leeanna19's blog

Writing As Therapy?

I have told people before that I write to help me cope with what I am. A trans woman in self-denial too scared to come out. I don't feel it as strong as many of you ladied. I just feel I would lose so much if I did.

I have never considered suicide, well not for that. Depression nearly drove me to it, partly due to gender issues.

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When you "Came Out" who was more accepting?

After posting my last story about a trans boy coming out to his parents, I wondered which sex is most accepting.

Did you find mother's, sisters, grandmothers or aunts. Or were the males more accepting.

In my story the character was devastated that his mother rejected him, where his father accepted his longing to be a woman.

This was meant to be a twist. I just (wrongly?) assumed that women would be more likely to sympathise.

Was I wrong?

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USA People die because they can't afford drugs?

Not coming from the USA I don't know if it's true. Do people die because they can't afford drugs?

In the Uk we have the NHS, while not perfect, almost everything is virtually free.

I have type 2 diabetes, high bp, high cholesterol and asthma.I appear reasonably healthy though. I take 8 pills in the morning and 4 at night. My prescription drugs are in a carrier bag when I pick them up from the pharmacy.

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British Cycling and trans women ban - Sponser pulls out

The main sponser for the Women’s CiCLE Classic race which has banned trans cyclist Emily Bridges, has pulled out due to the ban.

Peter Stanton has sponsored the race since its 2016 inception but withdrew his support on Tuesday after he said British Cycling made the "totally unacceptable" decision to suspend its transgender policy last week.

"Whilst fully supportive of women's sport, I also have many friends and colleagues within the transgender community whom I feel that I would be letting down if I did not make a stand to show my support for their rights.

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Hundreds rally in Downing Street for full ban on conversion therapy

In the UK there have been moves to outlaw "Conversion Therapy" being used on LGBT, then the government did a U-turn on banning "Conversion Therapy" on the "T" .


They are seeking to outlaw

"Which can include talking therapies and prayer, says Jayne Ozanne, a former government equality adviser subjected to the practice. More extreme forms can include "exorcisms, physical violence and food deprivation", she says."

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Saccone Joly Trans Child

I came across this on Sky News


The parents seem very supportive. How much would many of us have loved being treated like this when we were young?

Looking at other stuff about them, there are accusations of exploiting their children.

There are a mix of positives and negatives with this story.

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Tricky but fun IQ questions

Here are 3 tricky IQ questions.Just for fun, see if you can answer them.

A bat and a ball cost £1.10 in total. The bat costs £1.00 more than the ball. How much does the ball cost?

If it takes five machines five minutes to make a total of five widgets, how long would it take 100 machines to make 100 widgets?

In a lake, there is a patch of lily pads. Every day, the patch doubles in size. If it takes 48 days for the patch to cover the entire lake, how long would it take for the patch to cover half of the lake?



A load of old bollocks about trans and bathrooms

This is old, it goes back to when Obama was president.

It was the usual anti trans and bathrooms. I don't know why this bothers me so much. I have used the ladies when I have been dressed several times without probems. I very rarely go out dressed though. I think it is the outright lies by these anti's use idiots

With the departments of Justice and Education’s new announcement on transgender access to showers, locker rooms, bathrooms, and other sex-specific facilities in schools, there is reason for concern.


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UK Opinions on Trans/Bathrooms/Sport

I found this while looking at some YouGov polls. This is from 2020.


Overall it concludes - Britons support the right of transgender people to use facilities for their chosen gender, but oppose making the legal transition process easier

50% to 27% Britons believe that people should be allowed to self-identify as a gender different to the one they were assigned at birth.

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The Cost of War

The horrible war in the Ukraine has cost at least 900 civilian lives. Often the civilians suffer more than the armies.

What did surprise me was when I looked into civilian casualties in other wars.

Twice as many civilians died in World War II than did members of the military. Current estimates place military deaths between 21 million and 25.5 million people.

Total number of deaths includes 9.7 million military personnel and about 10 million civilians.

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The Patriarchy, Is it real? Does it need smashing

When I see feminists waving "Smash the Patriarchy" banners it annoys and amuses me. The "All men are Rapists" ones just annoy me.

There is no real agreement as to what the Patriarchy is. It seems to be used as a catchall to be used by feminists.

There was a theory that ancient society's were matriarchal, but that theory seems to be discredited now. Hunter gathers do seem to be more egalitarian, rather than matriarchal.

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Trans Ladies and Casual Sexism , do you see it?

What I'm wondering is those that transistioned after say, 20 years old, do you notice sexist remarks and how you are treated differently as a female than you were presenting as a male.

One of my stories had some of this in.The character was laughed at when she gave an opinion on football. Her partner ordered her drink and food without even asking herThis was guesswork though.

In the 80's I saw a documentary where a man posed as a women for a few days with hidden cameras.(post Tootsie)

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Keir Starmer falls foul of JK Rowling

Sir Keir Starmer on Friday that ‘trans women are women’. Labour’s leader had attempted to end criticism that its MPs were tying themselves up in knots over what defines a woman.

Asked the question in a newspaper interview, he said: ‘A woman is a female adult and, in addition to that, trans women are women, and that is not just my view – that is actually the law. He added: ‘It has been the law through the combined effects of the 2004 [Gender Recognition] Act and the 2010 [Equality] Act.

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Has the site gone wonky? EDIT All ok now.

I tried to post my new short story. It seemed to post but when I checked it was 0 words. I edited it, now you can see a preview, but when you try to look, 0 words again.

Not seen that before.

It's called Dress Codes. I thought I'd write something normal after my pervy foot stuff LOL

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Scottish gender recognition reform bill - JK Rowling

The Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill will amend the Gender Recognition Act 2004 to introduce new criteria for applicants who wish to obtain a Gender Recognition Certificate (GRC).

Obtaining a GRC means a trans person is legally recognised in their acquired gender and can obtain a new birth certificate showing that gender.

The Bill will require applicants to make a legally binding declaration that they intend to live permanently in their acquired gender. They will no longer need to provide medical reports or evidence.

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Are UK TERF's the TERFiest?

I was going to write a story with TERF character in it. Doing some research I found an article that seems to say that the UK has a more TERF leaning version of Feminism.

TBH I had never heard the expression before I joined this site. I'm not going to do the story now. Vile ideology. I'm glad that I'm just seen as an oppressor now. (Presnting as male most of the time) You ladies have given me insights to many things.I didn't know how hate-filled some of these scum bags were.

The article is from 2019, but what it says is horrible.

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Forced Gender Reassignment True?

There are always urban myths about this subject, and of course thousands of fictional stories. The story of Sporus who was turned into a woman for Nero seems to be an historical fact.


I had know that Thailand did the most operations. What surpried me was that Iran came second. This is not due Iran being a "go to" place for operations. It's due to gay men having to claim to be transexual to avoid prosecution or even execution.


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Sex in stories, If it's there should it be graphic or tasteful ?

**** Thank you all for your comments. It has been very useful to see all your opinions on the subject.****

When I first started writing it was on Fictiomania. Stories there often, but not always involve sex.

Since posting on here I have noticed my more sexual stories get a lot more reads, but a lot less kudos.

The current story I'm writing has got sexual scenes. I have held back on being descriptive though.
Refering to his male member as his hardness etc, rather than to other more sexual words.


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Sick of Literotica

I finally got sick to death of Literotica today. After Linda got rejected after being submitted three times. If anyone has read it it's a trans/CD love story. Not sure where I will take it. They reject your story and tell you to read the guidelines. You have no idea why.

At first I thought it was the reference to Peter asking his mother why he wasn't a girl. According to Literotica, underage (18) crossdressing is tantamount to child porn. Which is distrubing!

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The Toxic Planet - Kudos - Broken foot.

Good afternoon everyone. I managed to break my foot yesterday. My 5th metatarsal. So have been fitted with a giant spaceman boot( they didn't come in pink with a heel. I asked and got a giggle from the nurses. If only they knew). I bet I could make a story out of that. LOL

I have BUPA with my job, but they don't do A&E. Again I thank god for our wonderful free NHS. Arrived at emergency minor injuries at 7.30pm waited 20 mins. Saw a nurse, hobbled 50 yards to xray. Then hobbled back, and a boot and xray were waiting for me. I dread to think how much that would cost elsewhere.

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Thought's on why we are, what we are

I have been chatting to Patricia on here for a day or two. She kindly offered to help me with images for my stories.

She sent me a link to her story on the site, Silence is Golden. I was not surprised how much her story reflected my own to some extent.
There were a few things she asks that I asked myself or was asked by my wife.

Here are some of my thoughts. Excerts from her story are in bold.

Why do I want to wear the clothes?

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Finishing a story feels wierd?

I finished Surgeons Lodger last night. 26 parts. This is the first story of any length I have written.

I have several other stories that are multipart, but nothing like that long. Bright boy was 22 chapter's long, but I was feeding off Bev's 90 Chapter story.

Do people prefer reading long running stories or shorter ones?

I'm not sure I want to write another that long, yet there are some huge ongoing stories on here. How do you keep them going?

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Boy what day is this? Why Christmas day sir, but I'm a girl!

"Boy what day is this? "

"Why Christmas day sir, but I'm a girl! "

"Sorry I've just woke up. The spirits have shown me the error of my ways."

"They didn't tell you to be careful about misgendering trans people then?"

"This is 1843, anyone that say they're the opposite sex is often locked away in a mental institution."

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Co-parenting in defence of my story

I uploaded a story called co-parenting on Friday. I uploaded it to another story site after. The story is set in a dystopian near future where a virus lasting nearly 10 years has wiped out a large part of the population. A disproportionate amount of women died, so the government passed laws to force women of childbearing age to be almost constantly pregnant.


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What Would You Do: Sales clerk refuses to sell clothes to transgender woman

I was flicking around Youtube, as you do, when I found this.


I was surprised by the amont of GG's standing up for the transgender lady. It's old, 2017. Don't read the recent comments though. Some of the people are going on about the stores clerk, needing to be sacked. They dont seem to realize she is an actor, like the trans lady.

Does stuff like this happen for real?

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Non Trans/TV/CD story on Closet?

I am going to finish Surgeon's lodger soon. I may give Michelle a nice Christmas , as she has not had one since her mum died. Then on with the "op". Then an asteroid will destroy her and Sam LOL,

I have an idea for a historical action story. Is it ok to put the first part on here? It will have no trans elements. I just want some opinions.

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Just an odd question

I have just arrived back from a short break where I got to be "Leeanna" . I was staying on my own for a few days. I dressed for extended periods and even went out for a walk.

Like many of the ladies on here to a varying degree, I realised I wanted to be a girl when I was young. Around five years old in my case.

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