MissHellsdottir's blog

rain keeps faling

So I finally got a figure on what my pension would be. Due to my 'young' >so not laughing< age of 34 they are retiring me, I would have about 545 euros a month. It's a very good thing that I'm a civil servant so that up's to 1236 euro a month conditionally >aka can't work or they take the supplement away and if I go over 5000 euro I lose the entire pension<.

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I got a truck load of lemons this month.

Started of with getting a phonecall from my sister that my mom was heading to the ER with hartproblems. Gave us all quiet a scare but although she isn't up and ready to run a marathon, or just go to work,she's doing more or less OK. Only had to stay in the hospital over the weekend for observation and is already nagging again ;) >sad smile<. And I seem partially responsible for it due to the etra stress my workproblems are giving her :(

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as charged by myself

As in guilty as charged. Feeling guilty about not reacting mutch to the post here for one, thaking a leave of absence from the fleet for another and some other stuff.

Also don't get why peepz keep telling me I'm a great person. I really am not

Feeling way down and useless, >ad a lot ofother stuff <... All the stuff at work isn't helping either 'cause the keep pushing the 'useless' side of things.Missing that LGBT youth group. Heck missing every group I was ^part of.

Sorry to be buggingyou eepz with this


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Wednesday I have a 2h jobinterview at the same employer but a different departement. Not my favorite job (accounting) but I can't really chose a job. It's only an internship at the moment but it would nullify the verdict of the retireent commission if I would get the job and there's a chance to get get it after the internship

Also applying for another job that is closer to y intrest although it's also partially accounting (account manager for subsidising sports).

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It's july the 11th, Flanders national holiday (not to be mixed up with july 21st, the belgian national holiday). Still 2,5 weeks to go to my b-day.

>sigh< Still waiting on the official letter from the Retirement Commission and people getting back to me about what the amount would be for my pension.

Thinking about taking aleave of absence from the guild I'm adjunct guild leader of (not the best of time with a big game update comming up) due to not having my head straight (the drama in the last week doesn't help either).

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Rien ni vas plus

Some of the peepz here know this already. I have been having problems at work for a few years now. For one due to the fact that they don't want to admit that there's a problem.

So one of the last steps in this drama happened tuesday when I got called before the retirement commission. Due to the fact that there isn't a dossier against my direct supervisor I'll be retired in a maximum of 3 months (so before october and this only if the main office doesn't decide to retire my as of next month against advice of the commission).

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requiem for a dream

I forgot who said this "without purpose there is no life". I would like to add 'and dreams'. Just 'buried' one in the past week. Not accepted it but lost hope in every getting it fulfilled due to several different reasons.

Made my head 'misfire' a few times this week and am extremely tired. >sigh<

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Ok, so this is little old me with my brand new butch haircut :) which, according to some guys I know, makes me look cute. This way you peepz know who you are talking with ;p mtc.jpg

PS Why is it always guys that call me cute???? Have never been able to figure that one out .... go figure

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addy 2

When I was bringing my mom to the trainstation (ok with 2 stop in between, getting petfood for the cats and one very long one in the café :d) I had a GP passing by from the external health service of my employer. Checking up on me. Ok that's twice in not even a week that I had a check-up. What are they going to do??? Contradict their own firm/collegues??? >first one confirmed my leave from work till the summer which is officially sick leave while I'm NOT sick)< Grmbl so here I am.

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Last evenings appointement was replaced with an appointement this morning at the main office. After a, not even, 2 minute chat the GP endorsed the demand from my employer to retire me :(:(:(:(. So I'll be waiting for the summons of the retirment commission now.

Still weirded out 'cause the want to retire me for medical reason while I'm >insert curse words< not even sick. Okay maybe I have the start of a cold at the moment (freezing at night and in the 18 °C in te afternoon)

Not feeling to swell

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work again

It official euhmz in a non-official way. My HRM is getting the paperwork ready for an apperance by yours truly before the retirement commission (civil sevice -> always with commissions >shakes head<) and will normally file them friday, just before the weekend. This means I should get my copy of the filing letter somewhere around monday or tuesday next week. If al goes to procedure I should have an advisory from the outsource health/sick service in the 2 weeks following (which can be only a letter or a doctor visit, the later followed by a letter).

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Domo arigato gozaimasu >bow<

It makes almost 3 years since I decided to 'join up' here. (going at 2y and 45 weeks at the moment).

Still no solution to any of my problems (see previous blogs) Just wanted to thank you peepz for
cheering me up with your stories and the few mails I received. You peepz together with a few other
online friends are what keeps me hoping for better days and not just plain giving up and 'freezing'
everthing out. Okay my pets also helped with that :).


Lynne aka Kage no Inu

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Grew up with a lot of veterans around me and with the stories they told me. I'm not talking about the politicans or if a war is right. I'm talking about the women and men that did the sweating, the bleeding and, sadly enough, the dying. Maurice (kind of grandpa/ KW vet Be), Tom (friend of Maurice / KO vet Be, Joe (J Hess/KW vet US), Thank you for spending time with a kid. To every vet's and the women and men currently in uniform, thank you.

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1 euro, 2 cent's, 15 euro,...

Not mtuch changed since my last blog. Passed the written part of drivers ed, made my mom, sisters, niece and the respectieve SO's eat sushi during my B)day dinner and, ..., I'm still officially on sickleave which is getting to be a real drag (understatement).

Looking for a car to buy for the hands on part of drivers ed (it seems to people outside Belgium that we have a weird drivers ed system or so I'm told). And that is making me count every cent. Especially with winter around the corner and the need for 'mazout' and gas.

PS starting to wonder who's been or lived in Belgium here

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which means food in dutch.

It been a while since I was able to cook for people which i been doing of and on again for groups (starting at min 10) since I was 15yo. Miss making dinners and stressing about it. If I'm alone I would care less what I'm eating as long as it's palable. Lolz I even like A and C rat's.

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knock knock ... anyone home??

Started seeing a shrink/therapist/getting help with as a goal GRS, when I was 17yo. Got the okay in 2003 (witch resuleted of the GRS being in 2004) with 1 commentary. Namely probable personality development disorder (hope I got the right group name in english). Didn't care mutch about it at the time, but as usually those things kind of bite you in the ass when your aren't looking.

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Honey I'm home ... more or less

It's been a long since I logged into BC and I went looking for my previous posts.

How do things change??? My last post was 2 GF hitter and I'm back to being alone and hikemori to use a japanese expession. I went as stealth as possible but was more or less forst to be a voice for the T part of LGBTQI (bummer if you are the only one in about 30 people that can speak for the T part at meetings from an LGBTQI group -_- there goes the stealth at work).

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time of year

It's that 'time again. Just past one of the worst parts of the year when I'm alone and I'm, again, waiting for my scores on the exames. Lucky me, the're only 2 but ,aaargh, the waiting is more stressfull then the exames themselfs.

I'm starting to think that the 'waiting'thing is really not for me, bwah.

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