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Another BigCloset TopShelf story.
Our heroine shows her cycle to a friendly twin, trys mending fences with a sour-puss, meets with department heads and finds out why she and Sam are the butt of Carson's and Delarose's jokes.
Andy Warhol said,"In the future, everyone will be famous for 15 minutes." What if your 15 minutes came late in life, and fame decided to never let you go? Could you survive the circus your life would become
Timeout 2-Pause/Record/Fast-forward: A Whateley Academy Fan fiction
This is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? To see the canon Whateley Stories, check out either Sapphire's Place,
( or the Big Closet ("
This is still sort of my first attempt a TG/sci-fi piece, thought I’m getting better, honest. Constructive criticism and advice is welcome. This is for fun and in appreciation of the wonderful Whateley Universe. Take it in that spirit. Any violations of copyright, trade mark or use of real people or incidents is for purposes of humor or parody, which saves my butt. I love the fair use doctrine. All rights reserved in perpetuity, John from Wauwatosa WI, 2005-2006. See my agents Bill & Ted of San Dimas CA who are also distributors of the Emperor of Waterslides, the Napolian.
Adult content warning: this chapter, is a little racy and deals with adult sexual topics but if you’re at this site you know this, so chill out.
Timeout 2
By John from Wauwatosa
Chapter 3-Twins part 2, Introductions and the Big Joke
December 13 -14, 2006 Whateley Academy, 9:00pm EST
I’m getting tired; it’s been long day even for a regen. I’ve got to look my best tomorrow for the department heads and for the Meridian Foundation announcement. The only press present will be local or specialty press that cover prep schools exclusively, and I’ve been assured my photo and name will not be released without Ms. Carson’s and my approval. Perhaps with time I’ll allow my face and name to be used to promote the school, but for now I need the refuge it provides. Even if we do allow my name to be published, it’s so common that I should be safe. For now mum’s the word.
I took a quick shower to release some tension; I hope that did it because I got some pretty strange looks from other students on the floor, damn did those twins wind me tight. Time to finish my entries and get to sleep, and I do mean sleep.
* * * *
Chris had a midsize bike, 750cc I think, it was hard to tell in the dark. I knew she’d tell me about it later; I could see she was proud of it. Chris lent me a helmet, and we were off. Soon we were back on campus.
I returned the helmet and she spoke, “Where you staying, Joanie?”
“Poe Hall for now, but they’re looking for other quarters as space for transgendered students is at a premium. I’m in a converted linen storeroom; it’s nice, but they need it back.”
Her face lit up. “Stay with Tina and me, we’d love to have you, um, I mean we can spare the room and share on rent.”
~I know what they’d love to have ~
And I didn’t mind in the least, but the events of the evening worried me.
“A temping offer, all of it,” her blush was just visible in the light from the campus lights, “but I have security concerns. The people who paid those Canadian wackos to kidnap me are still at large. We’re not even sure who they are; I could put you and Tina at risk. Ms. Carson is looking at other on campus housing; I might even share with a female security officer.”
Chris frowned then broke in a smile. “I think we could pull it off. Dr. Bellows has a fair alarm system; we could get Whateley to help us upgrade it. We’re near campus, and you could ride with the doctor or Tina. I work part-time for a law office in Dunwich and occasionally do maintenance on vehicles at Whateley. Tina’s always saying I should apply for fulltime there. IT COULD WORK!” she shouted with a maniacal look on her face.
“You’ve seen Young Frankenstein I take it. I’ll run it by Chief Delarose but I can’t promise. Want to see my bike? Follow me.”
Chris was an eager child squeezing my hand like I was her first crush. We walked over to the administration parking lot where I’d secured it to a concrete filled post with a heavy chain and lock Gin had magically re-enforced.
“It’s a beauty; uh... can I sit on it?”
“Be my guest,” I said, grinning.
She got on and carefully balanced it then just as carefully got off.
“Could I ride it someday?”
“We’ll make a date, okay?”
She seemed happy with that. If I had any doubts, her tongue dancing the meringue with mine while the hand not busy pushing our heads together was massaging my butt then slowly working it’s way around and into my panties were strong arguments against that.
“Chris, slow down... ah... ah... ah... ah girrrrll. Let’s not start something... oooh, we can’t finish.” I said between surges of passion.
This was just like with Tina earlier or even more intense, but Tina didn’t have her fingers there, “ooohuummm.”
I tried hard to break free. Chris protested; part of me did too.
“I’ll do you here and noooooww... oooh!” she growled at me.
Chris was out of it; I wasn’t far behind. I shook her gently and tried to rouse her.
“Snap out of it, Chris; is this what you want? Oooooh! Uh, forget that, bad choice.”
That was too close, for a moment the feeling intensified to the point I could barely stand up. I didn’t want this ecstasy to stop, this was beyond bliss, but I had to break the loop.
“Chris, this isn’t you, you have self respect and control” I hoped. “You’re stuck in a mental feedback loop, break the link.” I was on the edge of mindless orgasm, Chris was beyond that. I imagined a wall separating us in my mind and a person pulling out all the plugs at an old fashioned telephone switchboard. And they said watching all those old films was a waste of time, thank Ghod for Village of the Damned and the Computer Wore Tennis Shoes. Somehow it worked, I felt in control and Chris came out of it, unharmed.
~Thank Ghod.~
“Forgive me, Joanie, I didn’t mean to do that. I was just thinking about what happened between you and my sister and must have subconsciously done the same. It happened so fast!”
“Was it as good for you as it was for me?” I said in a husky voice.
“The Earth moved baby, want a cigarette?” we fell to the ground laughing, the tension broken.
“We’d better get back to our respective rooms. Tell Tina to put any plans for my moving in on hold until the campus doctors can figure out why this is happening and how we can control it. It’s either that or invest in soundproofing, waterproof, mattress covers, sex toys, lots of edible lubricants and whipped cream, lots and lots of whipped cream. We’ll save the maple syrup for special occasions.” I giggled furiously.
“Joanie, you have a dirty mind; you’ll fit in perfect with Tina and me,” Chris said as she walked back to her bike and rode off.
~Ghods, two of them! ~
* * * *
The rest of the night was uneventful. I was tired, exhausted to be honest and after working on my diary/journal/whatever went straight to bed. I did have some odd dreams that night. I wonder if my new talent wasn’t picking up on other empath/telepaths on campus? I managed to ignore most of it except for this one dream, but I got a really great nights rest.
The disturbing thing about this dream was how real it seemed, almost like my accidental time trip at Portage. How often does a strange young woman call you by name, all my names in a dream? It was my dream, that’s why I suppose but still. I’ll ask Tina about that, if I truly have empathic/telepathic talents I need to learn to shield my mind. Why did I dream so vividly about this Goth girl? I’ve never seen her before, mind you she was hot. The things we did in my dream; I even did it as a guy with her, and it was so real. I felt great in the morning. Perhaps I picked up on several people’s dreams, and this is how my mind made sense out of it? With dreams like these, who needs sex toys? Wow!
For my first full day at Whateley, I went for the business/preppy look. Conservative but classy undergarments, dark red silk blouse, a just-above-the-knee grey wool skirt, medium tan nylons, practical dress flats, matching grey wool blazer and some simple gold jewelry as accents. An engraved silver banana clip — a gift from Mel, Babs must have helped — kept my long hair from my face as it hung fully down to my rear now. I may shorten it to an off the shoulder or even a pixy cut, but the ex-balding guy in me loves it like this.
* * * *
I arrived in Administration at ten minutes to nine, name tags at the ready, eager to start. The staff was busy, so I walked up to Ms. Hatefu... Hardfar... Hartford and announced myself.
“Good morning Ms. Hartford, Joan Brown here for a 9AM appointment with Ms. Carson as requested.” I handed her Ms. Carson’s handwritten letter. “This is for you, Amelia. Please call me Joanie. I do apologues for the confusion yesterday; you had every right to be upset.”
I was giving her another chance to be friendly; Ms. Carson thought kindly of her, why shouldn’t I? She glared at me. I smiled sweetly.
~I’d tried. ~
She returned the letter to the envelope and handed it to me. Ms Hartford spoke with calm efficiency, but I could tell she was uncomfortable with me. My reaction to her intimidation was not what she expected. I’d remained disgustingly cheerful for so early in the morning. ‘She don’t know me very well,’ to quote a sage cartoon rabbit. It wasn’t all an act; I was eager to start at Whateley.
~Her loss, not that I’ll give up trying, at least it’s good for a laugh. ~
“Ms. Anderson, come here.” Tina walked quickly over, her brown eyes sparkling as they met mine. “Valentina, you are excused from your regular duties today to escort Ms. Brown and introduce her to various departments. The letter Ms. Brown carries explains everything. I expect you both back here by 1 PM, take your lunch before then, until 1,” She said, dismissing us then I handed Tina the letter.
“Thank you, Amelia,” I said garnering another angry look from Ms. Hartford.
“Good day, Ms. Brown.”
“Joan or Joanie, please, Amelia.” I was going to enjoy rattling her.
* * * *
Tina sat at her desk and read the letter, her eyes growing wider as she did.
“If you’ll please follow me, Ms. Brown,” she said trying hard not to giggle.
We walked out the building, and Tina couldn’t contain herself anymore. She gave me a warm hug and a quick kiss on the lips, tongue included.
“Oh Joanie, it’s so good to see you again.”
I returned the hug and kiss.
“Likewise, Tina, you always greet people like that? So what’s on the menu for this morning?”
“I wish it were you, but now is not the time or place,” she said and grinned happily; double entendres double your fun.
~I have got to stop feeding people straight lines; that punch-line should have been mine. ~
Tina snapped me back to the real world. “Our work’s cut out for us; you need to see the head of the history department, Chief Delarose at Security, the Siegel Hall med wing, the head of Physical Plant, and would you believe the head of the music department. I wonder why that one Ms. Flavor of the Month?”
She stuck her long, sexy tongue out and licked an imaginary ice-cream cone.
“Strawberry is it?”
“I hope so.”
“Tina, if you’re gonna say ‘would you believe’ you need to work on your Glick.”
“My glick?”
“It’s what Don Adams called that voice he used as Maxwell Smart. It’s a modified version of an earlier character named Glick, so he called that voice ‘the Glick’. He based the voice on the actor Ronald Coleman, Prisoner of Zenda, Lost Horizon, you know. Sorry, I seem stuck in TV trivia mode.” I gave her a warm smile.
“This morning as I dressed, the radio said you’re number one.”
I had a bad feeling about this.
“Number one what?”
“Your recording of Running Scared is number one on the Billboard Pop and Country charts this week. That gives you at least three songs in the top 25. Face it girl, you’re the biggest thing to hit the record business in years. You’re a star.”
~Me a star? I did sound pretty good on the radio yesterday but me? ~
“If my songs are selling that well, I guess I must have some talent. Still I keep thinking this all will blowup in my face.”
“Joanie, stop looking for the dark cloud surrounding the silver lining. Um, that didn’t come out right did it?” Tina asked, confused.
“I think you meant something like, stop moping, sit back and enjoy the ride?”
“Closer, it will do I guess,” Tina said and giggled.
* * * *
Tina took me to the History department first, Dr. Jean Alden. As Ms. Carson had arraigned for each department chair person to meet with me a particular time and place, it all went pretty smooth. The History chair person - oh heck the head, chair person is so awkward — the head was surprised by how young I appeared, but Ms. Carson’s letter impressed her.
“I see Ms. Carson speaks highly of your abilities as a researcher. “
“I have some special talents in that area, yes,” I replied.
“That’s very helpful, I’m informed that Whateley received a sizeable endowment, a substantial portion is dedicated to a new chair in the department and the department as a whole. We’ll need more staff to take full advantage, so your arrival via Ms. Carson’s office is welcome.”
“I understand there is a formal announcement around 1 PM today,” I said , trying not to smile too knowingly.
“Ah yes, the Meridian Foundation. A mysterious organization, no one knows much about them other than they’ve given sizable charitable gifts for years but without much publicity. How they found out about Whateley is anyone’s guess.”
I decided as a mater of diplomacy to let the cat out of the bag, or at least most of it.
“I know how they found out, Dr. Alden.” The department head looked at me strangely.
“How’s that Ms. Brown?”
“Joanie please, Ms. Brown was my Mom. I’m just Joanie.” I smiled at her.
“Okay, Joanie, call me Jean. I’m game, how?”
“Jean, the formal announcement states Whateley Academy is the recipient of an endowment from the Meridian Foundation of assets equal to 250 million US dollars.” The department head looked like she was about to faint.
“Two hundred and fifty million?” Jean gasped.
“Whateley gets to spend any or all of its earnings. After ten years they can touch the principle as well.”
I gave her some time to digest this. We all got a drink of water then I continued.
“A requirement of the endowment is that Whateley establish in the history department the ‘Meridian Chair’; its purpose is to further research on mutants, aid the preservation of historical documents and historical artifacts related to mutants, to archive their life histories and to study the interaction between mutants and society as a whole. The endowment pays all expenses of the chair and provides additional funding to the department. The rest of the endowment goes to Whateley in general.”
“How do you know this, Joanie?”
“Because Meridian is based in Madison Wisconsin, and I am affiliated with it.”
“You work for Meridian?” Tina said with surprise on her face, it made her look so sexy.
~Joanie will need some therapy time tonight. I hope I brought fresh batteries. ~
“I’ve worked for them since sometime after my mutation; it was my research that led to Whateley’s selection.”
They both looked impressed. I didn’t tell them I was Meridian, a girl needs her secrets.
“Remember that under this jailbait exterior lie the memories of a 49 year old man.” Tina snickered, Jean looked shocked. “Ask Ms. Carson, she’ll confirm my story.”
“I sense you’re not telling me everything.”
“Telepath?” I asked.
“Observant, your body language says so. What is it you don’t want to say?”
“It’s embarrassing but as a condition of the endowment... “
“The first holder of the Meridian Chair is ... Ms. Joan Brown, most recently of Madison, Wisconsin. Sorry.”
“No wonder you’re uncomfortable,” Tina said.
“It’s worse; I recommended I be appointed. I was going to Whateley anyways, it seemed logical.” Hey, that wasn’t a total lie.
“If it helps, there’s an escape clause. If I can’t do an acceptable job, I can be replaced on a 2/3 vote of the entire Whateley department heads, Ms. Carson holding an absolute veto.”
“Seems fair, Girl, for 250 million dollars I’d hire you if all you were good at was sweeping floors.” I knew then we’d get along fine.
“Joanie, it’s nearly ten, and we have four more departments to see this morning. We’re burning daylight, if you’ll excuse us please.” Tina hustled me out. “Girl, you are full of surprises. Anything else you’re hiding under all that flaming hair?”
“Nothing important, if there ever is I tell you personally.” I purred that last word.
~Um, better make that two therapy secessions. ~
Before stopping at Security, we detoured to the Siegel Hall med wing to schedule a preliminary medical and powers exam. The doctors were eager to see me as Ms. Carson had passed copies of Dr. Sara’s and Dr. Otto’s findings on to them. I was considered a challenge to classify, and this had them salivating, that and my highly exposed cleavage.
“I have got to remember to button my blouses all the way or wear a scarf, and why didn’t you tell me I was flashing everyone, Tina?”
“I liked the view.”
“Oh, when I get my hands on you...”
“Yes please.”
“Arrrrrg! Let’s go see the Chief.”
* * * *
“Good morning, Ms. Brown, Ms. Anderson, take a seat,” the Chief said then used his radio, “Officer Everheart to Security.” There was an acknowledgement then the Chief spoke. “Ms. Everheart will be here shortly, she’ll evaluate you and design and supervise your training. The serious stuff starts in a few days after we work out your schedule with Administration. Today is just for introductions. Ah, Samantha, prompt as always. Officer Everheart, meet Ms. Joan Brown; you’re to evaluate and train her as an auxiliary officer. Don’t let either’s appearance fool you, you’ll find you have a lot in common.”
I swear Chief Delarose was suppressing a laughing fit. He was very amused about something.
“Ms. Brown, follow me so we may talk freely,” Ms. Everheart instructed me.
“Tina, wait here please, I won’t be long.”
“Remember we need to meet with Physical Plant at 11:05,” Tina called back.
* * * *
Officer Everheart led me to a back office; she closed the door behind us. “I’m Samantha Everheart, Sam for short. I’m your supervisor for evaluation and training.” She gestured to me.
“Joan Brown, just Joanie usually, I’m here primarily as a history researcher and instructor, but I will work with security with some regularity.” Sam nodded. “I’ll be working with physical plant on an as needed basis, emergencies mostly, I will be a student here as I’m a recent mutant and for some strange reason Ms Carson’s assigned me to the performing arts department.”
“Performing arts?”
“The music department, specifically -- I can sing.”
Sam appeared deep in thought for a moment then broke into a huge laugh. She spoke after calming down. “You have a strange sense of humor, much like Chief Delarose. Know why the Chief said we have so much in common, Joanie?”
“You’re about to tell me?”
“Eventually, how old do I appear to you?” she asked, half-laughing.
“Physically you look about 18 to 20. At first glance you’re a college girl, a rather cute one in fact, but you sound and act far more mature. My own experience tells me that looks are deceiving and particularly so with mutants. How old do I look?” I asked in my turn.
“Physically you’re as young as 15. Your, um, developments suggest 17 to 19 but you are much older, Hive informs me.”
“Hive is... let’s say it’s a special network I have access to. I’ll fill you in later if necessary. “
“Oh, a woman of mystery, sorry, Sam, I use humor as a defense mechanism when I’m nervous but sometimes I’m just in the mood. What did this Hive tell you, as I have concerns about personal safety?”
“Chief Delarose was being funny as in ha ha, ho ho funny. Prior to your mutation last July third you were a 48 year old man... John.”
~Hive got that from a network data base? Oh oh. ~
“Prior to my accident I was a man not many years younger than you.”
“Ms. Carson and Chief Delarose implied I was not unique on campus.”
“It’s worse than that, Joanie. By a sick twist of fate I am a clone of my 18 year old daughter as she looked two weeks prior to her death. You, I understand, bear a strong resemblance to your late mother.”
“I’m so sorry, Sam.”
She nodded in response. I could tell this was a tough subject for her; I needed to put her at ease.
“It seems to me that Chief Delarose needs to be taught a lesion.”
Sam gave me an intense look.
~I wonder if she’s ex-military. ~
“What yah got in mind Joanie?”
“If you’re as well informed by this Hive as you appear to be, you know I’m a warper with time related powers.”
“Yes, you’re confirmed as being able to stop the apparent flow of time over a limited area for a period of at least 30 seconds. You are reported as having other time powers but they are classified and unobtainable. Yesterday’s incident with the Omega’s demonstrated you’ve improved your time stop markedly. You’re a mid-level exemplar and a high level regen -- the later is something we have in common.”
“This Hive network is well informed. My old first name, how did it obtain that? I have security worries for my birth family and old friends.”
“That was from files your Dr. Sara provided Ms. Carson. They are secure, only she, the Chief and I know your old name. That was for background checks, necessary given Whateley’s own security needs. Hive secured your records from further unauthorized review.”
“Thank Hive for me. What say I time stop Chief Delarose and leave him tied to a chair in Crystal Hall at the peak of the lunchtime crowd dressed in my skimpy string bikini and nothing else.”
“Florescent pink?”
“Tempting, Joanie, let me think about it,” she said and smiled conspiratorially, “oh, and welcome to the department.”
Sam had this odd look of concentration again.
“Hive just down down-loaded your CD. Very nice, now get out.” She laughed and started humming one of my songs. I left with Tina for Physical Plant.
* * * *
To be continued.
Revised 09/16/2006
Special thanks to my evil blonde sister for proofing assistance
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Small suggestion
This story is really getting interesting. But then again, I think I am getting totally desparate for *ANY* Whately stories. But I have been noticing a slight problem arising in your story. You have a small tendency of oether leaving out letters in certain words, ie: mater(your spelling)/matter(should be) or a wrong word,ie (as found in the story): “It seems to me that Chief Delarose needs to be taught a lesion.†A lesion is an open festering sore on the body. What he needs to be taught is a *lesson*. Other than a couple of other very minor mistakes, your editor is doing a fairly good job. Not great mind you, but a better than average one. Keep up the good work. I will still keep reading the stories.
Reader Jane
Maybe typos are intentional sometimes.
Did you ever think that maybe the author meant to write "teach him a lesion", as in "hurt him".
Great story John... Lora like!
Typo Police, Continued
If I remember correctly, lesion/lesson is a carryover from a previous chapter. You might want to include that as a routine check (like discreet and San Dimas) before posting future chapters.
A couple of others here: you used "secession" in place of "session". And the principal on a loan or trust takes "-pal", not "-ple".
Vigilantly, Eric
2nd Period Timeout
We are now well under way with book two. It is a shame, but a fact of human response that the comments tend to die off, not because of lost interest but because of inability to add something new, or the reluctance to keep repeating the same compliments on a job well done. Unfortunately, it takes as much work, in most cases, a lot more work, ro create later chapters as it did the earlier. I hope it continues to be fun for John as the story is for me. Thank you.
More Timeout coming
John has assured me he is hard at work editing more chapters of Timeout to be posted here on BC. I know it's hard to be patient, but hang in there.
Oh, just to clarify, I'm not the "evil blonde sister" he keeps thanking for proofing assistance. Yes, I'm blonde, but John and I are not related; and my threatening to rips his lungs out if he didn't hurry up and get some more chapters posted hardly makes me "evil", does it? That's just normal encouragement from a reader!
Love & Hugs!
Karen J.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb