Working Girl ~ Life Goes On! 7

‘Ooh look, Ronnie, its Toni and Sheila; hi girls!’
‘Well, you can knock me over with a feather; fancy seeing you girls here,’ said Derek, enthusiastically.

Working Girl ~ Life Goes On! 7
By Susan Brown



‘Ooh look, Ronnie, its Toni and Sheila; hi girls!’

‘Well, you can knock me over with a feather; fancy seeing you girls here,’ said Derek, enthusiastically.

We said our hello’s and found a table a bit away from the music where we could talk without going deaf.

‘What are you boys doing here?’ I asked.

‘On holiday love, like you,’ said Derek.

‘I didn’t know that you had time off. I work in HR and I can’t remember seeing your holiday request.’

‘It was a spur of the moment job…you know, last minute thing.’

Sheila and Ronald were talking away but I couldn’t really hear what they were saying as the music was still a bit loud.

‘So Toni, having a nice time?’

‘Sort of.’

‘What do you mean?’

I told him all about what had happened, the flowers, funny phone calls, being watched, stupid Dave and Mick and all the rest.

‘Strange,’ said Derek, ‘trouble seems to follow you around, dear.’

‘Tell me about it.’

‘Never mind, Ronnie and me will look out for you and don’t forget that you have Sheila.’

‘True, I’d put her up against The Terminator, let alone any low life who was out to get me.’

We chatted for a bit longer then I realised that four was a crowd and by the looks Derek and Ronald were giving each other, they wanted to get up close and personal. So after making motions to Sheila, we left them playing tonsil tennis and went for another drink.

Before going too far, I felt myself being pinched on the bum, again!

I turned around and there was some 150 year old walnut with an innocent look on his decrepit face.

‘Look chum,’ I said, ‘do that again and I’ll take your walking frame away from you.’

I stomped off after the retreating figure of Sheila as she did her famous parting of the waves job; getting through the press of people and getting to the bar in record time; leaving several people bemused and not knowing what hit them.

Following in her wake, I was soon with her and ordering another cider.

‘Hi girls!’ I heard from behind me.

I turned around and there he was in the flesh; and very nice flesh it was, too! Tim was looking particularly edible in a soft cotton, button down shirt and light blue chino trousers. His smile made me go all wobbly at the knees and if the bar hadn’t been propping me up, I would have swooned at his feet.

‘Hello Tim.’ I whispered.

I could vaguely hear Sheila saying something to Jake, but I was too far into Tim to notice. To be frank, you could have cut off my leg and I wouldn’t have paid much attention.

I was steered away from the bar and led to a quietish corner away from the hubbub. Tim sat me down with a drink and sat next to me — very close. Sheila walked up with Jake and sat on the other side of the table.

‘Well,’ said Sheila, ‘this is very nice.’

I didn’t say anything and I could feel my eyes cross as Tim did things to one of my knees under the table. His hands were wondering in a northward direction and I could feel Percy, perking up in anticipation. Now, even I knew that this was not a good thing. Tim was looking for something I hadn’t got. In fact if he went any higher, he would have the surprise of his life. I gave Sheila a look which hopefully conveyed my concern, but she was busy trying to seduce Jake and paid little attention to me.

I did what any self respecting girl would do.

‘Sheila, SHEILA! We need to go to the loo.’

Sheila looked up, rather annoyed as she had reached stage two and was going for stage three in record time.

‘Are you sure!’ She said in a breathless voice, here face visibly flushed even under the strobe lights.

‘I’m sure,’ I replied in desperation as Tim’s wondering hands, reminiscent of an octopus, slid slowly but surely up to my family jewels.

Sheila put Jake down with a sigh and I jumped up. Tim’s hand banged on the underside of the table and he looked a bit like a lion that had lost its dinner,as we walked to the toilets. I was walking a bit funny due to my unasked for and unwanted stiffie, but eventually we arrived at the toilets and joined the inevitable queue.

‘What was that all about,’ hissed Sheila, ‘I was doing well there and then there was you looking all flushed and fevered at me.’

It was noisy, so I couldn’t say what I wanted to and anyway there was a semi naked girl standing virtually on my shoes, chewing gum and trying to eavesdrop on our conversation.

‘Can we go somewhere quiet — it’s important.’

We left the queue and went outside where the sound dropped to a dull roar. We went over to the railings and we were finally alone enough for me to talk to Sheila.

‘He’s all over me like a rash!’ I said desperately.

‘What do you mean; he looked okay to me.’

‘His hands were all over me under the table. My God we had only just sat down; I thought he was a nice boy.’

‘He is; he’s just letting libido take over.’

‘What’s that, some sort of disease?’

‘No silly; like most men, his brain has direct access to what’s in his pants.’


‘So, he gets up close and personal to a gorgeous girl and his cock takes charge and starts telling his hands where to go and what to do.’

‘Men aren’t all like what you think they are.’

‘No, but Tim can see that there’s a chemistry there, his natural instinct takes over.’

‘Well, if that’s the case, I’m off men for good.’

‘You say that now, but can you tell me, hand on breast form that you don’t fancy him?’

‘That’s beside the point, I’m not that sort of girl, come to think of it, I’m not any sort of girl.’

‘Well you want to be.’

‘I think so, but I want to take my time to decide. I still like girls, you know.’

‘So your bi, it doesn’t matter whether you are a boy or girl; that’s not the issue.’

‘I’m confused. I like Tim but if I can’t let him have his evil way, I will loose him before I really get to know him.’

‘Well, just tell him that he is going too fast.’

‘And if he won’t accept that?’

‘Tell him that you’re on.’

‘On what?’

‘Time of the month, curse…do I have to spell it out? Okay I do; tell him that you have started your period.’


‘Not for nearly half the world’s population who have deal with it for a lot of their lives.’

‘Not me!’

‘That’s where the nearly comes in. One of the advantages you have over other women is you don’t have to go through the inconvenience, mess, mood swings and other lovely things. Mind you with hormone pills, you will it least get some of the things we get.’

‘Sounds like fun…not!’

‘You said it. Now lets get back in there and as soon as we sit down, whisper in his ear why your nether regions are off limits.’

‘Yes, Auntie…and thanks.’

‘If you call me Auntie one more time…’

‘Okay mum.’

I squealed quite girlishly as I ran back into the heaving throb that was the disco, with Sheila following swiftly behind. I still don’t know how she could run, let alone walk in that leather gear, she did kind of squeak like a rusty hinge, perhaps I should suggest oiling her…then again, perhaps not.

We arrived back at the table; the boys looked a bit deflated, no doubt a bit hung up with waiting for us. Miraculously, more drinks had been provided and I had a swift couple of gulps of cider in preparation for my continued wrestling match with Octopus Man.

I could see in the corner of my eye that Sheila wasted no time in continuing where she left off with Jake. I remember seeing a program once about a praying mantis and what the female did to the male mid stream as it were. There were definite similarities. Jake thought he was running the show and was going to get a bit of a surprise at some stage.
Meanwhile, Tim tried to regain the initiative by simultaneously giving me a tonguey thingy down my throat with some more of the wondering hand treatment.

I stopped him delicately by thumping him in the chest, and when he went ‘oof.’ I whispered in his ear that I was on and I was quite messy down there, his hand removed itself as if it had been bitten by a nasty snake form Australia.

“My goodness,” I thought, “it works; strike one for the ladies team!”

Things settled down a bit after that and Tim returned to being nice and sweet rather than a pale imitation of Neanderthal Man.

We left Sheila and Jake to themselves. I don’t know what they were up to, but involved a lot of heavy breathing and moaning.

We went on the dance floor and erm…danced. The place was packed and we kept on being bashed against by John Travolta wannabees. I had my bottom pinched, again and again and promised myself that next time, I would carry some protection, like bullet proof panties.

We gyrated to the music and I was having a good time as the lights showed up Tim’s nipples clearly through his thin shirt. I could have told him, but somehow I held my tongue.

Eventually, there were some slow dances and it was nice being close to Tim and feeling him as he felt me. He kept well clear of ‘that zone’ and I was grateful for that, it didn’t stop him from feeling up my bottom and false titties though, and I more than once got a bit worried and prayed that they would stay securely anchored in my bra. It must have been okay, cos he didn’t mention it. It stands to reason that anyone with an ounce of sense would notice if you had a tittie that was disengaged from your body and I was so glad that it didn’t happen.

All good things pass, and eventually, we were dancing the last waltz along with about fifty other couples on the crowded dance floor. By now my lips and tongue were a bit numb and my lipstick was a thing of the past. It had been a nice evening and it confirmed that I had the hots for Tim. The fact that I still had male equipment, dented my happiness, but based on my experience tonight, I was almost convinced that I should go and get myself ‘done,’ and make myself a real woman. I was still a bit sketchy about how it could be done, but I was sure that I would find a way, even if it meant going to Bangkok or somewhere.

Sheila and Jake had disappeared some time ago and I could only imagine what Sheila was doing to the poor unsuspecting man.

We left the disco as the last tune was being played and walked the decks. The stars shone brightly and there was a slight breeze coming off the sea. The moon was high in the sky and I was feeling ever so romantic as we walked hand in hand in the moonlight. We passed several groping couples, but played little attention as we were in our own little world.

Time passed and finally, I had to give in to tiredness. Tim was the perfect gentleman…well he had to be, as I was…erm…indisposed in the um…nookie department.

He said goodnight outside my cabin and after several minutes intense lip massaging, he reluctantly let me go, promising to see me the very next morning.

I went into my cabin, humming the last waltz. Sheila had obviously gone with Jake to do what she had to do, so I was quite alone. I went into the bathroom and went to the toilet. I yawned and realised how tired I really was. I looked at my face and realised that it would take several minutes to clean off my makeup and to be honest, I couldn’t be bothered. I yawned again and then left the bathroom and went into my bedroom. I couldn’t wait to go to bed. The light was off, so I searched about and found the light switch. I blinked at the sudden brightness and then screamed as I saw a naked man on my bed with a rose in his teeth…

To be continued...

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