Caught In the Act – 3 Where from Here?

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Caught In the Act – 3
Where from Here?

By Jessica C

Home alone sick, Jeff thought it safe to get into his sister’s stuff…
Rachel's home early catches Jeff in her clothes and makeup…
Instead of angry, Rachel helps her brother to look better as a girl…
Getting caught can sometimes be the best thing that happened.


Rachel was delighted as we rode home that she could talk about Cinderella in a civil discussion with her little sister. She said, “Quit pretending and tell me honestly what you thought as Jessie?”

I said, “I’m willing to talk, but I would like to hear what you liked about it first.”

Rachel said, “First of all, I was thankful I had a sister to take with me. It's fun having a sister, I could look over and see you enjoying the movie. I remember growing up and Mom and I seeing the original on together. And since then, I’ve enjoyed the remakes and pretending. When I was five and you were just a baby, I was Cinderella for Halloween. I am so glad they made this movie and we saw it together.”

I said, “I can’t believe I enjoyed it as much as I did. I think being dressed up helped in imagining the story. I got caught up in the feelings she must have been having. I think I would have liked it as Jeff, just not in the same way. You're like the fairy godmother for me.” The thought came to my mind, “Are you going to tell Mom what I say or how much I liked the movie?”

Rachel slowed the car, “No, tonight was between you and me. Mom might enjoy what you have to say, but that is for you to tell her or not.”

I said, “Can you believe a girl’s waist can be that small and she can be that beautiful. I know it’s a movie, but it wasn’t animated. She looked awesome, I mean beautiful. I could only imagine how that must feel to be beautiful like her or you.”

Rachel said, “Yes she did. Would you have noticed that before this week?” I admitted, "Not likely, not like I did tonight."

We were home too soon for me; I was worried about seeing Mom and being questioned. I was again feeling guilty about being dressed as a girl. It was close to midnight.

Mom was still up reading a book and Dad was in their room watching TV or sleeping. Mom suggested, “Jessie, why don’t you get upstairs and start taking a shower. I will be up in a little while to make sure you’ve gotten all your makeup off. You can wear your nightgown and stay in Jessie mode until morning.”

I was relieved to get away, though I was half worried that Rachel would tell on me when I went upstairs. It was neat to be able to undress and take care of my dress and clothes without any attention or teasing. I was in the shower partly dreaming about ending the day still as a girl. I use a mirror to make sure I got off all the makeup.

I had pat dried myself off pretty well and wrapped a towel around me to go back to my room. Mom was coming up the stairs as I hurriedly slipped into my bedroom. She said, “I can see by the way you wrapped the towel around you that your mind is still in girl mode. When you have on your nightshirt please let me know so I can come in to visit.”

It was a couple of minutes before I was dried enough that I was at ease in putting on the nightgown. Somehow the satin felt especially nice tonight. “I’m ready Mom.” She was soon in the room with a hairbrush in her hand. I sat next to her hoping she was wanting to brush out my hair.

She said, “Even Jeff should make sure he brushes out his hair while it is still damp so it dries properly. It helps to first comb it keeping tangles out and messy hair down to a minimum.” It seemed so easy for her to brush it out. I liked my hair long. Like Jeff, I worried about continuing to have it. Brushing this much makes my hair look too nice to be a guy’s head of hair. I wish I was more comfortable with what I like and not worry about others.

Mom and I talked a little, “So do you think Tiffany's sister Susan had any clue that you were anything but another girl?”

I said, “Didn’t Rachel tell you; Susan remembered Rachel didn’t have a little sister. She stunned me, by saying I made a pretty girl. She said it was kind of weird and yet it made sense that boys might be interested in how pretty girls' stuff felt and looked at them. She had fun teasing me and trying to get me to say I thought her boyfriend was hot.”

“So she showed you a picture, do you think he or other boys are hot?”

“Mom yuck, why would you ask something silly like that too?”

Mom says, “I guess since you make such a pretty girl and you even can sound like one, it makes one curious?”

I quickly say, “Mom, you’re not thinking I'd like boys do you?”

Mom changed the subject and talked about the movie. “Rachel wouldn’t say anything when I asked if you might have imagined yourself in 'Cinderella’s shoes.”

“That’s because of our conversation. She said what I told you was up to me. I’m not a girl, I want to make that very clear. I was just pretending to be a girl, I enjoyed the movie as Jessie in a different way from Jeff. I could see how Cinderella would be taken with Prince Charming loving her. From a girl’s point of view, he was way more handsome than Susan’s boyfriend or Adam.”


Mom said, “The reason I came up here in addition to saying goodnight, was to talk about something Grandma said about you seeing a counselor. You, Dad, and I had already talked about it. Yesterday I called around and found a woman psychiatrist who has worked with people with gender issues.”

I interrupted, “Mom, I don’t have a problem. It is nothing I can’t handle.”

She said, “Then you shouldn't have a problem seeing her. If that’s the case, it should be one time and done. This is the third time this week you’ve dressed and enjoyed yourself as a girl. I have made an appointment for you for a week from Tuesday.”

“Mom, do you think I’m gay or something? I don’t have a problem.”

Mom hugged me, “No, I don’t think you’re gay, it’s the or something I want to check about. I don’t think dealing with things is a problem.” Mom went on to say, “I’m not saying you can’t dress up as Jessie, but unlike Thursday you need to be upfront about dressing up as Jessie. If you dress up again we will sit down and talk about things.”

I said, “Mom, I’m not going to dress as a girl again and I don’t want to talk about it because I don’t have anything to say. I’ll see this doctor, what’s her name, and that will be it. Then it will all be finished.”

Mom calmly stayed with me, “Her name is Dr. Elizabeth Hunt. Jeff, this is not like you. We have gone the extra mile the past week. I’m seeking to be here for you and help you. Please just relax, if you like being a girl, it wouldn’t be the end of the world. If you haven’t noticed your sister, I and half the world are female.”

I realized I had become agitated for reasons I did not understand. “Sorry Mom, I’d just like to end tonight as I am. Tomorrow things can return to normal.”


I woke up in the morning; Mom and Rachel were going to church and wanted the rest of us to go with them. I said yes and was going to go, but my hair wanted to keep its feminine curls. “Mom, I’ve changed my mind, I’m staying home.”

Rachel came to see what my problem was and I pointed to my hair. She said, “How about I show you how to achieve a tousled look?” She used just a small amount of body stuff, blew my hair, and then had me run my hands through my hair, throwing it in different directions as I shook my head the desired look was reached.

Instead of church, the three of us went to get breakfast and then for a walk at nearby a wildlife park. It was a relaxing time. I guess we all needed it. I was the one who took the conversation to be about me being a girl. “I want to thank you two. I had a fun week. I learned there’s a lot more work to being a girl than I ever thought. I’m sorry Mom, but I didn’t even realize how pretty you are. People say it often, but I just thought of you as my mom and didn’t notice. It was kind of the same with Rachel. Though I knew she was attractive.”

They giggle and asked me to talk. “Well, it was like after she caught me and helped me to dress and look like a pretty girl. I realized she was way more beautiful. I loved looking at her as she helped me. I don’t remember considering that stuff before. You both taught me being a woman is more than surface beauty and is more than clothes and makeup. When you realized I was an airhead, you didn’t laugh at me, you helped me to learn by experiencing things.”

“Partly, I felt guilty and weird for liking it. But to see my nails shaped and painted and to look and see myself in the mirror made a person feel good. I didn’t mean for you to think I’m a girl. I’m not sure why I dressed up on Thursday. I guess I wanted to make sure that come last night, I could look like a girl again or I wasn’t going out.”

Mom and Rachel both said how they enjoyed their time with Jessie. Rachel said, “Somehow, even on that first Tuesday, Jessie picked up a voice. It was something how you could carry a conversation like a girl. It was like you have a gentle side yet something more. I enjoyed having a sister. You were able to relax in my room and last night you carried a conversation with Susan.”

I said, “I had to, I didn’t want to be discovered by those around us. I was surprised at how well you had taught me not only about clothes and makeup, but acting like a girl. When I went to the girls’ room it was like I heard your voice telling me what to do. I appreciated that.” I giggle, “I can’t think, I’ll be able to use that ever again.”

Rachel asks, “You don’t think you’ll want to do that again? You have two outfits you can wear, even a pretty nightgown.”

I said, “Even if I would get the urge; I don’t think I’d want the hassle. You've enjoyed each of the times I became Jessie.”

I changed the subject. “We should be talking about you, graduation, your prom, and college. I know you’re accepted to State University, but I can’t remember if that’s where you’re going or what you want to study?”


The days passed with only a small growing distraction until I caught up with Margaret walking home from school. “So how is it going for you to be back to normal Jeff? I miss Jessie.”

I paused long and hard about what to say. Margaret spoke again, “You miss it don’t you?”

I said, “It’s not like that. I’d get hassled if I even thought of dressing up again.”

Margaret stops walking and looks at my face to face. “You enjoyed it and you can’t tell me with a straight face that you wouldn’t enjoy doing it again.’ She paused, “ What if I had an idea for us to go shopping Saturday and no one would need to know? You could go shopping with me.”

“If I did anything with you, my Mom and Rachel would both suspect something. Whatever you’re thinking it won’t work.”

Margaret says, “But you’d like to if others didn’t know. You know you could say you’re going over Troy’s or another friend, put your clothes in your backpack. Then on Saturday, you can walk down the street like you’re walking to their house. Then you'd sneak back to our house from the other direction. Mom would give us a ride up to the Blue Star Shopping Center. We could use one of the family courtesy rooms for you to change. We would enjoy the day, change back, and come home by bus. I've done it with friends before. You wouldn't have to buy anything but we could have a lot of fun.”

I say, “It sounds like fun but." I can't believe I just said that "No!”

Margaret says, “Try setting it up with one of your friends. If it works out great, if not, you tried and no harm. It’s just I have it in my head that it would be fun to go shopping with Jessie. That she and I could be friends and that I could help her, one time. My boyfriend Jack is away this weekend so it would be an ideal time for us to have a girls' time together.”

I was studying that night when I decided to call Troy. I called and his mother answered. “Mrs. Hampton is Troy there; I was wanting to see about getting together this Saturday.”

His mother said, “No, he’s out just now and won’t be back until late. But I can tell you it won’t work for this Saturday. His team has an indoor track meet and he’ll be gone all day.”

'Hmm, the excuse of being with Troy would work, even Troy wouldn’t need to know.'

I call downstairs, “Mom and Dad would it be okay if I bummed around with Troy this Saturday?”

It was a short while later I called Margaret, “I shouldn't be doing this but it will work if you are still open to me shopping with you.”

Margaret’s voice was pure joy. She was quickly busy giving me some instructions. “Plan to wear your skirt/blouse outfit.” She instructed me on how to pack it to reduce any wrinkles. “I’d suggest you wear your bra with a heavy sweatshirt over it. You can also wear a panty and pantyhose under your jeans, no one will know. Remember to pack your flats and a small purse with your makeup, brush, tissue, and stuff. We can talk Friday to make sure everything is good for Saturday.”

Mom checked my closet for my girl's clothes on Thursday. I was there and asked, “Mom is it okay if I moved them to the back of the closet. Sometimes if Troy, Max, or the other guys would come over I don’t want them seeing girl clothes hanging in my closet.”

Mom said, “You’re always going over to their houses; they never come here. But I can appreciate what you’re saying and that would be fine.” That night I begin to dream of going shopping and how much fun we could have. I dream about being a real girl and Margret accepting me as her best friend. I know Margaret will want to give me extra attention. I find that I’m excited just thinking about her fussing over me.


I have fun getting my clothes and makeup ready without anyone knowing. Jessie likes the idea of being a sneaky girl.

I put on Margaret’s necklace Saturday morning but made sure it couldn’t be seen under my sweatshirt. The same was true with my bra. I like that my panties were a pretty pastel pink and the pantyhose was nude. I enjoyed how they feel in addition to making sure no one could tell I was wearing them. My boy parts were tucked and out of sight. I had packed my purse and the extras Friday night and waited until Saturday morning to gently fold and pack my skirt and blouse. I was hoping my mother and sister would think I was excited about doing things as a boy.

I was up without any fuss in the morning. I made my bed, ate breakfast, and was ready to leave the house by 9:00 a.m. As I was ready to leave Mom said, “Come here, I need to check some things.”

I walk over to her afraid about what she’s going to do or say. She teased me by putting her hand on my forehead to feel if I was sick with a temperature. “Jeff are you sure you're feeling alright, I see your bed is made and you’ve done everything you should. It’s like a little of Jessie has rubbed off on you. I’m glad I don’t see even a hint of makeup. You’re going to be at Hampton's right? You have your phone on you. Do you have any money or do you need any?”

“I have five or ten dollars Mom, but I don’t think I’d need any more.” Mom grabs her purse and hands me another fifteen dollars, “Here take this and if you would need it, you have your card for emergencies. Behave and have a good time.”


I breathed a sigh of relief as I left the house and walked past Margaret’s house and down to the end of the block. I watched my house as I made my way cautiously back to Margaret’s and went up to their door on the side away from our house.

Margaret had us wait in the house until her mother had the car running and was ready to take us to the shopping center. Their driveway is on the other side of the house. Her mother said, “You know Jeffery you’re going to make some girl very happy, most boys don’t like going shopping. Margaret has a hard time even talking with her boyfriend Jack about shopping with her. Are you sure you won’t get bored?”

I say, “I’m enjoying our being close friends again. Even if she would get carried away in trying outfits, I think she’s too pretty for it to get boring.” Margaret’s mother laughs. We are dropped off at Kohls on the east end of the shopping center. I’m nervous as Margaret has spilled water on the front of my clothes to give us a reason for using the restroom. She pulls me into the empty family restroom. A few people passing by giggled as she does so.

It is five quick minutes for me to change out of Jeff’s clothes and begin dressing. Margaret hands me my ruffled skirt and satin print blouse. She already stuffed a pair of her socks in each cup of my bra. To save time she did my makeup. She got a lot of satisfaction in doing my make-up. She brushed and tussled my hair but this time it looked very feminine.

Margaret stepped out of the restroom and made sure no one was watching us when I came out. We were at Abercrombie's when Margaret insisted I try on two pairs of designer skinny jeans. She came in as I changed into the first pair. I was afraid I would rip the jeans or that my boy parts would show.

Neither happened, instead, I felt I looked like I had been poured into the jeans. She had me push my boy parts up and away and tuck tightly back my penis. When I stepped out and in front of a mirror I could have died seeing the foxy girl in the mirror. The patterns of the stitching made my legs look sleek and gave curves to my hips which was helpful. If I had the sixty dollars I would gladly have bought them. The second pair was rose pink. I would never have believed I would be wearing such a girly pair of jeans, but I loved them. It was two stores later I bought a pretty camisole. It would hardly take any room in my backpack. 'Congratulations Jessie, it’s a successful girl’s time out shopping.'

Halfway through the shopping center, we picked up four boys following us. They would talk to us and follow us to store after store often staying outside. Mostly they were interested in Margaret, but after the third store window we shopped at, Chuck began to talk and take interest in me. Since it couldn’t mount to anything I thought it was cute and talked with him. It was 3:00 in the afternoon and we were at Macy’s cosmetic area. Then the boys started to ask us out and got upset when we said ‘No’. Margaret grabbed my hand and dragged me over to the intimate apparel area. The boys came as close as they dared to and were insisting we allow them to at least drive us home.


There was a woman thirty-something ready to pay for some things she was buying. Margaret asks her, “Excuse us, but we need a little help” looking back in the direction of the boys, “would you mind if we adopted you as our aunt until those boys get the message, we’re with you and they leave us alone?”

She smiled, “I’m your Aunt Beth if case you need to know and I’d be happy if you two would be my nieces for the afternoon. Some boys can be slow in taking a hint, can’t they? Now you girls wouldn’t have heated the situation by taking interest in them earlier.”

I said, “Well, I talked with Chuck some. He’s cute, he’s the one with curly sandy blond hair, but mostly they liked Margaret because she’s so pretty.”

The woman introduces herself, “I’m Beth Hunt. Would you please let me know the names of my two nieces?”

I recognized the name, “You’re not Dr. Elizabeth Hunt are you?”

She said, “Yes, I am, should I know you?”

I confess, “I’m going to be a new client of yours on Tuesday, but I'm embarrassed to say I won’t be looking like this.”

Dr. Elizabeth is quietly muttering to herself, “I see and I understand.” She says, "I only have one new client early in the week. Let me pay for this and then we can shop together until you’re ready to leave.”

Beth says, “You present yourself well Jessie; did Margaret or anyone at home help you?”

Margaret was happy to tell her, “I helped with her makeup to save time, but she’s learning.”

Beth asks, “So how did you get started dressing as a girl?”

“He’ll tell you, it’s just been a couple of weeks, but his sister Rachel says it’s been longer.” I am surprised by what she said. I can’t look up at this point as I’m not sure what to say. “He’s been a girl a couple of times at Halloween, but I don’t think that is what she was talking about.”

Beth stops as we’re walking, “How many of your friends beside Margaret know you like dressing in girls’ clothes?” She pauses and asks Margaret, “Let Jessie be talking for herself.”

I say, “Margaret’s the only one, and she accidentally found out.” Margaret was too anxious to keep quiet, “She might not be a friend, but a girl named Susan found out he was a girl. When they went to see Cinderella last Saturday. Her sister is a good friend of Rachel’s and they both took their little sisters to see the new movie.”

Margaret looked at the time and said, “Jessie’s going to need to change so we can catch the 4:00 bus home.”

Beth said, “I’ll take you home. I’ve seen some boys looking at you and I want to make sure you get home safely.”

I kind of panic, “No, I need to change. We’ll be safe, I can’t go home like this.”

Beth says, “You’re a minor and I need your parents to know that I’ve seen you, my client, in public. I could be in trouble otherwise, I hope you don’t want that. Do either of you need to get anything before we go?” I’m ready to cry and I don’t want to move.

“Jesse, if I recall right, your Mom called and your Dad knows and they’re both being supportive. I suspect you were told not to dress up as Jesse and that is what is making you afraid. Am I right?”

“When I left the house I was in my regular clothes as Jeff, my parents are going to be very upset.” My phone rings and I can tell it is my Mom calling.

“Hi, Mom.”

“…You’re not at Troy’s where are you? I called Troy’s house expecting to find you there, but Mrs. Hampton said Troy wasn’t at home and that you knew that days ago. I see your other outfit is gone so I expect you’re Jessie. I’m surprised you went out as Jessie, who are you with?”

“I’m sorry Mom but Margaret asked me to go shopping with her as Jessie. I didn’t mean to hurt anyone.”

Beth said, “Let me talk with your mother please.”

“Mom, Dr. Hunt wants to talk to you.”

“Hello, Mrs. Preston, I bumped into Jessie while she was shopping and she already knew me. That is how I found out who she is. …If it is alright, I’d like to give the two of them a ride home so I can visit you and Jessie. …Yes, it would be good to speak with your husband as well.”

“Thanks, it’s good to know where you live, I guess it could be twenty to thirty minutes to get there. We’ll see you then.”


Dr. Hunt had us sit in the back seats and we gave directions the closer we got to home. She gave Margaret the option to go home or stop at my house first. Margaret chose to go home.

We parked in the driveway and went to the front door. I was praying no one saw us. Several cars passed, but I didn’t look to see if they noticed. Mom greeted us at the door and Dad got up from his chair to greet Dr. Hunt. Mom offered her chair to Dr. Hunt and she sat with me on the couch.

Dr. Hunt spoke up, “They approached me at Macy’s because some boys were taking too much interest in the pretty girls. I quickly became Aunt Beth. When Jessie heard I was Beth Hunt she put two and two together and asked if I knew Dr. Elizabeth Hunt. Soon after that, she confessed to being my new client for Tuesday; who happened to be a boy. Things unraveled from there and that was when you called looking for her/him. I thought it best to make sure things were out in the open.”

My Dad asks, “Is it normal for a boy like him to lie and deceive his parents? Saying one thing and doing another. I’m getting tired of this. This is a change from how he usually acts.”

Dr. Beth says, “I can’t answer for him, but some like him have so much trouble in dealing with themselves. They can say yes or promise something planning to do as they promise. Not keeping their word is often a sign of how strong their compulsion is. He may even tell himself he doesn’t want to be a girl, but the desire at any time can be so strong as to cause an unbearable conflict .”

I was too nervous to have heard and comprehended much of what the others just said. “I don’t know why I was doing well. Then Margaret asked me to go shopping. I said it wouldn’t work. But when Troy wasn’t going to be home, I thought it wouldn’t hurt anyone. Somehow I just wanted one more experience as Jessie.”

“I lied when I let you believe it just started two weeks ago. It started when I couldn’t sleep in Rachel’s room because she was growing up. First I just wanted her blanket or a doll or stuffed animal.”

It was as I wasn't talking, I realized everyone was listening to me. I panicked and I went running out of the room, but Rachel was there. She caught me and hugged me. “Stop running away, you’re not in trouble like you imagine.” She walked me back to the living room.

Dr. Hunt introduced herself, “Are you Rachel, Jesse’s big sister?” Once introductions are over she asks, “Rachel would you please go up with him to his room or take him to your room and stay with Jess. She can stay as she is or change her clothes. I’d like to talk to your parents for a short time if that is okay.”

It was close to a half-hour before I was invited back to meet with them. Dad speaks, “We’ve agreed with Dr. Hunt to allow you to dress as Jessie on Thursdays after school and Saturdays. You’ll meet with Dr. Elizabeth on Tuesdays for as many weeks as helpful. How does that sound to you?”

Jessie said, “Mom and Dad, my word hasn’t been very good. If Dr. Beth wasn’t the person I ran into, I’d probably still deny I have issues. I’m not saying I want to dress as Jessie but I can’t honestly say…” I began to cry, turning to hug Rachel the tears flow out.

Rachel pats me on the back and whispers for me, “Let the tears come, Jesse/Jeff, it is okay to cry.” She pauses and then asks, “Do you have mascara on? I’m wearing a good top.” I begin to giggle and it causes me to lose control and I start crying.


Dr. Hunt was leaving as Rob came home. Upon seeing me and looking back at the woman leaving, he said, “Did Jessie get caught again doing something? I thought you called me home because we’re going out to eat with Grandma and Granddad again.”

Mom says, “O gracious, we lost track of time. Rachel, do you have a light coat Jessie can use?”

I say, “Mom, I can’t go like this. It will be too embarrassing if Grandma sees me dressed like this.”

Dad interrupts, “You’re the one who dressed up as Jessie. She did tell you and your mother that she wanted to talk to you sometime. I guess this is it.”

I was ready to throw a fit, but now Mom interrupted me, “If you try to throw a tantrum, I will take you to my room and show you how I deal with spoiled little girls. Do you want to try me? Now let your sister help fix your makeup so we can go soon.”

I guessed Mom text, Grandma, as we went to a Chinese restaurant which meant Granddad wasn’t along. He doesn’t like Chinese and we go there when Grandma wants to meet without him. Grandma greets me and took my hand to make sure I sat with her. “It was a surprise to see you so soon Jessie. …I must say you make a prettier granddaughter than I imagined you would. Is that part of the fascination of being a girl?”

Mom spoke up, “Mother, you might be pleased to know that I already have an appointment for Jessie with a specialist. Jessie inadvertently met her today when she snuck out of the house to go shopping. It seems the doctor got a firsthand opportunity to meet our would-be daughter.”

The rest of the dinner went well except for Grandma asking Rachel to take me to the women’s restroom. It didn't make me nervous to be in the women’s room, just embarrassed that Grandma knew I was there.

Our trip to take Grandma home was side-tracked to a department store where Grandma bought each of her granddaughters a new outfit for going with her to her church in the morning. The new outfit was an added incentive for Rachel. I wasn't pleased which set off Grandma’s stubborn side.

Grandma picked out a red print skirt which I balked at; she then picked out a cute pink skirt but it was noticeably shorter. It was not short, short but the hem would be above my knees. I once again said no, but this time Grandma said, “I wasn’t asking and if you hesitate in trying it on for me; the next one will be even shorter.”

I took the skirt and headed to the women’s changing rooms. Mom handed me an off-blue camisole with a white knit pullover top. I walked to the changing rooms with Rachel, and Rachel said, “You’re lucky they’re buying you something attractive. It could have been something intended to embarrass you.” Rachel needed to remind me she would be able to see through the knit top to see the cami. It was the layered look that was then in fashion.

I called over to my sister in the changing rooms, “Rachel would it be okay if I told them it fits and I like the outfit? I am not comfortable wearing it to show Grandma, especially with Dad and Rob there”

Rachel said, “You already know that will not suffice with Grandma. Seemingly Dad and Rob need to get comfortable with seeing you. Does it seem strange Jeff to hear people saying ‘you are cute or pretty? …Wait for me and we’ll go show our outfits together. I bet you never expected your sister to suggest that?

It was fun to do it together. Dad said, “I can’t believe you’re showing yourself in public like that?” Mom elbowed him in the ribs.

Rachel got Dad off balance by saying, “Dad, I think her outfit is quite nice and you’re just an old fuddy-duddy.”

Dad said, “I didn’t mean to hurt her…”

Mom elbowed Dad again and Rachel interrupted him, “Well you might not have intended to hurt feelings, but you did? You always favor something else.” A woman was walking by and Rachel asked her, “Would you give me your opinion? Do you think these outfits are nice enough to wear to church tomorrow with our Grandmother?”

The woman looked sternly at Dad and said, “The outfits are very nice and your father should be proud of both of his daughters and how they look!”

Rachel turned to Dad and said, “Are you satisfied now with how we look?”

Grandma said, “The two of you look very nice, but I have a cosmetician staying for us. I asked her to give Jessie a quick makeover so I can buy a few essentials for her. That is if your father doesn’t object.”

Dad didn’t dare, Jeff wanted to object, but Jessie was excited about getting some of her makeup…

To be continued…

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