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Another BigCloset TopShelf story.
Joanie brings out her big guns to defeat Peeper. The poster pizza promotion takes off. A homesick Joanie contacts her dad and learns more about Lex while her team plots Peeper's demise. Joanie learns consciousness and chloroform don't mix.
Andy Warhol said,"In the future, everyone will be famous for 15 minutes." What if your 15 minutes came late in life, and fame decided to never let you go? Could you survive the circus your life would become?
Timeout 2-Pause/Record/Fast-forward: A Whateley Academy Fan fiction
This is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? To see the canon Whateley Stories, check out either Sapphire's Place,
( or the Big Closet ("
I started writing this TG/sci-fi in the sping 2005 but only first posted anything as of Christmas 2005. I’m getting much better at it, honest. Your constructive criticism and advice helps. This is an exercise in the joys of creativity and in appreciation of the wonderful Whateley Universe. Any violations of copyright, trade mark or use of real people or incidents are purely for purposes of humor or parody and done solely for the free enjoyment of the reading public. All rights reserved in perpetuity, John from Wauwatosa WI, 2005-2006. See my agents 86 and 99 of Control.”It’s Kaos to use anyone else.”
Timeout 2
By John from Wauwatosa
Thanks to my sister and to Janet Nolan for proofing
Chapter12- Revenge of the Blonde 2, Hi Daddy, Pinky 5
Whateley Academy Dunwich NH, February 20-March 02, 2007
February 20, 2007 7:10AM
“Ah, Joanie, not that it doesn’t suit you, but are you sure it’s safe to run in that top? It’s a sports-bra top and fine for most girls, but with your... assets, isn’t that temping fate?”
“I am showing a lot of cleavage, aren’t I? I said we’re bait.” I flashed an evil grin.
“Joanie, not only can I see way down — whoa! -- but so much is trying to come out to play. I’ve seen corseted women in historical dramas with less breast flesh pushing up, out and over. I didn’t know they made pushup demi-cup sport-bras. No way they’ll stay in the cups -- you planning on flashing them?”
“It’s an illusion,” Lex stared at me.”
“It’s all me. It’s the way this is cut. There’s a special coating in the cups that’s heat activated. My breasts are essentially glued in. A splash of cold water, and they’ll come right off, and I’ve no plans to enter a wet T-shirt contest. Sorry to disappoint you.”
“It wouldn’t be much of a contest, you’d win hands down and embarrassing bulges up.”
“I don’t know, Lex. Lots of guys go for the curvy but streamlined fashion model look you’ve got. My proportions are a little extreme, not quite as cartoonish as Little Annie Fanny, but close. I dread what I’ll look like during pregnancy.”
“But, you said you hadn’t had, um, sex?”
“I’m just thinking of the future. I do want a family, but not for some time yet. Call me old fashioned... Yes, I know I’m 49, but I want to wait for Mr. Right, not Mr. Right Now, however tempting. I may change my mind and play the field, but I doubt I’d be comfortable with it unless it’s really big and... ”
“Joanie, lets start running before you get any sillier.”
“Oh, right, sorry. I’m in a really good mood I guess. Did I tell you how tall Eric’s getting and how big his hands are. You know what they say about the size of a man’s hands and his...?”
I giggled, Lex rolled her eye, and we started running. First up and down Kane Hall tower; good thing Sam was on duty. We made a lot of noise tromping on the spiral stair. Waking sleeping ex-special ops personnel can be hazardous to your health. Once we were warmed up, we ran outside as much as possible, then ducked into buildings to run their stairs and halls to warm up. We ran for a good hour, gradually faster and faster until I was almost at a sprint. Still, Lex kept up. Oh, she was sweating plenty and breathing a little hard, but she held her own. I motioned for us to slow down and we took several cool down laps then walked back into Kane.
“Let’s get a drink from that bubbler.”
“It’s old Milwaukee slang for a drinking fountain, something to do with a popular street model the Kohler people used to make; they’re all in museums now. You sure you’re a low level regen? The way you kept up with me I would expect you’re a mid to high level and an exemplar 2 or 3 like me?” We stretched and walked around in Kane to finish our cool down.
“Remember, I said my abilities are mostly due to magic, not mutation. That’s all I can tell you for now ,Joanie.”
“As I said before, I’m honored you trust me that much. I’d like you to meet my dad, I’m trying to persuade him to come to Whateley and visit while he’s healthy. He’s 80 now, and I miss him. I’d like to visit him, but if I stop by the old neighborhood too often, someone will catch on, and he’ll be at risk.”
“He knows?”
“I was his son for 48 years; how could I not tell him? I’ll admit it took a couple of months and my sister breaking the ice before I could. He’s cool with it now. It’s just I look and sound a lot like my Mom did at this age, and it brings up memories for him. I wish she’d lived long enough to see the new me.”
I had to sit down, I was crying so hard. Lex tried to comfort me.
“You miss her that bad, Joanie?”
All I could do was nod. She held me tight like a sister as I sobbed. After some time I composed myself.
“Better now?” I squeezed her hand in thanks. “Word in the department is you can time travel. Why not visit her?”
“I already did and nearly was a disaster.” I sniffled. “I was partway into my mutation when my time travel powers kicked in and took me to nine months before I was born. I walked straight into my mother, yet here I am, Ms. Time Travel Paradox in the flesh. It’s these same warper time powers that made me a girl and a regen. It’s too dangerous to try and see her; I was lucky I wasn’t caught in a loop in time by preventing my being born and then never traveling back to prevent it and so on. That’s one of the milder possibilities. I suppose I could view her from a distance but that would be too painful; I’d want to go and warn her about the cancers to save her and my older sister’s life, but I can’t. Those damn time paradoxes. It’s so frustrating. I do what I can financially for my sister and dad but I can’t be seen with my old family, or they’re kidnap targets and worse. The kinds of powers I have are too tempting to the unscrupulous. My regen alone is worth billions if they can ‘harvest’ me for its secrets.”
“All that power and you can’t help your family. I’m sorry.”
“I’m coming to terms with it. Just give me a hug, okay? This will pass, and I’ll be myself soon.” I smiled as she gave me a reassuring squeeze.
* * * *
February 22, 2007 8:10PM, Twain Hall
“Greasy, how many did we sell so far? I need to know if I should order reprints.”
“I sold 155 of the ‘Denim Dreams’ poster, all but six of the life-size, the ‘Runner’s High’ are sold out in both sizes, and the life size were eighty bucks a pop! The last couple I sold for 125 each because some kids bid against each other.”
“The guys really wanted that one, great.”
“It was a group of girls from Dickenson; they bought the last twenty life-size, I could have sold another dozen easy. Those lesbians were drooling over them.” Peeper had to force himself not to laugh, he was so giddy with thoughts of profit. “’Susan Alexis Luther: Wet Dreams’ is sold out in the poster, and we’re down to three dozen of the life—size, boss. The only reason we didn’t sell everything is some of the kids didn’t have enough cash on them and the ATM was down. I’ve got fifty on a list who want me to come back tomorrow.”
“This is better than I hoped. My contacts are ready for similar orders on each these new ones. I’ll have them do a half order on the first three as well. Look at these, Greasy. This backlit shot of Belle shows off her legs and hair, I’m thinking of calling it ‘Belle: Bewitching.’ I thought of ‘Belle of the Ball’, but you know how tough that E.E. Nail, Nal, whatever is -- makes the Tolkien Estate look tame. I’ve got several worthy shots of Team Kimba. This one of Tennyo and Sam’s a go.”
At the mention of Tennyo, Greasy flinched, at the mention of Sam, a nervous tick began.
“Have you gone nuts? That’s Officer Everheart, I seen her lift a truck in the air like it’s nothing, and she’s an expert shot. Rumor has it she’s an ex-sniper, maybe even a mutated Navy Seal. Tennyo with her powers and temper, remember what she did to range three last year? You’d stand a better chance of survival lying on a beach blanket on Enewetak Atoll when they set off ‘Mike’. ‘He’ was only eleven megatons — okay, 10.4, so I exaggerated.“
“Greasy, we’re in the clear on this. It was shot during a self-defense exhibition. It’s not like someone snuck up on them. They’re each in a gi but the pose leaves no doubt they’re babes. I’m calling it ‘Billie and Samantha: Dangerous Damsels.’” Greasy felt sick. “Cheer up. This is the best one yet, unless we get some shower shots. I’m doubling the numbers for this one, it’s another holographic image of Joanie and Lex running in the morning, hair flying in the breeze, muscles flexing, breasts trying to escape their confinement and looks of total joy on their faces. I’m thinking ‘Joanie and Susan Alexis: Dawn Patrol’. I’m so clever.” Greasy rolled his eyes not sure whether to celebrate their good fortune or prepare for their doom.
* * * *
February 25, 2007 10:10PM
Dear d/j/w, met with Lex, Dave O’Brian and the Anderson twins at their rooms with Dr. Bellows. Lex was very uncomfortable when I told her they were empath/telepaths, but after some time I convinced her they could be trusted as they were good friends of the doctor and me. We’d need their talents to help catch Peeper, and this was the closest place to meet off campus and thus undetected. I told her everything that had happened between the twins and me, slowly wearing her down then I came with the clincher.
“Lex, I’d trust these two with my life, and you know Doctor Bellows is a good man -- he’d never take them on as tenants if he didn’t trust them. They’re even helping Dr. Bellows in exploring my other talents.”
“Other talents, Joanie, you’re a regen, exemplar and warper of the subclass time sensitive/manipulator and possible precog. Isn’t that enough, greedy girl? I thought warper powers tend to be narrow in scope?”
“That’s usually true, I’m an exception to the rule, but in my case all these powers appear to be related to my warper abilities. You’ve heard of package deal psychics? I’m the world’s first package deal warper or as close to it as there’s ever likely to be. It’s not like I had a say in this, Lex, I’m an empath/telepath too.” She looked at me like I’d stuck a dagger in her heart.
“Give me a moment, I...”
Lex was agitated, almost angry for a fraction of a second but quickly regained her control. If I hadn’t been looking her in the eye, I wouldn’t have seen it. After a minute she spoke.
“Understand, Joanie, it’s not that I can’t work with people who have those powers, it just, um... it bothers me. I had a bad experience once, very bad.” Lex appeared conflicted but stayed professional -- I’ll give her that.
“Lex, if I’d known you distrusted empaths and telepaths this much, I’d have told you the day we met, I’ll not lie to a friend. I’m a passive empath/telepath; I only can access my gift if someone else triggers it. Though that’s not strictly true, I’d did trigger it one time by myself, but it wasn’t consciously. Did Charlie Lodgeman talk about that ‘research trip’ we did for physical plant?”
“He and Chief Delarose were briefing us on what you found, and the precautions we needed to take as they moved and re-entombed the container with that demon inside. He didn’t say much about how you two found out so much of its history, just that it had been a rewarding experience for you both.”
~~Um, I wonder if I projected some of my side effect? He did look at me oddly after I came out of the woman’s room.~~
“As a side effect of my time travels — gees, this is embarrassing -- I get off.”
“You orgasm?” replied Lex her eyes gone wide and a smirk forming.
“At the end of a particularly difficult test trip back in Wisconsin, I had an orgasm so intense my friends in MSG felt it too. I went into some kind of trance afterward, they... well, let’s say they felt great. So, I’m not a threat except to the dryness of your panties.” Lex looked much happier now.
“That’s one hell of a side effect! That happens every time you time travel?”
I suppressed a giggle and nodded; I could feel I was blushing. Lex looked embarrassed too; I was surprised she’d opened up that much. Anytime the topic turned to sexuality or related topics she got usually got defensive.
“I’m sorry to doubt you, Joanie; as I said, I have my reasons to distrust people with ‘those’ powers.”
“They worry me too; the unscrupulous ones can do great harm.” I got silly. “If you’re worried the Anderson gals have some sinister motive behind their helping us, they do. You don’t want to know what I had to promise them to get their help. It’s so humiliating, sniff, sniff.” I pouted. Lex continued to cheer up.
“What is it you have to do, something truly disgusting, Joanie?”
She gave me a wicked smile. “It’s so degrading, I... I... have to help paint their flat. I feel so used.”
Lex snorted then asked. “That’s it?”
“I am doing it in a string bikini, purely because the weather is getting so hot and humid, honest.”
~~It was 55F for a high yesterday; can I lie or what?~~
“Want to help? I’ve got this florescent pink one I was saving for a special occasion, but it should fit you.”
Lex gave me a look. “Okay, to be honest we’re all wearing bikinis, sort of a painting party. It’s gonna be fun wiping the paint splatters off each other.” Lex shook her head.
“Joanie, you have a dirty mind.”
“Yah, ain’t it great.”
After this, Lex was calm for our meeting, and we fine-tuned the final stages of Operation Jeepers Creepers. By the end of the meeting she was friendly to Tina and Chris, and we seemed back to our previous relationship. If Lex still harbored any distrust towards me, I didn’t see it. It must have been something awful to upset her so; she doesn’t seem the emotional type. She’ll tell me in due time.
* * * *
“What do we need Tina and Chris for again? I’m still confused,” Lex asked as we left for campus.
“They’re our personal DEW line and Peeper-proof lie detectors. They’re also our backup communication. They can telepathically contact each other or me as we’ve done it a few times. When they do, I can answer back for a while. When we start to turn up the heat, he’ll try to weasel out somehow. They’ll let us know when to pounce. We know who two of the photographers are due to our ‘run’ the other morning, and from monitoring Peeper and Greasy on the CCTV and sensor net. We know who his sources for the posters are. Between Dave and our fellow officers manning the cameras and sensors and the girls’ talents, he won’t slip the noose. We merely need to be at the ready when the pepperoni hits the fan, which should be any day now that Sam knows what we want her to do. I’m mildly surprised Delarose okay’d our plan, but then I was still in my morning running outfit when we talked — remember, my apprentice, about using what you have to your advantage.” I tried to keep a straight face then I giggled.
“That was the worst Emperor I ever heard, and I’m still not sure this will work, Joanie.”
“Let me explain it again. What we do is, we wait until Tina or Chris send the go-signal then…”
* * * *
That night I had another dream of that Goth girl, Sara Waite’s her name. She’s the half-demon girl many talk about on campus, but I hadn’t put the name to the face until recently. She’s a lust demon and supposedly can walk the realms of dreams and other mystic places. Don’t ask me how -- magic is not my bag, to misquote Austin Powers. Though she gains much of her sustenance from absorbing the lifeforce of plants and animals, she is not evil and has her protectors on campus. That Delarose and Lex speak well of her is good enough for me. Even Sam Everheart says she’s okay but, um, mischievous. There’s much more to that story I’m sure, but I’ll not press Sam. In my dream Sara apologized for not visiting sooner and seemed pleased with my taste in boys. Somehow that led to her turning into Eric and... I don’t remember the rest except I woke much of the third floor of Poe with my screams and my sheets got very sticky, Ghod what a night.
* * * *
February 28, 2007 8:00PM
“Dad, Dad, pickup the phone!”
“Hello, that you, Joanie?”
“Right the first time, Dad, thanks for remembering my voice, it can’t be easy.”
“Joanie, dear.“
~~He just called me dear? I did call him Daddy the last time we talked but still. ~~
“I can hardly not remember your voice, it’s all over the TV and radio. I was at Suncoast looking for a travel video on Italy, and this life-size cardboard cutout of you standing next to your motorcycle was the first thing I saw as I came in the store.”
~~A video store, I would have thought Sam Goody? ~~
“Why there? I’ve made a couple CD’s but no music videos.”
“It was a display for best-of videos from that late night show you were on. It must be pretty popular because they were sold out. A clerk thought I was interested and said it would be at least three weeks, the backorder was that large. I have one anyway.”
~~That show was barely two months ago!? ~~
“You bought one, Dad?”
“That nice doctor who took care of you sent me one. We’ve talked a few times since your mutation, and she’s very nice, she...“
“Reminds you of Mom, me too, Dad. I want to see you, the semester has settled down for me, and I’m sure I could get a weekend off, but I worry if I come to ‘tosa too often, someone will catch on. I’m too easily recognized these days.”
“Your Doctor Sara said as much, something about you being drawn to the limelight like a moth to the flame. She’s both worried and proud of you, hon.”
“That’s rich, she’s the one who passed on the info about the TV show, but it’s not like I can hide anymore. As long as I choose where and when to appear I should be okay. Those outfits I wore were kinda racy but nearly every piece of it was bullet and Tazer resistant. Most SWAT teams don’t have access to fabrics that tough, even my hosiery is made from the stuff. I know I’m a target, so I’m careful. Don’t worry about having to bury this daughter anytime soon Dad.”
~~He should worry more about me being a teen mom given how I reacted at the dance. ~~
“What’s this about me being on TV? The radio I understand... must be the songs but TV?”
“They repeated your appearance on the show just before they released the DVD. That and the other day Entertainment Tonight showed amateur video from the school dance you went to.”
~~Oh damn, I’ve not gotten around to that little detail. ~~
“I meant to tell you about that, Daddy.”
~~Now I’m doing it, but he has me rattled. ~~
I knew what was coming; he did love to tease, sometimes to the extreme.
“They showed you singing; you were very good, and I’m so proud, Joanie. I’ve never seen a more attractive and confident young woman; your mother would be so happy for you. You were dancing with this tall boy, and it looked like you were enjoying each others company. They said he’s the son of the Governor of Iowa and the brother of the girl you saved. Ah, Joanie, I thought I’d never be asking you this, is he you boyfriend?”
~~Caught one hand in the cookie jar with the other holding a crayon and drawing on the wall, I’m sunk. ~~
“Maybe, Dad, I don’t know, I ‘m very new at this.”
He laughed. “I’m glad for you, about time you got out and found somebody -- so when’s the wedding?”
“Dad!” He was laughing so hard he dropped the phone.
~~Two can play this game. ~~
“Any time before I deliver would be good, Grandpa.”
“What?” He started coughing.
~~Crap, I forgot about his replacement heart valve. ~~
“Dad, can’t you take a joke? That’s what you get for the wedding nonsense. He’s a nice boy, you’d like him, but he’s fourteen. It was a lot of fun, and I won’t deny I have feelings for him, but it’s probably just a very late case of puppy love. I’m not rushing into something like this, geeze! You have to remember that I may be 49, but my body is stuck as a 17 year old girl, and this girl wants to party.”
I wasn’t going to tell him how I wanted to party, but he could read between the lines.
“I know you’re an adult, but be careful. Um, Joanie, are you using protection?”
“I’m still a virgin. “
~~With respect to men at least. ~~
“Well see you stay that way; I don’t want to be an unwed grandfather.”
“Very droll, Dad, I called because I want you to visit me at Whateley. I thought of meeting at a neutral site, but I’m too well known. Here I’m just another mutant and staff, so we won’t have any trouble from the press. The locals are pretty good about us, so as long as we’re reasonably careful — we bring in a lot of dollars to the local economy. I can take you around to see the sites; it’s very scenic, and I know of a couple of quarries that may have marine fossils.”
~~That should pique his interest. ~~
“I suppose I can get a ticket to Boston and rent a car.”
“I’ll pay; I’m swimming in the stuff these days. You can either fly a good commercial flight, and I pick you up at the airport, or I can get a charter jet.”
“Commercial is fine, I can call on my cell when we get in, so you know where to pick me up.”
We agreed, and I made arrangements for him to come in early March. If this works well, I might do the same with my sister and brother-in-law.
* * * *
March 01, 2007 9:00PM, Kane Hall, Security office
“Timeout,” said Officer O’Brian on the police frequency, “Meet me in Chief Delarose’s office in five minutes, acknowledge.”
I was on evening shift patrolling with a pair of The Peacekeepers. I acknowledged the message, and they escorted me to Kane Hall, no more solos for me, not after you know.
“Chief, Officer O’Brian, why am I here?”
~~Have I done something wrong?~~
“Joanie, I understand a student by the name of Pinky Conners has spent a good deal of time with you recently,” said Delarose.
“She came to me several weeks ago, said she’d heard I used to be a man, and she thought I could help her. She's a female to hermaphroditic male were, Chief. I had Dave here check into her background as I’m a bit paranoid after my assault, just to be safe, and I wanted to confirm her story that she may be the victim of a rape. I didn’t violate some code of ethics, did I?”
“No, dear.”
~~Now Delarose is doing it. Am I that in need of a father figure it’s stamped on my forehead? Ms. Carson acts like a favorite aunt, Babs alternates between an ex-college roommate and my mom, this later role she and Sara are tag-teaming me on. ~~
“You’ve done everything well within the student and staff codes; it’s the results of Dave’s research on Ms. Conners we need to discuss. It confirms everything she said with one vital piece she left out. Dave will explain.”
“Ms. Conners was most probably assaulted by the psychiatrist who treated her after her mutation, but she waited too long for a rape exam and the results were inconclusive. As there was no sign of bruising, cuts or vaginal tears, and the doctor had a ‘spotless’ reputation. DNA testing was not done despite the recommendation of the investigating officer. The doctor must have friends in high places. Ms. Conners left home for Whateley soon after she filed her complaint, and the investigation was shelved. I talked to the detective and she said others had filed complaints since then but with similar results. We’ve offered to send one of our people to help, so we’ll see.”
“That’s good news, bad it happened to Pinky, but with her story confirmed, maybe the doctors here can treat her; she’s very distraught.”
“She may be that but she’s, Ghod I don’t want to say this as you’re obviously fond of her as a friend... she’s Amelia Hartford’s niece. The Chief and I thought you should know. We also have suspicions she was behind the smear campaign of last month, but that’s not proven yet, though there’s some evidence to back the supposition. I’m sorry, Joanie.”
I felt sick.
“I’m meeting her tomorrow for a private talk in her dorm room in Hawthorne Hall, and she’ll be in her male form for the first time since we’ve met. If she’s telling the truth, she’ll be very unhappy and need to vent to a friend, but if she’s behind the smear campaign, I’m at risk. I don’t want to accuse her unfairly; is there anything we can do to have it both ways?”
“We have some ideas, Joanie; I don’t want to hurt Ms. Conners if she is the victim of this doctor she appears to be, but I’ll not let her harm you. Just because she’s been hurt doesn’t not give her the right to hurt an innocent. Trust us, Joanie.”
* * * *
March 02, 2007 5:10PM Hawthorne Hall
“Joanie’s here in minutes if she’s on time as she always is. Last check, shirt with the weakened buttons on, so I can fake her ripping it, tight Capri-stretch pants and panties to emphasize my disgust with this form and to show off that thing. Good, for one time I’m glad ‘you’re’ so eager, you treacherous piece of flesh. Handcuffs at the ready and my vodka with tranquilizers and Viagra dissolved. Now to rub my eyes until they’re red and puffy like I’ve been crying, and last one of Joanie’s own handkerchiefs she lent me soaked in that chloroform I liberated from chemistry; I’ll have to get her prints on the bottle once she’s out. I’ve sealed it in this airtight sandwich container, so that’s ready.
“It will look like she drugged me, knocked me out, restrained, then raped me. That’s the one part that makes me sick, having to rape her, but semen is such good evidence when it’s fresh, I know that now, you bastard! I may not get you, but Joanie’s a start, adults are all the same. You can’t fool me with that concerned friend act, Joanie. Once I’m done, I’ll cuff myself except for one hand, and scream rape. I’ll say I came to as she assaulted me, and I knocked her out with the same handkerchief she tried to use on me. Between the semen in her and the drugs in my system, who will they believe? The ultimate smear campaign, I think.”
* * * *
“Ms. Joan Brown to see Ms. Pamela Conners um Pinky, I’m expected,” I asked the house mother at Hawthorne.
“I’ll ring her.”
A few minutes later a wiry boy with a familiar face came down the stairs.
“Pinky?” she raised her, his, um their (?) head and ran to me. Changing and mixed genders are grammatically confusing.
“Oh, Joanie, it’s so bad, I can’t stand it.”
Her eyes were red and puffy and wet with tears. The expression on her face was a worrisome combination of fear, loathing, depression and resignation.
~~Ghod is she suicidal? The poor child is taking this hard; it’s sad because she’s not a bad looking guy -- rather handsome. Not as handsome as my Eric, but she’s... Oh boy, I said ‘my’ Eric, but that revelation will have to wait. Even her voice is deep and manly. ~~
“Pinky, I’m here now. I know you don’t like doctors, but I could go with you to Doctor Bellows together if it...”
“No doctors, EVER!” she screamed. “They, he... Oh, Joanie, I want to die!”
~~She’s serious about it; I’ll have to stay with her until I can get her professional help. ~~
She grabbed my hand and practically dragged me to her room. She closed the door behind us and locked it at once.
“What’s wrong, Pinky, please tell me.” She motioned for me to sit by her on her bed.
~~That wire and micro sound recorder had better be working.~~
I hoped we were wrong in our suspicions.
“I’m so ugly; no one will ever want me. I should kill myself and get it over with. Everyone hates and laughs at me.”
She was verging on hysteria and put her arms around me desperate for comfort. I hugged her back. Next I know I’m on my back, and she’s kissing me hard and biting my lip harder, I tasted blood.
“What gives, Pinky, something’s not right...“
She reached behind her, and I felt this wet cloth that reeked of dry cleaning fluid or something similar cover my face. I tried to yell and struggle from her powerful grasp, but I coughed and inhaled more of the fumes, immediately feeling dizzy and disoriented. I tried to press the panic alarm built into the belt they’d given me, but I don’t remember anymore.
* * * * *
To Be Continued
Revised 11/08/2006
Special thanks to my evil blonde sister for proofing assistance
Additional proofing assistance generously provided by Janet Nolan
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Date rape
Wise to have plans B and C ready ..Just in case.. Particulary with those Hawthorn Uv's!!
Woah the girl/boy is a
Woah the girl/boy is a sicko... She's in serious need of some therapy, but she has trust issues there. I hope this will work out for good somehow.
Thank you for writing this funny/interesting story,
Format Tweak
Janet suggested I format Joanie's internal voice more in the Chicago style.
I thought that meant hiding the body in the cornerstone of a new building.
Italics don't show even in the printer friendly version so I added asterics *before and after * as a supliment in place of the tildas ~~.
Let me know if this is easier to read or confusing.
Chapter 13 should post soon.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
I hope she has live backup monitoring!
As for the internal voice, as presented it's very confusing.
Karen J.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Internal voice
What would you suggest to make the internal voice less confusing?
John's evil proofer who's not related
Mistress of the Guild of Evil [Strawberry] Blonde Proofreaders

To be or not to be... ask Schrodinger's cat.
A tilde a day!
Janet, awhile back it was proposed (by Itinerant?) that tildes be used for internal thought. I use two at each end and place the thought in italics. the combination works well here on BC, and for those that copy and paste to a simple text reader, the double tilde stands out visually. Example:
"Are you okay?" I asked the woman hiding behind my car. ~~Looks like she's been assaulted, maybe I should call the police.~~
"Are you okay?" I asked the woman hiding behind my car. ~~Looks like she's been assaulted, maybe I should call the police.~~
Anything that makes the text stand out visually would work, but the reader needs to know what you are doing. So whatever "standard" you adopt, you might want to explain it either in the prologue or the afterword.
Hope this helps,
Karen J.
PS: Janet, my writing style comes from the AP Stylebook, modified by real world experience at various agencies and places, plus writing lessons as delivered by my editor here on BC. She may not want to claim me so I'll allow her to remain anonymous. I can be stubborn sometimes!
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Somebody is in for a lot of trouble. I think I know who it is. Either way, I can't wait for the next part.
Well It Was An Experiment
I'll try and fix the italics per Erin's tip. Web savy not am I.
Next couple chapters are something of curveballs reguarding some of the characters and Joanie gets VERY silly in purswauding Peeper to behave.
Try reading the attachment, the italics and indents should help make it easier to follow.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
I sympathize John
It took me a bit to get used to HTML too. If you look on Stardust, in the navigation panel, there is a link entitled 'Compose Tips'. It lists the basic HTML tags and gives examples of how to use them. It was a lot of help to me.
Writing is not necessarily something to be ashamed of--but do it in private and wash your hands afterwards.
Lazarus Long
Robert A. Heinlein's 'Time Enoough for Love'
The difference between fiction and reality? Fiction has to make sense.
-- Tom Clancy (Currently broken)
Twitter: @genomorph
Arg! Mongo must learn?
Thank's for the tip,Scott.
I printed out the first 2 pages of the tips and will see what havoc I can wrought. I'll probaly just fix the iatalics though the indents are tempting.
I devious mind and new toys,
bru ha ha ha ha!
John in Wauwatosa
Proof of the proof
There is always the risk when you take on a new proof reader that you just might learn something new. *Supresses evil chuckle*
I, too, am interested in reader feedback on the formatting. I 'grew up' using the Chicago Manual of Style, but the edition I have does not have any guidance for web publication.
So, while I do strive for high quality, I am flexible enough to allow for new means of expression through a (relatively) new medium.
I also know of a new building waiting for a cornerstone... ;-) (Ever see Robin and the Seven Hoods?)
Your evil proof reader who is not related.
Mistress of the Guild of Evil [Strawberry] Blonde Proofreaders

To be or not to be... ask Schrodinger's cat.
Where do you think I stole, um, got that from?
A wacky film with great talents.
Sammy Davis JR does a great routine with guns, apparently he was an expert at twirling them.
I believe Victor Bunno(?) -- King Tut in the 60's Batman -- was put into two cornerstones.
Bing Crosby getting the girl in the end is wickedly funny.
AS a tempfix I'll probably double tilda -- I agree it's disninctive visually. I think Renae in Whateley canon experimented using tildas with carots and such to disinguish the multiple voices in Merry's head. I got Scott Ramsey's tip off from Bob's Stardust and will try to restore the itallics tonight along wih adding the double ~~.
It's as I said in the PM, Janet, my concern is how it will look in a monitor, mind you the attached file -- assuming I did that right, no fair telling who I screwed that up recently -- should diplay fine to anyone who can read a MS Word 2002 file.
With proportional fonts, autoformat, 'make it fit', and who knows how many other clever tricks the word processing programs do now, many of the old style rules need updating.
Thanks Karen_J for the feedback and the info about the exciting DFW airport -- makes that boring December trip to Hawaii almost bearable.
Thanks Janet my evil proof reader who is not related -- um your not blonde with glasses are you, that would be too wierd.
Now if I can get my sister out of the catatonic stae she entered to protect her from reading anymore of my work.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Explain yourself!
Alright John, you got a problem with blondes who wear glasses? There's a squad of b**by ninjas available over at the Sins comic online, you be nice or I'll have a couple of them drop by for a visit!
Giggling Evilly!
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
B**by Ninjas?
Are these nubile young the women who chased Graham Chapman to his death in The Meaning of Life, crime and punishment segment -- i.e. the topless girls in roller-derby/American Football outfits who run him over a cliff?
What a way to go!
John in Wauwatosa
P.S. Could they dress as Playboy Bunnies for me?
John in Wauwatosa
I Move Dat Someone
open a winda.
Victor Buono (Dep. Sheriff Potts) was given a short bier.
The Sammy Davis Jr. segment was a classic, as was Mr. Booze by Bing Crosby.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Trouble with blondes?
Well, I am blonde, and I used to have to wear glasses all the time. Since laser surgery earlier this year, I only wear glasses now for reading and close work... like proofreading.
Sounds to me like a certain author should resign himself to the inevitable. ;-)
Seriously, though, the whole reason I put this up to the forum was to get feedback. I have spent way too many years working in print media and old habits die hard. Still, I am not so ossified that I can't adapt to new things, yet. =)
The evil proof reader who is not related
Mistress of the Guild of Evil [Strawberry] Blonde Proofreaders

To be or not to be... ask Schrodinger's cat.
Janet, I'm also a blonde, as John knows; and I wear glasses which he may not know. So if he wants to try and put down blondes wearing glasses he has to deal with TWO of us! ;)
Don't worry, hon, we'll give you plenty of feedback! Ossified, that's an Ozzie Osborne fan, right? Not my style of music, as you'll see when my next story chapter is posted (and not a word from you, John!).
Karen J.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Ozzzie Mandius?
I have one responce to that...
I feel much better now.
I was a blonde in the summers as a little kid and print is getting harder to read these days, does that count?
Karen, get typing.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
depending on the kindness of strangers
Don't you mean 'Blanche'?
BTW, weren't you the one complaining about dealing with blondes? Or is this an attempt to assuage our feelings by claiming solidarity?
Me thinks the lady, er gentleman, protesteth too much. =)
Mistress of the Guild of Evil [Strawberry] Blonde Proofreaders

To be or not to be... ask Schrodinger's cat.
Ozzie Osborne not Marlon Brando
That was my pitiful ayttempt at Ozzie calling to his wife as in the Ozzie Ozborn Show, not to be confused with Ozzie and Harriet.
Oh, tried the italics and it worked. It's ALIVE!
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
no that was...