To Make A Wish Chapter 17

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 © September 2007-2012

Chapter Seventeen


     “So what does it say?” Jo growled under his breath as he kept looking around for any sign of them being approached by another student. “How come Mike and I can’t read it?” Jo asked as he squinted at the blank pieces of paper.

     “The reason you can’t read it is because it’s been written using magic, so only someone like me or Sara would see it, or someone from the supernatural world like a demon or vampire.” Sheana explained. “You can’t respond to his request Sara. Not as you are at the minute.” Sheana added as she looked at her sister still reading the message over and over again.

     “What does it say?” Jo asked again, but with anger in his voice at being kept in the dark.

    Dear Slayer or whatever your real name is.

    If you’re reading this, then you saw what I did to the child I got to deliver my message. Please don’t worry yourself with her well being, for she will be fine again in a day or so, and won’t remember ever helping me deliver this to you. I wish I could say that all the other children will be as safe, but that will all depend on you.

    Meet me tonight at midnight, in the same place I saw you stake the two vampires, so I can have a chat and find out a little more about you and why you seek to kill my kind.

    If you fail to show this evening, then I will kill one child tomorrow, then two the next day, and three the day after that, and so on and so on until you finally show up, or I run out of children.

    I look forward to meeting you at midnight.


    Sara read the poster out to mike and Jo.

     “You can’t be seriously thinking about showing up this evening Sara!” Jo said when he saw the look in her eyes. “You’ll be no match for him without your slayer powers.” Jo pointed out looking scared for her.

     “Did you just hear what I read out Jo?” Sara asked in an angry whisper. “He’s going to kill a fellow student if I don’t show up, then he will kill two the next day and then three. I don’t see as I have a choice.” Sara added as her shoulders slumped.

     “You need to call Hypatia and explain everything to her, I’m sure she’ll be able to call him off.” Jo suggested.

     “I plan to later when I get home after school, but until then, I have to look at it as though I’ll be going to meet this Spike at midnight.” Sara said with a sigh as she pointed at the poster, or blank paper to everyone else but Sheana and herself.

     “How did he know to leave a message here at the school for you? Do you think he knows you’re a student here?” Mike asked in a whisper.

     “I doubt it Mike. He refers to him killing a child, more like the slayer is older and protector of all the children at the school, not one herself.” Sara said as she looked at the magical text on the posters again. “My guess would be he got one of the men in black to spill the beans on them staking out the school looking for me, and this Spike thought it a good place to start with.” Sara added as she felt the cramps in her belly get worse due to the stress of this latest move against her, and at such a bad time, not that there could ever be a good time for this sort of thing.

    Before Sara had time to say much more, they were herded away from the posters and into the school to start the day now Susan had been taken away for questioning. Sara knew it was going to be a long day, but she wasn’t in any great rush to face this vampire called Spike, not without her slayer strength anyway. She found herself hoping that Hypatia might have some sort of idea as to how she could face him, but not end up with it turning into a fight to the death.

And now the story continues...

    Sara and Sheana had a pretty normal day at school for once, apart from all the talk about Susan Hopkins being dressed like a hooker version of a school girl, and then pasting blank pieces of paper all over school, and finally being dragged away by the police while screaming that some man had made her do it.

    Even though Sara had had some trouble with Susan since starting here at this school, she still found herself worried about whether or not Susan would recover, and what sort of teasing would happen if she returned to the school when she was over it.

    Jo had nagged at Sara every time he met up with her through the day, to the point that Sara was glad to be leaving him at the end of the road after telling him to go home and she’d see him tomorrow. She’d kissed him on the lips for the longest time and then smiled before turning and walking off down the road to her house, and hopefully some advice from Prue and Hypatia.

    Prue was in the kitchen sorting out dinner when Sara and Sheana walked in. Jenna was sat at the table colouring, but she dropped the crayon when she saw the dark thoughts Sara and Sheana were having about the note left for them back at school, and what had happened to the poor girl being taken away by the police. Prue turned to look at Sara and Sheana when she heard Jenna let out a gasp.

     “What’s happened?” Prue asked when she saw the looks on Sara and Sheana’s face. Hearing Jenna’s gasp let Prue know that whatever it was, it was very bad.

     “Spike left a message for me at the school today.” Sara said with a sigh as she dropped into a seat at the kitchen table, after pulling one of the posters out her bag. She’d managed to steal one while they were being taken down.

     “For you, you, or the slayer you?” Prue asked, worried that Spike had found out who the slayer really was.

     “The slayer me.” Sara pointed out. “He left a magical note that only Sheana and I could read. He says I have to meet him at midnight tonight, or he’s going to start killing the other students at the school starting tomorrow.” Sara added as she put her head in her hands after handing Prue the poster.

     “You can’t face him like you are at the minute Sara. Please tell me you’re not even thinking about it?” Prue asked once she’d read the note for herself.

     “I don’t see as I have any other choice Prue. He’s going to kill a student tomorrow, then two the day after that and so on until I face him.” Sara said in a pleading voice. “I can’t let even one student die because of me, never mind how many would die before I get my slayer powers back.” Sara added as she hung her head in shame for what had been put in place because of her.

     “There has to be another way.” Prue said. “I’m calling Hypatia to see what she thinks.” Prue added as she shot over to the phone at supernatural speed and was soon dialling the number for Hypatia.

    Sara and Sheana sat and watched Prue dial and then wait for an answer on the other end. Both girls were hoping Hypatia might have a plan to stop Spike, and save Sara the job of having to suit up as the slayer and then face this real life version of Spike. Sara and Sheana were soon looking at Prue when she started talking to whoever was on the other end. They thought it would be Hypatia, or Samantha, but they both thought that Samantha would be at the studio with Sandy at this time, or on their way home.

     “Hello?” Hypatia’s voice said on the other end of the phone.

     “Hypatia, its Prue. Have you heard what happened at Sara and Sheana’s school today?”

     “Hello Prudence. Yes I did, I hope the girls are alright?” Hypatia asked with concern in her voice.

     “Yes, well for the moment they are, but Spike has left a very clear message that he wants to meet the slayer tonight at midnight, or he starts killing students tomorrow.” Prue explained what Spike had said in his message to Sara.

     “He certainly knows how to pick his time to pull a stunt like this.” Hypatia said with a sigh. She knew that Sara and Sheana were without their powers at the minute. “She can’t think about going to meet him, not like she is at the minute.” Hypatia added.

     “You may want to tell Sara that, because she’s planning to go to the meeting.” Prue frowned as she looked at Sara, who was looking at her.

     “The girl's a fool if she thinks she can go up against a vampire of Spike’s age without her strength and mind control working.” Hypatia tried explaining to Prue for some reason that left Prue looking puzzled.

     “Don’t you think I’ve said all this to her!” Prue snapped.

     “Put her on the phone.” Hypatia said in a firm voice.

    Prue walked over to the table and handed Sara the phone. “She wants to talk to you.”

    Sara took the phone off Prue, and then looked at it for a couple of seconds before she let out a sigh and then put the phone up to her ear. “Hello Hypatia.”

     “Don’t hello me girl. What’s this that Prudence tells me about you going to face this Spike tonight? Do you think you stand a chance against him without your powers?” Hypatia asked, sounding like a worried parent.

     “I’ve got to try Hypatia, or he’s going to kill a girl tomorrow if I don’t show, and then he plans to double it the day after and then three the day after that, so I’ve got to go and see him tonight.” Sara pleaded for Hypatia to understand. “I’ll still have the armour and Sheana’s protection spell to stop me getting hurt.” Sara pointed out sounding a little more hopeful.

     “The armour and protection spell will save you from most of the impact, but not all of it, and he will be hitting pretty hard if you end up fighting each other.” Hypatia pointed out.

     “I’m hoping I can just talk to him tonight, and buy enough time for me to get my powers back.” Sara explained when she realised that Hypatia wasn’t willing to offer any help after all.

     “And just where does he want to meet you?” Hypatia asked.

     “The pub where I staked the two vampires last night. The one that Armen owns.” Sara said.

     “Well that alone should tell you he’s not interested in talking to you Sara. He just wants everyone to see him beat you, which they will if you’re foolish enough to go.” Hypatia said with some anger in her voice now.

     “I’ll just have to use my charm then and try my best to disarm him that way.” Sara pointed out with a giggle, but she didn’t sound very happy as she did it.

     “You’re only fourteen Sara; you don’t have any charms yet to speak off.” Hypatia said, not sounding any happier with Sara’s plan. “I want you to take Prue and Sheana with you for back up.” Hypatia added as she tried to give Sara a better chance of getting out of this crazy plan alive.

     “Sheana’s in the same boat I am when it comes to power.” Sara said, not understanding what Hypatia expected Sheana to do.

     “Once Sheana suits up, the crystals in her armour will give her some of her power back. Nothing like she normally has, but enough to make a big difference against Spike and his vampire witch of a girlfriend.” Hypatia explained her reason for Sheana going along.

     “This Spike has a vampire who’s also a witch for a girlfriend?” Sara asked, just to make sure she heard Hypatia right the first time.

     “Yes, Drusilla. Don’t be fooled by her innocent looks though Sara, she can be quite deadly, just like Spike.” Hypatia warned. “Drusilla would have been the one to make the posters Prue just told me about. She’s still no match for Sheana, even in her current state, but it’s better to be on the lookout, just in case.” Hypatia added.

     “The real Spike has a girlfriend called Drusilla?” Sara asked with a giggle, she remembered Spike in the Buffy show use to have a girlfriend called Drusilla as well.

     “Yes, he’s very big headed; don’t think him anything like the Spike from the TV show Buffy. He’s deadly, and has a lot more tricks up his sleeves.” Hypatia warned Sara. “I trust Prudence told you about him being responsible for Dracula as well?” Hypatia asked.

     “Yes she did, but I still don’t understand his reasons for wanting to be in the public eye all the time.” Sara said sounding puzzled.

     “We all wonder the same thing my dear Slayer, but it doesn’t stop him from doing it.” Hypatia sighed again.

     “Do you think he had something to do with Twilight?” Sara asked with another giggle.

     “No! Not even Spike would come up with vampires that sparkle in the sunlight.” Hypatia said with a little giggle. “That’s all human fantasy, but it has led to an increase in young girls wanting to become vampires.” Hypatia added with a growl.

     “You could always step in and put a stop to it for me.” Sara pointed out with some hope in her voice, and also trying to change the subject before Hypatia started ranting about something else.

     “All hell would break loose if the supernatural world found out the two of us were working together.” Hypatia said in a shocked voice. “Why do you think I get Prue to do all the jobs I don’t want my name tied to?” Hypatia asked, but not wanting an answer from Sara, as she already knew it would mean trouble for her as the oldest demon to be seen siding with humans over her own kind.

     “I guess all there is left to say is to wish me luck then.” Sara said.

     “If I thought you needed luck Sara, then I’d find some way to stop you going at all, but I think with Prue and Sheana watching your back, you should be just fine, as long as all you do is talk to him.” Hypatia said the last part with warning in her voice. “Good luck anyway my little slayer and I’ll be keeping an eye on you tonight.” Hypatia added just before she ended the call.

     “So Hypatia thinks I’ll be able to still do magic if I have the suit on?” Sheana asked once Sara had put the phone down on the table.

     “Yes, she says you will have some power with the suit on, but nothing like your normal amount.” Sara explained what Hypatia had just told her.

     “Maybe I should suit up and give it a go.” Sheana said.

     “I’d save it for later when we go up against Spike and Drusilla.” Prue said before Sheana had time to draw her suit from the locket around her neck. “If the suit is just boosting what little power you have Sheana. I’d hate to see you waste any now.” Prue added with a sad smile as she saw just how eager Sheana was to be of some use to Sara when she met this Spike later.

    Sheana understood what Prue was getting at, and knew her to be right. The last thing Sheana wanted was to try out her magic now, and then not have enough left later, when Sara might need her help.

    Prue sent Sara and Sheana up to their room, so they could do their homework while she finished sorting out dinner for them all. Prue did let Jenna tag along, just as long as she didn’t bother the girls to much why they did their homework.


    Karl had spent the better part of the past day being pricked, prodded and poked with devices he’d never seen before, or would care to see ever again. He was getting that bored and angry with no one telling him anything, not even the cute nurse the Commander had assigned to keep an eye on him was working anymore.

     “I keep telling you I feel fine! When can I get the hell out of here?” Karl asked yet another doctor, or scientist. He couldn’t tell them all apart with the white lab coats on.

    The nurse was just about to try and calm him down again when the Commander walked into the room and beat her to it. “Cool it Karl, you know the routine when a foreign body enters the blood stream.”

     “Yes sir, but I’m telling you I feel fine. In fact I feel better than fine actually.” Karl said now he thought about it.

     “I’m sure you do, but the lab guys have found much higher levels of vampire anti-bodies than they have ever seen in anyone before, so they think it’s best to keep you here where they can keep an eye on you, just until the anti-bodies have been flushed from your system.” The commander explained what the doctors had told him as he looked at the IV pumping a clear liquid into Karl’s arm.

     “Have you managed to find out anything about the girl at the school from this morning sir?” Karl asked with a sigh. He just wanted to feel like he was doing something, even if it was just brain storming with the Commander. “Have you found out why she was putting up blank posters all over the school and then screaming that he needed her to get a message to the slayer?” Karl asked with a frown.

     “No, other than the fact this new vampire calling himself Spike compelled the girl to do it for him.” The commander growled. “But we’re still no closer to working out what these things say, of anything at all.” The commander added as he threw a rolled up poster down on the bed for Karl to look at.

    Karl picked up the poster and unrolled it. “It’s a message for the Slayer.” Karl said as he read the poster.

     “You can see something on it?” The Commander asked as he tried to look at the poster again for some reason.

     “Yes, I guess having his blood in my system means I can also read what other supernatural’s can.” Karl said as he read the whole poster before letting out a gasp. “I knew I should have taken that bastard down when I had the chance.” Karl added as he slapped his fist down on the bed he was sat on.

     “What is it Karl, what does the poster say?” The Commander asked.

    Karl took a deep breath and then read the poster out to the Commander and the lab coats that were now in the room with them.

    Dear Slayer or whatever your real name is.

    If you’re reading this, then you saw what I did to the child I got to deliver my message. Please don’t worry yourself with her well being, for she will be fine again in a day or so, and won’t remember ever helping me deliver this to you. I wish I could say that all the other children will be as safe, but that will all depend on you.

    Meet me tonight at midnight, in the same place I saw you stake the two vampires, so I can have a chat and find out a little more about you and why you seek to kill my kind.

    If you fail to show this evening, then I will kill one child tomorrow, then two the next day, and three the day after that, and so on and so on until you finally show up, or I run out of children.

    I look forward to meeting you at midnight.


     “Do we have any idea where this place might be?” The Commander asked Karl.

     “No sir, do you think she’ll even bother to show up, or if she even got the message.” Karl asked looking worried about this Spike carrying out his threat and killing innocent children, just to get a point across to this Slayer.

     “All we can do is hope she did get the message, and she cares enough to turn up for his meeting.” The Commander said feeling pretty useless at the minute. “She did seem to show up quite fast the other day when you and your men were there looking around, so let’s hope she does the same tonight, and she puts an end to this new vampire menace.” The Commander added as he tapped his finger on the poster still in Karl’s hands.

     “Let me take a team out and see if we can track down the place of the meeting for you sir?” Karl said eager to get out there doing something to help track this blood sucker down.

     “I’m sorry son, but if I let you go out while you still have that vamp blood in your system...” The Commander trailed off, not needing to finish.

     “I understand sir.” Karl said with a sigh. “I just want to help catch this bastard.” Karl added holding up the poster.

     “You already have son. You worked out what the poster said.” The commander chuckled as he turned to leave the room. “Now get some rest! That’s an order!” He shouted as he left the room to organise a couple of teams to patrol the town, and see if they could track down the location of this meet between the Slayer and this Spike.

    Karl had to chuckle at the Commanders orders to get more rest; He’d been lying around in this same boring white room since his men bought him back last night. Karl wasn’t sure how much more resting he could deal with.


    Sara and Sheana soon had their homework done, even with Jenna distracting them. They found Jenna’s distraction to be a welcome relief to the evening. It made everything seem normal for once. They helped Jenna get cleaned up before they went down to have some dinner, and also explain what happened at School, and what they needed to go out and do later. Sara could tell the minute she walked into the kitchen and saw her mother stood next to Prue, that she already knew about the message from Spike, and what he wanted Sara to do.

     “Hi mum, Sandy.” Sara smiled as she helped Jenna take her seat at the table, just before her and Sheana started helping to bring the bowls of food over to the table.

     “Is it true what Prue’s just told me about you going to meet this Spike person at midnight? Even though you don’t have your Slayer powers?” Karen asked as she blocked Sara’s path back to the table after she’d grabbed a couple of bowls off the side.

     “Yes it is mother.” Sara said, not wanting to make eye contact and let her mum see the fear in her eyes. “I don’t have any other choice.” Sara pointed out as she tried to step around her mum, but was stopped when Karen grabbed her shoulders and forced Sara to look her in the eyes.

     “You always have a choice Sara!” Karen snapped at her.

     “I know, but a choice that doesn’t lead to people dying?” Sara asked almost pleadingly. “How would you feel if you were the parent of the child Spike kills tomorrow if I don’t meet him at midnight?” Sara asked, as she tried to make her mum understand the reason for her going.

     “I could be the parent in morning Sara! Don’t you understand that?” Karen said as she pulled Sara into a hug with her.

     “Yes I understand that mum, but at least I stand a better chance of coming back.” Sara said trying to calm her mum back down as she felt her shaking is her arms.

     “Normally I’d agree sweetie, but at the minute you’re nothing more than a teenage girl yourself.” Karen explained her worry for Sara’s well being if she faced this crazy vampire and his witch girlfriend.

     “Sheana and Prue will be there to back me up mum, so if things get out of hand, they will be there to help out.” Sara said as she played down the meeting, even if she didn’t feel any better about it herself still.

     “I do understand your reason for going Sara, but I don’t have to like it.” Karen said as she hugged Sara even tighter. “Just come back to me alive and in one piece.” Karen added with a sigh.

    Dinner was a quiet affair with little being said. Sara and Sheana still did the dishes after they had all eaten desert. Jenna helped them like she normally did, and then it was a waiting game as they watched the clock slowly move its way around to midnight. Sara had morphed into her Slayer armour, so she could get used to the tight corset on her tender belly. Sheana had also done the same so she could check to make sure she did have some magic in her. It turned out Hypatia was right, and Sheana could feel the magic flowing from the crystals in the suit and making her feel much better, but she could still feel the drop in power to what she normally felt.

     “How you feeling now sis?” Sara asked Sheana as she watched her magical sister forming a blue ball of energy in one hand.

     “I feel good Slayer.” Sheana grinned as she sucked the blue ball of magic back into her suit. “I wish I had the power to make you stronger, but I fear it would leave me with nothing more to offer if I did.” Sheana added with a pout.

     “I’d take you over a power boost any day sis.” Sara said as she stepped over and pulled Sheana into a hug with her. “I have a feeling it will take more than just strength to win against this version of Spike anyway sis.” Sara added with a smile when they broke the hug.

    Prue entered the bedroom dressed in her black hunting gear like they had all worn the night they rescued the men in black from the Krennan demons. Everyone in the pub had seen Prue with the Slayer, so Prue never bothered with the balaclava this time, but she did have a gift for Sara.

     “I want you to have this, so if you get a chance you can drive it through Spike’s heart.” Prue said as she handed Sara a solid silver spike. “If you can’t drive it into his chest, just stick it any place you can, and it will slow him down enough for you to drive a wooden stake through his heart.” Prue explained.

     “Vampires don’t like silver?” Sara asked as she looked at the shiny silver stake in her hand.

     “It’s poison to us Sara, but only if it’s driven into the body.” Prue said. “Get that into him, and he won’t be much stronger than you are right now.” Prue added with a grin.

     “I feel our odds going up all the time.” Sara smiled as she slipped the silver spike into her boot out of sight.

     “Just keep it nice and simple Sara. If you see a chance to end this, just do it.” Prue said as she looked Sara in the eyes, or the Slayer in the red tinted sunglasses that hid Sara’s eyes. “Spike’s ego may be his down fall if he’s true to form and wants to entertain the crowd like I expect he will.” Prue added looking smug.

     “He won’t be so cocky when I’ve done with him.” Sara said in her sexy slayer voice with a smile.

     “Just remember Slayer, keep it simple, and don’t let him get to you with his banter.” Prue warned when she saw the smug smile on Sara’s face.

    Prue was still having serious doubts about Sara facing Spike while not having her powers to help her. She’d seen Spike in action, and even she worried about facing someone of his age and abilities.

    Sara, Sheana and Prue all returned to the kitchen where Karen, Sandy and Jenna were all sat at the table looking worried. Karen was up out her seat and running over to hug all three girls looking worried for them.

     “You be careful, and come back to me.” Karen warned as she hugged all three girls at the same time. “You two did get all your homework done right?” Karen suddenly said. This made them all laugh at the bizarre question.

     “Would you ground us if we said no?” Sara asked with a giggle, which sounded so different to Karen’s ears, due to the voice device Sara was using to sound older.

     “Yes I would young lady. Slayer or no Slayer, you’re still my child and I want you to keep up to date with your homework.” Karen scolded Sara.

     “Well I’m sorry to disappoint you mother, but Sheana and I got all our homework done when we got in from school.” Sara smiled as she gave her mother another hug.

    Sara took one last look at her mobile and saw she had a bunch of missed calls from Jo. Sara had put her phone on silent when she got home from school, she couldn’t stand to listen to him try and talk her out of doing what she was about to do. Sara had half expected him turning up on the doorstep, but luckily he hadn’t. Sara had no idea what she was going to say to him tomorrow, that’s if he was even talking to her still by then.

     “He’s going to be upset with you tomorrow.” Sandy said when she saw the missed calls on her sister’s phone.

     “I’ll worry about that tomorrow sis.” Sara said as she gave Sandy a hug.

     “You do that baby sister; now go send this Spike asshole on a one way trip to hell with a one way first class ticket.” Sandy said sounding like a bossy big sister should.

    Sara gave her mum, sister and Jenna another hug before she stood and waited for Prue and Sheana to do the same. Then Sara got ready to blink herself, while Sheana got ready to blink her and Prue over to the pub, or just outside the place. In a flash Sara found herself stood outside the pub, and then a second later she was joined by Sheana and Prue.

     “How you doing Witch?” Sara asked to make sure Sheana still had some juice left for later if they needed it.

     “Just fine Slayer; now focus on the matter at hand.” Sheana said as she started walking towards the pub before Sara could ask anything else that could give this Spike a clue that something was wrong with them both.

    Understanding the reason for Sheana speaking like she did, Sara soon got into her Slayer mode and walked quickly to catch up with Sheana and then enter the pub with Sheana and Prue on either side of her. It didn’t take Sara long to spot which one Spike was. Sara had to admit that the real life spike did look a little like the Spike from the TV Show, but he looked bigger and much more powerful. The main difference between the Spikes was the fact this one had a long blond ponytail and wore an expensive looking suit while holding a walking cane. Sara found herself thinking he looked more like an elf from the lord of the rings movies.

     “Bout bloody time you showed up darling.” Spike said as he slammed his cane into the ground as he sat up in the chair he was seated on in the middle of the room. “Thought you were going to chicken out and not show.” He added as he picked up the glass of red wine, or something else that looked red which Sara really didn’t want to think about.

     “I make it still five to midnight, so I’m not late.” Sara’s sexy Slayer voice said as she stepped up to the table with Sheana and Prue stood just behind her.

     “Where are my manners?” Spike said just before he kicked another chair out at the table he was seated at. “Take the weight off your pins for a bit while we have a bleeding chat.” Spike added.

    Sara would have preferred to remain standing, but she also remembered what Hypatia said about trying to get out of the place without it becoming a fight to the death, or whatever you called it when you staked a vampire, due to them already being dead.

     “Thank you.” Sara nodded her head as she took the offered seat and sat down facing Spike.

     “Join me for a drink?” Spike asked as he suddenly produced a second glass and then a bottle of wine or Sara still hopes it was wine.

     “Thanks for the offer, but I’m fine at the minute.” Sara said as she put a gloved hand over the top of the empty glass to stop Spike pouring anything into it.

     “I can get you a tankard of ale. I know you drink that.” Spike grinned as he remembered the Slayer having a drinking contest with Armen the landlord.

    Sara thought she was going to be sick at the thought of ever drinking ale again, but she managed to force it back down while keeping a cool look on her face. “You wanted a meeting so we could talk, not so you could wine and dine me.” Sara said in a cool voice. “I know you have a thing for Slayers’ but I’m really not interested. I like my dates to have a pulse.” Sara added the last bit in a whisper.

     “Don’t get me bleeding started on that subject.” Spike snapped looking more than a little upset about it. “I never should have compelled that yank to put me and Dru in his telly show.” Spike added as he calmed himself down again.

     “Why did you get him to put you in his Buffy show, if you knew there was a chance you’d become a laughing stock because of it?” Sara asked. “Come to think of it Spike, how did you get him to put you in his show?”

     “Said I’d bloody bite him if he didn’t.” He shrugged. “Beginning to wish I’d bit him anyway now.” Spike grumbled just before taking another sip from his glass. “So what’s your story then Slayer? Do you have a first name, or is it just Slayer?” Spike asked.

     “Slayer will do just fine for now.” Sara said with a smile.

     “I’m planning to kill you tonight darling, so there won’t be any other time for us to chat like this.” Spike said in a calm voice as he poured himself another glass of wine out. “I can’t have you going round killing my fellow vampires, even if some of them are wankers and they do deserve it like those two the other night.” Spike added just before he picked up his glass again.

     “Our first date and you already want to kill me? I must be slipping, or I just need to find a better perfume.” Sara joked, not wanting to sound scared. “I think you’ll find I’m not that easy to kill.” Sara pointed out.

     “This isn’t a date you tramp!” A raven haired woman snapped as she lunged for Sara, but was stopped by Spike’s cane being raised and forcing the angry woman to take a step back.

     “Calm down Dru baby. She’s just trying to get a rise out of us.” Spike said in a calm voice. “I’ve not done talking with her yet.” He added as he lowered his cane once Drusilla had taken a step back and was now stood just behind Spike.

     “I think the Drusilla in the TV show was prettier.” Sara said as she looked the real Drusilla up and down. She found it hard to believe this woman was a witch and a vampire. Sara thought she looked a little plain and boring.

     “I’m going to kill you for that bitch!” Drusilla shouted as she went for Sara again, but was once again stopped by spike.

     “Dru darling, don’t make me tell you again.” Spike said through gritted teeth. “Step back and shut up until daddy's done speaking.” Spike said in a calm cold voice that must have had more meaning to Drusilla than anyone else, because she did as he was told looking worried.

     “We can carry on this chat another night if you and your unstable girlfriend need time to sort out your relationship.” Sara said as she tried to get Drusilla to attack again. Sara had pulled the silver spike out her boot and was ready to drive it through Drusilla’s heart this time.

     “Dru and I have all the time in the world, unlike you Slayer.” Spike pointed out. “But I would like to know what made you think you were a Slayer?” Spike asked.

     “I just wanted to meet interesting people like you William, and then kill you.” Sara said in a cold hard voice as she gripped her hand around the silver stake.

     “Do you have your very own Angel lurking in the shadows? Just waiting to come to your rescue?” Spike asked in a mocking tone.

     “I’m sorry, but I don’t have an Angel, or an Edward to protect me.” Sara smiled. “Don’t tell me that you want to be my Edward.” Sara added with a grin.

    Sara had finally struck a nerve with Spike as he flipped the table out the way, sending it flying into a group of demons stood near the bar. Sara used the time to form the helmet around her head to offer a little more protection from any blows he got in above her shoulders.

    Even though Sara was still quicker than a normal human, she was still much slower than her normal Slayer self, which was a bad thing with how fast Spike was. He had already got in a couple of good body blows while Sara was trying to find a good way to attack. Spike was hitting her with so much force that she could feel each blow even with the protection spell and dragon skin armour.

    Sara didn’t like the way this fight was going, or more of a beating actually, due to her not being able to keep track of Spike to even try and stick the silver spike in him.

     “You’re the same Slayer that defeated a Krennan? I find that hard to bleeding believe looking at you now.” Spike said as he moved at lightning speed and came at Sara from the side as he drew a long thin blade from his walking cane and spun round on Sara with it.

    Thanks to the protection spell and the dragon armour, the blade never cut her, but the force of the blow was enough to knock Sara off her feet. She was just getting back up again when she felt a blow to the base of her spine that knocked her back down again as she let out a scream of pain. Sara had felt a sharp stab in the lower part of her back just before it ripped up and down into her legs. The thing that worried Sara more than the pain in her back was the fact she could no longer feel her legs.

    Prue could tell by the scream of pain Sara just let out, something was wrong. She also noticed that Sara was trying to drag herself across the floor without moving her legs. Prue was quick to attack Spike while Sheana kept an eye on Drusilla.

     “Slayer! Get out of here now!” Prue shouted as she kept Spike busy.

     “Do you really think you’re a match for me Prudence?” Spike asked as he tried to attack her with his blade.

     “Why don’t you fight me and find out?” Prue said blocking his path to Sara, who was still sat on the floor behind her.

    Prue had grabbed the silver stake from Sara’s hand on her way to block his path towards Sara, so she was able to keep him back for a short time, but Prue was soon over powered and found the silver blade taken off her and then driven into her own shoulder. Prue looked shocked that the silver spike had got through the protection spell Sheana had made for her, but she was in too much pain to think about it at the minute.

    Sheana saw that Prue was in trouble, and she had no choice but to grab her and blink the two of them to safety. Sheana just hoped Sara was able to do the same.

    Sara was still trying to fight the pain in her back and the numb feeling in her legs as she saw Spike step over her. She looked up just in time to see him punch her right in the face, or mask, as she still had it protecting her head. That was the last thing Sara remembered.

     “Now I plan to peel you out of that suit like I was peeling an orange.” Spike said to the slumped form lying on the ground, but just before he had time to start, she suddenly vanished. “No!” He shouted as he saw his victory taken from him in blink of an eye.

    The pub didn’t seem too bothered by the fact Spike didn’t get to see the life drain from the Slayer’s eyes; They were all cheering the fact Spike just beat the slayer.

    Spike and Drusilla were looking forward to tasting the slayers blood, but seeing her beaten on the floor would have to do, and Spike had felt something break in the Slayer’s back when he kicked her, so even if she lived, she’d be in a wheelchair for the rest of her life.


    Hypatia had been sat with Samantha in the study focusing on the scene at the pub when she was suddenly on her feet and running for the hallway after hearing Sheana shouting for some help with Prue.

     “Prue’s been stabbed with a silver blade!” Sheana said in a panic. “I need to blink back and help Sara.” Sheana added as she turned to blink back to the pub, just as Sara appeared on the floor in the hallway.

    Sara wasn’t moving which worried Sheana and the others. Hypatia picked Sara up while Sheana and Samantha helped get Prue up to the healing room. Hypatia lay Sara on the bed in the middle of the room and then put a hand to Sara’s forehead before focusing on making Sara’s slayer armour retract for her.

     “You foolish child. I warned you not to fight him like this.” Hypatia said to the unconscious girl.

     “Will she be okay?” Sheana asked once she and Samantha got Prue sat in a chair so Hypatia could pull the stake out and help to heal the wound.

     “We’ll know better once she wakes up, but from what I sensed in her mind as Spike kicked her in the back, I think her back has been broken.” Hypatia said looking worried.


To Be Continued Next Tuesday  


Story by SaraUK


Edited and Posted by SamanthaK

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i hope sara will be all right.

Oh noes not good, hopefully

Oh noes not good, hopefully Sara's back will heal if not maybe Sheana can fix it when her periods over, soon as she's better and over her period she'll definitely have to teach him a lesson if not outright kill him.

Also lets hope Prue gets well soon.

What worries me is Sara and Sheana wont be at school in the morning, being the only 2 females not in attendance could tip off the MIB to Sara and Sheana being Slayer and Witch. I dont see a way to effectively cover their absence,maybe if Sheana had made Sara and Sheana rings Karen and Sandy could have covered for them at school.

Looking forward to seeing whats next, thanks for sharing your story Sara, it's a favorite of mine.

Lizzie :)


Bailey's Angel
The Godmother :p


What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Let's hope it work for Sara.

Oh dear it does not look good

I knew there was no way to avoid the fight. There will be quite a bit of lost ground consequently as Spike can now rally other vamps to his cause. It could very well mean that this sets the Slayer up for a showdown which might involve her bringing the Kremin to the battle.
