The Reluctant Co-Ed - BC Bathroom Anthology Edition

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Chrissy is no different then any other High School girl - except that she's a BOY!
Well, maybe not so much a boy. But today is the first day of her senior year in High School!

The Reluctant Co-Ed
BC Bathroom Anthology Edition
Copyright of the characters and all of this material
belong solely to  © 2015 Melanie Brown
Oh, the humanity!

Author's Note: Hi, This is my only entry into the BigCloset TopShelf bathroom Anthology. I do hope you like it. Melanie Brown gives her approval for this gag piece to be included into the printed anthology!

This was a rush job and was not properly fleshed out. As it stands now, it was only flushed out.

This story is not free to distribute to any site whatsoever without prior approval of Melanie Brown.
Original toilet humor by Sephrena Miller, All rights of this content and characters reserved by it's creator, Melanie Brown. ~Sephrena.

^^ Hi Melanie! it's me Sephy! please don't kill me??? pretty please? :D

Image Credit: Picture could not be purchased. Ed still owes us $50. The model(s) that we would have used would have solely been used for the representation of looks of the main character(s) of this particular story. ~Sephrena

Monday Morning
Her first day as a senior at her high school did not start off well. It began with an extremely tired teenage girl hitting the snooze bar for the third time before realizing it was Monday.

School! Oh crap! she thought as she flung herself out of bed. "Mom! Are you still here?" she yelled downstairs.

"Chrissy?" came the response. "Stop yelling in the house! I thought you had already left for the bus stop?"

Her mother, coming into view at the bottom of the stairs, gave her a really annoyed look. Chrissy gulped and averted her gaze. She had no excuse, really. She stayed up really late last night reading the latest chapter of Melanie Brown's The Reluctant Girl Series Book 5 - The Reluctant Coed!. Chapter 17 was just Oh-so juicy! And so meatily long! ...

Chrissy covered her mouth quickly as she tried to quash a giggle fit at the thought of that punchline.


In the chapter, Chrissy was sharing an apartment with Joey at their Community College. Chrissy had just walked into her apartment with Dianne following behind visiting. Chrissy invited Dianne to have a seat on the couch while she went into the kitchenette to fix them both some lunch. Unbeknownst to the girls, Joey had left a 7-11 superlong dog with chili, in the paper-bowl plate it came in on top of the blanket that he and Chrissy shared as they watched television every evening with the hot dog partially covered by the blanket. Dianne sat right onto it with a squishy sound and something warm and getting wet spreading between her legs.

The hotdog broke in half and fell down onto the rug dripping chili down the couch onto the carpet!

Dianne shrieked. "You little bitch! You set me up!"

Chrissy, startled, turned around and saw a hotdog bun oozing chili out from between Dianne's legs with a broken weenie on the floor.

The first words out of her mouth were,"Oh my god! Your period?!" before the stupidity of what she had just said sank in.

There was pregnant pause of silence as Diane stood up and the other half of the poor hotdog fell away.

"Ummm, Dianne. You gotta believe me! I didn't do that!" Chrissy just saw the look of anger on her sister's face and immediately ran for the bathroom.

"Godammit bitch come back here! You just ruined my freaking jeans!"

Chrissy had slammed the door and locked it. "DID NOT! DID NOT! It was Joey's!"

Dianne slammed the bathroom door several times and stopped. A few seconds of silence.

"Mustard is on these jeans! Fuck!!!" Dianne was most definitely crying. "I just bought these yesterday!!! You are so goddamn going to buy me new jeans. TODAY!!!!"

Chrissy bit her lip as she tried to think of something to say.

"Dianne, honest! I didn't do it." She leaned back against the sink and stated,"Can't we just return them to the same store and say they're defective?"

Chrissy heard the door thump and a sliding noise against it as she realized that Diane was probably now sitting on the floor. Her sister's sobbing tore at her heart.

"Okay, Okay!" Chrissy gave in and unlocked the door. As she opened it, she offered,"I'll get the money from Joey and I'll buy you a new pair."

Joey was consistently broke keeping their rent, food, utilities, and car maintenance topped off for them both. The chances of him having the cash available this week was slim to none.Wait a minute! Chrissy thought, Ed still owes me $50 for that bet!


All of the crazy antics that her favorite author had poured into that chapter made it her most favorite story on BigCloset TopShelf! Poor Chrissy! Oh yeah, duh! - poor Chrissy. Right.
Reality sometimes sucks.
"Christina Michael Davis!" Chrissy was startled back to that reality with her mom staring at her. The dreaded three names. "Why haven't you moved yet? Your father hasn't finished breakfast yet and you missed the bus! Let's get a move on! Hop to it!"

Chrissy, realized she had left her notebook on her desk. She rushed back into her room, grabbing it and a banana she had brought up last night but hadn't eaten yet. She chewed one end of the banana off as she rushed down the stairs and paused at the kitchen. Her father set his coffee cup down and took a good hard long look at Chrissy. His eye twitched as he saw Chrissy clutching her school books to her chest with a banana in her mouth trying to suck on it. Her hair was still tousled and her skirt wrinkled.

Her dad sadly shook his head back and forth muttering, "Isn't it a little too early for you to be thinking... of that!"

Chrissy innocently replied "Hmm?" The joke had missed its mark.

Mrs. Davis then grabbed Chrissy's arm and hauled her outside slamming the door behind them.

Her father, then picked up the paper. " boy... I want my son back..."
Chrissy had to listen to her mom berate her about being responsible and how she was almost an adult. They had already been forced last year to get Chrissy an orchiectomy when her doctor found some lumps on her testicles. That was life and death right then and there! With the nodules malignant, it wasn't even a choice. Her father's first words out of his mouth were, "It would have been a heck of a lot cheaper on me if he... had been born a girl to begin with! In another 2 years, freaking srs! I'm going to be bankrupt by then! Twenty thousand dollars more!"

Chrissy could no longer have kids of her own, but she thought about all the fun of pretending trying to make one. And with Joey! Chrissy smiled. Her mother's voice droned on as they drove.
Kids were offloading from the buses so Mrs. Davis pulled the car to a stop at the bus pull-in lane at the front of the school.

"I'm really sorry mom. I have some failings. I promise I will not let this happen again."

Mrs. Davis really wanted to believe that. "Okay Sweetheart. Use a tissue and wipe your mouth, you have some of that banana still all around it."

Chrissy walked over and started to blend in with the students entering the school. Mrs. Davis pulled the car out into the road and drove on.
Nikki, hobbling along with cane in one arm, her books in the other, and her left leg still in a cast, glanced up and saw Chrissy with what looked like the remnants of Oral Sex? She saw Chrissy stop off to the side of the front steps into the school and fumble in her purse for something.

Through her still wired shut mouth she uttered, "MMmiguffff.Criffy?"

Chrissy turned and looked over at her as she pulled a piece of banana skin and a bit of mush out of her mouth and threw it on the grass.

Nikki's mind raced. How could she come to school like that?!!! She sucked some boy dry!!" Nikki then rudely tried to say what she thought.

"Howf Kud yewww!" and promptly bumped the custodian that was leaning over the side of the school mower filling it with gasoline - with a lit cigarette in his mouth.

The cigarette fell right down into the fuel tank.

The sudden rupturing of the lawn mower's gas tank flashed outward, instantly frying Nikki's hair completely off and flinging the both of them into the tree near Chrissy.

School could only get better from there.
By 3rd bell, she was already late for class after the fire trucks arrived and both the police and school officials took witness reports from her about the accident. The ambulances promptly rushed both the custodian and poor Nikki back to the hospital. She hurriedly ran into the girl's bathroom. She had to go before sitting in boring Calculus!

She went into the stall, locked it and proceeded to lay a Protecto seat cover onto the seat. As she pulled her skirt up and her panties down, the toilet seat lifted up silently behind her.

From outside the bathroom door there was an initial scream and sounds of water and someone struggling. There was a loud flush.

After the water in the toilet had settled down, it was once again quiet in the girl's restroom.

A loud deep, almost burplike sound then broke the surface water in the toilet.





Isn't it funny how sometimes art imitates life?
Or could it be real life imitating art?

Chrissy, sadly was never found.

The Reluctant Co-Ed seemed to vanish from everyone's minds, and history, shortly thereafter.

This is,

after all...

The Toilet Zone!

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Hypatia Littlewings's picture

Oh, No!
"The Toilet Zone"
again !

Why do I keep ending up here?

>i< ..:::

Your story

Melanie Brown's picture

Thanks for writing this. It's fun to see fan fiction.



Oh Sister! She was obviously cornfused! Mistaking SDS with SRS! (sds=sewerage disposal system) lol
Loving Hugs Talia

This may only be a short

This may only be a short story entry for the contest, but it definitely needs to be expanded into a lot of wonderful, funny chapters. This girl would have no luck at all, if it wasn't for her almost bad luck. Seems she is just a magnet for bad luck to befall others, especially a girl named Nikki who appears to be Chrissy's nemesis. :) Janice Lynn

Had to rename this work

because of the possibility of this title becoming a reality from the author. (Hopefully with some extra help, it can happen!)


Love this

I have read most of this reluctant storys but wonder were the rest is, The Reluctant Prom Date, and the rest, i can not find them here??
keep writing I enjoy your work.

Hugs and Kisses
Melissa Ann

The Reluctant Series

Melanie Brown's picture

They're all still here. There's no link to them from this story because I didn't write this story. The last in the series is Reluctant Bride.


Daphne Xu's picture

The Toilet Zone? The Bathroom Anthology, and other toilet humor.

Something sounded distinctly familiar. Calling it "Killer Man-Eating Toilets" would have given away the punch line, right at the start.

-- Daphne Xu