Art Project – 8 An Active Summer

Art Project – 8
An Active Summer

By Jessica C

Andrew’s actions of being a bit spoiled and getting away with things finally caught up with him… Surprisingly unexpected fruit surfaces in his Advanced Art class… Making a prom dress and work helped to bring out an unexpected side of him… Mother and Tera help dreams come true. Andrea attended her first prom… Andrea’s growing, and Andrew is not going away.


Andrea’s being disappointed about getting her picture taken in a wedding gown, melts as she thinks of getting to wear the gown again the next time including a trip to the beauty salon and having photos taken. Ryann was appreciative thanking Andrea, “I am appreciative of you doing this and your patience and openness. You should enjoy learning life from a young woman’s view. It doesn’t happen as quickly as those outside the experience might think.”

Terra and Allysn had given one another hugs, and Andrea and Allysn had gotten down to their bras and panties as their gowns were taken off and properly hung. When Andrea had gone back to change back into her own outfit. Allysn said to Terra and Ryann, “I don’t think she had realized we were down to our panties. She really seems to be another woman.” From Andrea’s changing room comes, “Oh my!”

Later Terra asked Andrea, what were you thinking when you and Allysn both stepped out of your gowns?”

“Truthfully, I was jealous of how beautiful of a woman she is. And here I am noticeably younger and less developed girl. …I know, I’m really Andrew but Andrea is me and sometimes I get caught up in the moment. Please don’t tell my Mom; she might pull the plug on all this.”


It was good to get back home and Mom wanted me to change back to my regular clothing. Being Andrew is good and it is not difficult to change to my male persona. It is nice being Andrew without makeup and able to just throw clothes on and relax. But my hair is no longer easy to change back. It has a body and a silkiness that is definitely more girl-like. The style also makes it difficult to change over to a guy’s ponytail which doesn’t have my present curls.

I was sketching some drawings of another skirt and blouse when I got an urge to see if I could befriend Megan from State Center. Pretty sure I found her I sent a friend request and in less than an hour, she responded by confirming me as a friend. She was amused that the first contact was with Andrew, She sent a message, “I have met Andrea and I’m wondering if one of you is the better half.”

I say, “We’re still in the process of trying to figure that out. Someone said, Andrea’s the better model and I’m better at designing. I, however, can’t see myself doing well without Andrea. We’re both thankful you took the initiative to introduce yourself to us, me. Is it alright if we become friends and I share my contact information? You’re not shy, so I hope you will tell this high schooler if I’m ever around too much.”

Megan and I are soon chatting, and I come to know she is a size four. This will help as I intend to send her an orange tutu with skirt to express my thankfulness to have her as a friend.


JC Harper called me with two days of PR visits for the coming week saying they are lined up. She’s getting pressure for me to do three appearances as well as three interviews each day. There is a difference as X-Press wants me to do more and I want to be at each store or mall for at least two hours, including one change whenever possible.

Mom wants me to be Andrew more often when I’m at home. My current hairdo doesn’t work well for trying to be Andrew incognito. Mom thinks a boy cut for Andrea is in order, but I’ve fallen in love with my girly hair. Some other solution needs to be found, but for me, there’s not a big hurry.

The first day of our Public Relations tour starts with an X-Press store in Philadelphia 9-11 a.m. and then to two stores in the Baltimore area just beginning to carry my clothes. It was my first helicopter ride. I changed into my orange tutu with a skirt to go to the Baltimore Orioles baseball game that evening. I was in time to do my last interview near the Baltimore dugout.

I wasn’t supposed to bother the players, but it wasn’t really my fault. It was more them trying to get my attention. Trying to defuse the situation and not get in trouble, JC asked if there were any wives or teenage daughters yet at the ballpark. There were three and more to come shortly. The fifteen-year-old was the daughter of a coach. She and the two wives were happy to meet with me. She chose a blue tutu. I gave her some money and asked her to buy both of us an Oriole team shirt.

One giggled, “I am in the group that says you’re not Andrew, you’re too girly to be so.” I especially like her when I offered her a choice of a blouse or skirt. She asked, “Would you mind if I allowed a neighbor to choose in my place? She could use it more. I promise I will be buying some of your clothes. I gave her a 40% off coupon and her friend was happy as I gave her a blouse to go with the skirt she chose. The other woman (wife) chose a pretty skirt and a blouse to go over a lightweight see-thru blouse. I didn’t know there was a bra, in team colors. The combination did work well together and was within good taste.

JC and her publicity person who was with me were both happy with the day that ended around 11:30 p.m. I found out I was given ‘A's’ for meeting the public, representing both my product line and the stores. I was given Bs for meeting the media. Being told that I was too conscious of those around me like ballplayers or their wives.

I was very tired and asked, “Do you want me to write the wives and apologize for taking time with them, along with kissing the _____ of the media?” I knew what the concern was, it was just that I thought the media had gotten plenty of camera and interview time. The media’s help is like visiting many stores and shoppers at the same time. JC over the phone said, “You can let it out with me today, but limit your tantrums it is not becoming of you.”

It was harder to get up and look good in the morning. The part I don’t like about being girly is it takes more time. The time I could have used sleeping. I even thought of the second and third outfits I’d change into for the day as I planned my makeup. Thankfully the more I do it the better I get and it does not take as long.

I actually get emails if girls noticed where I didn’t change makeup or jewelry. My reply was. “That’s okay as many women and girls I design for don’t either.” While that was initially cited as a negative. Others came to my rescue and liked that about me and my different lines of clothes. I had no trouble wearing other clothes where I took one of my tops and wore it with JC’s or someone else’s skirt or slacks. I was soon feeling bad that shoppers apologized for not wearing a full outfit of mine. My reply was, “Relax, get a life.”

We had one stop in Baltimore before heading to Silver Springs, Maryland. I met Maggie, Chancy, Red, and Sally four of the sorority members who first sent my tutus viral. Mom wasn’t overly happy when she like me received a Dew with champagne in it. It was good and I was thankful to hear of their sorority’s celebration where they first wore their colorful tutus. There the people enjoyed having a good time while wearing clothes that were durable and designed for adults.

Since then they had another celebration to which a fraternity was invited. Some frat boys had lost a contest, with the result being that two of them literally won the prize of wearing pink tutus on the final day of a summer program. As sometimes happens the men wore the tutus in good taste and gained the respect and attention of women from the sorority.

I didn’t think that being served champagne was as bad as a proposition I had to see someone’s room if I had the time. While I quickly said, “NO!” I don’t want to get sexually involved as tempting as it might be. It is not always easy to say ‘no’. It is easy for my ego and mind to get off course. Mom, JC, or Jeanette, my person from JC’s staff promised I would answer them if I got out of line. JC came across loudly and clearly over her smartphone. “Misbehaving is the quickest way to sidetrack your public career! Andrea, I care a lot about you. You need to remember how young you are and how crazy this year has been.”


Gong to the other stores in Alexandria and Richmond, Virginia were part of this day. And most of it was back relating to teen girls my own age.

Mom and I drove back from Richmond the next day with a stopover in Washington, DC. I hadn’t seen the memorials or the museums in D.C. before and only saw a few today. My outfit today was simple as not to draw attention to us. But several recognized me as we toured the Lincoln Memorial and again at the waiting pool on the Washington Mall. Mom asked those taking pictures to wait thirty minutes before posting them so that we too could enjoy our time there.

I have begun to get requests to lend my name, support, or face to this or that. It is not that I am very popular, but the demographic group it might work with. Luckily with JC’s guidance and support the answers are consistent no.

We were two hours from home and Mom was too tired to drive safely. We stopped and had a nice dinner intending to get to sleep early and wake early to get on the road. Unfortunately or fortuitously there was a reception in a reception hall attached to the restaurant and two teenage boys came over to ask my Mom. “Is it okay if your daughter would dance with us? The other girls are our sisters and cousins.”

Mom had seen some girls come and recruit boys to dance with them. She giggled at the request and we tried to say ‘no’. Mom finally changed and said, “Andrea, why don’t you go and dance one or two dances? Then we can get back to the room and rest.

I agreed, but the problem was two more boys wanted to dance with me. And then I found myself in conversation with the girls about things they were interested in, boys, hair, makeup, and fashion. My Mom visited with other moms and it was after ten when we got back to our room. That was not terrible, but it would be work to get up and go early.


I shampooed my hair last night and again in the morning. It was Andrew who left early in the morning with my mom from the hotel. We stopped at State Center bypassing Central City and North State University. We stopped at the Northfield Apartment complex. Mom now has the keys for our two apartments. There is also a doorway now connecting the two apartments, #2 C&D. If it was done to keep the allusion of Andrew and Andrea being different people; it is also helpful in keeping things like clothes, toiletries, fragrances, etc. separate.

Mom and I were going through the apartments when there was a knock at one door. Megan was there holding her package with the orange tutu. She gave me a hug, saying “Thanks” and then she stepped back. “So this is Andrew the person behind the fashions. You make a good-looking young man.”

There were a few chairs so we sat and talked for a while. Another friend of Meg’s came by calling out for her. “Over here, Ruth! Ruth Strass let me introduce you to Andrew and his mom Michele Stephens. Andrew is the guy behind Andrea’s Threads.”

Ruth lit up, “I like the gift you sent Meg. That was really nice of you.”

Meg said, “A thank you is in the mail.”

Ruth says, “I graduated from high school last December so I’ve been a student here only one semester.”

Mom said, “That is why you barely look eighteen.”

Ruth and Meg both began to lightly laugh as Ruth explained, “Truth is I’m barely seventeen. Academics come fairly easy for me. I am a biology major with a special focus on environmental sciences.”

Mom says “I am very impressed, your parents must be very proud of you?”

Ruthie says, “They’d be happier if I were focusing on something other than the environment. They don’t think I will make as much money seeking a career in the area of social concern. I think they’re hoping my grad studies, later on, will take me to a more prestigious university.”

I said, “I think they will come around in time to be proud of you. One, you’ll do better if your heart is in it. My Aunt Jean had just stepped down from a high-stress job because it had taken a toll on her health. She still works pretty hard, but now she enjoys what she’s doing. Even I notice how much healthier she looks.”

Meg says, “Well if Andrea’s Threads continues to do well you won’t have to worry.”

I said, “That would take many years and the likelihood of getting established like JC Harper is not a certainty but rather a longshot. Living within my means and not getting a big head and full of s**. I have a stronger likelihood of giving my Mom gray hair.”

Mom is caught off guard, I usually don’t talk around her like I talk with friends closer to my age. Megan also seemed surprised by my statement. “You’re kidding me. You’re here so you can study and have time to prepare for your career in fashion.”

“Megan, I’m a teen whose world has changed big time and I don’t have the smarts Ruth does. Sometimes I’d just like to be back to being myself, but I'm somehow better than I was. I’m used to doing things without much responsibility.”

I say, “On a weird day, I used to think being a girl would be a neat experience. Now, I get to be me. I look for friends like you two to help me stay sane and keep my feet on the ground.

Mom interrupts, “Sorry to break this up, but we came this way so I can get Andrew registered for school.”

It was nice to see Megan and meet Ruth; more so when I found out they’re living in my building complex.


Soon we’re to State Center/Hunterdon High School; it is a newer and larger school than mine. But it is smaller than Central City where North State University is located. It is somehow considered a lab school associated with the University.

Today we meet Principal Paul Evers and my faculty Advisor Hannah Stein. I am to have seven classes at State Center and ‘Computer Fashion Graphics’ at North State. I will have Hannah, not only as my advisor but for Algebra 2. Mr. Deemer will be my teacher for Current World History, Lifetime Phys. Ed with Coach Patsy Bedford. I’m signed up for Chemistry with Mr. Barstow, Literature with Jennifer Hopkins, who I had met previously, Speech, and German II with Frau. Schneider. My electives included an independent study in Fashion Careers and Chorus.

I’m not sure if it was a warning or what, but I was told Mr. John Deemer was a very well-thought-of instructor who could also be difficult. Ms. Stein would not clarify what she meant, stating, “That will be for you to decide.”

One girl Allison Olsen sought me out with her friends Stacie and Amber. “Hey there, Andrew is it!” She catches up to me, “I was hoping to meet Andrea as I’m to give you a tour of the school and be your buddy the first week of school.”

She asks my mother, “Ms. Stephens, do you mind if I take Andi here and show him around the school? We’ll even pick up his book list for Literature from Mrs. Hopkins.”

We start off and she tells me “Call me Allie if you would; I’ll probably be in a number of your classes. Rumors have it you were to have Coach Murphy for Physical Education, but something about his cousin teaching in your old school. I think you’ll love Coach Bedford; she told me she’s glad to get you in one of her classes. Connie Fischer in Chorus is also very good, but I’m kind of interested in how she handles having you and Andrea.” She stops in her tracks, “Andrea will be to school sometimes when you’re not, won’t she?”

I am now the one who stops in his tracks, and I’m kind of speechless. I didn’t expect to meet someone like Allie or that she would be so forward. She says, “Don’t mind me, but I kind of know of Andrea and suspect I know you from web searches. I know there is much more to you and I should first relax and just be a friend. I’m sorry, I just think it will be great coming to know you. I haven’t ever met anyone of note before.”

She asks, “Did you get third-period Chemistry with Barstow?”

I say, “Yeah, but I can’t say I’m very excited. I like science, but not so good with lab experiments. Things like setting up experiments are like using a foreign language.”

Allie has her perky smile, “That’s good because I have the same class. If you’ll let me be your lab partner and you help where you can. I love science and I was hoping to be your partner.”

I grab her hand to get her to look me in the eye, “So why would you want to be with me.”

Allie says, “My cousin Hanna knows from camp and another organization, a Terra someone who Hanna says thinks you’re really great. She said Terra has even switched colleges and decided to come to North State. She was going to one of those prestigious schools, but likes someone coming here enough to change her life.”

“I guess you also made an impression on Terra. That’s a pretty good trick to get an upperclassman to notice you. So how do you know Terra?”

I say, “You might not believe me but we went to the prom together.”

Allie says, “It was her you went with. Do you have a picture of you in the gown you designed?” I searched my phone and got a picture up and showed Allie and then her friends. Stacie looks and then looks back to me and at the picture a few times. Always shaking her head no.

The tour goes well; I like seeing Jennifer Dobbs again. She is happy to see me as Andrew. “Andrew can I see your schedule.” She glances over it, “Would you mind changing your schedule and taking Creative Writing from me? I think it would be helpful. It might be challenging at first but once you catch on it will become special to you. It will be like designing clothes but this is with words and pen.”

I say, “Well, I’m an okay reader, but I think the literature itself with be challenging.”

She asks, “Do you know who Jane Austen was?”

“Kind of, but I don’t know if I’ve read any of her books.”

Jenifer Dobbs says, “She was a free spirit like you, she might have been shier but yet a strong person. Books and other women might have been where she was in her own element. Or maybe being a strong woman back then that might have caused men to shy away from her.”

“You on the other hand have found creativity helps you more easily express yourself to women. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’d have enjoyed being friends with you. Unfortunately, much of her stuff got destroyed. Consider how neat it would be to find writers who spoke to you. You might find another avenue to express your creative spirit and have your male peers be impressed with you.”

I have myself daydreaming about her ideas while she was yet speaking. I asked, “Can you guarantee me that you will hold my attention if I take both classes?”

Mrs. Dobbs says, “I expect you will easily get B’s if you apply yourself and A’s if I can hold your attention like I think I can.”

I take Mrs. Dobbs aside from the others. “It is important to me that you understand, I enjoy relating to women like Andrew as well as Andrea. And that there is more to me than the stuff you and others seem to know.”

Jennifer lights up, there is something about her as a person that kind of ignites a room. She not only excites me, but I feel she hears and understands more than we have shared. “Yes, Andrew, I care about you and I am impressed by the person growing in you. I think you will be an exciting student. That I will enjoy seeing you continue to blossom in many ways. I think like Andrea you are quite impressive. She at best is a catalyst for you coming into your own.”

I am humbled by her words, there are tears I try to hold back as Andrew. They don’t go trickling down my cheeks, but I am sure Allie, Stace, and Amber see them fill my eyes. “Yes Mrs. Dobbs, but that means I need to hurry back to registration and see if I can get it done.”

She says, “Here let me see if I can get Hannah Stein on the school phone. Hopefully, we can do it so you can continue your tour with Allie. Is Allie being good and helpful? I am impressed that they were able to talk a senior into guiding you around.”

I turn to Allie and mouth, ‘upperclassman’. She smiles, “You know that this Literature class and Creative Writing are electives for seniors as well. I took Physics last year for this year it’s chemistry for me. I don’t think I’m more than a half year older than you anyway.”

To be continued…

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