What a good boy...Chapter 25

What a good boy…Chapter 25

Chapter 25

I get up after a few minutes and head over to where Jamey is sitting and ease down into the seats. He looks over to me and he smiles ad blushes. I grin. “Looking at the pretty?”

“I uhm…” He’s turning red.

“Hey as a V-boy and new to the whole with guy’s thing too I’m seeing the same kind of yummy.”

“I…Oh damn Tracy…I can’t help it, you and me…it was so good I see them and I’m wondering and I’m not sure I want to.”

“It’s a trip.” I nod and sort of lean on his shoulder. “I was so on the fence about being attracted to you.”


“Yes you, you’re a beautiful boy.”

“I am?” Jamey looks at me and there’s this look there that’s kind of sweet actually.

“Yes you and the girls would like to have you stop over tonight and Janey too.”

“Janey’s not going anywhere she’s on lock down for getting into it with that racist churchy Katie chick.”

I frown. “No justice, she comes off like that to Sophie and she get’s exactly what someone like her deserves and your sister catches all this heat from it.”

“More when we get home likely she decked another girl on a school trip and stuff that kind of makes us look bad.”

I nod. “Too much touchy feely crap really to me.”

Jamey looks at me and there’s a smile there. “You really are a vee-boy aren’t you? Most of the girls I know would be all upset over Janey fighting more than her being punished.”

“Yes I’m still a guy, I just happen to be a little different than some people and that’s also the way I think about a lot of stuff…not just sex and being with someone I really like but I actually think that sometimes when someone’s being an ass a slap on the wrist and talking it out won’t do it.”

He looks at me. “I think she’ll like hearing that.”

“Good tell her that I mean it too. It was awesome and really, really hot when she did that.”


“Yeah, made my panties damp.”

“Tracy…” He blushes. “Dammit you’re direct.”

I look around and smile we’re just getting glances and stuff but nothing major and likely from mostly me leaning on him.

“Yes I am but at least I can be honest and say that that guy over there in the leather jacket that you’ve scoped a few times is kind of cute.”

“Tracy Jesus!” Jamey hunched and slid down in his seat.

“Relax he didn’t notice. Who is he?”

“Shawn Hope, he’s…”

“Your sister’s boyfriend?”

“How’d you?” He went red and then a little pale.

“Well one he looks pissed and he’s sitting alone and he has a jersey on from your school and then there’s the twin effect.”

“What…There’s a twin effect? I thought there was a Tracy effect.”

“There’s both. Hey it’s perfectly normal Jamey I mean you loved getting fucked last night right?”

He blushes really, really deep red.

“So you’re still bound to be curious about your sister and what she feels so it’s only natural to think know that you’re going to wonder what her guy must feel like.”

“Tracy….” Jamey whined.

“But it’s okay to wonder and look but don’t touch he’s with your sister and seducing him would be kind of a dick move.”

“Tracy…” He whined again.

“Well if you’re interested both Gwen and Sophie would like to have you over tonight.”

“Have me over…did you tell them?”


“Everything?” He whined again covering his face.

“Yes and Sophie so wants to sink her dick into that gorgeous bottom of yours.”

“What…?” He says looking at me and going kind of breathless.

“Oh and she’s amazing Jamey, she’s all buff and strong with her chocolate breasts and Hersey kiss nipples and it’s all so sexy amazon hot as she sinks into me…I just love it and I think that you will too.”

He gulps and he’s looking over at Sophie and Gwen and Sophie’s looking over our way and she has this smoky sultry look on her face.

“She…she does.”

“She does and Gwen too…just imagine you and three hot wet horning pussies that are all yours and then there’s all those taut perky breasts and three lovers that want to take you by the hips and sink into you over and over….”

Dammit I’m getting all horny too just thinking about it and despite last night and this early morning Jamey is as hard as a rock and tenting his clothes.

“I…I…okay…oh god Tracy…I’ll come over.”

“And over and over but the girls will be thrilled that you’re going to show.”


I lean over and kiss him right there and then and make it kind of passionate too. “Oh definitely yes, like I said Jamey you’re such a pretty and sexy boy.”

He shivers and I smile and I get up and head back over to the girls and I put on some of that shimmy moving that I did last night when I went ahead of him to his room.

I sit back in my seat and slide down and put my knees against the seat ahead of me. “He’s going to show.”

Sophie grins. “Awesome.”

I nod. “I hope this is really not just a sex thing y’know. I mean Jamey’s a really sexy and cute guy but he’s really new and everything to being with people and stuff and he’s actually really sweet.”

Gwen looks at me. “You like him?”

“We’re kind of sort of boyfriends.”

“You sure that you want to do this then?”

“Honestly yeah, I love you both and as long as this is like a good kind of thing and not a hook up then if he wants to do it I’m good with it. I mean I love being with you too and Jamey’s really sweet and awesome so sharing actually kind of feels okay.”

Sophie is nodding. “It’s not just that I want to just fuck him y’know. You’re right he is cute and I am honestly interested too and I mean if that’s what he’s into I’m so game for that.”

I look at her. “You’ve changed since the first time we kind of got together.”

She nods. “I wasn’t anywhere as open with the thought of who I could and should be with and now after being with you and being with Gwen and everything if I was just going to settle with a guy and not express the way that I really am into making love he better have a really big forget-me-cock.”

“Like the flower?” I grin.

Sophie grins. “I mean he better be good enough and big enough in bed that he makes me so satisfied that I don’t care about getting to do the other stuff.”

I laugh. “Sophie you’re a Dom, a top and you love being the one that is in control and sinking your boy bit deeply into a sexy someone or other. If a guy has a big enough cock to change that he’ll kill you with it.”

She looks at me and blinks a few times and she blushes and then the three of us burst into laughter.

We’re weird, we’re into each other. And the three of us are lovers and open to each other soooo much but we’re also best friends.

And even though he lives in another town I can so see Jamey being maybe a forth. I did mean what I said about how sweet he is and there’s something there about him in all that twin and boy beautiful that’s all sexy and pouty too.

Janey his sister is sexy too but in that obvious girl way…though there is a whole different way to picture her in the whole lesbian hungry way and her eating me up and taking me.

Wow…I so have a thing for athletic girls and what they can do for me…to me.

……………………………………..Practice get’s over and we all gather together or rather the team does to do the whole thing about what we watched and what we might be able to do with and to which player.

I don’t really know guys sports and stuff it really wasn’t what I was into but being with the girls has given me a whole new respect for the athletic types and not just the sexy stuff either.

There’s actually a lot of time and effort and strategy to all of this stuff and it’s actually pretty impressive. I am refraining from the idea I still sort of have that somehow this much emphasis on a game of any kind is kind of wrong really since the girls do love their sport.

I just think that getting almost a pass in life because you can pass a ball is oddly not logical to me.

Blame my parents. Both mom and dad are way more the academic type and they got where they are from being smart.

And that has me thinking too. I skate board and cycle and I work out a lot and even sort of box. My grades are okay, actually they’re pretty good but it’s not like I’m really being challenged either.

I’m actually kind of a jock but not a jock since the closest thing I could be considered is sort of this V-boy cheerleader for the girl’s teams in soccer and basketball.

And next year’s a new school and tenth grade and choosing my classes. So what do I really want to do with my life?

I do want to go to university and it would be awesome if the three of us went and stuff but what would I do?

I’m kind of mulling that over as the whole analysis meeting goes and kills the first part of the afternoon and we skip past lunch as we’re being given the rest of the day as free time until six o’clock and we show for supper and then join the other teams to watch the games tonight.

We head back to our rooms and we get showered and changed since we’re…well I think the whole idea of tonight with Jamey has gotten to all three of us and I’m a little surprised since I was kind of half expecting for us to fool around in the showers but maybe that’s my guy brain at work because the girls are actually in the mood to go and do some shopping since there’s some stores here that we don’t have home.

Okay…I can go with that.

Though really I don’t need anything really but I do suppose it is a girl thing and that whole wanting more clothes and stuff.

Okay, I could do with more clothes too in a way but only in that way that there’s likely going to be something that I might always want but there’s nothing really that I need.

Gwen looks at me. “You know you don’t have to come if you don’t want to Trace, it’s not like we have to be joined at the hip or anything.”

I grin. “I’m that transparent huh?”

Sophie nods. “Kind of yeah you just don’t seem into it.”

“Not really, I’d be down if there was like a decent arcade to go to or something they pretty much don’t exist and I think most of the stuff that I’m into I can get home.”

Gwen nods. “You’re going to do what?”

I take out my bathing suit not the two piece thing but the short sleeve girl’s one piece tank suit. I like it because it’s like a tank suit and stuff and shows off how cut I am and sort of adds to my sleekness but also it has the girl bottom part and I am at that point that I sort of and proud of my Vee.

“I’m going to hit the gym they have here and then like go for a swim and stuff and maybe even do some pretty watching.”

Gwen grins. “Have fun then, we’ll be back before supper and stuff.”

We all change and Sophie’s being Sophie and Gwen though…she’s dressed sort of to kill and wearing some really low cut stuff with her booster bra and she’s showing an astounding yet tasteful amount of cleavage and breast.

I grin because honestly she’s not being like all porno queen but there will be some people that will want her to cover up but they can’t really say anything because she’s just on the safe side of that fine line.

I love that she pushes the envelope.

Me I get into my swim suit and sandals and snag a couple of big towels and head off to the gym.

I’m getting looked at.

I can feel it and there’s some that are pretty blatant about it and there’s a whole lot of staring at my completely flat chest and there’s a lot of veiled stares at my Vee.

I know that there’s some people trying to figure out if I’m a girl or a guy and the guy thing is partly part of the crotch check. My suit is so tight and fitting that you could almost see my shape…almost. There’s just the hint of it and that’s kind of giving me a thrill in a way.

Extremely voyeuristic.

And there’s some girls there that are sporting the whole camel-toe thing. It’s a little too much really in my opinion. You let them know it’s there and stuff but really just blatantly advertising that…well why wear anything at all?

I’m horny a lot and I have other partners but honestly I have a line in the whole being skeevy and skanky departments.

Though…I play the happy to look game with them all.

Hey if you’re going to stare at me and try to figure me out and put me in a little box then I’m going to blatantly stare back and enjoy what I’m seeing.

I think I have a kind of sort of mini crowd in the weight room watching be do my thing with some of the girls that I’m pretty sure are the lesbians that we identified since we’ve been here and they are looking at me like they’re dogs and I’m a steak.

I smile a little at this kind of faint. “oh.” When I’m on the leg press. Pushing all that weight and it making my tone get all defined and stuff and my legs just spaced enough that it get’s kind of lesborotic especially when the press pushes le legs back and against me.

Hey I know it does it for me, I’ve watched some of the girls home at school on the team doing this and it is hot it’s like that whole spread by stirrups bondagey thing but not bondage thing and really, really amazony.

I mean all that weight pushing those muscled female legs back into that position and then they press out of it all shining and sweating and glowing with the little sexy grunt of effort.

Sophie has really strong leg muscles and she uses those to make love a lot.

And this time it’s me being watched and my Vee and legs making a few of the girls watching me having that whole urge to fins a place to Jill off.


I kind of like being a tease.

I like being this kind of sexy.

I’m not a girl but this, guys don’t get this I mean not like this and it sort of get’s me in that slink and strut mood.

All the way to the pool and I actually do that from the shallow end wade in and I look and smile at the girls that I’m pretty sure are watching and I do the girl style wet myself down water dip and slick my hair back and I’m all sleek.

Okay there’s some guys looking too I think.

I really am kind of finding a groove right now and I like it. I’m me and I’m sexy in my own way and just as much as the girls that are here strutting their stuff and being curvy and cute and hot.

I’m getting that I’m allowed to be me with all the stuff that I have to live with. I do swim and I do enjoy doing it a whole lot since there’s really no places other than going to pools to swim at back home it’s always kind of a treat really.

Heck I do my laps and hit the sauna there and soak in the heat for awhile and then I head back to our room and I shower off the sweat and chlorine and I settle in and take a nap.

I hear the girls come in and they wake me up and I smile at them and the bags and bags of stuff that they got and they both sort of have that post sex glow to them too.

“Changing rooms?”

Sophie grins and Gwen smiles. “Oh yeah I think we put on enough of a show that if the girl at the boutique wasn’t a lesbian before she’s curious now.”

They shower and get changed and they do some of the taking out some of their new stuff and putting it on and like I said I done feel a whole lot of the shopping thing really though I probably could if I was like wealthy enough but I’m not and it’s still something way more of a girl thing.

Except panties…I’m sort of wearing those now some to go with my other things and I have the belief that at least with girls there’s no suck thing as too many panties.

Actually as much as I don’t get the whole clothes thing I really don’t mind watching then get dressed and changed.

There is something at least to me that’s sexy about watching girls get dressed the way they shimmy and move, the way they stretch and it’s just good.

We’re going to be just watching the games and supper at the hotel here so I get into a pair of black jeans and in those I still kind of like the guy cuts and stuff going all vee snug is good too but I’m still used to a little room sometimes and this kind of butches me out. I add a tight t-shirt and I use a nice belt for my jeans and socks and my sneakers. I use just enough of the gender neutral nice scented deodorant too. I mean I don’t want to stink but I don’t want it too strong and I don’t really want to go too much guy or girl with the scent either.

I want to smell and look all hmmm.

I do grab my back pack and I toss in some bottled waters and some snacks that I brought with and some tampons, spare undies, tissues and tooth brush and tooth paste and mouth wash.

I know it’s kind of like purse but it’s kind of sort of not too. And there’s just stuff for me and for others if need be too. Plus I can eat stuff without being like gross afterwards.

We all head down to the dining room and it’s buffet styled as usual but it smells really good and they have a whole bunch of stuff and it’s still kind of funny that the three of us are getting the food that we do and some of the girls that are around us are doing the whole small stuff and then there’s the ones that just make me shake my head.

Like the pizza kids.

You come to a nice hotel and they serve stuff like potatoes done several ways and cooked veggies and there the salad bar but like tonight they have roast beef with a server there to cut it for you and it looks really good too and not over cooked and stuff and there’s all kinds of good restaurant still and there’s still those kids getting nothing but pizza.

I get a salad and they have pacific salmon there so I get a nice looking fillet of that and set it on top of my salad and then I get a plate with a roasted potato and some of the roast beef and green beans and some steamed cauliflower.

I don’t go overboard with the meat but it looks good enough that I wanted to try it and of course I love fish mostly because it’s expensive some of the times here especially anything from the ocean and it’s paid for so.

But I do like my veggies and my salad and salmon actually tastes pretty darned good with a wedge of beet.

Sophie is much more meat and potatoes and some salad but she makes a face at my beets and my cauliflower. She’s also not really a fish person either really just sort of sticking to what she knows. Gwen’s the same too but she tries all the potato types in small doses and she get’s roast beef and then gravy on top and she has a bunch of cooked mushrooms and onions on hers.

I think I’m by looks eating more girly than my girls are.

Then again I don’t have teen boobs and butt to feed either.

We all skip dessert though and instead go and freshen up and head to the bus and then we’re off to watch the games at the school.

I’ll say this, I’m not really a player and my girls aren’t playing tonight but tomorrow evening but watching two teams of running and sweating and bouncing and shiny teen girl athlete’s is just so awesome and it’s pretty sexy too.

And as good as that is, the girls talking all around me on our team about the play and the skills of the other’s out there on the court and it’s kind of sexy hearing them being all serious and smart and really, really into it.

I mean it’s different with Gwen and Sophie I know them and they’re different but this is that stuff that happens when you kind of see the other girls as more than just the other girls and more than just the cute athletic girls too but as smart and pretty capable people in their own rights.

I know they’ve always been like this but this is one of those moments when they’re not talking clothes or guys and sex and all the other minutia kind of stuff they usually do and they’re being pretty hardcore.

It’s kind of nice to see and even nicer to get into the conversation with them about stuff with the two teams.

I feel a little less different than I usually feel.

Yeah I do feel different and it’s kind of all the time it’s just something that I shove to the back of everything else and just sort of deal with. It’s more than nice to sort of turn that off for awhile.

There’s a break after the game and it’s for drinks and a bathroom break and stuff and we go and do all of that…wow.

Okay, I go and use the guy’s bathroom I’m so not dealing with the lines that they have there. And I know what to expect in a guys bathroom and stuff too. They’re actually really clean here. I think they gave them a good cleaning and stuff before the whole tournament dealie.

Janey’s team is up next and she’s playing and she looks like she’s had a crappy time since she decked that racist little so and so.

And they’re playing her team but I don’t see her either. I guess decking a racist cow is less of an offence than actually being a racist cow. And a bigot, I shouldn’t forget bigot either she seemed like she was really into that part of herself too.

Still though I thing that she landed in hot water over this. She just has that look and I actually stand up several times and yell and whistle her on and cheer. Jamey joins in but he just does the clapping and the loud and long whistles. But Gwen and Sophie jump in and cheer her on too and so do some of our other girls.

Okay they might not know why we’re sort of tighter with Janey but they all know that Janey smacked Katie for being a bigot and dropping the N-bomb on Sophie.

Which makes her a pretty cool chick by anyone’s standards.

I so get and so like that about her.

You get intimate with someone and then someone tries to hurt that person you’re intimate with you don’t just stand there and take it. You man up and you deal with it.

Okay…the fact that Janey manned up was/is also pretty sexy in my book.

And by the second half of the game Janey looking up towards us all in the seats and she has a grin as she is running past to do defense.

Yep…Honorable is sexy.

We would have liked to get together with her after the game but she’s pretty much walked from the changing rooms to the bus and that’s it for seeing her. I would like to see more of her in a really big way and I’m sure Sophie does and Gwen too.

Sigh…But Jamey’s coming over.

We do the nice as pie bit with the cuteness and the jammies and the junk food and movies so when the coach and the teachers that stop by and do the bed checks are pretty satisfied that we’re not having sex and stuff like that.

And we just do that until close to twenty after midnight and there’s a light know on our door and I get up and quickly let Jamey in.

I kill the lights and I kiss him and press him up against the door and the girls get up and start to peel out of their jammies to reveal the lingerie they’ve been wearing underneath and it must have been while we had been kissing and he was getting hard that they…

Gwen’s strapped up with Mr. Big and Sophie has a new one of her own now…oh…”Shopping.”…and it’s a bit bigger and it’s dark toned coffee colored.

Oh…oh wow.

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