Caught in the Act – 14 Good News Rules

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Caught in the Act – 14
Good News Rules

By Jessica C

Jeff, supposedly home sick, was dressing in his sister’s clothes and makeup; not expecting to be caught… Discovered crossdressing begins the blossoming of Jessie... Jeff later accepts Jessie is really him, others have trouble accepting Jeff and Jessie co-exist… Mom, Dad, and Dr. Hunt support Jeff in coming out as Jessie...


Come the next morning, Jessie was happy she had first experienced the support of some students as he came to school, and to know that at least a couple of handfuls of people dressed in support of Jessie’s coming out.

There was Tami, April, and Andy who had met me on the way to school, Tom Schmidt and two other girls, plus another guy they had cross-dressed in support of Jessie. Tom’s sister in sixth grade also had thought others were being mean and she and others she called went so far as to cross-dress in support of her.

I went to use the bathroom at the nurse’s office to fix my hair and check makeup. The School Nurse, Ms. Jones seemed supportive and understanding. Though she was the one who had to tell me, I had to report to the Principal’s office.

I was hoping going to the Principal’s Office would not be the same as before. Principal Lawrence met me, by standing behind his desk with arms folded and wearing a stern look. “Well Jeff, you need to go home and change or prepare to be suspended. Do you understand me, young man?”

All I wanted was to be called Jessie, but I was sure even before going to the Office, Principal Lawrence wasn’t going to do that. I gave Principal Lawrence another note from my parents. “Be advised like yesterday, our child has come to school dressed with our permission and as she sees herself. It would be nice that you’d receive her as Jessie Preston but if she’s not to be received as Jessie, then some can call her Jeff. Even as such we believe our child to be in line with school dress codes and other regulations. If you would have problems with her or how she’s dressed please call me; I will be at home today." It was signed by both parents.

Mr. Lawrence said, “Well, I do not take orders from your mother. I know our policies much better than you or her. I will go by the way I decide to do things. You have the choice of going home and changing or being given an in-school suspension for one week. If you don’t cooperate after that, you will be suspended for the remainder of the school year. Which will it be?”

Jessie politely said, “I’ll need to call my Mom at home if you won’t. I plan to stay and attend classes as I am.” Jessie was calling her Mom when Mr. Lawrence yanked the phone out of her hand. “If you’re not going home; you are now technically suspended and the only calls you can make will be made using the school phones when I give you permission.”

Jessie said, “How dare you, Mr. Lawrence. That is not how it’s been done. The school nurse and the secretary have had us call on our phones unless we don’t have one with us. I would like my phone back …please.”

There was a knock on Mr. Lawrence’s office door. There was a group of probably four people there. One was Dr. Ingram, School Superintendent, Mrs. Coulter from the county LGBT Board, another person, and Mr. Mitchell from the School Board. Dr. Ingram spoke, “Mr. Lawrence, we’d like to visit with you and young Preston.” I think he sought to avoid saying Miss, Jeff or Jessie.

I was soon asked to go to the outer office, where I called my Mom. She must have known something was up, as she was already coming to the School. When Mom got there she gave me a hug and asked me to calm down.

We were soon invited back into Principal Lawrence’s office. Where Dr. Ingram asked us to explain why we changed from the plan to come to the school with the school’s help as planned for Monday.

“Dr. Ingram, can I explain as it was I who felt the need to change?” …I waited for Dr. Ingram to say yes and then looked to Ms. Coulter before I spoke again. “After we had visited the school and we're going to use your help. I received what to me was scary news that people were frightened by my making it a big deal that I coming out as a Tgirl. Some in the LG community were afraid it would have a negative impact on many of them and what they had achieved. I was told some of my friends that their families were afraid of them being hurt in identifying with me. So, I thought it best not to make it a public production, and just come like me, Jessie.”

“I am not asking the school or my classmates to take a stand either way. If people want to treat me as Jeff, they can, or if they want to accept me as Jessie I would be glad. I don’t want to judge others. I do want people to know that I see me as a girl. I plan to be at school next year as Jessie and I’m going to be living as me this summer.”

“Today, I’m pretty sure either way as a boy or a girl, I am in compliance with the school codes and regulations.”

Dr. Ingram asked, “Didn’t you think, it would have been good to give the school some sort of notice? After all, we did agree to cooperate with you. It kind of felt like you slapped us in the face by not doing so.”

I felt bad as I looked up to Dr. Ingram thinking maybe I did do something wrong. It was with some reluctance I spoke, “My parents agreed with you that is why they wouldn’t let me do it yesterday. I had to bring a note from my parents yesterday and I gave it to Mr. Lawrence. Mister Lawrence balled it up and threw it toward the wastebasket. I am sorry but at that point, I was determined to come as me today. But I did decide to wear jeans and a shirt-like blouse, socks and my cross-trainers, they’re kind of unisex. It’s not a sex thing that’s just what they’re called.”

Dr. Ingram turned to Mr. Lawrence, “Did you receive such a note that I was unaware of?”

Principal Lawrence said, “I told him, Jeff Preston, yesterday that we already had an agreement and that he needed to live by that or wait until next year. Yes, I was upset and wrinkled the note, but I did smooth it out and put it in his file someplace.”

Dr. Ingram asked, “Did Jeff yesterday agree to wait or did he say he was coming today dressed as a girl?”

Mr. Lawrence replied, “He said, he wasn’t waiting. He said he’d be in compliance, but I told him that meant we’re doing it my way; um as the school agreed. I knew he meant to do it his way and that is why I already had a request for him to come to my office the first thing.”

Mr. Robert Mitchell interrupted, “If you knew and expected that wasn’t you to contact the Superintendent and the School Board. I didn’t hear anything and seemingly Dr. Ingram was also surprised by this morning’s events.”

Dr. Ingram lifted his hand to calm things; he also had another question or statement. “Mr. Lawrence, is it your intention to bring in the boys dressed as girls and the girls dressed as boys and to threaten them with suspension as well? …I heard your threat to young Preston. Would I be in on that decision or not?”

Dr. Ingram turned to me, “Was this your plan to have others take your side and put us in such an awkward position?”

Mr. Lawrence was puzzled as he had not heard of the others who cross-dressed. Secretary Miller was waving several notes from the doorway. I’m guessing they were calls from different teachers about what to do. Students had already been in homeroom and to their first class. Ten minutes more and they would be going to their next classes. I wondered about boys who might have gym today.

I spoke, “Dr. Ingram that wasn’t my intention. I hadn’t said anything about coming as me when I left school yesterday. I was told later that some friends and others who knew me that if I would have done this if I should let it be known. But I hadn’t told anyone till later and I didn’t ask or suggest anyone dress in support of me. I appreciate the gesture of what they’ve done. I hope they won’t be punished for being supportive of me.”


Dr. Ingram said, “I would like us to walk over to my office and use the meeting room at the Administration Building. Mr. Lawrence, would you have two of the boys and two of the girls who cross-dressed in support of young Preston come there please?”


Mr. Lawrence said, “I would like to ask at least one girl and one boy not involved to come and share in the discussion as well.” Dr. Ingram hesitated until Mr. Lawrence urged him to be fair.

Tami Johnson, Jayne Creed, and Sharon Miller were the girls asked to come over to Superintendent’s office; as were Andy, Tom Schmidt (Smithy) and Jack Madden an eighth-grader. I guess Mr. Lawrence didn’t know Madden was a friend of Max Coulter.

Dr. Ingram first asked Tom Schmidt, “Young man, I admire your courage and support for young Preston, but at least Preston is within the school dress code for boys wearing jeans. Was it that important for you to support Preston that you went this far?”

Everyone felt for Tom as he was near tears as he tried to speak. “Yes Sir, but my mom helped me, saying she was proud of what Jeff/Jessie is doing. You see sir my Aunt Jamie died when she tried coming out while she was in college. I don’t know what happened, all we’ve ever been told is she died, end of the story. Jeff and I are friends, maybe not as close as some. When he started getting girly around Tami, I wondered if it would come to this. You can punish me or just send me home, but it’s something I had to do. It would be hard to live with if something happened. My Mom said most schools had dress codes about girls wearing skirts, but most school codes don’t say anything against boys wearing skirts?”

It seemed like minutes of silence when Tom stopped speaking. I stepped forward to give him a hug and say thanks. I stopped for a second worried it might be inappropriate. Tom’s arms started out and I quickly moved to give him a hug, saying, “Thanks Tom, I didn’t know.”

Tom asked, “Can you call me Jamie for the rest of today? That is if they don’t send me home.” I smiled, “Jamie, your Aunt has to be so proud of you.”

Tami spoke, “I’m just a friend. Now I’m kind of sorry I didn’t think or do anything to go over the line. Originally I felt responsible or guilty for Jessie coming out. I understand now I didn’t cause that, I only supported Jessie making herself visible.” Tami hugged Jamie before standing beside me and giving my hand a squeeze.

Mr. Lawrence spoke up, “I am moved and feel for these two friends, but we should hear from those like Miss. Miller and Mr. Madden who aren’t caught up in this.”

Sharon Miller and Jack Madden turned to each other a little stunned. Sharon spoke first, “I hope this won’t cause problems for Grandma working here. If Mr. Lawrence thinks this kind of stuff is upsetting, yes it kind of does. I don’t understand a boy wanting to be a girl. But even if Jessie came into the restroom I’m in, well we have proper toilet stalls with doors. If she minded her own business, I think I’d be alright with that. I would be interested in seeing whether she could do her own makeup. I’ve seen her out once. Then and today she has looked very nice. I’m glad she has a good sense of what a girl should look like.”

Jack spoke up after Sharon. “Can I ask what the problem is? I think most of those who know Jeff are only surprised it happened now. Because most thought it was something that would happen after school let out.

If you want to blame anybody it should be those boys who teamed up against Danny, a guy in the high school choir. Those guys were looking for a fight. Danny’s kind of effeminate though I don’t know much about him. The guys knew he probably wouldn’t fight them. When Jeff stood up for him I guess that is when this started.”

Mr. Lawrence and Dr. Ingram both said they hadn’t heard of any fight. Jack said, “I don’t know about when you guys went to school, but not everything gets back to the office here.”


Superintendent Ingram asked to talk to Mr. Mitchell and Principal Lawrence alone. The other students were given passes and allowed to go back to class. Mom and Ms. Coulter waited with me. Caroline Coulter said, “Well young Miss Preston, I am quite impressed with you and your friends. I knew Mr. Lawrence chose unwisely when he asked for Jack, but Tommy Schmidt and Sharon Miller were most impressive. What did you think?”

I asked, “Do you think, they or I will still get suspended. I was impressed that others came dressed as they did. I felt for Tom sharing what he did and taking the risk he has. If they decided to suspend him, I hope they will suspend me.”

Mom and I both look to Ms. Coulter. She said, “I suspect their only course of action is to put a good spin on what Mr. Lawrence did; to protect the school against any lawsuits. Mr. Lawrence may not apologize to you, but I am pretty sure he will give you a wide berth and not give you any trouble the rest of the school year. If anything it is Mr. Lawrence that should be worried. Come, the next school board meeting I expect there will be a reprimand for his mishandling of something.”

It was another ten minutes before we were called back into Dr. Ingram’s office. Dr. Ingram started by saying, “It seems there could have been better cooperation and communication on both sides. I am impressed however with how the students and the school have functioned in the classrooms so far today. We have gotten some calls from parents that are offended by today as there usually are people with differing viewpoints on things.”

“We are of the mind to get through today and not worry about making any special presentation or assembly on Monday as was considered. Then we will let things go back to normal, are we in agreement?”

I asked, “Does that mean no students will be punished for coming to school as they did?” It was indicated they would not. I pushed a little further, “It is quite certain that most of the students now know about me. Will it be okay if I come to school dressed like me Monday, but in a dress or a skirt as I like to dress?”

Mr. Lawrence was ready to speak, but Dr. Ingram spoke over him. “Well, why don’t you allow me to bring it up to the School Board meeting and then we’ll get back to you.” Mr. Mitchell said, “We meet Monday night. I can’t promise we’ll reach a decision but I’ll make sure they give it a fair discussion.”

Mom spoke up, “Well, I think it would be a good idea for Jessie to be the one to come to school on Monday. That way the School Board will have a good understanding of how my daughter’s attending the classes at school and the impact on the day to day life and educational atmosphere of the school. She is transgendered and that alone should be enough to allow her to be here. I am not sure what the School Board has to decide. It will not change who she is.”

Mom says, “I, like you, was very impressed with how the students that were before you presented themselves. And the students who dressed and acted in support of Jessie must have been well behaved since I didn’t hear otherwise. If those who spoke had any impact upon you and if they represent this student body, everyone should be well impressed. Not to let Jessie come to school as she is; I’d see that as a slap to how these students presented themselves. You called them here and had them give account for their actions as well as the student body.”

Mr. Mitchell said, “I couldn’t have put it better. This is not just about you Jessie; I appreciate what kind of a person you must be to evoke such a response. It has helped me to see another side of our students that frankly, I wasn’t aware of. I am greatly impressed.”

I was tired of meeting with the adults; I was aching to visit with my friends and to be back in class. “I’d like to get back to school, so if you don’t need me I’ll get back to class.” Everyone looked around, Dr. Ingram finally said, “That would be good. I can’t quite yet give my blessings for the coming days, but I appreciate your being open with us. Mrs. Preston, my thanks for coming in to support your daughter and to help our understanding.”


The last class before lunch had already begun when I walk in with everyone else turning to watch me. I smiled as one of the two open seats was next to Tom Schmidt. Before today they weren’t very close friends. Now as Jessie I felt a kinship as I sat next to him, well today 'her'. He was dressed in a skirt and blouse that actually flattered him if he were a girl.

Class ended and I turned to Tom, “Jamie, I hope you will sit and enjoy lunch with us girls today. I want to express my gratefulness for all you did. If you’re open I’d want to hear something more about Jamie.”

Tom was a little anxious when he spoke, “What I really need to ask is, where a guy dressed like this goes to go to the bathroom? Some guys blocked me when I tried to use the guys’ room.”

I took his hand knowing Tami would help him as well. She took over and took him into a girls’ room. Luckily a toilet stall had just come open for her to use. We met again in the lunch line, wherewith a smirk on her face Tami said, “Next time if you’d rather, you could possibly use the one in the nurse’s office. I was so proud of you this morning I thought we should allow you the status of an honorary girl.”

Tami had made that known that when she encouraged Tom to freshen his makeup, she, Jamie, did most of it on her own. Tom was embarrassed and blushed. An embarrassment he quickly got over.

“Hey,” he said, “I was wondering while I’m dressed as a girl. If after school I could go shopping with you as one of the girls. I think it might be fun.”

Tami turned to me, “Your Mom is home today, do you think she’d be open to taking us?” I smiled and wrote a text, quickly sending it to her Mom. “We’ll see.”

A message soon comes back, “Yes. How many?” Mom did not yet know one of the people would be Jamie. I’m sure that will only make her happier.

It was before our last class that I saw and went up to thank Jayne Creed for dressing in support of me. Jayne said, “Tami told me that you were with her and her sister at the ballet performance earlier this spring. I was wondering if you would be interested in going to a ballet class with me. We could always use another dancer and I think it’s great for us girl’s in gaining poise and grace.”

I quickly went into panic mode, “I don’t think so, me in leotards?”

Tami giggled, “I think that is Jeff speaking; I think it would be great for Jessie to at least go and find out about it. I think there are at least five others in our class who still dance in the ballet troupe.”

Jayne says, “Counting me there are at least six or seven. Several who were in support of you today? Amy Schmidt, who thinks you’re special is also in the ballet troupe.”

“What do you mean, she thinks I’m special? How would you even know that” I asked?

Jayne says, “That’s how I knew to dress up. I think she must have made a lot of calls around. Tom said she even loaned out a minimum of three of his shirts for girls to dress in today.”

I said, “I’m thankful but why am I special?”

Jayne says, “The question is will you go with me to ballet practice next Thursday?”

“But I’m too old to begin dancing.” I’m trying to do my best to say no without coming right out and saying it. Deep inside I know I should say yes, and part of me was excited by the thought of going.

Tami winks to Jayne and the two of them team up against me. Finally, Tami says, “You’re doing it, enough said. Eighth grade will be an ideal time to try it and to get into good shape as a girl. This way you’ll know by ninth grade what activities you want to be in as Jessie, the girl.” The bell rang and we needed to be quiet for our last class.


I looked at my phone which had vibrated, ‘Mom had agreed to take us shopping. Which would now include Tom and Jayne.’ I tried to tell Tami and Jayne when Ms. Briggs our teacher caught me talking. She said with a giggle in her voice, “I see you have no trouble Jessie in getting into girl talk mode. You will need to learn to be more discreet about it or be in trouble with me. It must have been something really important like shopping. Am I wrong?”

There was silence as she waited for me to respond. “Sorry, Ms. Briggs.” She waited longer and finally asked if she was correct.” Tami answered, “You’re right Ms. Briggs. It was about shopping after school.” Several girls asked where we were going, but Ms. Briggs started teaching again.

Mrs. Brigg teaches social studies, and before the period ended she called my name again. “Jessie, to help you in your immersion into thinking like a girl; I would like you to identify five women in the time period of our studies this semester and write two or more paragraphs on each one.”

I started to say, “That’s not fair…”

Ms. Briggs said, “It is an opportunity, not a burden. You should have at least three women that struck your interest as we studied this semester that would leave you with only two more.”

I thought of Sojourner Truth and Harriet Beecher Stowe; Tami said, “I thought Molly Pitcher was a courageous person.” I joked, “What did she do take a pitcher of water to someone?”

Ms. Briggs said, “That earned you a full-page report on Molly. I hope I do not see you resorting to Jeff’s humor when you write your reports.” I was about to say something back, when Tami and two other girls said, “Be smart and don’t say anything more right now.” One of the girls said, “I think Jessie needs to be wearing a skirt to help her stay in a girl's way of thinking.”

With that, the bell rang ending class and school for the day. I was on my way out of class when Ms. Briggs stepped in front facing me. She said, “Jessie, I want you to know I am glad to have you in my class and in the school. I hope everyone will be welcoming you. However things turn out, I want you to know you can come to talk with me if you’d like?”

I asked, “Do you really mean that or are you being nice? I’ll probably have you for history again next year so it would be nice to know.” I was on my way out the door of the classroom when I ran back and gave her a hug. “I’m sorry I smart-mouthed off to you in class. I’m kind of glad you treated me the way you did. I don’t know if you heard Tami saying I was acting like Jeff. I do know I have some habits I need to change.”

Ms. Briggs smiled and said, “Don’t change too much too quickly. You should expect that some people will take moments like that to punish you and make you wish you didn’t come out as a girl.”

It caught me by surprise, that the way I act could be used against me. Jeff had a propensity of walking the line to get away with as much as possible without getting in big trouble.


I was soon at my locker putting away what I didn’t need and remembering what I did. Among other things I had a cotton-linen skirt rolled neatly that I could change to. It was chosen to go along with my blouse. I used one of the stalls in the girls’ toilet to change and was quickly out with Tami. Jamie/Tom was happy for another boy in a skirt. I gave Jamie a gentle hug and a light kiss on her cheek as I said, “Thank you, those of us who heard you will remember what you did and said.”

I asked, “Are you open to buying something if you like what you see?”

Jamie kept her girl voice that she developed during the day. "I just want to be along for the experience, not to buy anything. I wouldn’t have enough money even if I wanted to buy something.”

Tami spoke up, “Well part of the shopping experience is to try on clothes even if you’re not buying right now.” Tami looked around to April and me and then said, “If you find something I think we’ll chip in enough to make it possible.” Both April and I speak up in agreement.

Jamie backs off, “Maybe I shouldn’t even go with you as I’m not another Jessie.” Tami and I hook Jamie’s arms and pull her over to my mother’s Nissan. April rides upfront as Tami and I sit on either side of Jamie. Jayne and two others are going to meet us at the mall.


I google ‘Molly Pitcher’ on our way to the mall and quickly find out she was as much a legend as a real person. It is kind of an educated guess that she was really Mary Ludwig Hays at that time. There was said to be another woman who did something similar at a fort in Manhattan. Martha Washington and Mary Hays were often given the nickname of Molly as early as Valley Forge as they accompanied troops helping with food, washing clothes and helping those who were injured. Soldiers instead of worrying about learning their names, many of guys often called all of the women helping them, Molly. Both Martha and Mary were married women and respected for helping out. The Legend of Molly Pitcher came at the Battle of Monmouth in a battle against the British with the continental army fighting for independence.

The temperature during the battle was 100 degrees Fahrenheit, almost 38 degrees Celsius. Molly was taking water around to soldiers when a soldier loading a cannon was shot. He wasn’t dead, but he couldn’t help which would render the valuable cannon useless. Molly put down her water and began ramming the cannonball down the barrel of the cannon. She would continue doing that during the battle. While Molly could be considered a lady, she was not helpless, nor a shrinking violet.


Oops, we're at the mall, now the fun with Jamie begins.

Tami was first out taking Jamie with her, I’m soon around the car telling Tami, “You’ve got April, let me help introduce Jamie to shopping.”

Jamie says, “I’ve been shopping before.” Tami, April and I simultaneously ask, “As a girl… Then no, you haven’t been shopping.” Mom was behind us amused as we meet up with Jayne, Sally, and Trish. Jamie was quickly pulled to Claire’s to get earrings and have her ears pierced. When asked her age Jamie was truthful and said 13. When the salesgirl said, “You need your parent’s permission?” Tami handed Jamie a note, supposedly a permission note from her mom. Tami had already told me to get with my Mom and stay away while we’re at Claire’s.

I soon got a call from Claire’s asking for Mrs. Schmidt. In a hopefully mature woman’s voice, I say, “Yes, Jamie has my permission, didn’t she give you my note?” After the girl said, 'Yes, she has.' I thank her for checking and the conversation was done.

Two boys, we know stopped and asked, “Hey can we tag along with you like Tom?” April quickly says, “If you have money for a cute girl outfit?” Scott says, “No way” while Robert is saying “Yes.” April says, “Its all-girls or nothing.”

Robert said, “I’m still interested but I’ll need a ride home?” Jayne as well as I assure Robert, “You have a ride if Roberta comes shopping with us.”

Mom goes ahead with Tami, Jayne, Trish, and Robert to JC Penney’s to shop for an outfit, while Tami and I stay with Jamie as she gets her ears pierced. Mom bought an inexpensive pair of sandals for Jamie. Tami asked Robert if he knew how to put on a bra, and his response was, “I’ve been dressed up for Halloween by my sister and mother twice.” Robert is two grades ahead of us; I think he’s already fifteen.

Luckily Mom’s presence and the assurance an outfit was being purchased, allowed the emerging Bert to find and then try her new outfit in a changing room. Her skirt is a light pink and she buys a colorful printed top to go with it. Tami had gone in with Bert to a family restroom to do her makeup and to help adjust her pantyhose. The next hour and a half were pure girl fun.

Tom/Jamie ended up buying a mini-dress for Jamie. Tom and my Mom called Mrs. Schmidt to make sure it was okay. And so that Mrs. Schmidt would not be surprised when he came home. I guess Mrs. Beth Schmidt volunteered to reimburse us for helping to buy the dress and other items like jewelry.

Mom was deeply touched by something Beth Schmidt said to her and only said she’d wait until we were home to tell me what.

The day had been great but I was like a little child who wouldn’t stop and rest. Mom had already suggested at 5:00 o’clock we should go home and celebrate. My saving grace today was it was Friday. As much as I wanted to be with friends, I fell asleep in Mom’s car before we're out of the mall parking lot. I missed seeing Mom let Tom/Jamie off at his house. Mom said he was like a giddy girl and his mom received him as one. His younger sister had come to the car to see me, but I didn’t wake up. April and Tami were next to be taken home.

Roberta was taken home by Jayne Shaw and her mother.


Funny as it may seem, Rachel came out to the car and woke me by waving her perfume under my nose. Once in the house, I was allowed to nap until 7:00 p.m. Rachel had baked a cake, Rob had bought me a poster, and my parents had a bought a nice vanity for my room, but mostly they were proud of me and happy for me.

Jacob Thomas, Rob’s friend, came over around 7:30, to go out with Rob for the evening. They were to meet other friends. I was sitting next to Jake as he was telling what he had heard in the afternoon at the high school and since. We were sitting around the living room visiting when I fell asleep leaning against Jake with his arm around me.

Jake had delayed going out with Rob because of me; waiting until I went to crash in my room. I said to my Mom as she helped me to bed, “You don’t think he knows I like him?”

Mom said, “I could tell he liked you being there, but I thought you were just tired as you snuggled in his arm.” Mom kissed my cheek and whispered as I was ready to fall asleep, “Remember you are still too young to date and now that you’re Jessie the rules will be held more strictly.”

I heard the words about dating, but I now stayed awake pondering Mom’s words that Jake obviously liked holding me. My sleep was mixed with images thinking of Jake tonight, my many friends today and that of the stern faces of Principal Lawrence and some students and teachers who were not happy with me.

The morning newspaper had an article on the front page of the community section about the support of students gave in support of a transgender-girl. There were pictures of several students girls dressed as boys and boys dressed as girls, including one of me. School staff had not commented to the reporter. The article was mostly about the peaceful actions of students in support of me.

There were comments of people for and against people like me going to our schools. One person said, “Most schools won’t have pregnant students attending the school, but something like this disgusting behavior they make allowances for.” The reporter shared a comment made soon after that remark, “There was nothing disgusting about her behavior or how she was dressed.”

By eleven o’clock in the morning Tami, April, Andy, Tom, and others were over our house as were some of Rob and Rachel’s friends. Dad fired up our barbecue grill and the afternoon was abuzz with people coming and going. By four o’clock Grandma and Grandpa Stephens were over to our house.

I heard there was one church who changed their church sign which had a negative statement veiled against me and those of my kind. The Associate Pastor of our church came to our house to affirm they’re a welcoming congregation…

To be continued…

Jeff/Jessie Preston
Mom - Terri; Roger Preston-Dad
Rachel-sister, Robbie-brother
Grandma Stephens
Darby and Matt Jacobs
Tami, Jennifer and Mrs. Carol Johnson
April Franklin – Tami’s best friend
Luke – a friend of Jeff’s who likes Monica; Jacob – Friend of Rob’s
Dr. Elizabeth Hunt and Dr. Kim Stoults, my sister’s doctor
Nonna Grandmother Preston, Michael Preston, Sr. – Grandfather
Aunt Ellen (Dad’s Sister), Uncle Rich Mason, Daughters Molly, and Erica
Keith Connors married Molly Mason
Tad and Jared cousins to Keith Connors
Uncle Billy and Aunt Jan (Preston) Knowles–
Johnny Dalton, Monica Jones, Jayne, Sharon Miller – Friends
Jayne Sawyer, Sally Gurney, and Trish Moore – Friends
Tom/Jamie Schmidt, Mrs. Beth Scmidt,
Suzie Hammonds – salesperson and classmate of Rachel’s
Bree/Johnny Hammonds
Max Coulter – a friend of Jeff; Mrs. Caroline Coulter and Olivia Coulter
Jack Madden – a friend of Coulter
Dr. Ingram – Superintendent; Mr. Mitchell - School Board member
Ms. Towers - Art teacher, girls’ coach
Andy (Andrew) Niles, Dan Roberts and Ian part of the Six Pack
Principal Lawrence

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