Patriot Games - Chapter 31 - Changes

Chapter 31 – Changes

Steve felt foolish and humiliated. He followed two steps behind his wife trying to hide in her shadow, his movements forced and awkward. Phyllis turned and pulled him up even with her. She scanned the store before turning to her husband.

"Is she here?"

Steve quickly looked around and then took a deep breath to combat the pounding of his heart. In a voice that was boyishly high, he said, "Yes, that's her over by the baby strollers."

"You mean the redhead? You haven't been truthful with me Desiree. She's quite attractive. Wave her over here so that we can get acquainted."

Steve waved wildly trying to get Rose's attention. Rose noticed the lady waving, but had no idea who she was and just assumed she was trying to attract someone else. The thought occurred to her, 'my God that is the most pregnant woman I have ever seen. I hope don't get that big. She's got to be miserable. I wonder what happened to the saying that all expectant mothers have a happy glow about them.'

The crazy lady kept waving and Rose eventually noticed Fred's presence beside the expectant woman, his arm draped casually around her shoulder. Out of curiosity, Rose meandered over to the small group. As she got close she said, "Fred, I was told Steve was going to be here. Where is he?"

Fred lost it and let out a belly laugh. He pushed Steve toward her and chortled, "Rose meet my new partner."

She did a double take and gaped in bewilderment at the faux woman wearing the makeup of a streetwalker.

"Steve, is that really you? I would never have guessed it in a million years."

She looked at Fred with his arm still resting on the imitation mother and she said, "I had no idea just how close you two were, I guess congratulations are in order."

Rose spoke from behind her husband "See honey, I told you it was the perfect disguise." She stepped forward nudging her husband out of the way and extend her hand in greeting. "Hi, Rose I'm Phyllis we talked on the phone."

Rose rather apprehensively returned the handshake and greeted Phyllis with "Good to meet you. What's this all about? I was a little nervous you might be upset with what I did to your husband."

Phyllis smiled disarmingly. "I'll admit at first I was upset. He's mine and I didn't think you had the right. But then he spilled the beans about what he has been up to. I now understand your motivation and I'm completely on board with what you did to him. What's good for the goose is good for the gander kind of thing.

"I've built on what you started and would like to introduce you to my new spouse Desiree. Steve has abdicated his manhood in favor of being the Queen Mother for the day. I believe that he has something he wants to tell you about your husband and his treatment. It would seem he hasn't been completely truthful with you."

Rose looked at her. Her eyebrows couldn't go much higher. "Is that right? You have my full attention; do you want to talk here?"

Steve pleaded, "I'm begging you; let's go somewhere I can sit down."

A vindictive Phyllis gave her husband a look of exasperation and casually strolled over to a table littered with expensive nursing unmentionables. She saw an exquisite lace coved brassiere and held it up. "Look here Desiree. They have nursing bras up to N cups; with your excessive boobage we really must get you a few. Don't you think?"

In a melodramatic exit, Phyllis randomly picked up three nursing bras and threw them at Fred. "Pay for these and you and Desiree meet us at Starbucks. We real girls need to have a private chat."

"Starbucks! Why that is at the other end of the mall. It will take me forever to get there. I just want to go home, hell I have to pee again," Steve whined.

"You better hurry then, no stopping to window shop," Phyllis replied glibly.

Steve dutifully followed Fred to the register. The teenybopper sales girl was almost giddy as she ran Fred's credit card. Handing the bag to Steve she said, "I threw in a sample of our Nipple Shields, they are our best seller. I'm sure you'll love them. We are also having a sale on breast pumps. If you have the time, you really should look at them."

Fred took Steve by the arm and forced him out the door before he said or did something out of character for a young mother to be.

Once lost in the anonymity of the mall crowds, Fred turned on his partner.

"Damn it Steve, your bras were almost a hundred dollars. There is no way I am putting woman's underwear on my expense account. You're paying me back for those out of your own pocket.

"Chill man. I'll take care of it."

Fred paused, obviously chewing over how to bring up an unhappy subject.

"Steve, before I forget there's something I have to tell you. We had a team covering Daisy and she attended a party aboard Ivan's yacht. They didn't dare go into the marina; it would have been too obvious. So they sat on the exits and waited for him to come out. By the next morning, he still hadn't. We did a quick check of Ivan's anchorage and the boat is missing presumably with our agent onboard. Why those assholes weren't at least watching the yacht from a distance, I don't know."

Steve turned to look at his partner, anger written across his face. "Well what are we doing to find her…I mean him?"

"We've notified the Coast Guard and they are searching for the boat. Big Bob doesn't know yet, since you're the man in charge." Fred looked at his friend and smiled. "Or being more politically correct the person in charge. I wouldn't want to have you charge me with sexual harassment. I thought it was your place to tell him that we've lost another agent."

The couple hadn't gone a hundred feet when they reached the first woman's restroom. The urge to pee was suddenly overwhelming. Steve's biological needs forced him to overcome his inhibitions. He pulled Fred toward the door and told him he had to stop before he had an accident. Fred had no problem with it, but flatly refused to check out the bathroom before Steve went in.

The journey to Starbucks took forever. Every few yards Steve had to stop to catch his breath. His legs were turning to rubber and his feet were on fire, he went from holding Fred's arm to hanging from it. It suddenly became as hot as Hades for Steve his face glistened with perspiration. Further slowing their progress between bathroom breaks, they stopped at every water fountain they passed to ease Steve's dry mouth. It took them almost 20 minutes to reach their destination.

@ @ @ @

Rose and Phyllis were a good distance ahead of the two men. Rose turned to Phyllis and said, "I'm sorry if I overstepped my bounds but your husband is a total jerk. He is a manipulative SOB and constantly hitting on me even though he knows I'm married."

Phyllis' expression tightened. "I'm not surprised to hear that. Steve is constantly ogling pretty women and he's a world class flirt; but sister you don't know the half of it. He can be as persistent as a mosquito buzzing your head in a tent; but he is relatively harmless. His bark is much worse than his bite. As a part of his macho posturing he frequently propositions woman. As far as I know his success rate is zero, if one ever said yes he would probably have apoplexy."

Phyllis looked around to ensure no one could hear her and said, "Just between us, I bet I have slept with more women than he has. Steve's a self-centered compulsive narcissist - hubris is his middle name. I'm sure a doctor would diagnose him as OCD. Once he gets something into his head he just can't let it go. He currently is under the belief he is under surveillance from the Russian Mob. Nothing I say and no amount of checking can convince him otherwise. He has decided the only way he can communicate with you safely is by masquerading as a woman. So whenever you two get together look for Desiree rather than Steve.

"He's worked very hard at perfecting his feminine persona. To his credit he gave up watching sports and he spends his evenings working on his feminine mannerisms. He also has spent many hours sitting at my vanity working on his makeup skills. As a result, he has developed a false sense of superiority and is convinced his presentation as a woman is undetectable. As an objective observer, unless it's dark outside anyone can tell he's a man in a dress hiding behind makeup. If you can believe it, he is so confident in his chameleon like skills he even violated the sanctity of the ladies room while out on assignment."

Rose smiled and replied, "I find that totally believable."

Phyllis went on, "Therefore he needs to be put in his place. That's what I am trying to do with the empathy suit. Let me tell you all about the real Steve. In his heart, he really is a good and decent person. He's a dedicated government agent and he's received several commendations. He has the work ethic of an Amish farmer and can be tenacious as a bulldog. Totally dedicated to his job. He is a loving husband and really tries in the bedroom. He likes to take charge a bit too much for my liking. But when he is on top he can go on forever. I have to remind him sometimes it's not a marathon. Since you sent him back to me I have been tutoring him in the art of lesbian love making. He was never a fan of cunnilingus and wanted nothing to do with anything below my bellybutton. But he's a fast learner and he now rates above average as a pussy licker. There is nothing like a good fuck after a half dozen oral orgasms. Outside the boudoir, he is still a sexist asshole, full of condescending platitudes about woman's capabilities. They are aggravating to say the least."

Rose digested what she had just been told and responded, "Why do you stay with him, if he is that bad?"

Phyllis chewed on her lip lost in thought. "First off, I love him and, in his defense, he has had some traumatic moments in his life that have contributed to his myopic view. First, his mother ran away with a preacher and abandoned the family when he was a small child, and then there was the rape!"

Rose couldn't believe what she was hearing. "Steve raped someone?"

"No, it was just the opposite. While undercover a suspect penetrated his feminine cover – pun intended. According to Steve he was tied up and violated from the rear rather forcibly."

Rose was horrorstruck. "OMG is he alright? Rape victims can suffer from psychological, emotional, and physical effects! From what I hear man on man rape can be even more devastating."

"He was of course checked for STDs. I have my doubts about his mental condition, but he's seeing a professional at work for his psychological issues. But I've begun to wonder if that didn't release a long dormant feminine persona. Ever since that incident he has been going undercover as a female more and more. Even his boss has commented on it. But Steve is always able to rationalize the need for a female disguise.

"The only physical changes are the rapid onset of man boobs. I tried to tell him that it is probably just a factor of aging, as men get older their testosterone levels fall and the natural estrogen levels in their body compensate, thus they develop bra-ready jugs. In Steve's case, he's been sprouting boobs faster than a high school cheerleader. He came up with some cockamamie story about the rape being the cause for his gynecomastia condition. Aside from his swollen breast tissue, physically he is fine.

"Admittedly he is as stubborn as a Missouri mule. I'm afraid your husband is his latest project. Steve speaks very highly of him. Unfortunately, Mr. Secret Agent man is fixated on taking down that Russian mobster and will do whatever it takes. That is good for his job, but not so good for your husband. His belief system incorporates the philosophy of 'The end justifies the means'. From what he has told me, HLS feels you husband is not progressing as rapidly as they would like. Steve has tried to shield him as much as he can; but there is only so much he can do. That is why he needs your full cooperation. I can only apologies for his conduct. He is fixated on this mission. When he gets like this he can lose sight of the human cost.

"At one point, he became so intractable that our marriage was in jeopardy. He was a real schmuck. Can you imagine that he once told me to 'quit my job and be a good wifey and stay at home'? His macho attitude was stifling our marriage and it wasn't going to survive unless I did something. We tried conventional marriage counseling but to no avail. I knew I had to do something drastic to save my marriage, so under threat of a divorce I got Steve to go off to what I told him was a school for obstinate husbands. I am the genius of his feminine fixation. Boy was he surprised when I got him drunk and turned him over to the clutches of a domme to expose him to the feminine ethos. Her resume is really rather remarkable with an advertised success rate over 96%. She promoted herself as being a gender studies scholar, but I later found out she was just a run of the mill Dominatrix. As it turns out, I believe she's the same one that has your husband."

Rose thought 'I've been accused of being a domme as well. Maybe this isn't as bad as I thought.'

Phyllis looked Rose in the eye and said, "Rose, I know he loves me, which is why I am fighting for our marriage."

Rose's expression conveyed the same level of pessimism as her words. "How do you know for sure he loves you? From my interactions with him he doesn't act that way."

Phyllis paused to gather her thoughts, "While Steve was off to his sissy institute; I decided to cut myself free of the umbilical cord of our marriage. I took the opportunity to have a couple of dalliances with men from my office. I even tried a three-way, while exciting it was exhausting. Trying to keep two partners satisfied simultaneously is tiring. Perhaps if the third was another woman or if I could have gotten them to entertain each other it would have been easier. I won't lie, the sex was good and bedding a new man every night was exhilarating. However, those liaisons were not fulfilling to me emotionally. I found there is a big difference between having sex and making love."

Phyllis was lost in thought for a few moments and then continued with a heavy sigh. "It's almost comical when you think about it. Steve was off with a strange woman putting on lingerie and I was with a strange man taking mine off at the same time. Anyway, after about two weeks, I called to check on my husband. The report I received from this Linda person was just like his job he was throwing himself into his training. He can be a bit single-minded when given a task. She told me she was convinced that with a rigid diet, coupled with constant corset training and heavy doses of female hormones she could turn him into a real cutie pie of a she-male; there would be just enough of man in him to pass in the real world. I told her that is not what I wanted, so I pulled him out before I lost him. She cautioned me about the high rate of recidivism of men who don't complete her entire training syllabus. Linda felt very strongly that Steve had some real potential and begged me to leave him. She even bragged that the results of his linguistic lessons were ahead of schedule. He could speak almost fluent Southern Belle bimbo. He occasionally lapses into that dialect when he gets excited.

"But I'm getting away from the point. When he came home, Steffi would make an occasional appearance. Just between us girls, I came to look forward to her visits. He was always good in the bedroom, as a man he liked to be in charge. Linda had warned me that without constant reinforcement they will eventually revert to their old habits and belief systems. The old use it or lose it thing."

Phyllis resumed walking and spoke to Rose in a soft melancholy voice. "Unfortunately, she was right. Once he returned to work his chauvinism attitude wormed its way back into his personality. His attitude was better for a while but over time it regressed to one of pure machismo. Eventually I sat him down and confessed what I had been up to while he was away. I know it hurt him; he went into an emotional freefall. But eventually he forgave me and our marriage survived."

Rose paused and thought, 'I wonder if that is what will happen to Jack? Without constant reinforcement he will backslide into his masculine persona.'

Phyllis saw the faraway gaze in Rose's face and was concerned she had told her too much. "Rose, I am not trying to say your situation is the same as mine. From what I was told, Jack was never a misogynistic asshole, like my Steve. You need to realize that it's not all Steve's fault; it is just that he grew up that way. His entire life he has lived and worked in a phallocentric universe where woman are vessels. Not the equals of their male counterparts. It's a place where woman should be submissive, obedient and always know her place. Believe me when I say that it's an issue, we as a couple have struggled with."

Looking back over her shoulder she caught a glimpse of Steve struggling to catch up. "I'm hoping that this lesson in motherhood will show him how wrong his belief system is."

Phyllis went on, "I was furious at you when I first saw what you had done to him with your alterations to his appearance. But now I need to thank you. You opened the door with your makeover. I had deluded myself into thinking his attitude had improved. When I caught him in his sissy mode sneaking into our home he broke down and told me about you and his handling of your husband.

"I had thought he had improved but I realized how mistaken I was. Therefore I am now motivated to teach him what life is like from the other side of the gender divide. If I can show him some of the things that your Jack is going through it may help him emphasize. And hopefully restrain his willingness to put agents into positions he hasn't experienced. Lead from the front kind of thing. I plan on showing him that traditional gender roles are bullshit. As a middle-aged white man, he has never known or even recognized the injustices we woman have to go through. But before I am through with him, he is going to learn. He doesn't know it yet, but he is going to understand what a woman experiences in the workplace. I intend to send him to the office in all his feminine glory. Let's see if he can sweet-talk his way out of that!"

With a devilish twinkle in her eye she went on, "I promise you that before I am done with him, he will be able to tell the difference between nylon and silk just by the feel. If I can just find some way to let him experience the agony of PMS and joys of menstruation, my work will be complete."

Phyllis inquired sincerely, "Why did you let my husband and the government turn your husband into a lab rat?"

The question caught Rose off-guard. She had asked herself many times in past weeks and she found that her answer was less than satisfying. She had a hard time meeting Phyllis' eyes as she answered sadly.

"I don't know you very well Phyllis but I have a feeling we are simpatico so I'll tell you the truth. At first I had convinced myself it was an altruistic act of patriotism because I was raised with a strong sense of service.

"My family has a history of sacrifice for the concept of nation and freedom. I lost a father and mother during our fight against communism, my brother was a causality of the war against terrorism. Lost a grandfather and several uncles in the fight against English imperialism in the old sod. Volunteering Jack was just an extension of the long line of family patriots.

"But I had no concept of what they were going to do to my Jack. I may have been a bit delusional but I trusted them and expected them to be more humane in his treatment. They obviously did their homework and played me like a fiddle by telling me I was making a difference. Steve wooed me at first and convinced me to do things to Jack in the name of patriotism that haunts my every waking moment."

Phyllis kept quiet and thought that what she was hearing was pure bullshit. No woman gives up her husband to skirts and bras out of love of their country or even revenge. She wondered if Rose was playing with a full bag of marbles.

Rose blushed and admitted, "Some of things I did I hated but there were others that I have to admit I enjoyed. I know that says something about my personality."

Phyllis nodded her head as a form of encouragement and wait for Rose to continue. It was obvious this lady needed to get something off her chest.

"When I dance with a man, I am the one that leads. If a man won't let me, then it is adios and I move on to someone else. Jack was the only man I ever met that not only let me lead but was relieved I was willing to take charge. I honestly think he feels I'm out of his league. His masculine pride is nothing to brag about if you know what I mean. He's a tad self-conscious about the lack of size of his manhood. But I never complained and, as a result, he has always been totally devoted to me. There has never been a more loving man; there is not an ounce of malice in him. I am convinced he can't believe someone like me wants the little twerp. He just has no self-confidence in his sexuality.

"Don't get me wrong, I love him to death, and I know that it's a bit of a cliché, but we are truly soulmates."

Rose let a pregnant pause overcome them as the continued to walk. Rose reached out and took Phyllis's hand as she spun her companion to face her.

"I've always been bi-sexual, there is something about the feminine form that gets my juices flowing."

Phyllis gently squeezed Roses hand in surprise. Rose let out a small almost indistinguishable giggle when she saw the shock on the other woman's face.

"Oh heaven's Phyllis. Don't get me wrong, I'm not hitting on you. Not that you aren't attractive, it's just I've experienced living and loving women. They are just too catty for my tastes. Come on, let's keep walking, we don't want the boys to catch up."

Rose smiled slightly at Phyllis and went on with her story, "I'll explain. I'm into men. I like them just like them the same way I like my women, soft, tender, submissive and on their hands and knees. I can't stand the ultramasculine he-man types. I guess what I hoped for with Jack was that he would come home a wussified man, totally dependent on me...A live-in sex kitten. At first I thought they were only going to turn him into man-purse carrying metrosexual guy, but still a man. That is what I envisioned, a bit foolishly I guess. I never envisioned they would try and turn him into a skanky wanton harlot that throws himself at other men."

Rose glanced over her shoulder and watched Steve stumble out of a ladies room. "Phyllis that suit is remarkable. The belly and breast move as if they are real."

Phyllis leaned in close so only Rose could hear, "The belly is fastened with straps. The boobs are more securely actually attached, he may not have any tactile felling but I can assure you he can feel every movement of those massive boobs. I superglued them to his chest, he is going to have a hell of a time getting them off. I am looking forward to the show." She saw no reason to tell Rose that most of the massive boobs that were on display were all Steve.

@ @ @ @

The new friends arrived at the coffee shop and secured a table for four as far away from the restrooms as they could. They sat side by side with two empty chairs across from them. Rose and Phyllis had a chance to really get to know each other because of the suit and the diuretics Phyllis had slipped him. Steve's bladder needed almost constant attention. Desiree had to stop twice to pee and three other times to handle his dry mouth. They also had to stop once to rest on a bench because Steve was out of breath.

When they finally reached their destination, Fred escorted his partner into the coffee shop and held his hand for support. Fred scanned the room as he was trained. The girls were instantly obvious because they were giggling like two school girls.

Rose, poked Phyllis in the ribs, "The boys have finally arrived." Phyllis turned to see her husband standing in the doorway clinging onto Fred. Even from that distance she could see he was pale and needed Fred for support. Steve was clammy and covered in sweat. Fred led and half carried his partner to the table where the two women were amicably chatting away like old friends. When Steve finally reached the table and he needed to sit down desperately. He put his free hand on the table the other still carrying the bag with his bras and tried to plop into the closest seat just as Fred being a gentleman pulled the chair out for his companion Desiree.

The result was a total calamity, Steve's ass found nothing but air. He let out a girlie squeal followed immediately by a very unladylike profanity. His center of gravity dictated once he started down nothing was going to stop him until he reached the floor. Rather than land with the expected thud he was surprised to find his ass was cushioned with the suit's rather endowed hinny. He briefly thought he had escaped unscathed except for the damage to his dignity when his head bounced off the metal chair and made a clang like a ball hit with an aluminum baseball bat.

He lay flat on the floor, dazed in total humiliation. His arms and legs flailed helplessly, like an overturned turtle. There was nothing Steve could do but wait for help. Fred being the trained first responder he was, immediate stepped in to help. He slid his arms under Steve's armpits and lifted. Rose and Phyllis who had jumped to their feet immediately noticed Fred had secured two handfuls of boob in lifting his fallen partner. Fred's reaction when he noticed what was filling his hands was comical; he pulled his hands back like he had touched a hot stove. Since Steve hadn't reached stability yet so he started to fall back. This time Rose and Phyllis each grabbed an arm and kept Steve from falling.

The four stood in a small circle being watch by a dozen patrons and concerned employees. Phyllis was really enjoying herself so she turned to Steve and whispered, "Aren't you going to thank Fred for helping you up?"

Steve looked like he was about to explode, the vein in his neck throbbed wildly. Phyllis saved the day by adding, "Remember dear, you are presently a young woman being watched by a dozen total strangers. Thanking Fred is the expected reaction."

Steve turn to Fred glared at him but said "Thanks."

Phyllis leaned in and said "I'm afraid that isn't good enough. Fred is after all your significant other. He deserves at least a kiss."

Steve stood his ground and said calmly and quietly, "There is no way I'm kissing that asshole."

Fred piped up, "It's alright. I don't want a kiss."

"Shut up Fred this is none of your business! I told Desiree what to do and she will by God do it!"

Fred decided discretion was the better part of valor. So he kept quiet and just stood waiting for the outcome of this test of wills. Fred didn't know Phyllis all that well but from what he did know he wouldn't bet against her.

Phyllis who still had a firm grasp on Steve's arm applied a much pressure as she could and said "You'll kiss him or live to regret it."

Steve saw a way out so he said, "I'll kiss his cheek but nothing else!" Turning to a smiling Fred he mumbled under his breath, "You can kiss my ass."

Phyllis agreed only to prevent making a bigger scene. Once they were all seated, a waitress was at the table immediately, "What would ya'll like?" They sat down as the waitress took their order,

Phyllis being a purist ordered a straight coffee black, Fred ask for the same, Desiree in his best feminine voice tried to order a coffee as well. Phyllis interrupted, "Don't be ridiculous, you know what the doctor said about no caffeine."

Turning to the waitress Phyllis dictated, "My friend here will have an herbal green tea. No sugar, she's watching her weight."

Steve with a throbbing headache just glared at her but wisely didn't respond.

Rose pondered the menu for a minute and eventually said "I'll have the same, herbal non-caffeinated tea please."

Phyllis turned to Rose with a quizzical expression and quickly put two and two together. No caffeine and suggesting the meeting at the maternity store. Point blank she asked Rose, "Does that mean you are too?"

Rose blushed and nodded yes. Phyllis hugged Rose and said, "Congratulations, does the father know yet?"

Rose glibly replied, "I'll tell him as soon as a figure out who it is."

Then she glared at Steve who was suddenly examining the table top with great interest. "You see, my only communication with my husband is through Steve. I wasn't going to say anything about being pregnant until the doctor confirmed it."

Phyllis leaned in and had Steve do the same, "This is probably a good time for Steve's confession."

Steve in a defiant mood said, "I'm sorry you are upset. I'll tell you only because I promised Phyllis I would. Remember, we sought your approval before this all started. To be honest with you, the agency's attitude about whatever happens to your husband before or after we bring the Russian down is of little consequence when examined in the grand scheme of things."

Phyllis glared at her insensitive husband as he finally relented and in a hushed voice provided an abridged and sanitized account of what Jack had been put through.

Fred sat open mouthed, flabbergasted at what he was hearing and a chill ran down his spine. He fidgeted in his seat totally uncomfortable with his partner revealing what he thought was classified information. He sat and listened intently because he too had no idea what their agent was being subjected to.

The tears in Rose's eyes were genuine as she absorbed all her husband had been through and his hardships. It made what she had done to him seem like a walk in the park for him by comparison. A solitary tear eventually leaked from her eye, it ran down her cheek and landed in her tea cup.

Steve's voice took on a softer almost apologetic tone as he went into some detail about Jack's training syllabus. Rose appeared to cheer up a bit when Steve mentioned Jack was being trained as a household maid, but not so much when he talked about learning to be a cosmetician and barmaid. Fred on the other hand, thought a man being taught to apply makeup and do his own hair was an abomination against nature.

At that point, at Steve's urging, Fred helped his colleague out of the chair and walked him to the restaurant's woman's bathroom where he waited protectively for his friend.

Steve's request to use the restroom again was only partly due to his compressed bladder. He needed to distract Fred from bringing up Daisy's disappearance. He hoped that the ladies had moved on to other conversation subjects so that they would not return to Daisy and how he had been treated. Telling Rose that they had lost track of him was something that he did not want to do in public. They returned holding hands; this time when they got back to the table Fred didn't release his faux girlfriend's hand.

Phyllis noticed and commented to Rose as they crossed the floor, "They make a lovely couple don't they?"

Seeing the two women laughing, Fred inquired, "What's so funny?"

Rose continued to grin and said, "Nothing important. We're just sharing anecdotes about how best to show our husbands the advantages of being on the pink side."

Fred pulled out a chair to assist his partner to sit as Steve was obviously having a hard time. He waited this time to ensure he landed on the chair when Desiree suddenly turned pale and doubled over in pain and as he clutched his oversize tummy."

A very concerned Phyllis stood up to assist her husband. "What's wrong dear?"

Fred helped his partner sit. Steve looked up at his wife and said, "There's something seriously wrong, get me out of this suit. It felt like I was kicked in the gut and it still feels funny down there."

Phyllis thought for a second before putting her hand on his protruding stomach. "Desiree, it's nothing to worry about. The suit has the capability to simulate the baby moving in your womb, on a random basis it will also kick. Your full bladder amplifies the action. I can feel it moving, give me your hand Fred. Feel Desiree's tummy, this is as realistic as it gets."

He sat and put both hands on Desiree's belly and said "This is really cool I can feel the baby moving."

Steve just looked aghast at his friend. Rose watched with great interest and took out her smartphone and took a picture of the two Federal agents and said, "This is a really domestic scene I just have to add this to my scrap book."

With every sip of his drink, Desiree would open his purse, take out his compact and check his lips. The action was so natural that it appeared to all the bystanders he had been doing it his entire life.

Rose turned to Phyllis and said with a smile, "You've trained him well."

"Thanks I can't take all the credit he's a natural, he takes to makeup like ducks to water."

Steve pushed Fred's hands away and said "Make yourself useful. Help me up, I have to pee again and nothing more to drink."

With a devilish twinkle in her eye Phyllis said, "But dear, we don't want you to get dehydrated."

Phyllis smiled and turned to Rose as Desiree, assisted by Fred, again headed to the small one stall restroom. "Those water pills are really effective. He will have hit every woman's toilet in the mall before I take him home. He's learning all about the major disadvantage of wearing pantyhose."

Desiree returned, this time Fred had his arm around her waist supporting Steve because his legs didn't seem to have the strength to sustain his mommy-sized body.

As the couple again took their place at the table Rose turned to face Fred this time. "Steve isn't the only guilty party here. What pisses me off the most is both Jack and I are just pawns in your grand game of counterespionage. My government has turned my husband over to a madwoman – from what Phyllis tells me she is a lunatic and you let them do that to an honest hardworking man. I am holding both of you two responsible!"

Fred held up his hands in mock surrender, "Rose, I'm just following orders." Rose's intensity told him that it would be unwise to share anything that he knew with her.

Rose was furious and was positive that there was a sinister motive behind everything Steve and Fred were doing. She clearly envisioned that the man who would returned to her wasn't going to be the feminized, passable man she had envisioned when this all started. She got all weepy eyed when she realized in all likelihood the husband that returned to her would be more Daisy than Jack. The tears raced down her face and dripped into her tea.

She took a sip of her tea and tried to regain control of her emotions. Looking at the two government agents sitting across from her she started to scold them, "You two believe you are only being good company men, but in reality you are nothing but lapdogs, mindlessly slaving away at a thankless job.

"Hiding behind the fact that you were just following orders is what the Nazi's kept saying. Don't you think for yourselves? It’s time both of you start taking responsibility for your actions!"

Steve had been nervously fiddling with the new stud in his ear during the brief lecture and gave a half nod to acknowledge what she had said. Her words struck a chord with the agent he had been when he first joined the agency. The women went on talking about Steve and the shortcomings of men in general. Steve sat staring blankly, not saying anything and not really hearing what they were saying. Fred laid his hand on top of Steve's which made his heart beat faster. A few hours earlier, Steve had felt rage toward his overseer of a wife. Now a calmness had settled over him, his vengeful urge no longer had sure footing. Fred firmly held his friend's hand, trying to console him and probably trying to console himself.

Phyllis pushed another glass of water to her husband with a strong voice dictated, "Drink up dear, water is good for your complexion." Like a trained puppy, Steve followed his wife's instructions. After he put the glass down, Phyllis pushed his purse toward him, the implications were plain.

Steve withdrew a compact and checked his lips. With a practiced ease he reapplied lip-gloss to his plump bee-stung lips. He replaced the items in his purse and as forcefully as he could he snapped the purse's clasp shut. With an exasperated shrug he signaled Fred it was time again.

Fred help Desiree stand to make yet again another round trip to the potty. Fred stood guard at the door waiting for his partner. Desiree half stumbled coming out, Fred caught him in his arms, he leaned in and whispered into his ears and said "Buddy please don't get mad at me; I don't understand it but suddenly your touch does something for me. I am getting all hot and bothered. It is hard for me to believe you aren’t all woman."

Desiree responded by giving Fred a quick peck on the cheek. This time when they returned, Desiree sat and rested her head on Fred's shoulder, for some reason not the least bit embarrassed. Fred in turn put his arm around her shoulder. Watching the touching scene playing out before her eyes Phyllis dropped her spoon when she noticed the lip shaped mark on Fred's cheek and it landed with a splash in her coffee cup.

She turned to Rose and said, "Aren't the guys acting strangely?" Rose smiled at her new friend, and said that may have something to do with the Xanax I have been slipping into both of the drinks. They will remember everything they do today but won't know why they felt so euphoric about it."

At that, the quartet headed to the parking lot with Desiree and Fred in the lead. At first, Fred had his hand in the middle of Desire's back. As they walked, both women were amused that Fred kept sliding his hand lower until it was firmly planted on the left butt cheek. Steve could only feel the pressure of Fred’s hand but nevertheless he was enjoying the attention. He began swinging his hips seductively from side to side.

At the point they were about to head in their separate directions, Phyllis insisted Desiree give Fred a goodbye kiss. This time there was no argument. Desiree stood next to Fred and gave him a chaste kiss on the lips. Fred was feeling no pain by now and thought back to the night his good friend Steffi walked him to his door and gave him a full on kiss. Fred decided now was the time for payback. He grabbed Desiree by the back of the head and pulled him in for a real kiss. Fred thought Steve would pull away but rather he kissed back with more passion than Fred had experience in a long time. It curled his toes as their tongues entwined in a playful dance. They would have stayed at it except for Phyllis's rather crude remark, "Why don't you two get a room."

Phyllis drove home, the smile on Desiree's face never left. Phyllis thought 'that the whole mall thing didn’t go exactly the way I planned.'

@ @ @ @

At the exact moment Steve was leaving the mall, Ivan's yacht anchored off the eastern coast of Mexico's Yucatan. Ivan had his still unconscious guest taken ashore and transported to a local clinic. Ivan shopped for a few Cuban cigars while his guest was being delivered to the clinic. A few hours later, Ivan engaged in a conversation with the plastic surgeon, "Doctor, your latest patient is here; he is all ready for you to work your magic. Are you set up and ready to go?"

"Yes senor, we just got the results of his blood test. How long has our patient been on hormones? His levels are off the chart, in fact I found several hormone patches stuck to his thigh."

"I don't know when he began; all I know is that I have had him on mega doses since he started working in my club. All my 'girls' get them secretly in their food. Is there a problem?"

"No, not really. When I first saw the lab results I thought we were dealing with a pregnant teenager. I am afraid that his procreating days are behind him. I have decided to make things easier for you and him; since you are such a good customer, there will be no extra cost. I am going to insert several slow release hormone capsules into his body. They will flood his system with estrogen for at least 6 months. Just a word of caution, with the levels of estrogen in his blood stream, his man sausage will continue to function for maybe a month longer, two months at the max. So if you have plans for that your timing has to be soon. "

"Great Doc, you have the list of what else I want done on my Princess Jack?"


"Da, Doc that was his name before. Now he is called Daisy. I had him checked out. The poor schmuck, appears to be a long term transvestite, but he made the mistake of coming out to his wife in public. She put him through hell. She gave him to a dominatrix to break him in. The wife was so broken up by his coming out that she was dating in less than two weeks, and if my reports are correct, and they always are, she has gotten herself knocked up. That's true love for you.

"Our boy here is still hung up on her. I haven't the heart to tell him the truth about his ex-wife. Why he still wears that childish watch she gave him as a coming out present, and that cheap imitation ring I don't understand. If you have to take them off be sure and put them back on before he wakes up or he will freak-out.

Ivan paused in thought for a moment and continued, "Wait a minute doctor, I have an idea. Give me the ring; I am going to have a duplicate made. I will surprise him later when I inform my little flower that he now belongs to me, body and soul. Can you keep Daisy knocked out for the two days it will take?"

"That is no problem, Ivan. We will be keeping the patient under continuous observation and sedated with high doses of tranquilizers for at least 36 hours. With implants as large as the ones you want, there is going to be a considerable discomfort. We will keep him…err her out of it for that time, then I suggest at least 7 more days of bed rest. And remember Ivan, absolutely no strenuous activity!"

"That's perfect Doc, I have errands to run. Why don't you get started? One more thing doctor don't forget the collagen injections in the nipples, I want those puppies poking through a padded bra and a sweatshirt."

"Doctor, one last question. Is it possible to give her dimples?"

"Ivan, I am the finest plastic surgeon money can buy. You want dimples, you got dimples."

Several hours later, Ivan returned and found the surgical nurse at her station in the clinic. "How did she do?" He asked anxiously.

"Wonderful", the nurse replied. "The doctor finished about an hour ago."

"How does she look?" Ivan excitedly asked.

"It's a little hard to tell. His face is swollen and badly bruised; it will take a few days to get the complete picture. From my experience when he is completely healed he will be cover girl material."

"Did the doctor do everything we discussed?"

"Yes, we went right down the list as you requested, with one minor exception."

An angry Ivan growled "And just was that, I don't like surprises?"

"We think you will with this one. We replaced the patient's puny breast implants with the mega ones you requested. We did the liposuction on his waist, and the butt implants. The rhinoplasty and facelift went unusually well. You will be exceptionally pleased with the lip plumping; they now look like two soft pillows. It is the best work the doctor has ever done. He now has the cutest little button nose, and in my opinion is more feminine looking than most woman.

"Instead of injecting his nipples with collagen as you demanded the doctor used his initiative and injected strong female hormones into both nipples and aureoles. This will give the desired visual effect you wanted, plus it has the added advantage on making them grow in size and sensitivity as they are absorbed. Come back in six months and we can fill 'em up again.

"Jack. That was his real name right? He will grow to love his orgasmic tits.

Ivan, we even did what you wanted on his ankles. Personally, I had some reservations, it seemed a bit barbaric but we did it while he was sedated. He is now and forever marked as your property. As long as you keep the site clean and bandaged the final results should be exactly what you wanted.

"Mr. Ivan, this one is a little frailer and more feminine looking than the ones you usually bring us, but everything turned out exquisitely."

As a statement more than a question, Ivan said, "Ben didn't castrate her like he did Laura?"

Funny, Ivan thought to himself. In the past, he had never stopped thinking of the girls as guys, referring to them by their given genders. Jack was different somehow.

"No he still has his cojones; there was no orchiectomy this time. The doctor was tempted to remove them but I reminded him of what you threatened. With all of the hormones floating around in his system, his testicles are completely useless. The doctor does recommend their removal to keep them from becoming cancerous.

"Good. I'm still a little worried about Daisy's reaction to all this. I am not positive she can emotional withstand having his balls cut off at this time. At some point, when Daisy had come to accept her changes, we can discuss having her balls removed. I will just point out to her that she was one responsible for that particular problem. These Trans girls will always be a mystery to me. Why any man would willingly flood his system with girlie juice is a question I will never understand. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy the finished product. I am just at a loss to understand why a real man would trade his prick for a pussy. "

"Why are you worried?" The nurse asked. "Daisy looks wonderful. He looks as much like a girl as any guy I've ever seen."

Ivan frowned and said, "That could become a problem. He may be too feminine. Aside from the little that's left of his penis, he isn't a man any more. The hormones have changed him so much already. I am concerned he may not be emotionally ready to completely give up his claim on manhood.

"Normally, I rescue some poor gender confused guy from the scorn and ridicule he suffers in the bars. I then mold them into a feminine looking woman. Play with them until I tire of the game and then discard them to their own devices. In the past, my problem had to be to make them look and act feminine enough to be believable, things are different this time. She is different. Daisy has exceeded all my expectations. This one is definitely a keeper," said Ivan.

@ @ @ @

Tucked into his bed aboard the ship, Jack fought to become fully conscious. He was still groggy and it felt like he had just gone three rounds with Mike Forman. He was aware of his breathing being slow and regular. He lay perfectly still.

There was something wrong. He couldn’t identify exactly what it was, but he felt different, there was an unaccustomed weight pushing on his chest. He tried to focus on the rest of his body and did a quick mental inventory. Yes, even without any visual cues he knew something was very, very wrong.

As he started to panic, adrenaline coursed through his body. The bed moved in the waves and he felt his chest shifting strangely. Slowly his eyes fluttered open. He was disoriented, just where the hell was he? He found himself in bed in a fancy room with a nautical theme. As his head slowly cleared, he forced himself to focus his eyes. He looked down towards the foot of the bed and saw the most feminine bedspread ever. It was a field of blue silk and lace. Out of that blue field jutted two very prominent hills. Hills, hell from his prospective they looked like the Alps.

Jack tried to sit up but that required too much energy so he lifted the covers and glanced at his chest. Jack's eyes widened in wonderment. He was initially convinced he was hallucinating.

Muttering, "Oh, fuckI can't believe he would do this to me. It must be a dream, this can't be real!" Jack grabbed his chest in panic, finding that he was wearing a see-through pink chemise.

Blinking his eyes, he hoped that what he had seen was a delusion. The weight was almost oppressive. Two heavy mounds of quivery flesh topped by rose colored cone shaped areolas. The sight of his new body produced a reflexive scream, almost girlie in nature. Jack immediately started an inventory of his other major body parts. Aside from the fact he felt like he was sitting on a pillow all the important parts were accounted for. He gave out a sign of relief.

Jack slid out of bed and attempted to stand. He felt very unsteady on his feet. The unaccustomed weight that protruded from his chest and the movement of the boat was playing havoc with his equilibrium. Jack stood by steadying himself with one hand on the bed. He allowed his silk gown to fall into place. He reached between his legs for one last check. Finding what he was looking for, Jack gave a relieved sigh and scanned the room.

As his senses cleared, he recognized that he was in the stateroom aboard Ivan's yacht that had been assigned to him. Using the bulkhead for support Jack stumbled over to the porthole, the mass on his chest swaying with every step and his hips rotated in an unfamiliar manner. He managed to regain his sense of humor as he stared out the porthole to an azure blue sea. He thought, 'Shiver Me Timbers, we're at sea'

The gentle sway of the boat was almost hypnotic. Suddenly the boat took a large drop, Jack stumbled and his udders flopped up and threatened to strike his chin. Regaining his balance, Jack felt his huge tits freely sway as the ship rose and fell in the Atlantic chop. The sensation of his nipples rubbing across the gossamer night gown sent Jack into sensory overload. Nipples that appeared fully engorged; their exaggerated size in keeping with the size of his breasts. From his perspective, looking down at breasts covered only by a layer of paper thin fabric, his nipples protruded out like two conical cones from his large mounds. To him, they appeared to be as large around as his thumb.

The sight of the mini erections protruding from his massive outcroppings through the sheer fabric of his nightgown started Jack's heart racing wildly. The realization that this was real almost caused a nervous breakdown, this was not what he has signed up for.

He found that his massive boobs had considerable heft to them. Yet they had no sag, they jutted straight out from his ribcage in an amazing suspension of the laws of gravity. Cantilevered out like that from his chest significantly changed his center of gravity and gave them quite a bit of inertia when the ship moved. With each step, Jack found the mass on his chest was always a half step behind. Daisy was compelled to abandon using the bulkheads for support. He decided to use his hand and arms to contain his swaying breasts. This resulted in Jack wildly stumbling about the stateroom, which sent his chest protuberances wildly swinging about in a Tilt-A-Whirl fashion.

As he passed the dresser, Jack stared into the mirror. The image caused him to grab a chair for support and gawk in wonderment. Looking back was not a man but instead was a stunningly beautiful, if outrageously over-endowed, platinum blonde woman. She had an angelic face with a cute upturned nose and full kissable lips, topped with fluttering lashes. This stranger's long disheveled hair fell in tangled disarray about his shoulders. His body was that of a goddess, the transparent chemise did little to hide those glorious curves. Trembling fingers moved to the bruises on his face. Disturbingly, Jack's first thought is how they distracted from his beauty.

Still in a state of shock, Jack hefted his huge new endowments again, feeling their weight and mass in his hands. Hands that couldn't come close to encompassing the volleyball sized spheres. He knew that some men would find these boobies absolutely magnificent, but even if he wasn't burdened with lugging their immense bulk around he would have found them ridiculously oversized. They may look like volleyballs but damn if they didn't feel like two bowling balls attacked to his chest.

He was furious, it was his body. He turned his back to the mirror and looked over his shoulder. All he could see was an ass right out of Penthouse, no wonder he felt like he was sitting on two pillows. The anger welled up in him. No one had the right to make these changes. Jack had just started to adjust to the feminine persona of a cocktail waitress. He doubted he would ever be able to survive with the body of a voluptuous porn star.

What would Linda say? How would his friends at the club react? How could he ever go back to being a man?

Acting on autopilot, Jack forced himself away from the mirror and drifted confused into the head. The first thing Jack saw was a complete makeup kit, resting next to a hair brush and curling iron. He slipped off his nightie to get a better view of his new body. He was surprised at the size and shape of his enlarged ass. After empting his bladder, Jack stood and slipped his translucent negligée back over his head, relishing the sensation as is slowly settled around his supersensitive skin. The sensations of the silk fabric on his hairless skin felt heavenly

He suddenly found himself driven by an unknown impulse. Jack was along for the ride as Daisy opened the makeup case and sought out the concealer, knowing instinctively he had to hide the discolorations around his eyes. Without understanding what was driving his actions, he combed out his hair, used concealer to hide the purple bruises and added a touch of lipstick. Feeling a lot better, Jack stared at the image in the small sink mirror and thought the face staring back was his but it wasn't. It was the face of an angel, a combination of sexy and beautiful. The image seemed to captivate his large, bright blue eyes, but now had a nose that can only be described as cute, impossibly high cheek bones, accentuated by two endearing dimples and full, soft lips that Marilyn Monroe would have killed for.

Jack just stared mesmerized by the face in the mirror, 'Not bad, before I was attractive, now I am glamorous. NO! This can't be real! Why am I thinking these things?'' Jack was lost, 'What do I do now? Can I ever return to being a man or will these bodacious udders condemn me to a life of being a freak and a thing of ridicule?

The ship suddenly rolled violently and Jack back fell against the bulkhead for support. He reached up and grabbed his breasts with both hands to keep them under control. The palms of his hands brushed against his nipples. The feelings this produced was absolutely glorious. In a surreal state Jack found himself alternating between the aureoles and nipples, rubbing them between his finger and thumb. Jack continued this little exercise until his circuit breaker was thrown. He had what felt like an orgasm, his knees weakened and he almost collapsed to the deck. The amazing thing was his prick never got hard. A bewildered Jack felt dirty and sighed, "Maybe I won't want to be a man again. But this really isn't too bad!"

Getting back into his bunk, Jack slept for the next 24 hours. Awakening with the morning light streaming in through the porthole, Jack lay in bed with a myriad of alien sensations being reported from every part of his body. Even lying on his back, Jack found that the mounds of fatty tissue on his chest jiggled and swayed rhythmically with the ship in the morning swells. Sliding to the floor, Jack firmly wrapped his arms under his chest in an attempt to contain their bent-on-independent motion. He managed to reach the head without incident. He performed his morning ablutions, which now included combing his hair and applying some makeup.

Just as Jack was about to hop back into bed, Ivan knocked on his door and opened it peering in, "Sorry to disturb you Daisy, but this is something that has to be done. Can we come in?"

Still exasperated at Ivan for making these unsolicited changes, Jack answered, "Come on in. It's not like I have much of a choice. What is it now?"

Ivan walked in and leered at his latest creation, as Jack leaned against his bed in his tissue thin negligée that left nothing to the imagination.

Daisy, her stomach in knots, hefted one of his prodigious boobs up and asked, "WHY? Ivan, you're a monster."

"Why, that's easy. I like my women with more robust dimensions. Trust me, in time you'll come to love them as much as I do."

"Fuck you. I'll have them cut off the first chance I get!"

"Don't be like that Doll Face! Now shake your bootie the doctor just has to do a checkup to make sure you are all right. Will you just let him look at you?"

Ivan crossed over to Daisy, holding his hands up to show that he meant no harm. "I promise he won't do anything to hurt you." He said reassuringly.

"What kind of checkup?" Jack asked, looking from Ivan to the doctor. The doctor peering around Ivan answered, "It's nothing Daisy, really. I need to give you a simple breast exam and give a quick look to your face and your ass implants. We need to make sure everything is shipshape." His joke fell flat when Daisy failed to react.

Jack's memories of this man were fuzzy, but he did recognize him as the evil man that had played Dr. Frankenstein with his body. Jack looked to Ivan with fear in his eyes.

Jack's response was "Sure Igor, let the doctor have his way with me, there doesn't seem to be anything I can do to stop him."

Jack trembled, what would the doctor do? The idea of a breast exam was so foreign and beyond the scope of any of his previous experiences that it scared Jack.

"I'll stay right here with you." Ivan said with a predatory smile, unsure about the significance of Igor comment.

"Please take off your nightgown Daisy and stand over here by the bed." The Doctor asked as pleasantly as he could.

Ivan helped pull the chemise over Daisy's head. Not once did Jack take his eyes from the doctor. To have a strange man see him with his breasts exposed was something Daisy was not emotionally prepared for. That was foolish, Jack knew. This was the man who gave him these damn beach balls.

Ivan stood by his side as Daisy hopped up onto the bunk which embarrassingly set his tits jiggling so he pulled a bed sheet tightly around her. The doctor sat on the edge of the bed first gently poking Daisy's face and nose with his fingers. "I can hardly see the incisions Daisy," he said, satisfied that he'd done his job well. "You are healing beautifully."

Then Daisy flinched as this monster yanked the sheet out of his hands and had him rise. Daisy stood nervously with his trophy chest on full display, wishing for the first time in his life for the security of a bra. The doctor reached out and placed his hands on Daisy's breasts. Daisy stood there, with pouty lips and held his breath, nervous as the doctor gently moved his breasts from side to side and up and down. Just when Daisy thought the doctor was finished, he squeezed them like he was checking ripe fruit.

The doctor turned his head toward Ivan but kept his hands firmly on Daisy's breasts as he announced. "Ivan, you know that his narrow chest makes his breasts appear larger than they are. The hormones will cause them to continue to grow."

A shocked Jack demanded, "Grow bigger, just how much? They're already gigantic!"

"I would guess a full cup size in the next six months. The good part for you young lady, the hormones will continue to make them more sensitive."

Jack thought back to his brief experience in the head and thought 'My God, how can they get more sensitive!'

"That's perfect. Thank you doctor," said Ivan, dismissing the physician.

"Perfect my ass," spit Daisy. "How dare you think you can do this? I never thought of myself as a feminist but by God it's my body, I'm not a piece of property you can do with whatever you want!"

"Listen to me Daisy; you are employed in my Club. You are nothing but a means to draw customers in, I made these specific changes because I intend to make you my star attraction when word gets out about you and your enhanced figure. You can't put a price on that kind of advertisement. The place will be packed every night."

Ivan looked at her coldly. "I'll make as many alterations as suits me. If you don't like it you can always quit. Once you have worked off the cost of the surgery of course. Sorry Daisy, nothing personal. I really like you. It's just business."

Daisy gestured at her new curves and yelled, "Bullshit! My body is not an ornament. These humongous hooters are way more than an infomercial for your club. So help me God, I'll pay you back for this."

The doctor had only stepped back, not leaving the room. He intervened before Daisy said something to make Ivan mad. He had seen that before and it was never pretty.

"Now Daisy, please turn around so I can check your buttocks." The doctor took his time massaging Jack's enhanced derrière in a manner similar to the chest inspection. He was a tad more thorough than Jack thought necessary, as his thumbs seemed to find a way to lightly graze Jack's sensitive rosebud several times. The doctor sat back and with an enigmatic smile said, "I'm sorry Daisy. I just had to check that no seepage had taken place. Just one more thing and then I will be done. Turn back around and face me please." Daisy turned around and the doctor's face was so close Daisy could feel his breath on his hypersensitive nipples. The doctor reached up and pinched each nipple, watching for a reaction from his patient, saying, "Just wanted to make sure they retained their sensitivity, are you having any problems?"

Daisy responded, "My nipples really itch and why are they so huge?"

The doctor looked at Ivan who shook his head no. The doctor lied, "The size will go down once the swelling from surgery goes away. It's normal for them to itch. Here this cream has estrogen in it. It will relieve the itching. I'll call round and give you some more if you like."

The two men watched with amusement as Jack put the chemise back on allowing it to float down around his body.

"This is utterly unbelievable," Jack howled. "Just get out, both of you perverts, get out and leave me alone!"

Jack looked to Ivan.

"All done Daisy. I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable." The doctor's apology seemed genuine. He stood and walked halfway to the door and turned. "You've become a beautiful young woman Daisy. I wish you all the happiness in your new life; I have given you a hidden present that will reveal itself in time. I discovered the hormone patches you were wearing when you were brought to me. Rather than just give you a hormone injection, I implanted slow release estrogen capsules in your tissue. So for the next 6 months you will have no need for external estrogen, your body will produce it on its own!"

As the doctor turned to leave, he whispered to Ivan "In fact, she will have more estrogen in her than a maternity ward full of expectant mothers."

Jack quickly covered himself with the sheet. He was relieved that the doctor was gone. Being touched like that by the old man had made him feel violated and dirty.

"That wasn't so bad Daisy, was it?" Ivan had seen how uncomfortable Daisy had looked when Ben touched him and now he tried to play it down. "Most women get a breast exam every year and it's not nearly as gentle as the doctor did with you."

"If I was a woman I guess that would be reassuring," Jack replied. "Do doctors really push and squeeze you like that?"

Once Ivan was out of the cabin, Daisy got up and went to the head for a shower. The rest of the trip back home was uneventful. The new and improved Daisy, secluded himself in his cabin and refused to come out even to eat.

Once in port in Miami, Ivan decided to give his new girlfriend some space and arranged a limo ride back to her apartment. A knock on her door told Daisy it was time to leave. Daisy, still not adjusted to his new center of gravity, walked unsteadily out onto the quarterdeck, an ocean breeze ruffled his hair.

Ivan met Daisy at the gangplank. Daisy flipped his head to clear the hair from his eyes. Ivan backed Daisy up against the bulkhead and said, "I know you are feeling strange right now, I will give you a few days to adjust, but after that you had better snap out of it. I have spent too much time and money on you, so don't fuck it up or you will know what real pain is all about. Have I made myself clear?"

Anxiety and a good deal of fear kept Daisy quiet, as he squeezed passed Ivan and made his way of the boat and into the waiting limo.

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