Timeout 2- Pause/Record/Fast-forward - Chapter 9

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Another BigCloset TopShelf story.

Our heroine has pre-dance jitters and talks with a friend, she visits an odd clothing boutique, meets an old relative, does the Security thing to some trouble-makers and becomes the target of Peeper's latest money-making scheme.

Andy Warhol said,"In the future, everyone will be famous for 15 minutes." What if your 15 minutes came late in life, and fame decided to never let you go? Could you survive the circus your life would become?


Timeout 2-Pause/Record/Fast-forward: A Whateley Academy Fan fiction

This is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? To see the canon Whateley Stories, check out either Sapphire's Place,

(http://www.sapphireplace.com/stories/whateley.html) or the Big Closet (http://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/taxonomy/term/117)."

This is still sort of first my attempt a TG/sci-fi piece, thought every day in every way I’m getting better and better. Constructive criticism and advice is welcome. This is for fun and in appreciation of the wonderful Whateley Universe, take it in that spirit. Any violations of copyright, trade mark or use of real people or incidents is for purposes of humor or parody, which saves my butt. Love the fair use doctrine. All rights reserved in perpetuity, John from Wauwatosa WI, 2005-2006. See my agents 86 and 99 of Control. I wonder if the shoe phone spurred the development of Odor Eaters?

Timeout 2

By John from Wauwatosa

Chapter 9- Don’t Panic, Cecilia, Ba Ba Black Sheep 2, the Chase, the Pizza Prize

Whateley Academy — February 07-16, 2007

February 09, 2007 6:15 PM

I’m starting to panic dear d/j/w, and it’s all about that stupid dance. It’s not like I’m unprepared, transport is arranged, and I’ve got the weekend off. Two things trouble me. One: am I ready for this step and two: the damn dress. Number two should be easy, I considered an LBD toned down with tights and maybe a sweater vest, but it still comes off too mature and sexy. Contouring is the problem; I could wear a sleeping bag and look hot if it fit me tight enough; I simply go in and out too much in all the right places. Not that I mind but for a middle school dance? We don’t want a testosterone explosion, so I’m being silly, but you get the point. I want something comfortable to dance and sit in, age appropriate yet attractive, and I want the other kids to know it’s ‘Joanie’ he’s with. I want us to both have a good time and for Eric’s stock among his classmates to rise. He’s Mel’s brother, it’s the least I can do. It has to be a dress or skirt and blouse, but nothing I’ve tried looks right.

I called Gin the other day, but she has an early summer session course to teach and doesn’t have the time. I could go to Boston and hit the women’s shops and department stores, but I’m not familiar with the city and don’t have the time. I asked around campus and Mr. Lodgeman, Charlie, gave me an idea. A friend, Cecilia Rodgers, has a dress making shop in Dunwich. She does school uniforms and other clothes, even ball gowns, for many of the hard to fit at Whateley and can handle odd materials. He got me an appointment for Saturday, and she can do clothes while you wait. Sounds like my salvation.

As to my anxiety, I’m calling Sara tonight.

* * * *

“Dr. Sara Grobeschmidt-Taylor, how may I help you?”

“Sara, it’s Joanie, I need your advice.” I think she heard the worry in my tone.

“Joanie dear, what can I do for you?”

“I’m scared, and I don’t know where to turn. I can’t think or eat, I’m having trouble sleeping; I’m a wreck.” I was sounding frantic; I could hear it myself.

“Calm down, Joanie, tell Sara what’s wrong. You in trouble, it’s not those kidnapers? Someone threaten you? Tell me you’re not pregnant?”

I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry when I heard that last one.

“Worse, I... I have a date with a boy.” I was fighting back tears. Sara giggled but quickly regained control.

“Gin mentioned something about you needing a dress for a dance. Who’s the lucky boy, some nice mutant at Whateley, a fellow student?

“Eric Johnson.” I thought I hear Sara gasp.

“Eric Johnson of Iowa, Governor’s son, brother of Mel the sugar addict?” she said. I giggled and calmed a little.

~Ghod Sara’s good at this. ~

“He’s just a boy, I know it’s only a dance, just for fun and to get used to dating men, but it terrifies me, and I don’t know why?”

“Is it the thought of having sex? I know you’re still sorting out your sexuality, but you seemed to be getting on pretty well with the rest of Gang of Four.”

“They’re women, Eric’s the first male I’ve ever dated, and I don’t know how to handle it?” I giggled nervously.

“Being a man for 48 years I’d think you’d be expert at handling ‘it’.” Sara burst out laughing and I joined in. After a minute we stopped.

“Damn you, Sara, I wet myself.”

“Sorry dear, you’re feeling better though?”

“Except for the wet panties, I’m fine. Any suggestions -- I know I shouldn’t be so emotional but I am.”

“First date jitters, I got them all the time, still do. Once you’re past the first date, all the rest is a breeze. You’re over-thinking the problem. Sounds like what you said about your old life and dating: you’ve not even been out the one time, and you’re wondering what your grandchildren will look like. It sounds trite, but it’s true, go with the flow, Joanie. Just enjoy it for what it is, a fun night out with a nice young man, nothing more, nothing less.”

“What about a dress? I still haven’t a clue except there is this seamstress in Dunwich Mr. Lodgeman recommends; he teaches ballroom dancing with her.”

“Sounds perfect, Joanie, though a simple dress, blouse and pumps would be fine. Don’t over think things, Girl; I’m sure he’ll like you no matter how you’re dressed. Kids! Night, Joanie, call anytime, except when I’m a sleep. I’m a real grouch then.” I laughed.

“’Nite, Sara, and thanks.”

Something she said bothered me, but I couldn’t think of what it was. Rather like my late mom that way, could calm you and wind you up at the same time. I wish my sense of humor was that subtle.

* * * *

February 10th, 2007, 7:35AM

It was one of those glorious winter thaw days when all is right with the world; I hopped on my cycle and rode the short distance to Dr. Bellows’ house and my friends, the Anderson twins.

“You girls ready, I need to be in Dunwich by eight for my appointment,” I said into the intercom.

“Coming,” said two sleepy, near identical voices. The girls came down looking a little owly eyed.

“Up late last night?”

“We got to talking about your date and didn’t get to sleep ‘til late,” Tina said.

“It’s not a date, it’s a dance. How often do I have to repeat my self?”

“Sure it is, Joanie.” They laughed and I did too, slightly nervously.

Tina got on behind Chris on the Kawasaki, and we roared off to Dunwich. I’d promised them some custom outfits and lunch in exchange for their moral support. The gals would have done it for nothing, but they’d been so kind to me I had to do this. We arrived at “Rogers Fabric Boutique” and walked in. Cecilia was waiting, an attractive mid-twenties woman. I immediately wondered if she and Charlie were an item.

“I’m Joanie and these are my friends, Tina and Chris. Mr. Lodgeman, Charlie, made an appointment for me.” She took a long look at me and smiled.

“Charlie wasn’t kidding when he said you’d be a challenge, what are you, 6 foot one?”

“Add a half inch to that. You know what I want and how soon I need it?”

“A dress suitable for a middle school senior prom yet is distinctly ‘Joanie’. I know of your singing ‘hobby’ as Charlie says you call it. Don’t worry, you’re in good hands. Please step into the booth in the back and follow its instructions and hold still when it says, you will need to be naked for accurate measurements, but you can do that inside.”

Cecilia led met to the back of her shop; graceful does not adequately describe her. I was amazed she wasn’t a high fashion model or professional dancer.

“Does she have to do it in there, we wanted to watch. It’s not like she’s not used to strangers seeing her naked,” the twins said petulantly, and then they laughed.

“I had a run in with some kidnappers last fall, and when I was rescued, I was naked. They kinda, well it’s... “

“She was naked on the national news. We saw it; all of it,” said Tina.

The girls deliberately moistened their lips; I decided to ignore them.

“What is it, Ms. Rogers?” I said pointing at her booth.

“It’s a scanner of my own design, a kind of an automatic CADCAM system. It measures every inch of your body in the various poses it asks for, then its robotic unit produces perfect fitting clothes in moments. All I need to do is input the basic design, fabrics and such; I have something special in mind for you.” She must have seen the concern on my face; I did feel somewhat overwhelmed. “I’ve fitted far more unusual body shapes than you, Joanie. You are fairly tall for a young woman and ample breasts don’t usually hang so high, but you’re not the first I fitted with that peculiarity. Relax and enjoy, dear.”

I stepped in the scanner, disrobed and placed my clothes in the container indicated, which promptly vanished back into the wall of the booth. After several minutes and various poses it finished, returned my clothes and told me to dress.

I had a coffee while the booth scanned the twins in turn. “Why scan them both, they’re identical, shouldn’t one be the same as the other?” I’d realized I said something dumb when Cecilia laughed.

“Even the most identical of identical twins have some slight variations, more so over the years. I have an eye for these things. The scanner confirmed my suspicion; Tina and Chris are mirror image twins. Most women have one breast that’s larger than the other, in their cases it’s the other side. The difference is not great in their cases but adjusting for it will give them the best fit. And one girl is five pounds heavier than the other, but that’s her secret,” Cecilia explained.

The scans complete. Ms. Rogers led us to a platform were we could see an automated machine assemble complete outfits on a self adjusting mannequin. It even made the panties and other under garments and what looked like nylon or silk stockings. I noticed something odd.

“Why no bra?”

“The machine is building that into the top of your dress so it can be open backed. It could make it backless, but this is for dancing at a school event so I went with daring but demure. Joanie, you’ll love it.”

Thirty minutes after we’d started we all had neatly folded outfits to try. The machine produced matching shoes as well. Cecilia pointed to some dressing rooms which were now visible, and we changed. She’d kindly provided care instructions and hints for easy dressing and undressing. I stepped into the dress, fastened the narrow top strap and eased my breasts into the built in cups which fitted perfectly. Once I’d pulled up the rear zipper, the whole dress felt so sensual and comfortable.

I must not have been paying close attention but a garter belt was included with the panties. I followed the instructions and put it on first, then these soft wondrous panties, some kind of micro fiber the care sheet said and next the stockings. They looked fragile but were made of something called bucky-tube carbon filaments, supposedly many times stronger than any other fiber in the world. They looked and felt marvelous, after taking a few steps I could see why some women loved stockings -- it was as if someone was gently massaging my legs. I supposed the feeling would ease overtime, otherwise I’d have a hard time walking around the block without an orgasm. Last was a pair of shinny black leather open toed dress sandals with a modest heel. I looked in the mirror and was shocked; did I really look that good? I came out of the changing room and was soon met by two extremely happy Anderson girls in matching cocktail dresses and high heels, very sharp.

“You gals look gorgeous, I’m jealous.” I pouted then smiled. They’re eyes locked on me and I could see Cecilia’s smile beaming.

“What do you ladies think of Joanie’s outfit?” They said nothing but their hugs spoke volumes. “One of my finest creations I think.”

“I think I’ll take it, Ms. Rogers.” I squeaked.

~Eric’s in for a shock when he sees me in this. If he isn’t the envy of every boy in the school I’d be amazed. He won’t have any problems getting girls to date after they see me. ~

“How did you get this leather and lace top to fit so firm yet feel so soft and what is the skirt made of? It looks like silk with lace trim but its not, is it?”

“Special synthetic leather for the top, it feels like kid leather but is stronger, easy to clean, holds its shape and won’t piss off PETA. I’m sure the goats feel better about it too.” she laughed. “I do clothes in all natural materials for those who prefer or need it, allergies and such, but I usually work with whatever I think best. In your case that was mostly synthetics. The skirt portion is more of that bucky-tube carbon filament. Moves and feels like silk but is far stronger, stronger than the fabric they use for bullet resistant vests. It’s not widely available yet, but I have my sources. The design is ‘leather and lace’ because you’re a ‘leather and lace’ girl, the synthetics make sense for the added strength and ease of care. My clothes cost more, but they last far longer, so they save money in the long haul. I’ll have your other outfits ready and delivered in a few days.”

“Others?” I asked.

~I thought I was just buying a dress. ~

“Charlie said you need a set of Whateley uniforms, as you’re a part-time student; it will help you blend into class. I’m also making some workout clothes for PE and your self-defense and security training, several custom Whateley Security uniforms with slacks and skirts, plus all appropriate footwear and hose. And a set of motorcycle gear; I see you rode one here. I can even special order those Steve Zink custom boots you like so much. I love the ones you have on now, a good choice for on a cycle.”

Cecilia was a born sales person, between the twins and I, the bill came to several thousand dollars. At least she said delivery was included.

“Come to the ballroom and modern dance classes Mr. Lodgeman teaches, I’m assisting again, you’ll love it. I’m not sure if it applies to you, Joanie, but there are several mandatory dances during the year, the school thinks it helps improve social skills, and it can help in business circles,” Cecilia said as the three of us left for lunch carrying our booty.

We had a nice lunch at a nearby café then took a leisurely ride back to Whateley, Chris on my Harley, Tina with me on the Kawasaki. The way Chris hugged and kissed me afterwards told me she enjoyed the ride, between Tina’s hanging on tight on the cycle and Chris’s ‘thank you,’ I enjoyed it too.

* * * *
February 12, 2007, Dunwich NH, Whateley Academy

I followed the instructions meticulously and arrived at the Grand Miskatonic Shuttle station at ten to eight. I parked my Harley and waited. At precisely 8AM a rental car drove up and a wiry, 30 something man got out. He resembled pictures of my grandfather at a similar age. He recognized me at once.

“The press photos do not do you justice; you are an enchanting woman, Joan. I’m John, follow me, dear.”

He certainly was a smooth one, he dressed the part too. That suit must have cost well over a thousand dollars. He drove to a quiet roadside park, the one I’d stopped at the day I arrived. I removed my helmet, and we talked.

“How did you find me, John?”

“I have resources and my magic, with that and what was in the press I figured it out. That’s how I know of your powers, even those not known to the press. Don’t worry; I understand the value of keeping secrets. I let my wife keep the diary because I knew she’d keep it safe long after I faked my death. I hated leaving but my former associates organization tracked me down and were on my heels. I’ve had many lovers, she was the one I was faithful to longest if it counts for anything.”

“What of the night watchman and the others you killed?” I was taking a risk, but he’d opened this subject in his letter, so I figured I was safe.

“An unfortunate accident, he came upon me as I set the incendiary. He tripped and fell on the stairs chasing me. I could do nothing for him; he died so quickly, but I did send money to his widow the rest of her life. The others were assassins and hired thugs of the safe cracking and blackmail gang I foolishly worked for.”

“What do you do now, John?” I asked.

“Live off my investments and dabble in invention. My magics make it easier to understand the workings of machines. Your MSG friends would call it a gadgeteer or devisor trait, but I do it through magic. With my transformational magics I can alter my appearance and that of others for varying lengths of time, with that and some stage craft I faked the signs of aging, so I didn’t need to move constantly. I do admit to the occasional burglary but as a part of a security testing service. I have to return what I steal, though I do get a percentage as my fee.”

“You’re legit?”

“Yes, a bit of a come down, what?” the Brit in him came out for a moment. “I was the best safe cracker in all of England, possibly the world. I still am, I’ve kept up with the times, but the percentages are better as a security consultant.”

“What is so important you had to see me after staying away from the family for 122 years?” This was the big question in my mind.

“Your destiny, Joan, I can’t say much, or I’ll change the future, but my magics foretell a critical juncture in the near future. Two paths shine brightest, one leads to honors, glories and joys you can’t imagine, along with great pain and hardships. The other path is easier for a time but soon goes dark and ... uncertain.” He hesitated. “It’s possible you kill yourself, how I don’t know as you are far longer lived than I can ever hope to be. That is what scares me; you may not kill your self but die in some great disaster with millions of others, possibly another World War,” John explained.

“You’re scaring me, what must I do?”

He paused considering his words.

“Follow your heart; you have a fine mind, but you need to let your emotions guide you here. If you listen to your heart, you will know. That’s all I dare say other than the critical juncture is soon, very soon. I may have said too much. Goodbye my dear descendent, carry on and remember me to your children. I must go, we’re being observed.” I turned to look for the intruder.

“Children, what did you say?” but he was gone.

~Ghods, children, plural! I know it’s possible, and I do want a family someday but still. And children usually imply a man’s involvement at some point. I can’t see myself falling for or making love to man anytime soon; I’m only now taking my first baby steps in dating. Still my life is not as I imagined it even a year ago, and I do think of men sometimes; okay, a lot to be honest. My future will certainly be interesting. Arrrg, I’m beginning to hate magic users; they’re so vague and mysterious. ‘Follow your heart,’ what the hell does that mean? Is it to do with someone or something at Whateley, a decision about my singing career, a lover? This will drive me crazy, thanks a lot, buster. ~

~He said something else, oh yes, we were being observed. ~

I looked around and saw several brief flashes from across a farm field. I saw it again from a shrubby, overgrown fence row.

~Damn a telephoto lens I’ll bet, catching the light like a mirror. ~ I thought. ~If they have a parabolic reflector or machinegun microphone, oh hell! ~

I tightened my helmet and rode in their general direction. I saw two people running at great speed as fast or even faster than my old motorcycle, but I had the advantage if they were from Whateley. I turned onto the quickest route back and pushed the Harley for everything it had. They couldn’t go cross country easily, too many barbed wire fences, stone walls, occasional areas of old snow and the like. I got to the walls of Whateley, turned in the gate, brought my cycle to a halt and waited. I radioed for backup and at the first sign of blurry people approaching, I time stopped the gateway. In moments two students, a pair of brother/sister speedsters were caught in mid-stride. My fellow officers quickly erected an energy absorbing barrier; we wanted them alive and well. I released the time stop, and it was like one of those films of emergency landings on an aircraft carrier or when a bird files into a researchers mist net.

The speedsters’ limbs tangled in the net which gave the other officers ample time to check them for injuries, evidence and weapons before freeing them and handcuffing them. I couldn’t resist.

“Ello, ello, ello, what’s all this then? We have speeding in a posted school zone, oh dear 120 mph is 105 over, you won’t be seeing your licenses for a long while, unless of course you don’t have one yet, in which case I didn’t know if you’ll ever get one.” I was laying it on thick, but these kids needed waking up before it was too late. “Then there’s reckless endangerment, running at high speed on a crowded campus? That machinegun mic wasn’t just for recording bird song was it? The hi-resolution digital camera and telephoto lens were reported missing from the Whateley photo lab -- that’s possession of stolen property. Oh and this is the one I personally like, interfering with a police officer in her sworn duty. Technically as an auxiliary officer in training I’m police and an officer of the courts of New Hampshire. If you don’t want to spend the next decade or so in jail, you’ll tell my fellow officers and I everything, and I do mean everything. Yah, I almost forgot, you have the right to remain silent... “

I read them their rights, but they weren’t stupid, they’d been blackmailed and sang like a pair of mutant canaries, i.e. they told us everything. Though technically brother and sister, they were not blood relations but the result of their parents remarrying after divorcees. The stigma still was present in the eyes of some, and they’d got caught ‘at it’. Having sex on campus happened frequently, but technically it was prohibited. They could be expelled if someone made a stink; unfortunately for us whoever caught them was a master manipulator and worked via indirect channels.

The boy was the same one who’d taken Tina and my photos while taunting me at the Crystal Hall; he claimed he was told to use that line on me. Tina guessed right about a setup; his sister would have shot a photo the moment my hands came near him. The medical staff treated their cuts and scrapes while we questioned them. The trail went cold quickly; whoever it was pulled up stakes and bugged off. We don’t think it was an on campus blackmailer, just someone watching Whateley from a distance and paying snitches for information. I wondered, was it part of the smear campaign, the people behind my kidnapping or something else?

* * * *

February 14, 2007, Whateley Academy

“But, Peeper, we’re on shaky ground already, this is like juggling jars of nitroglycerine.”

“Greasy, if we do this right it’s legit, sleazy, but legit. We need the fundage desperately. You know how well the ‘Negligee Nightingales!’ and those ‘Nikki Reilly: Nature, beautiful but fierce!’ posters sold. We need new ones as the market is saturated.”

“You’re not going after Team Kimba again; the girls are not pleased with us,” Greasy cringed as he said this.

“That’s the beauty of this plan, any photos of the Kimba girls are pure gravy, and the main targets are two of the newest staff members.”

“Staff, that’s worse, we’ll be expelled for sure,” worried Greasy.

“No, for one we built some goodwill coming forward on the WARS broadcast voluntarily, and second, one of the women is already on over half the boys’ walls and even more of the girls’.” Greasy’s face made a major frown.

“Greasy, you worry too much. Pass the word that I’m running a contest for the ‘most interesting’ photo of Miss Joan ‘Joanie’ Brown and Miss Susan Alexis Luther. This is part of the ‘Babes of Whateley’ wall calendar and life-sized posters we will sell to our fellow students, for a modest profit. On second though, skip the calendar as it is March already; let’s do a smaller poster for those on a budget. We’ll offer lesser prizes for other campus babes; Team Kimba comes to mind, a medium cheese and pepperoni per winner, I think. The prize for Joanie or Luther is a deluxe, large pizza with everything. With those two, a prize is not strictly needed, but it deflects Team Kimba’s attention from us, a most worthwhile insurance policy. With luck the pizza’s enough, and we won’t need to offer a cash bonus. I considered adding Samantha Everheart to the list, she’s a serious babe too, but I’m not suicidal.” Greasy did not look any happier.

“Peeper, Luther’s a full time Security officer, one of their better ones so rumor has it. Joanie is, well, Joanie. She’s rich, beautiful, a powerful warper and has equally powerful friends and interests backing her. She’s a pet project of Ms. Carson’s, hint hint. Might as well cover yourself in tuna fish and run into a tiger cage.”

“That’s where you’re wrong; Joanie expects stuff like this, hell she was naked on national TV, and Luther’s too thick-skinned. If we do things right, they’ll complain but not officially. A lecture by either of them I can take; it might even be fun. I sure wouldn’t mind getting a close look at either or both, Greasy. The school expects us to be rebellious, we are just teenagers, and this is harmless fun, for a tidy profit.”

“Ghod I hope you’re right.”

* * * *

February 16, 2007, 9:15PM, Poe Hall

Sorry for any confusion d/j/w reader but this last month has been so busy I may have missed a few entries; forgive me if things are out of order. The smear campaign seems to have stopped for now, I think the subtle reminder Administration sent out to the entire campus about the dangers and consequences of spreading false accusations about fellow students or staff had the desired effect. That both Ms. Carson and Amelia - Ghod I love teasing her - signed it pleased me no end. Maybe I’ll let up on Ms. Hartford, for a while: still haven’t made up my mind about her.

I’m finally ready for my “Valentines Day/Prom” date with Eric; I leave for Iowa early tomorrow. You wouldn’t think finding an appropriate outfit would be so hard, thank the Ghods for Cecilia. I hope he isn’t as nervous about this as I am; I almost lost it the other day. What’s wrong with me? I almost never panic; I’m usually so laid back you could mistake me for furniture. Anticipation, I guess, I was like this before all of my dates as a man -- don’t ask how few -- it’s embarrassing.

Talked with Sara, it helped some, something about first dates being the hardest for her too. What did she mean by that? This is just for fun, to get my toe in the water, metaphorically speaking, and probably a one off with respect to Eric. Why did I say probably? Now she has me doing it. Ghod, I’m starting to panic again, think Girl think - engage panic circuits, panic circuits engaged, Aeeee! - Damn, even Red Dwarf isn’t helping.

All is ready; I’m off to Iowa early tomorrow. Now if I can only survive the next couple days I’ll be fine, the monkey off my back and all that. Now what was it Sara said exactly? I remember...

~Oh my Ghod. ~

“Once you’re past the first date, all the rest is a breeze.” All the rest?

~It’s just a dance, it’s just a dance, it’s just a dance... ~

* * * *
To be continued

Revised 10/05/2006
Special thanks to my evil blonde sister for proofing assistance


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