You Have it All Wrong Four - The Kids Story - Part 43

You Have It All Wrong Four

By SaraUK


Part 43

    Danielle woke on the Tuesday morning feeling bloated and in need of the bathroom, so she quickly slipped out of bed and made her way into Lianna’s bathroom.

    Lianna and Lauren were soon jumping out of bed and running into the bathroom when they heard Danielle screaming as she stood over the toilet with blood on her fingers and a look of pure fear on her face.

     “Something’s gone wrong, I’m bleeding.” Danielle choked out as she started to panic.

     “Calm Down Danielle, you’re just having your first period.” Lauren said calmly as she walked over and sat Danielle back on the toilet before she helped her to wipe her hands with some wet wipes. “I need you to stay here while I go to my room and get some things.” Lauren added with a smile just before she left the room.

    Lauren was nearly knocked flying by a worried looking Chrissy running into the room as she was just about to leave the bedroom.

     “What’s wrong?” Chrissy asked looking around the room and then to the bathroom door when she saw that the bedroom was empty.

     “Calm down and relax mother.” Lauren said sounding more like an adult than her mother was at the minute. “Danielle’s just got her first period, and it freaked her out a little bit, but I’m just going to get her some things from my room, and I’ll talk her through it.” Lauren added with a smile just before she left the bedroom.

    Chrissy made her way into the bathroom and found Lianna stood at Danielle’s side hugging her as she shook in Lianna’s arms.

     “Don’t worry sweetie, it’s nothing to be scared of.” Chrissy said as she bent down in front of Danielle and smiled at her.

     “But I’ve made a mess of my night shirt, and the floor.” Danielle whined, close to tears again.

     “We can clean all that up, and it won’t always be this bad.” Chrissy giggled at just how silly Danielle was being over some little spots of blood on the floor and her night gown.

    Lauren was soon back with some pads for Danielle to use, and she explained how to use them. Then Lauren said it helped her to take a hot shower when it was her time of the month, so Danielle was soon stripping down and being helped into the shower with Lianna at her side, once Lauren and Chrissy had left the room.

    Danielle found out Lauren was right and she did feel a little better after the shower, but she still wasn’t feeling 100% so she just spent the day relaxing around the house with Lianna waiting on her hand and foot. Danielle always thought that what women said about craving chocolate at this time of the month was just a reason for them to pig out, but she really did find herself wanting chocolate, and she was soon rewarded with a large bar to munch on, which she decided to share with Lianna as they watched movies in the living room all day.

    Ian and Simon had come over, but decided to give Danielle a wide birth once they found out she was on. Danielle found it funny that two boys that looked like Simon and Ian did, could be scared of her. Lianna and Danielle had a good giggle over that one when Lauren told them later in the day after the boys had gone again and Lauren had joined the two of them watching movies and eating large amounts of chocolate.


    Clare went to see Prue with Carol, her new mother, but only after Carl had taken Carol to see Jane for the makeover that Chrissy had sorted out the day before. Clare had tagged along so they could go over and see Prue after, and Carol had to smile when she saw how well loved Clare was by Jane and the other girls that worked in the beauty shop.

    Carol left a couple of hours later looking like a million pounds of beautiful, and she started to notice men smiling at her and she loved every minute of it, so she started going to see Jane once a month for the works, and they became good friends. Jane told Carol that she was like Chrissy, and Carol found Jane to be a good second source of help in educating herself on what she could do better to help Clare.

    Everything went okay at the check up with Prue and she sent off some samples to make sure nothing was wrong before she worked out a course of treatment for Clare.

    Prue sorted out a time the next day for Clare and Carol to go and see Sarah, Prue’s friend the psychiatrist, but Prue knew enough to know that Clare was going to end up going down the same path as Lianna.


    The holidays moved on with all the girls spending most their time together. Danielle got over her period with lots of cuddles and understanding from Lianna when Danielle got a little snappy. Lianna just found it funny how Danielle was angry with her one second, and then she was kissing and cuddling with her the next as she said how sorry she was for snapping at her in the first place.

    Clare went on lots more shopping trips with the others, and she spent a lot of time going out shopping with her mother as well. Carol treated Clare like her real daughter, and Clare loved every minute of it. Carol also loved going shopping with Chrissy and the others and she soon found herself with a new wardrobe which led to her going on a couple of dates, but she was too busy with her business to look at anything serious. She also wanted to spend as much time with Clare as she could to make up for all the years Clare was trapped as Charlie.

    Simon and Ian came over a lot to spend time with them, but only once Danielle was back to her old self. Ian got closer to Clare, and formed part of a six person group with Lianna, Danielle, Lauren and Simon. They had three smaller two person groups within the larger group, but Ian never tried to get to close to Clare, he would let her make all the first moves, and it was during a trip to the movies that Clare leaned over to Ian and whispered in his ear that she was falling in love with him, and she wanted to kiss him.

    Ian wrapped an arm around Clare and let her lean closer before he leaned in to close the distance between them and they kissed for the first time. They kissed a lot more after that, and Lianna had a talk with Ian to make sure he understood everything he was getting himself into.

     “I’m not a fool Lianna, but I can’t help how I feel about her, just like you and Danielle, or Si and Lauren.” Ian said with a sigh. “I just can’t see Clare as anything but a girl, and she’s fun to hang with as well.” He added with a grin.

     “I just don’t want to see either of you get hurt, as you’re both my friends.” Lianna said.

     “I know Lianna, and I promise that this is all real, and I know what lies ahead for Clare, and I’ll be there to help her through it.” Ian said with a hand on his heart and a serious look on his face.

     “Are you telling me you sat and did some research on the subject?” Lianna asked with grin as she knew that Ian never did research normally.

     “Yes I actually sat and looked it up; I even found some stuff on YouTube to do with the surgery.” Ian said with a shudder. “That’s some really serious surgery you and Clare will have to go through.” He added with respect in his voice for how far the two of them were willing to go to become what they knew themselves to be.

     “It scares me to think about it, but I’m focusing on the results from it and I know I’ll be much happier once it’s all done.” Lianna sighed.

     “I’ll help you and Clare as much as I can, and in any way I can.” Ian said.

     “Thanks Ian, but just knowing you’re looking out for Clare is all I need you to do.” She smiled.

     “That I can do with ease.” Ian grinned.


    Danielle got a shock a couple of weeks before they were due to go back to school when she found out that Carl had booked a holiday for them all, after he’d overheard Danielle talking to Lianna about never having left the country before, or going on a plane. He was taking them all to Disney land in Florida for ten days.

    Tina, Clare, Ian, Simon and Carol all got a shock when they found out they were all invited along as well. They all agreed to go and they set off the next week. Carl had even managed to talk Tina’s father into coming with them and spending some proper time with his daughter.

    Danielle was running around in a right flap the morning they were due to leave. She was sure she’d forget something, but Lauren and Lianna had made sure she had everything she needed, and Carl had said he’d buy anything she’d forgotten once they got there as he watched Lianna and Lauren just about carry Danielle out to the coach that had arrived to take them all to the airport. They picked up everyone else on the way and then the holiday began.

    Carl paid for them all to fly out first class, and they didn’t have to worry about upsetting the other passengers because Carl paid for the whole first class section.

    Lianna had never seen Danielle look so excited and nervous at the same time as the plane took off, but she was soon just excited, as she looked out the window at the ground getting further and further away from them.

    They all had a wonderful time and Lianna got to show Danielle how to have fun, and Clare got spoiled by Ian just as Simon spoiled Lauren.

    Ian and Simon played the girl’s body guards, and even pretended to be Danielle and Lianna’s boyfriends a couple of times to stop the local boys trying to hit on them. Most the time it was just a large group of kids playing around and taking over whatever it was they did on each day. Carl planned out the holiday so they went out doing something one day, and then they would have a rest day. They were stopping in a large hotel, so the kids had plenty to do even on the rest days. Chrissy, Amy and Amber were always playing around and acting like a bunch of kids, not that the actual kids had a problem with that.

    Danielle was sad to see the holiday come to an end, but she’d had a wonderful time, and had lots of photos to remember it by, and Carl had promised there would be plenty more holidays for her to enjoy in the future.

    Clare had become closer with Jennifer and Jessica as well over the holidays and the three of them were always together when Clare wasn’t doing things with Ian. Ian also did things with Clare, Jennifer and Jessica when they went out with boys they knew, but most the time Clare and Ian would hang with Lianna, Danielle, Lauren and Simon when they went out on dates. Clare was also now taking blockers and small amounts of estrogen to help her start to develop as a girl should at her age.

     Lianna was all smiles by the time they were due to go back to school because her breasts had blossomed and she was now sporting her own small breasts with a little help from a padded bra. Prue had to undo and check Lianna’s groin, but she saw nothing wrong and then redid the small surgical fix to make her look like any normal teenage girl.

    Clare went with Lianna on the same day and Prue did the same cosmetic surgery to her, so they would both return to school looking just like any other girl on the outside. Clare also had the cast removed just before they went back to school as well, so that would help with people not working out right away who the new girl was.

    Danielle had taken lots of photos while on holiday and she loved to sit on her bed and look through them and smile at all the memories she now had. She was building quite the collection of photo albums.


    Danielle was sat on her bed looking at a list of items she would need for school and then she was looking at the items laid out on the bed next to her when there was a knock at the door just before Lianna poked her head around it grinning.

     “Still loving your new bedroom?” Lianna asked as she entered the room and looked around at it. The room had been finished while they were on holiday, and now all Lianna had to do was walk up the hallway twenty feet from her own room and then Danielle’s was on the other side of the hallway.

     “I Love it, but I’m too busy double checking I have everything ready for school tomorrow.” Danielle frowned as she tried to remember where she’d gotten to on her list.

     “I’ve helped you check that bag three times already, and you have everything on the list, so stop worrying and relax.” Lianna said as she walked over and took the list off Danielle before she placed all the books, pencil case and other items in the bag and then she jumped on the bed pulling Danielle into a hug.

     “I’m really scared about tomorrow.” Danielle said as she enjoyed the cuddle.

     “You are? I hadn’t noticed.” Lianna said with a grin. “You’ll be fine, and you’re in all the same classes as Lauren and I, so if you have forgetting anything, we can share.” Lianna added with a smile just before she leaned in for a kiss.

     “Do you think Clare is as nervous as me?” Danielle asked as she thought about Clare going back to school as a girl.

    Carl had spoke with Mr Stanman the headmaster, and there was no problem with Clare going back to school as a girl, but she would have to share the special toilets set aside for Lianna, so they didn’t have any trouble with the other students.

     “I can guarantee Clare’s as nervous as you, if not more nervous.” Lianna said with some worry in her voice. “Everyone will know that Clare was once a boy at the school, where as with you only a couple of close friends know about your medical problem.” Lianna pointed out.

     “I hope she can settle in without too much trouble.” Danielle said.

     “She’ll have enough family and friends around her to put anyone off wanting to start any trouble, and I don’t think Ian would be very happy with them if they did.” Lianna said with a grin like she just wished someone would try something with Clare when they went back to school tomorrow.

     “So much has changed for us all hasn’t it.” Danielle said as she cuddled up even closer to Lianna.

     “All for the better I hope?” Lianna asked just before she kissed Danielle.

     “I’m not afraid anymore, and I’ve got everything a girl could wish for.” Danielle said with a sigh.

     “I’m still jealous of you, but also glad you got all your wishes as well.” Lianna smiled as she looked into Danielle’s eyes.

     “You’ll be here soon enough, and I’ll help you through it every step of the way.” Danielle said feeling sorry for Lianna and the fact it would be another couple of years before she would get to have the final surgery that would make her as much of a woman as medical science could.

    They were stopped from talking about it more when there was another knock at the bedroom door and then they saw Lauren poke her head around it. She ran over and jumped on the bed and they all cuddled up together and watched a movie on Danielle’s new TV that came up out a panel at the base of the bed.

     “Are you excited about tomorrow sis?” Lauren asked as she looked at Danielle.

     “Yes a little, but I’m also scared of failing all the classes as well.” Danielle said looking worried.

     “You’ll do fine.” Lauren said waving off Danielle’s worries. “Lianna and I will help you study, and I’m sure Uncle Carl can get you a private tutor if things are that bad, not that I think they will be. You being the secret brainiac that you are.” Lauren giggled as she nudged Danielle with her elbow.

    Danielle realised she was worrying for nothing and relaxed and enjoyed the movie cuddled up between Lianna and Lauren.

    They all got ready for bed when the movie ended and Chrissy, Becky, Mandy and Carl all entered Danielle’s bedroom to kiss them good night. They had started sleeping in Danielle’s new room because the bed was bigger, and they really did love the room, and it made Danielle feel even more special when she woke up in her very own bedroom that she helped design.


    All the kids were up and dressed in their new uniforms the next morning ready for their first day back at school for some, and starting a new school for others.

    Damon had dropped off Tina, so she could travel with the others and not be waiting at the school for them to arrive. She was stood next to Nicole as they waited for Brad to unlock the minibus.

     “This uniform sucks.” Tina grumbled as she looked down at the blazer. Not even Tina had been able to make the uniform look any different. She had tried to add some skull and cross bone pins, but Damon had taken them off saying she’d get in trouble for it.

     “You look just the same as all of us Tink.” Nicole pointed out.

     “I know, and that’s the problem.” Tina grumbled some more. “I want to stand out from the crowd, make a bold statement.” Tina added as she made a fist with her hand and thrust it into the air.

     “I think that would just get you kicked out of school, then we wouldn’t be able to go to school together though.” Nicole pouted as she threw her arms around Tina in a worried hug.

     “You do have a point, but I’m not going easy on the makeup though.” Tina warned as she broke away from Nicole and pointed at her face. “I look like a ghost without my eyeliner.” She added with a grin.

    Nicole just giggled as she looked at Tina’s coal black eyes and pale looking skin framed by spiky blond hair.

    Danielle was nervously playing with a button on her blazer as she sat in the seat next to Lianna. Once they were all onboard the minibus Brad got behind the wheel and then started off towards Belmont private school. Brad liked the fact he only had to go to the one school now and not the two like he was doing before the holidays. He soon had them at the school after picking up Peter on the way, and they all jumped off the minibus and squealed as they saw friend’s they hadn’t spent time with since Danielle’s party at the start of the holidays.

     “Danielle, Lianna!” She heard some girls shout from just behind her. When Danielle turned to look at whom it was shouting her name, she saw it was Naomi, Polly and Natalie. All three of them ran over and formed a group hug around Danielle and Lianna.

     “Hi.” Danielle giggled as she was bounced around by the overly excited girls.

     “Are you excited to finally be starting school here then?” Naomi asked when they broke the hug.

     “Yes!” Danielle found herself squealing as she started bouncing around and squealing excitedly just like the others.

    Danielle found that most of the kids in the school seemed to know who she was, thanks to the party, and they all said hello to her, so she soon forgot about her worries and started to enjoy herself as she wandered into the school with the others. No one looked at her funny, but Clare was getting some looks as people tried to work out who she might be, as she was hanging with Jennifer and Jessica. Most just seemed to shrug like Clare was a new girl, and not Charlie dressed as a girl.

     “Who’s the new girl with Jennifer and Jessica?” Naomi asked Lianna and Danielle as they followed them towards the headmaster’s office.

     “She’s not new to the school, but she is a new girl.” Lianna tried to explain in a whispered voice. They knew people would find out soon enough, so Lianna couldn’t see the point of lying about it.

     “You mean she’s like you?” Polly asked in a whisper as she looked at Clare a little closer trying to work out who she might have been last term.

     “Do you remember little Charlie Whitmore?” Lianna asked.

     “Yes, the poor thing is always getting picked on.” Naomi said with a pout, but she soon realised what Lianna was getting at and her mouth fell open in shock. “That’s Charlie?” She asked as she pointed towards Clare.

     “She’s called Clare now, and we’ve been helping her to come out of her shell, but yes she’s like me.” Lianna explained with a smile when she saw how shocked the three girls were.

     “Wow, she’s a fox.” Natalie said.

     “Hi Clare!” Naomi shouted to her. “Looking good girl.” She added as she gave Clare the thumbs up and a grin.

    Clare looked a little puzzled and then she looked worried until she realised that Naomi really meant it and was paying her a compliment.

     “Thanks Naomi.” Clare smiled.

     “We want details later girlfriend.” Naomi grinned.

     “Okay.” Clare giggled as she saw that she already had three more friends.

    Lianna and Clare had to go and see the headmaster to sort out a key for Clare, so she could use the special bathrooms set aside for the two of them around the school, but all the others waited out in the hallway for them.

    Ian and Simon had turned up by the time Lianna and Clare left Mr Stanman’s office. Naomi, Polly and Natalie all looked shocked when Ian stepped up to Clare and wrapped an arm around her before they all started walking towards their classrooms.

    Word soon spread around the school as to who Clare was, and that she was Ian’s girl. Most people didn’t take much notice of Clare, due to none of it being new now with Lianna already going through it at the end of last term, and Charlie had been pretty much invisible back then, so not many remembered him.

    Danielle found herself sitting between Lianna and Lauren in all their classes, so she was able to use the two of them to help her catch up on a couple of the subjects, but she was smarter than she gave herself credit for and was soon able to keep up with the others in the classes and even start to raise her hand to answer questions.

    They all met up at lunchtime and took over a corner of the dining hall between them and their friends. Clare was the main centre of attention and she was happy enough to tell the ones that didn’t know her story how she came to be at school as Clare and not Charlie anymore.

     “How’s everyone been treating you now you’re a girl?” Naomi asked.

     “Fine...” Clare shrugged, but Ian could tell that someone had made it so Clare was lying to them and it wasn’t fine, but he would have to wait until later to find out what the problem was.

    The day went quicker than Danielle thought it would and they were soon walking out and getting back on the minibus to go home again.

     “Is everything alright Clare?” Lianna asked when she saw her getting onto the minibus after having a heated debate with Ian.

     “I hope it will be okay, but Ian’s found out that Shane and Doug were calling me names earlier today, and he’s going to have a word with them later with Si’s help.” Clare explained.

     “I actually feel sorry for Shane and Doug.” Lianna grinned.

     “I just don’t want Ian and Si getting in trouble because of me.” Clare explained her worries.

     “Ian and Si are smart enough to not get caught doing anything, but Shane and Doug won’t be bothering you again once they’ve done with them.” Lianna promised.

     “How was your first day back at school dressed like this then, apart for those to jerks bothering you?” Danielle asked with a grin which let Clare know that Danielle had enjoyed her first day.

     “It was really good, and even those two couldn’t bring me down too much.” Clare smiled. “Jennifer, Jessica and some of their friends stuck up for me which was really cool.” Clare was grinning now.

     “So for the most part you’ve been accepted into the girls group then?” Lianna asked.

     “Yes I have and it feels wonderful.” Clare grinned excitedly.

    Clare was going back to the house with the others and then Carol will take her home later in the evening after dinner which Carol had been invited to join them for.

    Brad drove them all back to the house and they all got their homework done with Clare joining Jessica and Jennifer in Jessica’s room because they had all the same classes together and the same homework. Jessica and Jennifer liked having Clare around because she was smarter than them two and she always helped them understand the homework.

    Once their homework was done they all went down to the pool to have a play around before dinner was ready. Clare had some clothes at the house, so it wasn’t a problem for her joining in the fun, and thanks to the little surgery she’d had done, she just looked like one of the girls as she ran around the pool laughing and giggling.

    Danielle and the others all got grilled over dinner about their first day back. Clare didn’t say anything about her trouble with Doug and Shane because she didn’t want to get Ian in trouble if they found out he was going to deal with it for her. Clare was grateful that none of the others said anything about it either.

     “Did you enjoy your first day sweetie?” Mandy asked Danielle.

     “It was really cool mum.” Danielle said excitedly. “Everyone from the party remembered me and they all said hi.” She added before she went on to tell Mandy about some of the other things she did through the day.

     “So we’re not going to have any trouble with you playing truant then?” Carl asked.

     “No daddy, I have lots of really cool friends here, and Lianna.” Danielle grinned as she took hold of Lianna’s hand under the table and smiled at her. “The teachers are much nicer as well.” She added.

    Once dinner was finished they all gave Clare and Carol a hug before the two of them left to go home. Carol was going to drop Clare off again in the morning, so she could get a lift to school with the others like she’d be doing every morning they were going to school. Carol practically drove past the house on her way to work anyway, so it was no trouble for her, and she liked the fact Clare had lots of friends to help keep her safe.

    All the others got the dishes washed and put away before they were then free to do what they wanted for the rest of the night. Lianna and Lauren ended up watching a movie in Danielle’s room until they all went down for a hot chocolate before bedtime.


    No one was left with any doubts the next day at school as to whether or not Ian and Simon had a chat with Doug and Shane after they saw them walking down the hallway. Both Doug and Shane were sporting black eyes and thick lips from a fight. The fact that Ian and Simon weren’t marked in anyway meant that none of the staff could pin any of it on them, but word had spread around the school that it was them that did it because the two of them were calling Clare names. Needless to say no one dared call Clare anything after that.

    Doug and Shane never said what happened, nor did Ian and Simon, but Doug and Shane would run the other way when they saw Clare after that and they never bothered her again.

    Prue didn’t want Danielle playing sports due to the operation and her body still recovering from it, so Danielle went with Lianna to the library when it was time for gym. This made Danielle happy as she didn’t like sports very much, and was much happier reading a book and getting ahead on her other subjects.

    Lianna would smile when they were stopped in the hallway by a group of students that wanted to chat with them about something. Some would just want to ask how Danielle was settling in, and others would ask Danielle or Lianna where they got a hair clip or a pair of earrings from. Danielle just loved being one of the girls at last, and she was even able to help some of the other students with a problem every now and then to do with a piece of homework.

    They were all sat around the table at lunchtime trying not to laugh as Ian and Simon got told off by Clare for whatever it is they did to Doug and Shane, not because Clare cared about Doug and Shane, but because she was worried about Ian and Simon getting in trouble over her.

     “You’re my girl Clare, and I won’t have anyone upsetting you.” Ian said sounding proud that Clare was going out with him.

     “That’s really sweet Ian, but I just don’t want you getting in trouble.” Clare said as she let Ian wrap his arms around her in a protective hug.

     “Do you see a mark on either of us?” Ian asked with a grin as he showed Clare his hands and the fact they were scuff and bruise free. “They couldn’t prove we did anything, even if they went to Stanman and told him we did.” He added smugly.

     “You dumb Ox.” Clare said as she enjoyed the hug.

    Clare and Ian were getting some strange looks from the others sat around the table, but they could all see that they were head over heels in love with each other, just as Lauren and Simon were, and they had worked out that there was something between Lianna and Danielle looking at the way they were always holding hands and hugging each other.

    They all finished their lunches and then went out to enjoy the sunshine for a short time before they all had to get to their afternoon classes.

     “They do make a cute couple don’t they?” Naomi said to Lianna and Danielle as they followed Ian and Clare into the main school building. “And I still can’t believe that Clare wasn’t born a girl either, she’s just such a fox and I’d kill for her eyelashes.” Naomi pouted.

     “You could say the same about you Lianna.” Natalie smiled. “I find it hard to believe that we never saw Lianna in Andrew.”

     “I was just good at hiding it.” Lianna grinned with pride over being able to fool them all for so long.

    They all split up and made their way to their afternoon classes and Ian walked with Clare, Jessica and Jennifer to their first class of the afternoon to make sure Clare didn’t have any more trouble with anyone.


To Be Continued Next friday  


Story by SaraUK


Edited and Posted by SamanthaK

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Child and Parent guide:

Parents Children
Chrissy & Becky Andrew/Lianna, Lauren (Twins)
Amy & Amber Jessica
Ann & brad Jennifer
Sara & Cathy Peter
Mandy & Carl/Carla Craig, Danielle (Adopted)
Jayden & Callum Richard, Nicola (Twins)
Dan & Faith Penny, Christopher

    EDITORS NOTE: Please Comment and/or leave Kudos and let Sara know you like her work please, Any comments on spelling, grammar or the layout of the story please PM me “Samanthak” not Sara. Thank you

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