Caught in the Act - 10 Celebration of Life

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Caught in the Act - 10
Celebration of Life

By Jessica C

Things started with Jeff to turn 13 years old, dressing in his sister’s clothes and makeup; he hadn’t expected to get caught… The discovery of him cross-dressing begins the blossoming of Jessie... Jeff has trouble accepting Jessie is really him, others have trouble accepting Jeff and Jessie co-exist… Mom and Dr. Hunt support Jessie/Jeff in taking time to discover what is true in this situation.


I am into how I look until we get to the beach area where the wedding is going to be. There are four people who are to perform the ceremony. First I’m thinking Mayan costume, but the Mayan wise man tells me it is an authentic dress and the service will not be a reenactment but a ceremony… He tells me, not that I am pretty, but asks me to be at peace with the elements of the cosmos…

Now –
Mom calls me back over to the group and the refreshment table. They are serving a blended fruit drink, to make sure we are all hydrated. She asks as I get my drink and begin to sip, “It looked like the Mem, Mayan Wiseman came over and visited with you. What did he and you talk about?”

“I showed my ignorance and asked him about his costume. He was nice and shared that he is like you said 'a Mayan Wiseman' and that the ceremony that he does is not a re-enactment for Molly and Keith but an actual wedding ceremony as has been handed down to him. Each of the people involved has a role but they’re not acting… Mom, he looked at me, like he knew me and said, “Jessie, I hope you will come at peace with the elements of the cosmos and be you.”

My Mother asks, “So you told him about yourself, and he is okay with that?”

I say, “No Mom, I didn’t but I felt like he knew. He said he would like to do something for me after the ceremony.”

Come the time of the wedding we sit in two rows of chairs that were two thirds around the area of a decorated circle. Keith Connors stood outside the circle waiting for Molly being escorted by her father Rich Mason.

Uncle Rich gives her a kiss as Molly then joins with Keith as they enter into the circle. There were times they stand and other times they kneel facing each other. A woman assisting the Mem held a round bowl of burning incense that she takes around the couple.

The ceremony in some ways was very simple and basic acknowledging the four elements of the world. I believe they’re wind, fire, water, and the cosmos. Molly comes out of the circle to receive wisdom from her mother and Keith’s mother, and Keith does the same with his father and Uncle Rich. They share from their heart and mind a bit of wisdom. Molly has been holding her emotions until Keith’s eyes fill with tears. They seem to know they are near the end of the ceremony and they’re fine. The Moms and many others of us have tears in our eyes with handkerchiefs in hand.

Molly and Keith are now wife and husband and people surround them to greet’em.

The Wiseman smiles as I approach him and he asks the young woman with the incense to circle around me as he says, “ch'uupal, and chuupul ko’olel.” The young woman with him smiles as she hears what he says. I ask her when he walks away, “What did he say?”

“I am Tina,” she says, “He called you a girl and blessed you to become fully woman. I guess he thinks you are not fertile. It is like a blessing, he means well, I hope you are not offended.”

I smile back to her, sure she does not know the other possible implications. I give her a hug, which she does not expect, saying, “I am very pleased. He asks the impossible but I am very happy he did.”

The photographer brings the couple after they greet people to have pictures taken. Keith and Molly are both aglow; Molly is radiantly beautiful. They convey many thanks to Luis, the Mem, and those who assisted him. Keith, who I guess is regularly stoic had been moved by the ceremony. We are photographed with the bridal couple and with Molly’s extended family. The pictures culminate with a picture of everyone drinking a toast of champagne, even I, Erica and other young people are allowed a half glass.


We are to ride the tram again to another upscale restaurant for the wedding dinner. Molly greets me as we walk to the tram. “Did he bless you?” I say, “Yes, but how did you know?”

She says, “I asked him to if he was not offended to do it. He said the Cosmos knows who you are, as did he when he saw you. He told me, my love for you started the blessing.” People call for Molly to get with Keith onto their transportation and that ended our words.

At the restaurant, I am approached by Uncle Billy. To my surprise, he says, “I want to apologize if I offended you in any way.”

I say, “If? I am glad if it is over, but I’d rather not talk about it here, probably not even on this trip.” I am sad because Rachel is with the wedding party. I know that is the right place for her but I could use my big sister. I move away from Uncle Billy.

Mom sees I am upset, but does not know Uncle Billy talked to me. She asks, “Jessie, how are you? You look despondent.”

I tell her, “I am okay Mom. I will probably be okay after I eat.” She gives me a hug and wants me to sit with her and Dad. “Mom, I’d like to see if I can sit with Erica and others our age.”

Erica is sitting with Sally, Keith’s youngest sister and I’m invited to sit with them. After family and friends are seated Keith and Molly are announced as Mr. and Mrs. Connors and the best mariachi band we have heard yet plays as Keith and Molly take their seats at the head table.

The dinner is great and people are talking about and sharing pictures from the wedding. I did not see any pictures taken during the wedding, but I guess that is part of today’s technology and smartphones. Erica wants to know everything I did with Tad when we went scuba diving. I ask her about Jared and her and I ask questions until the subject is changed. Tad is watching me and I feel good about that.

It is after nine that the dinner is done. Most of us are going to the Hacienda Market Place on the edge of the resort. I take time to say goodnight to Grandma Preston before we go to the Hacienda. She has enjoyed herself but is ready to get back to her room and relax.

Along with the many markets, there is a court area for music and dancing and then at midnight the music and dancing is to move inside. Molly and Rachel look for me and make sure I am with them in the courtyard. Rachel hands me a drink that she says is half strength. I can taste Sprite and pineapple juice in the drink but I cautiously look around to find Mom and Dad who are halfway across the courtyard. The biggest hassle is to get enough tables and chairs for our group.

Some people begin dancing but most wait for Molly and Keith. Once the DJ sees the wedding couple dancing he asks the crowd to make a circle and allow them to dance. Despite her gown, Molly is able to keep up with Keith as they sweep around the dance area and Keith swings her about. During the next dance, people are invited to join them. Tad is coming to me when another boy from another wedding party grabs me and asks to dance.

Marcus is sixteen and thinks I am fifteen. This dance is fast and I am not sure what I am doing, but that seems okay with Marcus. He looks like a good dancer but then I really wouldn’t know. They begin a slow dance and Marcus pulls me close. It is interesting as he speaks English, but as Mom says, ‘It’s the queen’s English. He explains where Manchester, England is and asks if I know world football. I do as it is another term for soccer. He plays in his school but he tells me there are two professional soccer teams at Manchester. It is the Manchester United soccer club that he routes for. He tells me I do not need to know the other team’s name. I said, “The New York Yankees are like that, but I do not route for them.”

The dance finishes and I say I need to get back to my group. “Can I have a kiss from a Yankee girl, before you go?” He was anticipating me saying yes as he draws me in his arms and gives me a big kiss. I did not complain, though I did not detect any of the reserves of an English gentleman.

There is an empty seat next to Tad as I go back to the tables as my former chair is full. I tell him, “I thought I saw you on the dance floor but you did not get to me.”

We agree to rest a few songs, as I get my drink and add some of Tad’s soda to it. Tad and I have danced two dances when Rachel catches up to me. She is a bit giggly but I don’t think drunk. I take a sip of her tequila sunrise, it is what I was served before but mine was very diluted. I took a second and larger gulp before I hand it back to Rachel.

Tad and I go looking in the shops for sombreros in the shops, some which are beginning to close. I am ready to buy a large sombrero when Tad asks about getting them home. It is not that we can’t take them, but the room they would take in my luggage or the condition of it later. I search until I find a ruffled Mexican skirt I like and I buy an inexpensive top to go with it. I change at the shop and then seek out my Mom to give her my dress.

She shakes her head as she laughs with joy and hugs me. Dad is the one who shakes his head in worry and points at Tad, asking him to be good. Tad says on our way back to our group, “Your Dad is treating you completely as a girl, does that mean I can?”

I say, “I am thirteen, it shouldn’t change how you treat me.”

He says, “I can tell you get excited when you are with me and I want to celebrate that even if it doesn’t change things. You are dressed as an exciting Mexican beauty. If you are going to be a real daughter, I am even more excited.”

I pause and lean forward from my waist up the air has been sucked from me. I too am excited, but suddenly I realize how fast my world is changing. Tad stops a few steps ahead of me and comes back. “Are you alright?”

The music has just changed to a slow song. “Let’s dance and then I need to find my sister and talk to her.” We start apart, but soon we are close and I am not sure if it is Tad’s heart or mine that I hear beating. I know Tad is getting excited and I have as well though my boy parts do not respond much. I am leaning my head on Tad, as I look up his lips start caressing first my cheek and as I move he comes closer and closer to my lips. Our kiss is passionate but I keep it simple.

Suddenly I like him a lot but I want to be a young thirteen-year-old girl. I want to learn to be a girl before I am a woman. ‘Is this what Luis meant a girl to become a woman? I am not sure, but I do want time for myself.’ I am glad when the song is done. I know Tad wants to know what is happening and I am thinking.

It is Rachel, I want and need to talk to. She too has been dancing with a boy and is going back to her chair near Molly. The guy stays around and I know I should not disturb my sister when a guy is with her. I walk close to her but stay at least five to seven feet away. He is amused as I stand away from her, but she sees it is obvious I want to talk to her. She waves me to come.

“Lance, this is my sister Jessie and Jessie this is Lance. What is so important you want me but don’t want to disturb me?” I am a little ashamed and give a sheepish grin.

“Sorry Sis, I want to talk to you, but I can wait. I will wait until we’re at our room.”

She says, “But you won’t be very comfortable until we talk will you?” She stands up and excuses herself from Lance. She takes me and we find chairs in an area away from our group. She asks, “So what has you upset?”

I’m afraid Rachel will get upset because it is not important. I pause and I’m quiet until she encourages me again to speak. “It isn’t important and I’m afraid you will be angry with me.”

Rachel says, “You’re acting like a little girl, is that it?”

“How did you know,” I ask? “Tad likes me and when we kissed I had to work to keep my mouth shut. Do you know what I mean? I didn’t want to be a big girl I want enough time to learn to be a girl. Right now I feel like Jeff's rushing to be a girl and I don’t know what that means.”

“Wow, Sis,” Rachel pulls me close and holds me in a hug. “That is an important thing for a young girl to realize. I am very proud of you.” She encourages us to sit again and talk. I can see by her eyes and expression she is really proud of me. After talking another ten minutes, she suggests we go back to our room and talk there.

“Gee, Rachel it’s nice that you’d do that for me, but I know you want to be here longer and you’re with the Bride as her Maid of Honor.” I say, “It was important that I talk to you, but I don’t think either of us wants to leave.” We walk back to where she was sitting.

Molly stands to greet me again, and gives me a big hug. “Well young woman, how are you doing and what’s so important?” She smells like a fresh flower blossom but I can’t recognize it. “You know you have always been important to your sister, but she says that you two have grown even closer. She loves her little sister. She has talked about you enough that I feel I already know you. Next year I will have time after Erica visits that I could have another little sister visit. Would you like to come and stay a weekend?” She pauses and then says, “That is if you are still a girl like I expect.”

I say, “When Jeff hears of things like that, he wishes he would be seen as a sister. I want to be a little sister and I don’t want to grow up too fast.”

Molly giggles and apologizes for it, “That must be what was so urgent you needed to talk to her. She’s been afraid of you growing too fast.”

I say, “All of a sudden I realized and worried about that too. Part of me knows I’m a girl, but I don’t even know what it means to be a girl. I have been trying too hard to be a girl. It scares me how fast things are going.”

Molly reaches into her bosom and brings out a tiny bottle, she opens the top. She says, “I like this fragrance, it kind of inundates me and I can feel like anything I want.” The top has a small wand that she touches near my breasts. “Go, tonight you can enjoy yourself, but only with those who accept the young woman you are.”

Suddenly my mind transports me back six years when I went with my mom’s grandparents on a trip to Maine. There was a beauty pageant and I was resting on the edge of the stage when they crowned the new queen. When the new queen went to the sides of the stage to wave to the people, she saw me and lifted me in her arms and gave me a kiss. I guess people asked me to turn and I had such a big smile. It made the front page of the next day’s paper. I loved that she was so nice to me. I felt like I could be a beautiful girl like her, but I knew I couldn’t say anything. But Jessie did not have a name then.

Erica came to me when I left her sister. She and I went back to the shop where I purchased my skirt. Mine is yellow, white, orange and red, mostly flowers, the swirls of wind and the sun. Erica finds one of the flowers, rivers of water, tropic parrots and other birds and even a panther. We are about ready to pay for Erica’s skirt when Jill and Cheryl come in. They are not only buying skirts but hunting for the appropriate peasant blouse. It is very noticeable how endowed both Cheryl and Jill are.

Jill asks, “When we go out to dance we were wondering if you might be interested in doing it together; knowing we two might go overboard now and then. Jessie chimes in, “If you don’t mind I’m going to be a younger girl sometimes, other times I might be naughty like you.”

Cheryl laughs giving me a hug, “You know if you are naughty and your mother thinks it is inappropriate. I hope she holds you responsible and not me.”

Erica says, “But if you shake your booty in front of people there will be guys disappointed to find out you’re lesbians?”

Jill says, “More guys need to know not all the fruit is for them. Another woman shaking her assets doesn’t mean she necessarily means she’s doing it for me, or even if she’s doing it for anybody but herself. If another woman gets too close to Cheryl, I’ll be upset, most of all with Cheryl if she encourages someone else.

Everyone was soon changed and we went out to the dance area and fortunately, the next song allows us to dance and be active. Tad is soon up with Jared seeking to dance with us. I ask Cheryl if she and Jill would join us to dance around Tad and Jared. I am not sure exactly what I want. But as Jessie, I want us four to dance around the two boys.


The evening continues, midnight comes and we move into a building plenty big enough to hold those staying awake. Molly and Keith have left, while Rachel has stayed. She is at a different table but we dance twice together. She is aglow and most of the time has two guys interested in dancing with her. She asks me, “Do you know which guy I enjoy the most?”

She is surprised when I quickly answer, “Sam,”

Rach asks, “What made you say, Sam?”

I say, “I think Brad likes himself too much’ he would be like pretty candy.”

Rachel begins to giggle out loud, “You’ve been watching me too close. Maybe you should be my ‘Big Sister’.

“You mean that because you sometimes relate to guys that aren’t good enough for you.”

Rachel tells me, “Shush.” I’m afraid Brad is coming, but it is Sam who is coming behind me. She then says, “I‘ll serve you notice that I’m watching to see whom you date.”

I giggle at my sister, though I hear the thought concerning my future of dating. I am kind of glad that my parents won’t let me date until I’m 15. I am pretty sure it will at least be until I’m fourteen.’ Come ten of one, Erica and I decide to go back to our resort and rooms. We are about to walk out the building and get our shuttle and Rachel comes to go with us.

We get on our shuttle and Rachel says, “Erica’s Mom said it would be okay if she slept in our suite. Or we’ll need to walk her back to their rooms.”

Erica bounces in her seat, “I’ll stay with you two.” I kind of bounce in my seat as I hug Erica.

They do not change in front of me, but I had dressed down to my panty and bra and put on a robe waiting for them to shower and change for bed.

I am showering shampooing my hair when Rachel comes into moisturize her skin and put up her hair. By the time I am rinsing the conditioner out of my hair, I see Erica is with her. I am okay with her being there, but I am a little upset they didn’t ask me.

Rachel justifies it saying, “Erica only sees you looking like a girl anyway.”

I am in my robe by the time I step out of the shower and join Erica doing our skin and hair. She says, “Jessie, your hair held up quite well. But I’m most surprised that you wore your heels the whole time.”

I say, “My feet got only a little sore. I enjoyed it most of the time and wanted to enjoy wearing heels.” I was ready to go to sleep. However, Erica starts to massage my feet which causes me to wake up as it tickles as well as feels good. The three of us become caught up sharing different things from the day. Erica and I were caught up in hearing Rachel’s experiences as an older girl. Somewhere after 3:30 I fell asleep.

I wake first at 8:30, surprised that Erica and I have shared the same bed. Erica giggles, “How does it feel wake up to find yourself sleeping with a girl as a girl?”

I say, “It makes me feel like a real girl. Erica, I’m glad you’re my cousin. I am even gladder that you’ve been helping me to have fun.”

As we get dressed there is little discretion about changing in the presence of one another this time. I confess that I looked a little with a sense of envy. My sister catches me looking and grabs me from behind, “Erica, I caught your little cousin eyeing you what do you want to do to her?”

Erica says, “Where was she staring, maybe I should stuff it her face?”

Rachel says, “I wouldn’t necessarily want to do that, it might have been Jeff who was staring at you.”

I’m embarrassed and say, “No, it wasn’t, I’m…”

Erica says, “Hold her, I think she’ll freak out.” Rachel says, “Sis, you can’t scream, we don’t want Mom or Dad in here.”

Erica is giggling as she approaches me seeking to put one of her breasts into my face. She’s whispering kiss my nipple, Jessie.” She’s right, I am too embarrassed and ready to cry. Erica tells me, “Be a big girl, we don’t like boys telling us we’re crybabies.” She pulls down her blouse over her bra “What did you think you were doing, looking at me?”

She touches my bra shaking her hand across the front until I shudder and go to my knees shaking. Erica says to Rachel, “I think her nipples are sensitive, do boys have feelings there?”

Rachel says, “No, our Mom says any feelings will be in her head. That the hormones she’s taking temporarily won’t cause her body to have feelings yet.”

Erica says, “Jessie told me that too, but it was her body, not her head that caused her to shake and fall to her knees.

Thankfully, Mom knocks at the door joining our rooms.


The gulf is calm and people venture past the barriers that protect the beach. Swimming here isn’t ideal as the resorts expect most will use the pools, do a lot of sunning and a fair amount of drinking. Some Brit guys take interest and get us into conversations as they swim nearby. Dominic lunges to grab me as a wave begins to break behind me. It is big enough to send us tumbling in the water. Dominic took the worst of it as he wrapped me in this arms as we tumble over the bedrock of the floor bed. He had some scrapes and will probably have some bruises later.

Dominic’s buddies say he should go up on the beach and have his scrapes tended to, I feel bad and agree to go up with him. The scrapes aren’t bad but he is given an ointment to put over them. It has an antibiotic to stop any infection and to provide a covering from the air and water. He has some scrapes on his back that he wouldn’t be able to reach. So I begin to spread the ointment on his scrapes.

Dominic teases me about my gentle touch, especially as I apply it just above or below his swim trunks. He is now sitting up as I apply it to his toes and lower legs. When I hand him the ointment to do the areas he can gently reach, he takes hold of my hands and draws me closer to him.

I kind of like it, as much as I don’t. I gather up the strength to say, “Dominic you are more like an older brother or someone who would date my sister Rachel.”

He says, “I would have protected you if you were a little girl, but that is not how I see you. You couldn’t see me as a boy who is interested in you?”

I know I’m beginning to blush; do I dare say how I feel? I am moved that a young man as attractive and nicely built is attracted to me. I ask, “How old do you think I am?”

He says, “Sixteen, maybe fifteen; I’m only eighteen that is not that big of a difference.”

“I think you took off a year or two from your age and added years to mine. I am only thirteen.” Dominic looks surprised, but his hands tell me he is no less interested. I could see he is also aroused before he placed a towel over his lap.

He smiles and asks, “Can I at least give you a hug and a thank you kiss for taking care of me?”

I say, “It is I who owes you the kiss.” He smiles as he reaches out his arms and I walk into his embrace. As we lean in to kiss, I close my eyes. His arms are warm and strong, my hands are on his shoulders. As his lips touch mine, I am melting have trouble remembering I’m a younger teen. Finally, I push away and my hands brush off my front though there is nothing there.

I turn toward the water, looking for my sister and Erica. They are now closer to the shore and I wade out to them. Rachel congratulates me, “You did well little sis; how are you feeling?”

“You were watching me?”

Erica says, “Yes, she wanted to make sure he didn’t do anything bad and go too far.” She says, “I was rooting for you to jump on his body. It did seem like a very nice hug and kiss.”

I confess, “It was and part of me wanted to go further, but I didn’t want to be a young girl making a fool of herself. He’s too old for me. He said he’s eighteen but I don’t believe him.”

Rachel says, “I agree, I think none of them is younger than nineteen. He is a bit of a hunk, I’m proud of you for resisting.” She giggles lightly, “It might have caused a problem if he discovered your other self. Were the feelings you had just in your head?”

I giggle, “Even my forms got hot when we hugged. I am sure he knew I was hot for him. I almost forgot about me being Jeff.”


We are soon back to our suite to shower, change and go eat at the snack shack. Rachel says, “I’ll let you be on your own, I’m going to be with Matt.” Rachel had left the room and then there is a knock at the door. Thinking it is Rachel wanting to be let back in as I open the door. It is a moment before I recognize the young Mexican woman as Tina. I invite her in but she asks instead if I could meet, at a place we both know. She goes there and I am soon there as well.

We sit, “You are Jessie, no?”

I say, “Se and you, Tina. What would you like to talk to me about?”

She says, “When we spoke last you said ‘Luis’ blessing was impossible though welcomed.’ I still do not understand, but I told Luis. Luis said, ‘Your God and the spirit of the Cosmos do not see it as impossible.’ He hopes you will be open to becoming fully woman if it is to be.” My body is stirred with emotions as she speaks.

Tina speaks again, “Luis does not want you wasting time wondering nor waiting. You are a young woman, you are not to hurry in growing up.”

I ask Tina to follow me and we go to the gift shop and there are stones and I buy two. “Tina, I give you this one and keep one as a reminder of you. You are like a second sister, I thank you.”

Tina receives the stone, and then pulls her necklace over her head and places it around my neck. I too have on a necklace which I take and place around her neck. I am humbled as her necklace is far more precious, but I know it is not about their value. Tina is probably Rob’s age, but she is more like Rachel in her beauty and has wisdom that I look up to. I feel the urge to confirm my understanding of what she has told me. “I am to be content with being the young girl I am.” She smiles and we walk the beach until she says we need to part.

I know we will not meet again, but I pray that we might. I am walking back and Tad finds me and walks with me. “Jessie would you be my girlfriend? We can meet at Erica’s, I will come when Keith and Molly are there?”

I give him but a peck on his cheek as I say, “No. If I see you again we are friends. I don’t want to be someone special waiting for us to forget each other.”

He says, “Liking each other is good.” I shake my head not knowing why seeing he’s aroused pleases me. We go to the market at the Hacienda where we play games and pass the next two hours. I had eaten but one snack and I am famished as I get back to my room. Mom and Dad are both happy to see me.

Some family has already left and we leave tomorrow afternoon. Tonight is casual and fun. I wear my long Mexican skirt and colorful blouse to the entertainment that evening. I am surprised when the performers see and recognize me. Tonight the theme is rock ‘n roll. All but a few songs are from my folks and grandma’s time, but I enjoy listening and watching their performance.

The singers see me before the show starts, and because I’ve already been on stage, they’re not to call me up again. Instead, they ask me to be near the stage and they will choose two songs where we sing off of one another. It is nothing special, and yet it is very special for me.

The next day is hard as we pack up and are ready to leave but it will be the afternoon before we leave. Even the trip back is fun as Rachel and I reminisce.

We're at Chicago and going through customs when I am given grief again for pretending to be a girl. One security officer wants to hassle me with another body scan and a pat down. Someone was called and while that person cannot stop them from doing their job, his supervisor says it is enough. She finishes my check, mostly with an apology and stepping through the procedure of asking me questions and checking my documents.

It is midnight when we arrive at home, Rob is up but his chief interest is what our parents bought for him. I am wanting to crash on my bed and pay the consequences when I get up. Rachel and Mom both insist I take off my makeup, shower and care for my skin. Times like this, I do not like being a girl.


Neither I nor Rachel wake up until 10:00 a.m. Rachel is to help me take off my breast forms and gaff and return to being Jeff. I persuade her to let Jessie have a day at home. She helps me to do my makeup so Jeff is not recognized before we head to one of the malls. I have text Tami where we were going. Rachel has called Margaret next door to go with us, saying, “Margaret, you’ll be amused to see how far Jessie has come.”

Margaret is soon over; she knocks and calls in but came in not waiting for a response. I am coming down the stairs to go to Rachel’s room when we meet. “Wow girl, your sister is right you have come a long way in a short time. The Jessie in front of me is not acting about who she is, she’s a natural girl.”

I’m surprised to see her but pleased with what she says. But I quickly catch myself saying, “We’re just going out for the fun of me to act like a girl here before I change back to boy mode.”

“You say what you want. I’m here to enjoy shopping with you again. I will be interested to see Jeff again as well.”

The funny thing today is when I go to the boys’ section looking for Levi’s and other jeans to wear. I pick up a regular pair. A sales girl has no problem that I’m doing so, but she says, “You should get a snugger pair to show off that you’re all girl underneath.”

It is shortly after when we’re back walking the mall that Tami and April find us. The three of us go to the food court to sit and share pictures and stories. Rachel and Margaret take time to shop for themselves.

April has lightly spritzed me with her perfume. Tami is trying to get the attention of boys which is not hard. Both ask me, “Are you staying Jessie?”

I say, “No, my Mom wanted me to change back this morning, but my Sis agreed I could have one more fling before doing so.”

Tami says, “But you’re so natural now as Jessie, don’t you want to remain as her. I want Jeff back but that’s for selfish reasons. I want my Jeff and to dress him as Barbie too.”

We talk and it is nice as they understand the wisdom of taking things slow and my desire to be Jeff and to grow into being a girl. April giggles, “We’re not teachers but this will put a whole new spin on being girlfriends.” We give each other hugs and get back to shopping and being girls…

Story to be continued…

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