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(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 2474 by Angharad Copyright© 2014 Angharad
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To say we had a pleasant making up session when we went to bed is possibly an understatement. Mum used to say sometimes it was worth the pain of a squabble for the making up afterwards. She might have been right, it’s just that I love Simon so much and feel so insecure at times, feeling he’ll leave me for a fertile female one day, that I don’t like to risk things with him. He’d tell me I’m neurotic and he’s probably correct but I still have this fear however irrational it might be in reality. He told me that he expected me to leave him because he was a boring banker. I told him lots of women would think he had several million reasons not to find him boring. He knows that I don’t think about money, I have enough to get by and after that it’s just greed.
Others might disagree, but that’s how I feel. I love him for himself a very caring and compassionate man who occasionally gets things wrong, sometimes very wrong but he seems to love our children and they love him to bits—and I, love them all.
I waddled to the breakfast table, too sore to sit really and half surprised Trish didn’t suggest going for a bike ride; but she didn’t, she just exchanged sly smirks with Livvie, who smirked back. I felt like saying loudly, “Yes we fucked last night, we’re a married couple, they do so get over it.” However it would have upset Daddy who was also seated at the table. When he asked if I had a bad back, the girls nearly fell off their seats laughing. He seemed to miss the point completely or pretended to.
After breakfast Simon announced he’d booked a table for us at the hotel, who wanted to go? I wasn’t sure I could be bothered, all I wanted was a soft chair or a long soak in a hot bath. He wasn’t going to take no for an answer so I agreed but without much enthusiasm. I suggested he take the dog for a walk and take the girls with him. He gave me some funny looks but agreed to do it. Kiki must have thought it was her birthday—two walks in a morning. Pretty well all of them went with Simon, Danni even agreed to push Lizzie in her stroller push chair. As soon as they were gone, I ran upstairs and started to run a relaxing bath.
While it was filling I shaved under my arms and checked my legs for hair—they weren’t at all bad. I checked the water, it was far too hot so I needed a few gallons of cold water to make it tolerable, otherwise I’d have come out like a boiled chicken portion.
It was still on the hot side of comfortable and when I dipped my tail into the soup, boy did it sting. It did ease off as the nerve endings melted, and I sloshed some water around myself. Then after a half hour soak, I dried and moisturised my pink, glowing skin, then washed my hair separately. While that was drying in the towel wrapped around it, I sat on the bed and examined myself. My fanny was all red and swollen and very tender to touch. I had some povidone iodine solution in the cupboard and mixed it up with some KY gel and very gently managed to get some in a very tender place. I hoped it would prevent infection because I had a feeling I either had friction burns or a slight tear somewhere—we got a little carried away.
Shoving a panty liner in my drawers I dressed and perfumed myself then dressed in very smart chic casual. A skirt and blouse with a rather nice Chanel cardi. It was warm enough not to need tights, so I pulled on some footsies and then my court shoes—red four inch heels—it’s not like I’m going to walking much, is it? I finished my hair, then did my makeup, finishing just as they all returned.
When I made my entrance he whistled and told everyone they had to dress as tidily as their mother and sent them off to do so. Trish and Meems asked me to help and I told them I’d be along in a few minutes. They ran off together giggling.
Si gave me a hug and a kiss and whispered, “How about we just go up to bed?”
“I’ve just spent the past hour getting ready, besides I am so sore, if it isn’t any better tomorrow I might go and see the doctor.”
He smirked, “It did get a bit frenzied, didn’t it?”
“Frenzied? I thought you were going to penetrate my bowel or my bladder. It really hurt.”
He looked very sheepish, “I’m sorry, I forget...”
“I’m not a real woman,” I completed for him.
“What? No, I sometimes forget you don’t enjoy it so rough, I got carried away, sorry.”
“It’s okay, it takes two to do it, so I’m as responsible as you.”
“Look, you must tell me next time. I tend to forget in the heat of the moment.”
“Would you hear me if I did?”
“Yeah, course I would.” I shot him a questioning glance and he added, “I see what you mean. Look I wasn’t just thinking of my pleasure, you know.”
“I know. I wasn’t looking to apportion blame just explain how it felt, and that is quite sore.”
“Yeah, but it usually eases off, doesn’t it?” He didn’t sound quite as confident as he might have liked to.
“Usually, but it does feel worse today.”
“You look lovely,” he said and kissed me on the cheek. He went off to shower and I went to help the younger girls. Jacquie changed Lizzie and I dressed Cate. Stella who’d overslept put her two in pretty little dresses and wore a trouser suit which seemed to emphasise her slim figure. She made me feel fat in comparison.
At about twelve noon, we were all finally ready and Si phoned for the hotel to send their minibus to collect us. That would take about fifteen minutes and I asked the girls to keep themselves clean and tidy. Looking at Tom in his best suede jacket—one I bought him for his birthday—it looked like we were all going to church—not a place I tend to frequent, but that was how I saw us all in our Sunday best.
Simon began to take photos of us all and then of individuals. As usual I felt self conscious and tried to avoid being in the pictures despite them all yelling I should be in all of them, because I was the one responsible for us all being together.
I decided to go to the loo before we left. I shut the door of the cloakroom and locked it out of habit—otherwise you get gate crashed by an enthusiastic but dumb spaniel. Pulling down my panties I thought I saw the remains of the iodine on the pad. Standing up to wipe myself, I felt some more run down my leg, except when I wiped this, it was rather red not orange. Another lot ran out of me and I felt a bit woozy. I sat back down on the loo seat and heard it dribbling into the pan beneath as my head began to spin and things drifted away into the distance.

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Oh dear.
Sounds ominous. It sounds serious and could lead to any one of a number of serious complications.
One reason I'm not planning on a vaginoplasty. Orchidectomy yes, clitoroplasty probably but vaginoplasty no.
I'd like to think she's okay but obviously she is NOT!
Not lovin' it.
NOT good
Can Cathy reach out to one of the kids via blue light? Will they (Trish?) notice something amiss in "the force"? Need help NOW.
Almost didn't comment.
Simply because this feels quite serious, though it is doubtful that she will bleed out. Major blood vessels run through that region, though there would have to be torn muscles also. Is Cathy due for another chat with Shakina? I do hope that she is respectful this time. :)
She Needs Help
I think it's time that all the pain she's been suffering over the years be fixed. Like the three previous commenters said, the goddesses, blue light need to step in. It's not right that she has to endure this. I've said before and I've said it again. It's just not fair. I know, nothing says life has to be fair.
I would have to agree with Beverly. I am 50 and by the time I can afford to have my CGS surgery, it will be closer to 55. I have no interest in sex now since my Orchi many years ago and I will do the surgery minus the vaginoplasty inversion. To the world at large, all will appear legitimate. That is all that matters to me.
Sorry for Cathy's predicament. Hope she doesn't bleed out before someone finds her. It would be a very sad and ignominious ending to a marvelous woman. She is all that and more.
Thanks again Angharad for the story and your talent.
Blessing or Curse?
Perhaps the Goddess has decided to bless her with 'The Curse' making her a full-flegged fertal female. Just my two cents worth.
Not looking...
Not looking good... Of course, it depends on how much there is (of the red stuff) and where it's coming from. Though, it sounds like Cathy may have some issues there. Unless there's internal bleeding, there's not been time for her to have lost a serious amount of blood... Though, I know the sight of one's own blood, coming from a place it's not supposed to come, can be much worse than the sight of someone else's... *nods* (Been there, done that, it sucks, it's scary and you can't understand why the professionals (nurses & doctors) don't seem worried.)
Hope UK bathroom locks are like most US locks - unlockable from the outside... Else it's likely a carpenter will need to help out a bit.
On a happier topic, I've finally found something I have it better than Cathy on! Hair on legs! I don't have any (or enough to find most of the time). (Happened a decade or so ago. I got a sleep test - to see if I had sleep apnia (nope) - and, they used a very sticky tape to attach the monitor to the body - including legs. When they came off - I had squares with no hair. So rather than have squares that showed, and figuring it'd grow more evenly if I waxed (and not minding the idea of clean legs) I waxed my legs. And, got almost no regrowth. A few more waxings where I did, and it was gone and didn't come back!!! Lucky me - there, but little else physically. *sighs*)
Back to Cathy - the timing is NOT great. I do hope Simon doesn't "decide" that Cathy's decided to be a party pooper and take the clan off without actually checking on her. If she IS light headed, she could fall and hit her head... Laying there on the floor bleeding for several hours would NOT be good.
Thanks (I think),
Not good
hopefully there will be a moment of good fortune and one of the family will realise that Cathy/Mummy is missing , Yes i know the toilet door is locked, But Simon is a big guy and a bit wood will not stop him saving his wife....Its certainly a case of fingers crossed.... I know mine are.