Aunt Caroline's Girdle

Aunt Caroline's Girdle


Pamela ([email protected])

"Where did you get that?"

"Get what?" I said to my wife Linda. The tone of her voice caused me to become instantly anxious.

"This girdle."

I looked up at her and she was holding a white panty girdle.

"Oh, shit," I said to myself with an awful nervous flash running down my spine and into my stomach.

"I found this in your suitcase Blake, wrapped up inside your dirty laundry."

We had just returned from a visit to Aunt Caroline in Tampa. She was Linda's and mine favorite aunt, now about 60 years old and widowed for many years. I don't know how I could be so stupid as to get caught with the girdle.

"I'm sorry Linda, it's your aunt Caroline's."

"What? You stole her girdle?"

"Well, yeah, but not exactly."

"What do you mean by that?" She glared at me with a look that filled me with terror.

"You know the dresser upstairs in the guest room where we stay?"


"Well in the dresser are some girdles which I'm sure she never wears and I took one."

"Took one? Why in heaven's name did you take one of her girdles and how do you know that she never wears them?"

"Because they're been there every trip we've made to her house and they never change. So I figured that she just stores them up there."

"Just stores them up there? So you can just steal one of her girdles? And you hide it in your dirty laundry?"

"You weren't supposed to find it."

"What else have you stolen?"

"Nothing! Just the girdle."

"What else did you steal?"

"Nothing!" The truth was that I had taken one of Aunt Caroline's bras the year before. It was now hidden downstairs in the basement of our house. I had seen that Caroline had some old bras in the dresser besides the girdles. They had been there like the girdles since the first time I had stayed in the room, three years earlier.

Linda looked at me and said, "you haven't answered me. Why did you take Caroline's girdle?"

I hung my head and said nothing.

"Do you want to wear it?" she said harshly.

I nodded my head.

"Do you have any other girls clothes?"

I shook my head violently. I was way too frightened to tell her about the bra.

"So I won't find anything lying around the house?"

"This is the first and only thing I took," I lied.

"Shame on you. Shame on you for stealing from Caroline. Shame on you. Shame, shame, shame!"

"I'm sorry Linda."

"You're sorry? I'm a lot sorrier than you are, than you'll ever be."

"I am so sorry."

"I don't know what's going to happen to our marriage Blake. I don't want a husband who's preoccupied with my aunt's underwear."

"I'm sorry Linda."

Linda looked at me with disgust.

"Jesus Blake. I don't know what I'm looking at here, but the one thing I do know is that we're driving back to Caroline's and you're going to return her girdle to her and you're going to apologize to her for stealing it!"

I couldn't believe my ears. "What? Why Linda? She doesn't know its missing. I could sneak it back next year when we visit. She'll never know its gone."

"Pack your bag, and then you're calling Caroline to tell her we're coming back."

"But what I can I say to her?"

"Say whatever you want. But when we get there you're going to return her girdle to her and ask for her forgiveness!"

"Anything but that," I pleaded.

"Call her."


Aunt Caroline was an attractive woman despite her 60 years of age. Her skin did show some signs of aging and one had the sense that her bra was essential to keep her otherwise large sagging breasts in place. Nonetheless she maintained a quiet and graceful femininity that men could not help but find attractive. When I told her on the phone that we had forgotten something in her house that we would have to retrieve that morning, she seemed a bit puzzled but not at all put out by the thought of us returning so soon. We would only stay for one night, in any event.

I was sick to my stomach the whole way to Aunt Caroline's. I couldn't believe that Linda would make me go through with this, but she never wavered and I had no choice.

In the car Linda said, "have you ever worn my clothes?"

"No," I said vigorously.

"Well why not?"

It seemed so obvious to me why and I said, "your clothes would never fit me."

Aunt Caroline's bra size was 36D and fit me reasonably well. Her girdle was sized 1X which was a bit snug on me but not terribly uncomfortable. I had tried it on to make sure it fit before I had stolen it.

"You make me so mad I could punch you," Linda said.

"You're scaring me," I said.

"Good," she said.

A while later she said, "men who wear girdles are sissies."

Try as I might I couldn't think of a way to contradict her statement.

"So you're a sissy. I've been married to a sissy all these years."

"I haven't really been a sissy."

"Oh, right, you just became one now. Do you take me for an idiot?"


"You've obviously been wanting to wear girdles for a long time. Am I right?"

I didn't answer the question.

"I take that as a yes, and so why did you never mention you have a thing for girdles?"

"I've tried so hard to be a good husband for you. It's just one little slip up." I felt profoundly sorry for myself and began to whimper.

"The amazing thing is how I didn't see this coming. You've never been much of a man have you? You're not strong, you've always been afraid of me. Other men don't see you as being the kind of guy they want to hang out with doing manly things." She laughed to herself, "you don't even have a man cave. Imagine you having a man cave." She laughed some more. "You could wear your girdles in there and pretend you're a girl. Surely you must have a bra somewhere. I can't believe you'd get a girdle before a bra."

My whimpering turned to crying now.

"Oh shut up Blake. I'm the one who should be crying."


When we got to Caroline's house she let us in. Without wasting a second Linda told her that I had something I needed to say to her.

"What would you like to tell me?" Aunt Caroline asked smiling. "Do you need to search for something? Is this about losing your marriage band here?"

"No Aunt Caroline," I said. I looked at Linda with imploring eyes. Please, please let me off the hook I tried to communicate. I'll do anything. Linda scowled at me and I looked back at Caroline. I was wearing my nice slacks and a tweed sports coat. Linda had insisted I dress up for my confession. "We actually did not leave anything here. It's just that I took something. I have to get something from my suitcase," I said and went and fetched the girdle.

"Did Blake steal something!" Caroline said with alarm to Linda.

"You'll see," Linda said.

When I returned I could see that Caroline was puzzled by the white folded up cloth in my hand. "Please Linda!" I said under my breath.

"Do it," she hissed.

"What do you have there?" Caroline said.

I averted my gaze from her and I said, "Its a girdle. It's your girdle. I'm so sorry Aunt Caroline. When we were just here I took your girdle."

"A girdle? The thing you stole is a girdle?" Caroline said with amazement.

"You see, its your girdle. I took it from upstairs where I found it in a drawer."

I opened up the folded girdle so she could see what it was. She said, "my underwear? You stole my underwear? My girdle? Why did you want my girdle?"

She looked into my eyes and I didn't know what to say. I said, "I wanted a girdle and I didn't know where else to get one."

"But why do you want a girdle?" she said.

She really seemed to not know why and I said, "I wanted to wear it. I was curious what it felt like to wear a girdle."

"Curious? Curious about my underwear? Why were you curious?"

"I don't know Aunt Caroline."

"Do you still want to wear my girdle?"

I hesitated and Caroline said, "tell me."

Disarmed I said, "well, yeah, I guess I still am curious."

"I think you must know why you're curious about girdles," Caroline said.

She was a church going lady who went every Sunday and most of her friends were church going ladies. I imagined that most of them wore girdles of some sort.

I looked at Linda as if she could offer me some help, but I could see that she was angry as hell. Probably she hated me for putting us in the position we were in.

"I like the way they look, I guess."

"The way they look?" Caroline said. She held up the girdle to take a look at it. It was plain white and had a little lace trim around the leg openings and on the edges of a shiny diamond-shaped panel on the front. "What do you like about the way my girdle looks?"

"It has some lace on it. That's nice."

"Lace? You like lace?"

"Lace is pretty. I mean I like lace. I think its pretty."

"So you like my girdle because it has pretty lace?"

I nodded my head.

"But what does that have to do with wearing my girdle?"

"I don't know Caroline. I guess if I wear it then I'm wearing pretty lace," I said.

"So you just like wearing pretty lace?"

I was boxed in corner. "Yes, I guess I want to wear some pretty lace." I felt myself blushing.

"Does it have to be on a girdle?"

"I don't know Caroline. I like lace, pretty lace, and the girdle is pretty because it has lace on it. And then I suppose I was thinking that if I wear it, I'd be pretty also."

"So you think that if you put on my girdle you'd be pretty. Pretty, because of the lace on it? Do you really think that?"

I turned to Linda not knowing what I should say. Perhaps I was hoping she would say that I would look pretty with a girdle on. Instead Linda made a sound of disgust.

Caroline turned to Linda and asked, "what do you think about this?"

"I'm so ashamed I could die," Linda said. "I know I don't deserve this. I'm married to a sissy. Well, I don't think I'll be married to a sissy very much longer."

"You're going to leave me?" I said with horror.

"Leave you? You bet! I'm sorry Caroline that I've dumped this problem on you. I thought the most important thing was to have Blake return your girdle and apologize. But I can see now, this is mistake. I can't deal with this idiocy. Come on Blake. We've wasted enough of Caroline's time. I'm going to take you back home so you can start looking for an apartment."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, Linda!" Caroline said, "you need to calm down and regain your composure. Yes, this is a shocking revelation about Blake, but you need to cool off. You've been married, what, four years now? Surely you owe it to Blake to think this through carefully. Look, I can see that you need time away from each other. That's clear."

"I don't need more time to think about my pervert husband," Linda said.

"Hush, Linda!" Caroline said sternly. "Something this important needs time to reflect upon. You have a lot of history with Blake and if you decide that this revelation means you must divorce him, let it happen but only after you can truly say to yourself that you came to this truth via sober thought and cool emotions."

Linda's anger noticeably subsided and she said, "OK Aunt Caroline, I can see you're right."

"Good, dear, I'm sure you'll be happy that you take some time to reflect upon this. Why not have Blake stay here with me for a few days. That will give you a chance to think things through completely."

"You don't mind having him in your house?" Linda said.

"No Linda. While I'm not pleased with what he did, I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and experience first hand what he might want to say about his actions. In any event, there's plenty of room here, you know that."

"I can't thank you enough Caroline," Linda said and went over and hugged her. She even shed a tear or two, then she scowled one last time at me and headed to the door. "Whenever you want to send him back, put him on the bus and I'll deal with him up there."

"Goodbye Linda," Caroline said. "Calm down and drive carefully. I'll call you tomorrow."


With that I was alone in the house with Caroline.

"I'm so sorry Aunt Caroline," I said.

Shaking her head Caroline said, "no man has ever worn my underwear before. My dear departed husband Harry never did, I'm pretty sure of that. And now I find out that my sweet niece's husband is so concerned about feeling pretty that he steals my girdle? Is that an accurate picture of what we have here?"

"I'm sorry. I've said it a 1000 times that I'm sorry. It was a dumb sick thing I did and I've now ruined my marriage and you have every right to be angry with me also."

"I'm not angry, Blake, but like Linda, your behavior takes me completely by surprise. I'm not married to you, so I have no real vested interest in whether you prefer wearing my underwear or your own. But I have always been fond of you and I think that you're an attractive man in many ways that any woman can appreciate. That's why I want to get to the bottom of this."

"Thank you Aunt Caroline. I've always been very fond of you too."

We smiled at each other and Caroline even invited me over to give her a hug which I did. As she held me, she said, "poor mixed up boy, what are we going to do with you?"

I fought an urge to cry and when I felt a bit better I said, "thank you for helping me."

"I want to help both of you as much as I can."

It was lunch time and Caroline and I made sandwiches and then sat down to eat them. She asked me many questions about myself so as to fill in some of the gaps in her knowledge of my background. I found out many things about her past that I hadn't known about either. In college she had won some swim suit contests and had often dated star athletes such as her deceased husband Harry who had been a great quarterback. It was clear that I was not the sort of guy that she had much first hand experience with.

"I like you Blake. You're not like most of the men I've known. You've said more about yourself in this hour than I think Harry said in his whole life. He was the strong silent type, which is both good and bad."

"So maybe I talk too much?"

"No, I didn't mean to say that. You're the sensitive type, that's for sure. I am a bit surprised that Linda was drawn to you. She always impressed me as being like the way I was when I was young."

"But you changed, didn't you?"

"Yes, and there is hope for her, but she's young and she's obviously insecure about her role in your marriage as the female. I would have been fearful of a husband who wore my clothes too when I was her age, but now it's a different story. That's why I didn't blow up like Linda did. I think your interest in my underwear is, what can I say, a bit exotic or mysterious even? Something I'd like to find out more about."

Caroline looked me over and I said, "I'm really lucky that you have an open mind."

Caroline continued to look at me and I got increasingly nervous under her gaze. Finally she said, "I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but I think that I ought to find out more about your motivations that led to this crisis. So why don't you slip into my girdle so I can see, I mean we both can see exactly what it is that you're imagining in your mind. For example, we can find out if it makes you look pretty or not."

"What?" I exclaimed, "put on your girdle? Here?" That was the last thing I was expecting her to say.

"You want to put it on," Caroline said, "so put it on. Let's see exactly what you were thinking about."

"I don't know about that Aunt Caroline!" I protested.

"I'm really trying to understand you Blake. I want to get to know you better than I do now."

"But you'll laugh at me, I'm sure," I said.

"No one is going to laugh at you," Caroline said.

I thought about it for a minute and said, "well if you think it's a good idea."

"I do," Caroline said.

"Well, OK I'll put it on." I felt my heart beating hard in my chest. I couldn't believe that she wanted to see me in the girdle. "Where can I change?" I said.

"Right here is fine," she said.

"But I'll be naked," I said.

"I assure you I've seen everything there is to see. So put the girdle on," Caroline said.

She gave me an odd look. I almost thought that the corners of her lips were tilted up in mirth. "Are you sure?" I said, "I don't really understand why you..."

She cut me off saying, "just do it. It'll be fine."

I wondered if she was trying to make fun of me. I prayed that wasn't so. It would be so hard to deal with. I took off my pants and underpants facing away from Caroline. Then I stepped into the girdle and began pulling it up my legs. I knew that it would only go up to about my thighs before I'd have to tug on it to get it to go all the way up. When the girdle reached my thighs Caroline told me to stand in front of her and when I did so, she began pulling the girdle up towards my waist. She didn't seem to be concerned by the sight of my penis. In fact, she was careful to make sure that it didn't get it caught in the girdle. I helped her pull up the girdle to my waist and when it was on I stepped back a few feet so she could see what I looked like.

"Come take a look," she said and I followed her into her bedroom where there was a full length mirror. "So you're wearing my girdle. There is some lace. It certainly gives you a womanly shape. Do you feel pretty?"

The truth was that I did feel pretty only it wasn't just the lace. It was everything about the girdle. It was about being in the girdle. About being in a girdle. About being in Caroline's girdle. About being in the girdle with Caroline watching. About the way it felt on me. And the thought that I might be allowed to be a bit feminine while I wore it.

My face was an open book and Caroline saw these emotions travel across it. She said, "its not just the lace is it? Its the whole idea. You want to be feminine. You want the feminine feel of the girdle. The thought that you wear a girdle like I do. Like the ladies in my church do every Sunday morning. The thought that you're wearing my girdle. That's what's making you happy. Isn't that true?"

I looked at Caroline not knowing how she could see so deeply inside my soul. I nodded my head. "You're right Aunt Caroline. I hunger for these feelings. It's why I had to take your girdle."

"If it's any comfort to you, I think you do have a girlish figure around your hips and thighs that my girdle accentuates. And the lace is pretty against the skin of your thighs."

"Thank you Aunt Caroline." A powerful surge of emotion ran through me and I ran to hug her again. This time I began weeping.

"It was wrong of you to steal my girdle and I'm very disappointed in you. But I think I'm beginning to understand you. The fact is you look good in a girdle. You've got the right body type for it."

I smiled and wiped my eyes. "You're so kind to me."

We stood silently for a few moments looking at my profile in the mirror and then Caroline said, "the girdle makes you move differently. I can see you trying to feel like you're a real girl. If you're wearing a girdle, and girls wear girdles then you're a girl. Is that how it goes?"

"Its like you know me inside and out," I said.

"Would you like to wear one of my bras also?"

I looked at her with surprise. "Wear one of you bras?"

"Yes. When I see a girdle like that, it's crying out for a bra to go with it. You look so half dressed. If you want we can get you fully dressed."

"Fully dressed?" I asked. I wondered if she meant that literally. It seemed impossible that she could. Even the suggestion of it rocked my mind like few things could. Caroline didn't answer and I saw that she had turned away. I wondered what she was thinking about and what her motives were. She seemed to be hoping that I'd say yes to wearing her bra, and I said, "if you want me to, I won't mind."

She turned to me and said, "I do want you to."

I looked up into her face and I could see that she was dead serious. "Sure Aunt Caroline. I'd like to wear one of your bras, if you think it might fit me."

"Since you fit my girdle, I think my bras will fit you too. Come, let's take a look at my bras. Maybe one of them will be nice for you."

She opened a dresser drawer in which she kept her bras, panties and what looked to be foundation garments. It was clear that she still wore girdles. "I've got underwire bras and some wire free bras. I'm a 36D. Do you see one that you'd like to wear with the girdle?"

Gazing upon her drawer of underwear I trembled with desire. I wanted to look at all her clothes.

"I know they're mostly plain, "Caroline said. "I don't go in for the sexy underwear like young girls wear. A few of the bras have some lace though and there is a pink one somewhere in there."

"I think your bras, panties and girdles are very pretty," I said. The bra I had stolen a year ago was a white, functional type bra that women wore when they were not concerned about "feeling sexy."

"You don't have to flatter me about my underwear. My breasts are heavy and I need a bra more for easing their weight on my chest than for being pretty." She lifted up the few bras on top to get a view further down. "Let's look at this one, its got some lace on it."

Caroline pulled out a white bra with some small lace trim. "It's an underwire. Most of my bras are underwires. They give more support. At least the lace on this bra will match the lace on the girdle. Do you know how to put on a bra?"

"I guess so," I said.

"Let me help you put my bra on," Caroline said, "you're probably not too good at it." She held it up for me to put my arms through the straps and then she clipped it behind me. "I have some falsies for you to wear," she said and retrieved two foam breasts from a box in her closet. "I wore these when I was teenager. I think I was 13 and my breasts hadn't started yet." She tucked one in each cup of the bra. "Now let's see what we look like."

We both gazed into the mirror and looked at my reflection. "See how nice it is having a white girdle and bra on. You could be a young lady dressing in the morning for work, or having come home from work and taken off your blouse and skirt, or pulled your dress off over your head. You could be a girl just like that, you know?"

I didn't know why Caroline was being so nice to me. Feeding my feelings. I felt terribly girlish and happy. It was fun being with her. She was kind and had always been my most favorite of Linda's relatives. "The bra makes me feel pretty," I said.

"You are pretty. You have a girls figure."

"I hope I do," I said. I thought about Linda and my deception all these years. This moment was what I had always craved. "To tell you the truth I feel a little guilty right now."

"Isn't it strange that a person can want something so much, and then when they get it they feel guilty," Caroline said.

"You're a mind reader Aunt Caroline."

"If my husband Harry, may he rest in peace, had had an interest in my underwear I would have been shocked. But of course Harry wasn't like that. Male and female roles were very regimented back then and if he ever had had the slightest interest in my underwear he'd have died rather than let me know about it."

"I guess I'm not a normal man," I said.

"Who knows what normal is. Who knows what Harry thought in his heart? I'm telling you this, because I truly don't mind that you love my underwear. It's kind of sweet that you find my girdles and bras to be pretty and I don't mind if you want to dress up and be pretty if that is what you feel like doing. Wanting to be pretty is not a crime in my book."

"You're so kind Aunt Caroline."

"You know, everybody has needs. Even old ladies like me have needs. Society often writes off women my age as being asexual creatures, but its not true. The conversation of my church friends and I can get pretty ribald at times. We have fantasies about men just like any adolescent girl does about boys." Caroline laughed and said, "are you surprised?"

"Yeah, I guess so, but I've never really thought about that. Anyway I don't see you as being old, Aunt Caroline. I think you're a very beautiful woman. I mean I'm definitely not surprised that you used to win beauty contests."

"Swim suit contests. I used to look great in bathing suits. The rest of it I wasn't so gifted," Caroline chuckled.

We were silent for a minute or two and then Caroline added, "its kind of silly, but I'm very flattered that you like my underwear. It makes me wish that I had spent more time trying to find pretty lacy bras and girdles for myself. You might even like them more than you like the underwear I do have."

"I don't know Aunt Caroline, I feel so happy wearing your bra and girdle, I don't know if fancier underwear would make me any happier," I said.

"Its worth finding out, since I do need my underwear and it would be a bit inconvenient if we shared it. Imagine us fighting over a bra in the morning!"

I laughed out loud. "I would always let you choose your bra first!"

"So you say, but to make sure we're both happy let's get you some very pretty things of your own. What do you think about that?"

"Can I? I would love to," I said.

"Good. First thing tomorrow morning we'll do a girls shopping trip. In the meantime I can't have you lounging around here in only a girdle and bra. You need to cover up."

"Should I put my pants and shirt back on?" I asked.

"Only if you want to. That's not what I was thinking of," Caroline said.

"What did you have in mind?" I said.

"I was thinking I'd look for something in my closet that you could wear. A blouse and a skirt maybe. Is that OK with you?"

"Of course," I said. "A blouse and skirt, oh my God!"

"I love how appreciative you are. Let me look, I'll find some things that fit you," Caroline said and disappeared into her closet. A minute later she came back holding a black woolen skirt and ivory colored blouse. "Put these on," she said. "Step into the skirt and I'll zip you up."

I stepped into the skirt and pulled it up around my waist. Caroline zipped it up and arranged it so the zipper was along my left side. I then put on the blouse and she watched as I buttoned up the front. It was a bit strange that the buttons were on the opposite side than my boy shirts.Then she had me tuck the blouse into my skirt. "Lift up your skirt and pull down the tails of the blouse. Good, that's the way to do it."

Now I sat down across from her. "Keep your legs together as you sit. Also smooth your skirt under your bottom as you sit so it doesn't get wrinkled." I stood up and sat down again the way she had instructed me.

"Now you're almost the perfect young lady," she said. "Of course you need pantyhose with a panty girdle like the one you are wearing since it doesn't have garters. Some of my other girdles have attached garters, and for those you'll need stockings. Let me get you an old pair of my pantyhose." Caroline went to fetch them from a dresser drawer. She also retrieved a pair of panties. "Pantyhose go on under your girdle. So take off the girdle, put on these panties, then put on your pantyhose and then the girdle. I know its complicated. Being a girl is a lot more difficult than being a man."

I did as she said. To get the pantyhose on straight took her intervention but they ended up okay. Then I slipped the girdle on over the pantyhose.

"Very good, dear," she said, "now you're looking like a proper young lady."

I walked back and forth a bit electrified by the wonderful sensation of pantyhose, a skirt and a silky blouse against my skin.

"What kind of skirt is this?" I asked.

"It's a pencil skirt," Caroline said.

"Do I need a slip with it?" I asked.

Caroline laughed, "no, you don't need a slip with this skirt."

I admired myself in the mirror for a few minutes. I could see that Caroline was smiling and proud of what she had helped accomplish. "I feel so comfortable, in a way I never feel in my boy clothes. Its like I was made for stockings and skirts, and wearing a bra feels so natural. Do you think I'm crazy?"

"You are who you are. I'm sorry that you've hurt Linda, but I know that you never intended to hurt her. And I'm sure that one day she'll understand that and you'll be friends again."

"I hope so," I said.

"I'll call her tomorrow and see how she's doing," Caroline said.

"I'm lucky that you don't care that I'm not a manly man," I said.

"It's not a question of my not caring, it's just that I accept you for who you are. Harry was a manly man and I loved him for that when we were married. I can also appreciate men like yourself who want to wear my girdles and bras. The thing is, even if you aren't a manly man, you're still a man where it counts, and I like that."

I wondered what she meant by the fact that my having a mans body counted. Counted for what? I was afraid that it would be rude to ask her so I remained silent for a minute and then I said, "I know I could love you." And then in a burst of emotion I said, "I do love you Aunt Caroline!"

Caroline looked at me in an odd way and motioned for me to sit next to her. I sat down and she put her arm across my shoulders and looked at me. I looked at her. I felt her arm pulling me in a bit closer to her. "You just keep on doing the kind of things you do that make you so charming," she said.

I saw her face move toward mine and I knew we were going to kiss. When her lips touched mine I melted into an insane happiness and let out a small cry of joy. It was a short kiss and our lips never opened up but it seemed to convey a lot. I wondered what lay ahead. She had hinted that my having a man's body was important to her. If for some reason she wanted it to hold or caress I would not object. In fact, I hoped she would take me, I would gladly give myself to her.


After a while Caroline made some dinner and I helped out. We stayed up talking and watching TV. When I started yawning, Caroline whispered, "come Blake, it's bed time."

"OK," I said yawning again. I moved toward the stairs to go to my room and she stopped me.

"I have a king sized bed. Let's sleep together. There's plenty of room."

"Thank you Aunt Caroline. I was a little bit scared to sleep by myself upstairs."

She took me by the hand to her bedroom where in the soft lighting she unzipped my skirt and took it off me. Then she helped me take off the girdle and pantyhose and the blouse so I was only wearing my bra and panties. She found a pink ruffly nightie that she put on over my head. "I'm going to let you sleep in my bra."

"Thank you," I said.

"Do you have to pee pee?" she asked. I nodded my head and she said, "go do that and remember that you should sit like a girl."

"I will," I said.

When I came back she said, "OK angel hop into bed." Sleepily I got into her bed and then watched as she undressed taking off her own skirt and blouse, bra and girdle. She went in the bathroom and I could hear her brush her teeth and then I heard the sound of her peeing. She came back wearing a simple blue night gown, turned out the lights and got into bed with me. "Good night sweetie," she said and I answered "good night Aunt Caroline." I snuggled against her and quickly fell asleep.


Sometime in the middle of the night I awoke. Caroline was awake and perhaps she had awakened me. In the pitch black of the bedroom I felt her hand on my thigh and then on my penis through my panties. She fumbled with my panties and then her hand was on my penis. The bed shook as she adjusted her position and then I felt her mouth on my cock. As soon as she started moving her mouth up and back along it I could hear her sigh with pleasure and then moan softly. The concept of what was happening was so strange that I wondered if I was dreaming. The pleasure was too intense for a dream and I felt her relentless sliding up and down on my penis leading me to climax. A few moments later I spasmed into Aunt Caroline's mouth. She swallowed my cum and I heard her say under her breath, "thank God, I've waited so long for that."

I was almost back to sleep when I felt her grasp my hand. She gently moved it towards her. Her night gown was hiked up and my hand landed on her silky panties. She whispered in a barely perceptible voice, "please?" I worked my hand inside her panties until they rested on her pubic hair. Then I slipped my middle finger inside her and slowly rubbed her clitoris. She was wet and I had no trouble arousing her. I heard her breathing increase and after a few minutes she let out a long sigh and then she gently pulled my hand away. "Thanks," she said and in a few minutes she was asleep.

I lay awake thinking of what this meant. Aunt Caroline was an amazing woman. She had many sides to her self that I had no idea existed. She had been very kind to me and it was nice that I had a way of repaying the debt. It was true that I had never been this happy with Linda. The thought of her depressed me and I turned my mind away from that to contemplate what pretty clothes I might find to buy on our shopping trip. I hoped Caroline would buy me some dresses. As I imagined what they might look like I dozed off to sleep.


The next morning I woke to the smell of breakfast and coffee. Caroline made me an omelet with bacon on the side. As we ate, Caroline in her blue night gown and me in the sexy pink negligee, we didn't say anything about what had transpired in the night. When we were done eating Caroline looked at me and said, "come over here."

I got up and walked around the table and stood next to her. "It's so cute having you in pretty pink lace. You're an absolute doll baby."

I blushed and smiled.

"About last night," she continued, and while she said that she reached her hand inside my nightie and into my panties and held my member. "I really enjoyed this thing of yours. It's a nice one." Her hand gently went around my penis and then onto my balls and then between my legs and onto my buttocks.

"Aunt Caroline," I croaked.

"I want to get a lot of use out of this thing."

"Yes, Aunt Caroline."

"Is that OK with you?" she asked.

"Yes, Aunt Caroline!" I exclaimed as her hand stroked near the top of my penis.

"Today I'm taking you shopping." She continued to rub me causing my legs to vibrate. "What would you like me to buy for you?" she asked.

I tried to talk but all I could say was "ummm, ummm, ummm."

"Would you like me to get you some panties?"

I nodded my head vigorously.

"Good. We'll buy you some panties. Probably panties with lace and bows. Delicate panties that girls love to wear. And what about some bras?"

I continued nodding and said, "yes, yes, oh God." Her hand was relaxed but persistent.

"There are many pretty bras we can get you. They make girls like you feel beautiful showing off your pretty breasts. You have such nice breasts. Young, girl breasts that just swell out of your chest with the prettiest puffy nipples."

I felt woozy with pleasure. Caroline continued, "and I know you want some girdles, is that true?"

"Ah, yah, ah, yah yah yah," was all I managed to say.

"What was that you said?" Aunt Caroline said, "I can't make it out?"

"Gir, gir, gir dull dull," I said. She had grabbed me firmly now and the pleasure was intense.

"Buy you some girdles? Of course, for a girl like you, we'll buy you some pretty girdles with matching bras. We'll get them with lace. Matching pink would be nice too, don't you think?"

"Oh yes Aunt Car..."

"We'll have to get you some nice hose to go with them. And of course some slips would be nice. Am I forgetting anything?" she said.

"Dresses!" I managed to exclaim.

"Of course, how could I forget? Yes, pretty dresses for you!. You're the type of girl who prefers dresses, the prettier the better. Am I right? We'll get you some dresses with nice full skirts. We'll need to buy you a crinoline to give them that puffy look that will be so perfect for your body and that you love so much."

I moaned loudly and Caroline said, "what was that you're saying? You want some pretty shoes? Of course and a nice handbag and lipstick and mascara. Everything for you."

My eyes were closed and I was gasping for air.

"Come sit down with me on the sofa," Caroline said and she led me along gently to the sofa holding my penis the whole time. She had me sit down and then she got down on all fours in front of me and put her head inside my nightie. She got my penis outside of my panties and I heard her say, "you are so beautiful and tall. My goodness I love these things." And with that, just as in the night she sucked me off.

When she was done she said, "oh Blake honey you've got such a beautiful organ. Did Linda appreciate it?"

I was still panting and when I calmed down enough to talk I said, "well she didn't really ever want to do that. I asked her a few times and she always kind of avoided the issue."

"She doesn't know what she was missing. You've got such an attractive one and I love your cute balls. Not all men have cute balls but you do."

While it was sort of flattering to have Caroline talk about me that way, it was not really my favorite line of conversation.

She must have sensed my feelings since she said, "would you prefer that I talk about your pretty ass and tits?"

I nodded.

"I'm sorry, I'll be more astute in the future. I just wanted to make sure you understand that this is as much fun for me as it is for you. I don't want you to ever feel guilty for enjoying our time together. I'm enjoying myself as much as you are."

"I know," Aunt Caroline.

Caroline stood up. "Today we're going to buy all those pretty things. But first, I want to show you a very pretty dress I have stored away in the closet. I wore it for a wedding many years ago. It has a ballerina skirt with several crinolines sewn in and a beautiful top. Come with me!"

The dress Aunt Caroline had in mind was a perfect shade of pink. Neither too light, nor leaning toward a wine color or toward a salmon color. No, it was just a perfect glorious pink with a tight bodice and full skirts and was decorated with lace and bows and puffy sleeves. A dress like a princess would wear. I marveled at its beauty. "Do you think I could wear it?" I said awestruck.

"Yes, or course. Try it on and you can wear it until we leave for our excursion."

I took off my nightie and put on the dress with help from Caroline. It was perhaps a tad short for me, but we had no trouble zipping up the back. "I can't believe how pretty it makes me feel," I said.

"You are so pretty in it. It's like your fairy godmother had it made for you. Maybe an event will come up where you can wear it. A ball perhaps?"

"At the prince's palace?" I said laughing.

"Why not?"


I spent the next hour admiring myself in the dress and delighting in how it felt. I would have kept it on all day, but I had to change into my boy clothes for the trip to the mall.

We shopped until we dropped. It was a terribly exciting trip as Aunt Caroline led me into the inner sanctum where women shop for clothing. Selecting bras, panties, slips and everything else brought me face to face with the way women see themselves and their bodies. I began to feel like I was a real woman shopping with her friend. I got bolder and bolder as the day progressed so that I even tried on some dresses in the fitting room of a department store. With Aunt Caroline at my side, I felt confidant and ignored the stares of women who were surprised as I tried on dresses looking for a good fit.

The last stop of the day was after a long drive to a store that sold breast forms. Aunt Caroline had me get 38C breasts that fit the bras that we had bought earlier. She had explained that I had to have breasts that matched my body. "We don't want you to be too flat or too big. Just a bit biased toward the sexy side without looking like you're pregnant," was the way that Caroline described her decision making.

When we returned home, Aunt Caroline helped me put my new wardrobe away in the upstairs room. She did allow me to go through her things stored up there and I picked out a few items of hers that I wanted.

Seeing the familiar dresser drawers prompted me to say, "I'm so happy I decided to steal your girdle. Getting caught was the best thing that ever happened to me."

Caroline smiled wryly and said, "I'm happy you stole it too, and while I'm sad that my niece has had her world turned upside down, I have to admit that I don't think she deserves a man like you."

It was shocking to hear Caroline say that, but I could see that if I ever was to stop feeling guilty for what I had done, then I would have to end up believing that I had nothing to be ashamed of, including helping myself to a girdle that Caroline no longer wanted.


The next day I got to try out some of my outfits and Caroline was very helpful in making decisions as to what bra and panty I should wear and what girdle and which of the several dresses we had bought I should put on. She even introduced me to make up and showed me how to put nail polish on my toe and finger nails. We also discussed what should go in my new pocket book and how I should carry it.

After lunch was a football game that she wanted to watch on the television and she invited me to join her.

"Sure, OK," I said without enthusiasm.

"You're not interested in football, are you?" she said.

"Well, to be truthful, I guess not," I said.

"It's OK, you don't have to like it," Caroline said. "What would you like to do instead this afternoon?"

I blushed a shade of red and said, "I was kind of hoping that you'd let me wear your special dress again."

"You mean my pink dress?" Caroline said.

"Yes," I said. "I didn't get to wear it much yesterday." The truth was, despite the fact that my new dresses were very pretty, none of them could match Caroline's pink dress in beauty and so I found myself wanting to put it on again.

Caroline chuckled, "sure honey. You can wear the party dress. You still need an activity, and I have the perfect one for you. You've seen my underwear drawers. There a mess. You could straighten them out for me. Empty them, then put everything back in all folded up and neat. How's that sound?"

"Can I? That sounds like so much fun," I said.

"I'm glad you find it exciting. It seems like such a nice project for you."

"Thanks!" I said.


Once again I put on Caroline's pretty pink dress and I sat down on the bed in front of her dresser and emptied out the panties, bras, girdles, stockings, slips and everything else onto the bed. I decided I would put her girdles back in first. Carefully, one by one I held up each girdle, checking to see if it was a panty girdle or an open bottom girdle and if it had attached garters or not. I checked the labels for their size and who made them. Then I folded each one carefully and lay it back in the drawer as neatly as I could. While I worked I could hear the football game going on in the other room.

After the girdles were completed, I then went through a large number of panties. Many were silky soft, and of every conceivable pastel shade. Many of them had some lace on them in one place or another. The panties I arranged unfolded one on top of the other into a very neat pile and put that back in the drawer. Next was slips both full slips and half slips. They weren't so easy to fold but I persisted until I had them neatly in the drawer.

I saved the bras for last. I was fascinated by each bra. They were of several different types but all were her 36 D size. For each bra I imagined Aunt Caroline's breasts resting in it and how that would look. There must have been ten bras, and like she said one of them was pink. It had some lace embroidery around the cups and I thought it was definitely her prettiest bra. I went in to the family room to tell Caroline that I had found the pink bra.

"I found your pink bra, Aunt Caroline, I think it's your prettiest bra."

She glanced at me and then turned back to the set and said, "in a minute honey, they're in the red zone."

I sat down next to her spreading out my skirts. Caroline groaned and said, "rats!" then turned to me. "They fumbled it away at the one yard line can you believe that? Now what is it that you would like?"

"I found your pink bra and I think its your prettiest."

Caroline laughed, "that's the urgent news? You're so cute Blake. I had to buy that bra for a dress I owned a long time ago."

"I wonder what it looks like on you."

"I don't know, it probably looks pretty good. I know how much you love pink."

"Can you put it on?" I asked.

"I'm watching the game honey. What about later?"

I must have looked disappointed since Caroline said, "OK, OK, I'll put it on for you, but you have to let me watch the game. Go fetch the bra."

I excitedly got the bra and brought it back to her. She took off her blouse and unhooked her usual white bra and then put on the pink one. I watched transfixed by every detail of the process. I particularly enjoyed watching her breasts as they released from the white bra and then the expert way she captured them in the pink bra. When the bra was on I said, "oh I think it is definitely very pretty on you."

Caroline laughed, "you are a silly girl."

I starred at her full bra. I marveled at how her breasts fit the cups perfectly. I slowly moved my hand out toward her and said, "may I touch your bra?"

"The game is resuming. Here, I know how to keep you busy." Caroline hiked up her skirt and then pulled down her girdle to her ankles followed by the pantyhose she was wearing. "Now get down on your knees right here," she said indicating a spot on the floor in front of her. I did as she said, being careful to lift up my skirt and crinolines before slipping down onto my knees. In front of me was Caroline's panties which she then pulled down to expose her vagina.

"Now go ahead and give me a good suck. That should keep you quiet for a while."

"OK, Aunt Caroline," I said and I moved forward placing my lips on her vagina and began licking and sucking it. I used my tongue to slip inside and outside of it and sometimes inserted a finger to give my tongue a rest. Every so often Caroline moaned a little and occasionally I heard her cheer something going on in the game. I got more infatuated with what I was doing the more I sucked. Caroline opened her legs further and slid down the sofa so that I had a good view of her pink bra. I used one hand to feel her breast while I licked her. At a commercial Caroline put the set on mute and leaned back further and closed her eyes. In a short while she moaned loudly and then I felt as she slid her vagina up and down on my mouth.

As I licked Aunt Caroline I imagined how pretty I must look in the dress. I was wearing one of my girdles and it was nice the way it hugged my hips and held up my stockings by the garters on my thighs. My bra cups were filled out by the breast forms giving me a womanly figure. I felt Caroline's hands on my back and sides, and then she lifted up a leg and rested it partly on my lower back. The game reached half time and Caroline muted the sound. She lay back and enjoyed the sensations. A few minutes later the phone rang and Caroline reached over to a nearby table and picked up a wireless phone from its cradle. I didn't know if I should stop while she was on the phone so I paused from what I was doing and rested my face against her pubic hair. After Caroline said "hello" a bit groggily, I felt her vagina tense up suddenly and knew the call must be an important one. In fact it was Linda calling and I listened as best I could under the circumstances.

I would have pulled away to listen better but Caroline used her free hand to prevent my head from leaving her and then she used her hand to indicate that I should resume what I had been doing. As I licked and sucked her I listened to her side of the conversation.

"I'm fine here. There is no need to worry. Tell me about what you've been doing and thinking."

"You've calmed down, that's good. I knew with a little bit of time and distance you would feel better and could think more clearly."

"Uh huh."

"Uh huh."

"I see."

"Well I think he's getting along fine. He's not any bother to me."

Caroline's hand went from the back of my head to massage my cheeks and forehead as I continued to lick and suck her.

"Of course, we've talked about the situation."

"He's feeling very guilty."

"Yes, I can see your point. It wasn't fair of him to harbor these thoughts and never tell you about them."

"Yes, you can talk freely with me."

"No, he's not here. He's out on an errand."

Linda appeared to say something for a long time with Caroline not saying anything. Then Caroline put her palm over the phone and moaned softly. A mini flood of liquid seemed to appear on my lips and tongue.

A minute later Caroline removed her hand from the receiver and said, "well Linda, that's quite a surprise to me and I'm sure it will really surprise Blake. Are you sure that's something you want to do?"

"My opinion? That's a big one Linda. I don't know what to say. I don't want to hurt either of you. But, well, I suppose you probably ought to move on. Blake will recover and he'll be fine, I'm sure of that."

"How can I be sure?"

"No, he didn't say that he wants to move on. I'm just extrapolating from what I've learned about him."

"Yes he confided in me."

"Well, for sure I found out he does love ladies underwear."

"Because he wants to be feminine Linda. It's that simple. He craves feeling feminine. The underwear is an important part of that. I'd guess that if he had the opportunity to wear a pretty dress, he'd do so."

"No, he didn't say that explicitly, but its not hard to connect the dots once you listen to him carefully."

"Yes, I know its his fault. No one will ever blame you for whatever you decide to do."

"Yes, honey, I love you too. Wait, I hear Blake coming back in. Do you want to talk to him?"

"Not yet? OK, then. I'll call you in a day or two. I love you, good bye."

Caroline hung up the phone. And closed her legs forcing me to pull back. "We've got to talk."

"What's happening Aunt Caroline" I asked with obvious fear in my voice.

"No need for panic. What's happened is, and I don't think Linda wants me to tell you about this just yet, but she's apparently decided to see a guy named Rob who's a divorced neighbor of yours. She claims she's had a crush on him for months but didn't act on it. She spent last night with him and she thinks she could fall in love with him. Do you know him?"

"Rob?" I said. "Yes, I know Rob. He's a neighbor. I see him jogging all the time. He drives an Alfa Romeo and works on it in his driveway, probably to show off his muscles."

For reasons I couldn't explain I found myself weeping.

"I'm sorry Blake," Aunt Caroline said.

"I've seen him at some neighborhood parties flirting with the wives."

"You poor dear," Caroline said. "Linda seems to need to be with a man who makes her feel feminine. Your gentleness and fragility must be a threat to something in her psyche."

With a raspy voice, fighting back tears I said, "you won't abandon me Aunt Caroline. Will you?"

"Never, Blake. You'll always be my girl and I'll always take care of you."

"Thank you Aunt Caroline, that makes me feel a lot better."

Half time was over and while Aunt Caroline settled back into the game I finished up with her lingerie drawers. When I put away the last pair of her pantyhose I started to feel like an enormous weight had been lifted from my shoulders. Rob would be good for Linda and Caroline was perfect for me. So everything had worked out well.


For the next few weeks we lived an idyllic life together. Caroline helped me learn how to bring out my feminine side and I was devoted to pleasuring her any and all ways that she wanted. I learned that Caroline had a busy life with many activities with friends as well as volunteering at a local elementary school. To fill my time I made a point of finding things to do outside the house. Eventually I would look for work, but first I wanted to continue to explore who I was. I wondered if there was an occupation I might fall into where I could wear a dress all the time.

The first few Sundays Caroline went off to church without me. But on the Sunday after I had been with her for almost three weeks she invited me to come along with her to church.

"Thank you," I said, "I'd love to go with you."

"I'm glad. I'd so love to introduce you to my friends. They've suspected that something is up with me, but they haven't figured it out yet. The time has come to show you off. I'm sure that they're going to absolutely fall for you just the way I have."

"Thank you Aunt Caroline. I'm sure you have the nicest friends."

"Of course, you've got to dress up for church," she said.

"Is my tweed jacket good enough?" I asked.

Caroline laughed heartily. "Oh, no, not as a boy. You'll come to church with me as my young lady friend. Your hair has been growing out. We'll take you to the beauty parlor tomorrow and get you styled. That will be so much fun. You'll love it. The ladies there will take you on as their project and make you beautiful!"

"Are you sure your friends won't be alarmed. I'd hate to embarrass you," I said.

"You can never embarrass me. I'm so proud of you! And you're so pretty why should I keep you all to myself?"

"What dress should I wear to church then?" I asked.

"Maybe the blue one. We'll figure it out, don't worry," Caroline said.


As she predicted, the ladies in the beauty parlor "ate me up." They thought I was cute beyond belief and encouraged me in every way to be as pretty as I could be. After a manicure and pedicure, my hair was done up with bangs and a nice graceful style that would fill in as my hair grew over the next few weeks and months.

The next day we got up early to get ready for church. Caroline helped me prepare myself for the occasion. I wore one of my new panty girdles with brand new hose, my blue dress with a full length slip underneath and a pair of black heels. I had a matching purse and as a final touch Caroline gave me a pretty hat I could wear like many of the ladies did.

Judging from the many stares I elicited when we entered the small brick church, I was either considered to be a surprising new guest at the church or else my sexuality was such as to cause everyone to take a second look. Caroline made a point of saying hello to everyone and introducing me as her friend Blake. Everyone smiled at me and shook my hand and I felt somewhat encouraged by the way the congregation seemed to be accepting me, regardless of what they thought about who I was.

Caroline had me sit next to her in her usual pew. To either side of us were her friends who were quite excited by my presence and were very gracious when Caroline introduced me to them. To our left was Janet and Felicia who were attractive, well groomed women who carried themselves very much like the way Caroline did. Two other ladies, Amy and Kate, sitting to our right were twin sisters who were pretty enough though they were a bit toward the plus-sized category. They seemed to be the kind of women that have been emboldened by the red-hat society to not fret about their weight. I was immediately intimidated by them when I saw them eyeball me from head to toe. Before I could react further the service started up and our attention was drawn to the reverend and a choir singing behind him.

While the minister droned on I spent my time studying the clothing choices of the various ladies in the congregation. The women were of many different ages, all the way from young girls wearing dresses that were not that much different from the pink dress I had at home, to many women Linda's age and then quite a few women that were older still. I tried to judge who might be wearing girdles and was lost in my thoughts about this important topic when Caroline nudged me to remind me that the service was over.

We filed out of the chapel and Caroline and I gathered with her four friends in one corner of the adjacent party room where coffee and cake was available.

"My goodness Caroline, what an absolutely beautiful creature you have here!" Janet exclaimed. "So this is your big secret. Wherever did you find him?"

It was clear to me that any thought I had that I was being regarded as Caroline's girl friend by the congregation wasn't true. They apparently could all see through my disguise, such as it was. I was humbled by how much courage Caroline displayed by bringing me to her own church and not being concerned how she would be regarded for having brought me.

"You've done him up so nicely. What a pretty dress Blake," Felicia said.

"Thank you," I said, "Aunt Caroline helped me pick it out."

"Aunt Caroline?" Felicia said to Caroline. "We didn't know you had a nephew."

"Blake is Linda's husband," Caroline said. "It seems that after Linda and Blake's last visit to see me, Linda discovered that Blake had pilfered one of my girdles."

"A girdle?" Felicia said.

"Really?" Kate said.

"Yes, a girdle," Caroline continued. "So Linda made him return the girdle to me and confess his sins and then she departed for home. From what we hear from Linda it looks as if I've ended up adopting him."

"We're sorry to hear that Blake," Felicia said.

"Thank you," I said.

"From the looks of it Caroline, you've done a lot more than adopt him!" Kate said and all the ladies laughed heartily.

"You've dressed him up in such pretty clothes. I daresay you should have given us warning that you had adopted this adorable boy," Amy said.

Kate took my hands and while talking to the others said, "he's so precious Caroline. A pretty dress, stockings and heels. Make up. Look at his pretty pink nails." She looked at me and said, "you are so pretty."

I blushed and was unable to say anything.

"Look how coy he is. Caroline, he's scared to death of us. It's so cute,"
Kate said.

"He is a gentle creature," Aunt Caroline said, "and sadly Linda could not appreciate that. He's been such a pleasure to have around the house. You can't imagine his appreciation for all the finer feminine things."

Kate and Amy exchanged glances and Amy said, "I shouldn't have to be the one to say it Caroline, but you've got a glow about you that you didn't have a few weeks ago. Fess up. What is going on with you and Blake?"

"Nothing! Why do you ask?" Caroline said, suddenly red in the face.

"Gosh, Caroline, even Felicia and I can see that you've been smoothed out," Janet said. "Tell us what you two have been doing!"

"Have you been robbing the cradle?" Amy said.

Aunt Caroline became even redder in the face.

"There's all the proof we need," Kate said.

"Well we all think its absolutely divine that you've found a nice young man," Felicia said.

"Lord knows we've all been looking for one," Janet said and the ladies laughed.

"We are so happy for you," Felicia said.

"Yes of course we are," Kate said, "but of course you should share the wealth. How can you keep such a marvelous creature all to yourself?"

"I'm afraid that I have to agree with Kate," Janet said.

"We're all in agreement, you've got to share Blake with us," Amy said. Then she turned to me and said, "darling, how would you like visiting us? We would love for you to come calling so we could enjoy how pretty you are."

"Thank you," I said. "I would like to get to know all of Aunt Caroline's friends."

"See Caroline. So how are you going to share him?" Kate asked.

Aunt Caroline said, "Blake honey, are you sure you don't mind visiting these ladies?"

"I have no objection at all, Aunt Caroline. It's probably a good idea for me to circulate so maybe I could become a friend to all of your friends. They seem like such nice ladies."

"I don't know about nice," Caroline teased, "but I can see that they won't take no for an answer. As long as you don't mind I guess it will be good for you to know other ladies. It will broaden your outlook and who knows maybe you'll get some new ideas for outfits."

"You're so magnanimous Caroline," Felicia said in an exaggerated mocking tone.

"I have to look out for Blake. He's really very delicate. A tea cup even. So please ladies play nice with him!"

With that, we headed back toward our cars. On the way to the parking lot, I walked with Kate and Amy. "We have a collection of beautiful corsets that we would love to show you," Kate said.

"Really?" I said.

"Yes, really," Kate said.

"I don't know much about them," I said.

"Well then, it'll be a perfect learning experience."

"Great!" I said.

"Good," Amy said, "we'll go arrange a time with Caroline for you to visit."

"I will really look forward for to it!" I said and the two ladies smiled at me.

The End


Next on the agenda: "Kate and Amy's Corset"

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