Timeout 2- Pause/Record/Fast-forward - Chapter 2


Another BigCloset TopShelf story.

Joanie meets one of the nice gals from Administration for dinner, learns of a serious pitfall of telepathy/empathy first-hand, and meets another girl who is just like the first and loves motorcycles.

Andy Warhol said,"In the future, everyone will be famous for 15 minutes." What if your 15 minutes came late in life, and fame decided to never let you go? Could you survive the circus your life would become?


Timeout 2-Pause/Record/Fast-forward: A Whateley Academy Fan fiction

This is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? To see the canon Whateley Stories, check out either Sapphire's Place,

(http://www.sapphireplace.com/stories/whateley.html) or the Big Closet (http://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/taxonomy/term/117)."

This is still sort of my first attempt a TG/sci-fi piece, thought I’m getting better, honest. Constructive criticism and advice is welcome. This is for fun and in appreciation of the wonderful Whateley Universe. Take it in that spirit. Any violations of copyright, trade mark or use of real people or incidents is for purposes of humor or parody, which saves my butt. I love the fair use doctrine. All rights reserved in perpetuity, John from Wauwatosa WI, 2005-2006. See my agents Bill & Ted of San Dimus CA. If their phone booth is bad you should see the blue one I tried in England. I thought I’d never get home. Belonged to this doctor, who I’m not sure.

Adult content warning: bits of this chapter are racy and deal with adult sexual topics, but if you’re at this site you know to expect this at times. So don’t have a snit — whatever that is. As to whether Joanie’s an adult... ?

Timeout 2

By John from Wauwatosa

Chapter 2-Twins

April 13, 2006 Whateley Academy, 6:00pm EDT

Tomorrow I meet the department heads I will work with, and the Meridian endowment will be announced officially. That should be fun; Ms. Hartford’s reaction will be worth the cost of admission. As to that, if you assume a flat ten percent per year yield on the endowment, each day at Whateley is costing me 68493 dollars plus change. That’s not considering the present value of the 250 million they get control of in ten years -- once a banker, always a banker. To calculate it, you need integral calculus -- I guess math has its uses.

I hoped for the in-depth tour tomorrow, but that will probably wait until my third day, the medical and lab people heard I’m here, and they’re salivating or so I’m informed. How did the rest of day one go? After leaving the Chief, I went to dinner and met...

* * * *

Back at Poe I rinsed my mouth and sipped a lemon-lime soda to settle my stomach. I got more wolf whistles to and from the shower, and on my end of the floor they’re mostly girls. I’d not unpacked my bathrobe, so I walked the corridor in a towel, beach shoes and nothing else. After my long, intimate shower I changed into casual clothes, boot cut jeans, preppy blouse, a turtleneck and walkers.

~I feel better. Hope they didn’t hear me in the shower; I was, um, vocal. ~

I put on my bomber, tampons and panty liners in the pockets completed my ensemble. Sorry diary/journal/whatever, being silly today, but where else was I gonna put them? I’m not big on purses; it’s either a leftover from being male, or I haven’t found any to match my outfits. Got you, reader, you believed that? I do have quite a few purses in fact; I just haven’t had much need for them yet. Oh, I don’t count shoulder bags and fanny packs as purses; I do use those at times.

I wandered campus for a while, then was off to the Crystal Hall for supper. I was getting my food when I noticed the cute Latina from administration. I paid, then walked to her table. She looked to be 18 to 22 and could be a close relative of J Lo.

“Remember me from this morning, mind if we talk?”

“Oh, sure, Joanie, have a seat. The word’s getting around we have a celebrity in house,” the lovely brunette’s smile was infectious.

I smiled back feeling wonderful.

“Like I said this morning, flavor of the month, and I suspect my reputation will be more the infamous kind after my run in with the Omegas.”

“So you’re the girl who stripped them naked, tied them up and burnt their clothes?” she sounded impressed.

“They still had their underwear on, and I only burned their shoes and coats. They threw a fireball at me because I wouldn’t leave their bench. Does this sort of gang nonsense go on all the time?” I said as I watched her tan, firm breasts rise and fall. I felt warm and slipped off my turtleneck.

“’Fraid so, Joanie; usually it’s no worse than your typical high school except where mutant powers are involved , it can get dangerous.”

“They’re gonna pick on me everyday?”

~Is Whateley not what I’ve been led to believe? ~

I was concerned but the vision’s word soon soothed me.

“You’ll be okay. Your reputation took a sizeable boost from besting the Omegas; they’re not well liked, petty thugs. You’ll get respect from most campus cliques from how you handled them.” She licked her luscious, pouty lips

~Ooooh, tasty. Ummm? ~

“If you have the time, I could use some FYI.”

She looked so attractive in a wholesome centerfold-girl-next-door way, but her intense eyes projected raw animal lust.

~Ghod I want her. Wait, I don’t usually feel this way, well not so intensely. Is it her or my cycle? But Ghod she’s beautiful. ~

A wave of desire hit me. As she described the various campus groups and what to look out for, I realized I didn’t know this Goddess’s name. I also realized something very strange was going on as the close proximity of this magnificent young woman had me on the edge of orgasm; I fought to keep in control...

~Control yourself, Jo_o_o, oh … Too late, ooooooh! ~

People were staring at us, but we didn’t care.

~Damn my panty liner is soaked. ~

My supper companion looked, um... distracted too. I fought to maintain control.

“We’ve been talking for fifteen minutes, and I don’t know your name?”

She looked at me languidly, but she snapped out of it for a moment.

“Valentina Anderson, Tina for short. You’re wondering, Anderson, with my looks? Mom remarried, my late father’s name was Gomez.” ~You’re very beautiful, Joanie. ~

Tina was squirming in her seat; I was building to another climax...

~Ooooh she thinks I’m beautiful... Huh? ~

“That was odd, I heard you say I was beautiful, but you were eating at the time, ventriloquist?” Tina looked embarrassed and … aroused?

“Projecting empath/telepath, sometimes my thoughts and emotions leak out.”

“Um, are you attracted to me Tina, ‘cause something is making me very aroused, not that you’re not a pretty and desirable woman.”

Tina looked flushed and very uncomfortable.

“I’m so sorry, Joanie, I find you very attractive, and your life history makes you rather exotic. I only meant to lower your inhibitions so you could get to know me. I didn’t expect this.”

She looked around and discreetly opened a few buttons on her blouse and pulled down her bra exposing her flushed breasts and painfully swollen nipples. She covered up, I was speechless and turned on, those breasts deserved sonnets.

“This never happened before, it’s like I got some kind of positive feedback from you. The more desire I projected, the more I got back that increased my desire and... Forgive me; I would never force myself on you,” she said, and started crying; my arousal eased.

“It’s okay, Tina, I should be angry, but I’m not and don’t say it’s because of your gifts.” I smiled at the distraught girl.

“Bbbbut I shouldn’t have, it’s so wrong.” Tina was sobbing.

I moved next to her, took her in my arms, pulling her tight to me, her breasts cradled with mine. It felt good; I rubbed her back and tried to console her.

“Tina, dear, it’s not all your fault. What happened is probably due to me. I’ve felt aroused all day; I’m like this between ovulation and the start of my flow. I get it worse than most girls, much worse.”

“You’re not just saying this to make me feel better?” Her eyes were puffy and red.

“Tina, I ran into Chief Delarose after my trouble with the Omegas. I had just hurled my lunch, nerves I guess, Even feeling that awful I still nearly jumped his bones, though for an older guy he’s really built,” I said putting emphasis on “really”. I snickered, Tina giggled and stopped crying.

“What we gonna do, Joanie, I do want you to like me and maybe...?”

“We’ll see, Tina, I’m flattered. Let’s take it easy with the mind powers, okay? I know I had a weird effect on my fellow mutants back home one time. We suspected I might have empathic or telepathic talents but couldn’t reproduce it in the lab. My proven primary and secondary powers are warper class -- that’s how I stopped the Omega’s.”

She was calmer but hadn’t tried to pull away from me.

“Tina, as much as I am enjoying this, maybe we should go someplace less public for our cuddle secession.”

“Oh I’m sorry.” She sat up and moved away, then her eyes flashed. “Did you say we should go somewhere quieter?” Her face lit up and I smiled conspiratorially.

“I can’t promise anything as I don’t want to rush things, but I wouldn’t say no to a good gabfest, a little pampering and a damned good cuddle. How far it goes beyond that I can’t say,” I said sweetly.

“I’d like that very much but where?”

“I’m in temporary quarters in Poe; they evicted the third floor linens for me so that’s out, how about yours?”

“It’s near campus but I have a roomie,” Tina admitted.

“A him, or a her?”

“A her, about my age, to be honest exactly my age; she’s my twin.”

“Ttttwins! Be still my beating heart, my fantasy’s come true!”

I wasn’t totally faking it, but it was mostly an act. Tina looked puzzled and hurt.

“You want to do it with my sister and me?”

~This is bordering on cruel, time to fess up, Joanie. ~

“Isn’t that supposed to be a classic male sexual fantasy?” I giggled; she realized I was teasing.

“Kinda late for that now, Joanie,” she snickered and covered her mouth. I felt my breasts and crotch.

“When did this happen?”

We laughed so hard I cried and Tina’s nose ran. I almost fell out of my chair. Some of those eating near by were looking at us like we were more than a little strange, and that’s saying something at Whateley.

“Think your twin will mind if you bring a friend over, Tina?” I got up and offered her my hand.

So I used to be a guy -- habits are hard to break. I realized she was taller than I thought, a good five foot nine or ten; I’d only seen her sitting.

“You and Chris will get along fine, Joanie.”

“Chris as in Christina?” she nodded. “Then you’re identical twins, not fraternal?”

“Except we don’t dress alike -- Mom wasn’t in to that, thank God. We do have similar... tastes.”

~ Um. ~ I wondered.

“Similar preferences or you taste similar?” I subconsciously licked my lips.

~That was very naughty libido, but I’ll forgive you that one. ~

Tina just smiled back at me as she licked her lips.

~Oh my! ~

“Let’s get cleaned up and head over. You got transport, ‘cause all I’ve got is my bike?” I asked as we dumped our trash and returned our trays.

“I can see how two on a bike wouldn’t work. What you got a mountain bike?” Tina asked.

“A 1915 Harley-Davidson F-head twin cylinder with original factory racing team parts; it was my grandfather’s.”

“This is not a good idea,” Tina said shaking her head.

“Wha’d you mean?”

“Chrisy will have fit knowing my date has a Harley; she is so into motorcycles.”

~Ghods, she’s sexy cute even without the mind fuck. ~

“You think she’ll be jealous? I don’t want to cause trouble.”

“No, I think she’ll make a play for you. She’s totally bi; I’m more into girls but not exclusively.”

Her openness surprised me.

“Isn’t that a bit personal to tell someone you barely know?”

“I want to be open and above board with you especially after what I did back at Crystal Hall,” she said blushing slightly in the fading sunlight.

“That doesn’t answer how we get to your place?”

“The weather’s mild, we’ll walk. It’s only ten minutes away. It’s an old farmhouse just off campus. A professor and her husband own it and live downstairs,” Tina explained.

We walked at a good pace for several minutes.

“The Bellows, I forget what she does; he’s one of Whateley’s psychologists and a pretty nice guy once you know him.”

The campus walls of Whateley fell behind as we walked briskly.

“Um, Tina, Dr Bellows a psychiatrist? I feel I’m having a 60’s LSD flashback and I never did the stuff. That’s way too I Dream of Jeanie for me. Why do you think I picked Joanie instead of Jean for my new name; I used to be John.”

“Then you’re not gonna like their two cats, Tony and Rodger.”

“That’s sick! How many other 60’s sit-com themed households are there at Whateley?”

She made this silly grin.

“You were putting me on, huh?”

“Yah, but they do have a dog named Rodger who’s trained to sit at the command of... Healey,” we said simultaneously.

I was trying to get even with Tina when she spoke.

“Here we are, Joanie; we usually use the side door. Cum’on girl, it’s getting cold.”

We entered an immaculately restored 1880s farm house with wrap around porch and various well maintained out buildings. The house was your typical late Victorian, a hodgepodge of multiple remodels and additions which only added to its eclectic charm.

“Up here, Joanie.”

I followed Tina close behind up the stairs, I enjoyed the view immensely. Thank Ghod for my dirty mind. -- Giggle — She opened the door at the landing, and we entered.

“Chris I’m home, you decent? I’ve got a friend with me, come and meet her, ‘k?” Tina called out.

“Give me a minute, Sis, I was just changing.” said a disembodied, breathy voice nearly identical to Tina’s.

~She sounds like she’s just finished quite a work out. ~

“Care for a drink?”

I hesitated, this was a tricky area for me, but she was so sweet and beautiful that even with out the mind powers I was feeling a flush.

“Only if you are and then a small one, sometimes alcohol and I get on too well.”

“If you’d rather not dear,” Tina replied.

~The way she said dear, oooh. ~

“Makes no difference, today was stressful but arriving at Whateley and meeting you deserves a celebration. You could open a small bottle of wine, if we all share that should be okay.”

My old body tended towards binging, but my new body treated alcohol like most other drugs, it burnt it off so quickly there was little risk. I wasn’t going to let anyone know that yet, best to keep some secrets. Chris talked as she entered the room, she didn’t see me at first.

“Tina, who’d you drag home tonight, not that girl from maint... Holy shit, do you know who she is?”

~My, Chris is a dainty and refined thing. ~

“Yes I do, Christina”

~Must be what she calls her when she’s teasing ~

“I saw her first, no poaching,” Tina declared.

~Where did that come from out of such a sweet girl? ~

“Am I some game animal here, Tina, now really?” I pouted then spun towards Chris. “Hi I’m Joanie, do you usually greet strangers with your mouth open, drool running out one side?”

Tina was giggling enough for two but I joined in, followed by Chris.

After a bit I said. “I met Tina at administration this morning, then again at supper, and we hit it off, so here I am; any questions?”

“You’re her aren’t you, Joanie?” asked Chris.

“If you mean by ‘her’ the singing mutant from Wisconsin, guilty as charged, sorry but I do like Sideshow Bob.”

“Excellent,” Tina said fingertips together, head slightly bowed.

“I’m surrounded by Simpson’s fanatics, Aye Carumba!” Tina and I stared. “Someone had to say it, and you two were having all the fun. What brings a hot young singing sensation to Dunwich, New Hampshire? Tired of the jet-set already?” asked Chris.

“I see you two are gonna drive me crazy, a good kind of crazy.” I smiled, and we sat in their kitchen. “The performing is fun, and I needed the money, but I do not need more publicity. I’m torn about it, part of me loves it, and part of me fears it. I stand out enough as it is and I’ve already been kidnapped and assaulted.” They looked horrified. ”It wasn’t that kind of assault, but it hurt like hell when they tried to cripple me. Than Ghod this new body came with the super fast regen option, part of the convenience group I think.” They looked at me as if I was some space alien. “I don’t mean to sound flippant, but if I can’t poke fun at this it gets depressing. I prefer to look at the upside, there are several -- want to feel one?” I gave my left breast a gentle rub. “Oh that feels nice.”

“Joanie, you’re a loony,” Chris said.

“Yes, but I’m a natural one, I don’t use any chemicals.”

“Huh?” they both said.

“I’m paraphrasing Monty Python, learn your classics.”

“That still doesn’t tell us why you’re here?” Chris wondered.

“She’s a student and teacher at Whateley; Ms Carson told administration after Joanie left to check out the campus, though all those ID’s we made you were a bit of a tip off.”

“You seem a bit young to be a teacher,” Chris said.

“I suppose being nearly 49 seems young to some, but I had this bitch’n makeover last summer, and it did me a world of good.” I struggled to keep a straight face after that nonsense.

“So those press stories were true, I didn’t’ believe them, but Tina did. So you’re a teacher and student, won’t that be confusing?”

“It’s worse than that, I’ve asked and been accepted as an auxiliary security officer. Since my first teaching duties will be that of a substitute, the kids won’t know if I’m coming or going. I may work with maintenance on an as needed basis. I need experience in ever facet of life as a woman I can get; I’ve got almost 49 years to catch up on.”

“I didn’t know about the security duties, thought how you handled the Omegas proves you’re not just a pretty face.”

Tina moistened her lips and gave me a feral grin. I could see Chris seemed in a similar state.

“Please don’t do that, Tina, you’re getting me all you-know-what again, you’re very good at it,” I said.

“Was that what I think it was?” Chris asked, “If it was, can I join in?”

“Sis, I didn’t think you went in for threesomes? I’m surprised, but it’s okay with me if Joanie’s willing.”

Tina said as she slipped off her shoes, untucked her blouse and undid a few buttons. She could give concubines lesions in seduction. I felt my nipples straining the fabric of my bra and ~ooh ~, things were getting interesting down below.

“Chris, are you an empath/telepath like Tina because I’m getting the same feelings I got with Tina at dinner, but they’re slightly different, not that I mind.”

I started feeling real good again.

“You’re interested, Joanie?” asked Chris.

“You don’t need mental powers to see Joanie’s rosebuds are at full bloom and then some,” Tina said while pointing at my obvious pointers.

“Word of warning, go easy on the mental stuff. Tina tried it earlier, and things almost got out of hand.” Chris gave us a quizzical gaze.

“More than almost, if we hadn’t broken off, tongues, lips and other fun stuff would have come into play,” added Tina.

“And in the middle of a crowed cafeteria, it was like I had no control over my desire. My whole world centered on how beautiful Tina was and how aroused she made me,” I said while blushing slightly.

“I only sent out a mental tendril to see if Joanie had any interest in girls and me. I sent an empathic suggestion to help lower any inhibitions. Next thing I felt was a flood of desire and lust coming back that made my desire grow, and that must have fed back to Joanie and so on. It was some kind of psycho-sexual feedback loop.”

Chris’s eyes went wide at this.

“You couldn’t control it?”

“It was controlling us both; we barely were able to stop,” Tina said.

“When was this?” Chris asked insistently.

“Its 7:00 now, we got here just after 6:30, around 6:15 give or take five minutes,” Tina said.

“That’s why I was changing my clothes. I was taking it easy when I suddenly felt extremely aroused, and I had to pleasure myself, I couldn’t stop.” She was almost crying. “I thought I was going mad or someone was attacking me with mental powers.”

“You picked up on us at nearly a mile, that’s kewl,” Tina said.

“Kewl, what’s so kewl about that?” I asked.

“It means you must be like us, empathic/telepathic, possibly quite a strong one to have such range. You acted like a signal booster or repeater, to use radio/telephone jargon. That would explain the feedback and Chris picking up on it. Her brain is so like mine we operate on the same mental wavelength,” Tina said.

“So something like this has happened before but not so extreme?” I said grasping for the right words.

“You know how they say identical twins can sense each others feelings. We can do that and more but never at such a distance and so out of control. You need to get tested, girl,” Tina said to me, concern on her face. “I feel strongly attracted to you, Joanie, but scared. What if that feedback happens again, and we can’t break it. It could be dangerous; we might end up mindless animals or worse.”

“I agree; though once we have a better idea what’s going on, who knows? You are both very attractive, and I’d like be friends at least. I need friends badly.”

I felt bad at the realization all my close friends were out west, then it struck me. “That still doesn’t explain what’s so kewl, just because I may have some powers I didn’t know I had isn’t kewl. Wait, I suppose it could be.” I smiled when I realized what they’d said. “It means since I’m more like you two, that makes me more desirable long-term.”

~You want me as your lover, Tina? ~ I thought.

“Of course I want you...” Tina’s and Chris’s eyes went wide. Tina was excited. “Chris did you hear Joanie ask if I wanted to be her lover?”

“Yes and she didn’t speak, Joanie, you are a telepath and from what happened earlier a projecting empath. We just have to make you an honorary Anderson sister now.”

Chris licked her lips unconsciously. I was getting deliciously um... uncomfortable again.

~Ooooh yes, yes, yes! Meg Ryan, eat your heart out. ~

“Girls, who’s thinking of sex with me because what happened earlier is happening again, I’d better leave until we learn how to control this, okay?”

The urges eased but if this kept up I’d need a long time to cool down.

“It was me... You too... That was kewl, Sis,” they said in lockstep unison.

Tina spoke, “That hasn’t happened in years, Chris and I linked for a moment. It was like I was she and she was me and we were one big whole.”

“I have this desperate urge to sing, I am the Walrus, goob goob a choob. Sorry.”

“Thank you, Joanie,” Tina snickered. “I think you made it possible, girl; you were the server or hub in our personal network. Sorry for the geek talk, but it’s the first analogy I could think of. You need a ride back? It’s not safe out after dark.”

“I might get mugged or assaulted?” I asked, supprised.

“That’s true for young women anywhere; rape is always something to be aware of. It’s fairly safe here from crime but the winding, narrow old roads are dangerous at night. You could get hit by a truck. Chris can take you on her Kawasaki; it’s no Harley, but it will do.”

Tina grinned knowingly at Chris.

~My, what a tease, I like her. Insert sticking out mental tongue at sister; sorry make that her real tongue. My Ghod, she’s got a tongue like Red’s, ooh! Damn, I hope I packed those batteries, or my fingers will be cramped tonight. ~

“Harley, what’s this about a Harley?” Tina giggled, Chris had got the message. “Joanie has a Harley?” Tina nodded.

“You’re from Wisconsin, and you’ve got the bucks. What you got, girl, a Soft Tail or Road King?” Chris asked.

“I have a Soft Tail stored in Madison; the bike I have here is an F-head twin cylinder.”

“F-head, I’m embarrassed, but I’m not too familiar with older models, what year?”

“1915 with original factory racing team parts, it was my grandfather’s, and I last road it today,” I said and smiled; Chris turned to Tina and looked angry.

“Joanie has a running, vintage Harley, and you don’t tell me? I have no sister,” Chris snarled, then she bear-hugged Tina and kissed her. Chris broke the clinch and danced over to me. “Let’s got then; you show me your Harley, and I’ll let you have your wicked way with me, Motorcycle Mama.’ Chris got this predatory look on her.

“Sometime I think I’m just an entrée on the make out buffet, not that I’m complaining, just confused.”

* * * *
To be continued.

Thanks to Babs’ ‘Planetary Agents’ for the inspiration, among others

Revised 09/10/2006
Special thanks to my evil blonde sister for proofing assistance


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