The Sirens Chapter 4

Sometime after mid-night, Angel started coming around. He notices his chest hurt and that he was wrapped up as well. He could feel someone lying next to him and the perfume from them smelled familiar to him. Tears start to slide down his face and cheeks and he turns slowly and buries his face and wraps his arms around the person sleeping next to him.

“I’m sorry mommy for making Daddy angry. He said I should have never been born and that it was your fault that I was born the way I am mommy. He said he would be better off with me dead mommy.” Angel cries against D.A.’s shoulder.

D.A. felt Angel stir, but didn’t move when he put his arms around her and buried his face against her shoulder. She had wrap her arms around him and held him to her as she listen to what he had to say.

“I hate being a boy mommy. I want to be like you and the other girls in my school and our neighborhood. I’m always picked on and teased at school and Daddy is always calling me a sissy and beating me, telling me to act more like a boy.” He starts crying even more as he buries his face closer against D.A.’s shoulder.

D.A. rubs his back and coo’s to him trying to get him to relax and also let him get it all out of his system.

“He wanted to kill me today Mommy when he saw me wearing one of your old dresses. Daddy said a pervert like me didn’t deserve to live as he beat me mommy.” Angel shivers and cries some more.

Angel finally cries himself asleep again as he stayed closed to D.A.

D.A. looks over towards Angie to see if she heard what Angel just said. Angie looks directly back towards D.A. and you could see a tear slide down her face. She moves closer to Angel and sandwich him between herself and D.A. She wraps her arms around him as well and holds onto him during the night.

When morning time comes, D.A. is the first one awake. She slowly gets out of bed without waking Angel and looks over towards Angie, who was playing pillow for him. She smiles at the image. Angie looked so content just lying there playing pillow for the little child who’s head was resting on top of her chest. Sometime during the night Angel must had turned onto his stomach, because his legs had been resting on her thighs this morning. She heads towards the bathroom and answer natures call. She splashes some water on her face to get the sleep out of her eyes and to help wake her up. She slips on a pair of sweat pants and an oversize t-shirt and heads towards the front of the motorhome. She can smell the wonderful scent of brew coffee in the air. As she emerges out of the bedroom and into the main living area of the Motorhome, she notice that four of the eight women that slept in the Motorhome last night were already awake and enjoying a cup of brew coffee.

“Here you go D.A. this should help wake you up.” Brenda hands D.A. a black coffee mug with the club’s logo on it.

“Thanks Brenda” D.A. takes the offer mug and takes a sip of the hot concoction inside. She sits there and thinks about what she should do next.

Angel confessed last night that his father tried to kill him yesterday for dressing up like a girl. Plus, on top of that Angel himself doesn’t like being a boy and wants to be a girl instead.

D.A. stares down into her coffee cup and wonders what she should do with him. She’s never thought about having children of her own and she knows it would cause little problems with her lifestyle. Not many courts would allow a lesbian couple to adopt a child either. She could track down Angel’s father and have him sign an adoption agreement for her to have sole custody of Angel or she could get a complete new Id made for Angel and have her and Angie listed as her parents. The last one would be no problems, she knows a few people in the right places that could give her a complete background with birth certificate and social security card for Angel. It’s not like her biology father would say anything. She has the confession from Angel to black mail him with. The next thing is, should she track him down and have him brought to justice for his crimes against Angel? D.A. takes a sip of her coffee and hears movement behind her. Angie comes walking into the living area and sits down on D.A.’s lap. She gives D.A. a kiss on the cheek.

Angie looks at every one else sitting at the table with them. Brenda passes her a mug of coffee in the same type of mug everyone else is drinking from.

“How’s Angel this morning?” Brenda looks towards both her leaders.

“She’s still asleep. I think she is still emotionally tired from everything she’s been through.” Angie takes a sip of her coffee.

“Poor girl.” One of the other women at the table says looking towards Angie.

“You don’t know the half of it.” D.A. replies towards the woman who had spoken.

“What do you mean D.A.?” Now the women was curious along with everyone else at the table.

D.A. just sighs before responding “I’ll tell everyone at the breakfast meeting this morning. It will be easier and that way I’ll only have to say it once to everyone.”

“Okay!” Everyone was wondering what was important now concerning Angel.

The women in the motorhome that were asleep start waking up and joining those already awake at the table for coffee. As everyone is sitting there drinking their coffee; Angel comes limping in rubbing her eyes. She looked so cute wearing the night shirt that Brenda put on her last night. She waves hello and heads over towards where D.A. and Angie are sitting at the table.

Angel leans in towards D.A.”I got to go potty.”
The women that over heard her say that to D.A. just smile at Angel. She looked so cute with her dirty blonde hair resting next to D.A. same color hair.

“I’ll show her where it is D.A.” Brenda gets up and walks around the table to where Angel is standing next to D.A.
Angel looks at D.A. and then at Brenda “Go on sweetie. Brenda won’t hurt you.”

Angel lets herself be escorted to the bathroom by Brenda. When they get to the bathroom door, Brenda looks down at Angel “Do you know how to use the bathroom like a girl, Angel?”

“Yes Ma’am, my mommy showed me, because she said I kept having accidents every time I went, so she said I should use it like a girl does to prevent me from having accidents.” Angel looks at her for a second “How did you know my name was Angel?”

Brenda was surprise at that statement. They had just named the poor kid Angel because of how he looked when he was asleep, instead of just calling him kid.

“I didn’t, we gave you that nick name last night when you arrived here. We didn’t know what to call you.” A friendly smile appears on her face. “What is your full name Angel?”

“My mommy named me after a friend of hers. She said that her friend was like a sister to her. My full name is Angel Dakota Stevens.” Angel starts doing his little dance now.

Brenda notices that Angel was starting to fidget while talking to her “Why don’t you go and use the bathroom and well talk later, Okay?”

“Yes Ma’am.” Angel rushes into the bathroom and makes it just in time. He sits there and wonders how these women came upon him. He remembers the one who carried him off the street and the other woman, plus the one that took care of him, but he doesn’t remember the one that showed him the bathroom or the fact that she knew he was a boy, but called him a girl in front of the others.

He looks down at the nightshirt he has on and smile. He always wanted to wear something like this, but his father refused to let him. He always said it made him look like a little girl. He looks down at the panties he had been wearing and that brought a smile to his face as well. He liked being treated like a girl. He hated being a boy and hopes the woman that found him will allow him to dress as a girl.

Brenda stood outside the bathroom door and waited on Angel to do his business. A playful smile was forming on her face. His full name had the same first two initials as D.A.’s nick name. Plus, D.A.’s real name was Debbie Alexis Swan, which gave her the same initials in his name, but his first and middle being the opposite of hers.

After a few minutes the bathroom door opens and Angel comes walking out.

“Did you wash your hands young lady?” Brenda looks down at Angel.

“No Ma’am” Angel felt embarrass that he forgot to wash his hands. His mother told him a young girl always washes her hands after going to the bathroom.

“Then go back in there and wash your hands and hurry on back out. We got to get you dress and ready for breakfast with the rest of the club.” Brenda turns Angel around and herds him back into the bathroom.

Angel hurries and washes his hands with Brenda watching him and then dries them and heads back out of the bathroom. Brenda takes his hand and leads him to the back bedroom again. He notices she had laid out some clothes for him to wear today.

“Alright young lady, off with your night clothes. Fold your night shirt up and leave it on the bed. Put your dirty panties in that hamper there.” Brenda points towards a white hamper that has butterflies on it. “That’s your hamper young lady. I don’t want to be picking up your dirty clothes from around this room. Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes Ma’am.” Angel slips his panties down and drops them into the hamper Brenda pointed at. He folds his night shirt and places it on the bed like he was told to do.

He stands there in the nude looking at Benda.

“Okay! The first item where putting on you, is your new training bra young lady. You’re starting to develop and we can’t have your chest being sore from your dress.” Brenda slips the training bra over Angel’s head and slips it into place. She then picks up a pair of dark color panties next.

“Okay, lift your leg and place them in the holes.”

Angel holds onto Brenda as she helps him put the clean pair of panties on.

She then picks up the dress lying on the bed “this will help hide your bandages wrapped around your chest Angel. We had to warp them when we found you, because they were fractured by whoever beat you.”

“My father did it when I was lying on the floor after hitting the wall behind me. He kicked me several times and yelled at me calling me all sorts of names.” Angel could feel the tears starting to form.

“Well, you have nothing to worry about now. None of us are going to let anyone hurt you from now on.” Brenda lowers the dress down around Angel’s body and helps him slip his arms in through the shoulder straps.

Angel winces when he lifts his arms above his head, but with Brenda’s help. He manages to get his arms through the straps of the dress. He looks at himself in the mirror mounted on the wall over the dresser. He looked just like a girl with the dress on. All he had to do to make it perfect was brushes his hair out. He fingers the necklace around his neck.

“Brenda, who gave me this necklace?” Angel holds it in his fingers.

“I believe Rachel did. She’s Clair’s partner and the one who held you while you were out yesterday. Don’t you like it?” Brenda picks up a brush and start to brush out Angel’s hair.

“Yes Ma’am, I like it very much.” Angel stands still while Brenda brushes his hair out.

Brenda smiles and enjoys the feel of Angel’s hair. It felt better than it did last night when she washed it and added a special conditioner to it. She’s going to have to wash his hair again tomorrow and reapply the conditioner she used to get his hair back to being healthy again.

“Okay, that’s done. Let’s get your shoes on and you can go in the living area and sit down for a while to wait on D.A. to take you to breakfast." She escorts Angel back over towards the bed and starts putting his shoes on, being careful not to make the straps too tight because of the bandages wrapped around his feet from being cut up.

“There. All finish, let’s go show your mom now.” Brenda takes Angel’s hand and leads him back out to where everyone is still sitting at the table. She walks’ Angel right up to D.A.

“Here you go D.A.; Your daughter is already for breakfast.” Brenda steps back away from Angel.

D.A. turns to look at Brenda and to tell her that she wasn’t sure if Angel is going to be her daughter, but once she gets a look at Angel. She stops herself from saying anything. Angel looked so cute standing there in the pink, beige and peach color Maxi dress. She couldn’t believe how the dress added to the white saddles; necklace and Angel’s hair brushed out made him look so much like a sweet little girl.

Angie looks at Angel as well and she couldn’t help to feel proud how well Angel looked at as well.

“Oh, the nick name you ladies gave Angel yesterday is the same as her real name. Her real name is Angel Dakota Stevens.” Brenda looks at D.A. when she says this.

“Wow, how did we manage to give her the same nick name as her name?” Angie looks at D.A.

“You’ll have to ask Rachel that question. She’s the one that gave Angel her nick name. I think she did it because of how innocent she looked and because of that neck lace.” D.A. points towards the crystal Angel hanging around Angel’s neck.

Angel looks at the Angel and then back towards D.A. He wonders who Rachel is. Brenda told him that she was Clair’s partner, but he doesn’t remember seeing her.

“Does your chest hurt Angel?” D.A. says as she looks at Angel and can tell he looks a little flush.

“Yes Ma’am.” Angel was telling the truth. His chest was hurting him.

D.A. stands up and walks over towards the sink and opens one of the drawers and pulls out a bottle of aspirin and takes two out for Angel. She then gets a plastic cup down and fills it up with water. She turns back around and walks over to Angel “Here, why don’t you sit down here next to Angie and take these pills for the pain. They might be a little too strong for you, but they will help with the pain from your ribs.” D.A. sits Angel down in her chair and hands him the pills and the cup of water.

Angel takes the pills and pops them into his mouth and takes a sip of water to help him swallow them. He drinks all the water and hands the cup back to D.A.

“Are you going to be okay, while I go and get dress?” D.A. didn’t want to leave him along unless she had too.
“Don’t worry about Angel, D.A. I’ll be here to keep her company while the rest of you get dress to go to breakfast. I’ll watch over Angel while you guys get ready.” Brenda looks at D.A and then at Angel. She was already dress for breakfast and could clean up the coffee mess before they left to go to breakfast.

“Are you sure Brenda? I can wait till Angie is dress and have her keep Angel Company.” D.A knew Brenda was willing to do anything for the club.

“It’s fine. Angel and I can talk some more while you’re getting ready. Now go and get dress for breakfast.” Brenda shoos D.A. out of the living area along with everyone else.

Brenda looks at Angel “You don’t mind helping me do you Angel?”

“No Ma’am.” Angel gets up and starts collecting the coffee cups off the table and in the living area and takes those over to Brenda who had been filling up the sink with wash water.

“Brenda? Is D.A. going to keep me as her daughter?” Angel gets a towel and start to dry the coffee mugs in the drain broad.

“I’m not sure yet Angel. I can tell she cares for you, like the rest of us does. We need to know more about what happen to you and why?” Brenda washes a mug in her hands.

“My father doesn’t love me. He hates me and is disappointed with me. He said he should have made my mother have an abortion instead of letting her give birth to me and be an embarrassment to him.” Angel can recall all the times his father vocally abused him and how his mother always tried to protect him from the abuse.

“Why was he saying such mean things to you?” Brenda looks at Angel. She couldn’t believe why anyone would feel this way towards such a sweet child.

“Because he wants someone that is going to be a manly man and follow in his footsteps like his friend Tucker oldest son Ralph, does. Ralph was one of the bullies who always picked on me and stole my lunch money or lunch I brought from home. He and his friends pretty much ran our school. Even some of the teachers were afraid of him. Ralph’s father Tucker is a member of the Black Devils club. Tucker is their main drug producer and him and my father use to be in business together, before my father got busted by the cops before I was born.” Angel picks up another mug and dries it and put it away in the cabinet near him.

Brenda knew of the club and knew the leader of it didn’t tolerate the murder of children or women. Tony was a family man himself and had four children. His wife knew how to ride a motorcycle and operated the bar the club owned. Their club house was only a few streets down from the bar. That way they could protect it. She needs to past this information onto D.A. and let her handle it.

Brenda glances down at Angel as he dries another mug and puts it away.

“What happen to your mother? Didn't she try to stop your father from abusing you?” Brenda already knew any mother would, but wanted to hear what Angel had to say.

“Mom was killed by a bullet my father shot towards one of the guys who broke into our home and threaten us. She was protecting me when the bullet came through the wall separating my bedroom from our living room. It hit her in the back of her head and caused her blood to splatter on to me. She died protecting me.” Tears start to stream down Angel’s cheek.

Brenda kneels and wipes the tears away. She gathers Angel up in her arms and gives the poor child a big hug.

D.A. had happened to hear what happen to Angel’s mother. She had stopped in the hallway leading from her and Angie’s room to listen to the conversion going on between Brenda and Angel. She comes walking in and notices Brenda giving Angel a hug.
Brenda notices D.A. standing their dress in her leathers with her hair tied up in the braid she normally keeps her hair in when she is riding her motorcycle.

“So? Was Angel a big help to you Brenda?” D.A. looks at Angel.

“She was a very big help and a hard worker.” Brenda gives Angel a proud smile.

Angie comes walking in next along with several other women behind her.

D.A. turns to her partner and the other women she looks at the one that looks like she is a teenager.

“Kelly, would you mind fetching Rachel and Clair for me please.” D.A. gives the younger looking girl a friendly look.
She runs off to fetch Rachel and Clair. D.A. looks towards Angel again.

“Sweetie, there some business I need to speak to everyone here about. I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind going with Rachel and Clair to breakfast. I want you to be on your best behavior and do everything they say, Okay?” D.A. could see Angel was nervous about this.

“Yes ma’am.” Angel wonders if he did anything wrong.

“You haven’t done anything wrong Angel. I just need to speak to everyone concerning our road trip and a few other matters that I know you’ll find boring and I bet your pretty hungry by now.”

“Yes Ma’am.” Angel was hungry. He hadn’t eaten anything for the past two days.

Rachel and Clair come walking in with Kelly behind them. They smile when they see Angel up and walking around.

D.A. looks towards both women “I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind watching after Angel while I talked to the officers here.”

“We don’t mind at all D.A., I was just wondering how Angel was doing this morning.” Rachel looks down at Angel. She liked the dress they had her dress in.
“Thanks. I shouldn’t be more than ten to twenty minutes.” D.A. walks over and places a kiss on Angel’s cheek.

“You young lady be good and we’ll go out and get you something to read or listen to while we’re traveling okay?” D.A. looks at Angel.

Angels throws his arms around her neck and leans in to whisper something to D.A.
“All I want is someone to love me.” He hugs her fiercely.

D.A. just looks into his green eyes “You already have that kiddo. That’s what I need to speak to these other ladies about. I’m their leader and I need to inform them. Now go and be good and get whatever you want at breakfast. We’ll talk later about this matter.” D.A. gives Angel another kiss and a big hug.

She stands up and gives Angel a light swat on her butt. “Go and get something to eat young lady.”

“Yes mommy” Angel follows Rachel and Clair out of the motorhome.

Angel looks up at Rachel “thank you for the necklace. I love it.”

Rachel just looks down at Angel “your welcome. I thought you might like it. Here put these on.” Rachel hands Angel her sunglasses ‘These should cover up your black eyes and keep people from asking questions.”

Clair opens the door to Frank’s for them and led them into the restaurant portion. Several other women from their club were already there enjoying their breakfast. Clair escorts them over towards the buffet that had been set-up for breakfast and Rachel helps Clair fix a plate for Angel. Once Angel’s plate is filled, Clair escorts Angel over to their table and finds three seats that are together for her; Clair and Angel sit down and start eating their breakfast. Rachel shows up later and pours a glass of orange juice for Angel, while she and Clair have coffee.

Angel couldn’t believe how full his plate looked. He started in on the bacon with his fingers and ate that. He mixes his scramble eggs with some grits Rachel made him get and tries it that way. He had spotted Clair doing the same thing, so he thought he would give it a try. Angel was so busy eating and having fun that he didn’t notice his new mother or the rest of the women who stayed to talk to her come in. He was half way done with his orange juice when he heard D.A.’s voice.

“Fellow Sirens, may I have your attention please. “All the women at the table stopped talking and look towards the head of the table where D.A was standing. Even Angel looked down towards his new mother.

“Thank you, as you recall yesterday we picked up an injured girl who had fallen into our path. I would like to tell you, that thanks to Helena’s medical skills and Clair’s willingness to hold that young girl till we got here, that young girl is here right now having breakfast with us. Angel could you raise your hand so everyone will know where you are please?” D.A. looks down towards her adopted daughter.

Angel raises her hand like her mother asked her to do. She puts it down after a few minutes.

“As you might have seen or heard about her, she was badly beaten and left to die by her father. All because Angel is different then what he wanted? From the information, I have learned about him from various sources. He is responsible for the death of her mother and the attempted murder of Jenny. As of right now we don’t know where he is to make him pay for what he did to her, however I have pledge to locate him and bring him to justice. In addition to that, I am formally adopting Angel as my and Angie’s daughter and making her an honorary member of the club. That doesn’t mean you get any special treatment young lady. Every woman sitting at this table and that is in our club has the right to tell you what to do at any time and if you don’t. They have the right to punish you for disobeying them. They are your mothers, sisters and Aunts. If you can’t talk to me or Angie about a problem you have, you can talk to any of these ladies and they will do their best to help you. You have the same rights and responsibilities that prospects members have with certain limitations. Now, as for our ride to Sturgis ladies. We’re still a week and half away from arriving there. We have conformation that our campsites will be available for all our motorhomes and campers. We will have power sites with full plumbing connections. The route we will be taken is going to be extremely long, quiet and scenic. We have also been invited to a cookout hosted by the Illinois chapter of the Hell’s Angels, Their Chapter leader, personally extended the offer to us. So, they are expecting us to be there in three days’ ladies, so we’ll be pushing longer times on the road. Check your motorcycles today before we leave here. Are there any questions any one has to ask?” D.A. looks at all the members still sitting and looking towards her.

“If not then, let’s enjoy the rest of our breakfast and get a move on in about an hour then.” D.A. sits down and starts eating her breakfast.

Angel tugs on Clair’s t-shirt.

Clair looks towards Angel.

“I have to go to the bathroom.” Angel gives Clair that look every child has, when they have to go to the bathroom.

Clair just smiles; because of how cute Angel looks with the look she is giving her.

“Come on sweetie.” Clair takes Angel’s hand and takes her to the women’s bathroom.

Angel just went with Clair into the women’s bathroom. He wasn’t sure if he should tell her he was a boy, but everyone was treating him like a girl. So, he figured she knew and since his adopted mother said he was a girl, then it was okay.

“Let me know if you need any help Angel.” Clair stands outside the stall while she watched as Angel went in.

Angel was nervous and liking the fact that everyone was treating him like a girl. He pulled his panties down like his mother showed him and sat on the toilet and did his business. When he was finish, he wiped himself and pulled his panties back up like he was supposed to. The toilet flushes behind him. He turns around and watches it as the water goes down the drain. He opens the stall door and head over towards the sink to wash his hand. The counter was a little higher than the sink in the motorhome and with him being so short.

“Need a little help Angel?” Clair walks up behind him and lifts him up carefully.

He winces some because of how sore his ribs are, but he reaches forward and washes his hands. When he is done, Clair puts him back down on his feet.

“Here, Let’s straighten your dress out.” Clair makes some minor adjustments to Angel’s dress. She takes his hand and leads him back out to the table to sit back down.

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