks towards Angel “However young lady, no running, jumping, skipping or climbing till your feet are healed.”

“Yes Ma’am.” Angel holds onto Angie for support.

D.A. slips Angel’s tennis shoes on his feet. She looks up at Angel “till your feet are healed sweetie. I want you to wear your tennis shoes.” She leans in and gives Angel a kiss on the cheek.

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