Timeout 2- Pause/Record/Fast-forward - Chapter 14

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Another BigCloset TopShelf story.

The Peeper Pizza Poster Plan comes to an end with help from Joanie's friends, the creative misuse of her mutant powers and some bad acting. She get's an odd request from Ms. Hartford and cautiously builds a friendship with a former enemy. Joanie gets visit from her father.

Andy Warhol said,"In the future, everyone will be famous for 15 minutes." What if your 15 minutes came late in life, and fame decided to never let you go? Could you survive the circus your life would become?


Timeout 2-Pause/Record/Fast-forward: A Whateley Academy Fan fiction

This is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? To see the canon Whateley Stories, check out either Sapphire's Place,

(http://www.sapphireplace.com/stories/whateley.html) or the Big Closet (http://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/taxonomy/term/117)."

I started writing this TG/sci-fi in the sping 2005 but only first posted anything as of Christmas 2005. I’m getting much better at it, honest. Your constructive criticism and advice helps. This is an exercise in the joys of creativity and in appreciation of the wonderful Whateley Universe. Any violations of copyright, trade mark or use of real people or incidents are purely for purposes of humor or parody and done solely for the free enjoyment of the reading public. All rights reserved in perpetuity, John from Wauwatosa WI, 2005-2006. Editors note: no animals were hurt or killed in testing this Fan Fic but readers. Itinerant, when’s your next chapter out?

Timeout 2

By John from Wauwatosa
Thanks to my sister and to Janet Nolan for proofing

Chapter 14- Revenge of the blond 4, Hi Daddy! 2

Whateley Academy Dunwich NH, March 12-21, 2007

March 12, 2007 11:00AM

Phase three was… fun; with intelligence passed to us via our radios and from Tina and Chris telepathically, Lex, Sam, David and I were Peeper’s and Greasy’s elusive, unpredictable but always embarrassing shadows. They’d walk out of class; we were there, singly or in a group. Walking between buildings, one of us would brush against them lightly, just enough to startle, then we’d be gone. My personal favorite was when Pepper went to wipe himself after using the toilet in a men’s room…

”Just my luck the way things are going today, no tissue, and I swore the holder was full when I came in.” Peeper mumbled.

It was; another victim of time stop and a deviant mind.

“Hey, buddy, need some tissue? I’ll pass a roll under,” I said in a fake boy’s voice.

“Thanks, um…” he started to say, then he saw the graceful hand holding the roll had a nice manicure and coral nail polish. The couple of rings and friendship bracelet were just an afterthought. “You... this is harassment! I’ll have you fired for this... my parents… Joanie, Joanie, what the…”

I was long gone from the Men’s room, trying hard not to wet my panties as I walked down the corridor and out of the building, suppressing a giggle fit. Peeper and Greasy tried to avoid us. They must have figured we we’re using the CCTV and our fellow officers to track them. They tried going out freight doors --Lex would be there, camera at the ready. Greasy climbed out a first floor window, Dave snapped a few seconds of video from outside. Peeper even tried using a third floor fire escape. All that got him was a stern warning from Sam Everheart on why those fire escapes are there, and why you shouldn’t play with them “young man.” We did this all morning until it was their lunch period.

“Phase four, commence Phase four.”

If you’re gonna have a grandiose and overblown “cunning plan” it deserves proper code phrases.

March 12, 2007 1:05pm, the Crystal Hall

“Peeper, have J-Joanie and other security been p-popping up around you all day? There hasn’t been a thing I’ve done or a p-place I’ve been that one of them didn’t turn up.” He spoke with a hint of a nervous stutter.

“They’re just trying to spook us. They’ll give up if we don’t rise to the bait. Hang in there, bud,” Peeper replied.

“Yah, well you didn’t come out of the shower after self-defense class to a camera flashing and Officer O’Brian saying, ‘Be seeing you.’ He was dressed in this odd black suit with white trim and this large button with No. 6 on it.”

Peeper almost laughed. “That’s from The Prisoner; 1960’s cult TV.”

“Not, Joanie?”

“Who else.”

“Did someone call my name?” I said standing immediately behind Peeper.

~~I am gonna have so much fun doing this at the next faculty party.~~

“If you think this is going to… Where did you go?”

I’d time stopped myself out of the cafeteria portion of the Crystal hall.

“Okay Lex, you’re on,”

“I’m ready for my close up, Ms. De Mille.”

“Sunset Boulevard. Nice, Lex.”

Then I giggled my approval. Dave, Sam, Tina, Chris and I watched from the kitchen side of the food line as some of the lights dimmed and a huge flat-panel TV on the north wall came on. With Sam’s talents - courtesy of this ‘Hive’ again, I’d wish she’d explain it - she’d mimicked the late Crocodile Hunter’s voice quite well.

“Ta_die we’re searching for the elusive and rare Peeper. It’s often found in close proximity to the North American Lesser Greasy. Me mate, Susan Alexis, will continue.”

Lex stood just to the side of the huge TV dressed in a full set of dessert BDUs, hiking boots and a tan bush hat.

~~Damn that would have looked good on me. But I’d change it to short-short cargo shorts and twin leg holsters, and I’m Laura Croft.~~

Oh, did I mention that TV wasn’t there before either, that’s why I was sitting this bit out; I was tired. This much time stop takes it out of me, though the school can make good use of the TV, and I can afford it.

“Okay dear, time to set the hook.” I whispered to my co-conspirators and Lex via radio.

Lex spoke in a terrible Australian accent. “The Peeper is known for its habit of keeping close tabs on its environment. It serves as a useful early warning to its neighbors or would if it wasn’t so greedy. It lives in a symbiotic, almost parasitic relationship with the North American Lesser Greasy. Here we have rare footage of the Greasy as it escapes its enemies in its preferred backwards defensive crouch.”

The huge screen showed the short digital videos we’d shot of Greasy sneaking out freight doors and climbing out that window. Peeper laughed along with the increasingly substantial crowd of students now watching the screen, but he did not look too happy.

“Lex, good work. Peeper vid next,” I said through her in-the-ear radio.

“The Peeper is not without its own survival skills.” Lex narrated. “This shows the Peeper is used to using great heights to its advantage, though this means of escape is not fool proof.”

The screen showed Peeper climbing onto and down the fire escape straight into a tongue lashing by Sam. I swear you could see him shrinking as Sam read the riot act. He certainly was slumping in his chair now.

“We next show the two species in spit screen to better compare their differences and similarities.” The views were now of the men’s shower and the bathroom stall. “Notice despite their fearsome appearance, the Peeper and Greasy have small and inoffensive…”

“Okay, okay, stop the video! I give in; what are your terms?” Peeper shouted frantically.

I walked back into the cafeteria as the lights came back up.

“Oh, what a spoilsport. It was just getting to the good parts.” I smiled at the two of them, my eyes locked on Peeper. “You know what we want, but perhaps we can come to an understanding?”

“Sorry, folks, show’s over. But we will be showing movies tonight starting at six. Sky High, The X-men and Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure for those of you who prefer the classics. All proceeds from the sales of snacks and soda will go to a fund to renovate the student lounge areas in the dorms, so it’s to your advantage to pig out,” said Lex. The kids clapped and laughed. I turned and spoke.

“Oh, I’m personally matching any funds the snacks and soda raise, so keep that in mind. Be seeing you.”

Lex, Sam, Dave, the Anderson twins and I all broke up. Then we left with Peeper and Greasy to work out a deal.

* * * *

March 13, 2007 7:47AM

Got a strange message when I finished my security shift yesterday evening, I’m to report to Administration 8AM sharp today, no explanation given. I dressed in my School uniform, as I had classes today and walked over.

“Good morning, Ms. Hartford.”

I do keep my promises.

“Ms. Brown, follow me please.” We entered a side office, and she closed the door.

“I don’t like being beholding to anyone. I’m self-sufficient and proud of it.” She hesitated. ”This is one case I’m happy someone intervened. I believe we will often disagree on what is best for Whateley and its students. I am certain there will be times we are on opposing sides of important issues. We are very different people, you and I. On at least one thing we are the same. When you see something you truly believe in, you do what ever it takes to obtain your goal even to the point of great risk to your health and welfare.

“That is in the best tradition of the Alphas, though I suspect you would never fit in -- we are very exclusive and what’s the phrase you might use, ‘upper crust’? You have done my family a service I can never repay. For that I thank you, Joan. And now I must ask a favor, though you’ve done more than enough. My niece needs a mentor.” I tried to speak. “Hear me out, please. I can teach her computer science though she’ll never be as good as I, it’s part of my mutant gifts. I can instruct her in the ins and outs of school and office politics. I can teach her to be a success in the business world if she wishes. What I can’t teach her is how to be a girl or a boy; I don’t know how anymore.”

~~This is a deep admission by her, the ice queen admitting she is one.~~

“She’s a fine girl or boy/girl, whatever. I still don’t have a handle on these mixed genders; it’s not something they covered back when I was in school. But as long as Pinky sticks to her counseling, I have no problem being her, his/her friend,” I said and giggled.

“That’s what she needs, your flippancy, your ‘have fun, don’t take life so serious’ attitude. I want her to determine her own path, unrestricted by her fears and nightmares. You may be irritating and play the dumb blonde act, but we both know you are hardly dumb.”

“And that I’m a strawberry blonde, I’m not a blonde,” I said making quote marks in the air around ‘blonde.’ Then, I giggled, purely by reflex. Ms. Hartford winced then smiled.

“Perfect. Can you teach her that? Since she’s been at Whateley, Pinky acts older than I do. It’s as if the child inside her has died. You have plenty of ‘that’ to spare; will you help her?”

“I would even if you didn’t ask, but I’m glad you did, Ms. Hartford.” We shook hands.

“You can call me Amelia, but not in public.”

~~My word!~~

“Until later, Amelia.”

* * * *

March 13, 2007 12:15PM, the Crystal Hall

“I’m beginning to regret donating that flat-panel TV to Whateley, do they have to put MSNBC on so often. All-news channels spoil my appetite,” I muttered to myself.

“Care for some company?” The voice was deep and masculine.

“Pinky, of course you can sit down. Sorry I haven’t seen you in a while, but I was preoccupied.”

“I know.”

She/he set her food tray down and gave me a warm hug and a kiss on the lips. It wasn’t quite Eric, but it was nice, very nice.

“What’s all that for?” I asked.

“For being you and a true friend, after everything I tried to do to you.” She/he looked ready to cry.

“Forgiven and nearly forgotten. You were hurting and lashed out in your pain, nothing more nothing less.”

Pinky got this excited look on her face. “I followed what you and Security did to catch those assholes.”

“Pinky, your language. They were rapists, obstructers of justice, members of a criminal conspiracy and mother f…,” then I let out a string of every swear word I could remember. “Sorry, forgot myself.”

Then I giggled, and the two of us laughed until I had to run to the bathroom to cleanup. Fortunately, I had some clean panties and a liner in my backpack or more correctly, the purse inside it.

~~I can run in a bikini, but I’m not fully comfortable with a purse, strange.~~

“Please don’t make me laugh like that again, Pinky.” I said as I returned to our table. “I’m out of dry panties.“ We laughed again but not so hard.

“Look, Joanie, it’s on.” She/he held me tight.

“In a Boston Court today charges of conspiracy, possession of child pornography, obstruction of justice and rape were brought against a United States Senator from Massachusetts…”

“Bless you, Joanie. If it wasn’t for you, those, those, men would still be out there doing this to more kids. Lt. Forsyth and Officer O’Brian were very nice when you and Chief Delarose went to Boston and let my aunt and I know what was going on. That nice lady detective even called and said how brave I was and what a good friend I’d made in you.”

“This brings to seven the number of persons arrested and charged in the Boston rape and child pornography investigation. Rumors persist that investigators received significant help in breaking this case from prominent members of the mutant community or their supporters. We will break in should further important information be discovered. For MSNBC this is…”

“I’m still your friend then, Joanie?”

“Only if you promise I can borrow the handcuffs if I ever get serious with a boyfriend; could be fun.”

“Joanie, that’s kinky.”

“Yah, I know. See you 7AM for a run tomorrow outside of Poe?”

“Count on it.”

* * * *

March 17, 2007 12:05PM, Boston MA

I’d dressed low-key to pick up my father from the airport. I thought Dad would get a kick out of my official Whateley Academy school uniform. The blazer and skirt gave me a cute preppy look -- though it came dangerously close to appearing like the star of a pornographic film involving school girls in heat. Charlie Lodgeman kindly drove into Boston with me. He felt bad about having to report on my “side effect” of our “research trip” to Ms. Carson and my doctors. I could have rented a car or bought one, but where would I store it and driving to get my dad alone was risky. Charlie would draw attention away from me, and his old Jeep Wagoneer was distinctive, so Dad would have no trouble spotting us.

We checked that the flight left on time and drove to Logan Airport. Dad called us on my cell just before we got to the arrival terminal saying to meet him outside the Midwest Express entrance as he was a short walk from it. We drove to the loading zone and waited; he didn’t come. Fifteen minutes passed, and I got worried.

“Something’s wrong, even at 80 with arthritis and a cow valve in his heart, he’s not that slow. He said he was a few hundred feet from the door. I’m going in, Charlie.”

I unbuckled my seatbelt and was about to open the door when a female officer knocked.

“Are you Ms. Joan Brown?”

“I’m her, officer. I’m here to pick up an old friend. How may I help you?”

“It’s about your dad, he’s been assaulted. Miss, Miss Brown are you okay?”

I woke in the back of an ambulance. Two EMT’s were checking me over. “What happened?”

~~That was clever, you fainted girl, duh.~~

“You fainted, Ms. Brown, probably from shock. You seem fine otherwise.”

“How’s my dad?”

They knew and they were professional. They’d hold their tongues.

“We’ll take you to him. We’ve attracted a small crowd and a news crew, so it’s best you’re not seen.”

“Please tell Charlie, Mr. Lodgeman, to go back to the school. I’ve no idea how long this will take. I can call for a ride or catch a cab; they like big fares.” One left to give him my message. Thankfully the police kept the crowd back. Mr. Lodgeman burst into the ambulance.

“Joanie, are you nuts? I can’t leave you here alone.”

~~Gee why don’t you shout “Famous mutant singer here, come and get it.” ~~

Fortunately, they didn’t hear.

“Charlie, I got to the Academy on my own and that was from halfway across the country. Please, I’ll be fine.”

I gave him my most resolute yet pleading look. He smiled a sad smile.

“I doubt you’ll change your mind.” I shook my head. “Sherry used to get like that, and I never could persuade her. You call, hear?”

* * * *

He left, and I thought I saw him wipe a tear. We drove to the hospital where I had a long argument with the staff over why I needed an examination.

“Do I look sick or injured to you? It was just a faint; people do that sometimes.”

“Ma’am, it’s hospital policy. It could be a sign of something serious, like a warning stroke or encephalitis. It’s not like we haven’t seen you naked before, oops!”

“Excuse me?”

“What I meant, Ms. Brown, is we all saw the news coverage of your rescue from the kidnappers. We’re not voyeurs, we’re doctors.” There was truth in that.

“I understand the reason for caution, good medicine, lawsuits and all that but why seven of you and all young male doctors?”


They found a female doctor, and she gave me an exam.

“Can I see my father now? I’m worried.”

She escorted me to his room. He was sleeping. I could see a plastic splint on an arm and bandages on his face. He was on a preventative antibiotic IV because of his heart valve. He’d been mugged, but they’d caught the bastard. Lucky for him he was in jail, if I’d caught him...

“We’re keeping him overnight for observation and to finish the antibiotic treatment. He should be able to leave tomorrow.”

I stayed with him, napping in a stuffed chair. Somehow, his snoring comforted me. I heard him stirring, so I got up and gently shook him.

“Dad, it’s me, Joanie. Are you okay?”

He opened his eyes, smiled and squeezed my hand with his uninjured arm. I couldn’t take it.

“It’s all my fault!”

I broke down in sobs, my emotions breaking through. I stayed the night, sleeping in the chair or at least trying to. I’d get to thinking about what had happened to Dad, then I’d remember my assaults, and I’d cry. I slept poorly. I guess I’m not so tough. In the morning I felt better emotionally, if a bit tired. Even regens need their sleep. Dad was bruised and sore, but alert.

“That’s the last time you’re ever flying commercial.” I moved closer and spoke softly. “I was attacked in the South Boston AMTRAK station in December. He tried to…” The words wouldn’t come. I started to shake.

“Some man tried to rape you?” I nodded. Dad looked furious. I snapped out of it.

“Dad, never piss off someone who can manipulate time.” I grinned. “He’s lucky I turned him over to the police, everything intact.”

My dad gave out with one of his odd laughs. He laughs at the strangest things sometimes, a nervous reaction I guess. There were nastier things I could have done, like strand my attacker a few hundred years or so in the past in the middle of what then was open water. We’d yet to find the limit of my time travel. MSG had never specifically tried to see how far back I could go. Our concern then was control. That was one of several subjects the powers and medical people wanted to explore with me. They also had some ideas on how to mitigate my “side effect,” but hadn’t told me yet.

Dad calmed down, and later that day we drove to Dunwich in a rental car the airport had provided. They did it for free out of concern for our well being and fearful of publicity. Not that I’d dare expose Dad, but could they risk it? Chalk one up on the plus side for being famous.

We spent several days together. I gave him the campus tour but broke it in to reasonable segments; I didn’t want to wear him out. He marveled at some of the equipment we had both above and below ground He was used to huge machines having worked decades at Allis Chalmers, but Whateley impressed him. We have everything from simple hands-on metal lathes to beyond the state-of-the-art in robotic machining centers. As tough as the over-speed test facility at the old plant was, our powers evaluation ranges were tougher still.

“Joanie, are you sure this is a lab? It looks like pictures of the bunkers at Cheyenne Mountain.”

“It’s better. This new door and the entire chamber wall is a sandwich of a super conducting carbon/ceramic composite material, titanium, boron armor steel and a self-repairing advanced electrically conductive polymer flowing in the middle to dissipate heat and energy beams.”

“What, no spent uranium?” Dad laughed.

“Nah, they replaced that with a layer of some trans-uranic element that technically hasn’t been discovered yet by Harvard.”

“Are you about to sing The Elements?”

“I could if you like, or would you rather have lunch?” We went to lunch.

* * * *

For safety and as a courtesy to me, Ms. Carson let him stay in my dorm room. He teased me no end that I was living in a linen closet. He said the dorms reminded him of his time in the army, though the only things he saw flying then were aircraft on training flights. He’d heard rumors of supers in his Army days, but draftees rarely ever saw any.

“Daddy,” I’d had enough teasing for a while. Sometimes he didn’t know when to quit. “For one thing it’s not a linen closet, it’s converted from a linen closet but it’s a dorm room now. Second, did you see any dorm rooms that were singles? I’ve got it pretty good here Dad. Don’t knock my piece of paradise.” I pouted, and he laughed.

“Okay, it’s a castle, Princess.”

~~Ooooo that stung. Next he’ll be calling me “sweetie”, “pumpkin” and his “baby girl.” ~~

Mr. Lodgeman knew some old quarries and rock outcroppings nearby that were known for fossils and a couple sites where various mineral crystals could be collected. He took my dad and me to several as Dad couldn’t ride on my old cycle. It wasn’t built to easily carry two, and he was still on the mend. He had a great time, despite his injuries, and collected several nice specimens. I would have liked him to stay for his birthday, but he was becoming homesick. Seeing me still caused him some confusion.

I took him to the airport the next day, March 21st and made sure a skycap would escort him all the way to his departure gate. He got a very generous tip for his help. Before Dad left, he gave me a precious gift. In a small bag was a framed colorized photo of my mom in a skirt and jacket taken in her mid teens. She was standing leaning against a large tree and looked so innocent yet attractive. It was her parents' favorite picture of her, and I’d remembered seeing it often it as a child. He also gave me a photo of him in uniform and of the five of us when I was still in grade school. All I could do was hold him tight and cry.

* * * *

To be continued

Revised 11/10/2006
Special thanks to my evil blonde sister for proofing assistance
Additional proofing assistance generously provided by Janet Nolan


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