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(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 2254 by Angharad Copyright © 2013 Angharad
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Daddy and I walked the dog back from the cemetery. Had I seen Billie? Daddy seemed to think I had because she was holding his hand, which was what I’d thought I saw. Of course the worry of losing another child could have been playing on my mind, so it would be natural to think of the one I lost especially as her ashes are buried here. Oh how I wished I could turn the clock back and have her home and fit and healthy and with a brother not a sister. I struck me as ironic that I was possibly the person who was most against Danny becoming Danni, yet I’d undergone the process myself because I had to, I’d have died or gone mad if I hadn’t.
I still wasn’t convinced that she was really gender dysphoric–apparently that is the new GID. It’s a term that was eschewed before as being too woolly and replaced with GID, now it’s back. I suppose all these things are cyclic, they come and go and come round again just like fashions. Platform shoes are back in fashion, I don’t particularly like them but it won’t stop Julie and Sammi buying them to strut their stuff.
Thinking of shoes, I thought about how I adapted to the boots Stella gave me that first evening. I still have them, they’ve been resoled and heeled but I won’t give them up, despite their three inch stiletto heels, I find them very comfortable and they have a sentimental value along with the other things she gave me that night, the skirt and top. They were my very first real clothes, until then I’d worn boy things or one or two bits and pieces I’d bought, borrowed or stolen–well I didn’t steal anything, just relocated it from the charity shop bag to the back of my wardrobe. Not that wearing my mother’s clothes was exactly ideal as a teenager. Siá¢n’s were better but obviously she couldn’t lend me those for long and my father used to get so angry when he found out that I had.
When I got my ears pierced, my mother noticed but said nothing to him, she did however tell me to keep the studs hidden by my hair. Given she used to tell him about other things, it always puzzled me that she didn’t tell him about that. After a month or two she told me to only wear the studs when I was away from him because he’d eventually notice them. She even gave me some earrings to wear, gold sleeper rings, which were so fine they hardly showed but they kept the holes open, and I still have them now.
We got back home and Simon asked where I’d been. Then he saw Daddy and Kiki and decided I’d been out for a walk with them, which was correct. I didn’t tell him where we’d been or what we’d seen.
Trish rushed up to me and hugged me so tight I thought she was trying to crush me. “Don’t leave me, Mummy,” she said bursting into tears. If I had a chance to tell that stupid woman the distress she’d caused, I would certainly do so and how.
“I won’t, nor will I let anyone take you from us. Jason is going to speak to a judge to try and get them to return Danni.”
She seemed to accept this and while I had some tea and toast she busied herself on her computer. The others didn’t seem so worried about being taken into care, but then, none of them had experienced it before, just her and Danni, and of course, Billie.
A little later Trish who had disappeared, reappeared holding her mobile phone. “Can the judge man speak to you, Mummy?”
“What, darling?”
“The judge man.”
“Hello?”I said into the phone.
“Ah, Miss Watts, how nice to talk to you again,” said an educated and mellifluous man’s voice.
“I’m sorry, you have the advantage.”
“I see, didn’t Trish say who I was?”
“Not really.”
“It’s Roger Kenyon, Justice Kenyon.”
“Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t recognize your voice.”
“It seems you have problems with social services again.”
“Yes, they’ve taken one of my children away.”
“I see, please be at my chambers at ten thirty.”
“Ten thirty this morning, m’lud?”
“Yes, if was another day I’d have said so.”
I looked at the clock, it was nine fifteen. I could just about do it.”
“I’ll be there, m’lud.”
“And bring that delightful little girl with you.”
“Yes, Trish.” He rang off.
“What have you done now?” I said accusingly to Trish.
“I told the judge man that they’d taken my sister and asked him to help.”
“Bloody hell,” slipped out before I could stop it. I almost added, You’ll get me shot, but decided she had enough stress at the moment.
“What was all that about?” asked Simon.
“Trish just called the judge who awarded her custody to us.”
“Kenyon or whatever his name was.”
“The same, he’s expecting Trish and I at half past ten at his chambers. If you’re coming you’ll need to change.”
He gave a bemused snort and followed me up the stairs. I showered and dried my hair as Trish did the same and then Simon brought up the rear. Tom agreed to supervise the kids as we hurriedly dressed and dashed out to the car–my car. I let Simon drive as I finished my makeup in the car.
He managed to park near the courts and we walked together to meet our destiny. I wasn’t aware what Trish had told the judge and she couldn’t remember enough to tell us. We were admitted by a court security man who was watching for us. Trish held on to both our hands like a vice, only letting go to allow me to knock on the door of the chambers. When I came out of this door the previous time I was very pleased with the outcome, I hoped the same would happen today.
Simon had spoken briefly with Jason, who told him to go for it, and if it went wrong to tell him immediately and he’d continue to press for a recission order from a high court judge in London.
My tummy was tied in knots as we entered the judge’s lodgings. He was seated at his desk upon which was a laptop computer. “I believe I should address you as Lady Cameron, forgive my oversight earlier.”
“M’lud, if you can help me get my child back, you can call me anything you wish.”
“I think we’ll stick with Lady Cameron,” he said and sat back down at his desk inviting us to sit the other side.
At his bidding I explained what had happened to Danny, including the assault in France, his sudden desire to act like a girl and the lead up to his mutilation by Pia and then removal by social services. I explained about the visit regarding my fostering of Lizzie and Neal’s unfortunate breakdown. I also told him that we’d gone to see Neal when they came and took Danielle.
He made copious notes and asked questions for clarification. Then he asked us to leave and return in two hours, so he could think about the case. We left with butterflies the size of king condors circling inside our tummies.
Simon suggested we went for a walk. I was still in a state of numbness and agreed if someone else was happy to make a decision. We ended up in a café where I drank a cup of latte coffee while Trish wolfed down a knickerbocker glory and Simon had an espresso.
An hour and a half later, I repaired my makeup after throwing up the coffee and anything else in my stomach before we headed back to the courts.

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Cathy Needs to Stop Throwing Up So Much
It's not good for her or her teeth. I have a feeling there will be a tearful reunion soon. Gosh I hope so.
Resistance from social services crew. Will they "lose" Danni? Will Trish save the day again?
I'd forgotten about Trish's interaction with the judge. Obviously neither of them did.
From the mouth of Babes
Trish is so brave, once I give it a think, her action is not surprising at all. She'll one day wind up being Prime Minister.
A resolution?
I hope so. It'd be nice to see social services lose one for once.
Still lovin' it Ang.
Bev xx
Oh, myyy...
I didn't know Trish had the Judge's phone number...
That said - fascinating. Wonder what Jason'll think (and how things turn out).
Thank you,
Bike 2254
If I remember right, Trish is on a first name bases with this Judge.
Go Trish
I hope the judge is aware of the wrath of Trish if she doesn't get her sister back. No computer will be safe, no record unaltered, etc.
Well done Ang, for keeping you band of followers on the edge of their seats as usual.
Love to all
Anne G.
While there is no way I would want the job social services has to do, you can't help but wonder if there isn't more involved. Considering the number of times that they have gone up against Cathy and family and lost, that there isn't some kind of almost personal vendetta involved from someone higher up. It almost seems like someone is trying to bring down the family and is using over zealous and or bigoted case workers to achieve these means.
Maybe because of the number of issues they've had, they could take Social Service to court and show that they appear to have been targeted, just because they are willing to accept children with gender issues. Hopefully Justice Kenyon will notice this trend and let Social Services know that if they don't have rock solid evidence of abuse, to back off and leave the Cameron's alone or heads will roll starting from the top down.
I think...
Trish needs a sense of justice when this is all over.
The person behind this finds *all* their digital records have the wrong gender listed, or something.
Danni isn't in immediate danger.
Sure she isn't enjoying this, but still. Go for the legal and upstanding methods first. And then.
Ominous sub-bass growl...
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."
No point in
beating about the bush.... Do a "Trish" and go straight to one of the top men...I like the way Trish operates, Sometimes brash, Sometimes patronizing to those of us (okay most of us !)with less brains than she possess, But the one thing she never is is boring, Life around Trish will never be quiet, But it will certainly keep you awake...