Don't Blame Me I'm A Martian-5

Don’t Blame Me I’m A Martian-5

Chapter 5

Kaylee’s hand felt so…so…oh..good. There was this tickle tingle that turned to warmth that danced in under the skin there and was spreading through me. It’s so hard to explain it in guy terms. Nothing like having your balls licked or sucked on but more equal to a light touch on the sensitive underside of a guy’s penis. As good as sensitive and erotic as that but still Totally different.


It also had and effect below the belt too. It was so alienly erotic I had the hardest uhm hard on ever. It hurt, I actually hurt I was so stiff. Kaylee was a really good kisser, and my nipples were feeling really funny, achy but in a good way. I was breathing hard and panting when she broke our kisses. Her hand slid over my crotch. “Whoa.” she breathed.

“What…Uhm..oh..sorry!” I was aroused but kind of embarrassed from popping a boner with this girl I just met.

“Oh, hey no. Dylan it’s cool I’m just not really ready for like sex right now.”

“I…I…I didn’t mean to?” I bite my lip and stare at her. “It just happened after what you were doing.” I turn red but wave my hand over my starter boobs.

“Really, like a girl huh, so they’re really real huh? Not just some like fat growths or some dumb bet right?”

“Yeah they’re real.” I hunch and kind of cross my arms over me to sort of hide them.


Mood, boner…gone.

I’ve seen girls do that, just get upset and the sexy cuddly fun just goes away too. Now it’s kind of making me feel like a freak. I’m actually trying really hard not to cry right now.

“Dylan?” She looks at me quietly leaning in to talk to me. “Dylan, did I do something wrong?”

“I though you listened back there Kaylee, this isn’t a joke or some just easy fix thing. I’m some kind of freak and I’m never going to be normal. You made it sound like I was doing this on purpose…made it feel like you were just trying to check me out.”

“I was, I mean I was like curious. I wanted to see if they were like real. I didn’t mean it to be like I was trying to be like some kind of asshole. I kind of like you Dylan. You’re a nice guy. You’ve taken a bad situation and you’re trying to turn it into a positive. I kinda needed to know if this girl stuff with you was going to wig me out.”

I look at her. She’s really pretty, tanned with just a bit of freckles hiding out. Strawberry blonde hair, brown eyes but really big ones. Nice boobs, in good shape sort of, a bit skinny actually like her curves are catching up with her height. A bit of a geeky type or was I’d have to say. She looks like she’s in that coming into her own thing.

I bite my lower lip again. “Oh sorry…I’m just all over the place with all these hormones.”

“Seriously?” She asks while moving to sit beside me.

“Oh yeah, according to the docs I’ve got probably as much estrogen running through me as you do.” I kind of relax and lean back supporting myself with my arms and I’m not sure if I should be upset by the fact this kind of makes my starter boobs stick out a bit more. Like I said I’m not sure because…

If you’re a boy with boobs is it a good thing to get checked out by a cute girl? I mean like boob checked?

“Whoa, that’s freaky…Oh shit Dylan! I’m sorry poor choice of words! I’m sorry!” Her eyes get all big and she covers her mouth embarrassed but she kept having to move her hand to talk. It was way funny.

“It’s cool, I know you didn’t mean it like to hurt me and yeah it is freaky.” I smile at her.

“You know Dylan no girl’d ever admit this to a guy but being a teen girl has some serious sucky parts.”

“Oh yeah, I’m not in your shoes but it’s like my sneakers are starting to sport Minolo heels.”

Kaylee laughs and snorts at the end of it. I grin at her. She leans on my shoulder.

“See that’s part of it. I had a few guy friends before I hit puberty, then I started to fill out and that was cool because y’know I don’t want to be alone and stuff like anyone else. But they treat me different now, like being their friend is like more than it was back then and they don’t take me as seriously as before like my boobs are proportional to my brains. But you know what’s the worst part? The hormones, the mood swings aren’t like the me I used to be and I’m either way happy, or sad, or angry all at the drop of a hat.”

“Oh yeah, sigh me up of the good spaceship bi-polar too. Only I’ve got a double dose.”

“Double dose?”

“Yeah, the genius doctors say I’m also dumping out the same amount of guy hormones as any normal guy my age so I get all the stuff you’re going through plus the random walking boner thing, the aggression thing which dovetails just nicely into when I get a girly angry mood. I’m just waiting until something happens when I’m going through my monthly fun days and my testosterone spikes me even angry and my head actually, literally explodes.”

“Wait, wait…waddayamean monthly fun?” Kaylee is staring at me eyes wide like I’m…I’m…Well a space alien.

“Yeah, I get these floods of something through my system for a couple of days each month or well so far at least and I bloat, feel queasy, get cramps from hell and all that fun.”

“Hey at least you don’t bleed, ugh I hate that. But It’s got to be so fucking weird for you.”

“Yeah.” She reaches an arm around me and hugs me. It feels good, but… “Kaylee?”


“Am I heading into the friend zone?”

I turn my head to look at her. We’re really close face to face and she shyly smiles then kisses me. We start making out and necking and even get into some heavy petting. Her hands on my starter boobs, mine on her starter boobs we don’t go further than that but it’s the most intense thing I think we’ve ever done. I hurt, I really hurt I’m so turned on but we don’t go there. We break our bouts of kissing panting and aching over one and other.

I think part of me likes this agonizing, teasing up and not getting the relief bit. My body is going through this almost intense buzz from the need and yet…it’s like I can deal? Oh this has to be some girl thing, I never got this feeling from Amy. I’m not even sure what this is. It’s this sexual/emotional knife edge thing.

There’s a cough and Jax is standing over us. “Yo, Dylan it’s getting late and stuff. We should take off. I’m running Jillian home…” He gives me this look. I’m not a total idiot and pick up on it. I smile at Kaylee. “Did you want a lift home?”

“Yeah sure just let me get my stuff?”

Jillian goes with her and while they don’t look like they run together like most girls it seems that there’s this communal thing that they kind of do. It’s like going to the bathroom in groups. I’m not sure that I get that. I help Jax clean up and put out the fire and just make sure everything’s safe and put back even cleaning up some of the litter that was here before we got here. If we actually take care of it and the other places we hang out at then people don’t really care that we hang out there or here because we’re pretty good kids. Heck that even cuts us a bit of slack with the local cops who don’t hassle us like other bunches of kids.

We get in the car and take off and I’m in the back seat with Kaylee while Jax is driving and Jillian’s got the shotgun seat. We don’t gotta be right home, but Jax calls in and says we’re taking the girls out for some ice cream. Ten minutes later we’re outside of Dairy Queen and Jax and I are digging into some burgers and fries with a shared order of onion rings and the girls are tucking into their ice creams. I was just gonna have the same but as soon as I smelled the cooking burgers I new wanted burgers. It’s weird too I’m not a French fry guy, I mean I’ll eat them but I’m not a huge fan of them usually. But tonight they taste really good with the fat and grease and the salt.

It’s funny even though they’re eating their ice cream the girls are still snacking on our fries but neither one wants us to go get them their own order. I think it’s another girl thing.

We listen to the tunes of summer in the car as we cruise around and even sing along to some of the songs. I’m a Bon Jovi fan, it’s kinda an East coast thing and I grew up on these tunes. I really get into “It’s My Life.” It seems just to fit my mood and sort of what’s going on with me. There’s some Def Leopard and Styxx and Bread being played too but I like some of the stuff Jax has downloaded. We’re all singing along to “American Pie.” As we pull down the beach road to let Jillian off first because she’s got to work tomorrow.

Jax spends some time with her at her door and seeing them making out has Kaylee take my head and kiss me too and I’m back into a make out session hot and heavy as Jax get’s in and drives us over to the cottage place where Kaylee and her family are staying. I remember this sweet kind of feeling from the kissing and touching and feeling each other until we’re getting right back to that point on the beach again in the back seat. There’s the dash lights shining in from the front, and the flicker of the street lights in through the back window as we drive under then and Bon Jovi’s “In these arms tonight” is playing as we kiss and make out.

I get out and pull the seat ahead and help Kaylee out of the car and hold her hand as I walk her to the steps beside the patio of the cottage. I’s kiss her and stuff but there’s people there on the patio and so I hug her and we trade off our information each programming the others stuff into the phone. I do notice though I’m getting some pretty odd looks from some of the people there and not all of them are friendly looks either. There’s a mixture and I’m not sure if they know who I am or not or the fact that it kind of looks like their daughter got back from a date with a butch girl.

I still can’t help but to smile at her and walk backwards as I head to the car and give everyone my guy nod and a “Nice night everyone.” And get into the shotgun seat with Jax. He gets us out of there and once we’re safely away he cranks up the speed and switches playlists to AC/DC and Van Halen and the heavier old school rock bands.

Hey this stuff might seem dated to some people and it’s weird that a fifteen year old listens to it but this is New Jersey, and good old rock never dies here. It just gets passed down from generation to generation like the family red sauce recipe.

We pull into home eventually and we get our things and I look at Jax then out of the blue I hug him. It’s a bit embarrassing but I’m overcome by the flood of emotions and just how cool a big brother he is and the fact the night did a total switch around to the ways that my days had been going.

“Thanks Jax, I really needed this.”

“Uhm, yeah sure…I mean it’s cool and everything.” He’s blushing and I’m blushing too and feeling well just weird. It’s like I can see him in this weird different light or something. Tall, strong, a good guy under all that well…Jax, there’s a guy there that’s a lot like our dad.

“G’nite Dylan.” And he just has to ruin the effect a bit by ruffling my hair. I head off to my trailer and stow my stuff and grab my other stuff and go and hit the showers. Getting washed and uhm my hands roaming sort of where Kaylee’s were gets me all going again and I have to take matters into my own hand…hands…it’s so different because yeah I have a hand touching myself and sort of playing with my breasts and stuff and it sends what’s normally something I’ve gotten used to…into something more…It hurt, I uhm released more and harder than I’m used too and I’m so glad I’m the only one there because I know I made some noises. Hell my legs nearly gave out from under me.

Afterwards is even weird. I dry off carefully and head back to my trailer and to bed but there’s this kind of skin warm, lighter, strangely good feeling afterwards. I slip into my boxer briefs and a loose t-shirt that mom bought and I curl into my covers and slip into this really nice sleep.


The next morning I woke feeling pretty good. I slept a really good night’s sleep and was out with everyone else in the morning. Breakfast was pretty typical with bacon and eggs, pancakes and Special K with some bananas cut up into it.

I go over to where Hillary is sitting eating her breakfast and sit across from her. She looks at me through bleary no make up eyes and takes a few gulps of coffee before asking me.

“Hey Dylan, what’s up?”

“I need to talk to you, kind of need some big sisterly advice.”

She looks surprised and takes another gulp of her coffee. “Okay sure what about?”

“Girl’s and the way that they feel about sex and making out.” I saw looking right at her.
“Whoa, what happened last night did you meet a boy?” her eyes scanned me a bit.

“Uhg!!! (Insert swear) no! It’s not that at all, I met a girl.”

“Really so you want some advice on how to be with her?”

“No not exactly but it’s more like this. We were making out and she got uhm…well she got her hand up and was caressing my uhm…breasts which kinda felt great but it was scary. But the more we did stuff the more um turned on I got but it wasn’t like before, like all the other times I’d get turned on and stuff. This was different it kinda felt good to be right on the edge of stuff even if I was like ready but like not ready and that just seemed to make it better….am I going nuts? I just want to know if this was normal Hill?”

She looks at me and grins. “Yeah it’s sort of normal. I mean it’s like not really normal for a guy and stuff but if you’re asking if it’s a girl thing then yeah, it’s normal. A lot of girls kinda like the feels all building up before something like sex or even heavy making out. You kinda just fall into that achy good fun haze of someone finding you sexy and attractive and it’s as much about all the little stuff with girl’s Dylan. We get really into someone he can make you dream about them and a good kiss can leave you all achy but you want that because once you get through those intense feelings them there’s even more later on. That make’s it feel even more intense and exciting and you just…”

I nod. “Yeah, it was kind of like the more I wanted more, the more that I wanted that on the edge feeling to keep going. I never got that charged up before. I mean…I mean what does that mean Hill? Am I going through more stuff making me a girl? Am I gay?”

She gets up and moves around the picnic table to sit beside me. I lean into her as she wraps an arm around my shoulders. “Honestly Dylan I don’t think you’re getting any more girly than you are supposed to get. I do think with all the hormones and stuff with your body having both genders stuff going on in it and I think that you’re getting stuff from both sides. From what I see it’s you getting the chance to feel what most of us girls feel when most guys never get how we feel when we get swept up in things. As for being gay? I don‘t know a lot of gay guys that talk like that about feeling stuff like that. I can‘t say what‘s going to happen Dylan but I‘ll be here as much as I can for you.”

I nod but lean on her. I’ve been feeling way more comfortable with Hillary and last night hugging Jax it’s like I’m becoming someone else. Actually it’s kinda closer to when I was younger with Jax, I got some of that big brother majik back. I never really had this with Hillary being her pesky baby brother. This is nice, I kind of like this happy glow I’m getting like she’s got my back. She’s never had my back before. I lean my head on her shoulder and hug her back. “It’s worth it.”

“What’s worth it?”

“This…all the stuff going on with me. It’s all worth it Hill. I wouldn’t want to change things if I lost this.” I’m crying a little my emotions getting the better of me with the hormones and stuff. She looks at me in my eyes and then she’s crying too and we’re holding each other having this sisterly moment and I swear I can feel it reaching inside my soul somewhere, that sort of place where I picture my twin lives in me and it’s like she’s getting her first bit of human contact and love from her family. We actually end up crying really hard for about a minute. It’s like this heavy cloud burst of pure emotion then it’s over and we’re smiling and wiping at our eyes.

Mom and dad come over with their food and look at us. “Is everything okay?” Dad asks. I nod still wiping away tears. “I was just asking Hill some questions about girl stuff.” Mom smiles but adds. “You could have always have asked me when you’ve got questions like that.”

“Yeah I know mom. I maybe should hav…”

Hill cuts in with. “But it’s stuff that he wasn’t really into talking to a parent mom, I mean did you talk making out stuff with grandma?”

I blush and dad gives me this closed mouth smile his mouth already full of hash browns. Hill and I both take a slice of his bacon while mom takes and sausage round. It’s weird am I matching my behavior to the girls? Dad rolls his eyes and there’s something teasingly fun about this?

Mom looks at us and nods while eating then wipes her mouth off. “So crisis averted?”

I smile at her then dad and lean against Hill again who filches another rasher of dad’s bacon. “Yeah, and I just really got to realizing how cool a big sister I’ve got.” That get’s Hill hugging me tightly and I steal the piece of bacon she stole from dad then smile and break it in half. The parents are grinning at each other. Dad takes a piece of paper out of his pocket and passes it to me.

“One of your Grand-dad’s friends needs some work done and stuff. You get done eating and bike over there. It sounds like a decent bit of work for a few weeks.”

I look at the address and it’s pretty far out of town down along the water. Hill looks it over. “I’m going partway there, you can toss the bike in the back.” I get up and hug everyone and tell Hill. “I’m going to get changed into my work clothes and I’ll meet you by your jeep?”

“Ya sure.” We hug again.

I go and change. Deodorant spray, under arm stuff. It’s odd that guy’s Right Guard Sport kind of goes with my Dove underarm stuff. I let it kind of dry as I get my clothes ready. Some sunscreen and spritz some fly dope on. I put some on my sneakers and get into my levi’s and put on a fresh bra, just one of my simple ones and a light tee over that and a plaid workshirt. I head out getting a few bottles of water and a Gatorade and a few granola bars. Mom gives me a waffle sandwich wrapped in waxed paper and a hug and then Me and Hill take off and we drive away to the four way stop. We stop for gas on the way and I see Amy.

She’s in a denim mini skirt and a black tee shirt that shows off her navel with her belly button stud and stuff. She looks different, better in a way I can’t place. I go over to her and she stares at me. Shock written all over her face. “Dylan…? Uhm…You’ve got Boobs…”

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