Belle of the ball 17

"OUCH! SON OF A ..." I can't believe this..

I wake up Tuesday morning to find I slept on one of my boobs and IT HURTS! It takes a few minutes for the pain to pass and it feels swollen a bit. I hope the doctor finds out what is going on so I can get rid of these. I eventually walk downstairs sort of massaging the stupid thing which earns me a look from mom. I drop my hand and sit down in the nightshirt at the table. Breakfast of cereal and milk. Nothing special same old same old.

It was after when I went upstairs and brushed my teeth that I found mom waiting in my room. She was concerned about me rubbing my breast and wanted to take a look. I told her how I slept on it and I woke up in pain. She had this look on her face but didn't say anything. I pulled out one of my new bras and put it on. There was no room in the cups, no not the bras I got before just some smaller ones from Edna with a bit of padding. I did not grab panties however I have been in those far to much for my liking lately.

Today I was gonna go with a Bill look. Boxer shorts and baggy camouflage pants that were tighter on the hip where the waist band sat. I didn't design them but all us kids were them. I looked through my assortment of tshirts for a white tshirt first and then a much larger Metallica concert one over top. You know grudge skater look. Well almost. I used some mouse and hair gel to get my hair slicked back into a non girly hairstyle. Some shades to hide my lack of eyebrows and I was ready. When I looked in the mirror I didn't see any Belle there body wise as my breasts were mostly hidden. Top of my head definitely Bill. Face...okay not much I can do about that its still a girly face but no makeup today!

I checked over my school bag and emptied it of the clothes from yesterday. These got thrown ontop of my stupid uniform. As funny as it may sound I actually liked that though I know mom would complain about how messy I was at least they are in the basket...mostly.

Downstairs I caught the old man as he was leaving for work. He gave me a once over and aside from how my face looked, he grimaced, the rest passed his inspection. I think he was happy to see me dressed entirely like his son again. He even gave me a "Have a good day son" in way of passing out the door.

Even mom was happish as she saw me dressed as Bill for school. She said she was gonna help Sammi finish getting ready and drive her in. I thought about hitching a ride but decided not to. I wanted the time to think of what I was gonna do about Jason on the way to school.

I paused at the front door schoolbag over my shoulder and looked at it with a small sense of pride. Our front door has a bit of story behind it. It is actually two doors combined together to make this one. The original door where the oval stained look glass is from was busted around the door latch from a break in. The rest of the door is a discount door that had a good sized dent in the middle. One weekend dad and myself spent a fair amount of time cutting out the oval in the new door for the window. After that we had sanded the door down and painted it before gluing the window frame in with some contact cement. The next day we had managed to get the window glued in place with some uncured rubber stuff that set over the week and installed it with its new brass door latch in place of our old peeling one.

It looks really fancy and makes me smile every time I think about it. We have gotten a few compliments on it from a few visitors, mostly dads work buddies, on the door. Yes today was going to be a good day for me. I opened the door to find it had rained early this morning. Shades of cliche's from movies about getting soaked by passing cars ran through my head.

I did manage to think about Jason while watching out for evil cars and muddy puddles all the way to school. I didn't know what I was going to do about him. On one hand it was the perfect opportunity to get rid of him permanently. On the other hand I was scared he would try to turn it into some sort of Belle date. And what was the big deal with his Aunt anyways. Something there was just not right. I think I needed to know more before I really made a decision on the whole mess.

With a grin I thought that at least today there was no way he would see me as Belle. I put a hitch into my stride as I continued my walk to school. It was not completely uneventful as I did manage to soak one shoe a bit with water that was deeper than it looked but otherwise remained clean and dry.

When I got to the school mom was working at getting Sam into her wheelchair so I put my bag on the trunk and helped get her in it. All was well as it could be and Sam and mom thanked me for my help. I started to push Sam towards the school when I remember my bag on the trunk. I turned to see mom pulling away from the curb with my bag on the back and ran after her. I just got the bag handle and pulled it back before I lost my balance and did a minor jig and two step towards the grass. I made it mostly but the grass was still very wet and I hit the ground hard on my ass. The worst part was the small breeze I felt from my crotch.

If you have ever split your pants before you know exactly what kind of breeze I'm talking about. I looked down to see that yes I had done a very good job of splitting my pants crotch open wide. More than I could possibly hide. I knew my choices in my locker consisted of my gym clothes or that .. short outfit. What I didn't notice was that my boxers shorts were also very wet. At least until I got up and could feel them firmly sticking to me. I confirmed this by feeling with my hand yeah they were sopping wet along with the rear of my pants.

Still all was not lost I would just have to wear my gym pants. Commando was not really an option so I decided to wear the red gym shorts under the pants. The nerve racking trip to my locker trying to avoid the kids in school was bad but I managed. The trip to the closest washroom was a little better and I made it in without too much trouble. The pants and boxers went splat once I got them off my hips. I used some tissue paper to dry myself off not that there was really that much but it felt better. The shorts went on followed by my grey sweatpants. I still had my two tshirts on and mostly looked like Bill just not so grudge anymore.

Back at my locker I hung up my soggy clothes to dry on the little hooks till third period when I would have my Home ec class. I hadn't completed the essay portion of the weekend and didn't really want to. The thought of telling people, we were supposed to read them to the class, of how I spent Sunday as a Mennonite pregnant woman was something I wanted to avoid. I closed my locker to a few looks from people. Considering how they have seen me over the last week somehow my wearing gym pants didn't phase them. I got a few snickers as I guess word had gotten around already of why I was wearing them but this is highschool and with text messaging they probably know about me in china.

My first few classes were uneventful. Math followed by Modern Lit, both of which are mind numbing to begin with, it didn't surprise me in the least. On the way to Home ec with my pants over my shoulder I walked by Barb and the gang. Barb of course had to have her say even though I kept walking.

"Oh Belle..." with a hand over her face. I snickered couldn't help myself.

For once I was glad mom and dad had signed me up for Home ec as it meant I could at least repair my pants. I thought I had gotten one over on Ms Anne but she told us on entering that we had until next class to complete the essay, she didn't look at me but I gathered I was not the only one, to complete them with a terse word or two about failing a major grade point.

I showed her what I had done to my pants. She laughed at me and told me to pop them into the dryer for a few minutes before trying to sew them on a machine. I put them in to dry and was walking back to my desk when Darma asked me for help. Being a nice guy I said sure before I even asked with what. I really should pay attention to these little things. Now on sewing days like today most of the girls were working on their dresses for the fall/hallowseve dance at school. Some worked on costumes of one sort or another while Darma and one of her friends were working on skirts. Darma had taken an older and larger jean skirt she found at some thrift store and was altering it into a more modern jean skirt. In this case instead of a front zip a rear zip skirt that hugged the hips and flared out with soft fold pleats.

I may not be into skirts but considering what she had done it was impressive. What she needed help with was for someone to check the hem length all around and pin it as needed so she could finish the hem. Well me and pins don't agree so, temporarily, Belle made an appearance in her skirt to be hemmed. The skirt just happen to show off my legs to full advantage much to the jealous looks of some of the girls.

Now I never did find out for sure but I think one of them pulled the fire alarm. All I knew is that I had barely been standing in front of Darma for 2 minutes when the fire alarm went off. As you can imagine everyone in school got to see Belle with a jean mini skirt, they are still called that even if they come to mid thigh, out front of school while we all waited for the fire department to come and give us the all clear. Barb was thrilled as she passed me with a "Much better Belle" to her line behind her classroom teacher. So there I stood with everyone watching as Darma continued to fuss with the skirt around me. She batted my hands away when I tried to at least release my t shirts from the knot she made exposing my midriff along with the waistband of the skirt. This also just happened to show that I had small breasts at the same time.

Wolf whistles yes got a few of those while I stood their blushing as red as the fire engines we were waiting for. And let me tell you they took their sweet time getting there all two of the trucks. Then went inside and did whatever they did while my poor legs developed goose bumps on goose bumps.

They finally gave us the all clear to return to school and everyone broke up to mingle or return to class. I was one of the first to try to get in but was stopped along the way, first by Barb and the gang who wanted to ask me why I was wearing the sweatpants before. Before I could answer Jason showed up and took me aside, I was mixed feelings about that. I was saved from answering Barb but now I had to talk to Jason about his situation.

"Wow you look incredible Belle! So did you think about our date?"

Date? What date?

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