059) OMG!!! Abi's Got A Say What!?

So... I might just be getting a boyfriend soon...

I know! I can't believe it!

Anyways... He doesn't... At least, probably not... know about my past yet.

It wouldn't be as though I'm keeping it secret if I don't directly say anything, because he kinda found my Facebook profile through the suggestions feature through a friend of mine and added me, and then I turned around and asked her about him as is my policy any time a friend of one of my friends who I don't remember meeting myself tries adding me.

And I say a lot of things about my experiences being a trans woman on my Facebook.

But anyhoo... I asked her about him and she said he was "ok" or something like that. It wasn't really a raving recommendation but I was like, whatever, and added him. Like minutes later I get a text on my phone from a number I don't know saying "poke". Which I of course completely ignore.

Maybe a day later he then messages me on Facebook to text him some time and gives THAT EXACT PHONE NUMBER.

So now I'm kinda creeping out a bit and in the meantime I'm having an argument with one of my sisters and a FB-only friend about basically how I'm being too much of a conservative because of something I put on Facebook that's not entirely related but not totally unrelated but I didn't really get the relation at the time...

I'm also at a party of another friend at their house where I'm going to be spending the night...

Well, I unplug from both situations and put my head back in to the party and enjoy myself, then go to bed, then get up, and I put everything together and text him.

I tell him off gently for being creepy and he's all like sorry, but he's just kinda direct when he's attracted to someone, and he'll leave me alone... And I'm getting these like MASSIVE loneliness vibes from his message but no longer anything seriously creepy. So I'm like no, that's ok, just kinda new to all this and had some creep experiences lately making me even more cautious and I'm already super cautious! Anyone who knows me can tell you I'm like naturally pathologically neurotically almost paranoically cautious.

So anyways, we start texting back and forth a bit and before I know it he's all but practically asking me out on a date. I mean, seriously. The guy's asking what I like to do for fun.

At this point my phone is dying and rather than answer him right away I tell him later cuz my phone is dying and I'm at a friends and forgot my wall charger. All true statements though I later find my friends wall adapter for a USB charger plug and get plugged in then immediately text the friend this guy found me because of! I tell her everything that's transpired so far but kinda just leave it at that...

Now I'm both kinda excited but I'm also scared as hell. The guy seemed to have gone straight from profile pic to I want to talk to this girl and I'm not sure if he's even looked at my wall at all. He obviously looked at enough of my profile to get my phone number, but I don't actually mention my status there at all.

So I'm still stuck at the whole OMG! shock stage lol.

I still haven't texted him again and this all went down early this morning...

I know I look attractive in my FB profile pic, it's like my best photo ever... But if he's thinking I look like that all the time he's gonna be super disappointed because I don't even look quite like that even some of the time anymore. I don't have the wig that I was wearing in that picture anymore! lol.

I mean, I can still glam myself up pretty good when I want to but I don't hardly ever bother. If people can't accept me for who I am even when I'm sporting a beard shadow they can stuff it.

But this is like... different. I can't put this on my Facebook, cuz he might see it there!

Part of me is saying be right up front with him and tell him right now before things go any further so there can be absolutely no pain or confusion or hurt feelings later. Another part is saying seeeee him at least ooooooone time, then tell him.

Gaaaaaah! I sooo was not seeing this coming at this point in time. I suppose I should have and should have done something to prepare myself for the possibility of dating but... My focus has just been on anything but!

I guess advice is welcome but I mainly just needed to let this all out somewhere.

If any of it even makes coherent sense... lol.

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