Timeout 2- Pause/Record/Fast-forward - Chapter 10


Another BigCloset TopShelf story.

Our heroine meets a smooth-talking pilot, gets an update from her sugar-addicted friend Mel, attends a dance and learns something that shocks her, her singing 'hobby' continues to grow and Peepers's pin-up poster scheme picks up steam.

Andy Warhol said,"In the future, everyone will be famous for 15 minutes." What if your 15 minutes came late in life, and fame decided to never let you go? Could you survive the circus your life would become?


Timeout 2-Pause/Record/Fast-forward: A Whateley Academy Fan fiction

This is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? To see the canon Whateley Stories, check out either Sapphire's Place,

(http://www.sapphireplace.com/stories/whateley.html) or the Big Closet (http://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/taxonomy/term/117)."

This is still sort of first my attempt a TG/sci-fi piece, thought every day in every way I’m getting better and better. Constructive criticism and advice is welcome. This is for fun and in appreciation of the wonderful Whateley Universe, take it in that spirit. Any violations of copyright, trade mark or use of real people or incidents is for purposes of humor or parody, which saves my butt. Love the fair use doctrine. All rights reserved in perpetuity, John from Wauwatosa WI, 2005-2006. See my agents 86 and 99 of Control. Get 20% off if you tell our contact, “Pussycat pussycat where have you been?” Offer good at any wharfside dive or biker bar.

Timeout 2

By John from Wauwatosa

Chapter 10-It’s not a Date it’s a Dance! $59.95 for the Life Size

Whateley Academy Dunwich NH, Des Moines IA — February 17-18, 2007

February 18, 2007 somewhere over Illinois, 5PM

Writing this on my charter back to Dunwich is difficult, so much to say, so little time to say it. The dance was far more fun than I imagined and far more complicated. Confusing isn’t it dear d/j/w.? I went in to it with a particular set of expectations and came out of it having experienced something entirely different. Still not certain reader, neither am I, but I’m working on it. It started out clear and simple, then gradually... let me describe what happened, and you can figure it out for yourself, then would you explain it to me please!

* * * *
February 17, 2007, 10AM CDT

Here I am dear d/j/w about to land in Iowa for a dance with a fourteen year old boy. Strange but I’m looking forward to it; more of my lost girlhood? Got up early, 5am, nerves I guess, took a five mile run, showered, dressed, got an early breakfast at the Crystal Hall, then loaded my overnight bag, my notebook computer — how else could I be entering this now — carefully tied down my dress bag and accessories and rode to the local airfield where the private charter jet would meet me. The pilots were surprised to see such a young woman waiting for them, but they been well paid, and after the captain checked my credentials, all went smoothly. They’d arrived on time; we loaded up, tied the cycle down securely and took off. After we leveled off, the copilot came into the main cabin.

“Comfortable, miss?”

He smiled a bit too warmly for my tastes. I knew the reputation of pilots from all those old films and TV.

~Don’t tell me he’s thinking of picking me up? Nah, that’s too cliché. ~

“Just a little nervous, I’ve only flown a few times and only twice in a plane this small.” He turned on the charm.

~Then maybe it’s not. ~

“Where to, miss?”

“Hawaii with my Dad and Sister a while ago; LA and back last December.”

“LA was the charter jet then, there on business? You look like a fashion model; you’re certainly tall enough and most attractive.”

~Does he think a line like that works? ~

He was pouring it on. I caught a glimpse of the captain glancing back and shaking his head.

~It looks like he’s pulled this act before. ~

“I was on a TV show, I sing a little.” He looked confused now.

“You seem familiar, but I can’t quite place you.” He changed tactics. “That’s sure an old Harley you’ve got there. What year?”

~Ah, get the girl to talk about herself, so you can act all enthusiastic about her interests. ~

“1915 with original racing team parts; Jay got a kick riding it before the show.” His smile dropped, I think he realized he was hitting on the wrong girl.


“The guy with that big network late night TV show, you’d love him. I had a great time.” I smiled sweetly. This was fun.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name?”

“Joan Brown, but everybody calls me Joanie. You didn’t recognize me? Aaawh!” I pouted. “Isn’t it time you get back in the cockpit? Um, what was it you wanted to ask me?” I said with a predatory gleam in my eye.

“Sorry, I think I’m needed up front.”

~Darn, I spooked him. ~

I thought I heard the captain say something like, “I told you so.”

~Um, what did he mean by ‘up front?’ Oh! ~

* * * *
Arrived in Des Moines, unloaded, confirmed the return charter and rode off to Terrace Hill. The guard at the gate was different than the last time; she recognized me, quickly checked my ID — just to be prudent - and waived me in, smart girl. I suspect Bob had something to do with that. She must have called ahead because Mel burst out of the Mansion and ran out to greet me.

I hardly recognized her; she’d changed so much in the three months since I’d last seen her. We’d talked on the phone back in December, so I knew she was in a major growth spurt but seeing her in person was different. She was at least an inch taller than in November and developing serious curves -- this was no girl anymore.

“Joanie, oh my Ghod, you brought your motorcycle -- this is so kewl you look so pretty and well sexy -- I can say sexy can’t I, Joanie? I mean you’re my bestest friend, and all my brother will just go crazy when he sees you -- you’re just so... oh I wish I was as pretty as you.”

She was grinning widely and acting the excited girl; but I could see she’d been growing like a new born colt. She was still skinny overall but had such long legs under those tapered blue jeans she wore and her cleavage was obvious. Her face was no longer that of a child but of a young woman on the edge of adulthood. She would soon be the envy of her peers, I thought.

“Mel, let me take a look. My word you look lovely; I can’t call you a girl anymore -- you’re too much a lady now. What are you now; I mean how big are you, Mel?”

“Joanie, it’s a dream come true, I’m growing up so fast. Okay, I’m 5 foot 7 almost 8, I weigh 98 pounds and I’m almost a B cup. I wear real ladies bras and panties now, and Mom bought me some pretty ones with lace. And, Joanie, I’m a real woman now, I just had my first period. It was so messy, and I had such awful cramps and felt miserable. It was wonderful!” She gave me a big hug.

~That’s one for the books, she liked it? I knew what she meant though. ~

“Whoa, Woman, welcome to the club. I only became a tampon carrying member last August.” Mel giggled girlishly, but the pitch was lower and more teenaged than I remembered. “Your Mom gave you ‘The Talk’ Mel?”

“Oh, about not letting boys stick their penis in my vagina ‘cause I could get pregnant or sick? Mom told me that a over year ago, and Dad did again right after my you know.”

“When did you have your first one?’

“I just finished yesterday. I feel so happy I could burst, Joanie.”

“I’m happy too, just be careful please it’s your body, don’t let some smooth talker take advantage of you and trick you into sex before you’re ready. You’re so pretty already, believe me, Mel, I used to be a guy, and the old me says you’re a real fox.” Mel blushed, a blush not a giggle.

“Honest, Joanie, the old you thinks I’m hot?” she seemed a bit confused but happy.

“Not that I would ever do anything to harm you as me then or now, but yah, you’re very pretty and sexy and getting more so by the day. Knowing what your Mom and Dad look like, in a couple of years you’ll be a real stunner; you could steal my boyfriend, honest, Mel, you’re that pretty now.”

Her smile grew so wide I was afraid her head would fall off. She gave me another big hug and a kiss on the cheek.

“Thank you, Joanie, you make me so happy, you really are my bestest... my best friend. Bestest is for girls, we’re ladies now, so you’re my best friend. And don’t you be mean to Eric, he may be a boy, but he’s my brother and well, I love him.”

~Where did that come from? ~

“Best friend or not, you’ll always be my bestest friend.” She smiled back at me. “Let’s go see Romeo, Mel. Don’t worry, I really do want to do to this dance with Eric; I’m not trying to play a joke on him. I think my inner girl wants to make up for what she’s missed, and Eric is a nice young man. He has to be -- he’s your brother.“

* * * *

I didn’t tell her what my inner girl wanted to do with Eric, hell I didn’t want to know. We had slowly been working our way up to the private quarters on the fourth floor when Babs showed up followed closely by Eric. Babs was starting to show seriously, her belly swollen, and her normally ample breasts grown voluptuous. Eric had changed greatly since I’d last seen him, the skinny awkward boy of September was 6 foot 1inch and145 pounds, showing signs of muscle and a more than slight bulge in his...

~Oh my! Am I having that effect on him? ~

He’d also been shaving since Christmas, Mel told me.

“Hi, Joanie, welcome to my home, how do you like my four children?” Mel and Eric gasped.

“Don’t worry, Babs, I mean your Mom, told me she’s having twins. You two will have such fun spoiling them.”

Eric spoke. “I’m so glad you came, Joanie. I had to turn down Kathryn and Diana because you asked me.”

He looked me in the eyes as he spoke, that look did things to me I had not expected. He spoke again, and the spell was broken.

“Kathryn and Diana?” I asked.

“Two of the prettiest girls in his class,” Babs said, Mel nodded her head in agreement. “But Eric said this nice girl had said yes, and he had to be faithful.”

“I’m so happy, Eric, that was very honorable. I know you’re only fourteen, but I’m glad to go to the dance with you, honest, Eric. You’re a very handsome young man you know.”

I gave him a hug. Eric blushed, but his trousers declared his true feelings. The inner girl lurking in my mind was very pleased; she and Ms. Libido conspired to hijack my brain, why else did I say what I said next?

“If you find another girl I’ll understand, but I’d like the chance to be considered, Eric.” I held his hand and kissed him lightly on the lips.

“Ththank you, Joanie, Ah... I have to go, see you later, okay?” He ran off, I think he needed relief as he moved stiffly.

“He’s all hormones now, huh, Babs?” I asked.

“Tell me something I don’t know,” Babs replied.

Bits of me were getting stiff too or wet.

~Ms. Libido and my inner girl are not playing fair, damn them. ~

* * * *

I spent the rest of the day catching up with Mel on what had a happened with her and her friends. ‘The Joanie Collection’ now took up two bookcases and half her room. She been scanning the newspaper and magazine articles she’d saved and taking photos of her other Joanie stuff to up load to her web page. Her friend Lisa was helping her found an Official Joanie fan club and web site, with their mothers’ permission. I planned to give Mr. Karaoke a call after the weekend and request Warner’s cooperate with the girls or else. They were after me to do more publicity, and I kept turning them down, this might mollify them.

The last part of the afternoon I bathed then dressed in that wondrous outfit of Cecilia’s for the dance. A gold necklace, diamond earrings, matching bracelets and Mel’s silver ponytail clip from last September topped it off. A little makeup, and I was ready, I looked about 16 except for my ample chest, but I couldn’t hide that. I may have dressed fairly demure, but I knew I was still a teen’s wet dream. I hoped I wouldn’t embarrass Eric.

~Oh Ghod, I think I like him. What did I say to you, Ms. Libido, about this sort of behavior? Stay, good Libido. Inner girl, I’m watching you, behave. ~

I left my guest suite and entered the main fourth floor lobby. Babs saw me and smiled.

“That’s perfect, Joanie, Eric will be the envy of his class.”

“I hope I haven’t overdone this?”

“Don’t worry my son will love you.” I smiled at her approval.

Eric came out of his room in a spiffy sport coat, dress shirt, tie, dress slacks and shoes. He looked about 18 to me, a skinny 18, but you know.

~If he ever looks as handsome as his Dad, I’m lost. Why won’t my hormones give me a break? ~

My inner girl and Ms. Libido were giving each other high fives. Eric met me with his Mom and Dad, his parents looked at me, then he, and I saw them nod.

~Well here goes. ~

“Eric, will you do me the honor of accompanying me to the dance?” I know traditionally the boy asks the girl, but I’m not traditional.

“Mmy ppleasure, Joanie,” he croaked out in a half stutter while nervously looking me in the eyes.

~Oh my, he’s so sweet and good looking. Ghod, look at that smile, he has such dark, blue eyes, and he’s only fourteen -- what are you thinking girl? I’m going out with a fourteen year old, am I crazy? ~ Part of my mind said.

Another part said, ~Go with the flow and have fun. ~

Yet another part said, ~What a young hunk you’ve caught, woman, ride him hard and put him away wet, Gee Haw!~

I’m beginning to appreciate how Sybil felt.

* * * *

We got in a government limo, and an Iowa State trouper drove us to Eric’s school and the dance. We were quiet during the short ride -- all I remember is Babs and Bob holding hands and smiling, and Eric leaning towards me with his mouth slightly open, eyes locked on mine, the look in his reminding me of a deer in the headlights.

When we arrived, I took Eric’s arm, and we walked in. His classmates stared at us like we were royalty. When they realized who Eric was with, the kids gradually went silent. The guys looked at me with lust, and Eric with respect, even awe. The girls looked at me with envy, and at Eric like he was suddenly out of their league. Eric had just gone way up in class status.

The music started, and we didn’t care -- we just danced, Eric moved well for a guy. Being a school dance, most were ones you danced separately, no close stuff. I found myself enjoying it immensely, just letting go and living for the moment, rather like how a felt when singing. Eric impressed me, he didn’t try to show off or act like I was his girl in some possessive way. Every time I looked his way, he looked me in the eyes or looked at the whole me, he never once stared at my chest like so many of the other boys and in this dress I was impressive.

~They seem to, um ... project more than the last time I tried on this dress, and it does seem a tad tighter fit, maybe I ate more today? ~

As the evening wore on, Eric was looking better and better. We’d talked a little between dances and were both fairly comfortable with each other.

After an hour or two Eric asked, “Hungry, Joanie?”

I wasn’t terribly hungry, but he’d asked politely, and I was a little thirsty so we went and got some snacks. As we ate, I could see Eric looking me over very intensely, he spoke carefully.

“Joanie, I want to thank you again for coming. I was afraid this was a joke between you and Mel, I’m glad it’s not.” I smiled, his smile was electric.

“I’m glad too, Eric. Um... before this gets too mushy, you want to dance again?”

“Let me use the men’s room first, meet me here, okay?”

A couple bolder kids wandered over and talked with me. They knew I was friends with the Johnson family but were surprised I was Eric’s date.

“And why not, he’s a very good looking young man.” I emphasized “man.” “It’s not like I’m his girlfriend, but he’s a lot of fun to dance with. I know were both here just to dance and have fun and all, but I’m very glad I came. He’s really quite nice.”

I could feel a smile spread on my face as I thought about Eric and those eyes of his.

~Gees, did I just think of Eric in that way? He’s only fourteen, get a grip, Girl. But he’s very handsome for a young man and the way he looks at you... I have got to get some control here, my inner girl and Ms. Libido are not playing nice tonight. I need a distraction. ~

“Joanie, I couldn’t help overhear what you said to those girls. That was sweet what you said about Eric,” Babs said as walked over to me.

I suddenly felt guilty, and I realized why. “Babs, I meant what I said and it scares me. I’m glad I’m leaving town tomorrow, I’m worried I might be... well... attracted to your son. It’s this damn body of mine, I find my tastes are getting more and more like a teenage girl the longer I’m like this. What do I do, Babs?”

I was fighting back tears but wasn’t successful. Eric came back; when he saw me crying, he looked concerned.

“What’s wrong, Joanie; did someone do something to hurt you? It wasn’t me?” I cried harder, Babs spoke up as I was practically sobbing.

“No, Eric, just a female problem,” Babs explained.

Ah, the universal excuse for all occasions, remember it, girls, it’s a vital tool in your arsenal.

* * * *

“Come with me, Joanie, and we’ll get you fixed up.” She led me to a quiet women’s room, and we sat on a bench. She gave me a hug and I calmed a little. “Am I glad I’m sitting, all that standing is getting hard now with my pregnancy. Speaking of that, is it your time, Joanie? Forget again? Or is it something else?” I felt a cramp.

~Not that too? ~

“It’s both, excuse me.” I ran to a stall just in time, after a minute or so the cramp eased. “Um Babs, could I borrow an um... you know... a...?” That’s one part of being a girl I didn’t have down pat.

“Sure, I always carry some, even when it isn’t my time.”

She handed me a tampon and panty liner under the door. At least that problem was under control; I left the stall and walked to the sinks.

“You okay now, Joanie?”

“Yes and no. Thanks for the female stuff, that’s better for now. It’s me -- that’s the problem. Here I am 49 years old and think I’m falling for a fourteen year old boy.”

I started crying again. Babs sat me down and held me like a hurting daughter.

“No wonder you’re upset, between your transformation, your period and all that’s happened to you the last year, you have every right to cry. I heard about your assault at Whateley, Sara said it was only because of your mutant abilities you recovered without any physical scars, but emotionally I can see it’s still bothering you.“ I slowed to sniffles.

“Babs, he’s fourteen, it’s so wrong!” I started sobbing again.

“Joanie look at me, what do you see?”

“I... I... I see a mother in her glory. Pregnancy agrees with you.” My crying slowed.

“What else do you see?”

“Someone who should be angry with me but isn’t.” My crying stopped.

“Why should I, Joanie? You know what I see, I see a frightened young woman. I don’t think you look more than fifteen except for those gravity deifiers you’ve got.” She smiled wickedly, and I giggled.

“There’s the proof, Joanie, you even laugh like a girl. What’s the old saying, if it looks like a duck and walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it’s a duck? Joanie, you look, sound, act and even think like a girl. So you’re technically older than Eric. In a few years he’ll look as old or older than you. By the time he’s in college, he’ll look like he’s dating a high school girl if you’re still together. If you like him enjoy the feelings. Just go slow for a few years for legal reasons, but otherwise you have my blessing. Mel had the right idea; I can see you as my daughter-in-law in the not so distant future. Anyway, I’m an only child and so is Bob, John and Joan will need an aunty.”

“We’re not registering at Nordstrom’s are we, Babs?” She laughed, and I laughed, okay, I giggled — satisfied -?

“Not quite yet, Aunty Joanie, let’s get you cleaned up, Eric must be awfully worried.”

“Hell, poor Eric! Help me put myself back together; I can’t spoil his dance.”

* * * *

We came out together, we’d been in there over twenty minutes, and Eric looked worried. Then we both smiled at him, and he cheered up immediately.

“What was wrong with Joanie?” He couldn’t look me in the eyes.

~Has he been crying? How sweet. Oh Ghod, I do like him that way. ~

“Honey, you should ask Joanie yourself, just give her some time, okay? Let’s say she had some unresolved issues, and it was her time as a woman, so her emotions got the better of her.”

“It wasn’t me?” Eric asked.

“No dear, it’s rather complicated, but you did nothing to upset Joanie. In fact, she told me she really likes you.”



“And what’s wrong with a pretty girl liking you, Eric? Now go out there and have some fun, Kids!” Babs said half laughing, half exasperated.

I pulled myself together, and we danced. After a couple songs I was feeling pretty good, my emotions had settled down. Then the music stopped.

“Eric, I can’t say it enough, I’m glad I came tonight.”

“I’m too, Joanie.”

I grabbed his hand, leaned closer and kissed him on the cheek lightly. His face turned so red. I gave him a quick hug then broke away sticking my tongue out. My inner girl was ecstatic; Ms. Libido was behaving herself for the moment. I think I was in bouncing mode.

“Want to dance some more, Eric?” I asked, swaying ecstatically back-and-forth.

“Huh, sure but don’t we need some music?”

“Wonder why they stopped... Oh no, Eric, they wouldn’t?”

“What’s wrong, Joanie?”

“He’s what’s wrong.”

I pointed to a well dressed man I’d first seen at Mel’s birthday party. He was up front standing near the school principal and the DJ.

“Wasn’t he at Mel’s birthday party running the Karaoke machine?”

“He was and it’s worse, he’s my record producer.”

I tried to lead Eric to the back of the gym, away from the men. Too late, they’d seen me.

“Young ladies and gentlemen,” the principal said through the sound system. “We have a special treat tonight; the vice president for new talent at Warner records is with us tonight with their latest recording.” Mr. Karaoke stepped to the microphone.

“It won’t be officially released until Monday, but as the artist is here tonight,” the crowd gasped, they knew who he meant, “and won’t be attending her premier, here I am.”

~Please let there be a power failure, I’ve been a good girl, mostly. ~

“I’m so sorry, Eric, I didn’t know.” I said burying my face in my hands.

“It’s okay, Joanie,” he said grabbing both hands and smiling.

~Oh, that smile does things to me. Thank Ghod I’m having my time, otherwise...~

My inner girl and Ms. Libido were doing ‘the wave.’

“Most of the songs were recorded during her recent appearance on late night TV. I’m sure this will be another hit for her,” said Mr. Karaoke, I wanted to hide. “Without further ado, here’s the premier of our latest release, ‘Time has Come Again’; let’s listen to Joanie,” he said the evil word, my name. I wanted to die.

“Eric, this was supposed to be your night, I’m so sorry.” I was close to tears.

“What are you sorry for, Joanie, this is way kewl!”

~Oh dear, it’s genetic. ~

“Mel will have a fit when she learns I was at your record premier, and she wasn’t.”

~Well that wasn’t what I expected. ~

They played the whole album straight though; I was very confused. I was upset at Warners for disturbing the dance, yet the kids loved it. They were dancing and listing and having a great time. Many came and told me how much they liked it. I was forced to admit I did have some serious talent, and that made me happy and sad all at once.

Lastly Eric was dancing and enjoying the music, but mostly he was enjoying being with me. The look on his face and in his eyes was both frightening and flattering, I think he realized that he did have a chance with the tall, pretty girl, and he got serious about it. It was late; the dance would end in half an hour when my producer went up to the microphone.

“Wasn’t that great?” They applauded loudly, I was embarrassed and elated. “There is one last song on the album, but as she is here tonight, how about we ask Joanie to sing it live?”

I hid behind Eric, none too successfully with all that bright hair of mine giving my position away like a hunters blaze orange coat. Eric escorted me to the front.

“Eric, no, please!” I pleaded.

“It’ll be okay, Joanie, sing for me, please.” That I couldn’t refuse.

~Those eyes of his again, damn. ~

My inner girl and Ms. Libido started doing the rumba, naked. I was merely terrified.

The record people wanted some more recent material on this recording so I sung the Shania Twain hit, ‘Man! I feel like a Woman.’ Mr. Karaoke had a special disc along with just the music and backing vocals, essentially a Karaoke disc, he cued it up and handed me a wireless mic. After the first line, I calmed down and got into “Joanie” mode. When I finished, it was like at Mel’s birthday party — dead silence - then the kids mobbed me.

~Oh Ghod, I think I have another hit, crap! ~

* * * *

In the limo on the way back to Terrace Hill, we were quiet again. Babs was exhausted, Bob let her rest against him. They were so very much in love and looked so happy. I decided to go for it; I closed my eyes and slowly leaned against Eric. It felt so good and right some how. Eric grabbed my hand and gently held it; already it was bigger than mine. I wondered about the future, but for now I just savored the moment.

“Joanie,” he whispered in my ear. “Are you my girlfriend?”

“Maybe, Eric, maybe I am at that. Be patient.” He put his arm around me, his hand brushing a breast. I didn’t think it was an accident. “What did I say, Eric?” I pouted.

“Be patient?”

“Yes, Eric.” I placed my hand over the back of his moving it to my breast then I gently squeezed the back of his hand, thus indirectly squeezing my own breast. Then I broke away and sat up.

“That’s as far as we go for now, okay?”

The look on his face was priceless; you would have thought he’d won the lottery. Just before I left Sunday afternoon I talked with Eric in private and gave him some kissing lessons, he was an apt pupil.

~I wonder, is he the one? ~

* * * *

February 18, 2007, 7PM EDT, Twain Hall, Whateley Academy

“Greasy, these pics are great, and she’s fully clothed, imagine what a naked photo of her would be like”

“What are you on about?”

“The first entries in our win a deluxe large pizza with the works for the ‘most interesting‘ photo of Joanie and Ms. Luther -- these of Joanie in bib overalls are so hot, they’re smokn’.”

“Fully clothed can’t be very...” Greasy’s jaw dropped when he saw the photo Pepper held. “Damn, that’s scorching!”

“I told you this was a goldmine, and she can’t complain because she chose to wear that outfit in public. The way it clings to her figure is inspiring -- Kerrist, you can see her nipples in this shot.”

Peeper’s head was spinning with thoughts of profit. Greasy tugged on his arm to get his attention.

“Peeper, you think that’s good, look at this holographic image someone took during her morning run the other day. Look at the profile, then rotate around to the front.” Peeper’s face started to twitch.

“My Ghod, the expression on her face, she looks like she’s having an orgasm: talk about your runner’s high. We have got to get these two printed right away. We’ll charge $39.95 for the 24x36 and $59.95 for the life-size, $20 dollars more for each of the holographic ones. Get our contacts in the print shop and photo lab to make 200 of the small and 100 of the large of each. Wait ‘til we get some of Luther.” Greasy would do as Peeper asked, but he felt uneasy. “Tell them to title the hologram ‘Joanie: Runner’s high!’ and the photo ‘Joanie: Denim dreams!’”

“Not ‘Oshkosh My Gosh!’, ‘Drool time!’, ‘The Milk Maid Cometh?’” Greasy said.

“Don’t be sarcastic, Greasy; we have an image to uphold.” Greasy rolled his eyes discretely.

* * * *

To be continued

Revised 10/06/2006
Special thanks to my evil blonde sister for proofing assistance


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